๐Ÿ€ Garfield against the rats! Who will win? ๐Ÿ€ 2023 HD episodes

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] if you're just joining us the search for the two fleeing suspects continues downtown authorities tell me they have the area sealed off and one moment I've been told the helicopter believes they've spotted them we should have them there's no use probably have you surrounded surrender now what are we gonna do I'll tell you what we're gonna do a lot of this how did this happen What caused Garfield and Odie to graduate from domestic house pets to the Most Wanted of wanted criminals let's go back to the beginning of our story it all begins on this lovely sunny morning a morning when you'd think nothing can go wrong [Music] Garfield oh you hope no come back later I'm thinking Century After Next [Music] entire world and normal [Music] yes normal playing the flute don't worry boy I'll make it stop [Music] hey hey idea could you like my music oh is that what it was no I love your music normal you should go on a around the world tour with it around the world tour cool how do I arrange that let me handle it [Music] Bobby ain't real please do not Handle With Care all right I'm hearing very bad flute music coming from somewhere everybody's a Critic you said cheese pup yeah [Music] I'm late for my meeting I don't know why my alarm clock sometimes doesn't go off I turn it off so it doesn't wake me up where's my coffee mug I have so much to do but at least I can count on one thing Garfield you're keeping this house free of mice absolutely [Music] I made you a banana cream pie for dessert tonight it's in the refrigerator see you later bye bye Nana cream pie huh hmm maybe before it gets back I'll have a slicer too or for Oro [Music] I have to go visit my session need 24 new nephews but don't worry Irv will be in charge while I'm away you're in charge just keep an eye on everything oh no matter what you do keep that no good cousin of yours away Razzo sure he never comes around anyway see that he doesn't hey I'm gonna go hit your ride with John into town [Music] oh I've never been in charge of anything in my life what do I do just say no to everything that means you'll be right about half the time and being right about half the time puts you way ahead of most people who are in charge of anything being in charge is an awesome responsibility I was once in charge of a geranium but it died maybe I should have watered it if either of you been to Portugal oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello I thought they had you a little locked up they did let's just say I got time off for good behavior oh yeah even a whole week without causing trouble oh because the knife meet my associate Cecil [Laughter] this place boss lots of potential see we ain't got no other place to go all right with you if we stick around here for a few days a longer no perfect we accept your gracious hospitality [Music] come on Cecil let's find something to eat and the governor had this to say at today's press conference Governor what do you have to say about the recent increase in crime in our state full responsibility and are you without a shadow of a doubt that it is everyone else's fault but mine Garfield Garfield you see that's the way to be in charge my cousin Razzo is here with one of his friends [Music] to feed what's the big deal they're rating the refrigerator [Music] um banana cream pie dead pie let me have it I think I could have phrased that differently Garfield this is my cousin ratso and his friend Cecil they're only staying here for a few days I hope foreign [Music] okay you can stay but remember you can only eat the food that I don't want to eat we'll starve [Music] there's plenty this isn't a bad way to eat pie so the rule is we only get to eat the food it doesn't want rolls can be changed let's have a talk with some of the other rodents on the premises he's my cousin I didn't say he could stay but he's staying and uh oh what should I do don't ask me Irv you're in church yeah I'm in charge I don't think I like being in charge I don't know about any of you but I will not live off some cats leftovers [Music] Ellie eat pretty well here Garfield's owner brings in so much food for his cat that there's plenty for us say especially like mayonnaise and I asked you about Portugal why settle for scraps when you can have the whole thing we're rodents we steal stuff let's pillage the fridge and eat everything who's with me on this all right you'll see the day will come when you'll all get behind me on this come on [Music] Garfield only I'm home [Music] everybody hi I should have been watching for him [Music] ah how nice to come home to a clean mouse-free kitchen [Music] I'm going to make you one of your favorite dinners tonight Garfield I'm going to make you spaghetti and meat sauce [Music] there is nothing worse than a mouse in my house two mice there is nothing worse than two three mics in my house where maybe you're mistaking a can of cling peaches for a mouse common mistake I just saw three mice and if you see three it means there could be hundreds of them in here no not more than 30 or so give or take a rat Garfield you're a cat and that's your responsibility you have until the morning to get rid of them and after that if I see one single Mouse you'll be eating raisins and Tofu for the rest of