Garfield spends time with family - New Selection

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] i guess it started because garfield odie and i were fans of this tv show on the show they lock people in their homes for days weeks however long it takes before they start getting on each other's nerves it's like a contest to see who can last the longest i created the series as an experiment to see how people would react to being cooped up like that i didn't realize how popular it would become why do you think it became so popular people like watching other people fight garfield odie and i tuned in to watch the big finale of one of those experiments i can't take it any longer do you hear me stuck in this house with you people for three weeks i'm listening to you complain and yell and scratch up earlobes and i can't stand it i don't care if i lose the prize money i have to get out of here and so ms edna krasmeyer failed the test by leaving the house because she was weak and didn't know how to get along with people a little earlobe scratching wouldn't have driven me out of that house pizza delivery uh chinese food deli hmm gee i wonder who it could be how about you pop you think you could stand being locked up in a house with others for a long time [Music] it'd be easy i'd probably sleep the entire time longer if everything on tv was a rerun tv has way too many reruns i know you heard me say that the last time they ran this episode dr whipple we were just watching your show good now perhaps you'd like to discuss being on my show us you mean lock us in our house here for a month i'll settle for a week stay in there for seven days and you become the first family to do that we'll try it and we'll do it of course i didn't want them to succeed the people who tuned in to watch my show want to see contestants run screaming from the house dr whipple sent a whole crew in to modify the house for the experiment they put in some kind of computer lock on all the doors and windows that was just to make sure no one snuck out of the house during the experiment they also installed hidden video cameras all over the house no matter what room you were in they could see what you were doing and record it for the show they said food would be brought in three times a day i'll bet garfield liked that part no he asked if they could make it 12. finally the day came when the experiment began very well if you three remain in this house for one week you will be the champion i want a trophy i want a trophy if any of you so much that sets a foot or paw outside you lose good luck don't worry doc we'll do it right there let's see how long they last in there i give them three days four tops the first few days were pretty easy garfield would eat and eat sleep and he'd eat and eat sleep and he'd eat and he'd sleep when he'd eat and sleep and he'd eat sleep and he didn't eat sleep we need eating sleep and he'd eat and he'd sleep every so often he'd do some exercise [Music] [Applause] one i'll do another one of those next year right now i'm gonna eat and sleep not necessarily odie was a little upset he couldn't play outdoors so he ran around the living room odie i'm sorry boy i know you'd rather be outside but all this running around in circles is starting to get on my nerves could you do something else [Music] [Laughter] but other than that we were getting along all right that's when i decided i had to introduce a new element into the house did you think this would make for an interesting experiment in social relations no i just wanted to cause trouble so to make for an interesting experiment in social relations we're putting someone else in the house with you hiya garfield yes looks like i'm gonna be staying with you guys for the rest of the week so go on get it over with yell shriek insult me bring it okay would you excuse me for just one moment [Music] do come in normal and make yourself at home once nermal joined us it was different how was it different it was i really worse it i really got you're it yes i got out of the way of that 16-ton safe just in time never mind the 16-10 safe tell me who stole the clapping diamond then you must know who the thief is jealous tell me yes jessica i know it was the butler no it was prince seymour no it was the bundler and prince anymore and the man in the zebra costume well just tell us tell us who it was the kloppmann diamond was stolen i never would have guessed i will never ever tell anyone normal when i get my paws on you you have to be nice to me garfield i'm a guest you're not a guest guests leave i didn't know about this tv show this experiment thing all i know is when i got to the arbuckle house oh what i heard going on inside being nice [Music] [Applause] so you thought this was highly unusual oh no the arbuckle house is always like that [Music] sometimes it's much worse they were fighting a lot but it wasn't driving anyone out of the house so i decided to put someone else in there [Music] and ivy oh how wonderful you're going to be staying with us johnny is that old couch still in your living room yes and it's very comfy good you sleep on it and i'll take your room and i hope your cooking is improved would you like to give