Garmin 400 430 IFR - Proc Button Gotchas

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hey Peter a couple months ago I was doing a flight in the Cirrus sr22 you know what the two gorman for 30s in it and I got bit by an interesting pickle what was it I was doing a quick eye for flight from Burbank to Santa Monica and the tower assigned me a very simple IFR Clarence fly runway heading for radar vectors to the vor alpha approach over at Santa Monica I loaded it up tax it on out to runway one-five and when I get down to the runway the tower calls me back and says I have a new clearance for you you're now cleared to Santa Monica via the ELMO five departure so I go into the Garmin load up the departure choose the runway runway one-five and when I go to do my flight instruments can check I noticed that my desire track for the departure is completely wrong it takes me the better part of five minutes to first one figure out the problem and two how do you fix it let's show you what happened so let's paint the picture on what happened here so first of all I'm trying to do the vor alpha approach right into Santa Monica and I'm here at Burbank just trying to go five minutes down the road to Santa Monica so when I come on in and load the vor Alf approach into the Garmin it essentially starts at Elmo right and it goes up to Dartz and then on it on the final approach course into Santa Monica and I'm expecting to take off just simply get radar vectors onto the final approach course so let's go on in here and load up the Garmin so here's my flight plan with KB you are in it I'm gonna hit the procedure button select the approach I'm gonna hit the Clear button or turn the FMS cursor off move up to the top and now just change the airport name from Burbank to Santa Monica and once I have Santa Monica entered in I'm gonna press enter there's only one approach at Santa Monica so I'm just gonna simply choose Elmo as my transition and I'm gonna load it and like any good IFR pilot I simply turn on my FMS cursor and I step through all the waypoints looking for errors Cole the Santa Monica Santa fifteen Sadie and the hold now as we work through this example Massey I'm we're gonna pay special attention to desired track in this case will note L mu is a fix to fix Waypoint with a desired track of 101 that's about what we expect so noted so now we take a look at the ELMO v departure because remember when i got down to runway one-five the tower called me up and said I have a new clearance for you you're now clear to Santa Monica via the ELMO v departure the rest of your clearance remains the same and as we look here at the CID for runway one-five it says it's a left-hand turn heading one one zero to intercept the van I zero nine five radial out to Omo simple enough right so here's what happens when I combined the CID and the approach there's the zero nine five radial taking me to elmo / the CID but remember the approach also starts at Elmo goes back to darts and then into the airport it's kind of like we have this flight plan collision all occurring at Elmo but I'm still expecting to take off on the SID and immediately be given radar vectors onto the final approach course so now I come on into my Garmin and I load up the SID so select departure press enter choose the elmo v press enter I choose runway one-five and I press ENTER to load it up and again I turn my FMS cursor on and I go to the top looking for any problems and here's where we start to see an inkling of a problem elmo is now a course to fix waypoint with the desired track of 103 and that's not what we expect right so that's definitely not good so I went to my map here and looked at it and said well that picture doesn't look right because if I take a look at what the SID looks like right there's the zero-nine-five radio coming out of the van nuys vor taking me to Elmo you can see on the right hand side there the map doesn't look like the same depiction on the SID plate and notice I got a desire track of 1 0 3 so I tried to fix it I figured well look if I'm having a flight plan : with the ELMO intersection let me come on in here and try to delete the approach out and see if that fixes it so I came on in hit the clear button after highlighting the approach name turn my cursor on and here's what I got yeah Elmo's still a course to fix Waypoint with 103 so that didn't quite do it did it no it did not so I figured why all right let me go for step number two and I figured it's trying to fix it on number two let me try to activate the leg on Elmo and I figured that's definitely gonna fix it right you would think but huh no Elmo's now just a fixer fix Waypoint with the desired track of 103 so it didn't still didn't do it and up so we're definitely not hitting a homerun here so folks here's the point order matters here so when you come on into Burbank I'm gonna actually load up the departure ELMO 5 and notice I've got a desire track of 0 9 7 right well that's what I should have now I'm simply just going to come on in after I've loaded the departure first and load the approach over at Santa Monica I'll simply change the name over to Santa Monica choose Elmo as my transition and load it up and now again when I turn my cursor on there's the departure and note I have the correct desire track of 0 9 7 you can see there's the correct depiction so I have a warning for you and the warning is you need to check that you get to correct desired track notice on the left here when I load the approach first and then the departure I got a desired track of 1 0 3 but on the right when I loaded the departure and then the approach I got to desire track of 0 9 7 you know there's a quick aside some people ask me here why is it that the database gave me 0 9 7 when the chart said 0 9 or 5 technical answer is there's a little bit of a difference between the way GPS computes magnetic variation look if you're within a couple degrees that's