Garten of Banban In Real Life - The Movie

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[Laughter] [Music] okay we're here to find the missing kids we don't have much time we will we will look for Clues okay so do you think they'll ever find us of course they will I left a million notes and it's a pretty easy map okay we have to hurry we don't know how much time they have uh door it's locked okay let me try this hold on no okay hold on I got this i got this okay I'm really close let me just give me a second just I found a key card oh great idea yeah uh well that didn't work you got any other ideas maybe if I just get a running start I'm a little momentum oh yeah I'm not close I'm not close must need batteries miosa hey see if you can find some batteries where did you go want some oh hey found batteries can't believe we haven't found any breadcrumbs yet breadcrumbs I offered you chips if you were hungry no like secret messages from the kids to help us find them oh I did find this note on the table what sorry about that dear Mom if you find this note we are stuck in a dark place we were chased by a crazy bird send help like that bird maybe there's more this bird was so awesome I wish I could take it home so is it a friendly bird or not why would Logan say that because he's obsessed with that bird it is kind of sweet sweet is a Thanksgiving pie that bird is a turd this better [Music] [Applause] work that's the bird maybe it'll lead us to the kids follow it we're doom no way they've totally got this Follow That Bird we're trapped in the darkness This is the End someone feed my cat Beanie weeny when I'm gone oh F alarm yeah I wasn't scared we're doomed whoa this place is giving me squid game vibes found the bird it's just a statue okay well the bird L us here so it must be trying to help us uh let's find six eggs and get our prize yeah found it going found ity I'm going to need some help over [Music] here this one yeah uh miosha imagine it's future we don't have time for pets it's one weird looking tree there's something familiar about it though agreed stickers I love stickers you want one no oh this one has a note wait what bring snacks I knew we should have grabbed more chips no that sounds like Logan he's always hungry oh we got to go he seriously wasted a note to ask for snacks uh that was me what I have to eat sharing is caring your pancreas is mine must be in medical school where is it why isn't it working dark is it lost let me see it how did you know how to do that that's so on the bottom you're welcome got it distraction at one what are they trying to tell us I'm so excited I love bull pits the ball pit is closed we're just here to find the bird and the missing kids oh man I'm still excited oh see the bird is sweet wait wait wait wait wait where my balls huh I told you the ball pit was closed a balls do you remember the colors the bird was pink and chips chips I have an idea I'll be right back what green white red pink blue orange got it okay I got it oh good green white red pink blue orange boom yes now what I mean he's not attacking us maybe he is friendly excuse me have you seen our kids uh well now we know the bird isn't friendly thank thank you Captain Obvious wait was this note always here I'm not scared the bird is nice the bird is funny Logan I can't believe they found all of Logan's useless notes what about the ones I left well the bird is funny right quick what do we do hit the button with the Drone hurry I'm trying it's not as easy as it looks come on hurry I got it why is he still following us maybe I start deodorant oh God maybe I start deodorant in the nest don't move a muscle I said don't move a muscle I know I'm sorry I just got chicken get it because chicken is a bird hurry [Music] [Music] want some what happened where did you go what did you doel how many more times are they going to die I'm running out of sticky notes I just hope they make it to us before all the chips are gone man how do we get rid of that thing I don't know but we got to figure out what Jimmy goes to what you don't think whoa I did not see that coming yeah Logan is not going to be happy about that yes okay I hope the kids are close yeah where is it where are they got it there's also a plane ticket to Montreal you don't think they took the kids on a trip do you now why would they do that you know where the life of the P fact see and I'm always ready to go I love trips are we going on a trip they're not even paying attention to any of the clues I left them so are we not going on a [Music] trip uh well guess they already left what the heck is that it's the Hulk he's here the H that ain't the Hulk oh thought I was going to have to use this where did you even get that I've used it before [Music] clumsy [Music] do you think he's dead I don't know I don't want to stay to find out we still need to find the missing kids and we need to search the rest of the school and hope we don't run into any more possessed creatures I found the key card oh here's the remote our green friend here broke it do you think he's blind come on that