Ham Radio Happy Hour! European Edition!

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Special Edition live stream guys we're going to get started here in just a second thanks for joining us so early in the afternoon it's early if you're in the USA but not anywhere else that's why we're doing it now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign over there good afternoon it is officially two o'clock in Texas ham radio 2.0 happy hour live stream at a weird time you know what I came up with this idea and and I hit up Callum and Chris and one or two other guys and I'm like hey what do you all think about this and they thought it was a good idea and I'm like that means I get to start drinking beer at 2PM the Five O'Clock Somewhere jokes have already started in the chat I've already seen all those so if it wasn't a copyright strike I would be playing Alan Jackson right now but that's all right it's all right so this should be a fun show I appreciate you guys being out there today special shout out to the to the YouTube channel members whose names appear in green text in the chat I saw us I saw Scott in there him radio for non-techies of course Andy's in there uh Skeeter K7 TRD is in there let's see who else uh Phil see you in there w0rhp appreciate you guys being out there and uh joining us today so we're just gonna I don't really have any announcements specifically I hope you guys took advantage of Black Friday they had a lot of really really really good specials in a lot of really good places last week and uh somebody's talking on the local repeater and I've already got all of the emails and comments and Discord messages saying Jason thank you for spending my money last week so like I was twisting people's arms or something uh I hear Through the Grapevine that Callum might have sold a couple of antennas we'll have to check on that I don't know maybe maybe not hmm but uh we'll go from there all right let's go ahead and bring everybody on I'm gonna turn this down hold on all right and is that everybody yeah that's everybody there all right hold on unmute unmute there it is good afternoon how's everybody doing hello there good thanks hello it's unusual not to hear it's unusual not to hear a tank radio when you first do that so Frank's uh Frank said he might join us later but uh he hadn't made it in yet so I appreciate you guys taking the the time out today and and joining me so this should be really fun stream I just want to go around the room and we'll start at the top and and just work our way down a couple of you guys have been on my channel before I know the Chris has been there Callum of course Pat's been there uh Colin's been here at least once I think uh two or three of you are new so thank you for joining today and uh I've got the I've got the zoom window open if anyone else who received an invite uh wants to join uh you don't have to be here on time you can join late and come and leave early if you need to so not a big deal so uh let's start with Walt what's up man so Walt's got a very strange polish sounding accent I was noticing before the streams greetings from Poland yeah yeah yeah uh yeah sounds more I'm the only well no there's another yank in here with me but uh okay yeah hey guys uh yeah I work in Poland it's kind of interesting I uh an American ham I'm over here for six week periods at a time and I'm back home for six eight weeks and go back and forth um so under the cept agreement I operate and have fun while I'm over here and uh currently working on getting a full polish call but uh cool thing is when I'm here at home I'm um I have a HOA situation so it's what the premise of my channel Coastal ways and wires I I operate more portable out you know I live right by the ocean so I go out there and operate portable and have fun but uh when I'm here in Poland I got this big backyard and antennas that I that I dream about building you know I'm doing it like right now I've got up a half square and I'm having a blast with it that I could never do at home you know I live in a old historic district up on the third floor of a house and the row homes you know type of homes and a old neighborhood so that's that's me and that I'm here and I I've been in Poland all November I go back to the States um about a week before Christmas and then I come back over here in February so that's at 2AM and uh and what I do and here having fun thanks for having me on here today I really appreciate Jason sure yeah hey thanks for uh thanks for taking the time out and being here so what what time is it in Poland right now uh 904. 904 p.m in the evening right it's third beer time and it's the first beer time for us Walt oh yeah yeah that's right well Calvin's been too busy drinking milk probably good all right I fake I faked Callum out last week he was live and he thought I said Zulu Papa but it was a sugar Papa [Laughter] oh yeah those uh yeah we got a guy Bo I haven't seen him in the chat today but he's got a Hawaiian call sign but he lives in Virginia so he'll call back to people calling Pota and they'll be like where are you I'm in Virginia but he's got a kilo Hotel seven calls like Ah that's cheating cool man thanks for being here so I share I'm going to share the link to everybody's um YouTube channel in the chat I shared the links to uh Coastal wave on Coastal waves and wires there just now and when the when the stream ends I'll put them all in the description so that we have everything there so you guys go check those those out and if it's something that interests you be sure to subscribe to everybody so that's cool thanks Walt appreciate you being here man thank you uh James you're next I don't think I've met you before today so tell us about your channel and what you do and whatnot yeah well I mean I think I'm probably one of the uh smaller channels on here I've only been going a couple of years and predominantly do uh I guess I'm more sort of portable do a lot of um so it's uh worldwide floor for they're starting to do a bit of photo as well uh done a couple of live streams recently um messed about with kite antennas on social Summits that sort of thing so I predominantly aim I guess towards the portable operation but like I say fairly fairly varied what's the name of the channel it's uh amateur radio UK okay see it's just there it is okay I know spaces when I chose it it's a bit too generic really it brings up too much I didn't really do that through if you search with yeah if you search with spaces okay okay yeah yeah if yeah if you're calling yeah zero g can you see him and uh it does come up gotcha yeah I found I found it by just putting in amateur radio UK with no spaces so that's good cool okay good so you said you do a floor and fauna so we have that over here but I've never done it I think it's sort of like parks on the air in fact well I know it's sort of like parks in the air but uh yeah basically the same thing I think I think yeah you were born over here in the UK and they spread into America and they're not I don't know the exact politics I think there was some disagreement we won't go too far into that so I think opposed to have started off the back of that and obviously photos got extremely big in America right the same bombing over here in the UK but it is starting to pick up a bit of pace so I'm starting to try and do a little bit about poda is the lazy and I say this because I do podo a lot myself Pota is the Lazy Man's way to him radio because all you got to do is be in the park and there's no other rules just be in the park and have fun so so I mean yeah as you say it's a lot of effort so right there's some people can't almost every reason necessarily make it up a search Summit yeah so um you know it has a place definitely yeah I know the the main soda um website is a UK website soda.co yeah soda.co.uk and uh and I actually did soda before no I didn't I did soda for the first time in 2019 so I've only done soda like three or four times but um but that was cool because back then you could upload your own logs to the soda website and you couldn't to the poda website so they've kind of changed all day yes they'll have to send it off to your regional manager right correct yep yeah so it's a fun thing so many times these happy hours um Will Will just kind of migrate into a poda discussion for like a half hour so it's uh it's kind of a it's kind of incredible yeah it's all right that's all right this is totally open Forum we can talk about whatever it's it's not a problem so appreciate you being here James yeah well thanks for inviting me much appreciate it you betcha yeah and you guys feel free to pipe up anytime anytime someone says something there's there's not a a formal uh formal talking point or anything like that so yeah generally are polite wait and turn things up we're not like Americans I know all right so I've got another one on the go soon he's got two of them over there already have gone quiet desperation is the English way that's it that's right yeah let's go uh okay let's go over to Chris uh digital analog ham what's up man how are you I'm pretty good mate I've been looking forward to uh this evening thank you for inviting us so what do you do uh just for those people who may not know yeah okay Chris is man A few words right so tell us oh man you're almost you're almost at 10 000 Subs Chris that's cool man yeah two million views ten thousand Subs almost almost huh I gotta say uh Chris I watched you mobile you're in the car a couple of months ago maybe maybe four weeks ago you're in your motor and I think you are cruising up and down Beyond 30 megahertz that's what you're doing listening to the police and the fire departments that was hilarious it was naughty but nice [Laughter] that's good not even nice I've seen yeah Chris videos oh sorry no go ahead go ahead we're gonna say Chris got a couple of good videos on his uh Channel he um it was I can't remember where it was he got into he was talking to someone on the handheld on night shift which was quite a good effort I thought and then his video earlier as well with the uh uh is it the true sdx uh transmitters he was in the car yeah Moe box five what's in the car with a tiny uh 20 meter whip wow amazing that's pretty fun I saw I saw a video Chris did uh I don't know year year ago maybe something like that talking on 10 meter FM in the car and you were talking to somewhere outside of of the UK Scotland maybe I don't remember but uh but it was uh maybe it was Russia even I don't remember now but uh but that I was like wow 10 meter FM from a Mobile station and uh obviously the band was up but that was that was pretty cool thank you guys I'll I'll remind Jason that Scotland is in the UK all right so yeah yeah just just maybe maybe not for much longer but we're still there outside of England how's that how's that how's that there you go yep sure hi Fred thank you for the super chat buddy appreciate you being here today Fred 10 super chat so cool thanks Chris yeah Chris has got a really fun channel does a lot with uh on the digital um digital voice DMR D Star Fusion he's not uh he's not real picky he'll kind of do everything and um got a good Channel out there Chris has been on my channel a few times so appreciate you being here today man and Chris is responsible for inviting a lot of these other people on here that I that I may not necessarily know and have had on before so so thanks for the support over there man cool let's go to uh uh Adrian good evening how are you man yeah this is this is your first time in the channel and you and you build antennas so I know people I know people are going to want to hear hear what you have to say so please go ahead yeah uh well good evening good afternoon in in the USA I guess but yeah good evening to everybody else uh in in Europe um I know do you have problems I had an hour ahead of us maybe something like that but yeah to me zero era I've been making uh magnetic bunsenas for for a few years now um yeah pushed into uh my Foundation course by Chris and then I moved into my intermediate and then I had two back operations and I had to give up my full-time job so I you know it was like what am I gonna do you know I I had to find something to do with my life you know so yeah I developed an antenna and the boys at the club you know catering and uh catering uh amateur radio club yeah we're like you've got to sell these on eBay I'll never work and you know it will never work so I put one on eBay sold it put two on eBay sold them then five sold them and then eBay come to me with the global Shipping program and it went from you know five a month to ten a week and it was like just crazy so yeah that's kind of the background to my story read I haven't got a YouTube channel as such I've got like a small you know hunchap UK but I don't really do much with it but I should I should do a bit more with it I guess but yeah it's just nice to get here like I said earlier you know it's um it's it's weird because when you you YouTubers we know you we feel like you know that you're in you're on our screens on a daily basis whereas you've never seen us before so yeah it's a bit weird bit nervous but yeah it's okay nice to be here and thanks for the invite absolutely yeah yeah see so you don't have it I was just looking up your call saying you do not have a channel uh yeah ham chap UK If you look that up I've got all right I've not done much with it but yeah it is okay well that's okay that's okay I mean this is not it's not limited to YouTubers when I do this sort of thing we got a lot of people on and I'm gonna pick on him because he's in the chat we got a lot of people who aren't really YouTubers like Kyle that come on the the uh the happy hour a lot of times I'm just I'm just messing with Kyle but yeah okay ham chap Dash UK that's uh that's that up there so well I'm gonna have to get uh I'm gonna have to figure out how to get a hold of one of your loops and uh give it a try over here what bands do you make them for uh they they do eight chips ten meters is the main the main one that's the night Panda yeah so uh that's probably the most popular send them all over the world globally good good excellent what's your website uh my gloops.com so yeah that's uh that's just sort of in the in the process of being built now but um oh okay it's not up yet well it is online but it's it's a bit out of date we need to update it okay okay oh I might help if I could Spell correctly cool man well I appreciate you being here that's uh that's fun to to look at and to see oh yeah there we there we go right there wow you've got one that I actually do all of those bands that's pretty cool yeah yeah so I've actually I've I have developed an 80 meter one as well but yeah the problem is James you know it's um it's a bit more time consuming and a bit more labor intensive so I just can't do I can't do these I don't want to expand I don't want to outgrow myself so yeah I'm just you know keeping it keeping it to a realistic level yeah don't blame you good well good cool man thanks for being here appreciate your time today yes thank you Colin let's go to you you've been on the channel before man how you been over there uh I've been good thanks Jason thanks for uh thanks for having us on again that's been been a little while last time that was in the middle of the night remember so I think that was 2 A.M my time there that's right that's about it's about like deja vu I'm stuck in the garage again well oh you guys are stuck in your ham Shacks nice and toasty and I'm here enough with my fleece on and and the diesel here in the corner here trying to keep me from freezing