Garden room roof covering, fascia and soffit, and window and door openings

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we are back with the look at all right there we go let's talk about Jen's there what color is it Jen it's meant to be dark brown it's like a wig right um we're back so we're gonna the roof structure got built yesterday that didn't really do much of a video on X Factor nip off um Jen and Brad finished it did Jen and Brad finished it yeah they're both finished you can see the nice neat row of Noggins that we've put in there um somebody asked why we've cut them off like that at that angle it's so that when John comes and does his cable he doesn't have to drill them and he can just thread his cable through there because obviously our cables will be tied up to the underside of the deck right the deck it's osb3 Roofing board but it's a tongue group board it does get it pretty well um if any part of the build this is the part you want to keep dry um you don't want to let this get wet so it's not going to rain today or it's not forecast anywhere John Snips off to get to the rubber me Jen and David are going to get the roof down we are going to use this polyurethane wood glue we've got 30 minutes and five minutes because that is all we have but Janice just suggested that we use the 30 minute first it'll be time we get to the other side of the roof it will be dry but it won't won't be drying this weather we're going to use 63 mil ring cut nails in the Pas Lord I am 350 plus now it is getting to that time of year now where it's cold it's seven degrees today yeah right this time next month these guns will not be working I'd imagine and the gas will be down Jen's bra used bottles are available for sale as well if you'd like to buy a used bottle that's been down Jonesboro that's perfectly acceptable isn't it yeah it's kind of like a normally fans but like a normal gas fan so it'll be five pound the bottle um if you'd like it down my bra then you know then it'll be 10 pound a bottle of course right we're gonna crack on with this um we're gonna cut it with circular saw I've said loads of times before right you need to set the depth of your saw blade to the depth of the board and if you're unfortunate or stupid enough to put your hands underneath you will only cut your hands rather than cut your fingers off and it will put less strain on the blade and less strain on the battery so that's that what we're going to do we're going to bars along like that we've already put this first bar down at six so that we can sit somewhere safe um I'm gonna work along Sims the floor the offcut from over there comes back over here we're happy that a giant will sit above there we're not bothered about that because this roof will not be getting walked on as such um so it's absolutely fine done a lot of times for never this shoot never had a cracked ceiling whoever had a crack no right okay right so what we're going to do now we're going to mark up the joists there as well because once we put this next part on we have no way of knowing where the joist is and obviously we want to nail the drives four nails per board what we'll do we'll get this board down we'll put our third nail around there we won't put the fourth nail down until we've got that barred in because it it will if we put the nail in basically it'll trap that board down there and it makes fit in the next part a little bit tougher so we'll stick that board in then we'll nail their nail there and off we go so that's it basically Jen if you want to get another border cross um look at this body hopefully John will be back at some point then and we can get the rubber on as well so I know somebody posted before they've built um they built the walls and they've got to put a window in uh we often put our windows in afterwards because like you know we'll wait till the customer comes in they'll have a look around room and then decide where he wants it and where his furniture is going to go so there will be a window going in over in that wall which I will be putting in shortly or window opening anywhere oh no this is gonna do it um but I did actually forget to put the door in here um so what I'm gonna do I'm going to cut this Timber out this Timber out put another timber in there and create the opening and then multi-tool that out but first I want to get these Timbers out now I want to reuse these Timbers because obviously I've got enough for the build so I need to save at least one of them so I can put it there so the way you can do that is I've actually cut through the OSB there and I've got a handsaw now it's not one of new ones because we're using them to cut insulation bizarrely but that there's three Nails in the bottom of there but that will actually cut through the nails that's cut for all three that now because here we go through so what the only way I'm going to get this off now is because obviously we've nailed the OSB today so I'm going to chambray out and try and save it [Music] thank you if you're in any doubt about using OSB feet rigidity if you built you can see that it provides some great strength [Music] so there you go I'll be able to reuse that now once I've de-nailed it I'm going to take that one out put a new leg there and then cut me off in that I'll have to put my head in as well all right so we don't normally build our windows on the floor unless we know for sure where they're going um tend to get the customer to give us like his heads up there as where he wants it so this window is going to go in the center of this room the window is 1200 wide by a thousand high so what I want I'm going to put another trimmer in the top there just so it doesn't look like it's it's because the roof is pitched like that you won't notice that running to nothing as much if I've got another Timber there so I'm drop my window down so I know that Timber's 38 mil I also want a length of Timber along there as well um which will support the wind and set the window on so that's 238 mils which is 76 mil plus I want 10 mil Gap to get the window in so I know the window is a thousand so I want 1000 and 86 but what I'm going to go to is 1009 is just to make sure I can get in there um and I have no issues putting this window in so I'm going to level the line across once I put my glasses on because I can't see all right so what I'll do is I'll I've already marked my my Timber height there so what I'm going to do now I'm going