Garry Kasparov "sacrifices" both bishops

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you hi everyone it's Jerry this is the game between Gary Kasparov playing on the white end against layout sport ish this was from the Knicks ik tournament of 1983 this tournament consisted of 15 players a few former world champions competing mikhail tall Tigran Petrosian and Boris Spassky so let's dive into this round for a game and see what makes it one of the greats Kasparov opening with d4 we have a Queen's Indian defense and this little move a3 designed to preserve the knight and ultimately throw a punch at the Queen Bishop may sound odd but there is this idea to play d5 and then e for next and the bishop is effectively biting on a rock so black sees this playing d5 himself C takes black is recapturing with a peacekeeping open the long diagonal White has a central majority but cannot yet set it into motion that would drop upon Knight takes B takes white and starts a check ultimately the bishop will be best placed on d3 but why not throw in this check and see if you can provoke a poor move there's only one good reply here and it's the game move c6 doing otherwise a night block allows light to pounce and if the bishop goes to c6 white can say AHA you're C pawn can't move to c5 so easily you'll have to waste some time so c6 Bishop d3 and only then c5 so in the end we basically have a position that we would have had if the bishop went to d3 straight away castles knight c6 for the moment this diagonal is not opened but yeah his eyes will be opened up soon enough Queen d2 group to d1 the Queen gets out of the line of fire and here we go y can go forward with E for setting the central majority into motion or another option Bob tries c-form this is white is welcome to a hanging pawn structure with this advance that's what we have soon enough and right now white is just one moment away from having this bishop see the heart of the kingside structure directly I want to draw some attention to this because if you're playing on the black side you may already be saying to yourself you know what that Bishop on b2 is going to be really strong maybe I should look to offset him by playing Bishop to f6 this would be faulty let's see why if Bishop to f6 white would have d5 Bishop takes Bishop loses a piece to pawn takes Knight and if Knight to e5 White has this little tactic capturing on h7 and then recapturing White's up upon so in short you cannot look to negate the Bishop on b2 with Bishop to f6 at this moment in the game C takes d4 eat aches and light has now the hanging pawn structure a-five clears the way the bishops way and major pieces way c4 is now a focal point struck at multiple times three times only defended twice white ignores this though pressing forward with d5 opening this guy's eyes up and you know you can't take on c4 there's a some issue with that in the game we had e takes d5 taking on c4 allows Queen 2e for provoking g6 and then Queen to e5 looking for mate light is in the driver's seat from here so in the game it was it takes d5 C takes d5 Bishop takes d5 and now the first of two Bishop sacrifices snipping on h7 not a true sacrifice as you are getting that material right back rook takes Bishop King to g8 and yeah that's sensible because you're just on a completely open dog and I'll multiple checks are in the air all right the four different checks five different ones not that Queen to c2 is the greatest you get the idea the King does better on g8 playing to c2 allows Queen to e5 and this is a big issue for black threatening mate Queen to h5 ideas so King do it King to g8 is played and now we have the second of two sacrifices Bishop takes g7 a double bishop sac and King to G's can takes bishop of course what was interesting to me is learning that Kasparov did not consider Bishop takes GC g7 as a sacrifice he viewed it as an exchange of pieces he saw the g7 pawn in other words as extremely valuable to black without it the king the black king is forever without a home with the Queen still on the board you can be sure that the black King will be in trouble moreover if we consider after this sacrifice the night positions whose night stands better it's clearly White's night who next placed into e5 the night is far away from the action that's what we have Knight to e5 paving the way for potentially rook d7 move and also Queen to g4 recon recon f2 da displayed challenging the rook and opening up a new square for the king queen g4 King f8 white is now inching a little bit closer to the king threatening made on f7 black defends with f6 defending with Bishop to d6 gives up the f6 square to the Queen white would be able to inch one step closer multiple ideas in mind Queen to h8 Knight to g6 with Queen to h8 ideas and if Bishop takes Knight how are you defending the main threat Queen 2h a or even the idea of swinging the rook in 2h a you're not best is to give up your Queen at that point so Bishop to d6 was not played f6 Knight to d7 follows this knight must be captured and is with rook takes Knight if the King tries to run he is going to run into some serious trouble going towards the center and that's a nice little mate so he's intolerable is the short story rook takes Knight rook takes rook and black says can we have a queen exchange White says no way your King is much more weak Queen h7 rip to c7 and now we have a very important moment in the game actually and I'll throw a little pop quiz to you what would you play as white in this position if you'd like to go ahead pause the video like to move what would you do okay white plays the move Queen to h8 this is an extremely important move because you know if you want to keep this rook around and play into d3 instead there's a big issue with this move okay what's the issue here's another pop quiz if you'd like what would black do if you played the move rook to d3 here okay black would have this wonderful tactic of capturing on f2 it's impressive move if rook takes Queen that's going to run into me the tides turn and Queen after a rip to d3 Queen TAFE the Queen takes f2 if the King takes now we have this check and then rook takes Queen and black is out of the woods the game continues but this imbalance but yeah without the Queen's on the board blacks king isn't shaking so much so you have to anticipate this little tactical shot and first play Queen to h8 get the Queen out of the line of fire and only then player rook to d3 so it's easy to get caught up into this attack attack attack which is what White has been doing since move what seems like move 17 move 19 yeah you have to anticipate your opponent's threats there and there was a that was that would have been a really that would have been a cold shower for sure following up we have Knight to c4 productive d1 getting the last piece involved and Knight to e5 and black should not be thinking about winning material this is not working going here runs into mate going here will be running into mate soon enough to block in a few different ways but who cares rook to d8 next is mate and so what else if here you could give checks okay in short this night should not be looking to grant material Knight to e5 hoping to secure some key squares around the King hoping to defend little punches thrown but now this game finishes up very nicely with a little King walk to finish queen h7 dropping back to these squares results into that same tactical sequence I already highlighted so the game of King e6 Queen g8 King f5 g4 if Knight takes pawn rook F 3 and then Queen takes Knight leading to mate eventually here here matin - right around the corner the game move King to f4 rook to d4 King to f3 and one last move Queen to b3 and the black King has had enough black throwing in the towel at this point no good move here if queen block we would have check check and checkmate but that's as far as it went a nice little King walk here to end double bishops sack a little King walk to end this one and yeah a really nice finish for sure very very direct play so as usual feel free to leave any feedback to this video in the comment section below and I'll catch you soon that's all for now take care bye you
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 847,447
Rating: 4.8862796 out of 5
Keywords: garry kasparov, kasparov vs portisch, kasparov vs portisch 1983, garry kasparov vs lajos portisch, garry kasparov chess, best chess player, best chess games, kasparov's double bishop sacrifice, best chess player in the world, best chess player of all time, best chess player in history, garry kimovich kasparov, kasparov chess, kasparov chess games, lajos portisch, lajos portisch chess games, king walk chess, chess king walks, chess, chessnetwork, chess network
Id: gIR65Mz8mHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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