Game Theory: Logan Paul's FIXED Fight (Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather)

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introducing our fighters in the blue corner we have the tow-headed troublemaker the asinine assassin the junkyard mutton who lost 15 percent of one nuts look it up logan paul and in the red corner we probably have somebody who's famous for tick-tock dances or something nope wait it's an actual boxer and not just any boxer it's the former super lightweight welterweight and light middleweight champion of the world a guy with a professional record of 50 wins and no losses floyd money mayweather come on no that can't be right something fishy is clearly going on here hello internet welcome to game theory the show where we give you the old one-two punch of research and analysis and then finish you off with a big uppercut of meta commentary now theorists it should surprise exactly zero of you that i consider myself a lover and not a fighter ever since i was an elementary aged matpat i knew that i was much better at solving my problems with pencils paper and protractors than my dainty and admittedly clammy fists and yet it's a little disturbing to find out how much of an audience there is champing at the bit to see markiplier rearrange my teeth for 24.99 a pop or if that's not the fight you're looking for might i instead interest you in watching logan paul get punched in the face repeatedly the former vine star controversial youtuber and reincarnated podcaster has over the past few years made the boxing ring his latest form for lunacy and i gotta admit these things have actually been legitimately athletic affairs don't get me wrong still don't like the guy but gotta hand it to everyone who's been involved in these productions they are way bigger and way better than they probably needed to be now if you've taken the vegan approach to the past few years of youtuber beef i'll fill you in real quick logan paul has fought british youtuber ksi on two separate occasions the first an amateur bout in england and the second an official professional fight in los angeles the first fight was a draw and while ksi won the second fight in a split decision logan had two points deducted for an illegal punch when ksi was down if he'd had those two points back logan would have actually won the fight and this wasn't just some backyard unplanned hissy fit these guys had plans they had training and they were definitely really hitting each other if you go back and watch the fights it's enough to make you wonder if ksi and logan paul could hang with actual professional fighters well we were initially supposed to get our answer to that exact question on february 20th at least until the match got delayed you see that was when logan was slated to be stepping into the ring against floyd mayweather jr who isn't just a pro boxer he holds the professional boxing record for most wins without a loss 50 wins zero losses heck not only has he not lost he's only ever gotten knocked down to the mat officially once and even that was debatable he was a world champion at multiple weight classes and while at 43 mayweather is a bit past his prime his last big fight was against ufc superstar conor mcgregor whom he beat up until the referee had to stop the fight now if you're one of those people who finds logan paul's antics annoying offensive or worse you might be saying to yourself awesome a professional boxer is finally gonna give this jerk the beating that he deserves and while yes that might be true floyd mayweather here is no hero friends he has a long legacy of misogyny and multiple charges of domestic violence so you know the whole thing is just two villains making a lot of money for each other i'm rooting for a sinkhole to open up under the ring and swallow both of them into the center of the earth but failing that it's still worth asking what is really going on here is there a chance that this can be a legitimate fight can logan paul shock the world by being the first to beat the champion of champions will he sustain even more of the brain damage that allegedly prevents him from feeling empathy oh my god are you kidding me or the more likely scenario is there something fishy going on here put up your duke's friends cause today i ain't pulling any punches if we want to evaluate logan paul's chances against floyd mayweather we have to start by talking about the eyebrow raising size difference between the two of them now you might just think that logan paul is a big doofus and you'd be right on both counts but that includes being right about the word big logan paul is listed at six feet two inches tall and in his second fight against ksi he weighed in at 199.4 pounds this puts logan paul in a weight class known as a cruiserweight and barely below the 200-pound threshold for heavyweight by comparison floyd mayweather is teeny tiny at five feet eight inches tall and in his last professional fight weighing in at 149.5 pounds a full 50 pounds lighter than logan paul you know what they say the bigger they are the harder they fall so maybe the size difference isn't that big of a deal but in the world of professional fighting 50 pounds is vastly different floyd mayweather was most recently seen fighting in the light middleweight division which has a maximum weight of 154 pounds in other words mayweather would have to go up four weight classes just to qualify to fight logan in a professional bout it's not uncommon for fighters to go up or down one weight class to make a fight happen but that kind of weight disparity just doesn't happen in normal boxing or mixed martial arts it's a size difference roughly equivalent to me fighting a sixth grader which just sounds like a normal day in the comments section self-conscious mind might tell you that size doesn't matter but simple physics give logan paul at a much higher weight a massive advantage since the force of a punch is the mass of the person throwing it times the acceleration with which they throw with a 50 pound advantage logan can throw punches 25 slower than mayweather and still hit with the same