Gambling, Trump, Seinfeld, and Leno: Norm Macdonald Sits Down With Larry

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on Larry King now the hilarious Norm Macdonald as I said oh I'll trick them and write a novel and call it a memoir so do I believe it or not believe it it's not facts but it's true that that makes any Souls maybe he doesn't want to be President of the United States as much as he wants to be the president of whatever room he's playing that night which I can understand as a stand-up comedian which maybe you can understand yeah you go and you speak yeah and that's Africa's iock Oh what brought you down gambling while some some have said it's been the ruin of the Allari rule but I don't but I did go broke twice and I must say that it was a very cleansing feeling in a way plus what are you singing the shower Willy the wandering gypsy and me by Waylon Jennings character liking country music's awesome character issue you have put me in a shower singing you together didn't all next on Larry King now [Music] welcome to Larry King now he's one of the best nor make Donal comedian writer producer name by Comedy Central is one of the 100 greatest stand-ups of all time and many others would say he is the greatest Norm's new memoir is norm ik dot old based on a true story it has been met with critical acclaim as a New York Times best seller may be a pulitzer winner and most importantly he's a longtime favorite of this show Norma Khurana Sonny bunch who I don't know writing in The Wall Street Journal about this book said that based on a true story isn't really a memoir as the cover claims it's closer to a novel a Russian tragic comedy perhaps Dostoevsky by the way of 30 Rockefeller Center what did Sonny bunch mean by that I don't know I I think you're reading bleeds into your writing just does anything in your life that you consume bleeds into what you produce so you know perhaps there were broadcasters that you watched when you were young yes and maybe they're now part of you I'm a great reader of Russian literature and have been since a child why were you so enamored of Russian literature well because it's bleak you know because I grew up in as our oblique area rural area of Canada you go up for like I did dirt poor very poor but I now I'm happy that I did you know I mean because I can enjoy that I'm not is this your first book yes sir what led to writing it well I always wanted to write a novel you know but I knew that I never could because it would just be a novel by a celebrity so then someone approached me to write a celebrity memoir so I said oh I'll trick them and write a novel and call it a memoir like it's called a memoir on the on the book but that is a novel confessions of our killer but it's not really confession is just a novel this is a novel yeah that's not a memo so do I believe it or not believe it well it's it's not facts but its truth if that makes any soul okay so you could either look at your life as a series of facts or you could look at it more overarching lis as a truth which is very easy for me because I'm a person of faith I know that you are not so it may be with you it would be more difficult to find a larger larger truth that belies all that I will still enjoy it I think you will without getting the larger truth oh of course yeah it's written to be read and it's very very funny you know and you're very funny other things yeah but I read I always think the best writing is when a person is speaking to you and that they understand everything you say I'm not a fan of big words did you dictate it or write it no I did not dictate it I I mean I read it out loud though often to myself after because I think it only works if it's if it's read I read aloud personally I can't read faster than I could read aloud who was CK who writes the end the Ford to this book says the thing that drives me nuts about norm is the powerful simplicity of his style Norman has a beguiling humility that sneaks up and grabs you by the throat you always have bet well I've never been like a you know a powerhouse stand-up that you know stocks the stage and preachers like that because I I don't feel I have anything to say I feel that life I guess my overall feeling is life is sort of absurd that's absurd where I am don't you ever wake up Larry and feel it's absurd the whole thing is we the whole thing what kind of stand-up did you do I did still do stand-up I know but I don't I haven't seen yet yeah well I started to do stand-up you know if it's changed we can stand up with Sam Kinison because I was doing stand-up when I began strictly to get on television so I go what can I do about a cat or a dog or and then I make Sam Kinison and he told me you can talk about anything you want you know you don't have to talk about losing your luggage at the airport you can if you want if it interests you so I I will talk in my standup my entire stand-up set will just be about one thing so my I did a special and it was all about death my fear of death I had what you have I know but you have belief yes but it's a shaky faith there's nothing in my