Gaming On A Chromecast: Brilliantly Terrible

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Today we're going to be gaming on this dangly  little google chromecast. All the way from phone   games, right up to cyberpunk. But before that,  it's time for a word from today's video sponsor!   Today's video is sponsored by my favorite linux  based cloud computing and web hosting service:   LINODE! If you need a service that has products  that can handle cloud storage, databases,   websites, game servers, Kubernetes or even your  vast computational load, then you need some Linode  in your life and Linode will do all that, with  customer service that'll put a smile on your   keister! If that sounds like something you're into  sign up to Linode using the link in my description   below for a 60-day $100 credit! Thank you  very much Linode for sponsoring today's video! Now physically the Chrome cast with google TV is  just an off-white little pebble with a dangly   little HDMI cord at the end. It looks a little  bit like a high-tech sperm to me to be honest.   And that actually doesn't fill me with a whole  lot of confidence in terms of gaming performance,   because there's no ventilation on here. Which means  there's some pretty low power draw hardware in   here. But we'll figure it out. We'll see what  happens. Now in terms of I.O. it is also concernedly   limited. It's almost apple product limited but at  least it's a USB-c port which means we can still   go to dongle town. Oh it comes with a cute little  off-white remote which actually come to think of   it, is probably the worst color you can make a  remote. It's just gonna be gross and hand cheese   covered after like two days of light use. Also, this  is definitely not a gaming peripheral so hopefully   it's not gonna be too hard to connect something  more gaming oriented to the little chromecast.   Ah yes, it also comes with some off-white  batteries included for the remote which is nice.   And what looks like an off-white iPhone charger  and cable but other than that there is not a whole   lot to say about this thing physically. So let's  plug it into a display and start setting it up.   Setting up the little chromecast wasn't really  a big deal. All I had to do was give google all   of my personal information and then sacrificed my  firstborn child to them. After that it just took   about 20 minutes to install all of the software on  it and then we were up and running and just like   that we've set up our little google spermcast.  I really should not start calling it that...    the google chromecast... and as standard it seems to  just have a bunch of TV stuff on it. So let's go   have a look at apps and see what we can find. Ooh  PAC-man! That would have been really exciting like   30 years ago. Oh! But here we go. We've got some  phone games that we can actually run on the   chromecast.Oh! Let's give farming simulator a try.  That sounds amazing. Oh okay, it looks like it wants   us to connect a gamepad before installing any  games which makes sense. Let's quickly go do that.   And just like that, the xbox controller is   connected to our chromecast.  That was surprisingly easy. Wow, that is an extensive list of settings  this game has. And with that admittedly very   brief attempt, there doesn't seem to be much I  can do to fill the whole display with farming.   But I don't really care. I'm just excited to  see how farming simulator runs on a chromecast! There we go! We're farming. Oh yeah, that  is some good farming action right there.   There is the occasional frame drop and it  doesn't look great but it's a chromecast and   it has native gaming support which I think is  pretty cool. So with that let's try a different   android game. Damn this is like bloom the video  game. Look at that now this is by no means an   ideal gaming experience, as you saw there  is the occasional - pretty substantial - stutter   but the little chromecast is still running a game -  which I think is pretty cool. Although it is a   pretty losery phone game so let's see if there's  a way to run some better games on the chromecast. Oh cool, retroarch is just on the google play store!  That's convenient. Now getting retroarch set up on   the little Optimus Prime's excretion is actually  really easy. All you do is you install it off   the google play store and then you install a file  manager so that you can copy game files from a PC   onto the chromecast and once retroarch  finishes setting up, it'll be familiar to anybody   that's used the software before. So with that let's  see what kind of games the chromecast can handle. Okay, well we've done some magic and  now we've got street fighter 2 Turbo   Hyper Fighting running on the little  chromecast. I don't know what the controls are... That's going very well... Oh! Go away Sangeeth... Oh yeah! You can't defeat my ... oh never  mind he did. He did defeat my swipe attack... Yes! Finally beat the AI. Anyway the little  chromecast handles the snes game very well   but granted there's not any real upscaling  going on so it's a very easy load   which makes me think we should try out  a newer generation of console games. No way! Look at that. It runs PS1 games. Now I know,  I know by today's standards the hardware in the   PS1 is barely more advanced than what you find  in an etcher-sketch but still. Although there is   some input lag it's not the worst but it's  definitely noticeable. I think the part about   the emulation experience on the little chromecast  that impressed me the most was just how easy it was. Granted, with more challenging games the  input lag may flare up your whooping cough a bit.  