Garmin 430/530 - Free Training Video - KSEE RNAV 17 Approach

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in this free sample of our garment for 3530 approach app is in all of our products we use real HD in-flight video and show you how to conduct approaches in actual real life IFR we keep simulation and animation to a minimum so you can watch the video take the quiz then fly the real thing in the airplane we don't use any fillers that waste your time just what you need to do and how to do it we've created two separate 45-minute garmin apps so visit our website at flight training apps comm for more information we are now going to demonstrate flying to approaches that have only lateral guidance in other words no glide slope the first will be the Gillespie RNAV GPS 1:7 and the second will be the Oceanside vor alpha one of the other great airports in the San Diego area is Gillespie field just east of Montgomery field we are approaching from the north and have requested the RNAV GPS 1 7 2 s EE which has only lateral navigation minimums expressed as L nav MDA or minimum descent altitude when we look at the profile section we can see that there are three step downs before arriving at the minimum descent altitude after a 6 e the intermediate fix we have now been cleared to the intermediate fix a 6e which as we will see presents a situation where we have not been cleared to the initial approach fix we will select SCE from the nearest group press direct enter enter then press the proc key and select the Arnav one 7 approach then we are presented with only a choice of Robin or vectors a 6e is not an initial approach fix and therefore it will not be listed as one of the choices when we load and activate this approach in this case we don't want either vectors or Robin since we haven't cleared direct to a 6e we simply select Robin the initial approach fix and press enter then we can see all of the approach waypoints scroll down to a 6e press direct enter enter to provide the desired track to a 6e we are not intercepting the leg from Robin to a 6e but simply flying direct to a 6e and beginning the approach from there later we will discuss and show how to highlight and intercept the leg when this becomes necessary from a 6e the intermediate fix to the final approach fix Jugal we are on the intermediate segment of the approach which provides only a minimum of 500 feet obstacle protection we are now approaching a 6e and the GPS will indicate when it is time to turn to a new desired track by counting down from 10 seconds then indicating turn now it does this for all approaches again the technique is to align the airplanes track with the desired track with the CDI centered and use the heading bug to maintain the heading that we know is correct on the Garmin 430 the main navigation screen will look like this with the desired track dtk shown here and the track Trk shown here also notice that on this approach like many lateral only gps approaches have L nav plus V enunciated this means the approach is a lateral only approach however the V means that an advisory glide slope is provided as we see here however the key word is advisory if the glide slope were followed the advisory glide slope is designed so that you would not go below any of the published minimum step-down altitudes however this is only true if the glide slope were followed precisely and you did not allow the aircraft to descend below it the best way to fly the LM plus B approach is to treat the glide slope like it wasn't there and fly it as we would any step-down approach by simply descending to the next step down altitude at a rate of approximately a thousand feet per minute if we use this procedure when we arrive at the last step down altitude before the missed approach point we will have time to look for the runway and decide if there is the required visibility to land here we are reducing power at the beginning of the last step down and finally arrived at the missed approach point of high rack at which point we will begin our missed approach procedure we see the GPS go into suspend here and because ATC directed us to follow vectors to our next approach we will not fly the missed approach procedure
Channel: FlightTrainingApps
Views: 154,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garmin, GNS, 430, 530, Approach, LNAV, VNAV, LPV, ILS, VOR, Holds, IFR, Checklists, plates, Landing, Gratis, free, training, CFI, CFII
Id: D_p9HJWdwR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2011
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