Christianity that says I'm better than anyone else it says the exact opposite that I'm just like my friend Billy Joe shaver country singer he says I'm just a whole chunk of coal but I'm going to be a diamond someday that's why I love that yeah well I have a fear of not existing yes but you know the writer Nabokov said that he saw a picture one time and it was a picture before he was born it was a picture of his mother with his brother and sister that were older than him but he had not been born yet he said when he saw that picture there was no terror in him even though he was looking at a picture where he didn't exist but he didn't know anything so right he didn't but looking at that picture didn't terrify him that he didn't exist so he said it won't terrify me as I won't know yeah because you know but knowing that I won't know not that's I've had of course I know I won't know so ya know if you were like if you were a dog or there we go they got it all figured out well Martin Schwartz said when you slept last night you could have been dead right mm-hmm so if you didn't wake up this morning how would you know well that's true sir and you know nowaday I've been looking into this maybe to allay your fears that now a day as my doctor tells me they can put you to sleep and you go to sleep and two weeks later you don't wake up but you I mean you don't wake up at all but two weeks later your heart stops but you can go to sleep for two weeks and not have to endure howling anguish and pain or anything like that cancer it's all God I guess is the one and only Noir McDonald truly there's nothing like him we're talking this is goodness teracle self and the dangers would be all of us we hope we haven't depressed you now when we come back we'll talk about major mental illness stay with us the back with Norm Macdonald a runaway bestseller will be norm ik Donald based on a true story a memoir you had a very poor childhood do you bring that to your comedy do you bring that to based on a true story yeah and my book I talk about it because I was nothing when you're really poor you don't expect anything of yourself and you're you're happy with any measure of success and it's only as you get more successful that you start to envy and especially in this town I always think because you look at people that you know have more money and success than you do that maybe aren't as talented as you are Larry but you're comparing you shouldn't be comparing you know you should just become you should just go well if I was 20 years old would I take where I am now and then of course he would I mean I feel I would at least the youth don't you feel successful yes because I'm not I'm not a furnace of ambition or anything where I'm I've met people like when I was at Saturday Night Live I was just happy to be at Saturday Night Live and I did my first letter when I was happy to do my first letterman I never had my foot one foot in and one foot out I was never thinking of the next step you know I never had a grant needed a career oh yeah what brought you down gambling well some some have said it's been the ruin of me and Larry ruined but I don't did you gamble on a gamble on sports and I will tell you this you should never bet football because the ball ain't round I keep telling people this and so the ball hits and then it does all kinds of crazy things and you know no you want to bet on a game of the round above anyways I quit I don't know why I'm even saying this but I did go broke twice and I must say that it was a very cleansing feeling in a way cleansing yeah when you went broke you how to make money again yeah cuz yeah the go broke twice yeah did you go back gambling after you made money knowing that you went broke well it's like sanity on a grander scale though how does Donald Trump lose 900 million dollars it's because he has the guts to to make the gamble you know I mean now most people I think if they got to three billion or four billion or whatever mr. Trump is worth would just sit on it but he's willing to throw the dice you know and also take it off his income tax and not pay income tax when he makes it yeah but that's illegal well mr. Trump is a friend of yours yes I think you would I know him casually I've never seen from the man in my meetings with him any trace of racism any trace of malice so what do you make of his campaign which has traces of racism and traces of malice well I don't know I don't know if he's he's obviously playing some sort of character you know he's got a part here the part is he's running for president yes exactly and so I don't know whether to be afraid or not you know you know there have been in this country times when people like Huey Long or somebody like that came along that that raised a little terror in people but I'd I think personally our democracy is bulletproof to any sort of any chance of fascism and I don't think Donald Trump even is going that way but if people are afraid of that I think our democracy denies that do you think he's demagogic that's not a word demagogue ik yeah that's a word well I guess by dictionary definition