GARTEN OF BANBAN - ALL CHAPTERS 1-7 | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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he that's [Music] [Music] that's for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's for in [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] he for [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] for for come [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you there I I can see on the cameras I am so happy to see you and and I need your help with something wait can you even hear me hello listen if you can hear what I'm saying wave at any [Music] camera oh thank God I'm so glad you're here I thought this was the end I was looking around and walked into the security room room then the door closed behind me and I've been stuck inside since it needs a light blue key card to open but I don't have it I know why you're here and I can help you but you've got to get me out of here if I recall correctly uh only maintenance workers held the light blue key card so you're going to have to go down to the maintenance room and look there the door there is probably locked as well and I can't open it from here but I do have control over the break room door here I open it for you see if you can find anything useful in there oh the good old drones I lost mine a couple weeks ago maintenance workers used them for all sorts of things like reaching high places and and grabbing things that fell into the abyss and sometimes even Comfort it's good that you have one it might be useful in our little conundrum take a look around and see if you can figure out how to get into the maintenance room I'm unsure if it can be of much help but uh wave at the cameras if you need my insight is [Music] my memory is a little fuzzy but I do remember something about management allowing workers with good scores to punch in later than those with worse scores the better your performance the L you're allowed to punch in this was to encourage workers with lower scores to come ear and perform better naturally this meant that the person with the lowest score would be punching in first to make sure that this was always the the case a a system was set up to only allow the workers to punch in in the perfect order that assumes that nobody's going to be late yeah this system wasn't very well liked [Music] that's [Music] [Music] for [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] is [Music] three birds with one stone I get all of your key cards I get the perfect specimen and I don't have to deal with that thing down there and it's all thanks to you oh come on I didn't eat you that hard or maybe I I did either way it's best you take a nap while I prepare for our little surgery that [Music] [Music] is [Music] for for [Music] sh [Music] [Music] sh sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a for [Music] [Music] is for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quick in here [Music] everyone I want you all to welcome our newest student you're late to class I'll let it slide this time since it's your first day but be late again and I'll rip you to pieces you're a new and unpopular student so you will have to say with with the unpopular table in the middle now sit so we can begin sit okay class so the first lesson of the day is math over the course of the semester you will learn how to annihilate others how to safely extract the human brain for eating and oh wait I made a mistake I think that's lesson four of the day for math over the course of the semester you will learn to add subtract divide multiply and so much more I am so excited before we start let's revise some of the basics what is 68741 23612 plus 9819 39912 and remember wrong answers will be very harshly punished 78566 3524 correct you kids are really paying attention today next question and one that I wrote myself what is 2 + 2 four correct wow I thought everyone would get it wrong all right last question before your lunch break what is misery plus disappointment tlight correct unfortunately that's all the time we have for math for the day go to your lunch break and then we'll start the next lesson when you come back for attention everyone this announcement concludes your lunch break please return to your classes also teachers please keep in mind that we're on the lookout for a very very naughty student believed to be accompanied by a drone if you catch them call principal ban Ban's office immediately hey you didn't see the person they're talking about did you oh what am I saying you're one of the cool kids of course you don't talk to ugly unpopular kids like them take a seat with the cool kids where where you belong okay kids the next lesson is science like we did for Math and since this is the first science lesson of the semester it will only be a review lesson but first let me introduce you to our classroom rules no eating no talking no breathing no moving no asking questions and no washroom breaks remember I will have to punish you very very hard harshly if you break any of those rules back to the review let's start with something easy how hot is the sun nothing's as hot as [Laughter] me I'll allow it but only because it made me laugh and because you're a cool kid I can tell by your very cool glasses next question how many hearts does an octopus have Stinger Flyn correct H that's half right since Stinger Flint is close to an octopus he's a jellyfish but I'll allow it since you're a cool kid normal octopuses have three hearts we humans have one and Stinger FN has um I'm not sure actually but let's move on next question we have five senses sight smell mouth taste touch and correct oh you just made me use my fifth Sense close enough I'll allow it unfortunately that's all the time we have for science for today go on to your second break and then we'll start the next lesson when it's over [Music] attention everyone this announcement concludes your second break please return to your classes oh wow three new kids in one day one unpopular kid yuck one cool kid and one mean kid welcome sit on the table to your left where you belong so we can begin okay kids the next lesson is health and kindness just like we did for math and science it will only be a review lesson let's start with some common knowledge to freshen your stupid brains can anyone here give me an example of an unkind person I will beat you to death correct that is a perfect example good job assuming it wasn't directed at me of course now this time can anyone give me an example of a kind person I will give you immense pain correct exactly giving others things without expecting anything in return is exactly what kindness is this class is going to be great I can feel it wait what was that I wonder if it's a new student no nobody move while I check it out [Music] no not again I actually tried to be a good teacher this time [Music] is [Music] sh for [Music] is [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] where are you hiding [Music] [Music] [Music] I for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] you know on a normal day you'd be standing where I am behind the safety of this glass like you're in a zoo watching some animals speaking of zoos it's all almost assembly time where all the doors open so we must keep this brief look uh I'm sorry I hit you but you got to understand I needed something from you that I could only get to fewer unconscious and I was all out of sedatives if you'd seen me you wouldn't have trusted me I I know it but there was one thing I didn't like to you about and that's me knowing why you're here you're here for your children I too am I'm working towards saving them if you can believe it but someone else has them someone far stronger than you and me both that resides deep in the abyss oh no you've got to go there's an elevator in op pill Bird's walkway take it and we'll talk again down there [Music] you've been a bad student a w [Music] [Music] sh [Music] glad to see you've made it I don't know how you did it but then again you survived the giant elevator crash so I guess I shouldn't be surprised also again I apologize for hitting you over the head in fact it is for this reason that I believe we should not meet face to face you see for whatever reason I'm prone to Violent instincts and I do not trust myself to not give in to them again I have locked myself inside of a surveillance room that way I can help without being in danger to you we are currently on the lowest floor to remain active before everything went AR right there are many floors below us but they've all remained closed and abandoned for quite some time now so just make sure not to fall as for your children I don't know exactly where they're being