room was totally useless yeah who leaves a perfectly good birthday cake behind wait what did you at least get me a piece oh uh you can lick the candle oh this isn't a candle it's an antenna it's an antenna miosa you're brilliant I am yeah I am hey you there I can see you on the cameras hey hey can you hear us I am so happy to see you and I need your help with something wait help no no we need your help can you see all the security cams can you see our missing kids I am so glad you're here I thought this was the end the end of what oh if you need a snack I know where the bending machines are and Cake it's a little stale but I was looking around and walked into the security room then the door closed behind me and had been stuck inside since it needs a light blue key card to open but I don't have it we cannot trust this guy something's off he's just a little hungry have you seen yourself on an empty stomach I know why you're here and I can help you but you've got to get me out of here see how does he know why we're here do you also have missing kids H what oh yes I too am looking for missing children see he has missing kids too I need you to go down to maintenance to find a light blue key card just be aware of spiders wait did he say spiders oh I don't do spiders I'm out no think of the children come on where the heck is maintenance this must me we're close come on the spider is real is it just one at least groups of two check flashlights did you bring the flashlights flashlights I didn't bring any flashlights were we supposed to bring flashlights does that mean we're going to be alone in the dark with a spider what happened to that candle I gave you you mean the remote antenna yes you're brilliant I am yes we can use the remote to distract the spider I Knew Pink was my lucky color okay let's go uh follow the arrows okay yeah you supposed to be the spider who said Follow the arrow it seems logical at the time wait should we try the opposite way this time makes no sense to me let's do it yeah well this is new do we want pink or blue um I'm feeling the pink Power today let's go this way okay take her feeling pink huh pink stinks okay we have to be doing something wrong of course we're doing something wrong who in their right mind runs around in a spiderweb uh the arrows have to mean something and whose genius idea was it to have no light in maintenance maintenance literally turns on the lights he maybe blue is for boy pink is for girl oh that'd be Ginger stereotyping I'm going to have a word with the PTO board about this I know we raised enough money in the fun run to be spider pest free every time we went blue we were safe every time we went pink we died all those fake emails donations from grandparents we deserve to be P free I got it what what what fake emails H okay I figured it out every time we follow the blue arrows we're safe every time we follow the pink arrows we die pink has betrayed me no pink is just code when we're on the pink arrows we need to go in the opposite direction I'm still talking into the PTO board about this okay whatever let's [Music] go it worked here's the key card do I have something in my teeth don't move muscle Flex my muscles okay I said don't move a muscle don't let it bug you get it bug cuz spider's a bug okay let's unlock security so we can finally get help to find the kids do you think he's cute what who the voice on the intercom ew for all you know he's some old man in his mom's basement playing video games which is why I'm second guessing our decision to let him out huh oh don't you think it's a little suspicious there's no one behind this locked door I mean he said he was trapped I found a note oh thank you for the key cards I did not want to deal with that thing down there I saw how many times he got you oh come on I didn't hit you that hard or maybe I did either way it's best you take a nap while I prepare you for our little surgery oh and I don't still live with my mom I do however like to play games oh who or what was that you're Prince Charming oh hey did he say small surgery at least he's a doctor not a gamer silly Lost Girls quick in here hey take a look at this what exactly are we extracting no idea but whatever it is must unlock that door everyone I want you all to welcome our newest students you're late to class I'll let it slide since it's your first day but be late again and I'll rip you to pieces you're new and unpopular so you will have to sit at the unpopular table first lesson is math you will learn how to annihilate others how to safely extract a human brain for eating and oh wait I made a mistake that's a later lesson we need to get out of here back to math what is 687 412 2 3612 + 9819 39912 remember wrong answers will be very harshly punished do you have a calculator why would I have a calculator I don't know maybe because we're at school no but I did put on polish in case you wanted to use my toes as counters no that's really weird I have an idea let's have the really smart kid answer that is really smart come on answer before we are very harshly punished it's