he is you know because he's I think may be the ruin of Donald Trump will be this addiction to playing the halls you know what I mean that maybe he doesn't want to be President of the United States as much as he wants to be the president of whatever room he's playing that night which I can understand as a stand-up comedian which maybe you can understand yeah you go and you speak yeah and it's after desire call you know to get in front of these people and have it's the biggest high of all it's amazing and they left that's right I'm so there's no bigger joy so I so when he gets the applause yeah that's enough I think that's what he loves I don't know if he wants to be President and what I I don't think it when I think he will start a giant television network him and Roger Ailes and the Trump Network the Trump Network and how about nor McDonald with the comedy specials weekly I would be your apprentice on the Trump Tower what's the biggest risk norm has taken we'll find out and about the future of the Last Comic Standing the book is based on a true story it's norming Donald a memoir we'll be right back we're back with Norm Macdonald you're gonna love this book I can't wait to get it just breezing through it it's based on a true story it's a memoir so it's a novel but it's not a novel it's an American Dostoyevsky that's high praise but that's what people have said you recently said of Trump by the way you've got to be able to apologize and you've got to be able to say you're wrong you have to have some humility why doesn't he seem to have that I don't know III know him and I don't know I mean maybe try to take a picture with him and he snubbed you yeah it was a kind of funny thing I was on the Jimmy Fallon show and it was I was watching you know he was the first guest and people you know where the next day saying that Jimmy was too easy you know as if Jimmy's Douglas Edwards or something you know he's just a guy just a kid that loves everybody so he's not he's not gonna he may have lost his chance to you know moderate Meet the Press go but yeah dark sardonic a mile only a couple minutes between when one guest leaves in the other comes in so I was in the hall other means it's the Secret Service and he knows me you know so I said Donald a picture and he goes I love this guy you know I'm just talking to Secret Service guys you guys I love this guy I'll take a picture just one minute and he turned around and then he walked to the elevator and got on it so you know I did make a few comments about him and I haven't spoken to him since then and I always wonder oh gosh I hope you didn't read those comments and oh like his humility you know because I do think that humility is a huge important thing for a person to have you know maybe one of the most important hello everybody will be humble sometimes you're not a big fan of Hillary's all right no I don't like why don't you like Hillary well because I think she's the most corrupt person that we've ever had the white house I mean there's there's so many terrible things that she's done that we forget but there was one that I don't know why this was swept out of the rug but you know she went into the IRS and and looked at political enemies tax returns Nixon did yeah well that makes him did that yeah it's a well as much as I know anything I mean it was this was reported and it was a it was a thing for a very short time because the news cycles go so quickly and maybe down days Nixon you know Watergate would have just been a Friday night story that would have disappeared on Monday you were a big hit as a judge on Last Comic Standing what was that less what was that like for you to judge other comics it was not a lot of fun you know not no because you know you're not supposed to judge people you know but that was my task so I took it seriously and I tried to help the community what I tried to do is help them tell them just because I've been a comedian for 30 years not because I'm better than them but I am better than them but just because of the thousands of hours I've done stand-up so what I try to do is just offer them advice try to help their jokes try to tell them to quit and not to comedy ever again no because I think that's sometimes good advice I don't think follow your dreams as always the best things you dreams may be nightmares God answer dreams Larry as a comedian how do you work past the idea that when you're on tour and you're telling the same jokes night after night do you still get the same kick out of it yeah well I don't tell the same jokes that I've changed oh yeah yeah yeah I haven't done very many so I've only done one stand-up special now other guys have done 50 but I was influenced in this by Jay Leno who when I started was the top ratings and up like Elvis you know Jay Leno he never did a stand-up special there is no HBO special of Jay Leno which is surprising but he explained to me why because he has his jokes and he had advertised it out that his jokes were worth so much you know a piece over a year you know fifty thousand of a hundred thousand but he he wasn't gonna do when you