kept but I know someone who does head to the Aquatic sector that's where he resides [Music] is for [Music] [Music] it just hit me that you need the key card to operate the cable card shouldn't be too hard to find one literally everyone had a copy it's how you get from Station to Station that's [Applause] a [Applause] [Music] for is [Music] [Music] what for [Music] [Music] [Music] you've had a rough day I can tell you diligently waited for the moment you leave this stretched place with your child in hand I can also tell not to undermine your efforts but I fear that moment may never come I cannot let it happen and I will gladly show you why but after I do you take my advice leave this place while you still can erase it from your memory move on and forget any of this ever happened and I promise you tomorrow will be a better day welcome to my home or at least what was supposed to be down in the dark and cold depths of the facility the circumstances force you to do things that are out of your nature when I feel that I'm string too far off my original course I had to the room I found me meditating and to mentally regroup I come to this place and then I am reminded that what I'm fighting for is worth all of this pain and suffering of course none of this is real but it all could be I have never had actual Sunrise touch my skin can you imagine that and I year for the day that they finally do I need the children to achieve that but do not worry I will practice the safest of procedures whatever I decide to do with the adults I will make sure to keep one alive and sane so that the surviving children are delivered to the surface safe and sound and of course to deliver me to where I choose to be oh to live the simple life of a completely brainless jellyfish just munching on shrimp and avoiding getting eaten by Turtles all day you never appreciate how calming it is to have no conscience until you have one I admire your courage so I'm giving you the chance to walk away take it that way you inclose both your life and the chance to see your [Music] child no liver no intestines but most importantly no pancreas you sir need to have more organs what am I supposed to eat when there's nothing to eat guess I'm going to have to look elsewhere [Music] what for [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] what for [Music] d [Music] you are not one of them you are you you need to hide they're coming [Music] for is is is [Music] [Music] sh for [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened to you is one of stinger Flynn's tricks he left for the progressive sector but we have something more important to deal with right now see NAB naab's room it's open now which means he's inside he's on the hunt and it's too dangerous to do anything in this state we have to deal with him luckily I have a solution but you won't like it head to the medical sector and we'll talk there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when nabnab is C it wasn't long before workers started to disappear of course precautions and trading can only get you so far so we had to think of a more permanent solution NAB nalina was that solution we had a theory that na now was as aggressive as he was due to his loneliness we never got to prove this Theory right as the collapse happened during the surgery that's where you come in you'll be carrying out the final steps of set surgery Jenum related procedures are very delicate so I'm going to need you to pay very close attention to these instructions the hard part is already done all you need to do is mix the right concentrations and inject it with it about six times the machine with the droplet symbols is where that's done when it's time the screen will light up with a symbol of the needed concentration for Simplicity the concentrations have been represented by colors mix and achieve the right concentration then collect it in the syringe and give it to nabol the machine with the colored pipes will occasionally shift to the wrong colors and when that happens use the given tongs to revert them all to their normal state of green the buttons on the walls will also malfunction at times when that happens hit any ones that are lit with your drone the excess Jenum that you can find in the room will deplete when anything malfunctions or when a concentration is needed to be delivered the procedure stops if any of the 4 d beds completely and what happens next is never good only the best of us perform jaanian procedures but we don't have much of a choice good luck sh [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] sh [Music] is [Music] k [Music] [Music] I hope that wasn't too hard anyway grab the audio disc and head back to the Aquatic sector and play on the big speaker in the lounge time for a fighter Union for I [Music] [Music] at last he's no longer miserable I'm surprised they both weren't originally members of the mutants below they' certainly fit this is [Music] you have overstayed your welcome here I even made you an offer but guess what accepting it is long overdue don't worry I won't get rid of you or collect you just yet I was never one to abide by waste an old friend needs you a lot more than I do they too are on a path to achieve peace of mind I already have more than enough subjects to move forward with my aspiration and my ultimate mental refinement you just take a little nap while I transfer you to where you're meant to be hey you you're finally awake can't blame you for taking a nap feels like we've been in their scar forever so stinger when are we arriving at this place called Beach I believe we are lost nice you had one job and you messed that up somehow I am struggling to locate the being who asked for your opinion can you at least put some music on since we're going to out here for a while that's what I'm talking about what do you think about this awesome Captain what about you captain okay decent answer can you stop vocalizing for just one second so I can focus on the road what do you mean focus on the road we've been going in circles for hours never trust a jellyfish am I right opila [Music] [Music] if your pathetic mouth utters another infuriate [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] what what what what what what [Music] finally you're waking up I was is getting really bored and that fellow over there isn't much of a talker plus it's scary here that big green guy keeps checking in on us I think he believes we're some sort of dolls we could use that to our advantage to try and Escape he cannot know that we're alive every time we move or change something in the room let's make sure that it's back to the way it was before he checks in on us again this way we can inch our way towards escaping all while he doesn't suspect a thing in other words from his point of view the room must remain unchanged when he's closed the lights change color so run back to your chair when the lights change I don't know where to start though so you give it a try for quick sit down he's coming [Music] [Music] hey come help me solve this equation you're right maybe now isn't the best time for education [Music] is [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] I'm heading back to class and I expect you to be there before the fourth lesson starts trust me you do not want to miss that one children are eagerly awaiting my return so up I go for is [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] three stones with one [Music] Bird Three Stones with one bird behave or get ban ban behave or get ban ban hand over your pancreas three stone stones with one Bird Three Stones with one bird behave or get ban B hand over your pancreas three stones with one verb hand over your pancreas hand over your pancreas three stones with one ver behave or get ban banned behave or get ban baned [Music] [Music] [Music] okay bird riding is a new one I'll give you that what drives you forward so vigorously I refuse to accept that it's your protective parental instincts oh I know someone has given you false hope promised you what you want when all along they had one thing on their mind pancreases at first I was confused by how everything was going perfectly in your favor despite you never being here before and then it hit me someone has to have been guiding you and as with most things I was right you did have help your friend here has helped me tremendously thanks to him I bore witness to very Vital Information what information you ask well when my turn comes I will simply prevent myself from turning into what he turned into [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can run away but the smell of your pancreas will always draw me to you [Music] [Music] stop it you two I [Music] [Music] sh