up now no i think the place was a mess animal fur all over and old lasagna tins but those animals he had around were thrilled to see me i'm happy to see you too well not really but i'll pretend are you doing anything good i'll put you to work scrubbing the kitchen floor work she doesn't know that i'm normal the cutest kitten in the world so you don't know she's aunt ivy the uncutest person in the world there is no way she's getting me to scrub any kitchen [Music] this is gonna floor the luster off my fur the video we're getting from inside the house is terrific lots of misery and anger but i'm getting worried if they can endure at ivy they might just have the stamina to last out the week i'll just add a few more participants to get them to run screaming from the house herman the mailman harry bruno minerva and drusilla eddie oh ever so hoping to be in this episode mrs ferret the baboon brothers doc boy vito the pizza maker without any pizzas as you requested i bring no pizzas dirk dinkum and buckley mrs cauldron a whole bunch of mice a couple of characters i don't recognize an elephant liz stop we give up you win we're out of there sorry you didn't win the competition there arbuckle but i got a great show out of it well at least could you get all these people and animals out of my home sure thing arbuckle [Music] see this computerized doorknob odie it connects up to all the doors and windows in the house it's supposed to monitor if anyone leaves but i noticed this button here that says locked and i was thinking well what if i do this [Music] oh no they engaged the master lock let me out let me out there's no way to let me out can someone just unlock it no that feature was for when i wanted to lock someone in now we're stuck in here for a whole week you hear that everyone week long part [Applause] well since the house was full of all those folks i decided to take liz garfield linote on a week-long trip ah it's beautiful out here yeah just being outside anywhere is beautiful wanna watch your favorite showboy please oh please somebody find a way to unlock my super lock i can't spend a whole week with these people nah quit your crying and start shampooing the carpet you think it's bad for you being in here i got places to go trophies to win oh i love it here i took the liberty of inviting 20. my closest friend to come join us please someone anyone you know odie being with others is fine but sometimes when you're all alone you meet a better type of person [Music] so [Music] [Applause] do [Music] coming up on movies till dawn kung fu creatures on the rampage a classic how that didn't win best picture i'll never know i'm going to bed garfield don't stay up all night watching old movies okay hmm let's see what they're showing after kung fu creatures on the rampage kung fu creatures on the rampage too the sequel oh i have to watch that what's on after that kung fu creatures on the rampage three oh i think i noticed a pattern beginning to emerge here kung fu creatures on the rampage four that was the one where the kung fu creatures rampaged in hawaii and then there's five and concludes our movies till dawn presentation of kung fu creatures on the rampage 11. you're gonna quit now good morning garfield i'm going out to run some errands i may be gone all day i'm going to bed i may be gone all year huh i'll sleep my sleep nothing must stop me from sleeping [Music] especially this you want me to throw the stick so you can fetch it boy all right i'll throw the sticks so you can fetch it boy [Music] holy you were hiding in the back seat well you want to come with me on my errands and keep me company okay put on your seat belt [Music] [Music] there one less thing to keep me from sleeping all day [Music] hey i squeak don't talk to me i have to go to bed i won't bother you garfield none of the mice will we're all going out for a big hike they're gathering out in the yard right now [Music] i think i'll help myself to the mouse buffet quick arlo the cat alarm [Applause] do i have to kick all you want mice you're not getting away [Music] here let me get that leave this yard and leave those mice alone bruno i'll be back some meal time soon i'll be back [Music] what can we do to repay you garfield go leave on your hike so i can get some sleep you got it let's go guys two three four up two three four seven times stay together one two i hope i'm not too late but i'm probably too late but i hope i'm not too late uncle sweet uncle squeak uncle squeak anybody who isn't my uncle sweet at last i can get down to some serious um hmm i wonder if kung fu creatures on the rampage 12 is on no no i need to sleep sleep wonderful delicious sleep [Music] we were supposed to leave for the hike at 10 o'clock and it's now 9 52 and you have a very pretty house here but i prefer the color beige what's your name my name is mary margaret house and uncle squeak is my uncle do you have an uncle i have six uncles all of them are mice but my mom says uncle alfred is kind of a rat i think that's a joke are you a cat my mom says to be aware of cats because cats are mean and dangerous and they eat mice if you're a cat i shouldn't even be talking to you so are you a cat no i'm not a cat