Gangster Scammer Telling His Lies (part 3)

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[Music] i think this gamer really practiced an accent but it came out sounding like a gangster at least to me it did let's have some [Music] fun [Music] yes thank you very much for calling your line your line has been transferred to the senior office of the dea drug enforcement administration my name is brian my last name is cornwall with the badge id number of 11765 and right now i believe i'm talking to diana prince right yes brian cornwall all right exactly it's brian you can write it down do you have a pen and a piece of paper which is that you can make a note of my important informations please yeah i wrote down that piece of important information brian cornwall i think right now you're looking at the head study yes the bad id number you can write it down it's important for you to be writing down a bad study number which is one one seven six five one one 11765 okay exactly i want you to keep my information stopping with you so that you can make use of it for future reference all right okay now diana i guess uh diana i believe he just had we're going to be officer of the social security administration i believe he did well explain to you about what exactly this call is in regards to so were you clear with the information or is too confused no it was clear he was very clear he kept speaking with very clear words i was being just clear with my words all right sir mike robinson very good he's very good at his job very clear all right all right now let me just find go uh make it a little bit short and simple for you to understand the whole point all right the only thing that you need to realize at the moment is that that the current social security number has been compromised that is in the state of texas for drug trafficking and as far as money laundering which is totally considered to be a major crime here in the country i just wanted to understand like have you ever been to the state of texas before no i have not never been i think i and officer uh mike have determined that it might be somebody might have got a hold of my information and it's all a mistake because it wasn't me i didn't do it exactly and also as a department we are conducting this ongoing investigation just to find out the culprit all right and also at the same time i would like to know do you have anyone that you related with from the state of texas any of your friends your family members or any of the close ones i don't know where all my friends are but i've got family members and none of them are in the state of texas i don't keep track of all my friends i can't do it you know they're they're from all over the place all right not a problem and also i just needed to know have you accidentally share your personal social information to any individual in the past or via online no i don't think i've accidentally done that all right now let me tell you why i'm asking you all this kind of question now the reason for me to be asking you all this kind of question it is because as a senior officer of my department before the alliance was connected to me what i'd done was i'd done a background check on the previous record and while i'd done that i could see that the records were quite clean there is no sign if you involved in any of these crimes before and that's the only reason that as an apartment we happen to assume that this might be a case of identity theft somebody or somehow someone have stolen your identity and misuse them with these kind of crimes in which as a department as well we cannot allow this to continue any longer okay okay and we don't want the imposter to keep using your current social information and commit some other crimes in these coming days as well because if you also have continuing that then you would be in a lot of problems so in order to avoid that from happening what we have decided is as the department we have decided that we would be suspending your current social security number immediately all right exactly you would be suspending your current social security number today just to protect your identity and to keep you on the safer side of this case but you don't worry because by tomorrow you would be expecting two officers who would be coming down into residence one officer would be appointed from the drug enforcement agency and the other one would be appointed from the social security administration once they come down into residence tomorrow they're going to be completing all the necessary criteria with you and at the same time they're going to be taking the initiative to provide you the new social security number and once you have a new social security number by then everything is going to go back to normal as the way it was they're not going to face any kind of problems okay oh that's good but you need to understand right now yes exactly now and also you need to understand the fact your is we are conducting this ongoing investigation and we cannot jeopardize this investigation just by you having a third-party conversation so with these strictly confidential case all right they're not allowed to share or get any third person involved in this case of yours that unless i'm told the real corporate disapprehended because you need to understand you we still don't we are still conducting the investigation and we still have no idea who the impostor might be it might be anyone you know of all right so at any point of time if the impossible happens to know that we're investigating and we have tried to uh we are we are trying to suspend your current social security number at some point the impossible uh yeah it's going to be hard for us to trace the impostor down and that is why at the best of your ability you need to keep this information strictly confidential all right sorry all right and also we are not talking as we are talking about club trafficking and money laundering i believe you do know precisely what drug trafficking case is right i know what the words mean but i'm not involved in it exactly now and also uh you need to understand that the reason you've been charged for money laundering cases it is because the impostor has been utilizing your current social security numbers to create a lot of legal bank accounts and also there are a lot of legal transactions made from those bank accounts locally and as well as internationally