not working what do we do maybe 78566 3524 correct next question is one I wrote myself what is 2+ two is this like one of those trick questions or something where they make the answer frog [Music] wrong frog well I didn't think that would count that is an answer oh this is disgusting it reminds me of Aunt Betty's voluptuous fart of 03 I was just a kid trapped that was oddly specific I still talk about it in therapy 2 + 2 yes unpopular smart kid four correct wow I thought everyone would get it wrong not everyone last question before lunch break what is misery Plus disappointment dramatic kid my life correct now go to lunch break and we'll do the next lesson when you get back get back I want to get out of here so we're not getting a lunch break hey the last one is from this green guy we have to distract him first so that must mean he's alive I have an idea Follow My Lead quick find an exit a door a window a vent a wormhole anything got [Music] it excuse me I'm lost could you point me in the right direction to I don't know get out of here got any gum gum hey guys want to make a trade okay then how about these cool shades for access to the vent do we look like cool kids kids to you we want your money all of it fresh out of money Beat It TW I don't see [Music] him [Music] did you find him nope mha are you done yet yeah don't go in there [Music] oh mha what are you doing no he is not in there let's go reminds me of therapy poor baby miosi a [Music] Betty oh jackpot uh actually I think the Slime says his name was jumbo Josh but jackpot works too we can call him jackpot I may have read it wrong we can call him jack for short okay let me do all the talking okay okay uh excuse me are you jumbo Josh yeah I have you down for a deep cleaning possibly a root canal could you follow me please tell me how's your day going now do you prefer Jack or Josh see I told you his name was Josh I said let me do all the talking okay welcome please take a seat with the cool kids where you belong the next lesson is science remember no eating no talking no breathing no moving no asking questions and no potty breaks ever if you break any of these rules I will have to punish you very harshly back to the lesson how hot is is the sun uh I don't know try the popular kid they never get in trouble nothing's as hot as me I'll allow it since you made me laugh and because you are a cool kid I can tell by your very cool glasses good thing I got us these really cool glasses next question we have five senses sight smell taste touch and easy one correct way to use your fifth sense wait what was that I wonder if it's the very very naughty student nobody move while I go check it out now's our chance let's roll I didn't mean literally what you said let's [Music] Roll wait I need to leave Mom a [Music] note better find this mom got [Music] it got [Music] it got it got it sorry dude got it I can't believe we had to do that again that stuff is B got it jumbo Josh WR this way please okay whoa that's a lot of teeth uh you might feel a slight pinch got it do you want to pick your prize really personally I would have picked the yo-yo run why do you have her baby oh [Music] no quick in the nest and don't chicken out this [Music] time finally that was close no finally the kids left us a know looks like your boyfriend is the evil red man hey his boys had potential oh okay all we need to do is find the jellyfish what was that I don't know let's get out of here before we bird feed good idea did you order esar go girl I need snail what are the chances it's friendly go check okay excuse me have you seen her missing [Music] kids what's so funny it thought you were salty get it because it doesn't like [Applause] [Music] salt we just need to make it to that door now's our [Music] chance really dancing with the snail well the Red Devil Man didn't work out so here we go come on you don't have time this get over finally something fun okay miosa this is a really difficult Obby take it slow Focus breathe don't lose your balance okay some of them are really tall you have to make sure you stop before you jump to the next one you got it got it we do way woo this cake looks freshly eaten no you had enough cake maybe these notes will help tell us where the kids are it just says that something bad is happening and something's going to claps in the ball pit not my ball pit uh looks like there's a secret in the basement and uh they've packed their bags they're leaving tomorrow do you think they're taking the kids with them I'm sorry I hit you I knew you wouldn't trust me if you saw me first you have to believe me when I say I am trying to save your children someone stronger than all of us has them deep in the abyss oh no you have to go we'll talk later you've been a bad student run run what is thex for I don't know try the button hit it now oh shoot I'm starting to like that thing let's get out of here there's a fish put your own mask on someone's got to go check the pilot I'll do it Jesus Take the Wheel Lana what happened what are you doing I don't know I just woke up here the last time I