sh [Music] he ch [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] look listen up criminal that whole Act of you being unconscious won't work on me you're a prisoner now you'll do what you're told without any questions understood now your first task is very simple I will ask you yes or no questions and you'll answer them using the buttons on your left and right facing forward the button on your right is a yes and the button on your left is a no question one someone locked up all the criminals in the swamp on the level above was that you you saved a lot of time for someone that needs every minute on their hand so thank you for that that someone shall not be mentioned moving on have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board really I'm surprised you're still in one piece third question have you ever come in contact with a thread shown on the board adds up fourth question have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board I thought so you must have come from the floors above fifth question have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board that that one gives me the creeps sixth question have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board I hope the rest of your answers were as truthful as this one all right grab your belongings from the back and step out of the [Music] room what a waste of time you don't even work here what on Earth are you doing this deep down anyway partner you know what follow me we can talk more inside it's not very safe out here careful here it's not very sturdy Welcome To The [Music] Kingdom it's not up to me to decide what to do with your partner we need to talk to the queen and when we do show respect [Music] [Music] your majesty I've finished interrogating the new captive and how would you rate the fruitfulness of that interrogation on a scale of 1 to 10 zero they don't talk much and I think they came from the surface the surface this a new one did they say what they're doing down here I'm afraid not I think I knew a worried parent can spot another worried parent from a mile away I've heard the screams in the crash from above you're here in search of your child I fear you won't find them most humans have ceased to come down to this floor for quite some time now we can help with getting you back up to the upper floors but allow us to introduce ourselves first I am queen bounia the ruler of the Kingdom this is Sheriff toadster the protector and only other citizen of the Kingdom I apologize on behalf of both myself and the sheriff for the rough reception we've all been a little on edge lately I'm sure you can understand how's the elevator back up doing Sheriff not too well it's missing some crucial Parts three to be exact do you know where these parts are yes your majesty I was previously too occupied to go and collect them the coming hours will be rough for us all but this is not your battle parent Sheriff accompany the parent and go grab the missing parts but your majesty we should be focused on protecting you you win once you two get back with the pots in [Music] hand all right you heard the lady let's head to the station partner you get by too well for someone who doesn't utter a word you know that maybe I should talk less and see where that gets me much of what the queen has said really downplayed our situation we're in trouble a lot of trouble partner the Queen's Jester has gone Rogue no matter what happens he must not make the queen laugh otherwise what's in your pouch escapes and we all die [Music] the three part of the elevator are scattered across three stations which we can get to using this old transport system I believe it's two tickets per router two for me two for you and two for little beak here there should be some scattered around here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all aboard you know I get your confusion partner I really do what's a massive bedal toad with a hat protecting a giant purple kangaroo Queen for after I was thrown down here by your kind like I was trash I was hopess aimless cold and miles away from the promised surface long story short I was found and accepted at my lowest it was then that I declared myself the ultimate protector of the queen it's a Cause worth fighting for good-hearted individuals deserve protection we're here partner let's get this over with the part we need should be in the administration room within the ventilation corridors but it looks like the door's locked [Music] sh [Music] oh what what's happening you stay in there and don't move I'll figure out a way to get the door open hi I'm a hungry snake do you have any food [Laughter] prepare to get Toad these toad Stars never disappoint partner that my friend was the gester I was talking about AKA bitter giggle he now knows we're not at the Kingdom let's grab the part and get out of here wait I know my enemies we're being stalked these vents are interconnected they make perfect traps I'm sure there's a way we can tell which ones are rigged we just need to figure it out [Music] is for sh for sh [Music] that's the part we need from this section let's head back and see if it'll fit is for let's head for the elevator to see if the par fits [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect that's one a three I'll stay here and put everything together for now maybe just hang around the place and talk to the queen when you're ready [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back I hope your journey was worth it and the elev her a little more usable I wanted to let you know how much I respect the things you are doing to get your child back putting your life on the line and fighting forces far more powerful than you like that is just admirable as a token of my respect please accept this blue keyot while not much it is what we consider a symbol of trust I am proud to announce that you are officially a citizen of the Kingdom feel free to stay as much as you like even after you get your child back the kingdom can now proudly announce that it has reached a population of five I say five because a friend of yours showed up while you were away he was in a damaged state so I told him to stay in the infirmary he asked for you so perhaps you could speak with him when when you have time [Music] [Music] is [Music] when the queen mentioned having many visitors in one day I knew it had to be you listen whatever happened to me whatever I tried doing to you just know it wasn't actually me I was forced to obey without much thought I tried communicating with you from afar for a reason now you know the true reason why still I want to make it up to you the queen filled me in on the situation with the elevator I want to help with that I feel much more in control now I'll come help you find the missing pieces of the elevator I just need to rest for a little bit and I'll meet you at whatever that station is yes [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's you don't worry I'm unable to hurt you I'm too weak to do anything by not listening to me and leaving when you had the chance you have made a great mistake finally after managing to keep Josh under control you just had to come around and anger him look where your arrogance got us now a position where neither of us can get to the children this is your fault and nobody else's I meant it when I said I would practice the safest of procedures but regardless I have something I want to show you it sure looks like you need it oh hi you're up again you sure are a sleepy fellow agreed grab some of the vegetable snacks we collected and eat oh they're all finished I already have consumed my share of the nutrients who have gathered while you were in your Slumber me too sorry about [Music] that I have never witnessed kindness coming from a spider before man if dou Josh was here he would have loved those vegetables I am pretty contented he's not greasing us with his irritating presence why do you hate him so much sure he's got some anger issues but overall he's pretty chill we've had our fair share of [Music] altercations hate is one of the two emotions I am unable to control what's the second one [Music] sorrow not again how is any being able to move fast constant sorrow in a world like ours sometimes I feel like we're all just doomed forever we each have our plans and goals but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter nor can it undo the past or previous misery life is too short short to be sad all the time Stinger our lives are end well I don't know what to tell you you know I'm not the best at this stuff maybe nabnab or the captain can [Music] help Captain as expected what's that sound lots of other creatures reside in this ecosystem could be