But at least you don't have to do any  weird hackerman blackmagic tech fangling   to get it running. Although, now it's time to see  how the little chromecast handles modern gaming! Now, it seems like one of the better ways to  play more modern games on the little chromecast   is by using Geforce Now. This is just an app on  the play store which should be very interesting   considering how the more powerful NVIDIA  shield struggled with it so let's give it a try. Okay there is definite input lag.  Like I would not want to play   a competitive fps like this... a few moments later ... oh Wait... What? What just happened? What is happening? The moment anything  actually happened in the game   everything just fell apart. The thin veil  of a functional gaming experience just...   just collapsed... Oh look at that pixelation! Oh  there's also some heavy artifacting starting   up. This is definitely not going well. Although,  I may actually have a dongle that'll help...   A while ago I went out and bought this bad  boy which should give us wired internet on the   chromecast. Giving it its best chance possible  to run Geforce Now with any kind of dignity.   Now the thing that makes this Ethernet dongle  usable with the chromecast is that it has a   USB-c pass-through, which will give us power for  the little chromecast. So let's see if it works!   Hey! Would you look at that! It's actually powered  up Ethernet connected! Hell yeah. Now I'm not sure   if the input lag feels any better. It could be  marginally better but that may also just be me   imagining things. However, the real test comes with  the wolf battling. Oh that's much better. Nothing's   exploded yet. When we did the wolf battling before  there was that insane desync and pixelation which   is all gone now, making this just feel like a  pretty standard Geforce Now gaming experience   but now that we've fixed the minor exploding  problem, let's try a slightly more competitive game.   Okay, now there's definite input lag but it  actually runs surprisingly well. Like what   the hell! We're playing Fortnite on a Chromecast!  Well I guess we're not technically playing it   on the chromecast, but still! I just really hope  I'm playing against other people playing on   a chromecast because if so, if the other players  are using a keyboard and mouse, I'm pretty screwed... Oh this is hot! This is really hard... This... this is the hardest thing I've... that.. is that  is impossible.. what the hell! So the combination of   the input lag and the fact that you're playing an  fps with a controller means that Fortnite's only   really playable in theory, but what happens  if we connect a mouse and keyboard to the   Chromecast? Now, with its Bluetooth functionality  I'm hoping that this MX keys mini will connect   to the Chromecast easily so that we don't have to  be humiliated by 12 year olds in Fortnite anymore. Whoa, it's actually not covered in plastic! Which - that gets me all hot and bothered!   Oh, it's like a Logitech apple keyboard. Okay,  now we just need to see if it pairs. Hey! There.   It is paired. Nice, cool, now I have a keyboard  and then when it comes to the mouse I'm using   this Corsair Harpoon that they sent over ages  ago for a video and it also paired super easily. and just like that we're ready to dominate  in Fortnite! Wow, that input lag is horrendous...   The mouse movement is so imprecise.   I actually think that the gamepad is less  terrible than this. Look at how stuttery   and confused the mouse tracking is. I cannot  imagine what pvp is gonna be like with this. There's no way I'm actually gonna kill this guy. What? The only explanation for that person losing  that engagement to me is that they're also   gaming on a chromecast. So I guess if  you want to know what it feels like to   game while on meth - without you know... ruining  your life? You just have to use wireless   peripherals with a chromecast! So now that we've  experienced the Fortnite gaming equivalent of   bath salts, there's just one more thing left to  try. Would you look at that! Even Cyberpunk runs   - semi-acceptably - on a chromecast, which is what!! Now,  due to input lag, driving does feel even more like   you're trying to pilot a drunk hippo on a unicycle  than normal in cyberpunk, which is kind of shocking...   but it does seem like the little chromecast is  handling cyberpunk better than a PS4 did which   is a great point to end a video on. Thank you  for watching if you enjoyed the video consider   watching another one. A suggestion will pop  up in a second and until the next video - bye!
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 199,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, google, chromecast, gaming on a google chromecast
Id: artduBCYC7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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