Garmin430 530 Intro Class

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the pilot safety Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing general aviation accidents by providing free and low-cost safety classes our speaker today is Gary Reeves gary has over 5,000 hours he's an ATP a master CFI double I and Mei Gary is also an expert in Garmin avionics and for flight he has instructed over 200 students and as a young Eagles flight leader he's also the 2014 Long Beach district instructor of the year an FAA safety team member of the year there are 97 thousand flight instructors in the US less than 800 have ever been named master instructor California only has 14 and now please welcome from Big Bear California Gary Reeves welcome everybody to that Garmin 4:30 5:30 introduction video it's gonna be about an hour long it's a free video put on by our volunteer group pilot safety it's sponsored by master flight training comm thank you they do expert g1000 and Garmin training inside your plane or in one of our planes in Southern California or they'll come to you so thanks we have some class objectives we're gonna get tonight it's well worth the wait to stick around till the end even if you have quite a bit of experience on the Garmin 430 we're gonna cover some basics function of keys and knobs the power-on self-test updating databases comm nav and source to me chapters and pages custom waypoints flight planning I have our procedures and some emergency tricks you may not know about this really is a basic introduction video it's an overview to get you used to the 4:30 and teach you a couple tricks if you'd like to become a pro somebody like me who just kind of knows it inside and out come spend four hours with us we have a DVD available on our website now that has very detailed information on every chapter page explanation of function shortcuts and pro tips and a bunch of actual inflight movies so we'd like to invite you to check that out and it helps support all the free work that pilot safety does let's stop with a basic overview of the keys and knobs the power volume squelch button is in the top left with a c4 column if you turn it to the right you'll turn the unit on and turn the radio volume up if you turn it to the left you turn the volume down and if you go till you hear click you'll turn the unit off and if you push it you'll activate squatch which will enable you to get weaker distant signals like if you're trying to pick up an ageist from 50 miles out but more importantly this is your best chance to avoid a radio failure because most radio failures are people tuned to the wrong radio in their audio panel or they have the volume turned down so before you transmit especially for the first time if you push Welch to make sure your volume is set you'll eliminate a lot of embarrassment to the right we will now let it load and verify the system the weight you quickly get to the verify is when you see something on the bottom push enter and it will move to the next screen now you'll notice that my ovation database is valid because it's white an X file and an expired database would be yellow so true or false you can legally fly IFR with an expired aviation database using a Garmin 430 or 5:30 that's correct it's absolutely true if you can back it up with another navigation system you just can't use it for approaches so even if your aviation database has expired and your terrain databases expired you can still and you should file slant golf because it will allow you to go to intersections as long as you can back it up and fly in route as your sole source are as your primary source of navigation you just need to be able to back it up and remember you can't shoot a GPS approach with it all right let's talk about the nav radio volume that's marked with a V 4 V or localizer panel you'll see the V lock window just below the comm panel very similar if you twist right turns volume up which was left in terms of volume down and if you push it that will allow you to hear the Morse code ident of the Navi that's active as long as you're within range the comm flip-flopped does exactly what it sounds like if you look at the comm window in the upper left of the unit one three six point nine seven five is the active frequency with one 18.0 and standby it's highlighted blue because that's a tuning bar that we'll talk about later if you push the conflict flop button it would switch that and bring one one eight point out to the top and one three six point nine or seven five to the bottom the nav flip-flop does the exact same thing one one seven point nine or five is the active view R or localizer if we push that button that would bring this standby frequency of 108 point zero up if we push on the calm view our localizer button that moves the tuning bar from the comm window to the vor localizer window if we turn the big knob that will change big numbers and if we change the little knob that will change little numbers so I'm going to move the tuning bar by pushing it pushing it again now if I turn the little knob I can change the little knob are the little numbers and the comm window change the big knob to change the big ones then I'll push the comm flip-flop to make my standby active push to send the tuning bar to the nav window big numbers big knob little number little knobs and push the nav flip-flop to bring one 13.6 which is lax into the active nav a the map which has several different pages