Baruuk - Warframe | A Complete Tutorial and Build Guide

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[Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] why [Music] what would a soul be met with to push one such as you the master in his garden the one who has learned the purpose of his day spent hardening his skin and conditioning his bones show me what rage could linger in a mind so tempered it's our warframes are often crafted in the image of a certain theme or archetype often rooted in history other works of fiction or just the general RPG roles we're used to seeing in other games should they be designed well they'll tend to play in ways that line up with their assigned archetype baroo's theme of the calm but lethal martial artist or pacifist monk is one such archetype that I've always been incredibly fond of even outside of Warframe his self-discipline and reluctance for violence is in no way tied to his capacity for violence in truth baroo is easily one of the most hyper lethal frames you can obtain and the interesting thing is the way his design archetype was implemented allows for the general gameplay of Warframe to sort of manifest The Duality of his theme in a very natural and clever way and what I mean by that is bro performs at his best in high level content where bro can feel pressured and where there's plentiful enemy spawns that are capable of competing with and even pushing Bar's straight levels in lower level missions with fewer enemies that aren't as dangerous he'll actively struggle to gain momentum it's as if bro himself knows that these low density beginner level star chart non- endless missions aren't even remotely threatening to him so there's no reason or need to show his lethality he's an example of a frame that's pretty focused on excelling in the few things he's built for you could Branch him off to do one or two other things but generally if you're picking baroo your mission statement is to reduce the damage you take and completely overwhelm the enemies with the damage you do he does have a few options and how exactly he wants to deal that damage as well as flexibility and what types of damage he wants to deliver but even with these choices to pick between buuk doesn't really care to specialize in a variety of roles I'm still here to show and demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of his kit but it's my opinion that baroo is best put to use focusing on what he excels at which boils down to incredible survivability via damage reduction and dishing out ludicrous levels of room clearing damage bro has three abilities that focus on damage evasion crowd control and damage reduction and one ability that focuses on damage the first three are responsible for keeping him alive managing the enemies and reducing his restraint which is what grants him access to his fourth ability the more enemies you have to deal with the easier it is to manage and maintain his fourth ability as the enemies are what ultimately influence the restraint reduction his capacity for doing damage with his first three abilities is practically non-existent and his fourth ability is what's going to be doing the real damage there are certain aspects of the first three abilities that can Clash or interfere with each other lightly hindering their effectiveness and this is one of the main things I've heard complaints about when watching others cover Baro and while they're worth mentioning these details have never caused me that much trouble but I will still point out these examples when we go over each ability I've seen these clashes in Synergy as kind of an extension of Brook's theme maybe somehow it's symbolic or representative of his inner conflict with violence or something to that effect his fourth ability is indeed an exalted weapon which does does mean you get to dictate a lot of its qualities and can directly influence its output and cater it to certain applications but there are still a few general rules that we all kind of agree upon when modding it so I'll do my best to make sure that this guy doesn't suddenly turn into a how to mod your melee weapon kind of guide but it is a melee weapon so we will get into that a little bit you can get the blueprints and parts for Baro from box Solaris this means you're going to either need to be good enough to do the profit tier fight yourself or have a friend that you can leech off of for the standing this also means you're going to have to supply the toids to rank up as well you can get his main blueprint at the second rank of agent and you can get the other parts at the third rank of hand all of his blueprints cost 5,000 standing so overall you should be expecting to shovel out around 20,000 standing total in order to build baroo you will need resources from various activities found in the OR Bas you're going to need three Sola Vega and Cat toroids and each set of three will be going to a different part you're also going to need some hassium alloy so get the blueprint from smoke finger as well as the parts for some rare fish and even some rare gems the gem blueprints you'll need are the radiant zodian blueprint sold from smoke finger at the third rank of derer and the Maris this blueprint sold at the fourth rank of Cove the fish parts will be acquired from the traison and the CIB you can get these parts to drop from the exploiter orb but each one is listed at 50% so I don't know if you're going to get both of them in one go and they're going to drop in groups of seven to eight I'm pretty sure personally I think you're better off just fishing for them the traison is found in pond hot spots during the cold cycle and the CID is found in cave hot spots in both the cold and warm Cycles but it prefers warm I do recommend using the appropriate bait when fishing for both of these and keep in mind that no matter their quality when caught they will only give one part needed for Brook when disassembled by BBS it's going to be best to get five C bids and 10 trisons in one trip if you have the time you can get the bait for both fish from Biz the traison bait at the third rank of doer for 300 standing and the CED bait at the fourth rank of Co for 400 standing if you plan on getting bro the legitimate way it'll probably take you a few days or even weeks to rank with Vox Solaris and you will be expected to go through pretty much everything Fortuna has to offer this wouldn't be a big problem if Fortuna wasn't a miserable experience at least in my opinion at the time of riding I really recommend you farm for his prime variant instead here are the relics he drops from as of the 7th of September 2023 just be aware that these change fairly frequently as far as farming relics there's plenty of resources you can go to as far as videos and articles go generally I believe people choose a mission that drops The Relic tier people are going after I won't go too far into it but I will leave a link in the description to a page in the wiki that catalogs Relic drop rates by Mission and I'll be completely honest even if you're watching this at a time when Brew Prime is vaulted I might just suggest you learn how to farm some Platinum instead so you can either buy his Prime from someone who has him or just buy his base variant and if you don't want to do that wait for him to show up in the circuit rotation his base Farm isn't impossible mind you it's just a bit of a commitment and the going is a bit rough but if it's the only way for you to get a Baro just know that I believe in you and you can do it for comparison here's the baroo prime requirements the biggest issue here is the Argon Crystal Nan extract and the tarium all of which aren't even that bad baroo has 75 base Health scaling to 225 at rank 30 100 base Shields scaling to 300 at rank 30 he has an above average energy rating at 200 base scaling up to 300 at rank 30 he carries 175 armor and has an above average Sprint speed of 1.2 he comes with a naramon or a dash polarity in both the aura and exus slot and he has two vasin or D polarities the prime variant is only slightly different it possesses a higher base shield starting at 125 scaling to 375 at rank 30 it carries higher armor at 225 the aura and exess polarities are the same both have a dash but he also has a naramon or a dash a vasin another D and A battery or V polarity other than that like most Prime frames compared to their original there's not a ton of difference and now we move on to the first part of his kit baroo's passive is his restraint meter all of his abilities have a set value that affect this meter and all of the ability modifiers like strength efficiency duration range Etc have no impact on the values that each ability reduces the restraint meter by so no matter how much you push or dump any of these stats these values are static I'll make these values known once we get to each ability this next little bit's important reducing Bar's restraint will grant damage reduction based on how much has been eroded up to a maximum of 50% and that's when it's completely reduced do not sleep on that 50% especially in higher level content it has the potential to make a very big difference this additional 50% stacked on top of the additional d D reduction he gains from his third and fourth abilities gives bro the highest damage reduction potential out of all the warframes in the game with his kit alone bro can achieve a total of 97% damage reduction if you add adaptation onto that it reaches all the way up to 99.7% and just like with the static erosion values I'll cover each instance of damage reduction his abilities produce and show you how they stack together so you can gain a full understanding as we progress brug channels 25 energy to toggle his elude ability draining an additional 2.5 energy per second elude grants bro 100% Dodge chance for all hard attacks that approach him within a 180° angle in front of him the Dodge angle is relative to the direction bro himself is facing and ises not influence by the player camera at all if Baro attacks in any way the evasion stops and you will be unable to reduce restraint but after a short delay of 0.2 seconds after his attack is finished elude will continue with his normal behavior transferring to operator mode will not interfere with Hud's functionality and casting abilities will not interfere with restraint decay in any way each attack evaded erodes baruk restraint by 1.2% however elude does seem to have a maximum Decay rate and it's around approximately 10% per second with this cap in place there will come a point where additional evaded attacks just won't matter for eludes mod scaling efficiency affects the initial casting cost and energy drain however since it's a channeled ability duration will also affect the energy drain cost and range affects the angle of eludes effect and has a breakpoint of 200% range as that's when a LW reaches 360° of coverage any more than 200% range is wasted on a lud and like I mentioned in the passive section of the video the restraint eroded per attack is static and cannot change assume this is the case for every other ability going forward elude defines the attack conditions as any form of firing a weapon or during any melee animation charging up a shot doesn't count like say on bows or the charge up of the alt attack on the stala or queller or Epitaph for example and despite what the wiki says the same logic applies for melee heavy attacks the 0.2 second delay for the protective effect starts once