here but but yeah no thanks again um my Channel's really just following my latest Obsession uh in antennas basically what I'm doing it so I basically fought from one on one antenna Obsession to another so through the summer there I was doing unfit half waves and efficiency of different cores so did that for a few months and more recently I've just moved on amoxins which people have probably seen just developed a 10 meter moxin so I'm already thinking about how I'm going to pump that up a little bit and I'm also thinking about making a 15 meter mocks in and maybe less than the 10 meter inside the 15. um I do have a 20 meter marks in but it's it's it gets back when you get up to 20 meters I struggle even to put it in to fitter in my garden but um but yeah I I I I kind of focus on like um portable antennas or antennas I can put up quickly and take them down because I can't have too much up in my garden for very long or antennas I can take portable fuel data that type of thing so yeah my channel really just follows that Obsession what I'm into at the minute so I just you know whatever I'm working on I'll try and document document on YouTube good good yeah I've watched your latest moxon video and I thought you did really well on that so that's that's really fun I think yeah it was pretty lucky it it turned a lot better than I expected but I suppose that's just experience of of you know making other stuff and making what off the hand but yeah it's a pretty cheap antenna I reckon for a 40 50 60 and you could build that 10 year muxin if you've got the tools you know a couple of bits of aluminum tube and a couple of pipe clamps you know tent poles you can buy tent poles anywhere and a couple bits of wire you know you get that you get that thing up for 10 meters up up five or six meters in the air and you will work some serious DX on on 10 meters especially the way things are at the minute you know right through the middle of the winter you will work you know it's like a pipeline to you guys in the states eh so uh so yeah the times to be on 10 meters for sure yeah absolutely absolutely that's good cool man hey I appreciate your time today and uh it's good to get you back on the channel again thanks Jason yep you bet kind of adjusting here for a little bit of yeah there we go okay cool all right let's go uh Pat I don't know if you count or not so what part of Europe are you in Pat Uh I'm in Maryland which may as well be Europe compared to the rest of America so I he's he's in New England almost not even there not even quite there yet yeah oh gosh all right well tell us tell us about yourself Pat how are you doing I'm only European by extension so right well I think I think all of us are technically but yeah well I actually have citizenship in Ireland there you go all right yeah so uh no uh probably like the only American here uh other than you Jason and um yeah I just do a lot of poda videos uh that's about mostly what I do is poda um I do a lot of stuff on Tick Tock mostly yeah uh I I get you know I really love doing The Tick Tock stuff because I get a lot of young people watching that and they get a lot of people young people engaged with the hobby so yeah um you know I think that's pretty cool so uh that's mostly what I do on my channel I just do like poda stuff and then my Tick Tock I do a lot of lives while I do poda and then like I said it gets a lot of people interested because they'll go on there like what is this what are you doing it's just like random people so like what are you doing oh man I you know the tick tock out the algorithm is weird because I have put a bunch of well I put some Field Day videos up there and then I put some poda videos up there and for whatever reason and he was in the chat earlier I don't know if Scott I don't know if you're still out there but ham radio for non-techies we were out at a park I think it was January 1st of this year um and we and I just recorded like a 55 second video of him calling sikupota and of course he looks like he looks like you know somebody from the Deliverance movie he's got the long beard on he's got the camo jacket on and the sunglasses and it's like okay you see this guy in an Alleyway you turn around and walk the other way and uh and that video on Tick Tock just exploded like in the first two days it had like 150 000 views and I'm like why this out of everything but the comments on that video were freaking hilarious they were like what do you guys do are you guys talking to aliens are you talking to Mark what are you doing what are you doing oh are you preparing for the apocalypse are you are you going to throw overthrow the government I'm like oh my god what the hell man I tell you come watch one of my wives one day and see the things people say I know it yeah are you trying to land a 747 right now what are you doing yeah yeah exactly Tick Tock man you gotta love you gotta love the comments on Tick Tock and a couple of them come in there said these are the guys you want to be with if the world collapses because they know how to communicate and I'm like yes that guy go follow that guy uh it was fun though that was really fun a fun event for sure the one I get asked the most often on the social Summits is am I going fishing so I usually have the telescopic pole oh oh yeah yeah I get that all the time today I get that all the time because I'm I'm portable on on at the ocean on the beach all the time and that all the time it's like what are you fishing for I even had a uh Fisheries game warden come up to me and ask me for my fishing license once so that's amazing really oh my goodness that's pretty funny I have a we have a we we have a house that we uh that we own but we rent it's it's an investment property down on the beach in Galveston and every time I go down there I see people driving down the road just little back roads that are in there and the guys have they have fishing pole right A lot of them have fishing pole racks in the back of their truck and they're sticking up and every time I'm like oh is that an antenna oh no it's a fishing pole all the time I was like I was like I was just because I automatically see antennas and uh I just tell them it's the new shark catcher it's my 10 meter along the X Commander sharks that's right yeah but uh you know what tick tock's a really interesting beast when it comes to ham radio because what I find more so than YouTube is I get a really large like International following kind of or like just in content in general like I see a ton of guys in like South America and in Europe too like um and even in Asia on um on tick tock on ham radio and I just don't see that that much in YouTube with like the suggested and what's the average what's the average age on Tech talk because when I look at my stats on YouTube it's like 65 55 to 6. so so what's it like on Tech talk uh well for me at least I've noticed most of mine are between 20 and 40. it seems like it supposed to be yeah with even some oh like between 16 and 18. so like it's mostly between like it's it's mostly under 60. put it that way I don't uh I don't know that I've ever Tick Tock if you're a 60 year old male on Tick Tock you don't even want to see it what they're going to suggest for you oh my God that's true you get a Cialis head every two minutes I'd be riding in the car and I'd click on my Tick Tock my wifey next to me like she's like what is that I'm like yeah yeah yeah tick tock's algorithm is fantastic though because every time I go in there I get ham radio solar power and second amendment stuff and that's you know that's what I'm clicking light to everywhere and I'm like okay yeah yeah that that makes sense guys so I don't know I think their algorithm is it works really well so cool Pat thanks for being here buddy yeah thanks for having me yeah you bet Callum the DX Commander what's going on pal what's not going on we've been we've been to Cornwall this week um where's that Cornwall is Southwest England you can't get any further okay and um well you can but you fall into the seed and you fall into the sea like yeah and um the climate is complete it was like bloody Caribbean oh wig really I'm driving 250 miles up the road and it's middle of England and it's got a heating on and uh stuff like that we were talking about Potter a minute ago and I yes thinking I've got to get into Pota so I got on the photo website and you can do a search can't you for local places yes yeah and I think the problem with the UK is uh a lot of these Parks they shut the gates at six o'clock at night and opened them again I don't know eight in the morning or something you're physically excluded for the evening times and I happen to like like 40 meters when it's getting dark yeah sure so I can't do the evening stuff I think they think well I know why they close the Parks when you're around experience of this if you're still at if you're at the gate that's closed in your car would that still be inside the park boundaries maybe I don't know because you could do you could do HF mobile there's too many lights flashing on the cars yeah yeah close to those well I don't I don't know the codes for these people that sit in cars at night semi-dressed some people want to know what the QR code QR code is you know well there's obviously some sort of Morse code going on but um I don't know I don't know you know with the lights going on and how's it like can you say the word dogging on on TV you can Mike yeah that's my channel anyway oh in that case then he's talking about dogging in he yeah so that's um I have that and some of the parks around here right in the middle of a plumbing housing estate and stuff and I'm thinking the noise would be awful it's easy access though isn't it anyways yeah you don't know until you try Callum yeah that's true I'm gonna do never not wait for the weather and stuff and yeah and secret handshake says they sell the radio and I have it on pretty good authority that your DX DX Commander Expedition works very well on opota apparently yes yeah yeah that's fine I don't know Mike went out with his uh with his mag Mount you know I mean I've gone out I went out with um you know one and a half meter I don't know what's that four and a half five foot whip I remember I drove down to the beach a couple of years ago the sun had just gone down no more called CQ or 100 watts in the car you know and the first call was the other side of the world yeah I said oh so you know so if if you've got a bit of propagation and you're down by the sea for instance you can make up that kind of losses you've got sometimes with the salt water can't you I I don't even think you need to be to say this e column like for two years ago I run with a 40 meter ham stick driving to work and I was driving to work through the Gray Line and everyone and obviously I was here on vks and zl's and okay I think I think maybe three or four times through that year I worked the VK in a ZL over the moon yeah you know just I think it's just critical if you can just get into that zone at that Gray Line but there's no doubt salt water helps you no end yeah I know a guy that started an entire YouTube channel that about that salt water so yeah something Coastal something I think but yeah okay no one think about Coastal and waves yeah we've had we've had the DX Commander I think that Mike is it was it the classic or the Expedition that we've had down there on the beach and yeah that was the Expedition Okay so we've had the Expedition down there on the beach in Galveston on the Gulf of Mexico and yes uh other side of the world like Spain the Azores um Europe uh who else was uh Cuba Cuba's easy from Texas though I mean I can get Cuba on on a mobile ham stick um but yeah I mean we talked to a couple of echo Alpha stations and um yeah it was it was it's it is it is awesome using it just and you don't even have to be in the water just like kind of right next to it the antenna might have gotten a little wet a couple times the tide kept so Mike said his antenna up and it's like a good 10 or 15 feet from the water coming in and then and then the tide comes up and it starts watching everything and sure hey let's move it I looked at a tide app and it said the tide was going out right yeah that was right so we're talking about the detergent Mike yeah oh yeah unfortunately there was a bunch of us there so everyone just kind of grabbed you know a couple guys grabbed all the radials and you know just moved it but yeah we had to move it like three three or four times three three or four times yeah well the tide was going out but on the other side yeah that's right yeah that's on the wrong side the true the true sdx floats I've been down that road and it works afterwards too mine took a rogue wave and uh and then I kind of dropped it in rice and it still works we also discovered that these people I mean it's a lot you've got to remember a lot of the people watching this haven't done portable maybe for many years or they haven't gone into the photo thing and they think or maybe I should maybe I shouldn't um but unless you go and try this stuff out you won't you won't realize how fun it is I mean Mike Tom me and a couple other guys we went um up to the hills in the summer you know when was it Mike August sometimes yeah it was yeah August yeah yeah the generator had packed up so we just went with batteries we were going to go qro you know but we just went with batteries ah absolute ball and if you go with some friends and have your own kind of field day thing make it out of you know yeah somebody does a bit of cooking someone's in charge of this you know just split it up you don't have to be a club to to do that just get some like-minded people together that's why we bring Frank along is to cook for us otherwise yeah I mean you know I'll be honest here Callum I have a serious question for you something I've if I lived where you're at I I've always wanted to do have you ever thought about going across the St Michael's Mount and uh and and doing portable over there or can you do that is there a restriction I think the first thing we need to know is where the hell is Michael's mountains [Laughter] I'm an American here give me a break but you know the the where you walk across from the tides out it's not far okay yeah Now isn't that is that cool it is yes yeah but then I'd need to do I'd need like a g90 and um yeah and then a little battery you know I'm into at least 100 words so that's my qrp yeah you're speaking my language right now you see I I've I think 100 watts is qrp that's right I think the best thing we could do Callum is actually put one of your DX commanders on a dinghy and put the radios over the side so they're in the water push it out there and let it go there's anybody here done Maritime Mobile glasses Maritime Mobile you know what you're transmitting from the from the water so yes yeah yes it would I brought my HT on my dad's boat in his Lake does that count no no no it's fresh water no you got to be on salt water I've operated from a battleship I guess that's Maritime Mobile yeah I just think I found always fancy doing that you know being in the middle of the ocean and uh doing 1500 watts I mean I think everybody would hear you wouldn't they absolutely probably hear your own Echo okay here's a question has anybody ever heard their own Echo yes anyone heard their own Echo really yeah Colin has I have I have not no I've heard I've heard recordings of people say like um I think the guy who talked to General class that I took years ago when I got my first general license was um played a recording of what that sounded like and I'm like wow that is free but