Chess Traps: Halosar Trap

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hey everyone this is Kevin from the test website comm and today we're going to be going over a cool little trap the Hollister trap and it derives from the blackmart Deemer gambit in the black barty myrrh game it starts out with pawn to d4 pawn to d5 these are the main lines it can transpose a few different ways but pawn to e4 offering up this gambit on e4 from here blacks gonna take on e4 and whites gonna play a development move Knight to c3 and at the same time attacking this pawn on e4 Black's gonna respond with his own development move Knight to f6 I always wanted to belk your Knights to the center at the same time trying to defend this pawn on e4 now why it's gonna continue the main line with pawn to f3 weaken is weakening his King side so more than likely he's gonna castle on the Queen side from here blasts gonna take on f3 and White's gonna offer up the Ryder gambit with Queen takes on f3 and this allows the Queen to come to d4 now white is down two pawns in material but black may fall into a very familiar trap that we're gonna take a look at the hollister trap this is actually a very aggressive and very good line for white because he has a lot of attacking potential from here White's gonna play Bishop to e3 and the Queen has to go somewhere and a lot of times if a black player hasn't played this too often he'll play Queen to b4 thinking that the white would like to castle on the king stop excuse me on the Queen side and he already knows that we can't play rook to be one to defend this B to pawn because we want to cap on the Queen side and we won't play pawn to b3 the fin because we'll lose our knight on c3 and so he knows that if we castle on the Queen side then he can bring his Bishop to g4 pinning down our queen to the our rook on the one and blacks gonna just continue to mount up more and more material since he already has a to pawn advantage a lot of times if he can trade off this rook for his Bishop that's gonna be ample material for him to win the game pretty easy but this is actually the trap that we want him to fall into after he plays his Queen to b4 we're gonna continue with our playing castle on the Queen side and remember we want to castle on the Queen side one for King safety but at the same time more importantly we want to bring her knight excuse me our rook to d1 we really want this full D open file to be open for a rook cuz it's gonna open a lot of attacking lines for our rook and this King can't move as we attack the King the entire game it's gonna be really hard for him to develop his pawn and it's really gonna be hard for him to move his dark squared bishop so as long as we can attack this King he can't move on this D file which is really what we want so as long as we can start to attack the King it's gonna be very hard for him to not lose the game so from here we'll continue more times than not if he does play Queen to b4 he's gonna play Bishop to g4 and from here we don't care that our queen is being attacked instead we are going to play Knight to b5 and this is a brilliant move here if he were to be a moron and take our Queen here then he's gonna lose the game with Knight takes on c7 and this is checkmate there's no way for his knight to go and he can't take this knight here his King can't move because our rook here on d1 is attacking so he can't do that and there's a few other options that you may see keep in mind at the same time we are attacking his queen so he's gonna have to do something there's a few things that you may see one of the most common is you may see Knight to a six and what this does is it defends this pawn on c7 but from here we can bring our Queen and take on b7 right away and at the same time we are still attacking this pawn on c7 so if he tries something fancy we can come here take on at c7 and at the same time we have a discovered attack on the Queen on b4 so it's being defended right now by the the knight on a six but that night on a six is going to have to take our knight on c7 or is gonna lose the game so from them we can easily take its Queen so from here you may see the Queen come to e4 and this is a very important move because keep in mind at the same time not only are we attacking this c7 pawn but we're also attacking this rook on a eight and he can't move his rook to c8 because from here we can take this knight on a six we have a completely winning game he can't he would like to take our rook on d1 but he can't do this because now we can take his rook on c8 and that's a good game for black so a lot of the things that black would like to do he can't do that and since we've already taken his knight here on a six all his opportunities are falling out the window so c8 for his rook is going to be a bad move his best move excuse me after b7 is to try last attempt with Queen to e4 and what this does he's trying to trade off Queens here trying to somehow not lose this game at the same time trying to defend his rook on a a from here though we can just take the knight on a6 and from here he can take our Bishop on e3 which is it looks