your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] not one single mouse please no please that's putting it mildly oh what I need is a brilliant plan to convince John that all the mice are gone [Music] no I did that back in season one you know I did that back in season two and again in season three [Music] he's in twice I got an idea for you listen [Music] ing that could totally work in fact it's such a good idea I should have thought of it we'll do it unbeknotes to Garfield that is the moment that seals not only his fate but the fate of the entire city it's the first step towards the day that the rodents will take over to find out what happens next don't miss the next chapter of The Garfield Show [Music] thank you [Music] foreign Garfield you're a cat and that's your responsibility if I see one single Mouse you'll be eating raisins and Tofu for the rest of your life don't worry Irv will be in charge while I'm away you're in charge keep that no good cousin of yours away please boss lots of potential they're raiding the refrigerator [Music] that pie let me have it the day the rodents take over starts like any other day sunny peaceful things will not be peaceful for long now remember we have to convince John that I've rid the House Of Mice they put you all in a cage so we can see then after I toss the cage through the window you go hide in the garage until things cool off now any questions [Music] always says have you ever been to Portugal I'm a mouse I just look like a rat oh all right [Music] but he says John's coming everyone in your places all right this idea of yours was brilliant all my ideas are I didn't get much sleep I had this horrible dream about my house being full of my gee I wonder how that happened but I'm sure by now you've gotten rid of all of well Garfield time for me to go to work damn crap this ground [Music] Mouse forever [Music] hey this is meow nice job guys anything for you Garfield you did it Garfield you caught all the mice [Music] what are you going to do with them out they go [Music] [Music] Garfield I had no idea you could be so ruthless I think I'm going to make you a great breakfast waffles I believe heroic actions deserve waffles [Music] come on cousin open the door and let us out what's wrong why aren't you letting us out of here let's just say there's been a little change of plans cousin are you sure he's your cousin he doesn't seem very nice to me I think rata was a rat and I don't think he's ever been to Portugal it's starting to look that way there are yeah [Applause] that's just our Mouse friends sneaking back into their homes oh great this way guys you're welcome dear new hole no you don't smell a rat those are our friends hey want a candy okay boy here catch sorry hmm okay I've had my dinner I've had dessert must be time for dinner again come on [Music] my lasagna not anymore where's your where are the mice they don't live here anymore who are these guys they're your new tenants and there are a lot more of that you've I'm good I'm running this place now getting my way and I'll make sure that our Buckle guy sees me in a couple of my Burns here he'll cut off my Italian food yeah I sure hope you'll enjoy your raisins and tofu you have something to say I didn't think so now get out of my kitchen [Music] I am not gonna take this lying down so I'm gonna go lay down [Music] there must be a solution for this there must be [Music] relaxed it's just my stomach rumbling for a lack of food I got you a pizza it's it's on the dining room table a pizza I'm saved [Music] I'm so hungry I'll even eat it if it has anchovies on it and that's pretty hungry [Music] it's yours Victor should have anchovies now you know why they call them rats right this way guys welcome [Music] folks so it's freaking down in the base [Music] my my rodents and gunnars we started with just a single scrap of cheese [Music] and why content ourselves with a single house when we could take over the entire neighborhood [Music] this is the time to ask the question are we men or are we mice [Applause] hey who's that I know that mouse that squeak he lives in this place all right don't mind me I was just leaving stop him don't let him get away [Music] what's up [Music] don't do that what do we do with them now boss lock him up with the others tonight is the night we take over the neighbor all right [Music] I just came down to say goodnight guys and to thank you Garfield for doing such a great job ridding this house of rodents no no there probably isn't a rodent within a mile of this place nice work [Music] [Applause] hey somebody get something for lunch tomorrow and don't forget the cranberry sauce [Music] and police are investigating the rash of burglaries last night dozens of homes were robbed of furniture appliances and even a roast turkey with cranberry sauce one of those burglarized was Miss Edna shoehorn Mr horn can you tell us exactly what was taken oh I sure can well for one thing whoever they were they took my good frying pan it was blue steel and it had a white hands [Music] and they also took a trophy that I bought when I was 11 years old but spelling anti-disestablishmentarianism would you like to hear me spell it because I can no anything else taken miss you on yes they snuck into the bathtub and so my husband's favorite rubber ducky police speculate that the criminals couldn't have gotten far and