Garten of Banban 3 - All Secrets and the Story Explained

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hey guys superhero bro Mike here and in today's video we walk through the story and secrets of Garden of banban chapter 3. so sit back relax and let's return to the bizarre monster infested kindergarten as we try to piece together its mysterious backstory our story continues after the events of Garden of bamban 2 as the protagonist a parent who desperately seeks to locate their missing children within the kindergarten descends further into its depths if you would like a full recap of Prior events check out my story explained videos for garden of bamban 1 and 2. I'll link those at the end of this video the nameless protagonist finds themselves in a research area and heads over to the information kiosk where bamban speaks to them over a tanoi system [Music] glad to see you've made it I don't know how you did it but then again you survived the giant elevator crash so I guess I shouldn't be surprised bamban explains that Wiley is trying to help our character he must do so from afar to prevent his violent instincts from overpowering him this is why bamban attacks our hapless hero in the previous chapter and so bamban now offers to help from the safety of a surveillance room he goes on to explain that this is the lowest remaining flaw to remain active before catastrophe struck at the kindergarten the many floors below now left abandoned banban informs us that he knows someone who may be able to locate the missing children as for your children I don't know exactly where they're being kept but I know someone who does head to the Aquatic sector that's where he resides also in the information kiosk we find a note left by a researcher who mentions that they went to use the bathroom and Upon returning everyone had mysteriously vanished it is suggested their demise was a result of the dangerous a pillar bird who now roams these Halls on the wall of the same room we are introduced to a new mascot of the kindergarten this one known as Queen bounce Celia surely the queen and her pouch full of naughty ones will appear in a future chapter of the game to locate for creature who may be able to help our protagonists locate their missing children they must first repair a nearby skyrail and ride it to the Aquatic sector to do so they must acquire a key card to activate the skyrail one which is acquired by cleaning up a break room by dropping stray crayons into a garbage Chute once the room has been cleared the keycard is dispensed while tidying this room the parent comes across a note which seems to be written by one of their children the child talks of a nice jellyfish who is very strong and carried all the children over to this place though they mentioned that Miss Mason who from previous chapters we know to be one of the head scientists does not like him this suggests that perhaps the jellyfish is not to be trusted key card in hand the parent then rides with skyrail to the Aquatic sector upon their arrival they discover a research report detailing the aforementioned jellyfish subject the jellyfish was created by splicing human and Jellyfish DNA together and then infusing it with a mysterious gervanian substance unlike other experiments before it case 13 the jellyfish rapidly gained a high level of awareness and intelligence after reuniting with the trusty drone and using it to gain access to a key card the parent opens the door leading to the lair of the jellyfish a giant towering experiment based off for kindergarten's popular mascot Stinger Flynn by interacting with a communication kiosk our protagonist awakens the Beast who then urges them to forget this place and leave while they still can leave this place while you still care raises from your memory move on and forget any of this ever happened and I promise you tomorrow will be a better day after this short exchange our protagonist is then stuck inside Flynn's Consciousness waking on a tropical island in the middle of a vast ocean the failed experiments zolpheus previously seen in Chapter 2 Towers above ominously in this place of Tranquility Stinger Flynn reveals that he comes here to escape the horrors of the facility and the Hideous things he has done there unlike a normal jellyfish this test subject has never felt the sun upon his skin nor swam in the cool Blue Waters of the ocean he yearns to one day Escape into the outside world and experience these Sensations Flynn states that he needs for children to do just that but we'll make sure to use the safest of procedures this alluding to some of the children being used in some kind of experiment the remaining children will then be returned to the surface by a single adult one that Flynn will keep alive and sane to complete this task he will also use this Survivor to deliver him to wherever he chooses helping him to escape the kindergarten once and for all after this speech side speech we experience a flashback from the perspective of stinger Flynn a demonic looking version of ban ban stands over him but does not harm Flynn this is because being a jellyfish means he has no internal organs for the Red Devil to harvest Stinger Flynn manages to escape his holding cell and then encounters slow Celine who tells him to hide as they're coming you need to hide they are coming these events suggest that this flashback takes place during the catastrophe that went down at the kindergarten where the living mascots escaped her holding cells and were then hunted by security when our protagonist reawakens they find themselves in a swamp themed room belonging to the elusive mascot Sheriff toadster to escape this room we must round up 10 criminals and deposit them in the jail cell the criminals take the form of buckets with googly eyes after completing this task a music-based Mini-Game is unlocked where we must hop from Spotlight to Spotlight in time with the beat doing so unlocks the exit but before we leave this room there is a secret tape to locate head up to the office and underneath this desk a button can be found press this button to extend a series of platforms that run along the wall opposite Leap Frog up these platforms and you'll find secret tape number one at the very top the footage on this tape is of a toad hopping about in a containment room room this is almost certainly the toad injected with a mixture of GV and human DNA to create a living version of the sheriff toaster mascot a mascot who as of yet remains unseen but is likely to be one of the main characters in chapter 4. there is also a note on the table within the share of toaster room this note discusses case