remember we we crashed look where are the others wa what where is everybody I don't know Mom Logan L we got to find them but before we do anything we must establish a PE Corner oh know sh sh sh look how many security cameras there are who do you think is watching us that is not a good idea what's this all right let's go let's go find them let's see where they're at guys wait ly wait you've already run off don't open it it could be poisonous it's leaking oh my gosh okay guys we're escaping where is everybody I'm on my roids okay come on sh Lex Lex where did you go medical sector that's where we need to go Gumball oh my God you and Logan go that way I'll go this way are you kidding I am not splitting up from you let's go it's parkour oh look oh yeah boys you oh my god wow Logan can you make it to there yes wait guys the spider is real I have my bug spray Freddy Faz bear what spider CH Chupa are you kidding me look at this bird there's this big bird here look at it ooo I'm a bird look at me wow I'm going to touch it must be asleep guys I found another green vial should I take it tartar bird TARTA bird one two buckle my shoe three 4 Buckle some what does that even mean what is oh I'm just going to leave it for now going to jump off of this little OB oh my goodness what is that it's a m Logan Logan it moved what the freak oh my gosh why is there so many of these come here come here come here come here come here why is there so many I need to inject myself don't oh my gosh Logan has injected himself with greenu now I have big muscles and whatever was in this syringe look do we need to like put them all in here I'm in a cafeteria the end is here no what is this I'm going to hide I got to hide I lost the spider but I found this note it says case update report we have to inject subjects let's go and we have to punch wall okay this is what we need to do to escape to unlock all the doors reminder to all workers Blood Plus blood equals blood water plus water equals water booger Juice Plus booger juice equals that okay okay okay this is what we need to do give me your arm wait a minute okay you said Blood Plus blood I need to get the blood I just need to pinch you to get two bloods I need two bloods two bloods a look there's arrows guys there's another Vol but it's red I think I'm going to hold on to this one it's my favorite color let's pinch the spider go go go do it let's do pinch the spider what kind of you have to collect it hold on okay this is how it's going to work okay are you removing her toe oh my God what the I don't think that's a good idea I don't think that's a good idea Logan it's a Loot Crate let's open what's in there nothing some sort of like meat grinding system the cafeteria I do want a snack purple vial I'm just going to put it right there h maybe some of these where do we get the blood I don't know wait I told you we should just pict skin to get the blood no remember in the room that we like crashed in the ball pit there was green juice and that must be the green juice let's go get it come on where's Lana I forget her let's go get the green juice okay what the I'll make my own P Logan has messed up all the obies look there's here but look in there look follow me okay yeah look there's another green Boog juice okay why is this one so tall don't fall don't almost okay that was pretty stylish I I think we need to go collect them what what the wait there's a blue one look I have to go get it okay hurry up what's the paper say let me see what does it say Cas update what is this oh oh my God the blue Monster's here again I got to hide okay I'm hiding behind the table it's oh my God she laugh I don't really know no [Applause] right no Mom wait we are in the right spot this is the medical sector yeah let's go drop off the bug juice we're going to do how many of these do we need to collect 14 we only have three WR was that follow me old woman okay go crayon yes oh is this what they're serving for food I'm going serve that to Aila red one red one okay hold it hold it I hear Lana screaming this is what we know so far we crashed band ban was driving the plane and uh now we're stuck somewhere no I think I lost it for now there's a giant Apple giant Apple all right I got to figure out how to get out of here we need to find all these vials that's all we know so far oh there's another one they put the vials in here I think that's what it's used for turn around turn around okay red Sheriff toadster Mission catch him 10 criminals to get your prize not a police officer you're going to get us infected let's go put these back in there and then let's go a new way there's a weird girl in there Pur Lana Lana what have you figured out well guys I found two more vials and I've also seen a lot more it's just I didn't know where we had to put them so I didn't grab them okay the BIOS are here um Logan thinks we have to collect blood so he ripped off that thing's toe over there and he collected a sample we also saw a blue spider yeah yes that thing has been chasing me this whole time wait and we haven't found Lexi or miosha okay Chase we