Garmin 430: Basic VFR Familiarization (VFR)

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hi this is Chris Finley for my flight coach comm want to go through a few of the basic VFR functions of the Garmin 400 series of GPS and this is a super super piece of equipment and a lot of folks are familiar with basically how to change freaks in the init's but not really a whole lot of navigation so I'm gonna look at both of them as if you've never really dealt with the Garmin before for basic VFR flying this simulator what you see in front of you here is a free download from Garmin website if you go and you find your product and then you go to the right side of the screen you'll see here over here freebies download simulator can be a great tool for you to work with it without paying for the flight time to keep the engine running to keep it powered so the first thing you do once you turn in avionics power it will do a self-test and by the way don't worry too much about the bottom here this is for to simulate flight if I want to pretend that we're flying at a certain altitude or a certain a certain airspeed we can make it do so but for now we're just going to be working with the system as if we were sitting on the ramp and once it goes through its self test it will show you the current database these databases need to be updated on a regular basis but every 28 days and especially we're going to be flying IFR it's requirement and this is a simulator so we're not too worried about it but once we we see that we hit enter again we have another part impartial self-test here so verify these entries based on what you see in front of you on your instrument panel hit enter again it will show us what satellites it's able to track and then it will give us our overview map showing us where we are located our home Airport and we've got our home airport here set for Mike 33 which is my home airport in Gallatin Tennessee the first thing that understand about the Garmin is that it's divided into two basic sections two really basic functions the communications and navigation side over here for your vor localizer Freaks and communication frequencies and over here your GPS functions now usually can help people sort of begin to get their brain around exactly what they're looking at and what they're doing this the communication side works basically just like a most other sort of standby and flip type of radios the bottom number is your standby number top number is your active and number that's what you're actually transmitting on or receiving in the case of the vor localizer the top knob here is your power if you press and hold it it turns the unit on and off it's also your volume and squelch this is your volume and station identification for your vor localizer these this flips the communication frequencies this flips the vor localizer frequencies this is your tuning for your vor in your localizer to change the the where the cursor is and here is located on the standby for the comm you press the knob and it drops to the standby for the localizer to change that frequency the way you change the frequencies are big knob changes big numbers little knob changes little numbers and then be flipped to activate up here the same type of thing Mike 33 the I wanted to change the that frequency so I dropped down one 2305 is our seats half here so I go to one 23:05 flip and I'm ready to go one thing to remember as far as how we're navigating is if I am going to be tracking say the Nashville vor one 17 one here I need to make sure that my course deviation indicator is going to be tracking that frequency I can also have this tracking a waypoint that I've set in the GPS so if I really want to fly to the the Nashville vor and I still have this set of GPS it won't work as one of my teachers used to say that dog won't hunt you have to make sure this is set on vor localizer if you indeed are intending to navigate using a vor or localizer alright so let's jump over here to the navigational side there are some really neat functions for VFR pilots here probably the just a real quick over some of the buttons here the range buttons basically zoom you in or zoom you out all right the direct function will go over next clear will get take you back to your default view default view is the first page of your navigation menu with one knob over gives you your map view enter is clear enough it's you get a question you want to confirm you'll hit enter via the cursor you activate the cursor and navigate the cursor by pressing and holding this button down here the small knob alright so let's look at a couple of the features the direct - feature is great for VFR pilots a I'm going to go direct to Smyrna kmq why I basically press direct it brings me to this screen I used it aim to the airport identify err big knob will move me over a blank then I go km big knob over a cue why alright there is smart I press ENTER to select enter to activate and it give it draws me a course line for Smyrna that's the magenta line here gives me a tracking and it gives me a distance to the field now if I were actually flying I had the airspeed down here and kicked up it would give me an actual ground speed towards it wonderful easy way to navigate and so that's that's key the direct to feature so we can easily navigate to an airport using that the other one other great features about this is the nearest function and works to talk about the nearest function let's talk about pages and chapters real quick then this menu item right here kind of shows us where we are on the GPS we're in the navigation chapter and the best ways to think about this is that these are chapters second page and so if I scroll back a page it just gives me sort of a CDI here for my trip direct to Smyrna over one gives me the map terrain information about my current departure and the compass alright so we go back that's the navigation big knob changes chapters and so here's the Waypoint hears Smyrna and this is a great thing for us instead of flipping through a whole lot of different types of manuals and books like your AFD you can look here smart in the field elevations 540 as an ILS approach I can scroll through the pages here of the small knob and have a runway layout runway numbers length of runway approach in clearance frequencies tower and Unicom okay and then even goes into some of the instrument approaches so that's on the Waypoint so once you've dial in a waypoint if you just chapter over to the Waypoint chapter you can get a lot of information to go back to our default view we hold clear down a over one and we're back at the mouth the last thing I want to show you real quick is the is going to the nearest field say you're having engine trouble or your communications problem you need to find the nearest airport GPS is great for that now obviously the nearest airport here's going to be mine 33 because I'm on the field but if I chapter over big knob over to the nearest it shows me Mike 33 obviously the nearest next nearest is Mike 54 which is a Lebanon and if I want to go to these I get the cursor and then I scroll down to the field press direct enter enter and now it's taking me direct to Mike 5'4 I've got a new course line going for it so these are some really really great things you can do with the Garmin 430 and I hope that this has been helpful for you I will do some more training in the future this is Chris Finley for my flight coach calm
Channel: myflightcoach
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Id: c07pj6J32L4
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Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2010
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