on the surface like it's okay for black we are now going to bring our queen excuse me our King to be won and now the Queen's gonna bring his blacks gonna bring his queen to c5 and from here we're going to either develop our Knight to f3 or if you want to play an even more aggressive move you can play Queen to b7 as you can see here White has a lot of attacking moves he's attacking this rook on a8 and at the same time he's double attacking this pawn on c7 and there's a lot that black really has to look at and there's not much that he can do here from here if he takes our rook on d1 then we can take his rook on AAA and pretty much he lost the game good game black here if he moves his Queen to d7 here we can now bring our knight back to c3 we're gonna have a pretty easy game from here on out we can start to develop our minor pieces and bring our other rook into the action as you can see here the material is about even he's up one pondan material but as you can tell our pieces are a lot more active and as king is wide open in the very middle of the game so this is gonna be a very good game for white and this is if he plays perfectly if he falls into that trap early on and plays his Bishop to g4 trying to pin down our Queen it's gonna be very hard for him to do anything but lose the game there are a few other options that you may see in the game a lot of times we'll go ahead and get into it again after we bring to f3 and he takes and we bring our Bishop to e3 and we castle on the queenside he brings his bishop down if we bring our knight to b5 a lot of times you'll see him right away try to get his pawn out of the way and try to give his King a little bit of room so you may see pawn to e5 which is a noble attempt but from here we can come in and play our Knight to c7 attacking the King and as we already talked about he can't move down this D file because of our rook this rook on d1 is so important the entire game because it really minimizes where the King can go now from here the only move that black has is King to e7 and from here we can just bring our Queen to b7 and we're already attacking this rook on a 8 there's nothing that black can do to prevent us from taking this and we're just going to continue you up in the material his King is out in the open we're just gonna continue to gobble up pieces if he tries to last-ditch effort and takes our Queen on b7 then we can bring our Bishop to c5 checkmate there's no way for him to go and this would be a pretty awesome way I think to win the game because he has so many these pieces but there's nothing he can do he can't take our bishop and he can't move because of our Knight and he can't move on this d5 because of our rook so keep this in mind if you do play it another thing you do want to take a look at is if he doesn't fall into the trap anytime you do play a trap you want to be aware that he may not fall into it so if we continue along the lines of the trap and he takes on f3 and we do play f3 with our queen and he does come down and capture with his queen after we play with Bishop to e3 the best move that he can do is Queen to g4 not putting his Queen on b4 trying to attack this pawn at the same time working and continue castle on the Queen side remember this is important with this trap we're giving up this pawn on d4 early on so that our rook can nicely sit here on the deef I'll just aim down the attacks on the black King now from here if we take a look at it if black were to capture on f3 and we recapture with our Knight now white is down to pawns in material but at the same time we have a lot of attacking ideas if you just look at the setup here Black has one Knight developed to f6 we have both of our Knights developed to the center we have a bishop developed we have our King side safety castled on the Queen side and we have a rook nicely aligned on the D file so although we're down to pawns and material we have a lot of aggressive lines and this is going to be a very good and fun game for white as he can use his creativity to put a lot of attacks on the black King and the black King is gonna be running around the game instead of developing like normal if white plays it correctly so these are some of the things you want to take a look at when you play the Hollister trap if he does fall for it which you'll see a lot of times you have a devastating attack but even if he does it you still have a lot of attacking lines and it's gonna be a very aggressive aggressive play from you so keep this in mind play this let me know how it goes I've had a lot of fun with it Experion experimenting with it so let me know how you guys do with it as well if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel and let me know what you guys think if you haven't checked out the website the chess website calm pretty easy and thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: thechesswebsite
Views: 1,595,317
Rating: 4.8474407 out of 5
Keywords: chess traps, Halosar trap, blackmar diemer gambit, ryder gambit
Id: 6Vhu9qDkkws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2010
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