I've never actually heard that myself no okay are you talking about YouTube yeah and maybe I was back at a peak of the awesome spot so it was probably 2011 2012 and I had I still had the hex beam and I had the Ecom 1000 you know and those those up those upper bands it was just it was amazing absolutely amazing I had a couple of times but to hear it and just you know it's it's awesome 10 meters or something or yeah 10 meters I mean I was always I was always up there and my favorite band was 10 and 17 because you know it was it was easy to work stuff on 17 because a lot of people don't have superstitions on 17. so you're you're kind of Even Stevens because yeah yeah there was sorry Jason to uh no no you're fine but there was a fantastic I must actually find the recording it is it's on YouTube and it might have been Michael correctly or one of the Brits will correct me I think he was it was one of the uh radio they used to do like a half hour or one hour The X Factor The X Factor and he was using is it goon hilly it was a dish yeah yeah I mean you're looking at a 60-foot dish right you know 20 meters pointed at the moon and they had permission and they connected this you know 400 watt thing up where and he said okay then and he'd never done this before he was guided you know because he's the guy on the Telly you know he goes CQ you know golf 4 alpha bravo charlie uh listening over click drops the key and you hear listening over and he was like you could see his face when he realized because he was doing moon bounce right I realized that that was the speed of light had gone to the Moon bounced back and he had received he was getting S9 contacts with people all around the world on two meters mind you with a 60-foot dish you would have thought he wouldn't but that was a real reminder about how fast the speed of light is slow you know really lovely I I I I would I would want to put that dish on the back of my truck I mean that's just that would can you can you do a blow up one can you think of a better representation of a Texas hand radio operator than a 60-foot dish on the back of a pickup truck four-wheel drive if that's possible anywhere it's only going to be in Texas yeah yeah that's what I'm thinking I just want to know what kind of mileage you get when you're pulling a 60 foot I would only take it out to the hunting lease and climb up the hill and take some video of it then I take it off but it would be worth doing that for that well at that point though you could actually just point you just point your truck in the direction of the wind and use the dish as a sail as a sale yeah yeah I don't know yeah it would have to be a small truck if it was Texas yeah right right Callum thank you for joining I appreciate your uh support on this and for inviting the other people you did uh to this uh to this live stream so um I I'll Circle back to you in a minute and ask you about uh your shipping status on all those antennas we sold last week yeah so let's go on to let's go on to Mike uh what's up buddy how are you hey I'm sorry it ain't Mike that's saying Star Road blofeld yeah yeah only a negative because the cat's the wrong color but uh yeah we'll go there yeah no yeah that not okay Satan cam I see that now no Mike Mitchell Mike Mitchell let's go to him yeah that's you yeah yeah hello world hello what's up buddy how are you oh very well thank you I think this is possibly my first uh time on on with you it is it is I believe so yes do you have a YouTube channel yes funnily enough um it's uh Mike hyphen Mike zero Mike 0 November so MSN oh that's nice if you kill them so much I've got it I've got it oh yeah you can post the link Callum that's fine that's nice of you yeah yeah basically um that Lord Callum there is the the so reason I am playing um I actually started the the YouTube channel to take the uh to take the Michael out of him um and uh well you're you're uh your thumbnails are are indicative of of a DX Commander type Channel bananas right right thank you very much yes so um yeah basically I I I did it to take the Mickey uh and then started to actually get into the hobby um properly um and uh yeah I just basically become a subordinate of this Master's Voice there and um wow so you told me this is I think I think royalty and the royal family still works over in England we don't know about that over here but you guys go ahead I'm good with you absolutely he's the Lord I'm a sir what can you ask um yeah no so basically I just I played with the DX commanders um DX Commander um that's not easy to say after a couple of these believe you me and um kind of like the the uh the channel sort of developed from there so now I start building all types of air airplanes yes why not and I've progressed to the Wankel engine now I just build all sorts of Aerials and and try to find out why they work how they work and uh that's what the Channel's about really um actually Adrian I um I actually bought a second-hand one of of his um magnetic Loops um and I will be honest with you I reversed engineered it and made a copper version um which um is on on the channel and that's got a tremendous amount of use and it's one of the areas of um antenna building which I'm absolutely in love with is the magnetic loop what an amazing piece of kit for what it is you know it's a fabulous and that's that's what I do basically just play and um keep on playing and play a bit more and and then you know take take the Mickey out of uh the Lord and Master them in the purple you see Mike was originally a customer and then he made a couple of kind of spoof videos about DX commander and whatever and I got in touch with him I said actually if you took this a bit seriously you could do you'd do really well at this so um and and then because it just so happens that Mikey's only about an hour away maybe a bit more he pops up every couple of weeks or so like a bad Penny Penny yeah make a bad Penny well thanks Mike I appreciate you being here good to learn about your channel and uh yeah you're doing a good job it looks like you've got a a good uh the channel looks really good I guess so so very nice of you to say yeah yeah I appreciate that I'll go subscribe myself right now share it in the chat as well so you guys go check that out uh my friend Noel is in the chat he's like what's with all the folks here from Far East Texas uh lynching on everyone's accents so yeah no no he's he's uh he's he's kind of a he knows a unique character I'm just going to leave it there and I forgot to bring my pipe [Laughter] bloody hell that's right I've got a bale boys I've got a I've got to go poda so so you have to go you have to let me go let me guess Mike with a DX Commander Expedition it's kind of my thing actually I think we're using uh we're using my buddy's uh new Tar Heel he just got I know I know listen there is always a DX the DX Commander Expedition lives in my trunk so I am never without a DX Commander before you go yes if we if I've only seen any plates but I have not emailed lucky yet because I'm a horrible person okay because you you'll just give you so much yeah I I was I was watching that part of your video uh last week Callum about the new plates and I'm like oh that's I haven't seen those yet yeah I I love those all right boys thanks Mike yeah and uh see you Mike and he says bye he left already yeah all right that's the trunk of my car as you can see the DX Commander is always in there oh there it is yep okay Carlos I can't the 18 meters in my yard there's no way I could fit the 18 meters obviously you need a truck you know obviously anybody Carlos do you know anybody who's come with the 18 meter mobile yet I took my I took my 18 meter to the park once geez I had to so I have a station wagon uh they're they're popular in Europe they're not very popular in the US and I had to set everything down including the front seat in order to fit everything in there yeah wow it is a monster we need to get we need to get Carlos to jump out of a plane with that 18 meter man well the thing is the problem is there's no way for me to fly the the ground plane like I can't fly the the antenna the ground plane you might be up you may well you're not on the ground so you don't need a ground plane is Carlos the one that does the airplane jumping yes yes did he accidentally land in something and end up with that beard I don't know but that's what we're going to accuse him of from now on you know I'm writing that down that's getting recorded right here buddy that's a tick tock video right there that's a tick tock video yeah yeah you know it oh my God I mean I just couldn't compete with us right all right well uh we'll get to you guys here in a second uh let's go to Paul om 0et see if your microphone's working man testing no can't hear you no no not there yet we'll come back to you test your microphone go to settings yeah he put something in the chat he's like I've never been on Zoom before so I don't know yeah so at the bottom left corner of your screen there's a microphone symbol and if you click the up Arrow next to it it'll let you choose which microphone on your computer to use yeah so you you probably have that choice wrong which is common that's it or you can click audio settings and then go through a little test procedure offline yeah we could do that or you could do hand signals oh he's too handsome are you having a good time hold up hexadecimals or something yeah oh God Morse code with lights yeah same before Oh try it now is that him that's not him I don't think oh it says connecting to audio check mark now try it Paul o that was me he got me each of each of your squares highlights in a yellow box when you talk so oh yeah all right Paul troubleshoot that we'll come back to you uh let's go to let's go to Jonathan down at the bottom m0jsx oh yeah I don't know if it's famous he's a famous Jason you don't know this yeah he's world famous for probably big beds into small tents do that or not so oh Mike he had to didn't you oh yes uh yeah that that goes back to um the conversation you're having before I joined about dogging on top of the hill um it was the best weekend we've had that's funny I don't think I've laughed as much since to be honest um no so I I spent five years of my life working for an amateur radio dealer in the UK tell them that what it is oh yeah yeah so I spent five and a half years working for Martin inch and Sons uh and in fact a year today I left um it's been here today since I started my new job so yeah wow um and I've been doing YouTube stuff since not as frequently as not as often as I'd like but um I've got a couple of things in the in the pipeline good what kind of uh what kind of stuff do you focus on time um that's what I'm doing too yeah so um next video is going to be uh g106 little review which you know you did not long ago Jason so that's what's coming up um shortly um also got video uh in the works about digital hotspots which has been done to death that people seem to want me to do one um yeah they're they're pot those are popular videos I'll tell you what some some of the some of the videos I do on my channel are just like you know what I don't I don't really care about this subject but everybody wants to watch it so I do it you know it's all about audience uh it's about audience interaction and retention and and that's good it's a good thing it's a good thing so yeah you got a good looking Channel there man I I enjoy that that's it looks really good thanks for the Subscribe button somewhere Jason just yeah I've got it I I hit you up there I'm just making sure I'm subscribed I think because I am so the guys that the guys at Martin Lynch and I I I don't remember their names there were two of them you met Tony and Richard Tony and Richard okay they were at Dayton Hamvention last year yes yeah okay really nice guys really nice guy he they came and hang out with us at the troll bar at the troll Pub on our Saturday night outing and it was like it was like okay if you like us as YouTubers and then you can come there and hang out with us and you still like us afterwards then you're good people because it was one of those nights where it's like do yeah well yes but I mean you know that's that's part of the fun right so see Jason what you don't know is that Tony uni was whatsapping me pictures of him with everybody from that meat I didn't know that yeah so I had all of the pictures oh wow okay then well Jason he's actually got your picture on his bedroom walls I yeah yeah he said and then Josh that's too confused both Jays and I get called Josh all the time so do you remember that's okay yo yeah all the time are you sorry this one not Josh [Laughter] yeah yeah we Josh and I were always texting back and forth he and he'll send me a message he's like dude I just called got called Jason at the same radio club yeah I'll send him a screenshot of something where I got called Josh so yeah it's fun but it's just because the J names that's all it is really but yeah sorry I'm I'm joining the club aren't I um yep Jonathan it's a little bit it's a little bit easier to tell you with the with the accent but yeah yeah you're in there well maybe maybe I have the accent yeah it is called English and it's in England that's true I think the Americans have the accent we we we speak Texan down here I don't know what y'all are about but so here's a true here's a true story the first time I the first time that Callum ever came on to my channel we were doing a pre-recorded thing it was not a live stream Calum I don't know if you remember this or not I don't remember a lot of things but I was College it was the first time I'd ever met him on Zoom and there was like six or eight of us on there we were recording a video about all the different cool YouTube channels out there and uh and I ca and I called him Caleb two or three times I said I said hey hey Caleb how are you and and Josh and two or three of the other I think Mike and two or three other guys they sent me a DM they're like dude it's Callum oh my God I'm like okay so once Callum finished talking what not I was like Hey Callum I I apparently I've been calling you by the wrong name I I I said Caleb instead of Calum that's like but I'm from Texas and we don't pronounce anything correctly anyway and and Callum he looked in the camera he's like I've noticed that I'm like I'm like all right this guy and I are gonna get along for years ago yeah Johnson yeah yeah now the interesting thing about Jonathan I've asked him this question it's after working four years in half was it four years Johnson five and a half years at home radio shop no I only worked four years yeah you were employed for five and a half yeah the one and a half years that I wasn't apparently doing anything I was just talking to Mike nice he's one of the few people that have done it five years at least in the ham radio shop and still likes the hobby that's a rarity it really is uh that's good that's good I'll give you that that's good I mean I'm amazed to be honest so I spend you know every email I get is about ham radio every email I send is about ham radio and yet I can't wait to put up the long wire for 160 you know I am something's gone wrong I should hate it by now right right to be honest I think you have the same mental attitude to it that I had when I was working there [Laughter] so yeah that's the thing yeah yeah it's funny that's good yeah I really struggle with that yeah of course you yeah yeah how do you work out yeah well to separate it it's really good because I work at Moonraker as well and when I come home I've got to do what I'll do at home and I'll find it I've got no time for