the gun has stopped being fired or after the melee attack animation is finished I put emphasis on the term heart attack earlier because the lude will only protect against things that can hit you like projectiles and melee weapons it cannot protect you against things like explosive damage or other forms of area damage or various status effects you still need to Beware of the damage over time effects say from bombards napalms xmus units and their various abilities but those are all things that you're probably used to paying attention to as I'm assuming you watching this means you've either manage to get yourself a Baro or brute prime or intend to do so soon so you've probably encountered these enemies before it's best to see lude as not so much tool for damage negation or face tanking but rather as a tool for quickly getting Brooks restraint down especially when it's a lower level Mission elude is a channeled ability meaning you need to be aware of when you're using it and you need to cancel it yourself otherwise it'll simply drain your energy just like other channnel abilities it also comes with all the penalties a channel ability has on various methods of energy regeneration which is essentially cancelling all energy over time Buffs you can get from allies zenic oras energy restores and so on want and so forth the only thing that will give you energy while a Chanel ability is active are energy orbs equilibrium toes Supply as well as Arcane energize and rage and Hunter adrenaline elud is not my favorite ability hi just a quick note from post I'm almost done editing the video and since I've made this point here I've actually kind of changed my mind on elude you're about to hear me go off on why I'm going to subsume over it and all the reasons I consider doing so a lot of time has passed since this point and as I've used it a little bit more I've actually considered using theud instead of LOL for reducing restraint using a LOL is still viable but I've just started to grow accustomed to how fast AUD can do it so as you keep on watching just kind of keep in mind that I've changed my stance on a loot a little bit and I'm probably going to start using it more often my apologies for the interruption for me to make use of it I really feel like I need to stop put my back to the wall and let the enemies gun at me for a bit all while I m the attack angle and watch for Gunners and bombard so I don't get smacked by their AOE attacks However the fact that it continues to work while the operator is active is nice and allows me to maintain some level of productivity in the downtime or just guarantees that bro doesn't take damage from other sources while using AUD since I don't generally prioritize range I will still take some amount of damage from my back if I keep moving and while that shouldn't be an issue with his full Suite of damage reduction being active it's still annoying being unable to attack and keep some of the heavier units at Bay the best condition I've experienced for elude to do some decent work was when I could get a handful of units with a rapid weapon to focus on me which sometimes feels harder than it should especially in a public Mission but when it does work restraint tanks pretty quickly which is always satisfying to see however there is that 10% per second limit on how fast AUD can reduce restraint so it feels a little too restrictive for me to justify spending energy on as I often play with little to no duration and stay around base efficiency ude still does have its applications and very decent reasons to use it though if you're playing a lot of lowlevel missions and often find yourself facing limited spawn rates patchy enemy density or struggle to draw enemy Focus from other allies it's kind of the only thing you can count on if you want to get to below 50% restraint reduction at least without frantically running around looking for groups of enemies to spam lolon but comparing it to his second and third abilities it is the most efficient way to reduce restraint when looking at it through the lens of restraint reduction per energy points spent even with that being said I still choose to subsume over it but while working on the script I've done around two group level cap runs with ARL noova and gamble using Baro and in both of those runs I did find myself struggling to keep my restraint below 50% at least when using my general restraint reduction strategy I even found myself nearly running out of restraint when I wasn't paying attention on a couple different occasions when this happened I had to very quickly shift Focus from playing the game to running around to other rooms seeking out lone groups of enemies to cast lull on only getting me back down to around the 50ish per mark because each group was fairly Limited in size After experiencing this on two different level cap runs between both the grineer and the Corpus factions I found myself thinking about actually running a lud for these missions however it would be kind of a pain for me because of how I have my helmet ability set up on him and changing it would mess things up so if SL when I do it again I'll probably just eat the cost and materials to remove and res subsume the ability into the correct slot but for 99% of my use cases I find that I'm able to keep my strength below 50% to 70% without much issue when I'm not using a loot so I'm just going to El to continue to run with my current setup in every other case except for level cap runs also at the time of recording there is no augment available for this ability a Baro consumes 50 energy to cast a calming wave over an area of 25 M that lingers for 5 seconds LOL cannot be cast again until the time on the way from the First cast is finished enemies who see or are aware of Brook's presence who enter the area affected by LOL Will gradually slow down then fall asleep for 20 seconds each enemy affected by LOL will reduce restraint by 0.8% and you cannot gain more restraint reduction on enemies that are already sleeping from LW however enemies that are under sleep abilities from other frames say equinox's rest or avar sleep Arrow can reduce restrain sleeping enemies are inflicted with a state of Amnesia causing their alertness level to reset the moment they fall asleep enemies will awaken early when damaged by anything at any amount suffering a disorientation for about 3 to 5 Seconds the timer on this ability is only for the wave duration there is no visible timer to keep track of the Sleep duration on enemies themselves duration increases the duration of both the wave that puts enemies to sleep and the Sleep duration on the enemies range affects the radius of the wave and efficiency reduces cost strength has no effect on this ability this is the ability I primarily rely on for restraint reduction in low density missions this ability will not be as economical as Aude for eroding restraint as the casting cost won't justify the amount of restraint it will erode with so few enemies present of course the opposite is true in higher density missions but even with huge crowds it's still my recommendation that you don't go below 100% range and even consider having at least a little range installed as it does massively improve the restraint reduction on a single cast I did run a low range build for a while and honestly I was just fine I just decided that I liked having a little bit more reach with my l hence my suggestion LOL has a full body cast animation meaning it will interrupt things like reloading or charging a shot and you can't fire or move on the ground while it's being cast but you can cast it in the air during an aim Glide while sliding and even during a wall latch so it shouldn't feel too intrusive there are some notable benefits to the aim glad approach though for one it allows you to keep moving which is always a plus in this game but it also gives you better coverage when using it you see wall has a line of sight check on cast and it would make sense that being in the air would give you a better visual on all the enemies in the area boering the effectiveness of the cast one cast of dis ability in any still path crowd is usually enough to erode as much of a quarter of the restraint meter which makes it incredibly easy to maintain the crowd controller provides is also in nicity and active missions like void Cascade or conjunction survival during those periods where you're inundated with an acolyte thrax units and sentients generally though I along with many others actually choose to opt for a negative duration build this allows me to cast L more frequently and pretty much 99% of the missions I do it does nothing to make things more difficult as killing everything is pretty much a joke for the first few hours of still path however in hyperactive missions especially when I mentioned before void Cascade I've actually aimed for neutral duration at the very minimum as that mission gets overwhelming real quick I still struggle to go past 20 to 30 minutes Solo in most still path endurance for me that's an hour of surv viable or endless missions I enjoy I don't find it necessary to have any duration at all the frequent cast let me keep the Dr from my eroded restraint to a pretty consistent 40 to 47 is% and that's just because a full constant 50% damage reduction is only when it's 100% eroded which is not often and not for long when it is and on top of that negative duration has absolutely zero impact on the entirety of his kit excluding elude which I don't use if you have it equipped it's just going to make it less energy efficient remember the restraint consumption and erosion rates are fixed so pushing or dumping any stat won't make any of the abilities consume or erode the restraint meter any differently there are a few grievances I have with LOL and there are other functionality related details that are important to note first this ability highlights one of the two major instances of conflicting design with bro LOL is an ability that is supposed to crowd control the enemies by putting them to sleep or putting it differently it's an ability that makes the enemies not shoot shoot you this is in direct conflict of what elude wants if the enemies are asleep there are fewer enemies to erode your restraint using elude it's not that much of a deal for me like I said earlier I usually remove elude from his kit but in early missions or perhaps for you this will be an annoyance second there is a line of sight check on this ability meaning that if an enemy is behind a wall or corner while still in range of the cast they won't be affected if the wave is still present and the enemy comes out into its area they will then be affected you'll notice that sometimes after the initial cast of LOM the meter will drop few extra points before the wave duration expires that's just the wave affecting a few more enemies you didn't have visual on when you cast the ability third the Amnesia function on the ability you can pretty much disregard it in 99% of scenarios it can be nice for leveling weapons with a stealth Affinity multiplier technique as the alert status on the enemies is set to unaware when they fall asleep however you have to be confident that you can kill the enemy in one shot and you also want to be sure that you are the only thing that can inflict any damage as even small amounts of damage from status priming tools or the spores from a Panzer foota will wake the enemies in fact to bringing a Panzer or any other offensive