amount of force and if he knows his angles and spacing properly logan can hit mayweather in all sorts of places where mayweather can't hit him back in my video about the first logan paul ksi bout we talked a bit about reach advantage the importance of having longer arms than your opponent making it possible to hit them at a distance when they can't hit you back logan paul's reach is 76 inches and though floyd mayweather is relatively long arms for a fighter his height his reach is only 72 inches that creates four inches of what's known as the pocket and again it might not sound like all that much but if you're thinking of boxing as a sport of precision four inches is the difference between grazing someone's nose and reaching through their skull and into their brain so do we have any fights with comparable size differences that we can use for reference we sure do but only in heavy weights because there's no upper weight limit a good example would be the 2009 bout between heavyweight champion nikolai valuev and challenger david haye david haye was a heavyweight at six foot three 217 pounds but valuev nicknamed the russian giant dwarfed him at seven feet tall 316 pounds in the end nine extra inches and a hundred pounds didn't end up mattering as david haye defeated the much larger opponent by ducking under punches moving around the ring much faster than velouv and scoring on counter punches to win by decision so if logan paul's size advantage isn't a guaranteed win that means the fight is gonna come down to technique and that means logan paul is in deep deep trouble against one of the most technically sound fighters of all time let's start off with a comparison of their offenses in the second fight against ksi logan had two major strengths his jab and his counterpunch uppercut the jab the quick straight punch with the lead hand is almost always gonna be the main weapon for someone with a reach advantage that was the punch that logan threw the most in his fights against ksi and he often landed it pretty cleanly as evidenced by his advantage in compubox statistics from the fight logan landed 28 of his total punches in the second ksi fight compared to ksi's 21 on the other hand none of the jabs appeared to do much damage they just scored points on the judge's scorecards if you want to talk about logan doing actual damage that occurred when he threw a couple of counter punch uppercuts late in round four knocking ksi to the canvas the uppercut finishing move my friends not just for little mac anymore so yeah logan paul definitely has one punch knockout power but it's worth mentioning that the uppercut was there for him because ksi threw a lot of his punches like he was trying to pop logan's head off like a rock'em sock'em robot that's the kind of position you're pretty much never going to see floyd mayweather in because his standard strategy isn't going into the ring guns blazing but instead breaking down his opponents and setting traps for them to fall into here's an example from mayweather's 2007 fight against the then undefeated british boxer ricky hatton mayweather is backpedaling towards the ropes with hatton pursuing him without looking mayweather knows that he's about to hit the ropes and predicts that hatton's about to throw a big punch since hatton thinks that mayweather is going to be trapped in the corner this allows floyd to slip out throw a crisp right hook and fatality that's probably mayweather's biggest weapon if he can bait you into doing what he wants you to do he can be prepared to catch you with the exact punch that you're gonna be most vulnerable to the signature punch floyd mayweather throws better than nearly anyone else is a body jab most fighters jab straight to the head and only hit the body in close quarters but not mayweather while these jabs to the body don't feel good their main purpose isn't doing damage but rather to lower the opponent's guard down and leave the chin vulnerable this calculating chess game style fighting is why a 2012 analysis by compubox calculated that floyd mayweather's connect rate with his punches was 46 best in the world and almost 20 points higher than logan paul's rate in his second match against ksi that means if logan wants to win his defense will have to be better than floyd mayweather's right well there's a king hippo-sized fat chance of that one happening because that same analysis of boxer's hit rates also showed that his opponents hit floyd mayweather with their punches a measly 16 percent of the time mayweather's signature defensive move is called the shoulder roll where he angles his left shoulder up to protect his face keeps his left arm horizontal to protect his body and uses his right arm to protect the other side of his head when he's using it effectively it's almost like he has three hands defending him you can see it on display in his fight against olympic gold medalist oscar de la hoya where de la hoya throws about a dozen punches in a couple of seconds but only like one of them actually connects all the rest of them either deflect off mayweather's raised shoulders or on his vertical right arm on the other side of things we got logan paul whose defensive stance was criticized a bit by the commentators in the second fight against ksi and while he generally stayed out of harm's way against ksi by moving his feet and circling the ring i have to believe that logan paul is going to get caught a lot more often when he's facing one of the most precise fighters of all time who's been fighting professionals for 25 years so how is this fight actually gonna go well there are two most likely scenarios as i see it scenario one floyd mayweather's experience technique speed strength stamina ultimately means that he boxes logan to death whether by setting a big trap to end the fight with one big punch or just by scoring points and staying out of trouble the whole fight scenario two shenanigans doesn't this fight seem a little strange to you why on earth would floyd mayweather accept a fight against a relative amateur someone 50 pounds heavier than he is who's never won a single publicized fight well