radio I'm just constantly either at work answering the phone to ask your customers and we all know what that's about or or I'm at home building antennas so I don't really get much time so how do you guys separate it especially Callum you know because you literally live for DX commander and yeah I'm just wondering how do you separate that to your hobby you know employee employs the rest of his family to do the actual work that is the truth are you sure I'm not clipping one two one two no you're fine you sound fine over here okay um obsession I'm obsessed and that really helps and also I do separate work from a hobby in that every time I use my radio I see it as a sales opportunity [Laughter] I don't actually know I don't know why I don't hate it that's really bizarre I absolutely love it I think it's because I've got a field now when I walk out to that field with my boots on you know because it's normally muddy or something else I just can't quite believe I've got just over 60 foot square oh and I'm gonna let my family allow me to do anything I want you know I'm gonna play I'm gonna build something today uh okay you know as long as I've done all my email sat with Wendy and done some numbers you know all the accounts and everything and all the pay supplies and what's this for and have done all that normally takes a couple of hours by 11 12 o'clock I'm normally normally free that's the way I've set it up so there we are it's finally I mean I'm lucky is that lucky is is a diamond he does all the dispatch he does all the kind of little manufacturing bits as well he builds the so239 assemblies he Taps out all the holes does almost everything now he does my what my job used to be yeah and um and if it wasn't for him I would actually go and employ someone to do this but well it's probably two jobs because one to do that bit and then someone else to just endlessly print off labels and stick them on boxes and then put all the right stuff in the box and I used to make more mistakes than he does so so what you're seeing is you're basically retired columns I haven't done a video for a couple of weeks but you know I'm kind of as Jason once said to me when I lost my old Channel years ago he said don't you know you you stop worrying about that now you are an antenna manufacturer and you've got you've got your coverage and you've got your customers and so I'm not not beholden to YouTube anymore if you know what I mean I can just Cruise along and make the stuff I want to make and I really enjoy it oh one question the thing is I enjoy it's a bit like making a video for me it's a bit like art I actually enjoy the art you know so that Evolution antenna I put up holy cow is the um it's the thumbnail now it's a lovely piece of video art really for me I really enjoyed it um yeah so and you learn but you'll only get two or three of them a year you know that's interesting that you say that Callum because uh my son's a musician and he writes music and Records songs and I sometimes look at the video after I do it it's like you know this thing's gonna be out there forever I mean I know it's kind of stretching it a little bit but it's just like right here putting it out in the universe yeah yeah and so and I forever did you say yeah Forever Until you delete it but even then after afterwards somebody's downloaded it somewhere or it's on Odyssey yeah it's on Odyssey yeah that's right yeah yes yeah um yeah so I've been whereas I used to been no videos at all I'd edit the hell out of it just to get something out the door now if it's not right okay ah re-record that sometime it's just not right delete everything delete the audio's not quite right or just something just delete it a lot Callum I've got a question for you going back to the separation of sort of work and hobby were your family as supportive of you in the hobby before DX Commander before the company before the antenna Manufacturing foreign we went on holiday with two cars so I could fit all my radio gear at the back of my car right seriously and it was like a four hour trip sounds like I mean it was a whole it was the Acom 2000 ts990 oh wow it was everything and crates of I had a whole tool kit with me spare wire soldering iron toolkit a lot two weeks I'm going to be just developing and having some fun actually as it so happens that's where DX Commander was developed but I said well if I'm having to I work really hard I'm having a two-week holiday too I'm gonna do three or four hours a day playing my thing so as long as they get time when they think they need the time or you agree up front then I mean I don't play golf I don't go to the pub you know I don't do things that other gentlemen do like you know they get there 10 hours a week or whatever it is doing their own thing I suppose I mean it depends on the relationship you've got your other half you know she gets her time that she goes out with coffee because you've got to remember in the main females are more interesting people and men in the main are more interested in things so our things is science that's why we're all here you know we we're fascinated and the science of RF so you just have to appreciate that they're very interesting people so they're going to want to talk to you you know and you're going to need to that feedback and listen to them their problems and everything else once that's done you're gonna say okay well now I'm interested in people um in things and I want to go and play with my stuff or it might be all set her up a couple of weeks in advance I've got a contest coming up two weeks Saturday okay just to let you know from two until six I'm gonna be off there you know well off the air from the house I'm gonna be on the air on my hand radio I'm not sure if this is uh normal but uh the dogs joined us oh hello Doc it's funny you're funny that Ashley Callum because my wife says why aren't you playing radio go away [Laughter] so yeah yeah but you see when I do a video about you know I went away and I went portable and then I set this thing up in the garden and everything and oh my wife will kill me if I took a radio away so what you've got to do is you spend qual when you spend your time with your partner you've got to spend it quality time and she's just got to appreciate that sometimes you've got your thing to do you know like she has earthing I mean Wendy likes going shopping you know costs a bit yeah not as much as our radio and fairness but good question Jonathan I think we that's something that we all need to be aware of and just managing relationships in the family is really important yes I'm going to take my pullover off oh my God turn the camera off quick let's see if let's see if Paul got his uh microphone working all right I'm straight I'm trying hey yeah you're there I can hear him no not the one that you have on your hands but I don't think I don't I think you've got the I think you got the ambient microphone on your computer selected rather than the one in your hand but we can't hear you I don't know I have I have my mic this is the Bluetooth mic and I've connected this mic to my cell phone and actually on cell phone that is definitely your cell phone microphone if you take the top of that microphone I bet you it doesn't do anything I don't know this is working this is working that's your cell phone yeah we can hear you but but you're on a different microphone but it's okay okay so so it's okay go ahead yeah yeah go ahead yeah thank you very much for inviting me yeah pleasure and what do you what do you got to drink there man what what was that I didn't see it okay this is this is a Slovakian very most popular uh something like a beer but it's not actually beer Slovakian beer oh man yeah and some kind of like a wine cooler looks like grapefruit and something yeah I mean normally suitable for under Eights laughs yeah okay yeah and uh and I would like to I would like to greeting to all those people that I see that 180 people are watching this uh this live stream is that all um that's a big number for me but that's that that's a small number for Callum for some reason draws a huge live stream crowd you know maybe it's because I'm really good at it yeah maybe maybe it is maybe it is maybe it is he's not an at all yeah I am an probably Jason I know I know it's my channel so go ahead Paul I pulled you I pulled your channel up here which what's uh oh you got a channel trailer Paul's the first one that I've seen with an actual Channel trailer look at that you see when you pull the channel up and there's a video that plays at the up at the top that's called a channel trailer everybody needs to do that you haven't been in my channel then have you well I haven't pulled yours up today because you're not in Europe Scott come on man so I'm gonna grip Scott my God Scott you know learn to geography dude so um everybody put up a channel trailer because that's really cool to have to have on your channel tells people what your Channel's about it's a good it's a good thing oh you mean an advertisement yes yeah that's that's one way to say it's pronounced wrong but that's one word I was going to translate it to aluminum aluminum and nebula are apparently English terms so yeah Paul please everybody let Paul talk please yeah hey you have any questions no you're good I gave you a question again your question oh yes right oh I just I just ask you to talk about your channel talk about your YouTube channel okay so my channel is um I'm a very big fan of the qrp activities and uh most of the time I'm working with the magnetic loop and I see that uh many people here on on this uh Channel now are also interested in the magnetic loops and I have to I have to agree with the with all of them it's a wonderful antenna no kind of voices you can use it in indoors Outdoors everywhere maybe in a hotel in the beach and everything everywhere so this is one of my biggest interests here on the on the channel and as you can see that I have um or my uh my uh great injuries is in there in a in any other antenna systems uh trying experimenting with these wires antennas verticals I do things and home which is my favorite um interest and of course the portable activities and reviews I like it review and new videos most of the Chinese junk stuff sometimes Chinese junk but tell us how you really feel yes right right right right right right no that's good that's good cool stuff I've just realized yeah well I think it was Paul that just had a a very nice Tower put in his uh in his yard with a with a hex beam is that yours Paul oh yeah yeah that's uh that's not my homemade antenna it's a silent key maybe you've heard sugar Papa seven India Delta x-ray idx yeah I have one Paul absolutely amazing I had one yeah amazing yeah yeah Santana if it works pretty well actually five years I have these antenna and yeah just once I had a problem with this antenna when the freezing uh uh freezing was the when when else without his limits and what is the default yeah yeah freezing fog or ice yeah the freezing fog was about maybe five days in a row and and uh the the the crust of the ice created on these all um sprinters and the wires so that was really serious problem of the XP it has been almost damaged but uh fortunately uh all goes good I don't remove this this old eyes from from the antenna and antenna works pretty well still works pretty well so now I have this uh new tower it's a aluminum Tower from Poland and uh I think that it is working pretty well so so that that's the story by the way uh yeah this week huh [Laughter] oh my goodness but it's a zero alcohol here so it's like juice Okay so mine is yours cool Paul well thanks for being on here buddy I uh yeah you got a really cool Channel you've got uh your um uh let me pull that tab back up here yeah you're a x6100 video that you came out just about a year ago has 206 000 views on it that is freaking cool man that is great look at that yeah where is 500 people yeah yeah I saw that yeah I saw that and that that's really good yeah my most my highest numbered viewed videos are my uh technician uh my license classes on how to get a US license but um but that's that's a really good number but there man there's some big numbers yeah yeah for sure big numbers say hey Jason while you have um Paul there um yeah we have Addie and Calum as manufacturers what Paul didn't mention about himself that's a pretty big deal is um he's a Antonio antenna manufacturer himself he also has a website where he sells his uh his antennas and uh unans and he's got some great products out there he really does what's what's the website yeah the website is my post and actually om0.com okay okay let's see pull that up there yeah there it is okay this way I would like to greeting Where is the yeah magnetic Loops uh Mike I don't see the code sign I can see it online here he's making uh magnetic loose nice to be me oh that's that's that's well Adrian 2e0er ero is making magnetic Blues yeah yep so yeah I I I I would be interested in any antennas that you guys make that um yeah sometimes I get people contact me and they're like hey do I have to send you a free antenna for you to do video and the answer is no you don't have to send me a free anything you can no seriously seriously so some people send me free stuff and sometimes I keep it and use it other times I I do a video on it and give it away on a live stream or something and then other times I just use it and I send it back to you but the point is the absolute bottom line point is this is a ham radio channel I want to talk about ham radio radios antennas whatever so if you want me to do a video about your product just get with me and figure out a way that you want me to to get one in my hands and use it and then I can do anything with it you want to after that doesn't matter so and that goes for everybody because I love because if you search and I and I've talked about this a lot on my channel before if you search YouTube for ham radio space and YouTube's the the way that the YouTube search works because YouTube's owned by Google so Google Incorporated their search algorithm into YouTube so if you search ham space radio space and then nothing the first thing that comes up is usually ham radio antenna it's one of the most certain it's usually in the top three or four ham radio antenna is the most searched term on YouTube out of everything in the ham radio world on antenna so anytime you want to do a video and this goes for anybody not just me anytime you want to do a video on an antenna put the put the put the title of it in there put say hey um om0et mag Loop space comma semicolon whatever ham radio antenna and put the phrase ham radio antenna in your title boom it's gonna it's gonna get to it's gonna get a lot of attention because that's what people oh I know what's going in my next video I'm gonna do that to one of my YouTube videos yeah so so in Carlos's in Carlos's world it would be jumping out of a plane with ham radio antenna I have the tallest and ham radio antenna in the midwest so what you need Carlos what you need is is is a thumbnail with you right as you jump out and you're like this you're like and then the planes behind you and you've got a DX commander in your hand and you can Photoshop all that it don't have to be it didn't have to be real you just Photoshop all that and then you could even do the you do the radials out like behind you like floating in the radios you're like yeah and then you could do and then you could do like one of Adrian's loops and and use it as a parachute you hold it up like that so it's just ideas just wacky wacky thumbnail ideas that's that's what I'm good at wacky thumbnail