anything yeah but what kind of animal makes that sound help me [Music] [Music] for where have you been I've been waiting for a while the next piece that we need should be at the second station the feeding sector I feel now is a good time to introduce ourselves which we haven't done up to this point if you can believe it I Amman I worked here before everything came crashing down literally and figuratively I can't imagine the stuff you've witnessed down here my co-workers and I should have spoken up sooner perhaps all of this should have been prevented then but then again my co-workers weren't really friends in those last couple of months anyway so would have needed some good planning you ever had those friends that suddenly turn on you for no reason to say mine turned on me would be an understatement they suddenly stopped talking to me they looked at me like I was some sort of monster sometimes I lose my temper sure but it seemed excessive I was and still am confused to say the least we're here let's get going wait get down [Music] that must have been a trap that the sheriff set up earlier poor Josh I can't imagine how confusing this has all been for him that wasn't locked the last time I was here can't be too hard to get it open though right hey [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] wow you just come in here steal what's ours and then leave you humans are all the same thieves with no shame your greed Knows No Limits only controllable for minutes you can have the crown I couldn't care less about that but can I at least have some Applause for my little poem [Music] please don't listen to that guy over there all he cares about are his poems I'll show you something that's actually impressive a magic trick open [Music] sesame I think I earned a round of applause for that for [Music] [Music] is for for [Music] [Music] another door doesn't look like the second one takes a key card though [Music] [Music] before we grab the elevator piece there is something I need to do first I need to hand this impostor over to someone very close to me you do the honors he must have gotten very lonely but I got him a new friend now we wait wait no nabnab we can't let nabnab take him [Music] I tried fixing you so many times but you're just unfixable enough is [Music] enough I can control it I know I can I have a few things I need to do around here you go back without me the elevator part should be around here somewhere oh e for [Music] [Music] [Music] that's two or three great work partner [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back I hope your journey was worth it and the elevator a little more usable we're very close to having it fully fixed I pray for the safety of the children you're looking for when you do find them can I ask for a favor could you try and occasionally come visit it's been so long since we've had a visitor that isn't trying to harm us please do consider my request other than that I don't want to keep you any longer oh also it appears more of your friends have arrived if you'd like to go check on them [Music] this is the first entry to what I will refer to as the toadster archives where all information gathered about criminals will be recorded criminal number one the snail was captured near the front gate of the Kingdom while I was on patrol the snail was captured while hiding in her shell and has remained hidden since it was initially thought to be an empty shell husk until quiet crying Was Heard coming from within the shell all attempts to convince the snail to leave her shell have failed the reason for this extreme distress has not yet been determined but I have a theory this criminal ain't from around here so it's possible that this foreign hostile environment is what's causing this unnatural Behavior more updates soon this is the second entry to the toadster archives criminal number two the teacher was captured near the elevator that goes down from the third floor where a human was also captured earlier unlike the snail the teacher was extremely hostile towards me S a missing student from her class as the reason she's even down here numerous failed attempts to escape were recorded but it appears she's finally given up numerous objects were introduced in an attempt to calm her down with only a few excess bowling pins seeming to do the job the teacher has been sitting in a corner since calming down repeating the sentence I can't be late to herself over and over truly an interesting case this is the third entry to the toadster archives criminals numbers three and four the birds were captured by being lured in their current holding cells their sudden and unannounced appearance within the walls of the Kingdom took me by surprise but they are now safely contained they seem to be very territorial as they did not exhibit any hostile Behavior as long as I kept my distance from their sale it also seems that they were frantically looking for something although I'm not sure what exactly since containment they've remained completely still I think they might be trying to trick me into getting into check on them I'm not falling for that more updates soon this is the fourth entry to the toadster archives criminal number five the green gorilla was captured by Fallen victim to an intricate trap that was designed and set up in the feeding sector by yours truly so far the Green Gorilla has been chained so not too much information has been retrieved so far today we've received seven cases in only a few hours it's very unnatural something up above has happened that's causing these cases to end up down here it hurts seeing familiar faces in this state but I cannot risk my health to help old friends that may have gone mad more updates soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] is [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] on for [Music] [Music] for [Music] like a bun to was zapper I won't lie I thought the dinosaur would finish you off but if traing you will get you out of my way too then who am I to complain i' tell you a very fitting joke but you humans just never seem to get them the closest people to me denied me what I was made to do people who were genetically programmed to laugh at my every joke they cited some end of the world scenario where whatever's in the Queen's pouch escapes if I make her laugh but I'm not buying it I was distraught and I became dead set on making the ultimate jokester but after failing time and time again I realized something I am the ultimate jok there was nobody better to be made even if by me with the sheriff occupi thanks to you reaching the queen will be a piece of cake I will go now because unlike you my path to having my family back has never been clearer [Music] e [Music] your majesty I have finally come to do what I was made for and deliver my jokes this is my best bch yet I command you to leave and not tell any jokes oh no look at what you have done oh they grow up so fast too bad she's about to get completely crushed this is chaos I followed every single one of your orders why won't you give me that satisfaction one last time all I want is to make you laugh but you know what will happen if I laugh I do and I told myself time and time again that some things are more important than laughter but I can't wait anymore I need to make you laugh even if just for a little bit I can't be put aside again I am nothing without a ruler to entertain I am sorry your majesty tell me what did the train conductor say to the kangaroo hop on that was terrible we got to run this entire floor goes down the naughty ones are escaping I've managed to get the elevator to work but only partially it can only go down but right now we have to escape this entire floor to anywhere else the naughty ones are escaping I've managed to get the elevator to work but only partially it can only go down but right now we have to escape this entire Florida anywhere else everything we've worked so hard to build just ruined I've let the other prisoners go but grab this one things he knows will definitely be useful if we make it down there alive we need to find the queen scepter it's the only thing that can stop this madness sh the thought of what could be happening on the floor above terrifies me picture hundreds of angry animals finally escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace and that's to get you and your friends they're captors I'm not going to sugarcoat it we're in big trouble partner we can't stay here long unless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making it easier to digest [Music] that's our ticket out of here [Music] partner follow me I know [Music] a it ain't the prettiest but it should be on o occup at least oh what come on