companion will actively nullify the Sleep CC because any active sources of damage will instantly wake the enemies the moment they fall asleep when enemies wake from damage they will be disoriented for about 3 to 5 Seconds during which the enemy status is still unaware but despite this you will no longer be able to gain the stealth kill Affinity multiplier or if you have it you will lose it upon killing this enemy keep in mind that there are some cases you'll encounter in the game that simply prevent enemies from entering the unaware State the first of which is when the location's alarm system is activated when the alarm is triggered all the enemies will go into a cautious Alert state wherein they know you are present but do not have an active visual on you once the alarm goes off all the Sleeping enemies are forced into the cautious state to get the unaware State back you must hack the console to clear all the alarms wait for the enemies to regain Consciousness and then cast low again the second cases in Mission types like survival or defense where enemies just cannot be set to unaware the way I understand it is that there is either an active enemy for the enemies to be aware of like a defense Target or the alarm system is always on from the start of the mission in survival and for the mission to flow properly the alert is always set to at least cautious and I imagine this has something to do with the AI path thing that whatever just know you can't get the unalert status under these circumstances I'll be honest with you I only use this ability for reducing restraint and sometimes CC everything else I mentioned it's always been pretty much useless for me for at least a few years so do with that what you will performing a finisher on or killing a sleeping enemy will re-trigger LOL for 100% of the remaining duration it also gives LOL plus 50% more duration editors note I missed something in the wiki the passive only applies the plus 50% L duration to the base duration of the ability which is 20 seconds so it only adds another 10 seconds after mods are applied and the soli doesn't complicate things much further but it does add a few things to knowe to start with all extra cast from The Kills will not contribute to reducing the restraint meter only the initial cast will reduce restraint the same slow to sleep function is still there so the higher the duration is the more you'll feel the delay on the subsequent casts just keep in mind that the line of sight check is still present most people who will go out of their way to use this are probably thinking of using it for the stealth kill leveling cuz I can't think of much else I'd want to use this for personally but it does do all right with that purpose just keep in mind that stealth and Warframe is grossly inconsistent and if you really want to do this stealth leveling thing you can just use rest from Equinox or just take an avara and you'll have a better time stealth leveling bro expends 75 energy to summon a protective ring of eight levitating energy daggers around him each dagger in the ring provides him with 10% damage reduction but keep in mind that the damage reduction dis ability provides will cap at 90% they will leave one by one to disarm the enemy on impact and they will also explode dealing 250 blast damage within a 3 m radius for every enemy that is disarmed Brook's strin will be eroded by approximately 1.6% strength scaling increases the number of dagger charges bro has on summon scaling range increases the seeking radius of the daggers and of course efficiency reduces the cost okay look I'll be honest this ability is just 90% damage reduction when you have nine or more daggers simply recast it when you have less than that and everything else about this ability is just not going to be as important and you can skip it if you want the rate at which the dagger seek out enemy seems to be locked at approximately one dagger per second and enemies that have already been disarmed by the daggers in this cast instance will not be targeted by any additional daggers like I suggested earlier this ability is easily recastable at any time and it will restore the full number of dagger charges do note that a new instance of desolate hands will cause daggers to retarget previously disarmed enemies the damage reduction on this ability can never exceed 90% but you can still possess way more than nine daggers Brook's daggers will seek out alled units as well launching one at a time at the same rate to the nearest Alli within seeking range and within line of sight and the dagger seeking your allies will not consume from your dagger charges the daggers you give to your allies function the same exact way they do for you they provide damage reduction 10% each as well as disarm charges each Ally can carry up to 50% of the modded charges bro has when he casts it once an ally has the maximum number of shared daggers desolate hands will not Target them any longer however if brute cast desolate hands again they will start targeting that Ally once more and allies will keep all the charges they've gained if bro recasts so if you cast it it's not like they're going to lose all their charges in fact the enemies disarmed by your allies will contribute to reducing your restraint the term Ally reaches Beyond just your Warframe teammates it extends to Companions as well as objects like Idol onur and drones Allied invasion units rescue h es Kua defectors summ units such as specters or on call crew mates it even applies to defense objectives this includes the live ones such as the arbitrations defense or the swordy defense operatives unfortunately though the defense objectives are capped at 50% damage reduction but they are still able to take more than five daggers the seeking range of the daggers is doubled when El lud is active this doesn't seem to apply to the seeking range of the daggers given to your allies though also the blast damage from the seeking daggers will not wake enemies that are sleeping from LOL the wiki says the seeking radius being doubled by Aude is a Synergy but it actively goes against the interest of keeping the daggers for damage reduction so this is another case of a very unfortunate design in baroo okay look desolate hands is just 90% damage reduction it's hardly even for your friends because that rate of one dagger per second is asking your friends to be next to you for at least as long as it would take to sound out half of your max dagger count it isn't bad for defense targets because 50% damage reduction isn't something anyone's going to complain about and it's still great for your companions be it a beast or a sentinel but with that seeking rate asking for so much time sharing is just not going to be something you're going to be doing that often building for a ton of strength only makes desolate hands less trouble to use as it can provide you with more than 20 daggers if you go above 250% strength and that's not hard to do with baroo the more strength you have the more daggers you have and the more daggers you have the longer you have to keep the 90% damage reduction as the extra daggers serve as a really nice buffer personally I don't like going with less than 16 maybe 14 daggers minimum I mean any less than those seven extra daggers I have before I get to nine daggers would feel like I wouldn't have enough time to get the energy back to cast Des hands Again by that point building for negative range may be advisable as it only makes the daggers easier to keep and negative range does not pose much of an issue for bro in most other regards especially because it doesn't bother his fourth ability at all and like I mentioned earlier I did use a negative range build at one point while using lull to reduce restraint and for the most part I was fine it would still reduce the effective angle that elude has to function but overall I mean it may be a good idea for you but before you go dumping range do be sure to consider how it might impact any subsumed ability you might want to put on bro at some point before you've committed to an ultra low range build the default 6 meter seeking range on desolate hands feels pretty okay for keeping the daggers without stepping on L's restraint reduction capabilities and you can still get into a pretty big group of enemies whether they're grouped with an ability or otherwise because the one dagger per second loss rate is still pretty slow and putting it frankly if you're next to broo you don't have a second left to live as far as the disarm function goes it might as well not disarm anyone CU I promise you it's hardly noticeable it's really slow and the best way to disarm an enemy is to just kill them you can just cast desolate hands and recast it when it gets to nine daggers and that's all it really boils down to I wish all the time I'd spent getting all the details together for this video on this ability could have been spent on details that were more practical or had more interesting functions in relation to his overall kit but they're not this ability really highlights the biggest issue Baro faces specifically in terms of the design of these first three abilities baroo's first second and third abilities conflict with each other and if the function offered from these abilities were more important to his performance in the game Baro would be in a much worse place overall the interactions between a and desol hands is undesirable as it causes you to lose your damage reduction faster than you would normally and the only return is you're disarming a few more enemies one by one and now from further away turning on the ability that relies on enemies attacking you mostly with guns all functioning to increase the range at which your disarm ability can seek out enemies to disarm is counter intuitive this is said while ignoring the fact that disarming enemies is generally not something worth doing or at least when you're doing it slowly like d hands does doing it on mass all at once is better but it's still fairly questionable when you have the option to just kill them if baroo had the ability to send out all the daggers he has had active whenever he recast the ability granting them a greater area of effect for disarming abilities perhaps at a rate of two or three enemies for each dagger you have have left when you recast maybe providing another boost to something like his melee combo count similar to cairos 2 or some other weapon Stat or offered something for his exalted weapon then it could offer a reasonable incentive to spend the dagger charges while also being able to disarm the enemies at a competent level the conflict between elude and lol isn't as disruptive to the player as it isn't threatening bro's damage resistance or anything like that but the fact that they exist next to each other is just kind of puzzling again you using elude is deciding to draw enemy argro to you so you can quickly erode restrain casting L immediately nullifies the purpose of Aude because now the enemies that are supposed to be shooting you are going the [ __ ] to Sleep these are just cases of really unfortunate and confusing Design This ultimately results in desol hands being a bad ability that also gives you 90% damage reduction so how bad is it really personally the way I've decided to live with these choices being a reality is just by thinking about how it suits his theme maybe he struggles with being a pacifist due to some deep inner conflict between his desire for