Game Of Thrones Top 10 Fighting Scenes

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N Stark, Lord of Winterfell high star plus [Guard] Stay back, SIr. [Guard] This is the Hand of the King! [Jamie] WAS the Hand of the King. [Jamie] I'm not sure what he is. [Jamie] Lord of somewhere very far away. [Littlefinger] What's the meaning of this, Lannister? [Jamie] Get back inside, where it's safe. [Jamie] I'm looking for my brother [Jamie] You remember my brother, don't you old Stark? [Jamie] Blonde hair, sharp tongue...short man [Stark] I remember him well [Jamie] Seems had some trouble on the road. [Jamie] You wouldn't know what happened to him, would you? [Stark] He was taken at my command. [Stark] To answer for his crimes [Littlefinger] My Lords... [Littlefinger] I bring the city watch... [Jamie] Come Stark...I'd rather you die sword in hand [Guard] If you threaten my Lord again-- [Jamie] --threaten [Jamie] in...I'm going to open your Lord from balls to brains and see what Starks are made of. [Stark] You kill me... [Stark] ...your brother's a dead man. [Jamie] You're right. Take him alive! Kill his men. [Battle occurs that I'm not captioning. If you want captions, then this is the only one you're getting: "DEATH"] [Jamie] My brother, Lord Stark...I want him back! top game of racing. [Yara] We're going home. [Theon, my poor baby] No! [Yara] It's alright. It's me...Yara [Theon] You can't trick me. Tell him! Tell him you couldn't trick me! [Yara] I'm not tricking you, Theon! I'm saving you! [Theon] --Not Theon! [My baby omg] Reek! Reek! My name is Reek! [Person] We're trapped! [Yara] Help me with me with him. [Theon] No, you can't! You can't! [Yara] You're Theon Greyjoy! [Theon] I DON'T BELIEVE IT! I KNOW WHO I AM! [Theon, panicking] REEK! REEK! I AM REEK! [Theon] I've always been Reek! [Ramsey] This is turning into a lovely evening. [Yara] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Theon! [Yara] Give my my brother. [Yara] And no more of your men will die [Ramsey] You've got bigger balls than he ever did [Ramsey] But with those big balls of yours... [Ramsey] How fast can you run? [Jamie] I need to rest [Brienne] Get up. [Jamie] At least, you're on your feet [don't know what he's saying here] [Brienne] Get up now!
Channel: Ultimate Book Maniacs
Views: 10,268,221
Rating: 4.5252833 out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones Top 10, Game of thrones, top 10, Game Of Thrones Top 10 Fighting Scenes, Top 10 Fighting scenes, Fighting scenes, Game of Thrones Scenes, Game Of Thrones Season 7 Promo, Game Of Thrones Season 7 Teaser, Game Of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Kit Harrington, Game of Thrones season 07 Theory, Bran, Tyrion, Arya, Game of thrones season 7, Game of Thrones Season 07 Trailer, The mountain, Oberyn Martell, The Viper, Qyburn
Id: yOfT6mlbw30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2016
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