for legal purpose so as far as i can see in the case details right now right in front of me i can see that for over nine different bank accounts that has been created using your current social security number i believe you don't have nine different bank accounts do you i don't i i always wanted what money laundering meant was i i never really understood that i'm glad to explain that because i thought it was like you're cleaning your money or something i didn't see why that would be illegal exactly what i'm trying to say is what i'm trying to ask you is i believe you don't have nine different bank accounts associated with your current social security number right oh no i just get some one just one bank account all right but right now you need to understand while we are conducting this ongoing investigation it is completely hard for us as the department to differentiate the actual assets which is flag for yours so that we can separate it from the one that has been illegally created by the impostor in order to make that happen what i would have to be doing is right now would have to simply be filling a certain form which is called the assets verification form have you ever heard about that form before no i have not that's not no now this is called the asset verification form wherein once i'm done filling that form up on your behalf i'm going to be forwarding that form directly to the state courthouse here in texas wherein the judge and the jewish members would be analyzing each and every single informations of it so that we can try and get the the wreck approval from the courthouse so that we can take your name off this case all right once we get the director from the courthouse to take you out this case you'll be in the safer side of it you don't have to worry all right right now in order to fill the form up i'm going to be asking a few sets of questions i believe the previous officer have done that but it is important for me to re-verify each and every single informations before i start forwarding this form to the courthouse all right now let's let me start filling the form up now the first question that i have for you is the house that you're living in right now do you personally own it or is it the rented house or an apartment or a you own condo all right and also uh okay and do you do you own a vehicle in the name yes i do and how many vehicles do you own just the one just one vehicle and do you have the name and the year of the vehicle yes you know the name it's a 2016 toyota 4runner all right it's the 2016 toyota ford runner right four four one two three i got it yeah toyota for example yeah so and also uh the next question that i have for you is do you have any kind of medical insurance policy in the name like medicaid medicare or blue cross blue shield yeah yeah that's a blue cross and blue shield yeah but all right all right and early on you're telling me that you're banking with one particular bank and i believe as far as the information that i got from a previous officer it is you're banking with the city bank right that's correct all right and have you ever transferred any amount of money from this particular bank account to any or any international countries any foreign countries no no i wouldn't do that all right and what about have you ever received any amount of money from any other countries within the bank no i have not all right and do you maintain both the savings and the check-in in this bank or it's just a checking account it's both ever checking in the savings all right can you just give me the approximate answer of how much would you be holding in your check-in and your savings the check-in account i only have five thousand and thirteen dollars mr mike had me all right look and my savings has thirty four thousand six hundred and three dollars and seventeen cents all right okay so and also do you hold any kind do you have a debit card for this account i have a debit card for my checking account one word and also that's only got 5000 all right and what about the credit cards do you own any kind of credit card from the name no i don't i never felt the need for i have a debit card and i have plenty of money if i need to take some out of my savings i take it out all right not a problem and do you are you currently employed or you're fully retired well i'm only 22 years old so i'm not retiring yet um i am employed but because of all this craziness and that's going on in the world right now i'm uh exactly no i'm not working just just now i'm still getting paid though i i'm on contract they have to pay me all right okay not a problem i'm done filling the form up so what i'm going to be doing is right now i'm going to be forwarding this form directly to the courthouse and it would be taking a little bit of time for them to analyze the informations and to give us the direct approval to take you off this case all right it's gonna take a couple of hours from now you don't worry about that uh but as for now the most important part of this conversation is i told you right from the start when we started off with this and this uh with this investigation and with this conversation now i just told you that your current very your current social security number is going to get suspended today right yeah and at the same time accept that that's okay because you also said tomorrow exactly and also at the same time what's going to happen is whatever is linked with your current social security number whatever accounts that you have associated with this current social security number is going to get uh it's going to get frozen because you would have to be investigating each and every single dollar which is there in your account so that we can prove the government that nothing that restores uh is something illegal all right it's nothing illegal at all it is iran yes i cannot give you a specific timeline until when uh when will the investigations conclude it's going to be at once once we apprehend the real culprit it might take a month or two or maybe even a year okay that cannot give you a specific timeline when will these investigations concluded all right but right now when you're going to freeze my name the only question yes it's going to be today once we suspend your current social security number automatically all your accounts going to get frozen all right they're not going to be able to utilize not not even a