i'm an ant eater [Music] i'm glad you're not a cat have you ever been to portugal did i mention my name was mary margaret house you're the first hand eater i've ever met i thought i met a penguin once but it turned out to be a short man in the bathroom may i say one thing it's your house you may say anything you want in your house mr anteater what would you like to say what i'd like to say is [Music] i'm sorry the mouse hike left a little early they'll be back to i don't know whenever they're back that's all right mr anteater could we play games until they get back mr anteater i like games do you like games i like to sleep i do that too well goodbye mr anteater i'm going to go exploring on my own if i see any ants you can eat i'll let you know kind of a talkative little creature isn't she hope she doesn't run into bruno why but um that isn't my problem i have more input [Music] okay so it is my problem [Music] [Applause] why are you blue mr blue bird why aren't you chartreuse or purple or a nice shade of beige beige is my favorite color did you know that the biggest planet in the solar system is jupiter have you ever been to portugal [Music] hello mr worm did you always want to be a worm if you put on a fuzzy jacket did that make you a caterpillar have you ever been to portugal oh hello mr anteater do you know mr worm here okay we'll we'll play games yay i'm gonna regret this i am definitely gonna regret this what's it like to be an anteater do you like your ants raw or cooked did i ask you if you've ever been to portugal six times hey save the questions let's just play hide and seek i'll hide you seek why do you hide and i seek can't you seek and i'll hide hiding is the fun part why don't we both hide you just cover your eyes and count to ten thousand then come and find me [Music] [Music] it'll take her hours to find me under here i'll have time to take a nap i'm so tired [Music] 9998 999 10 000. [Music] i found you why did you hide under the bed why did you want to be an anteater what's your favorite flower my favorite flower is the petunia although i've never seen one [Music] did you ever go on a toboggan i've never been on a toboggan but i once ate an entire egg salad sandwich all by myself i guess that's not the same thing is it my turn to play when you sleep like that do you enjoy snoring did you ever dream about being in portugal i don't snore one night i stayed awake all night to see if i snored and i didn't can you guess how old i am did you ever meet anyone named arnie i once met a man named army except his name was richard but i decided to call him army anyway did you ever meet abraham lincoln did you know he was born in a log cabin that he helped his father build shut up is it an amazing coincidence that oranges are all orange except when they first grow then they're quite green so why don't they just call them greens shut up what's your name my name is my uncle do you have a knuckle but my mom says this kind of a rat i think that's a joke are you a cat my mom says to be aware of cats because cats are mean and dangerous and they eat mice if you're a cat i shouldn't even be talking to you so are you a cat i have to take the groceries in go find garfield and play with him [Music] what who where oh it's you odie i was just playing a game with squeak's niece here hey where'd she go we're back darfield what's this about my niece well we were playing a game here and uh i fell asleep yeah she has that effect on folks so where'd she go [Music] no who know god merry margaret what was that before you know i know i know shut up just shut up and no i've never been to portugal based on my experience no one has can i ask you a question no just one question it's very important ah all right ask me one question thank you are you a cat yes yes i am a cat oh good to know which way does the trail lead [Music] hello mr anteater uncle squeaking mr puppy dog come on back to the mouse hold merry margaret you'll join us for supper got rid of a nasty old cat my mom says cats are mean and dangerous and they eat mice i don't like cats i see another cattle do the same thing to him i'm not afraid of her why should i be afraid of her i'm an anteater any delicious ants around i sure would like some chocolate covered ants for dinner [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh bad picture it must be the antenna i'm going to go up on the roof and turn it you'll be sorry it just needs a minor adjustment don't do [Music] pay this hoodie i'll tell you what you're about to hear here's the sound of john climbing up the ladder and now here's the sound of john walking on the roof now here's the sound of john falling off the roof i don't know everything in this world but i know john arbor ah give it to me straight doc what's wrong with me well if you want the technical medical explanation mr arbuckle it would appear that you fell off the roof you'll have to stay in bed for a week or so no physical activity whatsoever i want that man to be my doctor but i can't stay in bed for a week i have a house to run pets to feed chores to do pets to feed pets to feed pets to fuel stay right here i took the liberty of phoning your closest dearest relative and asking