peace and serenity and his very clear talent for Ultraviolence in my mind no one could have a hyper lethal disposition without at one point having some amount of want for it maybe at one point bro was more like valky with an anger or hate to satiate but has in time grown to be a peace focused individual who is constantly pushed into obscene acts of Ultraviolence if this were the case I think it would make sense that he would have these inner conflicts that could manifest as these cases of anti- synergy between his abilities but that's really just a meaningless observation and it doesn't change the fact that his abilities function with conflicting design choices that would ultimately just be better if their functions and interactions were executed differently with this restraint dissolved Baro resorts to ditching his equipped melee weapon for his hands and feet unlocking his absurd damage potential rather than using energy Serene storm regenerates his restraint recovering 4% restraint on activation then continuously restoring 0.8% per second giving bro a maximum duration of 120 seconds on certain storm but that's only assuming you don't continue to wear down his restraint as you're using it this channel ability does not behave the same as most other channeled abilities so the usual energy regeneration penalties that exist alongside channeled abilities don't apply here meaning energy Buffs from your allies energy pads and the like should still work it also does not seem to apply to the Incarnate Evolutions that require an active channeled ability for channeled abilities to apply to the Incarnate Evolutions they need to actively consume energy or Shields at a consistent rate therefore Serene storm is not able to fulfill the conditions for the Incarnate Evolutions that required channeled abilities now while Serene storm is active bro receives an additional 25% damage reduction against enemy attacks at base however the damage reduction will only apply when Baro is actively using Desert Wind to be it through the Quick Melee or forced equip melee strength increases the damage reduction gained while active capping at 40% once you reach 160% strength strength also plugs into the damage equation when modding for Desert Wind directly increasing the base damage value of Desert Wind which is 250 impact this means the additional strength percentage on baroo is functionally the same as mods like pressure point as they both function to increase the base damage in the same exact way duration range and efficiency have no effect on seren storm so before we go into the details about the ability itself I want to talk about how bro's damage reduction ultimately Stacks up to this point since we now know all the sources of damage reduction he possesses ignoring things like armor adaptation and shields bro has three sources of damage reduction that come from just various parts of his kit the first being his restraint meter maxing out at 50% damage reduction when fully eroded the second coming from desolate hands giving us 90% damage reduction since again you're going to have at least nine daggers and that's not a suggestion and now finally from Serene storm and it's Max of 40% damage reduction scaling from Power strength again you're going to have power strength because I told you to damage reduction like this Stacks multiplicatively this means we're never really ever going to reach 100% because that's what would happen if we were adding these values together with how this works we can take two sources of damage reduction and for the ease of understanding let's say they're both values of 50% the first instance of damage reduction gives us exactly what it advertises 50% reduced damage from all sources when we enable the other 50% of damage reduction we are not going to achieve 100% damage reduction instead that second 50% is going to look at the 50% of damage we are still taking and apply itself to that value so 50% is just another way of saying half and we know that half of 5050 is 25 with both of our 50% damage reduction Buffs active we get a total of 75% damage reduction here's what warframe's damage reduction equation looks like if you have multiple sources of damage reduction active just plug the various values from each Source into this equation and the total damage reduction will be given to you as a percentage and just to be clear this is not the only equation that goes into all the sources we have for damage reduction from things like armor and shields this equation only applies to the same type of overall damage taken is reduced type of damage reduction I mean hell as I was writing the script our Shields went from like 35% damage reduction or something like that all the way up to 50 and that little bump in percentage does apply to the overall picture of damage reduction and you better believe bro has received some benefit if you're still curious about other details around damage reduction including things like armor and shields I'll leave a link in the description where you can look into it more so with this knowledge in hand we can now know how baroo has the highest damage capacity of all the frames his kit alone provides a maximum of 97% damage reduction we can throw in the theoretical Max maimum 90% damage reduction adaptation can provide on top of this to get 99.7% total damage reduction that's a lot of damage reduction it may not seem like that extra 2.7% would do very much but in missions like still path void Cascade where you're taking a lot of damage very quickly the difference I feel between 97 and 99.7 is actually incredible I go from dying after a second or two of focused fire with a 97% to what feels like four or 5 seconds with 99.7% now I say it feels like that because this is largely a feeling thing I did not actively time this and since Warframe is a fast-paced game those times are probably much shorter but what is important is that the fact that the extra 2.7% is much more powerful than you may initially think because that 2.7% is applying to the top end of damage reduction and the closer it gets to 100% the more it seems to matter there are ways to get all the warframes into the 99.9999% ranges of damage reduction but Baro will always be able to get just a little bit more the K engineer has an excellent video on the topic of damage reduction where he tells you how you could get values like that and if you want to find more ways to tank outside of Shield gating I personally recommend it okay so let's talk about the actual ability now bro can continue to erode his restraint even when seren storm is active by continuing to use his other abilities a nice bonus point is that you don't need to have completely eroded his restraint meter to user in storm he's free to activate it as long as he has at least 96% restraint in prac is you can activate it whenever you want and he can turn it off at any time to stop the restoration of his restraint but keep in mind that deactivating seren storm will wipe all the combo you've gained meaning you start at zero each time you activate it there are some cases where you would want to make that Sacrifice by the way seren storm actually snapshots Brook's current power strength and it maintains its space strength multiplier for the duration the ability is active a good example to think of is when you're using molt augmented you would use the ability to grow to the 250% kill requirement to get the additional 60% power strength benefit then you would deactivate it and cast it again and now the additional 60% has been added to the fourth ability another good example is aidus comes along and latches to you you'd want to cancel and recast to get the benefits of his strength buff there's the double strength buff that you get from cracking relics and the duv garden Lis conjunction survival modes as well there's a lot of opportunities like this that you could take advantage of that allow you to extend them beyond their usual duration bro is still free to use his primary and secondary weapons while Str storm is active and it does activate and benefit H from the combo duration of dexterity arcanes while string storm is active access to his equipped melee weapon is obviously removed and to mention it again the damage reduction stream storm provides will also be ignored when it is not the active weapon this does not mean you need to have the melee weapon Force equipped it just needs to be active if bro is doing his special animation to show that it's active then you have damage reduction proceeding on to the exalted weapon itself Desert Wind has two vectors for damage these are the direct hits from baroo making physical IAL contact with the Enemy and the ranged waves he sends through the crowd both of these vectors kind of follow their own unique set of rules in terms of behavior so we're going to go over those now the waves and Desert Wind itself are considered separate entities and both deal damage separately but the waves share the same base damage as the direct attacks that release them the waves will punch through enemies and terrain regardless of thickness up to their maximum range of 20 met and the wave damage does not fall off with distance meaning walls and other barriers are just suggestions to Baro the range of the Waves their flight speed as well as the slam attack radius are not affected by mods but adding range mods will increase the range of Brook's direct hits the waves are not capable of building combo and do not benefit from the effects of condition overload direct hits from baroo as well as the manual SL autol blocking are capable of building combo and do benefit from the effects of condition overload the combo counter does apply a final damage multiplier bonus to both the waves and baroo's physical strikes and you do feel it getting stronger as you build it I will say I did have some trouble actually demonstrating the comb multiplier applying the damage multiplier to his direct attacks in the Sim as they always seem to hit for the base damage on overg guarded enemies so it might be a Sim bug it might just not apply to the base attacks But ultimately it's not a real big issue in game later on I'm going to go over some strategy on how to build combo and how to use it in a build so remember this point in particular as well another interesting thing is that enemy projectiles that are hit by the waves br produces have a 100% chance to be redirected this is another one of those details that's really hard to notice in game but it's still pretty cool and lastly all direct hits will permanently disarm the enemy the wiki claims the waves are capable of doing so but I don't see the waves really doing it at all you probably won't notice this much happening anyway as you'll usually find that the enemies are dead before you can realize they're disarmed but also pretty cool now like all the modifiable exalted melee weapons we have there are are certain mods that Desert Wind simply is not allowed to use these mods include the acolyte mods which are blood rush weeping wounds Body Count maming Strike and focus defense any melee combo duration mods with the exception of one which is drifting contact that one is allowed and also you cannot equip amalgam mods now Serene storm comes with its own stance pre-installed and all the main combos create a ranged wave and many of the combos provide multi-hits and some even have some damage multipliers all of which are incredibly generous now I'm going to set up some