we can't stay in the dark let's head to that lad over there [Music] [Music] pH we should be safe for now man do I not miss this place this is where I took Refuge after being dumped down here by your kind many cold and lonely nights have been spent here once that I wish to forget I was found by the queen and bitter Giggle and a couple of others and was foolish enough to let myself believe that things could get better but here I am back to square one like I told you earlier we need to get the queen scepter as soon as possible it's the one thing that can allow us to recontain the naughty ones and seal the door behind them we had it stored in this room away from anyone that could get to it hoping we would never have to use it again but here we are the door opens by activating four switches scattered across the different sectors on this floor the naughty ones despise the light you should be safe from them as long as to stay in lit spaces the first thing we should do is find a way to safely get to the other sectors let's have a look around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] careful up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey partner you happen to know anything about someone who tricks others and imprisons them this Dame claims someone kidnapped and imprisoned her for some time but she managed to escape I didn't get a good look at them I have a feeling the culprit is incredibly clever and good at what he does and that he's very handsome I didn't say that my God feelings never wrong and something tells me he is very handsome but you came to the right place miss it should be safe here for now my students are my responsibility I can't teach them without a full attendance list the principal would be very mad if I did we ought to find the culprit but let's make sure we're alive to do so first how about you head over to the introduction sector and look for the first switch I'll have Stinger Flynn transported here Mrs Mason you seem to have been through a lot and we need everyone to stay focused I think you should rest for now may we get through this alive [Music] [Music] for for [Music] in [Music] is [Music] are they gone don't worry I I'm not going to hurt you I've done enough damage as it is I know it doesn't make up for what I've done and trying to take you down but I'm sorry I truly am I don't know what came over me I just couldn't hold myself back I knew the consequences well and I still went ahead and said that stupid joke and now the Queen's probably dead because of me I wouldn't blame you if you don't forgive me but I will be very thankful if you do just know that I'll do my best to make up for what I did you're here for the switch for the room where the scepter is right it's in here but it's inside of that Locker I can't figure out what to do is is for [Music] for is [Music] [Music] what are all of these colorful lights for [Music] we got to wait till Whatever video is playing outside in don't say a word hello anybody in there it's your friend ban I need your help he's out already don't even think about opening this door oh no up open up open up open up open up open up the lights are turning back on I think the video is ending it's worse than I thought and it's all because of me we should go back to wherever you came from on the way back I'll think of some jokes that might distract the sheriff from obliterating me on [Music] site for [Music] d d [Music] you have a lot of guts showing up here bitter giggle I should take you out where you stand did you really think that I'd allow you in here and look who it is my partner in fighting crime turns out to be working with our most wanted criminal behind my back I had a bad feeling about you the moment I saw you I wanted to use you as bait for the other criminals but the queen insisted we give you a chance should have gone with my instincts as usual I was right you two should go your fate in here won't be much better than your fate out there with the naughty ones I don't need no Partners I'll find little beak and together we'll rid the world of monsters like you no I'll save you let's get out of [Music] here okay we're safe for now so there's that oh it's you two the du of Destruction didn't you cause all this to happen I did and I plan to make up for it everyone that you care to see you redeem yourself is probably already gone so what's the point how do you even talk jellyfish have no brain we should go turn on the other switches of the door let's head to the potentiality sector next for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d d [Music] come on man we have to get back to together not a chance your jokes are trash you'll have one leg everybody will think you're the joke when you're hopping around like a bunny we must get back together to prevent that oh you make a good points let me think about it for a second never [Music] that's is [Music] [Music] [Music] I will find it the perfect joke I might have lost a leg but it will all be worth it in the end I just have to make sure I don't lose the other one but I must remember absolutely no more jokes about being trapped in a kangaroo's [Music] pouch glad to know you survived the madness happening outside I've seen cases escap containment before but nothing this crazy you're not much of a talker so I'm going to assume you're here for an important an reason you wouldn't risk your life to be here otherwise whatever it is I'll come with [Music] you for this one is opening as [Music] well look at this place it seems really familiar but I'm not sure where I could have ever seen something like this for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch out what is that doing in here hey is that guy over there a friend of yours you can tell him to get down now it's not like we're going to eat his pancreas so you are my liberator did you get my warning you had your chance to escape my mayem leave them alone [Music] [Music] [Music] is e e [Music] [Music] hold up Let's Stay Together my head hurts did you see where sir Dadu went after our Skirmish wait I know this place the switch should be on the office above but getting in there won't be easy we would have to activate the four locks of the door from down here but they need fixing first and they need power I can fix them if there's power but I remember the sheriff rigging the power switch so that it would alert the entire facility to our location if activated it would trigger an alarm which is sure to attract some unwanted guests if you could cover me from above while I fix these switches down here we might just be able to get into that office I'm ready when you are Don't Panic that was expected keep your eyes on the 12 lights around me if they turn red point one of the light Poes at them you can control them if too many turn red without your interference we're done for Eyes On The Ceiling too the light up there needs to be recharged after each use here they come [Music] one down [Music] [Music] Don't Panic that was expected keep your eyes on the 12 lights around me if they turn red point one of the light Poes at them you can control them if too many turn Red without your interference we're done for Eyes On The Ceiling too the light up there needs to be recharged after each use here they come [Music] one down [Music] two more [Music] [Music] one more [Music] [Music] done activate the switch and let's head back I don't want to spend another minute in this place is for hang on we need to talk we've been making great progress so far and it's really getting my spirits up I'm in the mood to tell a joke ready what do you call a Cod that's upset [Music] unhappy did you hear that they laughed last time I told a joke all I heard was yelling d all we need is one more switch and we're good to grab the Seer I guess you could say our day won't be SE terrible for much [Laughter] longer anything happen while we were away nothing it's strange I agree sir dadoo is up to no good nabnab show showed up although I'm not sure if anyone would be happy to hear this he tried some of his usual Shenanigans so I put him in a cage also your big cat friend just walked in here like he knew the place I didn't dare get close to it really I need to go see her she's one of the few that appreciate my jokes tinger Flynn wanted a word feels weird being on the same side again after all that's happened [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanted to let you know that this is all happening because of you never convince yourself otherwise if you hadn't intervened with my plan or the Queens you'd be home on your warm bed I would be free of my shackles and everyone you hurt would not have been hurt and ask yourself this if I wasn't hooked up to pipes that