her to come stay here and run the house while you recover [Music] [Music] nephew of mine falling off the roof stupidest thing i ever heard of my life what do you think boy do we stay here or run screaming into the streets in terror yeah good call on your marks get set [Applause] they're afraid of you good maybe they'll learn some discipline i'll take over dr wetland i'll have john here up and around before you know it and probably before i'm ready [Music] take good care of him and call me if you need anything i won't it's time i'll whip this house into shape [Music] i hope aunt ivy has dinner on the table soon we came back we were hungry hey what can i say i hope she made meatloaf or big lasagna or turkey with all the trimmings including a ham or maybe some roast beef if you're waiting for dinner it's in here i'm not feeding mangy pets at a table where people are supposed to eat i thought she wasn't gonna be on the show anymore [Music] on the floor you expect us to eat on the floor what are we animals huh right we're animals but we're not going to be treated like what we are [Music] what's that oh that's your dinner cat cat food behave yourself and tomorrow night i might give you a can opener ingredients you don't want to know also from now on the two of you sleep in the garage no there is no way that we are going to sleep in the garage and that is that [Music] pookie where's my little precious situation if you're looking for that ratty teddy barriers i throw it away okay you're too old to be sleeping with a teddy bear plus it smelled of cat [Music] this um [Music] how could that mean old woman throw away someone this cute who wasn't even normal odie she's gone too far come on i don't care what she says we are sleeping in our house locked but that won't stop us many people don't know that you can use a claw to pick a lock try it sometime [Music] pookie you ain't here for now come on let's get some real dinner and maybe while we're at it we ought to eat tomorrow's breakfast and lunch just to play it safe i don't want cream of lizard soup nobody does but it tastes so awful it must be good for you let's see what's in the refrigerator i'm hoping for food [Music] the refrigerator those mangy pets are yours i'll bet [Music] filthy free written animals [Music] you're gonna be sorry you ever met me [Music] [Applause] too [Music] we interrupt this cartoon to point out something as you can see an iv is about to fall down the stairs even in a cartoon someone could be seriously injured doing that i as you can see am close enough that i could possibly save her she's annoying she's impossible she treats out in me terribly will i save her let's resume and we'll find out grab on auntie [Music] there you go see you around [Music] that manger can't save my life he really did [Music] and ivy she's been out in the backyard all morning staring off into space i think i'll feed john for a change he was nice to me that mangy cat i've been so rotten to save my life maybe i should go see that doctor and the cat was nice to me he was actually nice to me i see and how do you generally feel about others being nice to you i don't know it's never happened before it gives me the strangest feeling hmm i see and how would you describe this feeling i don't know maybe gratitude hmm maybe you should try being let's say nice to this cat nice to the cat well it's worth a try garfield [Music] i washed pokey for you you did well that was nice of you garfield i cooked you a wonderful dinner that's nice of you it's a healthy dinner tofu sprouts imitation vegan chicken substitute that's not nice of you [Music] oh no tv tonight garfield i've got a better idea there is no better idea than tv i'm gonna read to you call me ishmael some years ago never mind how long precisely having no money in my purse and nothing particular to interest me on shore i can't take any more of it odie and ivy nasty was bad enough and ivy nice is worse let me brush your lovely fur garfield no stop snarls and [Applause] i'll give you a nice bath and put a ribbon on your fur no i can't take any more of this nice nice is not nice [Music] what are you gonna do with that pie [Music] i am so sorry here let me clean you up [Music] you animal you magic good for nothing quick garfield and ivy i think i'm all healed now hmm i wonder if anything's changed and the week i've been upstairs getting better nope [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i'm about to risk my life again muriel that's right be our buckle house that cat's been doing everything he can this week to scare me he wears costumes monday he was a zombie tuesday he was a mummy today today i can't imagine what horrible bone-chilling creature he'll be dressed as [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi i'll take that [Music] here's an ad for a company that can reduce your bills [Music] in case you haven't figured it out yet folks john's nieces are visiting kitty cat that would be them drusella and minerva or is it minerva and drusilla huh i can't tell there he is now let's dress him up for his senior prom he needs to make an important fashion statement i have an important fashion statement for you [Music] [Applause] we need