terminology here just to evade confusion I'll be calling each instance of pressing the melee button an attack each instance of broo Landing a direct hit a hit and each instance of a wave a wave now there's a few rules as well all of baroo's direct hits cause enemies to ragd doll away from him and all the direct hits will disarm the enemy the exception to this are units that are resistant to crowd control like xmus units or other special units anytime I mention a multi- hit I am talking about about Brook's direct hits the wave attacks cannot multi-hit okay let's move on to the actual combos Now the default melee combo contains four melee attacks the second and third of which contain two multi-hits of two strikes each adding up for six direct hits and four ranged waves all the damage values here are set to 100% the first two waves stun the enemies with a forced impact proc and the last two ragged all the enemies the third wave is more of a subtle knockdown and it doesn't have a ton of force but the final push really throws enemies back the forward melee combo contains three attacks none of which have any multi- hits any increased damage multipliers and all have wave attacks attached the first wave stuns with a forced impact proc and the last two rag all and push enemies back the forward blocking combo contains four attacks the first three of which contain multi-hits of two strikes each the last of which is a single Palm thrust lifting waves are sent with the first three attacks forcing enemies into the air however interestingly these do not behave like the waves used in most of his attacks and don't seem to affect units protect by overgard at all there are also no damage multipliers attached to any of the attacks and interestingly the last Palm strike is not shown in the Wiki's combo layout but the thrust doesn't have any modifiers attached to it either and since the waves function to lift enemies into the air enemy projectiles will not be deflected away the block combo contains four attacks the first of which has three multi- hits of three kicks the second of which has no multi- hits the third of which has four multi hits of four cross Jabs and the last of which has no multi hits all attacks generate waves on the final hit of the animation and are drawn in towards baroo pulling enemies in the first three waves act as ragd doll waves and the fourth inflicts a forced impact proc and since the way is functioned to pull enemies towards baroo enemy projectiles will not be deflected away the slide attack executes in one attack it contains five multi-hits with a full 360° coverage all of which have a damage modifier of 300% the rotational attacks are followed by an uppercut that lifts the enemy hit directly as well as summons a wave surrounding Baro lifting surrounding enemies into the air both of which are also given a 300% damage modifier the heavy attack contains two attacks and they are the default heavy attacks used for sparring weapons the first attack is a heal Stomp and has a slam radius attached this part is difficult to confirm but the wiki states that the Direct Hit of the stomp has a 400% damage modifier and the slam radius has a 500% modifier the follow-up heavy attack is a series of four Jabs and are capable of inflicting the Lifest status but have no damage modifiers attached for the slam attacks the Direct Hit of the slam has a 300% damage modifier attached and the radial slam has no modifier the default slam behaves as you would expect involving knockdowns and some ragd dolling within an area of effect but holding down the aim button causes the slam attack to pull enemies in with a Vortex both versions of the slam are very well suited for gaining combos but the pull version is a bit more useful in my opinion though the wiki mentions a 1600% increase in total modded damage on ground finishers I have never once been been able to execute a grand finisher with Desert Wind I'm pretty sure you're just not able to luckily prompted finishers do still work and inflict an additional 6,400 per to the total modded damage of the weapon so clearly as far as the individual hit multipliers go seren storm has some very impressive options assuming you're up close and personal to an individual or a group you're getting at least 200% damage with all of these attacks since you have two instances of damage being of course the Direct Hit And The Wave the release in the same place at the same time might as well just be a 200% damage hit my personal favorite attack in The Stance though is actually the slide attack this move is so strong I feel it's necessary to give it its own attention for a little bit putting it as simply as possible anyone directly hit with this move is going to evaporate as buw spins into his Target he gets five hits all at 300% of your modded melee damage that's a bonus of 1500% right there or 15 times that's pretty good then Brew Hops up with the uppercut lifting the enemy you're hitting along with the ranged wave attached to that action that lifts everyone around him both of which are set to 300% so the target you hit directly is getting hit with five attacks at 300% then he's hit with a 300% uppercut and a 300% lift wave ignoring the messy nature of math and Warframe and the fact that this is not being actually calculated and it's just kind of theoretical it leaves us with a 7 time 300% which comes out to 21 times original damage and that's not accounting for like a specialized condition overload build that would also very well boost the power of the five hits you can directly nail on that one enemy and also how the lifted status is considered by condition overload this Slide Attack is frankly an affront to God I I mean I don't know how else to put it it's just that good so the Serene storm augment Desert Wind is granted 250% additional status chance and changes its damage type to match enemy weaknesses this is obtainable from newa or the Arbiters of hexus this augment enables desert wi to achieve some pretty appealing status chance percentages and in fact once you have reactive storm you're able to ditch the Dual stat Elemental mods and go for the higher damage 90% Elemental mods this is the case because the status chance this mod provides serin storm is actually affected by ability strength so the more strength you have the more status chance you get for a closer look on how the numbers work with this take a look at this equation if we're using a maxed intensify and drifting contact reactive storms stat bonus is going to be as shown here resulting in 69.7% to achieve 100% status chance without any status chance mods your ability strength must be at at least 227% with this amount of statisfy ability condition overload kind of becomes a little bit more relevant when you intend to prioritize direct hits be that with heavy attacks or side attacks the way reactive storm works is by changing the base impact damage value on the Fly depending on the first enemy hit either by the Direct Hit or the wave impact damage mods no longer have any effect after this change so don't use physical damage mods to increase the base damage if the damage becomes a primary element it will combine with another modded primary element the first example of this is say robotic Health which has the biggest weakness to Electric damage with a 50% increase having only modded heat on Desert Wind will result in robotic damage after hitting a MOA without Shields taking radiation damage as that's the product of combining heat and electric damage now the first attack when casting through storm with reactive storm might as well be the same as attacking without the augment it will only deal impact however the enemies hit by an attack will dictate the element of the attack preceding the first I spawned a collection of enemies a crewman a Gunner and a bombard in the Sim to demonstrate more of this kind of behavior after the first strike to the Corpus the damage was set to Magnetic and this applied to all the enemies caught in the waves en ranged behind the crewmen in this case it was the Gunner each hit chooses the element and dictates how to adjust the element for the next attack as far as the aimus units are concerned though the waves will not adapt to any kind of damage as reactive storm is not able to switch to void damage for overguard it'll basically revert to being an impact damage hit or at least just behave that way but overall reactive storm just kind of seems to put a buffer function on the waves to determine the damage type it should adopt for each hit the damage type will reset to impact when seren storm is deactivated the Adaptive damage has the potential to become any damage type except for void damage uh but due to the known health and armor and shield type values found on enemies in the game it cannot become true damage void damage cold damage turn back into impact or naturally become heat or puncture without arcanes in cases where damage types are tied it will prioritize physical types first then primary elements and then secondary elements last this can only naturally occur for flesh where damage becomes Toxin and infested flesh where damage becomes slash while the wiki states that there is a bias to the order it chooses it kind of seems to me that the element is just set by who the wave hits first was any of this necessary to know no do these findings become super relevant in game equally no but I had questions so I got answers now you have them too now going back to the topic of getting certain damage types from arcanes there's only one way we can intentionally influence the damage type chosen by reactive storm and that is by using techniques that involve altering damage resistance there aren't many ways to alter an enemy set damage resistance but we have two operator arcanes that are capable of doing so and we have one ability that we can subsume that can increase the vulnerabilities already present just so you're aware I don't have access to these arcanes myself so I can't demonstrate their effectiveness to you the arcanes that are able to adjust damage resistance are Magus accelerant which reduces an enemy's resistance to heat damage by 65% and Magus destruct which reduces an enemy's resistance to puncture by 65% once again my go-to for deeper level in-game information Gamble has made a separate video on bro utilizing Magus accelerant to force heat procs on enemies without using any heat mods at all once again you'll find the link in the description and in the little top Corner up there the subsumable ability that plays with damage resistance is actually atlas's petrify petrify doesn't alter the elemental weaknesses on the enemies instead it amplifies the weaknesses they already possess the wiki states that petrified enemies have their damage type modifiers increased by 50% damage type modifier works by increasing the modifiers by plus 50% up to plus 100% this is additive with existing values for example clone flesh is 75% weak to viral and 50% resistant to gas once petrified it becomes 100% weak to viral and 0% resistant to gas that's a 14.3% increase in viral damage and a 100% increase in gas damage this is more effective on resistant enemies and less effective on already vulnerable enemies this will not apply to armor where it would then have a multiplicative effect I have not tested a build with petrify this video has taken long enough to put together without testing it but it was one of the things I considered in the early