Garuda Prime | THE MOST OP BUILDS POSSIBLE | Warframe | Steel Path

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hello everybody my name is Kai and welcome back to Warframe today we'll be taking a look at Garuda Prime the blood Queen herself before we get started with the many builds I have to show you guys today I would just like to remind everybody that I do have a patreon now you can go check it out at the link in the description below to directly influence some of the content that is made on the channel and while you're down there join my Discord too a huge thanks to all of my supporters on patreon the bad monk Scotty knows young mung Lord platypus Matt goat airzos Bad Robot and Jade the rabbit you guys are awesome and help make all of this possible moving on back to Garuda though this video is going to assume you already have a decent understanding of bass garuda's mechanics I'm going to be showing off a lot of different builds here with different play Styles so if you have any extra questions make sure to ask them down below in the comments because I will reply to all of them with that being said the first build I have to showcase for you guys today is a very powerful Synergy between guruda's fourth ability seeking Talons and reach surge wisps helmet because seeking talents tags enemies with a slash dot while also doing slash damage when you combine this with with the breach surge which requires ticks of damage to send out its surge Sparks you get an infinitely repeating slash tick which continues to increase its own damage as it hits more enemies obviously this build is very very strong because slash damage does bypass enemy armor and research allows it to continuously repeat itself which means you get an infinitely scaling which can essentially go to level cap slash tick all Garuda builds today will be using 45 efficiency because energy is not a problem for her because of her third ability bloodletting this ability has grew to trade her own health for energy giving her 25 of her energy for 50 of her health to regain this health I like to use either Magus anomaly or malt reconstruct as they both provide Health in very easy to proc weights you cannot kill yourself with bloodletting as it will only reduce you to two Health but just go in and out of your operator and you will regain all of your health with Elevate and you can then double cast again reconstruct on the other hand allows you to double cast and then cast any ability to regain your health my reconstruct is only rank 1 but at Max rank you get six Health per energy spent on abilities and because Garuda can run 45 efficiency very comfortably one cast of any ability research in this case will fully refill your health besides this we build her very high strength on this build as we want to get a high multiplier for our breach surge to increase the damage that seeking talents provides almost every build today will also feature natural talent because garuda's abilities really like casting speed especially this variability heavy build archon flow also gives us a huge energy Max because we are running 45 efficiency we want to have a big pool for bloodletting to fill range is also important to get a big AOE radius on our research and Dread mirror likes range for its nuking capabilities and just some duration for its frontal damage blocking effect I'd call this build a little bit more spammy than the rest of them but definitely one of the strongest Garuda builds possible because breed Surge and seeking talents creates an infinite damage loop as I've already stated but it can get a lot more interesting than this so why don't we move on to the next build Garuda and Gloom is one of the most Popular Community helmet combos for her as it is essentially a better and more mobile version of garuda's base 2 providing you with a 95 slow and healing on damage which are both things that are easily achievable and wanted since Garuda can run the 272 strength needed for a 95 Gloom slope very easily and the healing on damage pairs nicely with spamming her 3 for infinite energy on a drain heavy ability like Bloom this can get bolstered even further by using her augment blood Forge this augment allows Garuda to reload her quick weapon entirely whenever you cast bloodletting which is something you'll be doing often because it is how you regain energy on this build weapons like the kuvazar or the lieutenant Envoy work best for this as they are high damage large AOE weapons that are burdened by having really long reload time this is easily one of the highest KPM builds in the entire game is you run around with essentially infinite nuke weapon that doesn't need to reload bloodletting refills your energy from your health and then also refills the mag of your gun so as you damage things you regain your health allowing you to Again cast bloodletting for more energy because you have Gloom active it also provides a 95 slow against enemies meaning they barely do anything in terms of fighting back and her dread mirror provides her with the effects of prime share footage which means you can shoot launchers at your feet with the mirror up and suffer no stagger this build is practically identical to the previous except we swap out a duration mod for blood Forge so we obviously get the reload effect we also don't need molt reconstruct healing so I opt for Arcane acceleration so I can spam my Envoy or Zar a little bit harder besides that though the rest of the build is very very similar in the way that it builds its stats mainly for Max Bloom's low and decent range in duration next up we have a very interesting Synergy between banish which is limbo's helmet and garuda's Claws normally enemies that are banished into the rift by banish are unable to be damaged by weapons and only abilities but for some reason garuda's claws are able to affect enemies through the rift as they are technically counted as an exalted ability because they are her passive enemies that are banished into the rift cannot damage Garuda under any circumstances so you are practically Immortal while using this build but you can damage them through the rift with her claws on the claws we build mainly for slashes they already have a very high slash waiting we have no room to slot and violet here though so we do Outsource this to our parents of bobafila