to level the line across like that get that nice and level and then I'm going to mount that Timber there and Mark that Timber there the reason why I've only Mount them three is because I know that one that one and that one are coming out so there's my line there now and what I'll do now I'll just get the square and just return that lining like that [Music] sometimes we'll build them on the floor with actually cut out um other times we've got David looks over there you can see where I've cut the door out now because I've completely forgot about the door right so that's in there so what's going to happen now when I start to cut that wall out it's going to start flapping around so what I want to do I want to put this Timber on here now yeah which will once it's still to all the Timbers one minute once it's screwed to all of them it will support the wall when I'm bringing it it's part of the wall because I'm gonna have to smash them out you can see now so they will be now solid because they're all tied together because otherwise these ones will be flapping around so I'm going to cut this now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER if you watch us John's Milwaukee that is probably the most powerful multi-tool I've ever used the only part I think they've let themselves down by not putting the battery so you could send it up anyway [Music] right so I'll get the angle grinder now I'll just take them nails off there I remember where but so I know now my window's gonna sit on there so I need to now cut this bottom trimmer I've got a pencil Jen thank you [Applause] probably made that a bit too tight little bit so I know because of level seven I keep walking in front of you don't mate sorry um I know I've leveled them off we've got 90s so I know my window because I've already imagined it that's the center there of the room now I know my windows 1200 now I want to make sure that I've got enough clearance to go in so I'm going to give it uh 1220. um so what I'll do I'll measure 610 both ways and then I know that I haven't gone wrong there and I'll just double check that that measurement Now it's 12 20 which it is so that line there and that cross indicates where the timber is going to be so now I just need to cut two upright which with uh I can probably use what I've smashed out if they're in any kind of condition to use 1054 please Jen two at that make it fifty five thousand and fifty five so you can see the opening there starting to appear [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are amazing [Applause] 12. 12 18. so obviously I'm putting pencil mines I'm not I'm not quite on there yeah so you know I measure 12 20. it's not quite on but that's why that's 12 18 there ball Club but you know it doesn't matter because I need that little Gap there to get my window in because let's say the buildings wrapped a little bit I need to put my window nice and straight so that's the reason for that all that's left to do then is just multi-tool that out and there's your window opening um in case you forgot it so the reason why they were in there was to stop them flapping about but that's now all secure and built right no sense right we're going to put the furniture and soft bit on now um we'll put on the soffit this is a soffit yeah that's the fish what's up shut up so it's a hollow ribbed soffit go go get him it's a bit tight in it we're always going right we're gonna we're gonna fit the fish and soffit this is the soffit that's the first year we used a hollow ribbed soffit if you have a look at that pizza Jen's cut in there it is as it says it is it's Hollow and it's ribbed it's black it's 300 mil and that is what we do our overhang to 300 mil now I've had a few people say that you're putting it on the wrong way now there is no right and there is no wrong yeah right if I put it that way that means I've got a counter button my full roof so that I can fix it and when we set out our lights there's a fair old chance that one of those lights is going to sit on the gap which we don't want so if we put it like this we can sit out like in the center and it'll always sit in the center and it'll always look right come on you can carry on John right sorry mate um so obviously it comes in five meters this building is six points yeah so we're using the H trim there you can see that David I hate him to join it now the reason why I've stepped that back is because when that fascia goes on there like that can you see that Debbie come right up here and you better see it look right behind me there when that finisher goes on there it will butt up to that what we don't want is it to sit like that because it holds it down and creates a little lump so with that in mind I'm gonna put that base on there push that hedge trim to it yeah so when I put my fascia on now that'll be a nice little finish there as well right now yeah right what Jen's gonna do now she's going to go down to end up building down there down to end up building yeah and she's gonna lock down the lines and make sure that I am firstly in line and that then this piece isn't kinking off on the dog leg which is something we don't want to happen right Jim what we're looking like talk to me about the front first foreign that's in line that get up on that Trestle so you can look at it properly that's perfect get back right over there right over there where you belong turn that chest over here right now look down them lines tell me when perfect there right so it was perfect the first time but now it's even Perfecter was it perfect [Music] there's some behind me and all that trumpet right you got it right so we are fixing these with 30 mil polytops I'll show you them in a minute and I really should have let's see can I go that and I really should have my glasses don't do this because I can't see where my glasses there yeah put that in your pocket please Jen so we don't lose it right 30 mil poly tops they are poly topped pins they're stainless steel they're Bend really easy you hit a knot it's going to bend and it's a problem to get out um we're gonna use these around the sides as well but what we'll do around the sides we'll just get the polytop head like that and just pull it off so when we put the soffit on the flat head sits flat and then the the fascia will then sit over the pole over the Headless polytop nail as it were yeah we're good with that yeah right so don't put that one in front grass for customers good