Garden problem solving | Dividing & planting | The Impatient Gardener

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so I have a math problem for you when do two problems equal one solution well I am about to show you that today and show you what I'm up to okay so you might be able to tell although I know the lighting is terrible because it's one of those early autumn days where there's super bright Sun and really dark shady corners but this is mostly a shade spot right here and this is an area of the garden that I've had issues with throughout the years first of all it never was it wasn't an area I used to walk by regularly but now it's as you can see it's on a path to the vegetable garden so I walked down this area everyday the other issue I have here is that since this is kind of the borderline between where there's what I call more natural areas which is parts of our yard that I've not intervened on and I just sort of let whatever girls there grows and the cultivated part of the garden things start to creep in and in particular those are ostrich ferns over here which I have a lot of ostrich ferns on this property and I love them they're great but they are aggressive and they are actually considered a ground cover even they're like us even though they're like a 7-foot tall ground cover but they do spread so I do have to kind of keep them in check anyways this area gets gets overrun with all sorts of weeds and all kinds of bad things and earlier this year I ripped it all out took care of those weeds again and then because I was having a garden tour come through here I was like well what am I gonna do in this spot and I couldn't figure it out I ended up buying this pot that you see down here on sale and I've been using this as like a little floating flowers thing and it's kind of a nice little spot I love it I'm having a lot of fun with it and I've actually decided that I'm going to keep this in this location I will probably put this pot in the garage for winter but in general I'm going to keep this in this location and I've got some annuals planted around it now but the rest of this area needs to be filled in so this is problem area number one what to do with this this time of year I don't love spending money on plants I'm sort of burned out by spending money on plants so it's this time of year I like to look around what I have and around my garden to see where I can move around and divide and I can take from my own garden so that I can do these projects without ever having to spend a cent so let me show you the next problem and then I think you're gonna start to get an idea of what the solution here is okay so here we are problem number two I think if you watch some my other videos I might have mentioned this this year so this is the circle garden and everything's been going really well here I've got Bobo hydrangeas here this is heck and like Lola or her conic Laura I saved both ways because I truly don't know which way is the right way to saying all gold which is one of my favorite varieties of that that's Japanese forest grass and then I've got some annuals in the front here so when I created this garden this was a much shadier spot than it normally is now granted it's shady right now because the Sun is starting to get really low in the sky here this time of year but during summer that was not the case because we had taken down a huge ash tree over to the west of where I'm standing here right now so I knew that there might be too much Sun in this area for the Japanese forest grass and so I thought I'd just play it out this year and see what happened well I was right because I'm going to show you what this looks like it's really crispy it hasn't gotten as tall and as flowy as it should and it's struggling in this spot a little bit let me in fact I'm gonna show you where it's growing really well in my garden and in a spot of what it looks like when it's in a spot where it appreciates let me just show you quickly what it looks like when it's in an area where it's happy so you know what it should look like and not what it looks like here are you guarding the garage hello baby so over here you can see how great all gold can look when it's doing what it wants to do this is in a really pretty shady spot I mean this is the north side of the garage right here and you can see that it's got this gold gorgeous chartreuse color it's probably 3 2 or 3 times taller than the stuff that's growing over there and it's got the beautiful arching effect which is exactly why you plant this plant so this is what it should look like and what it will look like once you once you get it in a spot that it likes so we have to take care of that problem so I'm sure you figured out that the solution to these two problems is to move this grass now I don't generally love to move grasses in fall I like to move grasses when they're just starting to come up in summer I think in spring I think that's the best time to move them but this has to get moved anyways I might as well get this out of here because it's one less thing to have to do in spring and I don't think actually I'm going to take all this I don't think I'll need all of this because this will divide really well I have a lot of other gardens I'm gonna be working on next year and I love this grass so much that I use this and have places for this all the time in the garden so I'm just gonna start digging this up and dividing it and then we're gonna move it over there hey quick little side note here I just want to quickly show you this one of my favorite shade garden plants that's looking great right now this is toad