need to follow me now come on I'm going to go find the vs off Miss okay hurry up Lan look the blood drip do we need to collect it okay this is what we [Music] do uh right n what the frig okay did it work you're not oh no okay hold me find a criminal that bird is a criminal here you go yeah this looks like a criminal one now that I know where the vials have to go I can get them we're in the Progressive sector stop follow me we need to go collect more okay take us the right way be there which way you you've only been in two spots follow okay okay o it's gry Juma what is that is that a clue I don't know it looks like a stock we don't have time for sock puppets hello it's is Jo let me do my Worm dance let me do my Worm dance let me do my Worm dance let me do my Worm dance it's worm dancing we do not have time to go to the bathroom in public no oh let's hope that's clean toilet cleaner drip much it's clean oh gross Lex are you okay yeah we got to find 10 criminals 10 criminals what do they look like huh what do they look like I don't know I think it looks like there toil the paper roll okay Bird Okay uh what the heck is what kind of spider is that I can't go up now I'm going to attack it with a broken mop there we go it's running away yeah stay back stay back I got a broom okay I found another vial yeah stay stay back stay back okay the room worked let's go I got another vile but who are they this is Aunt Joe she came from the yeah are those the criminals are those who we have to capture Progressive sector where does that take us I feel like my health is declining oh God I swear if you turn rabbit on me what's in here I don't know it's not like I've been here before Susy let's go okay well ooh purple buug juice really I had to do it why cuz it was fun wait I've been seeing a lot of buckets around the map maybe that's the criminal a bucket can't be a criminal the end is here who wrote that we're here now let's put it in I hear the spider some fell out what the what is that I think hear the spider oh my God okay there's this room out for the for the Drone hello drone Chop Chop it's not [Music] coming you didn't see that Mom why is there a talkie walkie I don't know see if it calls somebody does it it doesn't oh my God I can't get [Music] it I got [Music] it go completely useless I'm talking about the walkie-talkie not Logan but he is completely useless also what let's call someone uh Logan hate to Brak it to you but that's not a phone we still need [Music] six look you got a criminal criminal one right there grab it this one has a Crown yes and now it's broken what are you thinking where did I go now wait banana wait why was it up there what go go go go go go what the heck get out of here what the heck oh my God he's SP I oh my God oh my God what the where is Logan Logan is that you boy okay oh my God Mom come back she's right here break down the table boy get out of here oh my God vogan you are the worst partner ever what are you doing I blew your cover okay let's put the literally blew the cover off of me okay wait the spider has moved positions there's another criminal wait got I got it I got it want to buckle my shoe look at this hand puppet me want oh my gosh wait where's Lana Lana see guys see there's another what miosa who's screaming like that get out of here Chase thank you see there's a shredder I got to turn the Sher off I'm going to go in it I'll find another criminal so fair let see no grab it grab it hurry o you did TOS it out sacrifice okay I've got three criminals what those are mine no no can't go that way run another criminal it's a criminal I have to hide I'm following you let's go okay what did you guys find them all no Lana we thought you died oh well Logan over there screaming like a boy I thought you guys died I'm hurting oh my God wait for me arrows what's this look why is there a mop which where are you going to go anything up here this box is suspicious don't be suspicious don't be suspicious it's not susing anything hide behind a curtain hide behind a curtain I'm running I'm going to put the criminals in this jail cell okay she can't see [Music] me look at her little funny dance that's so bad I can do so much better better there you go have a good day she put me in the Box what are you doing bro she's scared me okay let's go back pay for What freaking poopy head it's Lana it's Lana look chocolate look it's Lana a rat oh I found another one kick line oh yeah have you found all the vials yet we haven't found anything I found found some [Music] chocolate ooh what does this thing do got it I got another one I got two look what the it's sitting up how it's thinking about something real hard thinking about its life decision have we figured out what this place is or where we need to go no who cares let's just find the what was that sound maybe it was my jiggly nickles Lana Lana Lana I have an idea what I have an idea you go first that's the idea what five I found another one who's in the flower wait there's six in there yeah uh-oh no Lexi hide hide hide how many more do we need Lana mom look in the PIP