Galloping Ghost Arcade Walkthrough

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what's up gang we're at galloping ghost gonna have some uh hodgepodge of videos me playing some rare games and i was kind of walking around uh there's no real rhyme or reason to anything i've already kind of got lost so you may see some games four or five times and you may see some games not at all actually but stick around i'm walter day the father of esports and you're watching maddie mo's arcade [Music] hiding in their holes score work keep and tally i'll be playing till they close now ain't nobody beat my high score you can't beat my high score again nobody beat my high school you can't pick my high score i'm a mallet master a single fisted blaster you can ask my baby it starts slow then gets fast but i'm a recorder kind of hard to see the marquis [Music] there we go that's cool [Music] [Music] that's interesting [Music] oh crazy climber oh the kick man i've seen a lot of these lately ant heater i've never heard of that boomer ranger there's a lot of rip-off pac-man what's it called i don't know holy boo holy boo [Applause] well we'll have to give it a try let's go around this way come back in wow this little space lord i think this was the four player game no it's just two player i thought it was four player bomb jack monitors are looking good blast off i gotta get rid of this gum oh there's pigskin this must be like the brian colin section good shape [Music] i've actually never seen that one so i'm gonna probably play this the marquee is really like neat [Music] team laser [Music] we'll just walk around and kind of aimlessly catch it all that was a little warm in here the jersey will come off it smells like arc do you have a napkin or anything in your pocket dang it all right give me one second i gotta get rid of my gum all right this is a bunch of games i don't really know anything about so if i skip over one of your favorites i apologize if you can even hear me i got no life force i like that game that just seems more like a power strip is off or something oh cool look over there traveler mikey this guy needs more hear that or it's dirty circus charlie swimmer gyrus looks similar to other games uh can you think of the name at the moment oh it's that game i can't pronounce anyway [Music] i like this one it's like everything at once rabbit punch it's another one i've heard of but never seen [Music] sexy paradia parrot i don't know i guess i could show it when i'm trying to pronounce it there's a sweet ass r-type huh it's a fish tank in it see the fish tank it's kind of cramped in here it's windy [Music] missing stuff this way [Music] sorry i don't know a lot of these dragon spirit hammer away book rogers okay i know about rogers that's cool too [Music] shoplifter mike had a chop lifter time or a beast no blue in the monitor looks like space space bomber this guy's awesome look at that oh i don't know what that one is astro blaster after a fighter clover command we had one of these at the neutral zone i think no maybe we didn't have one of these this is one that i see on craigslist and marketplace a lot though oh no look at this guy he needs my help gun bird gun bird too a lot of these are japanese games over here i don't know a lot of them i know you win squadron oh i see we're in the shmups i wasn't paying attention to the games okay here's fourteen 1941 42 and 43. raiden's one and two raiding three i didn't know there was a raiden three [Applause] r type some different versions that i was used to seeing you have an okay time like seeing what the marquis are like it's focusing on the light my phone was going in and out we can do some uh game gameplay videos too it's really warm back there no i remember when this game these games came out this one was first there was like a long line like i'd say like 15 20 kids and i want to say it was like 75 cents to play it which was quite a bit for us might even have been a dollar to play it and it's a laser disc game so your controls are like left right up and down and it's just like your dvd remote basically so if you don't make the right choice and hit left right up down your game's just over or you die i'm gonna go ahead and play it can you see the hologram i might have to play this till the end oh you got me i get to try again what happened i solved it can you see that i almost was able to get one of these for 300 and i wanted to put like space invaders in it because it would have played it kind of like this i remember it looking better than this but i gotta buy a cube that's that's quite a bit for a dollar or 75 cents don't forget about your time reversal queue all right i wasn't paying any attention there okay well that's probably enough of that so the laserdisc quit and died in that and then they started making this game which was just a jama board that was in there so this is the one that i was actually going to get it was a holistium and since it had a jama board in it i wanted to just put like a 60 in one with just space invaders playing turned on and black it has a black background so you all you would have seen was like the aliens coming down and i think it would have worked and the laminate's always coming off of these things but look how big it is though it's like the size of like two pinball machines i really like this one bingo i don't know i know i know the the name of this one but i've never seen it either but i like pengo it's pretty fun we got the midway section over here