Game So Scary You'll Pee Yourself

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and i bet this horror game is going to be dog [ __ ] i just have a strong feeling it's not going to be good none of them are but i am wearing a trench coat which is pretty [ __ ] cool actually get into this 64th apartment of the deceased grandfather why would he need 64 apartments man's a [ __ ] maniac this is surely they don't expect me to go up 64 there's no way right note said dear neighbor if you don't stop making noise at night we'll call the police just the heads up is that the neighbor oh it's probably a [ __ ] spirit i can't see a [ __ ] thing well that helped oh there's somebody in there holy [ __ ] if only john christian were here to exercise these vile spirits god damn it what in tarnation i have to walk backwards because i can't [ __ ] see anything forward surely there's something i'm missing here so i can turn the lights on again nope not here either there we go where is this goddamn family album next is the prime deco all right i'm starting to figure it out now there's only so many things left in this apartment that i haven't clicked on a bloody screwdriver though it doesn't really look like a screwdriver this looks more like a turkey baster you wouldn't really do much damage with a turkey baster i have a prediction i'm going to turn around there's going to be a jump scare attempt wrong got it oh my god it's a [ __ ] baby doll holy [ __ ] whoa damn dude means business oh my god that's not what i put on the tv i didn't put that on i don't like that show what the [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] get out i'm leaving then no oh my god it's a [ __ ] giant linebacker what is he doing here hold the [ __ ] on yeah i know it's shift to run but am i running what am i running from is there someone in here what are you doing in here [ __ ] i can see him kind of eating he's on to me i can't move i'm stuck he's got me in his telepathic force field i'm his prisoner no [ __ ] oh that was a cutscene i thought it was a glitch are we communicating with morse code okay now he knows who the boss is okay check this out i have a plan will that make him come out and then i can go in he's thinking about it he's waving i should probably hide i mean the [ __ ] doll is just going to tell them i'm under here it's not a good plan this is exactly what i thought would happen you're just a [ __ ] tattletail piece of [ __ ] so i bet if i hide under there for too long he's gonna scream the baby will scream which will alert the big guy hey man what the [ __ ] still don't think he can do anything so i'm just gonna let it ride all right looking good i knew there was a body in there oh what the [ __ ] that's disgusting oh maybe i go battle them where are you oh no i'm not locked in here with you you're locked in here with me now i hear the sounds from the dark voice hear voice i hear you i'm coming is it you oh is that a whale i'm here am i going the right way i can't [ __ ] see why do people keep saying carpet on the oh i see finger plus i plus teeth equals key okay thank you are you afraid of the dark guy found that earlier i thought it was an uncircumcised [ __ ] but now that i know i'm looking for a finger i knew exactly where that was hey now what in goodness me fellas come on now oh yeah the toilet body is probably for teeth yeah i just ripped the teeth out give me those pearly whites give me that [ __ ] yeah oh yeah oh my god he's right here it was right up in my [ __ ] butthole the whole time oh my god he's hitting puberty don't worry i'll stop the hormones i won't let you become an adult give me your eye thank you [ __ ] idiot dummy [ __ ] dummy okay give me the key that was super cool i like that that was really cute thank you for your service this guy's already sticking his hand down the tunnel here looking for a high five [ __ ] yeah my man oh man everyone's looking for some daps out here all right all right all right yeah yeah yeah i'm the [ __ ] champ this seems like the right door because of that but i'll still check oh we're on to something now this is it it's heaven it's so nice of the game to stop the haunting while i'm sending a text it's the guy it's the [ __ ] boy wow this does not give off much light here we go i don't imagine you're going to apartment number 64. all right hey looks like he's having a good time at least all right good boy let's go no wait did i actually just there's actually like lose conditions in this game nope just have to go relight my [ __ ] i was gonna say that's the first time the ai has moved or if it even is ai in the first place [ __ ] no we're locked in here this is gonna be [ __ ] nuts oh there you are you son of a [ __ ] whoa look at all these friends whoa what's up boys group hug in the shower tonight all right and then put it on the chair game over easy i'm out ski nerds [ __ ] him up baby bye bye idiots uh-oh are they chasing we can outrun them oh what what all right well that'll do it you never left yeah i get it that's still just very underwhelming i don't even understand what the [ __ ] story was to be honest i already forgot why we were there we're going to pick up like a family album or something that was still better than a lot of triple a horror games i will say that is better than some aaa horror games for the fact that it's short oh you have to be [ __ ] suffering through a goddamn horror game for longer than an hour yeah it wasn't it wasn't any john christian level good or anything but it was okay at least it was short and there were some good ideas in the game what am i making a game i have no plans on making a game if i did i'd try and make like an actually [ __ ] [ __ ] your pants scary horror game if even such a thing's possible i try and make something that reaches like amnesia levels of like terror in gamers like they're just so easy to make you don't have to worry about a lot of gameplay mechanics or anything like that just come up with an interesting story and like a good set piece scare moments all my [ __ ] would be like more subtle though i prefer that i've had this idea for like a horror movie for a while and it's not an idea for a movie just a concept if you guys remember the yanny laurel thing where people would hear yanny some people would hear laurel and it had to do with like different ears picking up different frequencies i would interlace the [ __ ] out of a movie with that so that way audience members heard different things from each other and they'd be convinced that something was awry something would be [ __ ] up with it
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,124,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4ytyQxDnFkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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