ideas so you have no idea this is happening oh yeah yeah no no you should do it I I'm not joking if you do that that would be freaking awesome I'll send him a dummy [Laughter] parachute is entailed by antenna yeah right is that how he got his beard [Laughter] right well uh Paul thank you for being on here man you got a great Channel I appreciate you joining us today thank you my pleasure yeah yeah we'll have you on again I I I've seen two or three people in the chat say you should do this European happy hour again so maybe we'll do it again so let me uh let me give the floor to um who else is here okay Scott and Carlos because you guys are on in a very weird section of Europe but uh no it's cool so so Carlos is fluent in Spanish and Spain is in Europe so yeah we're good there so but uh yeah Scott you go ahead man tell us all about yourself well I'm not I'm not fluent in Norwegian so you know southernmost part of Europe mm-hmm yeah what's your channel the channel is hand rated for non-techies and uh basically I'm I kind of gear towards newbies but I've had a lot of uh more seasoned hams come in and go wow you know I never thought about that point of view on certain topics and things like that so yeah I guess I pretty much reach everybody but I try to just simplify a lot of the uh technical stuff that's in ham radio and make it more digestible for the new person or somebody who's interested in getting in the Hobby in hopes that I would attract more people to come in and uh be more involved and of course buy everybody's stuff of course yeah cool man thanks for being here I appreciate you guys uh joining me today that makes it kind of kind of like a kind of ties everything together with having some names in here who have been in my happy hour before these guys are all in Europe these guys are all great names of course but we haven't done this before on the happy hour so thanks for being here Carlos you're next man I think uh hopefully people watched our live stream last Sunday but if they didn't tell us who you are I'm Carlos KD 9 OLN I jump out of perfectly good airplanes on play radio while I'm in uh while I'm under in the sky uh I actually just joined because I knew it would be all right I knew that I would be laughing my butt off and so far delivered it's always a fun time man yeah you know uh so yeah I just jump on airplanes and play radio if yes it's crazy you know that's just crazy why would you jump out of a perfectly good serviceable airplane well because I had a parachute and somebody opened the doors [Laughter] uh it's always it's always good good reason that's a good reason zinny it's crazy anyway so crazy I've been called worse yeah that's the that's the not the worst name I've ever been called so exactly like crazy the mildest thing I've been gone right right right totally totally said that as a compliment to be honest yeah yeah so what what's everybody working on next man what uh what do you guys um Colin you've got a you've got an antenna that's uh like a crank up uh vertical dipole something right yeah adjust the wave so yeah so I was that was like I guess that was my first Obsession uh Jason um but I actually just let the the um well I had a website on it just telling people about it but actually I like that lapse just last month there because you know I I just I I was good to do and it was like I spent like a year on this project developing this antenna and it worked really well and I I still use it I've got I've still got 101 of these in the garage I've snuggled maybe half a dozen of these and I I stole my go-to vertical antenna but you know I'm just doing other things now Jason you know it it works and it's a great antenna um relatively quick to put up it lets you run any band 80 meters uh upwards you know single elevated radio works absolutely great but um you know it does what I need it to do Jason um are you working on something else now I'm really just playing with my moxons that's what I'm really in at the minute yeah um Jason um you know as I see I just I just float from one Obsession to the next Obsession I've got my date and it really is like that you know I've got my day job during the day I'm a manufacturing engineer during the day and and then basically once I'm done work you know I've got my free time it's just like right what antenna am I going to build next and I just float from whatever antenna tonight you know when it's really about building I guess as efficient as I can HF antennas I'm not really not really much into into VHF I dabbled a little bit I dabbled a little bit in my early days I made a couple of two mere quads and stuff but no HF is certainly where it's at um but yeah but that's that's where we are Jason but I just do even still a great antenna it's stoma as I say it's still my go-to antenna for running a vertical a vertical is always going to be my favorite antenna because it just works eh um but you know I've done that I've been there I've got the T-shirt you know just trying other things put it that way totally yeah I hear you good I just realized who Colin is really interesting ways Colin and I are having discussion yeah a long time ago long time ago yeah interesting it's possible that Callum makes a vertical antenna I'm not sure on that it was good stuff and I was um I loved what he was doing and supported you the best I can Colin if you remember that absolutely calm I think you nailed it was it was it was did you use stainless in the end are you stainless in the end and I didn't want to use stainless because I had this thing in my head that stainless as a crap conductor but but see when you actually use it it's not honestly it's fine people people think that don't don't use stainless antenna wire but as as nonsense you'll never notice the difference in the real world no I don't know it's not good exactly doesn't do badly on the um what do they call it uh it's not the input in resistivity conductivity charts no no no no no and uh you know it's got a lot of nice properties I'm not saying that it's not the easiest to work with you've got to you know you can't solve you can solder it but you don't use like silver solder so you basically just got to you've just basically got to crimp it as a manual as a sort of a mechanical connection but yeah there's easy ways to get over that you know and I mean I'm even using it on my 10 year moxin purely because I've had it to hand and it's not going to stretch so you know so yeah diameter did you end up with it's one millimeter so it's one millimeter um seven by seven so 49 strand so um yeah be aware watch when you're cutting it because let me tell you if you get one of the one or two of those strands in your finger you will know about it that's good yeah I have a question for calf if he'll if he wants to feel that if kel if you don't just say I'd rather not okay I'd rather not okay now go ahead no no no no no go ahead anyway so yeah at some point in time you switched uh four connectors with the DX Commander uh I don't know how well that's gonna show but there's a there's a significant difference between these two can you tell us why um there are you aren't they not or why yeah I wanted something stronger and heavier okay um because they get a lot of use sometimes and they get a lot of um mechanical pull they're actually blooming expensive four connectors actually they are five and a half pennies each so that's six seven eight cents each and that's 15 000 at a time wow um so they are very expensive four connectors but um they are lovely I you know I my brain said he just wanted to reduce cues you know he had one skew for one and then a different ski for another my brain said yeah he just wanted to read excuse but that makes more sense now yeah we used to do the lucky cats so for the so239 assembly they've got a slightly smaller one the rest are like that the big one you know you hold it up again Carl if you like oh you can be able to see the mechanical Paul's gotta go guys so everybody say goodbye to him real quick thanks man thank you thanks for joining us I am a subscribed 73 and good night bye later man thanks so let me let me see if I can hold this and provide it a property I still got daylight out here what's this night thing yeah and the one on the right is our standard the one on the left I mean it works but it's not as chunky yeah the one on the right looks like it'd be a better connection because there's more metal on the sides of it and it would last longer repetitive use it's a bigger hole for for putting like a single element in but that's fine just crimp it down stick some soda on it'll be fine and some people say oh you shouldn't crimp and then solder NASA did suspense I do that all the time yeah you're supposed to cramp then solder not solder things oh that absolutely yeah fine well yes that's true and that's fine but as I tried to explain to One customer just because NASA tested that the thing is we're building antennas not space Rockets I mean you could you can development races and you can crimp soda then crimp again really Carlos needs a space rocket for jumping out of planes I mean let's let's be realistic here uh I think he has the record for testing the nebula I went through a tornado with uh well yeah relatively survived it was basically a tornado and basically yeah it almost survived and it's surprising I really was shocked at how well it survived absolutely I was expecting it to go down way sooner than it did and when I didn't go down I thought oh when I wake up in the morning it'll be fine well you know of course the tornado didn't you know the tornado eventually won but yeah the resilience was uh was impressive broke well the Mast how far up uh about halfway up uh basically it uh the the guy Point had the guy point no no what happened what what it looks like is it looks like what the upper guy point the one above it caught just enough air it was bent uh because of the wind and it caught just enough air that it pulled it out of the section underneath it so okay sorry fellas I have to describe this it sucked it up yeah so the best description I have for it is because and and you know you guys are gonna go ooh it looks like a catheter that was pulled out without being deflated oh yeah I wouldn't know anything about that I guess I'm too young okay yeah oh interesting I'll Google it but tell me I'm definitely too young but I can imagine it's not nice Jonathan thank you I assume that there was other damage nearby like grooves houses oh yeah trees we had to get a new roof we had we had to get a new a new uh front door we had to get a new window for the front oh our neighbors like probably 90 of our neighborhood had to get new roofs uh new sighting so there was a massive amount of damage like I said it's an impressive amount of force this thing took it took I did get an email called us about two years ago I think it was Malta it was some very local very terrible storm and the guy sent me a picture and I looked at the picture and I thought what's he complaining about because there was this Garden there was nothing in the let's say Garden you guys have got a backyard it's just this Commander sitting there but when I started to read the text it said we had a really bad storm yesterday over on the right used to be the patio with all the chairs and tables they've disappeared and on the left there was a garden shed and that's disappeared to come after still standing in the middle oh my gosh and the thing is my nebula continued to stand right it's just that it stand it stood with once the upper section just yeah Fallen uh but it was impressive man I'm like wow you're still good for 20 meters yeah exactly yeah it used to be 40 minutes where I'm at right now where I'm at right now there's nothing like good poles I I built a a a half Square this past week and I coming over here I said I'm gonna be here for six weeks so I bought some cheap ass Chinese poles that I figured I'd use them for six weeks and toss them well I wanted to build a traditional half Square where you have the feed point in the top corner where the polls look like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree when I did it it didn't work yeah yeah so it was really bad so I I improvised and went back I was like you know what I wonder if I can feed this from the bottom and and did some research I think Callum had a video I know my friend Tim 5 PM whatever so I said okay you know I'll take a 49 to one and I'll feed it from the bottom and go that way and it worked it worked pretty good but I know one thing I'm going to come back next trip I I have a a a 10 meter DX Commander pole I'm going to purchase another one from you Callum and build this thing the right way with the feed point in the upper corner yeah fantastic yeah there's there's something to be said about polls like like I said I just went on Amazon and got the cheapest trap I could find and uh because I knew I was just gonna like six weeks and toss it you know what I mean I didn't want to fly back with it or whatever but I'll tell you what if you're doing that let me know and are you going to make a video about you particularly yeah because uh you know I'll do a deal to you know double up your bowls um one because I still haven't done it and I want someone to build one for me at least the in fed I'm gonna post a video um uh Sunday uh uh for the and fed for the the unfed half square that I'm built now and I'll be honest with you unbelievable game you can really tell that bi-directional like uh Paul's gone right now what the cool thing about the in-fed though compared to the corner fed is the in-fed is just like an nvis on 40. Paul and I had a conversation I'll have it in the video and I mean we were blowing each other away and he's in Slovakia and I'm in Poland so we're 400 miles away amazing on that but um I tell you from um on 20 meters I've got a 66 basically it's an infant half wave that's built that's that's turned into a a half square but um in fed would be 49-1 right now I am just like like I'm stepping over Italians and pileups if that tells you anything and I'm only using 20 watts so what's your key what's your best frequency band is this for 40. 