that the stolen items are probably nearby perhaps store in someone's basement Mr Arbuckle's basement naturally the governor immediately called a press conference what do you have to say about the horrible crime wave that has hit the city I want to accept full responsibility and say it is absolutely not my fault and that someone else is to blame good day I'll follow up questions do you think this crime wig could have anything to do with the rats in our basement yes I've returned from Abu Dhabi it was a great flight I practice my flute all the way back since there was no one else on the plane it wouldn't be would you like to hear me play now no I'll get it I hope he likes horrible flute music buddy this situation with the rats is the worst thing that's ever happened to us it couldn't be worse uh hello are you John Arbuckle yes is this your house is the basement of it your basement yes yes what can I do for you you can put your hands on the top of your head and interlace your fingers you're under arrest under arrest remember when I said things couldn't be worse well you're worse John behind bars rats in the basement squeaking the other mice-held prisoners don't forget no lasagna for Garfield no lasagna for Garfield then things couldn't possibly get worse don't say that when you say that in this show they always do that's right because soon the entire city will be at the mercy of the rodent Rebellion you'll see it happen on the next exciting chapter of The Garfield Show [Music] thank you [Music] Garfield you're a cat and that's your responsibility if I see one single Mouse you'll be eating raisins and Tofu for the rest of your life nice place boss lots of potential my lasagna get out of my kitchen and why content ourselves with a single house when we could take over the entire neighborhood s are investigating the Russian burglaries last night dozens of homes were robbed of furniture appliances Mr Arbuckle's basement you're under arrest under arrest but I didn't do it I tell you I don't know how all those things got into my basement is it all you can say at a time like this oh that's right I forgot that is all you can say I've gotta find a way to get those rats out of this house and John out of jail come on let's have a word with Razzo thank you it'll be so much fun spending time with Uncle John Drusilla I want to play with the kitty cat and I'm an Uber are you sure no well one of us is and I'll be glad to see Uncle John too but I didn't do it I tell you I'm innocent that's what they all say you can tell them about it down at the station we may have to visit him in a Slammer if I'm in jail who's going to take care of my cat and dog that's a good question you'll take him in Malloy I'll transfer the cat and dog to the animal shelter right [Music] taking him to jail Drusilla what did he do well maybe he had a library book that he didn't return you're not gonna get away with this I I just did and we're gonna get away with a lot more before we're done you like all the cheese in the city you're coming with me that's Mr Cat and Mr Doug to you follow me closely because I have no idea what I'm doing people on cartoon shows are always yelled at and no one ever goes back ah maybe nervous or Drusilla and Minerva bye [Music] [Music] now Garfield and out of your fugitives from the law too we have to help them Drusilla I'm a Nova I think [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know let's get out of here before she comes back sweet and to Canada those rats I haven't eaten since Tuesday look at this I've been reduced to eating garbage garbage sandwich on whole wheat [Music] I would like a hot dog with everything here you go pal one dog with everything the hot dog with everything much better than a garbage sandwich on whole wheat oh oh you're right it's only a matter of time before she catches us but we have to get away we have to save John and get rid of the rats and we you know hi Garfield yeah we want to help how can we help like I didn't have enough problems now I have to deal with two little girls who always want to dress us up in frilly little dresses and Odie I think it's time for a fashion show Puppy and an overweight orange cat around here oh and if you find the cat tell him he owes me a hot dog with everything I think you need to come out [Music] oh this blush goes good with fur perfect oh aren't they adorable I still think Odie needs to accessorize oh but yes they're adorable quiet we're adorable excuse me ladies have any of you seen a puppy and an overweight orange cat around here wait no friends thanks wait okay let's go try and get some rats out of our life and John out of jail just a pair of twins and two other little girls with excessive facial hair congrats like it's an Italian restaurants and Proprietors at the Jiffy Mart report that the rats got away with 61 pounds of Gorgonzola you can't believe anything you hear on the news does anyone believe the story about rats stealing all the cheese in town baby yes oh did anyone hear her say anything about cats stealing hot dogs you'd leave a video alone you you you rats how do you expect to be to make a world of famous a pizza with a Jesus I need my parmesan how do you expect the people to make it so good man meet the Bella sandwiches if you're terrible by important problems [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay I got you