stages of researching reactive storm I'm interested to hear any findings you have in this particular application that is if you choose to experiment with it I welcome you to leave a comment about it or you can find me on Discord more specifically you'll probably find me in umbral Nova's Discord server you're welcome to grab my attention through that route just have the courtesy to tell me if you're coming from here I can't really engage with a random DM without knowing why you're talking to me in the first place ultimately reative storm is not necessary to make bro an absolute monster in 95% of the game however it will become necessary once you enter the lower middle to highle still path missions and make your way to level cap territory if you find that you're not ranked with the correct syndicates to obtain it you're probably at the stage in the game where you can scrape through your incredibly unorganized inventory to find something to sell for 15 Platinum if someone is asking you for more than that they are being disingenuous and now we can move on to the part part that I'm sure many people Skip to My builds both for the ones that I use for Desert Wind and what I use for baroo himself after that we'll talk about some subsume ideas and then we can leave the video there you didn't skip right okay good just kidding you can skip if you want let's talk about modding his four but before we do that I want to go over a few things first we have a lot of strength almost 300% because that's just what bro wants yeah here's a little sneak peek you can we can look at this for a little bit mol augmented is Superfluous doesn't need to be here but it is Arcane strike it's just attack speed on melee weapons pretty sure all my all my all my builds have this just because bro does the melee a lot so there's that adaptation or Aro reach here probably Aro reach if you want to go high level adaptation if not these are the flex slots for where we're going to put the uh the the augment later you can do or reach adaptation just gets you that extra little bit of damage reduction but it's not necessary for most of the game all right next up next point of next point of view here we have the N we have naramon problem with naramon you kind of give up on killing anything with your operator I mean at least with my amp my amp I think isn't that great um but like you don't have Uno's armor strip you don't have void strike so you're going to you're going to struggle with that a little bit but we're using n we're using naramon for for one power Spike so we can keep our melee combo counter is very nice but also opening slam opening slam you just you know initiate a slam as the operator while you're in the air and you get double combo count gain for two seconds that's pretty good especially on baroo now then let's talk how we mod first things first we want base damage now we already have like 198 8% because we're at 298 right now so that's already more than this so it's not out of the question that you might want to try something else like maybe condition overload or some other extra but I would personally do that on like a 300 plus build where you can get up to 400% um I mean I haven't tried it without pressure point but I'm sure it works just fine what's next well we're looking at a crit weapon with minimal stat St and big damage especially on that heavy attack look at that 50% so clearly we're going to do we're going to we're going to put organ shatter and sacrificial steel and if you want you could just do sacrificial pressure that's allowed um I Forma I don't want to do that and a little bit less of damage but that doesn't matter on Baro so there's that next we have speed hits pretty slow so we're going to do speed Berserker Fury you have a couple options right you have quickening for extra combo count you have Gladiator Vice that won't stack like the the passive won't stack for Baro like this one will not count as it's ononis four under melee weapon it will work but the fastest we can get is berserk Fury in one mod right but we're we're already going to go pretty quick because we have Arcane strike what's next at limits so let's talk about elements real quick we have a couple options so for grineer you're going to go coros of viral right and if you ask me you're going to go corrosive because we're dealing with impact damage there's no damage overtime things going on our our status is low already so we're not going to get a ton of corrosive procs unless we do the 6060s which we probably will 60 and 60 so now we're up to 33% much more serviceable but Volta strike could be replaced with focus with FOC Focus energy because this gives us heavy attack efficiency that's pretty compelling but our status is low so I'm going to keep that off for now you can you can choose differently if you like I'm going to move this down here now what we are left with two mod slots that we can kind of do whatever the [ __ ] we want with so I guess before we move on to that I should mention you just use you just use toxin for Corpus and gas for infested you should be fine we could we could run another element we could run Heat this gives us more status and gives us a dot but not very often or not as often as we might like and also I mean heat is just another another damage multiplier right so more damage not a bad idea let's take that off for now what other options are there well there's life strike Brook himself has no real way to get health back so this could make I mean with this heavy attacks could just heal you inherently what else could we do well we have reflex reflex coil there's our there's our heavy attack efficiency without using um focus energy which is nice life strike there you go we're looking pretty good what else could we do we could do critical damage we could we could throw Gladiator M on there go from 3.8 to five times unless okay yeah five times not all L this in here to [ __ ] it up essentially we have just two slots we can do whatever the hell we want with you could do a Smite mod I wouldn't re like you could and I don't know if I'd say recommend but unless like if you don't have a DOT I mean it's going to it's going to help but it's not going to be huge with heat it'll help a little bit more um I mean if you're doing extra critical damage you might as well go heat so every time you get a heat proc it can scale up faster critical damage being up critical hit bigger damage that that transfers to heat each stack grows that each time you hit it big heat damage not bad there's like we could do attack speed you can do anything we could even do range this makes getting combo a dream for bro I mean with like on the direct hits at least right especially if if you have a way to to group enemies up there's there's options here you could do condition overload if you want if you want to focus on like heavy attacks and direct hits but generally I'd say keep it uh like you can try the heat one let's run with this um let me is there anything else no I think we're okay let's let's run with this so just be aware on my vast luck I have the Gladiator set all three the rest are whatever doesn't matter as long as you have these three and I mean h we could even equip instead of reach we could do a gladiator mod here and get another little bump that but all you need is three to start seeing red crits on his for so let's let's take a look we're going to spawn in some level 12s because this is this is not this is without the augment and we're going to just do some heavy gunners and maybe some bombards all right all right we have some we have uh we have it reduced a little bit let's pause them there we go let's take a look we're not going to prime or anything like that so it's going to start off pretty slow we're getting our krosa Stacks in though and we can do some direct hits without priming you're going to struggle a little bit on Bas still path let's prime a little bit give them just a couple there we go yes he much better oh it's going to be pretty rough especially on these heavy guys cuz they're not weak to corrosive right but we we're going our camp we're excuse me we're growing our combo we're at 5x 6X we should start seeing yep we're getting some Reds pretty low numbers though cuz these guys are hecka resistant so you're going to struggle on Heavies fair enough unless Prime them up and give him a direct hit try to get a head shot on that on that SL attack which you can do I did it just there that'll help a lot Gunners not a problem how should we how should we REM remedy this I bet we could start taking these guys out even more if we had some heat going so let's put that on real quick so Prime reach really gave us a hand with the with the heat building oh someone's trying to kill me we're going to put glad right here no it's fine it doesn't matter heat let's do the 6060 for more status we're going to have 42 this is going to be much better excuse me I'm busy thank you all right I'll be right back we're going to ruce Tren again no you let's let's let's let's put it on display uh we're going to get rid of the bombars though because that sucks for restraint producing so Gunners it is he lude you heard me say it earlier in the video it's only until recently I start to realize you know what the lud's probably fine I got used to L because I like the the pause it gave me but I don't I don't need it anymore I don't think we'll finish it off the last little chunk let's get them all in one spot pause AI let's see what happens turn this on now we have heat I just realized we are not we are without the bombards uh now they're now they're on fire we're going to get our DOT if we have a DOT we are probably liable to equip uh the the Smite mod but I mean we're doing all right that's without priming Prime them a little bit 25k 29k let's get some combo lots of ground slams pull them in make sure you're holding that aim button okay so we're it's fine this is about the limit you want to go any any higher than this is going to be a problem so let's do 110 let's do 100 100 will probably feel better put them to sleep 11k 6K that's yeah we're already doing much better opening slam watch this 5K six seven didn't me to do that eight nine still nine opening slam really makes it easier like much easier getting 21k all these guys are oh they're all dead all right let's let's let's talk to some bombards then put them to sleep 16k off the bat not bad now we're going to get corrosive more often than we're going to get heat cuz we have two mods that make corrosive both of those damage are stacking together so it's going to be about twice as likely as heat I think if I'm correct on that you're going to get more Crow so then you're going to get heat in this in this case cuz the damage layout but like that was much quicker especially because our because our combo is at 10x let's see what a heavy attack looks like on this guy we're going to PR him up nice and good even though condition overload is not equipped 5 million not bad not bad but we can do better before we move on to the augment let's just take a look at the build here so no there's no duration here you can cast lull and it comes back like right away immediately right immediately not bad breaking point I believe this is okay so this is what I is it's the same exact build except we have archon vitality and reactive storm in place of adaptation and the strike the strike is just quick armor strip returns Health really nice this one is the same now this