June 2022 Cottage garden Tour (Part 1)

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hey gardeners welcome to the tour of my long border this border is really making me happy this season it has really shown out so today I want to just go through and highlight some of the plants that are here and give you some tips on how to maintain a border like this and also talk to you about the inspiration behind it but first let's just take it all in so let me start on this side especially before the sun comes up so in this corner of the garden you'll see lots of black-eyed Susans rebeccias and these were little seedlings that were in other parts of my garden and I dug them up put them in pots and babied them until they were ready to go into this border now there are a few that I purchased this one I purchased this year and this one but I purchased them pretty early in the season and I had them in my front yard Garden but I wasn't happy with them there so I brought them back here and then let me show you this other one that I purchased this season you see down there that is called autumn colors Rudbeckia we'll get a closer look at that but this patch came from seedlings that were in other areas of my garden I really do love these blackout Susans they are not the common ones the common ones are called goldstrum these are Indian summer and Denver Daisy I think most of them are Denver daisies this one I'll look for the name of this one but this one is it's called a mini something but in this border I have three Mars Madness hibiscus plants from Monrovia and you'll see that those blooms are coming very soon we have buds already and you can see from here that I have two bird baths well that was the original bird bath in the back but then this coneflower started to grow up really tall and blocked the view of that bird bath and I like to watch The Birds so I moved this bird bath from the front yard Garden into this back corner I have an oak leaf hydrangea planted here this was planted last year and I just left it in this spot if you follow me on Instagram you'll know that I used to have a raised bed garden here that I removed to create this bin these coneflowers were planted maybe last year but they just got taller and taller and you can see in here there are two Limelight hydrangeas these are actually cuttings I prune my limelight hydrangea I think it was two years ago and I just stuck some of the cuttings in the ground and they are coming up in the middle here I have Shasta daisies that are starting to wind down but I've been deadheading them and we have some new blooms coming up soon now tucked in here is you can see those really wide leaves here that's another bulb that I planted and let's see if I can remember the name I can at the moment I'll find the name and put it on the screen but those were planted last year as well here's another Mars Madness these tiny little lambs here I bought those this year divided it and planted those out I have Sedum here agastaki and check out this butterfly bush isn't that gorgeous look at that absolutely stunning here's a closer look of the autumn colors Rebecca love it back here I have several shrubs that is a blue shadow pathogilla we have some azaleas planted back here sunshine ligustrums that beautiful big green plant is a rescue plant that I purchased about three years ago now that is a limelight hydrangea my rose bush here from my Rovia that is the Grayson grit red rose and then as we move along another Sunshine ligustrum that has bounced back I didn't think that one was going to survive but it did these are lime Ricky hydrangeas with some Autumn Joy Sedum in the front we have some more Autumn Joyce sedums planted here and another purple Sedum that has split down the middle we'll have to deal with that now over here where I have the bird feeders well Dave the birds have kicked all the seeds down there so there are various things growing down there This Tall plant is actually a weed but it is an edible weed this is called lamb's quarter so I let it grow because I can Harvest it and saute it just like spinach long this is a barrel of black-eyed Susans it's called evil ways black-eyed Susans so that bright colored bright green is a black-eyed Susan and as I sit back here you can see all of my verbena banariensis but this bed is for self-seeders so there are lots of Nigella that have gone to seed and are turning brown but that's okay because in front of this I have an entire patch of zinnias on the way so I am hoping that the little rabbits that live in my garden don't come through here and wipe me out of zinnias I planted elephant ears back here last season there's one and there's the other and I love the interest that they give this border as they get larger and larger this is a patch of chrysanthemums I bought these at the end of the season in the fall and planted them back here so I'm excited to see those bloom I did not prune them I just let them go this year we're going to see how that turns out here's my row of Lamb's Ear I've been dividing and moving this along the edge of this border garden since last fall and I'm so excited about how happy they are back here in the long border now right behind the bird bath this is Veronica and I can't remember the name of them but it's much larger than the regular Veronica that you see in the nurseries so I love this one because it's nice and sturdy this is vanilla strawberry a vanilla strawberry hydrangea toppling over a bit because of the rain and it's being blocked by these beautiful lilies and that's okay because who can deny these lilies I mean really wow these were planted last year they definitely were not this tall last year they are definitely happy so I will be keeping them in this back area let's kind of get a look of the garden from here I love it this is my playground guys here we have some liatris growing and blooming right now so I'm enjoying that this is a another agasaki and down here you can see the pink Veronica so that Veronica and Lamb's Ear played together very well with the pops of echinacea as we move that down the line here's another Barrel that is a St John's Wort that is not happy in the center of that Barrel and then we have more lilies over here and that beautiful grass I think it's a penicetum can't of course I can't remember the name of it guys I buy plants and just stick them in the garden I don't always remember their names now right here is a sun patient now even though there's some patients they still want a lot of water they want to stay well watered or they will look sad like this one so make sure to keep those watered so let's take a look from here now the inspiration behind this long border for one I wanted some separation between me and my neighbor because the best neighbors are the neighbors that have privacy okay so I created this long border to give me a little separation the other thing is I started out with just two crepe myrtles one here and the big one here and I was tired of mowing the lawn in between them so that's where the sheet mulching began and the sheet mulching has not ended I am continually using the sheet mulching process to create new garden beds as far as maintenance of this bed this bed is not mulched this side of it anyway is not mulched because I pack it tight full of plants and when I see weeds I pull weeds so the biggest thing with this garden bed is Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed the weeds so I Disturbed the weeds by planting densely and pulling weeds when I see them now this area is mulch except for this front area in front of the rock I still need to get mulch for that but this area was covered with wood chips a couple of years ago and I covered it heavily with wood chips you haven't had to remulch a lot of this area but as far as maintenance of this side of the Border well this border is pretty new so I haven't had to do much maintenance other than pulling out various weeds whenever the birds love this corner of the garden they hang out at the bird beds and the bird feeder and the trees because I only have crepe myrtle trees back here and a big Peach Tree back there now let's talk about the edge of this bed I use my edger or weed eater to crisp up the edges of this bed each time I mow and initially I started the edge of this Garden just using a rectangular Spade and a little elbow grease and I try to keep this Edge nice and fresh because it's what I see when I step out of my back door it's what I see when I look out of the window while I'm washing dishes and I love how the Lamb's Ear creates The Edge on this side of the garden foreign [Music]
Channel: Jay’s Garden Journal
Views: 157,851
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Id: mpk2rz5qng0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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