Gaming with the i7 4790 in 2023.

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now you can find older quadcore i7 CPUs like this the 4790 for very little money these days it may be coming up to its 10th birthday but slap it in a cheap h81 motherboard with a stick of DDR3 and it'll be more than enough for casual Computing looks like someone did just that actually with this budget combo which I paid just £47 for on eBay any enthusiasts out there looking for some lowcost overclocking fun should for the unlocked K variant as this nonk version is more geared toward a simple out of the boox experience but I want to see what it's capable of in 2023 anyway before conducting any gaming tests I thought it best to replace the memory so we've got 2 8 gig 1600 mahz modules in here now my first concern was the stock caller but it was perfectly adequate the noise levels were fine at least in my opinion and the CPU was able to reach its all core ter turbo frequency and stay there in games I pair the 4790 with an RTX 360 TI which isn't exactly the most balanced setup but this will allow us to get the most out of this aging chip and the first game was CSO and this was more than playable if you've had experience with other CPUs faster more modern chips then you'll clearly be able to tell that the frame rate isn't as high as it would be on even modern entry level CPUs but if if you've got a high refresh rate monitor 144 HZ for example then the 4790 here can still provide a more than acceptable experience as you can see here with at least 15200 FPS a lot of the time this is a more CPU intensive title of course now I thought for sure that the 4790 was going to do a lot worse in cyberpunk 2077 I thought there'd be more stutters certainly in those crowded areas but I have to admit something I did turn crowd density down to low and I think that's the best choice for something like this because the more NPCs there are on screen with an older chip like this the more you're going to see frame drops and inconsistencies with the frame times but I think it's a small price to pay for a bump in performance and as you can see here most of the time we're seeing at least 60 FPS orbe it from when we do Venture into those busier parts of the city yeah all in all it's not too bad as we come across the bridge and into this crowded Zone here you'll see dips into the low 40s even with low crowd density but I think it's a decent experience considering the cost of these chips these days now I've said this before about FS Horizon 5 but it doesn't really care too much about CPU power this is more GPU intensive and even with the 4790 in this system and the ultra settings here comparing with the 36d ti it's absolutely fine over 100 FPS at Ultra in some instances so really nothing to worry about here at all Red Dead Redemption 2 is a little bit the same in that regard in that when you're outside of busier towns that is uh the GPU is probably going to play a bigger part but as we venture into sand Valentine you might see that CPU usage hover around 90 95% so it's clear that there is a CPU limitation here but we're seeing a more than playable experience in my opinion with over 60 FPS most of the time again I wouldn't recommend a pairing like this but let's say you've got an old CPU like the i74790 you've upgraded to a newer RTX GPU you could certainly get by until you've either saved up enough to buy that newer CPU or you haven't quite taken the plunge yet for that brand new processor purchase all right so what's a CPU Benchmark without Starfield in here right you're seeing pretty decent frame rate rates right look at this 80 FPS almost 90 FPS if we venture outside however into Aila city which is notoriously CPU intensive um just like the other what's the other main city how can I not even remember I've been playing a game for days hence the lack of uploads yeah as we uh make our way outside here my mind has just gone absolutely blank there you can see that the frame rate now well it's definitely going to dip AES city is really harsh on CPUs usage is sometimes up at 95 100% And it is just a little too much for the 4790 to handle I think the overclockable 4790k would do slightly better but um it's still going to be problematic in Starfield which it's early days for of course so maybe some improvements with game updates but we'll have to wait and see finally then for these tests we have The Witcher 3 at Ultra with the 4790 360 TI in and around this busy area here now the frame rate once again will start to dip and drop and there will be some inconsistencies when we venture into those more crowded areas I didn't actually change um Crow density or I think you can set it lower the amount of um NPCs on screen but I just left everything as it was and as we make our way through the city wall here you're going to see the frame rate start to drop a little bit but in my opinion it's still more than playable you know it's really not a terrible experience considering you can pick these I 740 790s up for well less than £30 on their own here in the UK If you pair it with a weer graphics card a GTX 1060 1070 something like that then it's going to make for a fairly balanced system overall and you'll have a half decent time in a lot of games I wanted to finalize with some comparisons to a modern quad core namely the I 312 300 this is one of the best quad core chips you can buy and if we take a look on screen as some of these comparative results it's going to be night and day to be honest this was always expected I of course was anticipating this but I think it's interesting to see sort of how things have changed in terms of what was highend and what is now um sort of entry level how how times have changed in terms of CPU performance but look the I3 these days will cost at least three times the price of an old i74790 like this uh and it's not offering three times the performance across the board is it so keep that in mind but seriously yeah um I think it does a pretty decent job in 2023 the i74790 is one of my favorite chips there's no pressure to overclock with one of these either it's not the K version so there's no pressure to sort of go out and buy a higher end board you just buy something basic slap it in there basic RAM and you're good to go and that's really all I have to say I'd still recommend it for an everyday system and perhaps even a light gaming rig of course paired with a weaker GPU but let me know your thoughts down below if you enjoyed this one leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and hopefully I'll see all of you in the next one
Channel: RandomGaminginHD
Views: 174,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hlXIlJmYK4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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