drain me of my Jenum and trunk my size could my original size have aided us in our predicament because of your foolish decisions we are even less likely now to ever get back to the children regardless there's another thing I want to show you it sure looks like you need [Music] it morning sleepy fellow you should have kept sleeping we're still waiting for the bus man I'm so tired quit wh you're not the only one maybe sleep for a bit like ail a bit she's been sleeping for days the boss is here finally ignore that it's not the correct one a man why are we've been doing all of this I don't want to go to the beach anymore I just want to go back we cannot we must get to the beach I will be frank I did not know it would be this difficult to reach our destination if it weren't for your infuriating actions we would not be in this current predicament really Stinger my actions are your non-existent driving skills I think opila can drive better than you and she doesn't even have hands you sure you want to do this again do what again no need to get aggressive actually I think now would be the time that we just go home do you have any idea how to get back from here well no but the captain and I could definitely figure it out right Captain Captain another of us is here no one wants to conversate with a being who less useful than the C3 are sitting G good back here this is the wrong bus too the captain got kidnapped what are we going to do I thinking dab dab we just lost two this wasn't was supposed to happen we need to follow wait is that the correct bus [Music] [Music] we should have the last switch activated I found two of these key cards laying around Van Ben I mean uthman took one and left one for you he saw you taking a nap and decided to head there alone you should be able to catch up with him he gets really just terrible erratic when I call him ban ban do you know why that is [Music] [Music] that d for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brother for e for for [Music] is for [Music] hello giant stop father told us not to talk to strangers but we need help did you see our father around he didn't come by today he has more arms than you more than us as well obviously if you see him please tell him we need him to come back in is [Music] quick stay in the Middle where it can't reach you I was about to set up a trap for that thing but now we got to get you out actually we can do both you're surrounded by an electricity trap but they need a lot of power big batteries is scattered in the tents in the corners have something do as much noise as possible and then make her run for it while it is distracted [Music] [Music] [Music] quick stay in the Middle where it can't reach you I was about to set up a trap for that thing now we got to get you out actually we can do both you're surrounded by an electricity trap but they need a lot of power big batteries is scattered in the tents in the corners have something do as much noise as possible and then make her run for it while it is distracted [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] bird up now head to the lit tents all that area between those two tents should be out of its reach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think it'll fall for the same trick twice but you still need the other battery try and distract it differently even if slightly [Music] [Music] bird up [Music] [Music] [Music] it's activated and the large radius should be covered get the bird to dive one more time [Music] if we get through this we should hire you as a safety trainer I don't know how long we'll be safe for so let's get out of here stay where you are and I'll see what I can do about that big door is [Music] that is not something I want to experience again I'll look for the switch where I am and you look where you are let me see if I can open that exit for [Music] [Music] you go ahead press the thing nothing bad will happen I promise see I told you nothing bad would happen [Music] s [Music] [Music] EX [Music] [Music] is [Music] for e [Music] d d when I couldn't find the switch on my floor I had it back figured I'd get lost trying to find you but you did it we can now put an end to this chaos hold on first I need to do something I don't think you'll have naughty ones to worry about soon [Music] [Music] let's get this over with [Music] didn't think I'd be seeing this room again this soon the surgeon is supposed to be in here protecting the scepter where' he go I doubt he was caught by the naughty ones everything would be in shambles if he was well we can only look for him if we have to set her it seems really simple to just click the eject button are we sure we want to press it no NAB NAB the shepter it's missing a piece that's not good [Music] so this is where the key to BU prison was stored away impressive work all switches activated the big door opened and the treasure ready to be plundered I fear this is the part where i' come in and take all of your heart work for myself I can sense I'm not the only one in this room that's good at this consider it a small part of the payback for what was done to me plus I need to make sure history doesn't repeat itself we had no choice they were going to destroy us all you did have a choice and you chose wrong where are the sheriff and the sergeon surely me coming in here and taking the sior wasn't part of your grand plan man I I don't know where they are I'll tell you they're hiding like the cowards you all are but I'll find them and all will pay seems that scepter is incomplete too are you going to tell me where the missing piece is or am I going to have to eat your pit [Music] Kitty you won't be doing any of that forget what happened between us before you know you've always been my friend but what our friends for if not for times like these [Music] run [Music] I I don't think I can go what what do you mean you wouldn't understand they appreciate my jokes who's day this is my one chance to have an audience and I am going to take it goodbye [Music] [Music] and this is where they realized that everything they have worked so hard for was all for [Music] nothing both of you will be a fine addition to my Army together and under my command we will finish while the queen couldn't I'll hold them off look for the surgeon sure [Music] [Music] a facility-wide code breach has been issued the following media is to be watched by all employees welcome to the employees Survival Guide case 8 the spider keeping your limbs intact is our top priority this is only achievable if you know what to do in the scenario of case 8 breaching containment knowledge is your weapon step one don't be a hero case 8 is stronger faster and more aggressive than you could ever hope to be don't try to fight case eight it won't end well for you and remember you won't look any better for your office Crush as a mangled [Music] mess if you suspect that case age is stalking you locate the nearest surface that you can hide under case AG is highly agile and can attack from any angle including above you if hiding is not an option cause as much noise as possible step three contact the emergency services at the first sign of case 8's presence contact the Reclamation team they will be immediately dispatched to your location step four understand your liabilities the safety of case 8 is important to us if you use lethal Force against Case 8 in self-defense or otherwise you will be obligated to compensate us as per your contract the reclaimation team is trained to handle breaches let them deal with it you are encouraged to work in groups that are no smaller than two employees discovered to have given up their co-workers lives to save theirs will be harshly punished selfishness is the number one enemy of a healthy work environment and with that we conclude this safety guide remember keep a wider eye on the ceiling [Music] [Music] is for [Music] [Applause] sh for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] do you humans ever get easier to look at the limitation s of your bodies disgust me grab me the scissors at this very moment you might think of yourself as unlucky but I am here to tell you that you're actually privileged privileged to be part of my operations you'll die is part of something greater than yourself not of some loser that nobody will remember those aren't the scissors How many why do I have to keep the difference between hammer and scissors you usess waste of resources you think tianium grows on trees you're C me [Music] perfect oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you're in violation of patient rule number one [Music] ah [Music] what [Music] [Music] is you're done for now you slimy patient kill it fine you got me kill it and