through viral quills because this will pass through the rift and continue to Prime enemies we build to a very high strength on this geruda which gives Advantage a 77 meter range but there is a caveat to this that we really cannot control banish is a very odd cast as in it comes out in a cone area which means the enemies that are directly to the left or right of Garuda which will happen a lot because this is a melee build will not be affected because again it comes out in a cone manner which increases as you range from your enemies increases because this build is a little dangerous in terms of survivability we use blending talents because this is a great tool for shield getting on Garuda without the augment talents is a long casting time and only affects enemies within the ring with the augment though you can instead just tap the ability to Quick cast and affect all enemies in a radius around Garuda and like I said before you can affect enemies with disability through the rift so you run into a big group of enemies that are all banished tap disability and then go to town on them with your claws to get all those extra slash products that it gives again it is also a great tool for shield gating as Garuda is immune during the cast and also gains obviously the 1.3 seconds of Shield gate after the fact synthesis and melee build we are using still charge in the aura slot alongside Arcane strike and Arcane Fury to dramatically increase the DPS output of our claws on the claws themselves we are using blood rush and weeping wounds blood rush puts us above 200 critical chance and weeping wounds guarantees us to get a slash proc on practical every hit we don't use condition overload because you can't Prime enemies to the rift so Prime pressure point works just fine since we're doing mainly slash damage we do want to use a Smite mod to double dip and Berserker Fury increases our attack speed alongside strike primed reach gives us a crazy range of almost 5 meters at only rank 9 and Gladiator might provides us with more crit damage and crit chance stacking with blood rush and organ shatter plus Gladiator mic gives us a 5x critical multiplier back to the Garuda build we are using blind rage to give us a 100 bleed chance for our blending talent but this is not a problem because we've already gone over by 45 efficiency can be run comfortably what lingard gives us more iframes and status guns her three already does this but it's just more comfortable here and I've already gone over why we use blending Talons for shield gating natural Talent speeds up the cast of that and archon flow provides us with a big energy Max so we don't need to worry about running out of energy often and finally Prime continuity gives us a good duration for her mirror so we don't need to be recasting it often this build is definitely a little bit dangerous it's the only survivability you have is through Shield gating which is good but besides that you do have banishing enemies into the rift which does work but the odd way that enemies are banishing to the rift it's cone nature makes it so it's a little bit inconsistent but blending talents provides us with a really high increase to our slash ticks and a really easy way to Shield gate now since we cannot Prime enemies through the rift like I said before Panzer volpophilos viable quills will go through the rift so that is where we get our viral stacking here from but it is a little inconsistent sometimes overall a very fun and unique build that I definitely recommend you go try out bringing us to the final build for today's video I have a insanely cool and good combination between the Ruda and nourish nourish is one of the best helmet abilities in the game and Garuda just pushes it even further like everything else nourish provides all of your weapons with viral damage which is very important because it allows us to run a slash oriented build on her claws and still be ticking enemies with viral and then for one of the most broken synergies I've ever seen tagging enemies with their 4 while nourish is active actually procs them with Slash and viral this creates an absolutely insane combo of running around while using the blending Talons augment to Quick tap her 4 to Prime all enemies in the immediate area with Slash With viral and the extra slash kicks that her four gives on top of your claws already doing ridiculous amounts of Slash and viral damage since this is again a melee oriented build we're using the same arcanes and Aura slots and the build on the Talon stays the same except you could swap out Prime pressure point for condition overload if you feel like priming we build for really high strength here as the buff that nourish provides is as if we'd added an extra 208 viral damage mods to our claws itself significantly increasing their damage output we don't need rolling guard in the build because bloodletting provides us with energy and a status cleanse and her fourth ability paired up with the augment provides us with that aov Viral Prime while also increasing our slash dots and giving us a very easy Shield gate this is probably my favorite Garuda build that I've showcased for you guys today the raw power that it provides with how nurse treats her forth as a weapon essentially which allows it to rock viral is just absolutely crazy and blending talent's giving you that really quick priming paired with her Talons in general just being super super good as melee weapons yeah this one is a little bit crazy so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it informative and helped you because I had a good time making this one through it as one of my most played frames and I thought I'd take another look at her especially because this Synergy is so absolutely crazy I was gonna do a video on just it by itself at the start but decided to Showcase a couple more really cool ones I will be live streaming shortly after the release of this video so keep your eye out for that and go check out my patreon at the link in the description below and join my Discord while you're down there too I hope you're all well and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: kyaii
Views: 122,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n3ExZSpbCaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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