two home safely we'll come back later and check on you goodbye okay the first thing we have to do is get out of these clothes I don't care if you think you look good in them we need to deal with those rats and we excuse I want to ask you oh I know what you're thinking yes I am the cutest cat in the world thank you I don't think you're so cute and I'm looking for my friend Garfield and Odie so I can play my flute for him they live in that house but it seems to be filled with rats did you see my friends go by Garfield Oh you mean we had handsome Debonair cat that everyone loves no that would be me Garfield is kind of dumpy and he eats too much um Odie give me a good threat oh yeah I'll do that to you normal Garfield well you've changed we're dealing with a crisis normal John's in jail the mice are missing rats have taken over the house and are starting to take over the city oh you know it's a crisis you in that color I'm thinking maybe something in beige I'll tell you how bad things are we need your help ah buddy let's get out of these outfits and see what's going on in there [Music] in light of the massive cheese stealing crime wave the governor has just called an emergency press conference I have appointed a special Commission of my most trusted friends and advisors to look into this matter and they have concluded unanimously that it is not my fault good day Governor whose fault is it if it isn't yours my opponent in the next election Governor you don't have an opponent yet in the next election well when I do it will be that person's fault we have really taken over the house sure here's all the mice still in the cage over there Earth should not have let that no good cousin of yours into the house it's your fault sweet my fault what are you the governor you put me in charge while you were away I've never been in charge of anything half the time I'm not even in charge of myself and now a terrible terrible thing is happening oh you're right it's all my fault you're a very bad creature rat you do bad things I do not like you if you had any shame at all you would be ashamed of yourself Shame Shame Shame oh this isn't over rat show I know it isn't over in fact it's just the beginning yeah the new recruit's arriving boss good showerman new recruits what kind of new recruits yeah that kind of new recruits come in come in get comfy squirrels raccoons what's going on here I came for the free cheese they promised but what's the sales page not a sales pitch it's all Destiny we got all the cheese in town now it's time for everything else to belong to us you're all here to join in and take this city away from the humans you're here to join the Rodan Rebellion the rodent Rebellion it's worse than it sounds and it sounds pretty bad it means Total Control by Razzo and his furry fiends while John Arbuckle spends the rest of his life Behind Bars and Garfield and his friends find a way to stop it tune in for the final chilling chapter next time on The Garfield Show I'm sure you're gonna be watching [Music] thank you [Music] if I see one single Mouse you'll be eating raisins and Tofu for the rest of your life nice place boss lots of potential my lasagna and why content ourselves with a single house when we could take over the entire neighborhood police are investigating the rush of burglaries last night you're under arrest I'm innocent hey you two come back here it's only a better time before she catches it okay let's go try and get some rats out of our life and John out of jail Mr Arbuckle as your lawyer I have reviewed every square inch of your case I've examined all the evidence and the arrest reports I've researched every one of the applicable laws and I'm here to tell you yes yes you don't stand a chance don't look so glum you could be out in oh say 20 years 20 maybe 30. who knows they found a lot of stolen property in your basement but I didn't put it there honest listen I was thinking there were rodents in my house maybe the rodents robbed all those homes and stashed their loot in my basement tell that to the judge and you'll be lucky to get out this Century Garfield Garfield [Music] we're all gonna band together and take over this town then the state then the country [Applause] what are we gonna do we're gonna execute a brilliant plan wow do you have one no so you're all part of the road Rebellion excuse me what could I say something I'm a mole moles are not rodents who are members of the mammal family oh well we'll make you an honorary rodent okay raccoons are mammals too all right all right you raccoons are all honorary rodents hello and as you I know I know what the heck is going on here educational content the production team would like to point out that most rodents like rats are mammals our screenwriter should really go back to school I'm afraid good day all right now everybody's now an honorary rodent pardon me but I'm a squirrel how are you listening I said Everyone's an honorary rodent but squirrels are real rodents everybody get out there and start stealing when you're done we all meet at the old cheese Land amusement park now go [Music] oh I'm so excited about being an honorary rodent I have never been an honorary anything before [Music] open open Garfield I knew you'd save us well that makes one of us I didn't know I'd save you thank you so much listen to this we've been getting reports from all