right in the colder months um if you miss this you have a fair old chance of putting your Hammer straight through the fascia which has happened before um and I do believe if you're watching this down it was you Johnson anyway so I've had to stay away with the framing hammer because it's a little bit um a little bit too big oh that's a lot can you hear the difference right that ain't gonna go in so that's handy get me a drill please Jen um and get me a full poly top right so what I'm going to do now look David can you see it yeah right it won't go in of it or not there it's probably that knot there so I'm going to put some weight on that and try and pull it out without damaging fascia which I haven't so that's good great now I know there's a knot there and I know that my pin is not going in as it were so what Jen's going to do now she's gonna get a polytop she's not cut the head off it though we're gonna jump right stainless steel head off there God's giving me strength right where's Brenda um get some lips as well no because every time you put them in you lose too much at Pin I need to cut it right off get some nips and grinder right what I'm gonna do right I'm going to cut the head off that thing and then Jen's gonna push through the drill just nip onto that it's still hot man turns its heat really well does downstairs right enough help right so I'm now going to use that as a drill bit to create that hole no wonder cuts out of them so hopefully now that pin should now go in no problem right so that's the first shot at the front the hollow ribs no it's not the fish well it's the suffer isn't it the whole oven soffit at the front and now if Davey goes over there I'll show you the 100 Mil soffit we're going to put around the sides so that's nice and straightforward it's 100 Mil wide it's five meters long it's black and it's just a flat board so what we'll do we'll cut that to length should we start this side and work it around does anyone know what landfilling is Jen will cut it to an approximate length [Music] 3.4 3.4 and of course we want some H trim on there as well yeah right so we've got that fit soffit on there keep setting around one um then we're gonna put this one on there like that again I'm going to slide that [Music] that perch trim until it's in the right position for me so what we want is when we put that on there we don't want it to be see how it's nice and flush now we don't want it to be stuck down on that because it'll create a step on the corner so you can see the polytop I've had up there and now we're just going to fix that there just so it's flush right on the edge and then what will happen then my fair share will then go on there it will conceal the fixing that will go like that across there that will conceal that that'll be all nice this will get double battened out so to see the cladding will come to approximately there and then we will go and we will infill all that with rock wool because we can't obviously PIR it so gentle like that Jen doesn't hold it like that when I go if I go across the middle and put a pinning like that there there's a feral chance it'll snap under its own weight when I put the pinning to weaken it so she'll hold it till I get very much near the end so basically what we're going to do we're going to go around the full building now get the soffit on just like this with the hair trim until we get back around to the front and meet it and then we can address the fascia then and I'll show you that going on as well but like I say it don't need pinning there on that side because that's fine there once that goes on there insulation on there Cedar up there jobs are good yeah we're gonna fit the first shoe now this particular fascia is from Gap Plastics we um we often sort of drift between Gap Plastics and Northern building Plastics um non-building plastic didn't have any fair share right so but this the benefit of this one it's actually got lines and points on so what we normally do is we'll sit the pin like that we'll stand it up and then we'll pin it and then we'll use our Hammer spacing each time but what I'm going to do on this I'm just going to go for the third line and I'll probably go one two three four every every sixth hole or something like that that's probably what I'll do just so they'll look all uniform and all um in line with each other that's what we're aiming for anyway so um I don't one two three four five every sixth hole then Jen you've got your Hammer one two three four five six like I said if these Stripes want on there I just use the head there to determine the length and then stand it on but that's near enough about where we are one two three four five six oh we're gonna get you a dirty button no no and the reason why I'm putting them in first is because it's a lot easier then we'll just hang over the side one two three four five six we're gonna count for me we'll just hang over the side and fix them then now give Jen a bit of responsibility of counting your passions find him up with the p-trim which fits the rubber but you can because the patron fixings um Regular enough for the fascia so they do not align but that's not the end of the world unless you've got our CDs hey suppose right so what we'll do now we're gonna let it drop over the side we're going to pull it up tight to the soffit yeah pull up tight yeah all right anybody I'm up you up I'm gonna line up with the end of the building and what I want to do just gonna drive the nail in part way I can't actually talk when I do this because I'm missing out every time and then I'll go back and pull the film off what we're trying to do is keep that protective film on right till the last so we don't damage the Fisher or scratch it or anything foreign Jen's well up for that apparently there is a recession coming so any means needs right so I'll do now I'll pull the plastic off there here like that just that protective covering I'm gonna go down well I'll go down while Jen measures the piece and cuts me a piece for the other end now you can over Hammer these you'll know when it's just touched in you can if you can if you Hammer them in you can actually depress the fascia a little bit which not the end of the world but you try to avoid that so I've been lucky there because I haven't so far he says hasn't hit the nails on any of the roof joys um and if you do it's a case of wiggling the top off so it snaps cutting the head off the off the pin like we