Garmin 430W LPV Approach -- WAAS Training Program from Sporty's Pilot Shop

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next we are going to fly an approach that truly shows how wasps improves instrument approach operations the RNA of GPS to nine in Hamilton Ohio has four different minima lines listed these are dependent on how you want to fly the approach the lower two circling and L nav minima are based on flying the approach using step-down fixes for the descent the upper two minima refer to types of approaches with vertical guidance or a PV ideally we would always fly the LP V approach if wasps coverage permits since it provides an electronic light path and typically the lowest minima for an R Neve approach it's possible at some airports that an LP V approach may not always be available due to wasps outages when flight planning look for a W symbol at the top of an R Neve approach chart this indicates the outage of wasps vertical guidance may occur daily at this location due to initial system limitations accordingly the FAA will not publish wasps outage no times at these locations when flying to airports without the W symbol check for wasps totems during pre flight preparation this is especially important if an LP V approaches your only option due to weather now back to the LP V approach at Hamilton we first press the procedure button and select the RNAV runway 2/9 approach from the list since we are in a radar environment and Cincinnati approach advise to expect vectors we select that option as the entry method and activated notice that the flight mode Annunciation indicates LP v meaning that the 430 w is ready to fly this type of RNAV approach we have been vectored on to the final approach course a critical time to pay attention to the flight mode Annunciation when 60 seconds from the final approach fix Holger on this approach the 430 W will perform GPS position integrity checks to ensure all parameters are within limits if everything checks out LP v will continue to be displayed and highlighted in green if for some reason the required integrity is not available to generate an electronic light path the system will downgrade the approach to L nav and display the message approach downgraded use l nav minima it's okay to continue the approach at this point however you'll fly the procedure like a traditional GPS l never approach using the respective minima assuming that all indications and integrity evaluations are normal the glide path will come alive near the final approach fix after intercepting the glide path fly the approach like an ILS remember the lateral course sensitivity will increase steadily as you near the runway just like a localizer the missed approach point is identified by reaching the decision altitude on glide path if when arriving at the DA you have the required visibility and runway environment in sight you should follow the glide path down to the runway if the runway is not in sight at the decision altitude you must initiate the missed approach immediately do not continue looking for the runway at the published decision altitude it's not at MDA press the OBS button on the GPS and execute the missed approach you
Channel: Sporty's Pilot Shop
Views: 146,338
Rating: 4.9082217 out of 5
Keywords: Sporty's, Sportys, Aviation, Flying, Airplane, GPS, Garmin, 430, WAAS, Approach, IFR, Cirrus, Cessna, Instrument, space, satellite, LPV, LNAV, VNAV
Id: kRQT9eybjao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2010
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