two reasons really first the clout logan and his brother jake as much as i hate to admit it are the two biggest things to happen to boxing in recent history since mayweather's last fight in fact his 2017 bout against ufc superstar conor mcgregor oh sure don't get me wrong there have been plenty of talented boxers and big matches in the intervening years but when it comes to increasing search trends for boxing online and getting new viewers especially younger viewers interested in the sport nothing compares to the influences of the pauls and mayweather being smart knows that a bout like this will bring him even more clout in the industry more public awareness online especially since it's been nearly five years since he was last in the spotlight second and the most obvious answer is floyd's nickname money a match like this would obviously be profitable for a lot of reasons but there's one stipulation here that floyd might find exciting that you might not think about consider this we know why a retired mayweather would fight a youtuber continued relevance more money etc but why would logan want to fight someone almost certain to beat him senseless getting pummeled by mayweather is almost certainly gonna get him laughed out of a boxing career before his career even gets started unless of course he doesn't get pummeled you see you have a lot of people eager to get into the ring with floyd mayweather a match against him even in an exhibition setting can make a star provided of course that you don't embarrass yourself and the thing about boxing is that well there's a lot of ways to ensure that you don't embarrass yourself boxing is full of matches that are fishy to say the least in the early and mid-1900s the sport had deep ties with the mafia which has been a hard stigma for boxing the shake it also doesn't help that recent olympic boxing results have had some pretty suspicious judging behavior getting the olympics committee to consider whether it should remain an official olympic sport as you might imagine any sport heavily connected to betting has a high temptation to fix fights but that alone isn't enough it's also easier to fix a fight in boxing than almost any other sport boxing is just two guys in a ring with the winner being the last man standing it's easy to take a fall and just stay on the mat no one can ever really judge what does or doesn't happen in a person's body when a particular punch lands to this day people still debate the outcome of muhammad ali versus sunny liston ii sure you might not know that fight by name but you definitely know the image associated with it in this fight sunny liston falls to a phantom punch less than two minutes into the match only for the whole thing to be called off seconds later rigged many people seem to think so for many reasons especially considering liston's long association with the mafia and the possibility that he had already thrown the first fight against muhammad ali and making all of this stuff worse is the fact that it's hard to objectively call this sport if neither opponent gets knocked down matches are either won or lost by a judge's decision and points are delivered based on a subjective ranking of a fighter's performance in each round as i mentioned before with ksi versus logan paul an extra point or two here or there can easily swing the result and when there's no standard of measurement it's easy to call things one way or the other so what am i saying in all this nothing but we do know that both of these men have a flair for spectacle over substance logan has repeatedly shown himself as someone with um questionable moral fiber and as for floyd mayweather he's fought some fake fights before most notably against the big show at wrestlemania 24 but he's also been accused of fighting fixed exhibitions before in 2018 floyd mayweather fought popular japanese kickboxer tenshin nasukawa knocking him down three times in less than three minutes despite landing very few significant punches that fight was also not professionally sanctioned just like mayweather's fight against logan paul meaning that even if mayweather had lost his official undefeated record would remain intact so here's the thing in this matchup whenever it happens mayweather doesn't lose he just doesn't that just doesn't make sense for his brand or for anyone in this case but mayweather can go easy on logan paul land enough light punches to get a high judge's score but not so many punches that it knocks logan out and logan can likewise land a few of his own and stay on his feet the whole time it's a win-win situation for everyone mayweather cashes out and stays relevant logan gets the street cred to be taken as a serious boxer opening the door to other professional bouts with big names in the sport and to sweeten the deal because mayweather is a smart businessman who definitely knows what he's doing he would negotiate to own a portion of logan's career moving forward this makes logan a star in boxing and mayweather continues to profit for years to come and we know that this billionaire boxer wants to make another billion only in a different industry here's the tale of the tape my friends i'm not saying that's what's gonna happen whenever these two finally get in the ring together but let's face it when two villains go toe-to-toe the audience might just be the ones getting sucker punched but hey that's just a theory a game in as much as boxing is a game theory thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,572,145
Rating: 4.8687363 out of 5
Keywords: logan paul, floyd mayweather, logan paul vs floyd mayweather, floyd mayweather vs logan paul, logan paul fight, ksi vs logan paul, logan paul vs nate robinson, logan paul pokemon cards, logan paul paulo costa, ksi logan paul, jake paul, logan paul jake paul, logan paul fight delayed, logan paul vs mayweather, logan paul podcast, fixed fight, boxing, rigged, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory logan paul, logan paul vlog, logan paul youtube
Id: ke63lM7_S00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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