all in the nav chapter starting on the half page 2 and the 4:30 and it's the default navin on the 5:30 has a range button that allow you to zoom in and out if you push the down button you will zoom into a smaller scale so right now it's showing 50 nautical miles if you push that it might drop down to 40 30 or something else if you wanted to see a bigger picture you could push up to change it to a larger map scale and you'd see a wider area the Clear button does several things and is very important first of all if you have something highlighted on the flight plan and you push the Clear button you can then push the enter button to confirm and remove it from the flight plan which will demonstrate it will also declutter the map getting rid of airspace and obstructions and various roads and things will make it much easier to see the map and most importantly anytime you get lost and it's pretty easy to get lost in a Garmin system if you press and hold the Clear button for more than two and it will automatically default you back two and a half page one and you can start again so here we are I'm gonna press and hold clear go to nap page one one click to the right will take me to the map and I will zoom out you can zoom in and if I push the Clear button you can see me be cluttering the windows now I can zoom back out and do anything on what so that's how those buttons work direct to unfortunately is the most commonly used button in Garmin systems and it's usually done incorrectly most people who own a garment that's the only button they know how to work it's a real bad idea you definitely need to take some training and spend a lot of time learning these systems because especially in an emergency if you don't do these things right they can actually end up killing you and causing all kinds of problems but direct - kind of does what it sounds like if you push the direct to button it will always ask you if you want to go to the next Waypoint in your flight plan you can also then use the cursor knobs to change it to do something else the cursor knobs just like it sounds like if you push it activates the cursor if you turn the big knob that moves the cursor and to change things you need the little knob which will demonstrate in just a second the procedure Keys used for US IFR guys it pulls up a procedure menu or you can add instrument approaches arrivals and departures to your flight plan the flight plan button gets you to the flight plan pages although everything in the garment is chapters and pages and generally handled by the cursor knobs the flight plan and the procedure are unique and you must actually push those buttons so you're going to press that to bring up the to flight plan pages the message button when you get a highlighted yellow warning saying you have a message if you push it once you're allowed to read the message pushing a second time takes you to the previous screen on the Garmin the OBS is a pretty unique button you don't push it very often you really only push it when you want to prevent automatic sequencing of the flight plan and I'll show you an instrument reason to do that you might also use it for a DME hold or other situations like that so why would you use the OBS key to prevent flight plan sequencing well like I said you may want to track a distance from a certain intersection or a vor and you may need to do a hold or a DME arc that's not charted really important pilot safety tip for our instrument pilots out there you're all probably pretty familiar with time turn twist throttle talk just add and touch because the CDI key is the most commonly missed key and gives you a whole bunch of problems so you'll notice that just above the CDI is a green annunciator that says GPS that means the unit is sending a GPS signal to your OBS so if I push that button now and only now will the localizer one:1 7.95 send information to your OBS so what's the most commonly missed button push on IFR check rides you guessed it it's the CDI button because people take off as they should on GPS it's always more accurate so whenever you depart you should always use GPS as your flight plan however when you start an instrument approach that is not GPS base like AB you are a localizer on ILS if you don't push that CDI button you're still tracking GPS which will a I'm gonna have us not pick up a glide slope because you're not getting an information B lead to an instant failure of the check ride alright nice thing about this is you don't to worry about avionics lighting there's a built-in light sensor for the Garmin 4:30 and 5:30 it's a little photo lens just above the comm flip-flop will automatically adjust brightness and the screen to match the ambient light in the cockpit so when it gets dark out in the cockpit it'll think about that and then it'll automatically dim that screen so you can protect your night vision if you're going to use it a day when it realizes it's bright out it will automatically go to max brightness to make it easier to see even in sunlight easy way to test this is with the flashlight in the finger and you'll get the same results let's do it power on self test I'm gonna turn the comm ball you button to the right that will turn on power to the unit and you're going to see several different splash screens about copyrights and database notices it's gonna take a few minutes to warm up you can't speed through this later but after a couple seconds on the home screen right there