one is probably what you'd want for a pillage build if you have um Growing Power here apply status you're going to get up to like what 348 or so 340 whatever M augmented there's another 60 uh Power strength you immediately have this is going to get you a little bit over 400% strength meaning you can put pillage here and full strip everyone easy right not bad at all all right so for the augment build now we're going to switch on over to Breaking Point no we're not we're going to go just the reactor storm put that here immediately that's the only change we're going to make um we do have a I forgot to mention we do have primary dexterity in our in our in our in our uh first primary weapon just because it can be there um if you if you don't have naramon or power Spike first off you should work to get it it doesn't take too long to get a couple of them you don't need you don't need like Max rank it just helps but if you don't have it you can do se you can do the seed or like again any weapon Brook doesn't particularly care this one's just an easy primer and dexterity just for extra common duration and if you have the extra slot and care you can put um drifting contact on one of these now since we have the augment we're at look at this Str look at our status we're at 153% status that's a lot so really we can just take these and make them the the the 90% mods easily but we're not going to change anything let's take a look did I mention by the way that we're still level 100 uh this is going to be a massacre already the Heavies are going down and that's without any combo let's let's get some combo then if if I mean if they can live long enough to to to help me out with that 36k we're already getting huge bonuses from this we're getting some armor sharp from the Heat and from the corrosive and we're getting two like I mean we're over 100% we have 50% chance to get two status procs on one hit that's a big deal we just changed the augment that's it and now we're going to change the level we're going to go Max just for fun uh yeah keep their AI paused opening slam just for the grand opening there we go look at this we're at 20K 14k is hopeless it it's it's literally hopeless the heat just eats them alive radiation sometimes cuz we proc on them now I need to mention with the way that the for with the augment Works you're going to notice the mods like the damage types you modded for are going to show up more than the Adaptive damage but it will still be there you'll see it sometimes again all we did was change the augment this leaves the question is the augment necessary no no it's not but it's a really big help real big help let's get that Max combo come on you all right we're at Max combo perfect 11k 15K 20K yep each each time he got some cros of on him so the the damage just went up again now you could put on viral for this now that we have heat I mean the corrosive is helping get it down down but the the r will make the the heat Parks scale a bit faster maybe but yeah let's try that no let's not you can try that yourself if you like is it clear though have I have I demonstrated enough want to see something funny I think that was lower than the last one was it the other one I like 5 mil point is brute Gman good very good like really really really good so what how does the build change when you have the arment equip like it it kind of doesn't you put uh fever strike on you put Focus energy for heavy attack efficiency and molten impact oh we have 20% less status oh that's fine we got big damage now all right so the main difference is that we switch to the bigger damage mods we're off the 6060 mods our electricity mod is the uh Focus energy so we have a heavy attack efficiency if we want it let's take a look let's let's let's turn on the four first and get back on the ground let's do opening slam cuz I [ __ ] that up man look at these numbers they're bigger who would have thought bigger damage bigger number 7x yeah yeah they don't live do they these are still 180 like 185s it's hopeless for them they they have no hope there is little there is little they can do about it 24K perfect let's try this again or 20 kills oh it's lovely oh it's lovely they're all gone let's Prime some of them for fun got some six digits in there another six digit the other one was like half a mil do I need to demonstrate any further on why BR good no I don't think I do no I don't think so okay let's talk about my build so as you can see I I've invested a little bit in archon charts the these are not necessary but I'll tell you what they do these give me two more mod slots these let me take off both organ shatter and Gladiator might and I still end up with more critical damage than I would with both of them on so I get more I get more easy so I can put in Smite I can put in quickening and I think those are the two I spent the two open slots on um we still have our corrosive heat now why we could run viral heat and actually easily because we have a a strip now with the strike um corrosive just feels better honestly it's direct damage viral you're boosting your damage but we're still kind of boosting impact in heat and corrosive we're doing viral like if you were doing viral you're doing it to the armor right we like viral not because of the damage matchups it has but because of its status effect corrosive has has a good damage matchup which is more damage on Armor which is what we're mainly fighting right cro or for Corpus you just do you just do toxin no big deal there is something I need to talk about though the red crit strategies we have for Baro so I've already gone over it you build combo with your four while you have three Gladiator might mods sorry three Gladiator mods one two three and that you can build the rest for like whatever the [ __ ] like whatever the [ __ ] else it does not matter right you build combo with your four it's a pain but you do it and you're golden you have red crits permanently the other way is we use melee guidance now there's a problem with this we're going to do strike just for the sake of having it melee guidance has a couple problems so let's take a look at like what we need first off we need to make sure that we have no dexterity like no dexterity mods okay none there none there okay so our the combo on R4 is now negative 1 we cannot build combo on R4 so we cannot get any multipliers by building combo the strategy is let's let me first reduce my restraint okay now we can talk okay here's the problem okay so here's the here's the strategy here's the problem with gladiator with sorry with the melee guidance Strat okay we're going to take our AR weapon here and we're just going to get it up to 12 easy turn on your four look at these like big instant red crits they're kind of small though by comparison of our last ones right I mean they're they're big they're 15K 12K 28k these are fine we're doing good like good like these we're actually murdering them now I mean michella malat is here my my my bua Panzer so I mean they're getting viral and I should probably take you off but I'm not gonna we are suffering a Nerf here we are not getting extra combo multipliers like the the multiplier and damage that combo gives your melee weapon here's a little picture here it gives you like each each combo tier will give you a a base like after moded damage multiplier we are not getting that when we're running with melee guidance we are getting the crit bonus that comes with having a 12x multiplier from our melee weapon cuz our our string storm is just kind of hijack hijacking that right now here's the other problem like eventually it's going to go down let's let's it's going to go down we're going to get oranges let's see this is probably fine yep there's an orange there's an orange this is still fine heaven forbid we're getting Orange crits right but it's going to get worse I thought I had the strike on that will they will they will eventually Decay right and now I guess it isn't a problem as much because you don't have to build combo but you're you're going to have to turn it off and rebuild it it's really weird now before I was worried that with this Strat you were actually not able to heavy attack at all and I'm pretty sure in the previous update that was the case but with this we can yeah now it stays beforehand it would wipe the the combo on your melee weapon or it would it would think it would wipe but you take turn this off and it would still be at 12x so you'd have to heavy attack to get rid of it then you have to build again get 12 x and then turn stange storm on again and then you'd have red crits back now you don't have to do that thank goodness so that's one reason why it's okay to do this but you are still nerfing your damage so is it a problem for most of you no probably not CU I mean I've seen that argument like uh it's fine it's not broken it's like no it's not it's actually just fine you're getting extra you're getting free crit tier right free critical tiers jacking up this damage the critical damage but it's not as much as you could get the original way right so be aware of that okay now let's talk about my builds why do I use them and for what reason my go-to subsume is the strike but we'll talk about more subsume options in a little bit I like the strike because it's a quick easy just it pure armor strip and and you know complete return on health and everything you need and it's quick this is I've run this amount of strength mol augmented is honestly kind of superflous like I said earlier this does not need to be here it could be literally anything else it could be Avenger more crit chance could be blessing more tank it could be anything anything you want Energizer but I mean it's not like R uses a ton of energy because his four is active and then he kills everyone he gets he's going to get an he's going to get an energy orber too he's just gonna right so it's kind of up to you I like having God mention cuz number go up funny it's fun um I like having adaptation on as I'm going into higher higher level higher levels with this and this lets me go a little further it's it's quite simple really the Desert Wind let's take a look so these two builds are the same except we're going from Focus energy to vicious Frost and we're getting viral heat now now heat is interesting on these on these uh on these on these builds let's do some manic bombards cuz these guys are real chunky all right so you're going to have to forgive me cuz I don't want to take Panzer off so damage is going to be a little bit boosted we'll do one without don't worry but watch this I'm just going to hit them a couple times we're building up 7x 10x bam you hit them and the and the the heat just jacks up all the way it's really fun to see you load them up with heat status 1 2 3 four getting like 11 where you hit them with the armor strip they get like a 2 million damage proc and here's the nice thing about this I can only get so high with the enemies with these guys these guys are as bad as chunky as I can spawn in the Sim right but on like the on the level cap Mission I was getting like 35 million when I was doing this which means the the the harder they are to kill the more heat damage you can put on them that's fun that's a lot of fun watch this give him some more 1 million damn it it helps when you prime them and I'll tell you what really drives that damage home if you want to get like 7 mil 8 mil even if we can get a [ __ ] heat rock is when we have a lot