single penny from the from that account to further notice until we apprehend the real culprit all right so the only question left for me to ask you is uh diana if in any case if we proceed further with this standard process to start the investigation to find out the culprit uh do you have anyone who could back you up with your financial expenses in these coming difficult times if you freeze your account well i i suppose my boyfriend danny would help me okay see you tell me that you don't have any kind of problems uh if you freeze your accounts we just proceed further with this legal procedure well i've got a problem with it yes but what am i gonna do i don't want i don't want people doing crimes with on my social all right i do understand on the other hand that you don't deserve to be in these kind of positions like you're in right now okay right because they're not physically involved in any of these crimes it says that the current social security number has been misused by some other individual in these clients i do understand that but right now the only thing if you if you request me the only thing that i could try and find out the alternative solutions for you is by talking to my authorities on the alliance who's still listening to a conversation we're strictly monitoring the call i would have to talk to them and try to find out if there is any other alternative solutions to this case rather than freezing your account and taking whatever is rightfully yours into uh taking whatever is right for yours for investigation all right oh please so the only thing that i could probably do is i could take a minute or two all right so what i'm going to be doing is right now i'm going to be connecting myself on the other line and halfway with behind authorities and try to convince them all right just by showing them your clean records that you don't deserve to be in these kind of positions like they're in right now and see but i could not give you any kind of assurance that they're going to be providing you with any kind of alternative all right but i'm just going to try to convince them and see what they have to say about it okay i'm just going to talk to them i'm going to take a couple minutes so once i'm done i'm going to get back to you once i get back to you i'm going to call your name up i'm just going to say diana you're there at the first instant i would expect you to respond it back to me okay i'll be here i'll be here you can work out that okay i'll be right here waiting exactly so i'm going to be uh connecting myself on the other line right now at this current moment so i'm going to take a couple of minutes i don't have to explain them much because they they are probably they would probably know what i'm about to tell them all right it's just that i would have to try to convince them all right i'm just going to be taking a short period of time please be stations and i want you to keep the recorded lines clear make sure you don't get any third person involved in this recorded conversation okay and make sure you don't mute your own put me in hold and don't disconnect the line okay none of those violations that happen i'm just going to get back to you within a short period of time be patient all right all right thank you just hold on thank you mr brian yes there any there yes yes i am i want to yes there and i'm still in the process i'm still having a word with them i need some more i need a couple more minutes all right because i'm still in a conversation with them so i'm trying to convince them all right so i'm going to take a couple more minutes with all right just be on the line couldn't i just take some take some money exactly but right now that's not going to be possible because your account right now is under strict surveillance by our department all right because it is going to be investigated and if you try to take out the money from your account and you try to hide the money from the government that's going to be uh you're going to be in a more a whole lot of problem again all right so that is why you're not allowed to be doing anything like that right for now right now here's what uh yes i'm just still having a conversation with them please uh be on the line i'll i'll get back to you okay okay thank you is there any there yes yes i just had a word with one of my higher authorities all right and i did try to convince them at first they found it a little bit complicated to provide to with any kind of alternative solutions because the case is under an extreme time sensitive limit right now we are still conducting the ongoing investigation right but right now i just told them that you hold the clean records here in the country and there is no sign of you being involved in any of these crimes it's just that they're not physically involved in any of these crimes and you don't deserve to be in these kind of positions like you're in right now yeah yeah exactly and also my authorities are willing to give you a chance so that you could prove our department you could prove the government that whatever is right for yours is not something which is uh linked with the imposter all right in order to prove that what you would have to be doing is you just have to follow a standard process which is called the alternative dispute resolution process you can write it down it's called the alternative dispute resolution process i have to write that down okay yes i can write it down okay yeah it's called the alternative distinct resolution yes alternative alternative alter dispute resolution adr in short it's alternated to speed resolution what's the first word ultra one alternative dispute resolution option all right just choose that this option comes exactly now this option comes under it comes under section 33 which is be given an opportunity to prove the government that whatever is yours it's not something illegal all right it's not linked with the imposter and not on the reigning circumstances so in order to prove that what you would have to do is you would have to legalize your finances okay hey you see them liking subscribe buttons well hit them or i'll do monkey business on your car
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 12,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer, scam-bait
Id: 7dYorMT74eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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