start pushing Enter but you don't want to go too fast because you're gonna miss a critical self-test screen that most people don't use so getting pretty close here the obstacle database is expired it's yellow the database for Aviation's current you can push enter and now it says the lateral CD I should be half left it is there should be no lateral flag out of you that's correct the vertical CD I should be half up that is correct and the vertical flag should be out of you that's correct you also notice both may have a GPS lamps are on then he says the annunciators turn to about 294 well that's correct if I spin it to test it - maybe 269 it should then match that is a required pre-flight checklist you must do every single time that's in the Poh supplements that you're supposed to add if I big knob back up to full fuel and push enter it will realize I've topped off with gas big knob down - okay I'll push enter again and now it will start acquiring satellites so is a self-test really required yes that's a legal requirement it's inside the Poh supplements I have a wonderful avionics guy if anybody needs a referral I took my assessment 206 out to Chino said here's my money like a new to me factory reconditioned garmin 430 wasp with all the bells and whistles installed he said not a problem he did it on time he did it on price I got out there with another pilot to fly at home I turned it on and I did the self-test and it failed the self-test it was not getting information from the GPS to my OBS the Omni bearing selector and I'm like wait a minute so I went found a technician and he goes oh well don't worry about it the GPS works just not the OBS bring it back you know later and we'll fix it I'm like no no that's a new OBS that's a new GPS I can't legally use unless this thing works well it found out that a technician who had put it in who had been installing a different model of garments very frequently had just accidentally put a wrong jumper system and a wrong jumper setting rather there's a very easy human error it was very quickly fixed boom I'm not what's interesting is the pilot who I was flying with that all I never knew you were supposed to do that I've never done that and most pilots I do a lot of in-person training hey you're in Wisconsin New York I'll come to you I'll train you in your plane not a problem but 90% of the pilots I train in Garmon systems skip that self-test which makes it then illegal for navigational use you got to do it to make sure things are working otherwise she'll just never know a state my aviation database expired August 20th 2015 easiest way to change it is to turn the power off make sure it turns off completely flip up the handle on the left card pull it out and it should show the IFR W label which means that's the IFR WAAS database card to update your IFR database you'll need a Skybound adapter from jeppesen you're going to insert the card with the label facing the same side as the jeppesen logo when you push it in push it in gently you should never force it if you're forcing it you could bend the pin and damage your card or break the adapter take the usb cap off and we're going to plug it in to any USB port on our computer for a Windows Update click the start button and select the Jefferson update Jefferson services it will now come up asking you for your username and password click OK you'll get a license agreement click agree it will now contact the Jefferson servers and see if your subscription is current you'll notice I have two subscriptions available one for my 4:30 and one for my 300 let's fix the 4:30 and hit start you'll notice it should automatically detect the Garmin Skybound g2 and click continue if it does not automatically detect the Skybound g2 interface you may have insert the card upside down please make sure the label and the jeppesen logo are on the same size it will now erase and reprogram your new data at this point you're gonna get a pop-up message that again most people just click ok and that's not correct what you need to do at this point is click on the view alerts and notices on jeppeson comm that will take you to the jeppeson notices website we're gonna click on View all aviation notices and alerts I'm going to click on region and change it from all to the United States then I'm gonna change sub-region for this example to California now I have the western United States because I teach Mountain flying all over the western United States you need to check every state in your database because if you look down nav data alerts there's one critical alert we need to click on that now and what's really critically important is that if you read this you cannot use the Garmin 4:30 now data for two departures out of Oakland International that's the send l2 and the catfish one RNAV departure and if you're coming out of San Diego you can't use it for the border six or lindzei for departure I don't know what specific problems happen on these two but it is not correct this is one of the big advantages of IQ has over for flight fly to you if it has any coding problems that it gets from the FAA you will not georeference an instrument approach plate or for flight still will Garmin will put it into the flight plan but if you don't look at these notices you won't notice it's not correct you may attempt to fly it and you could have a pilot deviation and near mid-air or all kinds of other problems if you own a flight school and keep your database