I'll let you [Applause] go thank you don't worry I'm a surgeon of my word I won't hurt you and not after saving me from your own doing that said the choice to volunteer for me will always be available I implore you to consider the opportunity in any case we have much more important matters to discuss follow me a friend of mine and yours filled me in on most of the action that happened on the floors above they mentioned a nosy human parent being involved sound familiar listen I was trusted with the final piece of the scepter and I did not plan on breaking this crust and to achieve that I need your help look at the destruction around you this was all done with an incomplete scepter in the matter of seconds a full scepter in the hands of D do is the guaranteed death of all of us let's make sure it doesn't come to that and lock might just be on our side I imagine that at this point you're familiar with this green specimen of incredible size and strength drawn on the board it attacked our city a few hours ago most likely because it's either too scared to stay in the dark or because the naughty ones and Sir dedo aren't leaving it alone and how are we lucky that we got attacked you ask my plan just happens to involve recapturing the Green gorilla and using it to fight sir dedo's Army and reclaim the scepter to its rightful owners problem is the Green Gorilla has vanished after the attack and I've been trying to find it since and it's too dumb for dedo's powers to work on it so I'm not too concerned about that it's just a matter of find in this Beast imprisoning it and releasing it when the time is right oh that reminds me I have just a thing for you let's see what my assistance have prepared for us shall we I introduced to you remote 2.0 a name I totally didn't make on the spot take it it's all yours I see a pathetic piece of equipment like your old remote and the tinkerer inside me goes crazy let's put it to the test see that control panel over there that's where you'll go when you need to take control of your drone this new remote will act like a password it'll give you access to the control panels of course you can still use it the oldfashioned way but some situations will require you to view things from a different perspective there's a big button on the opposite side of this wall let's see if you can hit it while you're maneuver your [Music] drone well that wasn't too hard was it it was well too bad that's your problem we better get to find in that Green Gorilla I have no idea what sir D do is planning but something tells me it ain't pretty there's a witness waiting for me on one of the streets and I've got a mess that I got to clean up thanks to you why don't you go talk to them instead I told them I might not come myself anyway and instead send someone so they'll talk to you the city is lit up so it should be safe from the naughty ones you should have seen D do in his prime that guy had ambition and Dedication that I've yet to see contested what your kind has done to him and us it forced him to dedicate all that potential to try and eradicate those that created him now to ease your nerves I don't think he's after you he's after those that betrayed him which includes me if only we weren't such cowards when we were caught and actually stood by him maybe we we would have been [Music] Victorious the scepter was first given to the queen as some meaningless prop to help her settle better into her role you know all those extra features like being able to take control of the brain component of those around you is the work of a very talented surgeon and technician who is uh too humble to name himself when the heart-shaped end of the septer touches a ganum based body the scepter acts as a vessel and transfers and prints a genetic code of the scepter holder into the receiver's brain component this allows these bodies to receive commands only from whoever takes control of it now we don't all have a transferable genetic code but sir Dadu and the queen do wait this is confidential information I cannot tell you anymore our mutual friend told me that sir Dadu escaped because bitter gigle made the queen laugh next time you see him you tell him his jokes suck that's how you really hurt him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is e [Music] [Music] out of all the people that the mayor could have sent he sends you a human what happened to this city he must just be hiring anybody now fine I'll stoop down to your level I've seen what the monster that attacked the city looked like but I don't know where they went I'll draw a picture of them for you if you could just bring me something to draw on a gift from myself to the mayor for all he's done to us this will do this is the best I can do and don't ask for another one I don't draw duplicates not for your kind go to the bar and ask around with this photo they'll have somebody more intelligent than you on the case pathetic oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're what the mayor warned us about you're even more disgusting in reality I can't be seen talking to you didn't you read the signs take your business elsewhere your flesh disgusts me oh [Music] interesting I believe it did you need something interesting the boss will want to talk to you head to the back and I'll have the door open for [Music] you from being the Queen's personal bodyguard to some Bounty Hunter living in an alley what a humiliating downgrade I couldn't save Mrs Mason if you were wondering the naughty once got her I think I'm staring at my worst nightmare a world ruled by criminals and law Breakers while the helpless Heroes hide in fear I would say we're back where we started but it's worse than that for all we know everyone that you don't see around here is either dead or brain dead the mayor has you on that ridiculous plan of using the Green Gorilla against sir dadoo 2o you're on your own on this one it's impossible to pull it off without fake broccoli and I'm all out of fake broccoli we got someone in one of the apartment buildings claiming they have very valuable information about the whereabouts of the Green Gorilla this red key card will give you access to set apartment building wouldn't hurt to see what they got maybe your kind was robbed to transfer me down here when they did I belong in some forgotten alley next to all the garbage and carton boxes ain't any more useful than they are [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] spee um [Music] fore [Music] fore [Music] for foree [Music] I'm still hungry oh I remember you you always hated my jokes ha ha jump I'll catch you I got [Music] you this is not how I imagined I'd be spending my [Music] afternoon quick let's hide inside I don't understand all I asked you was to go talk to a witness in order for us to find the whereabouts of jumbo Josh how did that end up with you running away from a crazy bitter giggle on rooftops go stand in the corner to my left and don't make any noise calm down or I will have to take legal action get [Music] toasted no I didn't mean to it's okay I deserve this despite everything that's going down I can't stop thinking about this one thing taking time off your day to make somebody laugh we don't cherish that nearly enough worst yet I've yet to experience such a euphoric feeling I'm always the one telling jokes and I've yet to have someone tell tell me a joke Sheriff tell me a joke okay I'll try why don't animals eat Chesters cuz they taste funny I don't get it oh wait that's a actually not bad at [Laughter] [Music] all goodbye my friend just leave me alone please oh [Music] foreign for for [Music] Fore fore [Music] can't say I'm happy to see you alive and well that crazy leech cannot turn me into one of his minions but it is still dangerous for me to wander out there I want you to think of the amount of Terror the children would feel at the sight of even just one of these naughty ones these mindless animals that hate nothing more than they hate humans at this point I would not eliminate the possibility that they found where have hit the children it is your actions that have even made this a possibility in the first place it's all your fault regardless there is another thing I want to show you it sure looks like you need [Music] it what's the plan now Stinger I guess the same as always we continue this forsaken Journey to the beach we're in the middle of the air so how exactly are we going to do that I do not know okay sheesh relax it was just a question I apologize I'm just tired of all of this tired of what tired of everything there is no point man what I failed to locate a point in doing any of it and I failed to locate an end in sight what's got into you why are you so negative