see him in person though he's a great monologist on television I can find him he stalks the stage yeah was his hands full yeah and he's funny very funny and I've seen that the improv you know like Jerry Seinfeld will come in get huge applause you know they always get five minutes applause before they speak and then he doesn't stand up and he does okay you know what I mean but he just stands there but then like you say Leno won't come in and he's like Bruce Springsteen yeah he gives it all and rapid-fire yeah so funny and so giving to the audience and you talk about humility there's a guy with grand humility for having possessed such a high job we're gonna play a little game of if you only knew no if you only knew panic okay childhood celebrity crush you mean a girl that would've been yeah oh it was like an actress you know of course yes and Margaret and O the O again Margaret Lee isn't the old timey you know I like the old time he curves on a lady and the way she danced Oh biggest risk you've ever taken I think it was with gambling I I bet everything I had it was the most she ever bet on an event four hundred thousand dollars what was it on Atlanta Falcons against the Denver Broncos 1990 almost favorite the Broncos were favored by something like twelve and a half points you tried live I took the money line I paid three to one or something and lost do you get to press when you lost oh yeah you can fall into depression that's why I quit gambling really there's too much anxiety and too much depression that's all for nothing it's something you wish you were better at I wish I was better at being kind to be I guess what are you singing the shower Willie the wandering gypsy and me Waylon Jennings you're a little weird character liking country music that's their characteristic put me in a shower singing you have a data characteristic you value most in others about generosity and kindness and what about the what are you admire most in yourself the times that I exhibit those qualities that I exhibit too rarely a generosity you write in your memoir that your dad told great jokes yes never favorite quick joke of your dad's oh yes he said the old fella that's how he would talk sometimes he would go have weight try to think of the guys name he'd go as a fellow named what was his name I go it doesn't matter so he goes a fella Bill and he couldn't remember so he went to the doctor to get to memory pills and they worked and then his friend come over al Murray says what were those memory pills you got I want to get it what are they called because what's the name of though that flower the other guy goes I don't know there's lots of flowers a tulip no amber says that's not as it's you put it Oh a carnation no Elmer says that's not it long-stemmed you know a romantic flower Oh Rose yes amber says Rose what was the name of that medication the doctor that's a great joke what makes you angry I don't like I don't like people that treat people under them badly and kiss up to people that are above his ass who would you trade places with for a day I guess Donald Trump for the money or yeah just good just to know what it is to live and palace and have you know thousands of people beat each other up Melania and Melania gets thrown in the deal - what something people don't know about you deeply closeted gay guy no kidding well I'm not coming out though wait a minute what are you revealing here today I'm not revealing anything I'm saying I'm deeply closeted what that means you're gay mom I wouldn't say that why would I say that I'm deeply closeted no but that means you're very very gay but you don't want to come out you're so closeted that I refuse to say I'm gay right exactly but that doesn't that mean you're gay hey hey hey easy buddy oh this book will reveal much no I'll make donald's based on a true story a memoir we can't get the weight to get on this comeback all in the book you asked he's answering norm will tak some of your many social media questions after the back with nor McDonald the book showed again based on a true story a memoir louis c.k louis louis c.k Lothian deal all right here's some social media questions for the great Norm Macdonald Gina loves hugs that's her maka Gina loves hugs what's your favorite joke bit wonder what is that something makes you laugh all the time a joke a joke or skit or a thought anything that makes you just well you know who always makes me laugh is the commuting by betray me - oh really I used to go watch them work you saw them live oh I sure did I interviewed Bob huh I would go they would let me in because those what there be in radio ah Sarris go to these radio and they'd let me in and watch them do the voices yeah yeah yeah all the best Crowley below yes lay below because they cut the wrappers but a great grueling I love because that he had that broadcaster voice like that Ed McMahon you know voice but but they do comedy our organization Bob and Ray is the SL ta SLT a what does that stand for the slow slow talkers flow tigers of america of america america america at GPU meatball wants to know what you'd like to be