current you should print the PDFs out and keep them in the plane if you rent from a flight school and they keep the databases current and you're using it for IFR it's important that anybody can go to the jeppeson website and do that to reinsert your card make sure the label is to the left push in the open slot firmly but gently and close the tab then turn on the power button by twisting the comp button or calm calm volume button to the right we will now let it load and verify the system the weight you quickly get to verify is when you see something on the bottom push enter and it will move to the next screen now you'll notice that my evasion database is valid because it's white and expires September 17th 2015 the obstacle database does not need to be current for IFR or VFR use the aviation database does not need to be current for IFO IFR in route if you can back it up with other means however it must be current if it your sole means of IFR navigation or you wish to use it for IFR approaches now I've shown you how to update the jeppesen database if you'd like the obstacle and terrain database updated that is something you get directly from Garmin if you'd like a software upgrade that's something done by the avionics technician so everything is based on chapters and pages big knob changes chapters little knob will move between the various pages inside the chapter this one being nav you can see me and going from drain to my departure Airport stuff to my actual position GPS status and how to put in vertical navigation to go to the next chapter I'm going to turn the big knob to the right I will take me into waypoints and I can make the little knob to scroll through Waypoint information you can change any of these waypoints by activating the cursor and changing the airport name up at the top which will show you just a little bit later on on how to use the cursor big knob and little knob on the menu buttons the last page is user waypoints which will create a new one for you in just a few minutes the next knob takes me to the auxilary this is covered in detail in our for our DVD but this is where you put in a flight timer to check your gas tanks or to calculate a true airspeed or anything like this the nearest page is all the way to the right it always goes to the airport first which is page 1 and I want to show you another important one here which is the nearest flight service station that's actually critical to know because one 22.0 is now deactivated EFA's let you call flight watch want you to point o anywhere in the continental United States has now been decommissioned there may be a few lingering stations but overall it's out because it's not necessary primarily because of people like me who get their weather on iPads with ads-b or you might be getting satellite weather or through a Garmin system but it really is redundant not necessary we have flight service stations all over the continental United States that can do in route weather and pilot weather reports or PI reps which is the only thing that you Fosca do but unlike a Foss flight service stations can also open and close VFR flight plans file new flight plans and change flight plans so it's actually just better to go to a flight service station anyway but that's why they closed it down the nice thing about having the Garmin system is you'll always know the nearest frequency we really do cover every single page in much more detail in the for an hour DVD but this is what all the pages are there's the default nav which is an OBS on the 4:30 the default nav on the 5:30 is a no BS combination map number to use the map which is what you normally will use terrain nav composition satellite and vertical nav these are all the pages in the waypoint chapter the auxilary chapter again that's where all the functions and setup summer and we cover those in quite detail and the nearest chapter including the one on the bottom left where's the nearest flight service station and it tells you well it might say you need to listen on this view are and transmit on this one it's got all the information in there see a quick basic flight plan if I push the flight plan button that will bring up the flight plan chapter I'm going to activate my cursor by pushing I'm going to turn the little knob one to the right to make it active and change it big not to the right change it with the little knob big knob to the right change it with the little knob and then confirm long beach by pushing the enter button twice little knob to activate it a little knob to change it to Papa big knob to move it a little knob to change it to Delta big knob to move it little knob to change it to Zulu paradise enter to accept little knob to activate it little knob to change it little knob big knob to move it little knob backwards to get to the numbers quicker big knob to change it and let's go from the flight school in Long Beach to my home in Big Bear well that'll work and that's my active flight plan if I push the cursor knob to get rid of the cursor and then push the menu button that will bring up all my menu options and I can use the big knob to move the cursor and scroll through my various options if I want to store it memory I'm gonna push enter to copy my flight plan and it will pick a number I'm gonna say yeah number two is fine now if I choose the little knob to change to the floor flight plans page there it is activating my cursor I can now push enter or menu and you can