all of a sudden maybe it's time to abandoned this plan I mean how did we end up flying over a sea of Gan instead of an actual SE okay that's it maybe you should let the captain fly the plane if this is your mentality what are you doing I am finished with your constant battling it is always a mistake to start the conversation with you stay back we're going to [Music] you need to stop are you out of your non-existent time [Music] [Music] spee manoso [Music] [Music] ah fellow appreciator of Fine Art are you what's that you're only here for the caller no I know an appreciator of Fine Art when I see one but something's not right they won't start the play tell you what you help me get the play going and this collar will be yours to take I think it might be that the headlights aren't working could you figure out why [Music] perfect but there's one more thing this is precisely my 56th time watching this play and I feel it could be made a little better it's time to put my own twist on things I'm preparing for the show of a lifetime for that we need some exclusive material the hard part's done now it's a matter of oh wait we got something the delivery is here they should have dropped it off by the main entrance can you go grab it it'll be worth your while I promise you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] collar is yours to take take but you must stay and watch the play with me it's only right that you do a bounty on a friend of mine managed to impale the Green gorilla with a Tracker this proximity collar will beep faster once you're close enough if only the foolish populace this Dreadful City would appreciate these things like you and I I learned from the great aner thems now let us enjoy this play can now commence and it's all thanks to you [Music] this is a story about a man named Jonathan with an S A man so dedicated to uniting two Star Cross lover Birds he was willing to give up everything to see it happen this is the story of Jonathan with an s hey hey jisan I have a gift for you you're going to like it but you have to promise me to take it as far away from here as you possibly can before you open it I love gifts but can you please give me a hint as to what's inside I can it wouldn't be a surprise if I do that I have a gift for you you're going to like it but you have to promise me to take it as far away from here as you possibly can before you open it wait Did I already say that line what was that if this is another one of your tricks jison I'll have you arrested it is is indeed one of my tricks you and everyone else will pay for what you've done to the poor birds of the Town run [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] is is you're just in time for the pop exam if you've attended cost consistently this exam will be a piece of cake the task is very simple all you have to do is match the correct icons on the left screens to the correct icons on the right screens teamwork is everything you are allowed to walk around and discuss the answers with your classmates this is worth a big part of your final grade You' better focus and as usual failing will result in dire consequences begin [Music] [Music] good job full marks on the first part now to the second and the much harder part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] are you cheating somehow your attendance doesn't really match your knowledge on the subject of the exam I'm impressed if there's another teacher in town that's been teaching behind my back you should give me their name after we're done now to the final and hardest part begin [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] great job class everyone gets an A+ C class if you work hard you succeed you may all now take a break and then we'll move on to chemistry in so that's where it leads I sent a team of bounty hunters to check out this building earlier maybe that's why they never came back need I say what needs to be done next as usual all my assistants have proven themselves to be completely useless and now now it is up to us to do their jobs for them the future of everyone and everything is in all six of our hands I'll stand out here and make sure nothing gets in or out sounds like a fair split in the tasks to [Music] me [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] foreign spe spee foreign fore speech [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w wow [Music] he for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for for for for [Music] [Music] [Music] is okay you're still in one piece that must mean you didn't find him but wait what's that you got there is that a Jenum sample he must have gotten hurt trying to flee the darkness well this is even better than actually finding him we can use this to lure him to wherever we want come with me I hate to use my Supreme knowledge about Jenum against me own kind but it is what it is after the facility abandoned the entire previous wave of cases and threw them in the lower levels which included myself they saw another use for me I had four arms equipped with important tools and I would never Tire or get hungry the facility recruited me to participate in just about every facet of their operations one of the cases that came on under me hand was jumbo Josh let's just say that we managed to create a case that behaves like an adult male gorilla more than an actual adult male gorilla he's curious and he's territorial once he senses another gorilla in its proximity he'll come this sample will smell like an entirely different specimen with a few tweaks you see where I'm going plus I've prepared a a little contraption that might also help us with pulling this off sir Dadu won't suspect a thing this is the golden chance we're out here making history and all some of us care about is going to a beach [Music] all right I've laced this scepter piece with the mortified version of the sample you had it's so potent that even the queen can smell it from all the way up there if she's even still capable of smelling ready brace yourself I don't know how this is going to go dado do you win the scepter piece is [Music] yours maybe it was too obvious we meet again old friend last I recall friends didn't imprison each other have every right to be mad at us I would be too but you have to understand that we were forced to do what we did here is what truly happened our plan failed and all of you were too cowardly to face the punishment so you took the easy way out and made me pay a loan for all of us nothing you could say or do will be enough to make up for all of these cold nights I had spent inside of that pouch I can't describe how good it feels to see you all toing in fear of me destroy the old you before it destroys you isn't that what you used to tell us and it worked you gave us all hope when we lost everything you gave us something to fight for now I need you to do the opposite destroy this new you it has This Bitter outlook on life that would have never gotten us this far by turning on each other they WI in you are always a smooth talker s but it's not going to work me I know you have a trap sit up somewhere you don't think I know you and all of your tricks you know what whatever the Trap needy my Army will take care of you anyway I knew it Jenum will be spelled any last words before I command my Army to devour you get in the [Music] Box yeah lad you and your army are about to get knackered [Music] w [Music] [Music] maybe we can negotiate something [Music] no don't eat it [Music] oh good you're up the plan worked but the scepter was destroyed in the process it's better this way if you ask me nobody should have that much power everyone that was brainwashed is back to normal now and corpses are the naughty ones litter the street I don't remember the last time I felt like I wasn't scared for my life this feels good for a change we've been through a lot you should rest and when you wake up we can discuss what we're going to do next [Music] [Music] um why does it look like we can peel that drawing on the wall what's that that drawing on the wall seems like there's something behind me weird I would just leave it alone you two should rest I don't think that's a good idea who knows what could be behind it just leave it alone never play with the devil doctor's Ord [Applause] [Music]
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Keywords: garten of banban, all gartan of banban games, all chapters, all games, full movie, full game, garten of banban 7, chapter 1-7, chapters 1 - 7, guide, walkthrough, review
Id: xZHVShR9Qx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 344min 45sec (20685 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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