more critical damage so instead of just five red archon shards sometimes it's funny just to do pure heat 8.5 times because why not hell let's take off the vulpa and let's put on Nautilus because he's a good boy there he is and he has tenacious Bond let's see what our our funny number is now 9.7 times you think that's enough you think that's enough critical damage let's look let's watch hold on let me get my let me get my restraint out again all right so we have just heat on our four now just heat nothing else to pollute the system or the the the proc chances unless we're you know we're probably going to get some radiation too one two three four five just goodbye instant 2 million on all of them that was not that took no effort whatsoever now let's uh let's let's get some uh let's get some combo why don't we that would be fun 10x 11 12x 4 million 9 mil I saw 9 mil let's look at that again see this is just fun you do this for hours and it's you just you you never get bored because you're a maniac this this keeps you happy forever because you like number 7 mil oh I mean that killed him without even without even like shpping the armor you see the you see you see my point it's so good bro and heat is like heat just goes really well on bro the heat dot scales a ton easy [ __ ] give me some I I think they just died that there's no corrosive and no viral except for on the ones that I primed I I just now remember good [ __ ] come on all the way all the way all the way all the way 11 mil just in two hits I mean after priming and everything not bad right yeah that's better we don't even have condition overload on let's see what it looks like when we do 12 mil same build I'm just going to replace Place one thing I don't think we need reflex coil right yeah we're good without that put that there put that there let's take a look at the the at the evil that we're about to unleash upon the world 1 2 3 4 5 six I did notr the four I'm an idiot up and down up and down up and down give me the 12 please I want the 12 thank you all right well they're all dead anyway so let's let's let's get a fresh batch easy don't die from the heat please I want you alive at least some of you goodbye yeah nine digit baby not nine digit oh yeah cuz we ran out of combo CU I don't have any heavy attack efficiency so you might want a heavy attack efficiency but like that demo like easy like it could have been more you could have had had more stacks on them right do you have any more questions like do you really need any any other demonstration like if you want hey give me good build here's good build take this build put it on you want the other good build here take it [ __ ] pay attention during the video why not cuz you skipped here I know you did I know you did I'm going to put a time stamp right right there I know you skipped here how dare no I'm not you're fine there you go favorite builds we have pure Heat viral strip or viral heat dot strip dot strip is just put the damage over time then strip them and then they go boom they die here's our condition heavy so we just replace Prime pressure point with the viral and it has no heat on it oh yeah cuz we're priming them with viral yeah there you go killing blow for extra crit damage let's see what this looks like no let's not yes let's do you got to love naus when he just pulls them all in like that it's really nice don't touch me please direct hits where we already getting like five digits okay we're 12 x ow no no no no my perfect My Perfect combo I'm good at this game I promise yeah there we go looks good and I mean since we have the armor strip bam virals instantly more viable let's try that again one more time just for the folks at home uh let's do G Dad gunns now turn on your three I just realized this off you want to know little secret one of the reasons it took me so long to get this [ __ ] video out bro is so good you get [ __ ] bored that's it that's the problem that's his biggest problem aside from all the synergies like even Beyond beyond all the Sy uh anti- synergies rather he has you get [ __ ] bored you're too good you're too you're too [ __ ] cool that's the that's the issue I mean when you look like this like what what what problems like could you realistically have there's your build segment want to take a look at the other ones that are kind of out in the open here you go Corpus and flex this was just like the mod building demo there we go here's your here's her Corpus build condition heavy pure heat viral strip corrosive heat bam all done now I mean there's the in snare you could have this if you want this was on the conjuction survival have a little bit of have a little bit of range and some efficiency but it's not like you really need it a little bit less strength but multi augmented will get you right back up archon Vitality oh yeah uh archon Vitality with um the strike but then again in most content you're not your enemies aren't going to be able to they're not going to be able to get you below that that [ __ ] Shield line they're going to struggle to get your Shields down but that is another way to get more strength on bro what more do you want all right moving on to subsumable abilities now this segment should be pretty brief in the build section I already talked about how I prefer using theough strike just because it's a nice quick armor strip returns health and it's just simple to use but we're going to go over a couple more ideas we can try we'll just push the popular options out of the way yes of course you could run nourish or Eclipse if you're running nourish just be sure to run corrosive or some other element and Eclipse I don't know you could just run that I won't judge you for doing that I don't think bro really needs either of them but if you choose to run them have a blast I suppose using nourish does give you some head room for modding bro in certain ways I don't think that's something anyone could really argue against perhaps you could try a gas and or electric build and still retain some comfort knowing that you have viral equipped by virtue of running nourish however gas and electricity builds would probably benefit from grouping abilities such as in snare I've heard of people using mag's pull to bring in enemies for heavy attacks which does sound interesting and fun but bear in mind that grouping abilities depend on range and baroo doesn't really want too much of that given he has desolate hands to worry about so personally I never gave Max pull too much attention as of abyss of Toth pillage may be a particularly nice fit on Brook as he's one of the handful of frames that generally doesn't feel much in the way of hindrance when sacrificing ing other power stats in pursuit of unadulterated strength honestly you could feasy build for a strength rating at or above 320% and rely on Mt augmented in conjunction with Growing Power to achieve the 400% needed to completely strip defenses from enemies in a single cast and not fill too much worry about the downsides of running that much strength in most other cases since brard has the ability to reach the levels of damage production he can along with the recent buff to damage reduction on Shields it just kind of seems to make sense to give it a try on him doesn't it I mean hell once your sh Shields broke you'd hardly have to panic cuz you were still able to face tank pretty much everything below 7K long enough to let pillage do its thing without a lot of range personally I find pillage kind of clunky but if you're a fan of running it then maybe it'd be fun for you to try it out on him another interesting pick is wrathful Advance as when you cast it it isn't much different from running the melee guidance strategy I mentioned earlier however this time the red crit bonus isn't static and you don't have to sacrifice combo for it so you can actually gain additional critical chance while it's active which is proven by the X clamation marks that appear as you gain combo signifying that you are breaching past the third crit tier at 300% into the fourth and fifth and even starting reaching into the sixth tier when you reach the upper ranges of the combo meter but remember that only works if you have the Gladiator mods equipped on your melee weapon with three of them equipped I'm able to get three exclamation points but if you have one or two you might not get quite as high if you do decide to run this and want to optimize it I do have a few suggestions that can make things a little better for one you should probably subsume wrathful Advanced over lull instead of elude as it does want some duration and if you run primed continuity over this your ability to reduced restraint will be significantly hindered by the initial wave duration on lull making your restraint reduction process a long and sluggish one keeping elude will nullify that entirely second wrathful Advance does make it easy to execute heavy attacks so you may want to consider these build alterations to maximize its potential output I'd say consider leaving a slot open for condition overload since direct hits from bro take this into account you will see a considerable uptick in damage when priming enemies before executing them but before you commit to that I strongly recommend that you also slot a heavy attack efficiency mod be it either reflex coil or Focus energy which I think you should run when you are building for corrosive and have reactive storm anyway but I'll leave the rest up to you as this video has gone on long enough and it's taken long enough for me to produce and there's no reason to spoon feed you information when you're perfectly capable of finding things yourself [Music] hey I'm glad you made it to the end this project took way longer than I wanted it to like on the order of a couple months of course I wasn't as productive as I should have been some of those months but nonetheless the scope of this project is evident in its length so thank you watching if you've made it all the way till now cuz that's a lot to sit through I hope the information I provided was valuable to you and that the video just in general was worth the wait I'd like to express my gratitude for the comments and support in the previous videos even though they were four and 6 months ago the fact that they still get views and comments is really pleasing to me and I appreciate every single one the very fact that people were anxiously waiting on this video for so long and being so patient really does mean the world as far as the future goes I'm going to do my best to Pace myself myself and I don't want to compromise on quality but we'll see how I can adapt with maybe shorter things or maybe more simpler frames one way or another I I don't intend to stop before we close out be sure to check out the description for the links to the various articles and web pages but also to the other channels that I've mentioned in this video most notably Nova umbrell and gamble these two have been excellent to me and I consider them to be good friends and with all that out of the way it only leaves one question who's next [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SajinKahn-Alt
Views: 40,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baruuk warframe, how to play baruuk, warframe baruuk prime, how to get baruuk warframe
Id: IVbwizH3RaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 56sec (5756 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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