activate my flight plan on a different storm flight plan activate my cursor select long beach Salima 3-5 menu activate my flight plan unfortunately I'm already here and I need to go to Long Beach tomorrow so I'm going to push menu scroll down to invert and it will now take me back home couple cool tips for y'all we can put in a custom Waypoint like this special flight rules area and in Southern California the special flight rules goes from about 8 miles south of the Santa Monica vor straight to the Santa Monica view are and is a Bravo clearance route so I'm gonna put in a custom Waypoint named sfra using the big knob in the little knobs I'm going to change that to the Santa Monica view are using again little knob and big knobs but I've got Santa Monica identified I'm gonna push enter and that will move my cursor over to the radial I'm gonna use my little knob to change it to the 1 3 - radial big knob to move the cursor and then push enter to move it to distance I'm gonna make it 8 miles south which is just south of imperial highways if you're familiar with it ok everything looks good I'm going to enter on create and now it's stored if I now push the direct to button and push enter twice to confirm and will now take me direct to the special flight rolls area you'll notice that my other flight plan Long Beach Seal Beach Long Beach is now no longer active because when you push direct to it stops your current flight plan if you do anything except your next Waypoint or something stored in your flight plan auto-tuned is a really handy feature if you'd like to use it either from your Waypoint or your nav menus if you want to tune automatically your radios without hand dialing it it's a great and easy way to do it I'm gonna push my cursor button then if you look my standby frequency highlighted by the light blue tini tuning bar is currently one-one-niner point eight if I simply push enter it'll move the tower frequency over and move the cursor automatically to the next one then all I have to do is push the com flip-flop and change it to make it active I can then just keep Auto tuning every time I Reese which my comm flip-flop it makes it really really convenient it's a my fr tricks here's some in-flight footage of an IFR using a procedure term so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the this is not a hold this is a holding pattern in lieu of a procedure turn meaning I only want to stay in it once unless air-traffic control says to say there or if I ask to remember it's not a holding pattern this is a holding pattern in lieu of a procedure turn you only do it once so it looks like being getting pretty close too close to always up and it's even going to tell me how to enter the whole discuss they hold parallel and I'm like well I'm not sure what heading hold parallel would be oh well it just says turn right - one two three in seven six five in our countdown seconds it's going to lead your turn so it'll always make you turn and exactly the right time we're gonna turn the heading bug which is how this autopilot tracks it and now we're tracking outbound you'll notice I have an OB s on the bottom that shows I'm on it but the direct track in the upper left is 303 opposite my course I'm always gonna put my direct track in the OBS to get ahead of it because that's my inbound course I'm tracking one to eight magnetic outbound but my direct track back in when I turn in down will be 303 and that's what I should set in my OBS now you'll notice the estimated time and route is going up because I'm going away from that intersection however this is a 4.0 mile hole GPS holds are not based on a stopwatch your time they're based on a distance and the garment 430 will actually take into account your ground speed crosswinds and everything to make sure you turn to keep that inbound leg exactly 4 miles can zoom in see a little bit better traffic so again if you look at the eg I've gone over a minute you don't turn in a minute you turn when the GPS tells you to turn or air traffic control does you see my students finger and my finger rapidly gesturing pointing out traffic and other features when it's time to turn you'll actually get a flashing white warning in the bottom right counting down 10 seconds and telling you what to turn to in this case we're going to use the heading bug because that's how the Sado pilot is hooked up so it's gonna say turn right 2 3 4 8 and 3 2 1 turn now okay so we're gonna spend the heading bug 2 3 4 8 now this is a trick you need to know you don't want to spend a heading bug too far past because if you spin it too far one way or the other you might actually go past the bottom of the airplane which would confuse the simple autopilot and make it turn the wrong way so you always stage it you notice I pause just like that and look at that now you'll notice my distance is over 4 miles correct because it increased in the term but my inbound leg will always be 4.0 so this is how I actually like having it set up I like having a flight plan on my garment for 30 and a moving map on the 530 if you're like me and my personal plane only has a garment for 30 what do I use as a moving map I use an iPad I really do recommend fly queue it is by far the easiest and fastest to learn in use if you're a professional hardcore IFR pilot especially if you're an X Charter guy like me you're going in and out of busy airports you got a calculator weight and balance on the fly for flight and wing