six the devil who is of course banban himself the note details how Bambam was unstable and violent remaining huddled up inside his cell while Whispering about gervanium pancreas Weatherly and uffman Weatherly Mason and Adam uthman were the lead scientists responsible for the inhumane experimentation that went on inside the depths of the facility but it seems banban harbored a personal hatred towards these two as a result of a pain and suffering he endured at their hands after leaving the toadster room the parent re-emerges in the Aquatic sector and is informed by bamban that before they can continue with their Quest they must first deal with a spidery terror NAB NAB he's on the hunt and it's too dangerous to do anything in this state we have to deal with him luckily I have a solution but you won't like it head to the medical sector and we'll talk there and so it's off to the medical sector to find a solution to this latest roadblock on Route we come across another research note once again discussing bam bam it seems in a bid to curtail the red Devil's rebellious Behavior the team injected him with a modified gervanian solution this new form of GV was engineered with the goal of lowering the brain functions of its subject making them easier to control and more docile however the opposite occurred not only did banman go through severe pain and physical changes he also reverted to a more Primal State making him feral and therefore even more of a risk to the staff the parent reaches the medical center and locates a room with a dormant experiment which looks very similar to NAB nap this creature is a female variant known as nabnelina banban explains that if we revive nabnelina by injecting her of a perfectly mixed GV solution then she will join nabnab and cure his loneliness the theory being that by curing said loneliness the blue Menace will become distracted and a laugh of a protagonist to continue exploring the facility safely after mixing up the solution and injecting it into nabnelina a secret room opens containing an audio disc but while turning away from NAB nalina to take this disc the Monstrous creature slinks away bamban explains that we must play the audio on the speaker in the Aquatic Center to reunite the two spiders and complete our task sure enough when we head back to the lounge the two nabnabs unite and happily Scuttle off into the Horizon then suddenly bamban is cut off mid-sentence as we hear a loud noise at last he's no longer miserable I'm surprised they both weren't originally members of the mutants below they'd certainly fit [Music] foreign back to the elevator we are ambushed by Stinger Flynn who rises from the depths to greet our hapless hero don't worry I won't get rid of you or collect you just yet I was never one to abide by ways an old friend who needs you a lot more than I do they too are on a path to achieve peace of mind I already have more than enough subjects to move forward with my aspirations and my ultimate mental refinement Stinger Flynn retracts his offer to allow the poor parent to escape and instead places them under his spell they are to be given to another test subject who needs to find peace of mind a sacrificial offering if you will we return to the Dreamscape and this time a riding in a car across a vast desert with ban ban Captain fidors a pillar bird and Stinger Flynn they are traveling to the beach but seem to be lost Flynn becomes distracted and the car ends up crashing in the aftermath of this crash we transition back to Stinger Flynn's Escape memory this time using his zapping tendrils to complete rhythm-based puzzles eventually finding ourselves in a room full of GV it seems the jellyfish gained increased intellect and size as a result of coming into contact with massive amounts of this mind-altering substance our protagonist then awakens to find themselves trapped in a room with bambalina and a seemingly dead NAB NAB bambalina was snatched away by jumbo Josh during the climactic chase of chapter 2 and it seems she has been held as his prisoner ever since every time we move or change something in the room let's make sure that it's back to the way it was before he checks in on us again this way we can inch our way towards escaping all while he doesn't suspect a thing jumbo Josh periodically checks in to make sure we haven't moved or changed anything in his Lounge to escape we must move various building blocks from room to room using them as stepping stones to access more blocks which can then be used to eventually reach a key card which unlocks the exit the exit leads to a corridor where the holding cells for the various mascots are located bambolina also escapes and heads back toward the surface along the way we find secret tape number two placed in the corner of this hallway this tape contains footage of the apillar birds playground from chapter one we can roughly make out a human character standing over the body of a dead or perhaps unconscious mascot could this be one of the missing children perhaps even the child of a parent we play as or maybe this is the scientist Waverly Mason it's hard to know for sure but let me know what you think in the comments section below after bidding farewell to bambolina who seems to not want to harm us this time round we can access the next Secret by traveling back to the medical wing and then using the jumbo Josh room key card on this previously locked door inside is a note which refers to this room as the prank room there are a series of six buttons each featuring the image of a kindergarten mascot above them we need to press these buttons in the correct sequence the order is revealed to us by scanning the QR codes found on various notes Throughout the chapter each one features an image which when brightened displays a haunting picture of a mascot and a number in the lower corner match the number and mascot up to get the correct sequence which is as follows NAB NAB slow Celine ban ban Sheriff toadsta jumbo Josh and finally bambalina a locker opens and reveals an audio disc and a note the notice from a scientist discussing an experiment they mentioned grew too big and dangerous the scientists feels they have been selfish in their experimentation and created a monstrosity that no school would ever accept this tells us that these mascots were originally created for schools perhaps to be used as some kind of learning lead or Playmates for the children we have of course seen this in Chapter 2 where bambolina acts as a teacher for her class it isn't made clear exactly who the subject of this scientist is discussing actually is with recording in hand click on the speaker system