did underneath put it in a drill re-drill it right next to the pin and when you put in the head will cover the broken one so what window I'm gonna put a little piece on there this is the joint strip like I said the five meters long that's as long as they come um and then the joining strip will cover them that will cover the giant um it looks neat and tidy that's you know just the way it is the way is this roofs over six meters long so we have to join it obviously but other decides we wore so that's it we're going to go all the way around I'm going to show you how we're going to farm a corner as well because there's a little cutout you need to do to create the corner but I'll show you that as well thank you all right so if you imagine this is your front Fair Chevron in that way this is the side Fair shirt now sorry can you see that just look over my fingers there look see there look see it's bumping into it can you see that guy yeah yeah that's better right so we're trying to get rid of that um so what we're going to do is put that there mark it like that I'm marking that in line with that gray one there you see that look yeah so that's in line with that I'll do the only small little out [Music] get rid of that and then what will happen then is that's the front pressure that fish will you have to come around the side I think that fish will sit like that yeah so that's how the side will sit up to the front and then this corner piece if you look down just to look back it's a dump it's a double car and it'll have to be cut down to size but that corner piece then will clock that and shroud everything there so that's how you want to do your Carvers um what we'll do now we're gonna get this side on Jen's gonna go around and start multi-tooling the top off there because obviously it's too high and you can't actually get it the height we want so what we tend to do is add a circle aside on monthly circle of sirens messy and it's dangerous and it's been there so she's going to go around and multi-tool the lot I'm going to run around and fascia and that'll be that right over right so we're going to use it the um we're gonna use the rubber roof on this this is the two-part gutter Trim in my opinion and I think it's in most people's opinion as well this is the best gutter trim on the market for this type of roof it's two parts as it would suggest this part will get screwed to the building the next part traps the rubber in there Clips in there and then it runs the runs the rainwater into the gutter but I'll show you that so we're going to screw this on it's getting that time of year now where it may start cracking um what you can do is that that can split off sometimes um and it can be a bugger to get the rubber in just when the temperature starts to drop a little bit so I'm just going to get these screws I'm approximately four or five hundred apart it's not a science as far as I'm concerned anyway it works pretty well [Music] foreign as well not too close to the end right so that that's good to go now so what I'll do hang it over [Music] Jen's been down and cut this just taking any birds off there because we don't want any birds sticking up and catching on rubber because that'll be a bad day at the office just switch sided knife there get them off um I'm just gonna bring it to the end of that corner there I'm keeping it flush with the top I'm just gonna like I said it's just flush with the top there we don't want any step on it it's obviously we want our rain water to run away like it should [Music] and finally the last one um when Jen's finished that now I'll go along and I'll continue that all the way along she's gonna go around she's going to rip all the top off there and then we can start to think about putting the rubber on we've got the fish of the soffit on um we've got a two pack got a trim on obviously we haven't got the real phone we got it up and then there was a haul about maybe 800 in it so that's going back to Gap we'll get another piece tomorrow and get the rubber on tomorrow so what we've done with temporarily covered it now the pain in the ass where this is um because the fish is on you've got to fix the Slate buttons high up which we have done around there because obviously we've had to nail them to the fair share but um the p-trim will then cover the holes so that that's fine that's one issue done but obviously at the back we can't fix the this screen down at the back because we've got the um the two pack got trim which I'm not taking back off so we've just weared it down with a bit of this just drop some roof buttons just laid it on just to stop the wind from getting under it tonight just a little bit of weight really just to hold it down because it is forecast rain but tomorrow's supposed to be okay as well um so it's important that you keep your SB I mean it's on there important that you keep your OSB dry so we've done like as much as we can now because unfortunately the hall was about there one again yeah um a decent sized haul trouble with this screen is there is always holding it there's a hole in that over there as well um you should get a full roll of damp course and it's got holes in but it is worries we've done breast cancer um that's it so tomorrow we'll get the rubber on I'll show you putting some Noggins in with the insulation they're going to board the roof as well insulate the roof John's already first fixed electric too perfect electric John's only first fixed the lights so I'll show you that as well tomorrow so that's it please like And subscribe um if you've been watching the van uh the van build then um I sponsor van pimps at the watch the video and they've agreed that there's a fault with the window so the back window yeah well my fault but the side window um they sent me out of Kit because it's obviously easy if I can repair it and if I can't repair it they're going to send me out of the window so that's it please like And subscribe and I'll see you tomorrow hopefully thank you bye
Channel: The Garden Room Guru
Views: 90,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden room, how to build a garden room, garden room construction, oakwood garden room, how to fit soffit and fascia, rubber roof, how to fit rubber roof, how to cut an opening in a timber wall, man cave, garden room tutorial, home office, home gym
Id: 6wHmefqyB1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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