over the city rats put other animals including squirrels raccoons and bats are on a crime we've got to stop them this is all my fault why is it all your fault Irv because while sweet was the way you put Urban charging her blood as cousin ratso stay here and ratto took over the house and brought in all his bad friends and now they're taking over the city and why are we standing around here and shouldn't we be going somewhere to stop them like Portugal Mary Margaret is Right talkative but right right no you might stay here you get mistaken for rats marmal you stay here and keep an eye on him huh fine with me come on feel so responsible [Music] it wasn't your fault I just want to try and help reach to the left of this threat to the right of us [Music] [Applause] this kind some of the inner animals and see if we can tax some scents into their furry little heads [Music] [Applause] Malloy I spotted that cat and dog again but I lost him give me your position I'll send several units to assist in the search I have a feeling they're behind this whole thing what are you doing getting cold did you pay for it no well then isn't that stealing hey yes we shouldn't do that should we [Music] shall figure a Ben stole my purse hey that woman needs her purse Rachel told us I could take whatever I wanted I'm not already ruled on you're not a rodent you're a mammal remember and mammals don't steal ah you're right you know you're right when you think about it it is wrong I should give this back what did you steal it's a fresh steaming hot lasagna you know sometimes honesty is overrated I made this with my last piece of a cheese sometimes it hurts to be honest latest reports are that the other animals have stopped and are giving back the items they stole and only the rats continue this crime wave I'm so tired of all this let me take your mind off it all I will play my flute must you I must check out a little of this [Music] [Music] hey how about that my flute playing is like the Pied Piper in that story what story is that a Pied Piper of Hamel and a famous story from the 12th century about a piper who's playing had a hypnotic effect on the route and enabled him to lure all the rats out of Hamlin and Portugal normal if your flute playing had that effect on us hey Irv's got an idea maybe it would have that effect on cousin Rancho and his rats well let's try it 'll work I know it'll work oh it has to I knew there was a reason the writer had me carrying this thing around for the entire story okay we've taken care of the raccoons the squirrels the molds but the rats we can't talk them out of acting like rats suspects in our site we have the suspects in our sights and any second now we should have them no use running we have you surrounded surrender now what are we gonna do I'll tell you what we're gonna do the letter this there's no use running we have you surrounded [Music] surrender now hey honey didn't this host jury start like this like that it seem familiar we are all right you two are coming with me [Music] I can't believe it normal is actually good for something we caught all the rats and it was Irv's idea how to do it yeah me I did something right okay I get the idea you had something to do with this any more rats we have to arrest where are we going wherever the orange cat says to go what is this place we're going to it's cheese land an abandoned amusement park for mice hey can I borrow your flute I'll be my guest good I have a score to settle with cousin ratzu I'll give you three minutes to go in by yourself cat [Music] I don't like it all those rats and animals over part of our rodent Rebellion they should have been here by now with the loot I never trust rats what do you mean we're rats would you trust us I see your point somewhere honey you're not coming your rats are behind bars the other animals that quit your rodent Rebellion it's officially over we are the one that's officially over oh you're about to be oh yeah we'll listen to this [Music] and now for my next election some Chase music can't get away now cat Cecil show them what we do to someone who messes up my plans sure of course [Music] [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] time to leave the amusement park guys the ride is over between seeing what those rats do and all your help I think it'll be easy to convince a judge to release your friend John I did good hi squeak you think maybe next time you go on a trip I could be in charge again who else yeah I couldn't get it to make a sound oh it's an arc I'll demonstrate it a lot when I'm staring with you staying with us sure since I was such a hero you can't throw me out or mail me to Abu Dhabi again I'll just hang around the house and practice all my flutes I'd rather have the rats around look in Garfield okay oh what if I don't play the flute I have an Ocarina I can play the xylophone oh I got a doll Shimmer I'm really good at the harmony as long as you play my favorite tune far far away no [Music]
Views: 203,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfieldofficial, Garfield, US, cats, entertainment, fun, GarfieldUS, Garfieldbritain, Garfieldcompilation, cartoon, animation, kidsshow, funny, EddieGourmand, 2023, Englishcartoon, English, comedy, rats, animals
Id: gQf9PqDi5pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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