and then head over to the elevator to be greeted by zolpheus who ominously Whispers I am sorry in Spanish it's unclear why they would say this perhaps a mystery best saved for another time back to the main quest our protagonist now heads to the progressive sector and finds that they can use their newly acquired key card to gain entry as we enter this new area we come across another research note for the jellyfish this document explains that the jellyfish was highly intelligent and able to communicate directly with its Human Genome donor through the next door is a room within a pillar bird chick at the far side we cannot approach the baby bird yet or its mother will drop down to attack however we can take the stairs to the right and collect up the final secret tape when viewing this tape we witness a transformation of ban ban following his exposure to the altered form of GV referenced in the note earlier the administration of this GB strain turning him into a ferocious and feral version of the devil with no way to pass through the a pillar bird room our hero heads back into the main room where they must solve a mathematical puzzle on the wall solving this puzzle opens up the adjacent door which leads to a very odd looking audio Contraption known as Mr Kebab man to restore Mr Kebab man to working order the protagonist must find two party hats one for each of its horns and so they continue onward into a hallway with yet another research note the note describes the behavioral habits of the jellyfish and how while it can be dangerous due to its considerable strength and stinging tendrils it is mainly docile the jellyfish only seems to attack when provoked unlike other research subjects such as the devil with this in mind the research team determined that Stinger Flynn is ready for the upcoming kindergarten event bring a friend's day the day the catastrophe took place upon entering the next room we are greeted by a horrifying mascot experiment known as tamataki and kamataki this Fusion of turtle and chameleon attacks by throwing out deadly water balloons while attempting to crush the player with its gigantic elongated lizard tongue in order to defeat this monstrous hybrid the protagonist must attach free explosive Rockets to the creature's tongue kamataki then swallows the Detonator and is blown up causing it to fall from a suspended platform and into the abyss below at the back of a room where the creature once stood we are able to find two hats for the Kebab man in addition to a picture which features the three failed experiments including a mysterious and as of yet unseen creation with the hats now attached to Mr Kebab man we are able to wield the strange audio device towards the a pillar chick room where it can be used to lure the baby bird away from its mommy however before we do so it's time to unlock the chapter's final secret to unlock this final secret position Mr Kebab man beside this locker and then cue up its audio track foreign the door opens and a key card is found inside take this key card all the way back to the Aquatic sector where we first met Stinger Flynn and we are now able to access this previously locked room within this room is a note as well as a large image of tamataki and kamataki and a diagram of the composition of the gervanium cloy the note describes what gervanium actually is and how it works if a test subject receives too many genomes or DNA types it becomes overloaded leading to a particular genome taking priority within the host this resulting in the feral or animalistic Behavior exhibited by certain experiments such as bambans for devil therefore the scientists must carefully balance how many different forms of DNA are mixed within a singular subject in order to create something docile and suitable for use within a kindergarten heading back to the appellichick room our hero sounds off for Kebab man and cause 4 for little bird this causes the mother bird to drop down allowing the protagonist to LEAP onto its back and ride it through the facility where they soon come face to face with a very ticked off Stinger Flynn it is now revealed that stinger Flynn has captured bamban grasping him firmly in one of his tentacles someone has given you false hope promised you what you want when all along they had one thing on their mind pancreases at first I was confused by how everything was going perfectly in your favor despite him never being here before and then it hit me someone has to have been guiding on you Stinger Flynn informs the parents they have been deceived by Bambam he wasn't helping them but rather this entire time the Red Devil simply wanted to collect up as many pancreases as possible Stinger Flynn unleashes ban ban upon the protagonist who alongside the Tata and a pillar Birds flees into the depths of the facility until they reach a dead end it seems All Is Lost as bamban in his mutated form Corners the player and prepares to Chow Down on their delicious organs but just at that moment jumbo Josh emerges from the darkness and the two begin to throw down the Tata bird flies our hero to safety and they watch a stinger Flynn arrives to break up the fight unfortunately for Flynn jumbo Josh is far stronger and slams for jellyfish into the ground vitata birds screeches and flies down to check for survivors during this reprieve the protagonist is able to slink away with the apillar chicken toe the two head for a nearby elevator where a whiteboard displays a cryptic message that reads find the kingdom find the sheriff do not let Jester find you this could be hinting that sheriff toadster is an ally and not an enemy in the upcoming chapter 4. as both the human and the pillar bird ride the elevator down further into the depths of the facility we are left only to pond as to wear the tale of this bizarre kindergarten nightmare may take us next and with that we come to the end of this video and a look at the story and secrets of Garden of bamban chapter 3. I hope you found this video both entertaining and informative and if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 601,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garten of banban, garten of banban 3 story explained, garten of banban chapter 3, garten of banban secrets, garten of banban ending, garten of banban full game, garden of ban ban, garden of banban, garten of banban horror game, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro explained, horror games explained, garten of banban game theory, garten of banban 3 explained, garten of banban chapter 3 all secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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