we need three more all right Logan found one she has a v in her hand what she's doing us oh my God I need it oh my God help me you want to fight let's beat each other up oh yeah you want to beat me up hey got it let's go follow me W I see one I see one go go you suck Logan he almost made me sacrifice myself what the heck what are these why does it he have no eyeballs H that's better not again just use the restroom and I'll be on my way be on my way taking a dookie over there where does that lead to over there I don't know and I don't care let's get out I didn't know spiders could take dookies I see one wait look we just need two more criminals I found one did it oh oh yeah oh yeah hey toss it up okay the bird can't get you the bird's right there no le no it went over to the other side a it no no no no hurry it is coming hurry oh got it good throw got it nine we just need one more it says how did she end up on the floor Lana oh I don't know everybody needs to get a syringe and maybe we all inject her at the same time cuz it says injecting subject with the correctly mixed concentrations if we all get the correct concentration like our parts and we do it at the same time yellow okay I'm ready oh my gosh Logan are you serious Lexi did you check at the ball pit h no let me go check go check okay Logan put the last one in come on hurry up Logan are you I will leave you behind Okay Okay Okay so Al did you guys hear that we have to inject her okay we're going to inject her and then we're going to figure out whatever door just opened guys I think we can escape I got it okay I just got my [Music] juice yeah this way I did it uh I don't know pick a spot I'm going to get you do her toes Logan get her mouth you got her toe yeah you ready all right go I injected oh my gosh that was a little squishy all right I got mine I got mine where should I inject her right in her mouth or her her armpit her armpit I did her MTH armpit and I got her okay we did it wait what the heck what the heck no what get out here get out of here oh my god get me out of here guys I think they left byby go you're safe we made it out wait where's miosa who's miosa guys Logan Rudy Lana let's see these are better than Nike kicks these are Monster kicks and they are so [Laughter] [Music] fire where are [Music] they last oh did you fall Logan what did you see the Monster no they were just my shadow puppets are you serious oh what's this I don't think we should touch that it's not a good idea how you must be from up above stay put while I ask the queen what to do with you I mean it time is running out tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock why is he so obsessed with Tik Tok tick Tok you know what we have to do what hold on okay I think it's working we're going to record this we are going to get out of here wait but first let's play darts look B's eye uh what what okay I think you should SK to uh Tik Tok Tik Tok Logan you were on to something tick to I'm going to get it okay we need to hurry until he comes back we need to get out of here we still have to find Lana and Lexi are you going to help me or not look I got the Bulls ey let me see uh did you cheat to get it no I'm sick of it wait what what did you find the ball Pit's closed we need like a lock probably wait no it has a lock we need a key we need two keys in a combination uh-uh I'm picking the lock okay try to pick it so it just like my lock wait a minute look at this Logan huh the toad guy is a sheriff this must be his office that means he's a detective look what if there's like stuff like we have to look everywhere let's see um what if he was giving us a clue without giving us a clue maybe he doesn't like Tik Tok but it was a clue about a clock hey what is it open up is there anything in there not that oh okay wait what's in there this I'm not the only clock that can open uh dummy dummy uh that's probably can open uh is that why why he's calling you a dummy I no R oh this one is there another cloth look a green black key we already found the first are you sure yeah hurry up before he comes back it doesn't fit maybe it goes to something else did you think about that um what else is there I don't know all right you found this it's locked oh what else is in this room books there's a weird looking hat the what was that a Green Key just fell are you serious oh my gosh he's such an idiot what that key wasn't even hidden okay that's where does this go okay so we got the first block off now we just need a black key and a combination but Logan found a key but it didn't work to that wait there's several briefcases with combination codes on it wait Logan what' you find nothing I'm a fan of riddles I'm a fan of riddles fan look fan wait what's on the fan there's nothing Tik Tok for Dummies Wait look Mom Tik Tok for dummies and then you can like unlock it it was a fake book hurry hurry hurry okay look is that the queen I don't want to see this wait he just left what if he's coming back if he's coming back you need to act like we're not trying to escape oh my gosh I got to put everything back I have