20 meters it's basically basically the square is five up ten over and five down okay 49 to one in the I did use one and this just a purely an experiment I didn't model or anything but I did one counter Poise and it's a five meter counterpoints and what I'm doing is perpendicular so the square and I'm when I'm pointing the square the counterpoise is going with it but um yeah it's um it's it's amazing that's an amazing antenna I saw your video a few weeks ago Callum and uh yeah you really uh you need to build that thing I'm telling you it's it's pretty cool you know it's for the first time in my life being a low power guy and building verticals or whatever which I love doing for the first time in life I like he's like hang on a minute I think I have to I'll point my Beam at you it's a good feeling but um that's a great antenna I can't wait to um I bought one before I came over I have a friend uh n9sab if you guys know him uh Tim over in the states um I I bought the corner of that one from here yeah I know him I brought that one with me and like I said when I tried to uh put it up on I have two seven meter poles with me when I tried and I tried only trying to put them up about five five and a half the polls just like a cheap Chinese crap they just went crazy and I couldn't get it to work and I wanted to build this half square and um like experiencing this thing as an end fed is um I'm almost wondering now if an N fed half square is actually better than the corner fed because you get like I've got contacts on 15. unfortunately where I'm at in Poland the uh the muf has been so crazy 10 meters has just sucked here right now but um but I've had some great I've had 15 meter and I've got guys coming back to me with just my little g90 and 20 watts saying oh my God you're five nine plus five you're five nine plus ten So the antenna is an amazing antenna it really is yeah yeah I I did not model it I was curious how much how much yeah well I think yeah yeah what happened was when I went to build it and I when I when I couldn't do the traditional Corner fed I said let me go do some research I started going through I went to YouTube I saw callum's video and I saw Tim then Tim's a good friend of mine and when I saw Tim he's he was basically talking about the infant um um if a few other people and I saw that I was like you don't want to give this a try and that's you know and it oh my God it was just it's amazing my video will be up uh Sunday somewhere around um you know in the afternoon and here in Europe and in the morning I try to put a video up uh U.S time around eight or nine o'clock U.S but I'll have this video up and uh you'll see I mean it if it it's amazing contacts I've made with this thing and the cool thing is I can run out I've got two um beach umbrella spirals that I spin in the ground and so I've got the the um the Transformer and everything on one side I go to one to the other end lift it up and just spin it around to make it directional and as I do that and put it down my goal is tomorrow um try to do some long path over to either ZL or VK and then maybe just maybe go down to uh to South Africa that that side with it I haven't done that yet but every contact I've had in Europe have just been unbelievable like I said if you're in uh where I'm at in Poland if you can get through a pile up and get over top of the Italians in a pile up you've done something wow that's going to show you guys it's not necessarily the power you're running it's the antenna you're using that's exactly yeah right that's right uh guys I'm gonna step out for just a second I'll be right back yes Frank has Frank has co-host Frank let Shane introduce Shane and let Shane talk first and then you talk okay radio European Edition Frank that's what we do after the stream and I am going to shame man uh welcome to uh our happy hour and uh what are you up to man I just got off work and I'm not I'm from Europe I'm drinking a European beverage so I felt like I feel if it would fit in hold on hold on I'm glad it said beverage because I gotta start now but yours is from Kentucky such an American thing right now Americans just take over everything don't we I mean oh my God no not on a bottle of Scotch whiskey out here that's what I should have done it helps I was drinking an American bear there's nothing European about four roses [Laughter] I'm drinking Euro tonight for sure let me let me justify this a little bit here this whiskey was made by distillers oh that used to distill and blend scotches so faux Rose is a blend of four different whiskeys because usually whiskey distillers do not blend with skis it's straight out of the straight out of the barrel and they blend it within their own Warehouse to have a consistent taste this is for Unique different whiskeys it's not single malt it's crap so so am I drinking American Scotch can you see that right can you see with American was that American Oak selection yeah American scotch uh this is a Macallan 12 and it's been aged in a Sherry yoke did you exit yourself or did you do it no I would not I would not harm a McAllen twill if meet with me trying to age it onto something wrong I just need to ask um Waltz was it 10 meters across the top of five meters across the top I'm so it was uh 10 across the top five two five basically ten okay hold on two two fives to ten yeah yeah Cal's gonna have this thing modeled in five minutes [Laughter] yeah it's it's better than I thought actually uh so Frank I'll get my introduction out of the way my name is Shane K5 qbf I have a small Channel called this side of the radio and then on Tuesday nights we do this little uh show called the ham radio clubhouse that um basically on a weekly basis we need to have you back on Callum are you just now getting to Shane I like left five minutes ago my God no we we went three different places this is what happens when you're not here conversation unfolds imagine you were derailed by American whiskey ah okay that that that excuse I can live with you know the the fact that Frank took over I I'm not so okay with that but okay all right oh look at that the model already hem radio Clubhouse is a fun stream if you guys haven't ever joined it it's uh it's late at night for you guys over in Europe it's like 2 A.M zero zero zero time yeah but go back and watch them on the audio podcast they also or listen to them on the audio podcast they uh produce and rip out of there and that's how you can catch up it's a great great show but Shane I wonder was the net last time you posted a video on your Channel four months ago yeah I looked I looked just a minute ago I've been busy Frank Callum Calvin thanks for putting that model together Callum that looks that that explains my experience it really does I can see that yeah okay amazing carry-on chain 10 meter ft-8 is open right now just FYI also done since he's not here I'm smoking a cigar I'll clave a cigar it is a made by the same company Don likes the new worlds AJ Fernandez AJ Fernandez um do you think Could you type the cigar that you're smoking in the live chat yes I'll I'll go and buy one or five or whatever Jason we just need to we need to just pack up some cigars and go to uh callum's shop yes let's do that in fact Shane you were in charge of plane tickets you're in charge of plane tickets to Europe yes yeah you Shane yeah Shane Works Shane works for an airline so he can actually get his plane tickets for free or cheap or whatever that's all right I'll pay taxes on it that's fine if you come across callum's uh shop I'll even come up and say hello yeah Emma's right no no filming oh hell oh my God okay uh Adrian has to leave us guys so Adrian thank you for joining us uh good to meet you I've had several I've had several people in the chat say that we should do this again so look for an invitation do this again definitely definitely cheers guys it's a fun time thank you thanks for joining us if you can make it on a regular day or a regular Friday I'm off I could be here earlier well you know what I do the happy hour once a month usually sometimes I skip a month but usually I do it once a month so maybe I could do this one like once every six to eight weeks something like that once a quarter uh maybe a little bit more often than that but but we could but like Frank we could we could pick a I mean like if we planted four five six weeks in advance we could totally pick a totally pick a day that would work for everybody so yeah and that and that gives everybody and I know there's a lot more people in Europe that are either YouTubers or um interested in the community on YouTube ham radio community on YouTube and that kind of thing so yeah magical um meter land that that makes our lives just Greenwich Mean Time well I was going with meters and meters oh the meters yeah well when the Cornwall next time we'll just go crash this holiday I'm really not sure if uh the UK is prepared for an invasion by Texas hams Texas hams are probably really welcomed in Scotland but you but but England not not so much not so much you gotta remember Cornwall I think originally Cornwall was like Wales it was its own kingdom they've got their own flag and everything yeah and uh it's like a different world down there it's like going back to 1950s they're having electricity in school next week yeah yep and the cast the week after yeah yeah so world to um my father's still doing missionary work down in corn I was just going to show uh what why he was getting out so well so that's the half Square 10 across the top with five meter sides fed in one corner uh ignoring the um assuming you can see this yes yes yes yes yes perfect yes um and that's giving you about seven or eight DB gain over let's say a straight vertical because it's taking it's basically taking some of the as you can see it's taking some of the gain from the sides and pushing it out the front because you can't we can't make can't make any more gain can we we have to like a blue you have to squash it and push it around and that's what the half the half square is doing so that's from the corner column or or one corner yeah what happens if you feed it from one of the ends the bottom of one of those five meters does it change anything yeah I don't think it probably will I'll just tell you hold on does it oh yeah well very easy to change for me what all the computer calendar is eight parks on the air parks in Cornwall oh I ain't cool yeah that's easy how many miles apart they don't use miles over there so it's really zero I'll never use my no this is where it gets confusing Jason because we use miles yes oh you do use miles yeah we go from centimeters to meters to miles so man I think I thought I thought things didn't make sense over here you guys are really mad about over there I can make it worse for you I could make it worse for you Puerto Rico oh yeah Puerto Rico's bad Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain to start with right now it's a colony of the United States and everything is labeled in kilometers an ectometers and you know it's just everything but the speed limits our miles per hour so when you're traveling from the from the airport to the west side of the of the island you're seeing these mile marker signs and you're like well that mile went awful fast the reality they're kilometer markers oh my gosh the only good thing that came out of kilometers is Star Trek Star Trek uses kilometers so it makes it real so that's all right so I went to Ireland back in the summer and I got really confused coming off the ferry because the speed limit signs look like the same speed limit signs that we have in the UK um except it's in kilometers an hour you're thinking 30 miles 30 miles what's this doesn't feel like 30 miles an hour what does this make what this doesn't make any sense so at school we teach them millimeters centimeters meters kilometers kilograms and all that stuff then as soon as they take their driving test everything's in friggin miles and feet for the braking distances yeah turn left in 200 yards and my kids will look at me and go wow what's 200 yards what's 200 yards about 200 meters give it to you yeah right curiosity because there's something I've always wanted to know it's the American mile the same length as the British mile 1 600 meters yes 1760 um yards and or was it five chains and a furlong yeah it's 5 280 feet right it's 5280 feet or six thousand if you're talking nautical miles you mean like the U.S gallon like the US gallon and the UK gallon yes a ton also the the ton is the same way the the metric system actually makes a lot more sense because it's done in tens and hundreds but nevertheless I grew up on the non-metric system so that's just how it is so I I remember going to uh the states for the first time being able to drink and then being very disappointed all right so American bear you probably were disappointed yeah so yeah so all of this wow that's okay there's so many stories around I was gonna say American there's a difference between American domestic beer and American craft beer right oh yeah it's like it's like when you call when you call Heineken the the beer of Holland no it's not that's not what we call a lager yeah and then your craft beer is probably what we call an ale no well our craft beer Is AO pilsner uh Brown nail anything not mass produced IPA yeah it's actually CR the term credit seriously yeah Shane is correct the term craftier means that the brewery who makes the beer has to produce a certain number of barrels per year or less I want to say fish I thought it was 30. I thought it was 30 000. there's a beer in the UK and and everybody from the UK here is probably gonna laugh at me and say oh that's that that's not good beer but for me as an American when I'm in the UK John Smith's extra smooth oh it's lovely you can't oh you can't get it in in the States and it's a Nitro it's like so if I gotta explain this to my American friends imagine a nice Golden Light American Beer that's a Nitro that's what John Smith extra smooth is me as soon as I land in the UK I go straight to the pub and get one almost like you've got to try Caffrey's you got to find a pub and find Caffrey's that is a wonderful I like to try I like to try all beers I don't really care where it's made I don't care what color it is I do tend to like the darker beers better than the lighter beers but I've had a lot of really good light beers as well so I love foreign well I shouldn't say that craft beers in the USA are the best beers I've ever had but German beers are very good there's a very wide variety Asian beers everything tastes like Miller Lite it's just I've never had a good Asian beer is decent I'm not sure if I've ever had a Polish beer or not so um but I've had I've had I've had I I have been to London one time I've been to London and the London beers are kind of like but boddington's was good you didn't go to the right place well that's that's that's that's when I was there they had some of the best beer I've ever had really and I've drank a lot of beer I went to a so I went so my wife was working there she was stationed there for like six weeks and I went to visit her and we went to this Pub where she's like hey this is the best hamburger I've had in England and it was it was very good it was very good so we go in there and and they're like and it's a pub it's not a it's not a restaurant as it were it's a pub I don't remember the name of it I wish I could but um but Callum have you ever heard of the um the Texas um Embassy in England it's called the Texas Embassy it's supposed to be like where the actual Texas Embassy used to be back when Texas was the nation and now it's now it's a now it's a Tex-Mex Restaurant it's not good it's not good so if you ever if you ever come to the states I'll take you for real Tex-Mex so um okay so my wife my wife is in there my wife is in the chat she says there's a Scarsdale Pub in Kensington ah okay the Dolce okay okay yes yeah that's my wife so she's a skirt Scarsdale so we go there we have a beer and and I ordered and I and I I go up to uh or the waitress was walking by it's like hey we'd like to order food it's just like you ordered at the bar I'm like food too she goes yes I said okay that's fine so I'll walk up to the bar order food Burger was fantastic and that beer they had there was I mean it was good but if you go to the internet on a like pool yes was it a warm beer but if you go no it wasn't warm it was cold no it was cold we weren't in Ireland it wasn't Ireland it wasn't Ireland so but we go to the airport and it's all like Bud Light crap yeah so but but the actual Pub in England I thought it was was really good but if you if you come to Scotland if you come to Scotland and I don't know if it's the same in England call them and they can see but if you say to any Scottish and then you walked into a pub and said to the barman can you give me a pint of wife beater did you say wife or white wife bitter and callum's just a wife beater beer yes beer all over my laptop we have Stella Artois over here and I'm sure it's different over there but it here it's just it's like whatever