remembered for I think I'd like to be I think I wrote this book to be remembered by the book I think I'll probably write three more books in my life and probably be most remembered as an author in my second life Goodbar CA asks what it's like to be a Christian conservative comedian yes well I want you that no sir I'm not been widely aspect I don't know that I'll tell you why because they've sometimes labeled me that because you know I have opinions that don't fit into either party so sometimes they'll hear it now they'll call you a conservative because they like to say things like that but I'm not conserved at a Christian and I'm on a journey a spiritual journey let's say that I believe there's a god but I'm unsure of his nature so I consult a rabbi often because they're the people that know the Bible the best and so I've had my time I've had more time with Judaism than with any other religion so that's my religion that's your religion but I don't believe in anything I don't believe in anything well I will say this about the Jewish people that I love that they live by their beliefs whereas some Christians let's just do what you want and get forgiven yeah you know I kind of prefer the the living day to day rituals and beliefs but always good grab me about Christianity it was how Mary convinced Joseph I don't even have to finish this anyway well that kid must have been pretty special listen if three people show up to your house one of them has gold and myrrh Geismar so you say listen the guy with the frankincense and the myrrh you could beat it the guy with the goal come on in man yeah we could talk oblivious one tweets I would love hearing anything about norms amazing gambling run in Atlantic City oh yes that's what happened my friend of mine is very smart said I've been very lucky with gambling I've never won and it was a very profound thing you know what I mean because if you never win you don't get hooked but I had a big win so I was a casual gambler you know would going bet $25 blackjack I hit a craps table and went on her gigantic run one you know six figures and ever since then you can't go back you know what I mean if you win that much money you can't go back to $25 Oh over a hundred thousand yeah just dis just over did you get a little nervous walking out with the cash I was afraid I didn't know you were allowed to win that much so at the craps table I kept putting the chips in my pocket you know cuz this guy was rolling for I don't know the game and I put money down and then the I only had $100 I just put it down and then I wanted the guy said you want to press it and then I didn't wanna look stupid I go what do you think the guy pressed it depressed every bet then anyways all of a sudden they were just handing me huge amounts of money yeah I got scared I started pocketing it and then I remember at the end I go man I must have want $15,000 in the guys you want a hell of a lot more than that fella there was Atlanta City they don't escort you to your car or anything yeah you just drive into hell when you get out of that just every sign says will buy your girl you know your gold from your teeth [Laughter] dr. L Cartman wants to know how you feel about the name norm would you change it yes I don't like norm don't like it I have a serve a theory that your name maybe contributes to your self-worth or your self-esteem because it's the way you see it in popular culture you know now norm when I was young there was very young there's a guy I'm Peyton Place that Chris Connelly played Norman you know and he is kind of like a deeply closeted man and then there was Norman Bates norm from Cheers there are all fools or deeply closeted homosexuals Norman where are you play yeah so Norman is that you Norman is that you there's a funny play that's the punchline and he's gay yeah so anyways you know you see enough of these deeply closeted gay guys named norm all of a sudden you go wait a second am i deeply closeted in fact you've admitted earlier in this interview that you are I admitted that I was deeply closeted but I will never admit I'm gay so you're deeply closeted about what being gay thanks very much norm yes sir so much insight it's I'll get all when you gave the book thanks to my guest Norm Macdonald Norm Macdonald based on a true story is available now and as always you can find me on Twitter at Kings things and I'll see you next time how's the pleasure to be on you're always great to have you and master [Music] you
Channel: Larry King
Views: 1,069,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norm macdonald, norm macdonald live, norm macdonald stand up, norm macdonald interview, norm macdonald the herd, norm macdonald (tv writer), norm macdonald trolling, norm macdonald mangrate, macdonald, larry king & shawn king on norm macdonald & pricey suspenders at craigs weho, comedy, norm, louder with crowder, jerry seinfeld, anthony jeselnik stand up, stand up comedy, stand up comic, larry king, larry king now, funny
Id: 7kbBIWnVjpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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