to put the what if he notices the room is a mess Logan was the Hat there Logan Logan find it is there a tape what is it it's just numbers what number is it 0 94 0949 okay find a combination that needs the number sh H sit down I [Music] you you can't make a mess in look is you room not doing anything not looking for Clues definitely not doing [Music] that it worked so how' your talk with the queen go tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock okay he's gone Logan what did you find this so the code from the red tape is that that's a ripped up piece of wanted paper what does this mean oh look all these wanted posters Logan these are the monsters that have attacked us Logan put your piece of paper over here maybe it says something if we put it together there something on the back oh wait there's what does it say there should be zero reasons why three doses can't be given to them at 3:00 do it twice wait why'd you throw it away Logan finds all the clues and then destroys them zero reasons to give three doses at 3:00 do it twice so 033 smart thinking laying down in case he comes back you can just act like you're taking a nap mm is it open yay okay okay it open all right uh what is it dear Mommy wait I don't think the note's important this one has a purple number on it just like the last one okay L we need to hurry up and get out of here you're just pretending to sleep right right okay wait the first first row of the street is all zero the first row of the street is all zero the second row also had none there could have been six hurry up with your long fingers look easy it worked open open open hurry I'm trying fun Logan stuck your pockets uh okay what are you doing are you it's fake how do you know it's fake h it looks wait is there a clue in there it's just sitting there dingleberry look oh what is that oh my gosh all these cloth case update report three and then they Circle a two okay we have it kind of looks like those that are on the wall right there put it right here maybe we'll use it later look me look look in the book meat um you are beefy what okay there's got to be something on the desk Logan this fan says a rug on a rug here on a rug and you're laid out a rug on a rug who puts who puts a rug on a rug wait [Music] look lift it up black key black key wait we still need a combination code with a purple Lock's that is that locked no God what's it what that's just his gambling habit what we don't have time to play over what if you just buried all the clothes okay guys we are still stuck in here Mom if you'll be quiet I can piig tocket it if you think that you can go ahead there's only one combination lock holding us from getting through to the ball pit look at this case Updates this is what we've been seeing everywhere trying to find the kids I Logan I found another number I don't think you're a good hacker you think you are but you're not I did I found a purple number I did wait what order do we put it in okay guys before he comes back 10242 try that okay while Logan tries that I'm going to show you some other Clues so if you get this message try to help find the the kids okay did it look at this who is this I've never seen this guy before and he hasn't chased me get it okay we're getting out of [Music] here wait I thought the ball pit was closed oh no I can't reach the cover okay I think we're good Logan Logan we're not going to hide in the ball pit all day sh I think he's back someone's in there I going to go down here come on I can't bre the old ha careful come on Logan come through whoever made these okay we should be safe in this room there's no one in here hi I am a hungry snake do you have any food no I don't think it's a real snake Logan what's up what's up what what if he does that to you I'm the one with the bar oh my gosh Logan be careful you don't know if he has ninja moves okay stay back man didn't do this oh no ninja star all right we don't have a time to be a ninja all day Logan push it don't listen to that guy over there about her his POS I'll show you some something that's actually impressive a magic trick like hurting my ears all right get it to stop talking I think I out of a closet what [Music] hi what the how am I even supposed to get out of here what did you find what's going on here what did the train conductor say to the kangaroo hop on she dangerous that was terrible we got to get out of here the naughty ones are escaping
Channel: NOOB Family
Views: 1,236,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garten of banban, banban, in real life, banbaleena, opila, garten of banban in real life, boss fight, ending, garten of banban song, garten of banban trailer, garten of banban game, garten of banban roblox, garten of banban minecraft, garten of banban gameplay, garten of banban animation, garten of banban origin story, garten of banban school, school, garten of banban jumpscares, chase scene
Id: mg8XdFbz5YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 56sec (4016 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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