X are much better but for flight yes it'll do it balance yes it will load and expected instrument clearance you can open and close flight plans directly from the app but it is more complex and takes me longer to teach a student than even a G 1000 so unless you're a professional pilot you may not need all those features and something like fly Q is much easier to use and that's why I recommend it but they're both excellent programs now we're turning left and you'll notice we're turning left before were on the line because the GPS calculating out your ground speed and winds will lead your turn to make sure it happens everything time especially if you have a couple dollar pilot and you have the choice between a GPS track and a ground-based nav aid always go GPS the GPS signal is much straighter much more reliable much more accurate GPS beats ground-based innovates over and over and over in every single way just make sure you understand it and you take a couple hours a minimum three to five hours of flight training from an experienced master instructor so you really know how to use all the parts of it watching a short video like this is not going to qualify you all right now the problem is is the GPS sinks were stuck in a hold because it doesn't recognize it as a one-time procedure turn which means I'm going to need to remove the hold from the flight plan for me so what I'm gonna have to do is open up the flight plan menu activate the cursor highlight the hold hit clear enter to confirm and remove it so it will now sequence to the next Waypoint I'll do that again on the 4:30 activate the cursor highlight clear enter confirm now it will auto sequence to gunny then I'll bring up the map again on the 5:30 if I simply press and hold clear that will default me back to the number one nav page on the 5:30 which is the OBS and the map press and holding clear on the 4:30 just takes me to an OBS and now we're inbound to the final approach fix which is Gunny now it says my direct track to getting is 303 the instrument approach plate listed is three zero one that's because the Garmin is calculating out my wins for me so if your instrument approach plate says 300 and your Garmin says 304 the 304 is actually correct so let me show you so you can look at an instrument approach plate how to use the OBS button to go missed so right now I'm outside of Lynchburg I got my little orange playing outside the Lynchburg of you are if you look at my 430 screen I'm inbound from the procedure turn to my final approach fix FA the Lynchburg vor if I pass the vor and I go to the map screen on the 430 you'll notice I'm between Lynchburg and runway four look just above CDI you notice that says GPS correct and it's highlighted green meaning this isn't approved a whole nav approach better make sure you're not doing an ILS this is actually a GPS overlay that's an old chart but the GPS overlay actually is allowed the the newer chart would say GPS or view our runway four but I'm in Mountain ofor and if I get pretty close to the missed approach plate it's gonna say look you're only 0.15 from the missed approach and OBS then automatically indicates a suspend warning that means it's not going to go to the missed approach point because it thinks you're gonna land you have to tell it that you missed but you have to wait until you pass the missed approach point so here's how you do a mr. Bromwich Point on a Garmin you pass the missed approach point full-throttle nose up flaps up gear up climb attitude 10 degrees then push the OBS button after you established a safe climb and then it will go to the MH or mist holding point of swarm so remember this is another one of those commonly missed buttons on instrument check roads because people don't understand it you have to tell it you didn't land but you got to do it after you hit the missed approach point if you do it before the missed approach point it may take you on a route that may not be correct to get to the mist hold of swarm once I'm getting close it's gonna tell me the whole parallel I will and this is how you see it on the 430 I'm point one nine miles past it my direct track back to the swarm mist whole point is two three three but if you look straight below that my current ground track is 0 5 3 then that ete would actually count up until it tells me to turn let's do a couple basic emergency tips before we end easy way to remember this is whenever you need to go to a nearest airport right now if you do a right twist of the big knob all the way activate your cursor push the direct to button and then enter 2 times that will take you direct to the airport if you need an instrument approach you then simply push procedure enter to select the approach enter to select the first approach which will have the lowest minimums then select vectors and activate it it's very quick if you know how to do it and I'm going to show you just how quick it is I'm messing around we have an engine failure press and hold clear big knob to the right cursor direct to enter twice procedure enter ILS enter vectors enter big knob activate I'm now instantly vectored to the final approach fix at my nearest airport which is only five point five miles of five point one five miles away from my final approach plate again this is a trick that a master instructor will show you and you need to be able to do very very quickly there's also a pretty simple trick that hopefully all of you already know if you push