it's just make it more aggressive you got you guys in the UK might remember this my family being from the UK originally and um my uncle used to come and visit and he would bring beer with him and back this is back in the 70s would bring tenant tenants loggers another wife beater like a hot chick on the side of the camera just remember that I love the kids and you didn't just get on tenants you go to you got it on a beer called sweetheart Stout which was a dark beer okay now now I'm interested because Stouts are my favorite so yeah okay is that a Scottish beer that was a squash beer you still get it but you don't get the Lovely Ladies printed on the side of it anymore you're one of my uh one of my style I I've had some of your brood beer Shane it's good you haven't had any Minds have it rude but I thought you I thought you brought some to the deer release one time no well Evan had some can I just clarify one thing is that Scott from ham radio for non-techies has just told us on the live chat that in Texas you're allowed to brew for your own use 25 000 gallons [Music] it's like six that's like six weeks that's like six weeks worth of beer man yeah a couple weekends I've got to go get a beer I'll be right back I usually Brew about 15 Gallons at a time I've got a Kegerator with that I keep three kegs in now I do I did hear that that if you go to Ireland and go to the original go to the original uh Brewery for Guinness getting a beer there it tastes much different than the stuff we get in cans and bottles yes yeah yeah I think we drink our beer way too cold in the states yeah quite famous there is no such thing but I I that closer to home than that Scott if you go to Boston and order a Sam Adams Boston Lager it is not the same that we get here yeah it does nothing I think fresh out of the vat probably tastes a lot better it's a different formula they say we do not bottle and can and Export this formula it's a totally different formula and at least that's what they claim that's what they claim anyway so because it doesn't keep yeah right yeah that could be could be yeah well I'm famous so the stuff that you buy in Ireland is but is um brewed in Dublin whereas the stuff that some of you get in the UK is brewed in Burton on Trent which is basically where everything is brewed ah but more interestingly than that is I went to a pub in County Cork with an Irishman and he said nobody here drinks Guinness we all drink Murphy's so I had a pint of Guinness followed by a pint of Murphy's and Murphy's was Far nicer yeah really yeah groceries a little bit smoother yeah I've never had a Murphy's I've had Guinness once or twice I didn't really care for it I went through a phase I went through a phase when I was younger I did not like dark beer so I tried Guinness and I'm like Ah that's too much and then I and then I transitioned at some point to where I only liked dark beer and I tried Guinness and I was like ah that tastes like Walmart beer so um so I I would I kind of skipped over the Guinness but Murphy's I've I've heard of that but I've never had it so that's good that's good information good information it's going to be a prepared keg you know in the cellar sat there for a couple of days not in the counter bottle yeah so what you're saying John what you're saying Jonathan is basically we're drinking the river Trent and that's probably not something that you want to drink to be honest with most beers brewed in the UK you're drinking the river trains wow uh talking about Pota then because somebody who is keeps telling me that uh there's another thing and that time I can I've got my screen in front of me here and I live um uh where my mouse is I think you can see me so there's there's a park there's a park of special scientific interest here which is not far from a housing estate that is in a Housing state that is in a housing estate that is in a housing estate that is a park right in the um Saint Nicholas Country Park uh which I think shuts at five o'clock Stone Lee shuts at five o'clock and he's an industrial estate so all these places they do exist but you've got to go right far away and some of them are you know far down in dips so my signal wouldn't get out there are some parts that um are actually actually covered quite a large geographical area so you've got um for example like the Peak District Arc is a huge area so uh good point good point but then that's 50 to 60 miles up the road well yeah I mean that was an example I don't know if there's anything close to you there's nothing I mean there's that one's by the motorway yeah over here in Europe and you'll find a lot of the parks double up so I see so it's the parks on the air map accurate or is this got flora and fauna on it as well that I can use no I don't think no I don't think that I don't think just if you go to powder if you go to poda.app you can search by name okay you can search by name or you can search by that you can pull up the map and just kind of up I've pulled it up yeah yeah so and it's it's as accurate as the information they've been provided yeah fine okay usually the pinpoint's not where the park should be but correct that's just telling you where what the part name is and all you have to do is be inside the part boundaries correct so what you do is you take the pinpoint well I assume that works this way in England it works this way in the USA so you take the pinpoint and you figure out the name whatever xXx State Park okay go to Google Maps and look up that state park and all the parts in green yeah on Google Maps is boundaries of that Park so as long as you're in that green section you're golden yeah and on the OS Maps as well it'll show the park boundaries okay yeah okay good yeah is close I don't know if you can see that clothes wood and new fallings copies site of scientific interest G Dash zero five eight zero and which actually looks quite nice and I've investigated that before um but um there's no I think you can park a car somewhere but it's you're supposed to just walk in there somewhere you can't I can't drive in you know sure oh well I'm the closest so well yeah I mean yeah I could use a little lay-by next to the fence then I could do something you catch the train there so you're talking about is your signal leaving and escaping the the dip uh but we know people that have activated the Grand Canyon inside of the Grand Canyon the Grand Canyon that's Pretty stinking deep right so the best way to do that it's on the rim but yes yeah you can definitely you know obviously the rim is better but my wife and I are planning a a rim to rim hike oh yeah that'd be fun and you know one of the questions she already asked me was like what radio are you bringing because we're trying to figure out what radio what antenna and so on to to figure out my load what's going to be on my shoulders so I'm going to be activating that from the inside of the Grand Canyon because others have done it before so you know I wouldn't worry terribly about the dip you're gonna get the contacts the problem with parks on the air in the UK is just taking what James is saying if you do have a flora fauna activation in the UK you will get a massive pile up parks in the air just isn't quite that popular in the UK but if you have an opening to the states you're going to have a massive pile yes but that's true honestly I've explained it for myself yeah because of it and it's opposite on the other side yeah like I operate on the beach all the time so the beach that I operate from is a park and I never I I did it one time if I go down to the beach on the Atlantic Ocean and I go portable because I'm I'm I'm I'm trying to DX you know basically I'm going to Europe and and what have you DX I I activated Pota there first Contact I made someone spotted me and for like the next hour it was nothing but Americans I couldn't even hear Europe because of Pota Pota made it so that I was not going to I was not going to work any DX at all because I was just overwhelmed by all the protocols from Americans they were just stepping over everybody so it's it's so popular in the states that you you it you almost if you're going portable and you want to work DX sad to say because I love Pota but it's almost like just don't don't act don't spot yourself don't activate podo just go down there and activate portable and try to work DX the two guys in the UK that are the most prominent poor activities you've got the two shirts you've got steer m0 ttq and you've got sheer m0 ovg and these guys are on the south coast of England they go to apua park and they will have a wall to wall pile up with the guys in the states and and and and and that is 99.9 of their contacts it's funny you said that college I've got them in the law again yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I've got them in a locked here yeah yeah yeah because if they did not have the states they wouldn't activate those power parks that you know right they wouldn't do it well you know what but but I think I think that I think that once the English once the English and Scottish and Irish and everybody catches on to that I think it'll be as popular over there as it is here it started here yeah because it actually started it didn't start because of flora fauna it actually started because the awrl did a year-long thing for national parks in the air in 2016. and they said hey go out to a national park and activate and we'll give you points in this kind of thing and then the guys who started podo were like hey this is a great idea let's do this year round every day and they started the parks on the air program so put it at parks in the arrow.com was their original website app now and now it's it's it's in it's it's uh overflowed into gosh I don't even know 20 30 40 different countries worldwide and like it's here yeah it's it's it's definitely Global yeah I brought I brought this just to gopota yeah in my car in Poland Hayden's got it in Australia it's Australia New Zealand it's down in Costa Rica where I've been to a couple times and it's like it's it might be a little bit slow to get started but once people realize what it is it is like the thing I don't think cam radio is dying okay people say ham radio is dying him radio is dead no it's not no it's not but we'll prove it we'll go look at poda I wouldn't be dying even without podo but but if you want really real proof go look at parks in the air parks in the air has has hundreds completely given us given a sh yes given a shot in the arm to HF operations and people who live in apartments and people who live in condos and people who live in HOAs and Coda has just like said hey we don't care go out to the park and set up an antenna and operate and that is the closest that's the closest you can ever get inside the USA to work in a DX pilot that's why I get my general yeah yeah I have worked DX pileups from Costa Rica and I'm telling you right now Pota is the closest way to do that inside the USA because nobody wants to talk to us inside the USA so it's just the truth there's just too many there's too many him radio operators here I I understand that really I've actually heard people call uh cqdx from Costa Rica and say any anywhere but the United States yeah right yeah yeah I have two yeah yeah I've had I've heard that yeah so is an excellent it's an excellent program the guys who run it are very very nice go go check out their Facebook uh group that you can post in and they're just they're awesome people and they have really really given a shot in the arm to ham radio not that it needed it again I don't think cam radio was dying okay people who think that have not done their research but they have given an extra extra boost to him radio for for parks in the air and it's just it's very alive rather than dying so people are you got more people doing protest so people going up in different directions doing their own thing so yeah it's necessarily dying but there's more aspects to it than this right yes correct yeah also given an incredible boost to voice and sideband in my opinion because let's be honest right now FTA as far as I can say don't don't no hate no hate here or whatever dominates dominates ham radio right now and with Pota it's keeping I mean I personally I I think radio is made for the human voice and I love it I love the I love that's why I operate SSB and I think that that is a uh you know it's helped her greatly there's a lot of guys who are doing podo with CW a lot of a lot of CW activity on poda and there's FDA there's fd8 I'm put I have used ft8 on Pota when I've gone out to a park and when I'm camping overnight I'll go out to a park and I set up an antenna and I call CQ and I just do I do Side Band for like two or three or four or five hours and I'm like you know what I'm tired of talking let's plug in the computer and call CQ photo on ft8 and that's when I do ft8 on Pota but the CW guys man they go out there and they tear it up too there's a lot of CW activity on poda every day every day it's very easy to make contacts and those guys get spotted automatically as well on the cluster so it makes all the difference and I'm correct and I've done that myself I've only done two activations but my second activation I did I did all on CW and that made it just automatically spotted and you know I think I made 14 contacts and 10 of those were in the States you know it was it was it was relatively easy you know so yes CW is the way CW and ft8 get automatically spotted on the Clusters uh sidebands somebody has to physically or manually spot you but yeah yeah CW is a digital mode so yeah you're right you're right that's totally it's totally accurate to say that that happens and it and it uh it works really well as well so it's just it's just a if you've never done parks in the air and never done poda and I I want to come to all of your countries and do poda from all of your countries yeah yeah Shane's gonna buy plane tickets for everybody and I'm going to bring my wife because she wants to go to she she wants to go back to Europe to Scotland and to to England and whatnot into Ireland I would love to go to Ireland she's been to Dublin I've never been there but yeah so Shane's going to provide plane tickets for everybody we're gonna come over there and do some parks in the air it's gonna be a fun time 2023 European parks in the air you heard it here first everybody contact Shane this side of the radio for plans can we do the other way could you organize tickets to get us to the states absolutely absolutely yeah talk to Shane he can get you tickets to the states actually for anyone who wants to do parks in the air in an area that is dominated by flora and fauna because a lot of the times those Parks will overlap each other and you can call a flora and fauna and log that as it parks on the air cuso as well so you can log the parks on the air as well as a foreign fauna and then inform the people who are hunting you oh by the way this is also parks on the air and you can you can spread the word that way if you're getting those giant pileups um in Flora and Fauna then then let them know especially if you look at the map and I think almost all the parks overlap each other but just tell them hey this is parks on theirs as well and even if they even if they don't acknowledge that you're that your parks on the air those cuso's still count since you're in that Park as long as it's an entity in both of um in both programs it gets very political and James it's very political there's a guy in the UK I can't remember his name James could maybe tell me what he has but but he basically does Pua or flora fauna every day and he was just