close enough for government work you're good to go I always found that quite State this segment is a perfect example of why you really need to be methodical when it comes to avionics even for guys like us that know this stuff really well and teach it we can still get bit I agree the great thing is there are things you can do to catch that unexpected curveball so here are the pro tips pro tip number one is if the automation gets in your way you need to just abandon it so here we are again with the approach loaded up into Santa Monica with the wrong desire track so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use OBS OBS I like to say stands for other bearings and suspend and I'm just simply once I'm in OBS mo gonna turn my course knob to the correct desire track of zero nine seven and notice when I turn OBS off it gives me zero nine six and like Peter said hey that's close enough for government work but I know what you're thinking you're probably sitting at home going oh come on this is one of those rare examples right that I'm barely ever gonna see well you know what folks we actually see this all the time all the time that you get the wrong desire track in fact we see it so often it actually ends up being pro tip number two do not blindly trust the desire track and to prove that to you we're gonna switch gears and go to a different Airport and give you an entirely different scenario altogether so now we're in Phoenix Arizona at Deer Valley Airport and the Deer Valley one departure the Deer Valley one departure four runways zero seven left and right says it's a climbing left-hand turn via the Phoenix 336 radial Northwest bound to 4,000 feet so the key thing up plucking out of this line here is the three three six is the desire track I'm supposed to be looking for and then this it says once you reach 4,000 feet it's a climbing left-hand turn back to the Phoenix vor so let's take a look at it here on the Garmin if I go to my flight plan notice deer valleys my first Waypoint I hit the procedure button select the departure I choose runway zero seven right load and now like remember like any good IFR pile I'm going to turn my FMS cursor on and walk through the waypoints but you can see as I come back here I've got a problem right Peter yeah desired track of 146 is not what we were looking for and in fact that takes us south east direct down of the Phoenix vor and if I recall correctly there's terrain in that direction there absolutely is so you can see right here I've got this desire track of one four six but remember the whole point is you never blindly trust your desired track I'm supposed to be looking for a desired track of 336 well guess what folks that's this Waypoint here the course to altitude fix the 4,000 feet note the desired track is 337 that's what I'm supposed to have and then for this climbing left-hand turn direct to the Phoenix vor that's this waypoint down here now an interesting thing here is the desire track and distance are empty in the flight plan and what that means is when this becomes the active Waypoint the garments basically going to take you direct to it so let's show you how I came on into the Garmin to fix this so I simply turned my FMS cursor on I moved down to the course to altitude fix of 4,000 feet and then I hit menu to activate leg and notice now that when I activated the leg I've got this beautiful magenta line from pxr to 4,000 feet and as I start to fly the departure notice I've got the correct desired track of three three seven so as we're getting airborne now on the SID I'm getting established on the Phoenix 336 radio note the course to altitude fix the 4,000 feet skips ahead of me well that's what I want notice the Garmin is in suspend mode it's the garments way of saying hey listen I'm gonna suspend Waypoint sequencing till you tell me that you've reached 4,000 feet and then when I reach 4,000 feet I push the OBS button that releases suspend and gives me a desired track back direct to the Phoenix vor that's what I want that's how the CID is supposed to be flown pro tip number three is stand check the fight instruments and this is how I caught my problem on the ground at Burbank so when I do my flight instruments can check I start from the top and I go left to right top to bottom I checked my flight mode annunciators then I go to my airspeed my altitude my vertical speed indicator and then I come down here to the line select Kies and I do each one of these methodically Navis set the GPS one KB IDI desire track of zero five zero that's the key point here four point two nautical miles and remember this is where I'm looking for the Garmin to give me the wrong desire track then I move on to the bearing then I move on to the aux heading altitude vertical speed and my barrel which is set two to nine or nine or two you know Massey I gotta tell you when I was a young instrument pilot there are a few times I had to fix some things in the air shortly after takeoff and that was not a good feeling to have but now that I do a more disciplined flight instruments can check those problems have gone away yeah so the flight instruments can check needs to be done before you take off IFR and I don't care if you do it in your before taxi checklist like we typically do on jets or if you're in a single-engine GA aircraft and you do it in your before takeoff checklist the bottom line is you need to do your fight instruments can check so the pro tips again is pro tip number one if the automation gets in your way you need to abandon it and make sure you don't blindly trust that desired track and be sure you always do a methodical scan check of the flight instruments you
Channel: FlyingLikeThePros
Views: 23,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garmin 430, Garmin 400, Garmin 500, Garmin 530
Id: 1x9t6baaRhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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