the com flip-flop quickly it will move the standby frequency to the active however if you press and hold that button for two seconds it will automatically change the active radio frequency to 1 to 1.5 and you can begin your Mayday calls right away there are also some train warnings that may pop up remember the train and the obstacle databases don't have to be updated legally because their situational awareness only even if they are current just like an iPad I'm a mountain flying expert I'm talking to you from Big Bear I fly in and out of the mountains I do mountain training vacations all over the Southwest United States and we take you in to some really interesting mountain airports and I promise you having a terrain system does not make you qualified to fly in the mountains if you rely on artificial terrain warnings it's probably not going to help you out so make sure you take a mountain training class before you go but hey anything that gives you more situational awareness is useful there's also two warnings it's a pop-up and a yellow terrain bar just above your enroute which shows you what accuracy your GPS OBS will indicate so I hope you all learned a lot from tonight including the fact that aji 1000 is a very complex class panel system because it does flight planning maps taxi diagrams traffic maybe even weather and terrain you need to do training before you go fly the airplane and a Garmin 435 30 is just as complex it does all the same things please watch a four-hour DVD read the complete owners manual and spend several hours with a qualified master or a qualified CFI in the plane how do you pick an instructor well I come to California or or call me and I'll come to you but if that's not an option ask the instructor you want to use before you pay them how many years have you been using this and how much time you have an actual IMC actual night and actual cross-country if they really only in use direct to you should probably pay them for the hour and hire a new one but just because someone can use it doesn't mean they're qualified to teach so please be careful on that there are an awful lot of great people that know how to use it I can tell you I'm a master at all Garmin I know nothing about a benign and I'm gonna refer people out to an avid ina instructor there are some really free great training resources in addition to this video which you've just watched the AOPA air safety foundation has a bunch of free classes then you can start spending a little bit of money you can hire an instructor for master flight training comm to come to you and your plane or come out to self calendar as one of ours or you can even start with this for our DVD course which help supports the free programs like you just watch on pilot safety it's four hours it's got a lot of in-flight footage it's very funny some people complain that our footage is jumpy yeah because we do real inflight movies with we're gonna have over two hours of in-flight video on this it's not something on a tripod it's not something on simulator you're gonna learn how to use this thing really in flight you're going to know every page in chapter you're gonna know how to work every function in the auxilary pages in a lot more shortcuts and pro tips and correct common mistakes with step-by-step instructions especially an emergency so if that's a value to you and like to support pilot safety we'd love for you to share that with others if you have any questions jump on over to pilot safety or Guinea time there is an ask the experts tab you can talk to one of three master instructors in California John mohini's the weather expert Mike Josh is an airline captain who is also very good on Garmin and teaches Wing x you can talk to me on the Garmin expert for flight and fly Q IFR and mountain flying guy but we have aviation attorneys air traffic controllers senior aviation medical examiners and even in there an FAA employee will answer your questions for free as long as you don't ask us when we're getting rid of the medical because we don't know about the third class medical either another quick little tip we're happy to answer one or two questions however if this is something that's going to require a 30 minute or hour phone call you probably need to hire an instructor and we can give you a referral but please this is an all-volunteer group and please just use it wisely but we'd love to help you in any way we can there's also a bunch more videos downloads and even upcoming classes on that website so use that as the experts tab anytime you need it so it's just about time for me to wrap up we're just under 50 minutes I think my voice is about done I want to thank you all for watching this free video please promote the link tell everybody to visit our website share it with as many people as you can let's change general aviation to something that's safe and not something that shows up on the evening news if you need anything you call or email me anytime pilot Safety org as always fly safe
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Views: 43,700
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: airplane, flying, garmin 430, garmin 530, IFR, instrument rating, WINGS, faa safety team, Federal Aviation Administration (Government Agency), learn to fly, Airport, Plane, Aviation (Industry), Flying (Magazine)
Id: KwrAh_RfscY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2015
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