saying the other day that he stopped doing puta because he's on his second warning from flora fauna because they don't like him doing puta at the same time wow wow I would be like I would be like I feel like here's my flora funny license you can have it back thank you very much we need to get Elon Musk to buy Flora Farms no we need to get him to buy poda oh wow yeah that's great great times great time yeah I seriously want to come back to England I want to come visit Calum and Chris and and hang out with you guys and we'll go do photo together I would I've never been to Scotland I would love to go to Scotland always want to go to school have family yeah I want to go hunt stag in Scotland I want to come get a Highlander broadsword [Laughter] you know Shane Jason I actually know a Game Keeper in the north of Scotland and because I actually take a days hunting from him earlier in the year at Grouse so he's he actually he actually takes a lot of international guests out stalking so if if you're actually coming over I can maybe perhaps hook you up and get in contact with them and you know you could arrange that what type of tools or things you're allowed to hunt with it's a long rifle it has to be a slow it's a long rifle it's very complex it's a bow and arrow yeah so I could do that there's absolutely zero bow hunting or archery in the UK for a game that's completely forbidden yes yes so that's that's surprising it is it is yeah yeah so if you if you want to hunt deer you need to use basically you need to use a caliber basically 0.240 or bigger in England 40 or bigger so okay so basically right yeah they do it yeah so in England uh in England the minimum legal caliber to hunt deer is a two four three yeah yeah that's good that's a good round so in Scotland yeah in Scotland the minimum round is basically a two four three uh sorry a minimum in Scotland is a treble two or a two two three it depends on it depends but they're not allowed to bring my own tools to go hunting with yes yes if you yes if if you get an if I think you need to get some sort of international permit but you can do that Frank yeah it probably costs two or three dollars to do that but yeah yeah that would be fun at home you gotta you can't bring the AR it's two two three buddies yeah so yeah yeah but but just as James says here typically if you're hunting Red Deer typically those guys will hunt with a 308 that's probably the most common color but the hunt Red Deer because that red deer is the biggest species that we have here in the UK Red Deer Red Deer Red Deer not familiar with it we have white tail and mule deer here and I hope with a seven millimeter Magnum zombie yeah this time of year the the Red Deer are pulling Santa's sleigh the Red Deer is close to an elk okay I was gonna say I I bet it's a big deal Elk's a bit bigger than Red Deer they're closed but they're not yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I would I would I would be okay with hunting Red Deer or reindeer or elk me too I I hunt I hunt with a seven millimeter Magnum which means that when I shoot the deer it field dresses it as soon as a bullet one shot one kill just for all you guys in the UK I want you to know that yes all us Americans don't have guns we do yeah yeah Jonathan so Bambi is a fallow deer and we we do have them in Scotland but we don't have we don't have very many but Bombay opened up the safe uh oh what did he do that don't be alarmed that's just a sneaker queue [Laughter] oh look at that oh I'm totally putting on you I'm putting in your chat today is that a 177 air rifle yes it's Airsoft that's a 177 air rifle oh it's the news Callum you're muted Cal you're muted it's a pellet gun you're still muted yeah you're still muted there you go um yeah it's it's a 0.22 oh it's a two two oh it's a 22. yeah that's my only two LR baby I love it what is that what makes it what is it called I think it is a 90 actually Rings about it's got the gaffer arm and um I I redid the stock myself it's gorgeous razor blades steel wool it's a lovely rifle actually and uh it's got a bit of a kick that's the only thing probably more of a kick than a bloody rifle to be honest it's done all this it does yeah however Calvin would really enjoy your uh our field day yes he would yes he would yeah yeah you mean ATF day yes yeah yes if you want to know what we're talking about ATF at in Texas ATF is a convenience store what is that Callum this is a point it's a 2-2 yeah it's like a Ruger it's almost a pistol yeah yeah that's right it's okay I'll stick on that thing you can shoot a squirrel over 100 yards away that's half the power of the Vira you do more damage if you Club somebody with it this is a rechargeable it's a bit like an sas rifle so it's what they call the stealth uh that's an fx isn't it there's no scope on it at the moment there's an fx yeah uh it looks like something you would put your antenna up with yeah hey guys uh what he uses to shoot the uh the end fed yeah guys Jonathan hey hold on a second Jonathan needs to drop so we're gonna say goodbye to him thanks for being here buddy appreciate you joining 73 guys I can't do that with my left hand live long and prosper I'm loving this uh callum's basically like from Mississippi you know what I mean oh yeah yeah yeah totally yeah yeah yeah yeah it's always his license freeze he's a these are um as as license free an England calm but that you need a license for that in Scotland I I it's a license so yes I have you have to have a license in Scotland to own a pre sorry you have to have a license for under 12 foot pound in Scotland so you need a license for anything yeah I think this is yes just under 12 foot I mean it's very easy to above it so but but you need the license yeah anything over something like half a foot pound you need a license for in school which I have uh yeah yeah oh well I won't bring them to Scotland then [Laughter] fills up with air obviously and I just paid one pound you know a dollar and a bit to get it filled up you get about 100 shots at full power and maybe another 400 shot better off bro all right you need to buy yourself a diverse bottle Callum and do it yourself I can't be honest I just shot it against the wall I hadn't checked in here so you put a hole in your wall in fact there is a hole there is a hole in the kitchen wall because I gave her a writing to a friend of mine he went oh that's nice it was at night and he just went he just went bang great big hole um I've got a funny story and this is no this is absolutely no nonsense right so an ex-girlfriend in a previous life she lived in Northern Manitoba about 900 900 kilometers north of Winnipeg so quite far north right and anyway we're at her uh and his house aunt and uncle's house and we're having a good time and they had a big Garden about five acres and all that and all of a sudden one of the women starts screaming because this black bear actually came into the garden right and in the next and yeah and then the next thing the guy that went the guy that had the house Davey he comes running out the house with his rifle and he's and he's putting shells into this rifle and he's running down his garden and then this beer basically takes off and it runs down in his garden and he's running down I'm saying what's he gonna do and this bear basically pops out at the bottom of his garden and then he lets off a shot and hits his black bear and I'm going oh geez oh what's going on and the next time he shoots another shot of this this black bear and then he screams up get the quad get the cord and I'm thinking right okay so I was the only guy that was there so I jumped on his quad and I takes off down the bottom of his garden I guess then at the bottom it turns around and he jumps on the back of the quad and he he tells me he says okay start reversing and he's got this rifle up and this is this is no BS by the way he's reversing back saying just watch just watch this bear might come running out at us and I'm sitting on this thing I'm sitting on this quad reversing back like this what if but anyway this is no bs anyway so anyway I'm reversing back thinking you know what happens if this bear starts running he's like just get ready that's when you dump him off the back and run yeah yeah so so anyway anyway the the bear doesn't the bear didn't appear so the next day he gives a call to conservation or the Rangers and then they keep they came out and they founded beer about 30 yards further back in his garden but basically this bear had come in East Garden and he wasn't messing about he just he just took it out his BlackBerry okay do you know I think he was using a seven millimeter mag something like that it's all quite a big stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah because they're used to hunt Moose everyone hunts moose that's that's what they do you know yeah yeah good stuff good stuff sorry I'm just sitting here with my writings [Laughter] hey you know what you know what stroking it man in the USA we don't care about that but I hope nobody for the English Parliament is watching my live stream tonight this is all legal stuff by the way ah because I'm not in Scotland right yeah that's right yeah hell yeah that's that's great right there this is completely the best intersection for ham radio because it goes right up to the almost the proper mentality that all of us and cameras have here in the states it's true there's a lot of us no I'm gonna say not almost all of us a lot of us a lot of us do I think I've got a bit of prepper inside me actually do you think a whole lot and it's my opinion that if you are a ham radio operator and you know how to program an operator radio you have about a 75 advantage over most Preppers because okay right I mean because yeah those guys can grow their own food and protect themselves with with Firearms that's great but how the do they communicate with the with other people in other areas we get a CB so so where's your CB antenna I don't I don't know about an antenna but you know I love these guys that come by my channel and say hey I don't need a him radio license because in an emergency situation I can use any form of communication I want which is totally true that's totally true and I'm like okay so do you go to the gun store you buy pistol you take it home you put it in your drawer you're like okay it's there if I ever need it and someone breaks into your house three years later three years later someone breaks in your house you take out the pistol and you're like uh is it loaded where do I put this oh yeah here you don't you don't buy a tool I don't care what the tool is you don't buy a tool and put it in drawer and forget about it until you need it right you practice with it and practice with it and that's what ham radio does and guess what and here's what I tell all my prepper friends I'm like guess what you're gonna practice with it you're gonna find out it's actually pretty darn fun now don't use that word don't use that word on the qrz forums because they hate that but it's actually ham radio is actually pretty darn fun when you get into it and I don't know it's it's you know Welcome to our world it's just it's it's a great it's a great hobby it's a great thing Callum is like the Nick Mason or Roger Taylor of him radio yes yeah yeah absolutely Nick Mason I'm with you there buddy definitely Nick Mason sure guys this has been a really really fun stream I'm glad I did this I'm glad I invited you guys um I would like to do it again I was going to see how this one went and I think it's been really well I had a lot of really great comments in the chat I just want to go and buy a gun [Laughter] mission accomplished hey we're we're with you there buddy yeah yeah so I this has been a really great stream I I had a lot of fun here I would like to do it again and uh I people have coming in the chat you should do this again so if you're watching the stream on the after chat or on team replay please um put a comment below let me know if you'd like to see this event again because uh I think it was really fun a lot of fun yeah definitely it's a great meeting a bunch of new people absolutely from way far away we don't get to talk that much because the bands suck most of the time so it's great to actually come in and hang out with you guys so thank you from around the world that's why I'm sorry you guys about go FRS I I just I you know I'm that the regular happy hour has been very successful for the about the past year and a half but it's like two or three a.m where you guys are when we start that so I want to do something that that included you guys so yeah and I've already I've already reached out to Hayden I said dude let's do something at 8 pm your time he's like that's 3 A.M for your I don't care I don't care I'll start drinking beer at 3am that's cool with me as long as I'm off the next day I'm good yeah yeah so we're talking about Hayden and uh and Chris from Radio Runner about doing something out there for the UK Australian and New Zealand guys that'd be that'd be fun but uh but yeah so we'll do this again this was fun this was fun I would like to apologize for my Outburst about an hour ago when I just started to lose it and realize that I'd run out of ADHD pills that realized it yeah I don't think anyone noticed that I think it was kind of normal for this stream man I don't know have you seen the clubhouse right right right right so hey speaking of I'm gonna do a live stream on New Year's Eve which I've done last two or three years and it's gonna start at like it's gonna start after the New Year for you guys in Europe well of course but you're you're still you're still oh you've got no chance at three well I usually we'll be out front shooting our rifles in the air yes do that yeah do that so I usually started I usually start about two hours before midnight which is about four four a.m so if you guys want to stay up late and join us we'll do a European one and hand over to you guys stats yes oh yes do that I will join I will join your European one and hang out with you guys for an hour or two and then yes you can handle that's a great idea Callum let's talk about that offline okay okay New Years and radio New York across the world that's right I'm gonna need a sign it's working does not need to be drunk on YouTube again I've yet to live down my incident in Mexico so just it's okay dude it's okay just just embrace it it's all good that's all good it's part of our culture we all gotta make the ass out of here that's right yeah it's not it's not YouTube if not I've got this overwhelming urge to go and buy a rifle which is about and just see if I can make it into an antenna oh I think we should we should that would be great welcome to Texas yeah Tio has done that yeah Mike Tio's done that and yeah YouTube made him take down the video hey guys wake good guy thank you very much for joining us tonight everyone have a good night
Channel: Ham Radio 2.0
Views: 76,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, amateur radio, kc5hwb, ham radio 2.0, ft8 hf, sdr hf radio, sdr hf transceiver, icom ic-705, ic-705, icom qrp, orlando hamcation, icom ic-7300, solar panel, fall out, ham radio live stream, kg5ahj, best ham radio livestream, best ham radio channels to listen to, best ham radio channels, best ham radio podcast, ham radio podcast, ham radio happy hour, youtubers bunch, ham radio rag chewing, hoshnasi, ki6naz, ham radio overlanding, pota, parks on the air
Id: PnTd-_lBvF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 5sec (9065 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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