lily and it's one of those plants that you don't pay much attention to all year and then all of a sudden it does this and you start paying attention to it it always amazes me that this is looks tropical these are like these little orchid like flowers so beautiful the deer will nip at it they won't eat it but they'll nip at the ends if I let them so as keep do your spray on it they'll nip it anything around here by the way but anyways isn't this just a lovely little flower it's such a delight and you know there just isn't a lot that's blooming in the garden this time of year especially anything in this kind of color scheme so I always loved it so I just want to show you that quickly but let's get back to what we were doing so while I'm doing this I will just say if you guys have been around and watching for a while thank you so much I so appreciate that it makes me feel good that you guys like to see what I'm doing in my garden and you guys often have such great suggestions and I appreciate that so much and if you are new here hi I'm Erin and I live in garden in southeastern Wisconsin which is zone 5 so you know if you're transplanting stuff don't take your weeds with you to your new spot so clean out all the all your weeds and stuff this one has I don't know what this weed is but it's troublesome over here and I've got a grass in here so I always clean my plants out really well before I move them to their new spot because I got enough weeds I don't need to be worrying about taking more weeds with me [Music] [Music] [Music] so this grass is super easy to divide this is about the size of piece that I would like to plant you could even divide that down further if you wanted to by the way most of the Japanese forest grass that I have in my yard the all-gold came from probably maybe nine plants total and now I have it everywhere so you can also you can just separate it by hand if you want like to me there's a natural break right here and I can try to separate this by hand and just sort of pry it apart so that certainly works but it's putting up a fight the easier thing to do is just take your Spade shovel whatever you got the key with dividing stuff is just be purposeful about it just get in there so now I've got three pretty nice sized pieces there let's see what else I got so here's a piece that doesn't certainly is big enough but it doesn't have an obvious place to divide it so I'm just gonna stick I think this think I'll make this to pieces although it could definitely probably go to three stick it right in the middle there okay give her a good that one needed a good a good cutting let's see what we ended up with there so that's a nice sized piece and that's a little bit bigger piece but that'll be fine too so that's how you divide this [Music] [Music] Dorothy what are you doing Dorothy are you eating grass so the light is being so obnoxious but I got those all divided and planted but I do have one little hole and I remember there is this hosta over here which is a gorgeous mostly yellow hosta and as you can tell it got super fried I mean all my houses are looking a little tired this time of year but this guy got super fried and I think as long as I'm rescuing plants and moving around I'm going to move that guy to the other side BAM [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so then is how I just solved two problems in my garden and spent nothing how can you not consider that a win if you are thinking I have created another problem by now having a empty hole in my circle garden you would be mistaken because that folks is called an opportunity not a problem I have all winter to think about what I'm gonna put in that spot and I think it's good it's still going to be something grass like maybe a character or something but that is the kind of thing that keeps me going over winter is thinking about these little little changes I need to make in the garden anyways I hope this was maybe helpful to you if you guys don't grow this Japanese forest grass you really should think about it it's a great plant there's many varieties of it I've got three different ones growing in my garden this all Golda's may be my favorite and I also want to just quickly as long as we were over here I thought I'd do my little arrangement am i floating flowers pond here whatever you want to call this thing I have an article on the blog about that and you can see how I all did it there and I'll link that below but I'll just give you the little secret it's a wine cork in the hole in the bottom and black pond dye in the water and I never tip it out I just stick the hose in there and let it overflow which gets out anything that might be in there that I don't want in there including pine needles and then I just start over and you saw what I did with it so anyways I hope you guys are doing something great in your garden keep watching the videos there should be some over on the screen over here or over here one of these too and if you'd like to do me a favor give it a like and if you really liked it maybe you want to subscribe if you haven't already so many of you have and I just want to say thank you so much I really do appreciate it it means a lot and you have a great day in the garden [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Impatient Gardener
Views: 24,510
Rating: 4.9671907 out of 5
Keywords: hakonechloa, japanese forest grass, gardening, fall garden, free garden projects, garden problem solving, perennials, dividing perennials, grasses for shade
Id: o3bhhDRyqzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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