to dress them up [Music] there will be no running there will be no dressing garfield up in cute frilly outfits oh i'm so glad john is around there will be no watching tv i wish john wasn't here i know you garfield you're going to watch the monster movie marathon that's on tonight i have to 24 solid hours of ghouls goblins and things that go eek in the night [Music] no i'm not going to deal with two little girls nightmares two little girls and one little puppy oh he wants to watch too i've made up my mind no monster movies besides it'll be scary enough around here if we have that big thunderstorm they're predicting now go get ready for dinner i'm always ready for dinner and lunch and breakfast and a 2 a.m snack and all the buffets and good night uncle john good night minerva good night drisilla no i'm just stilla she's minerva whatever good night guys and remember no monster movies no monster movies [Music] welcome to tonight's 24-hour marathon of the scariest movies ever made [Music] shh we have to keep the volume down so john can't hear it upstairs whatever you do no matter how much the movie scares you do not yell out in fear [Music] perhaps you didn't understand the meaning of the phrase no monster movies roughly translated it means no monster movies oh well if you explain it like that i'm going to bed again [Music] what huh who could that be in the middle of the night hello who is this this is me eddie gourmand i think my car won't start but i can't try it and see because i locked my keys in my car are you listening to me arbuckle uh-huh i'm out here on north branch road near the intersection with miller's turnpike and it's raining and it's very wet i think my shorts are shrinking up on me uh-huh i need you to come out here and help me arbuckle right this minute have you connected if i've considered calling the garage because there are none around here and my wallet is in my car which i cannot get into because it's locked uh-huh and these times that battery on my cell phone is dying and we can be cut off at any minute oh [Music] i'll be back as soon as i help eddie the twins are sound asleep but if they wake up keep an eye on them and remember no monster movies i know the drill he's probably turning the monster movies on right now [Music] in a moment we returned to our film the creature that ate everything the first time i heard of this movie i thought it was about me the electricity is out and they are telling me the monster the tentacles is nowhere around here it's in the basement that's what they always tell you lola when the monster with the tentacles is nearby it's in the basement yes but where could it be hiding it's in the basement move over roadie make room for the ladies [Music] are you comfy drizella no i'm a nerva you're driscilla i think lola the creature's coming closer and closer closer closer and closer and closer and closer get off me it's just lightning and thunder that's right there's nothing to be afraid of i'm having a great time there must be some way to destroy the creature [Music] tell us too brad [Music] [Music] the only way to destroy the creature is to take a piece of liverwurst and what do we do with the liverwurst the lights all went out minerva or i'm a nervous i can't tell with the lights out okay i see then we never find out what to do with the liverwurst let's find some flashlights we better hurry the creature with the technicals could be nearby [Music] and we're all out of liverwurst imagine that i had the keys in my pocket all along and my car starts right up i guess the joke's on me [Applause] on you yes goodbye eddie i hope my pets and twins are all right and i hope they aren't up watching monster movies do you think the creature with the tentacles is in this house you saw in the movie just before it went into that home all the electricity in the house went out just like no oh where's garfield where else would he be he's in the kitchen i can't open the refrigerator to get something to eat while the power's off or i'll let all the cold air out that's in there and the food will spoil i can't microwave anything because the microwave won't work uh-huh i can't open a can of anything because the can opener is electric uh-huh we're gonna starve [Music] myself oh what a time to forget my house key and the doorbell's not working who's that maybe it's uncle john uncle john has a key it must be that creature we're gonna starve [Music] oh wait there's cookies [Music] hmm never mind panic we need the wagon from down in the basement and leave the basement door open oh i forgot about the spare key i keep under the welcome matt [Music] [Applause] the creature's coming in the door everyone [Music] i think this would be a very good time to go to bed in another country [Music] good night uncle john monster with the tentacles i'm gonna skip this house i saw what two little girls a dog and a cat did to the owner i'll be home before dawn oh and make sure there's no living worst around him [Music] you
Views: 295,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garfield, cat, dog, odie, jon, family
Id: _vx1VQo4DPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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