ready [Music] cool oh i don't remember any combos i should have read them my forearms can't take this i'm too old oh man my arms just died this one's really cool the grid behind you well that's what i wanted to talk about we'll go back over to that in a second this one i think is like six or twelve player and it's kind of like uh american gladiator something like that where everybody's gonna break fighting each other see if they show the gameplay for it but it was like in a big half circle so it might have been 12. there's another one over there oh wait it must have been six we got six here i got four hooked up it's pretty sweet we got over here nothing this is all the midway guys left for dead oh that's cool non-responsive i called for help splatterhouse [Music] hopefully it's just not smoking the power supply right now i like this game a lot this is a versus i thought he had a different uh bezel on that another one [Music] oh sweet i love the cabinet over the man pretty cool looking game robocop i have that is a great looking monitor and robocop 2 which i didn't even know there was a board for that steve told me about that i had no idea once you be robocop one my forearms didn't want to do anymore jackal looks like it's also wigging out contra evolution a lot of these games i haven't heard of by the time we hit the uh all the conversion games and stuff in the late 90s i only played like main titles and stuff i switched over to pinball trying to show the marquee uh i'm not gonna show it just gonna cause me to drop the phone commando russian attack missing in action i need two hands really hang on one second see what we're missing over here uh games that i'm not necessarily a fan of final fight grass and i had that on play choice i thought it was terrible they had a little fighting part that you could do knights of the round now i do like this one i'll rock that one black tiger i've actually never played that one either night slashers slayers slashers renegade and these both of these games i love these they're like four-player beat-em-ups that nobody really talks about okay let's go let's catch where are we at devastators there's another game i see on all the time for sale city bomber i don't know that one now this is a an interesting mashup we have sunset riders and cowboys of mumesa in the same cabinet it's pretty sweet lethal enforcers worked on one of these recently [Music] beast busters and we have some nice cabs here nibbler and eyes wart warp refocus again there we go more for and then food fight cabinet is so cool this would be a dedicated cabinet that you can obviously tell because of the way the art was on it [Music] elevator action 2. nice dirty pig skin football we have one of those at the zone monkey ball robin you know what they say about operation wolf don't you [Music] operation wolf if you don't like this video game then you yes [Music] that's all i have to say about that [Music] ultra weapons ultraman ultra something something we had a bunch of potato games down that way but i think it's about time you see a bunch of neo geos behind me we haven't even covered anywhere near all of it there's so much battle toads so i think i'm gonna peel my sweatshirt off get a big drink of my soda probably have a cigarette and then uh get busy on some of this stuff hard driving championship sprint apb pole position robin's gonna play some chiller you're torturing the people and i guess shooting birds and stuff i've never played it [Music] are you hitting anything [Music] play again do you think he hit anything yeah okay i could i just couldn't tell let me see like if i zoom in a lot and i'm gonna shake a lot and try to get a good spot it was too bright i couldn't see the yellow flash it was a pretty morbid game though exit each other oh no art that we can see is the creepy let's shoot i think you shoot the guy on the wall i don't know dude and everything [Music] it is a rank point [Music] so if i did not get ahead of somebody playing this game online might not have one tournament i'm definitely gonna have to play that one i remember playing this one rygar isn't this supposed to be different oh it's off unfortunately it's not worth months on but it crashed obviously yeah karna burn off my max the score on this one shocking so nobody can beat my i've never seen this version mickey mouse tetris oh okay steve has this he wants me to work on it it was released in the united states on consoles [Music] it looks older than the others wonder boy in a nintendo cabinet that's funny dig dug two and dig dug two and it's not driller you usually see him yeah this is the dig dug two that i played i was getting it confused because other people were telling me mr driller was dig dug too blueprint now see this is another game where i know it no of it but i've never played it uh that was released for the consoles sorry 2600 okay computers oh i remember the uh seeing the art 2600 had good art but you never could tell what the game was oh rolling thunder 2 yeah oh i haven't gone down here yet two screen tecmo bowl that's pretty cool i know people probably wouldn't like it because it's huge and it's sports but nice battle sharks i'm familiar with worked on that one before i had superman yeah it's kind of lame it i think it's kind of lame spider-man is pretty fun though i like spider-man pretty far in the game but somebody did once you see it escape from the robot monsters and this is not a dedicated cabinet there's laser ghosts and yes [Laughter] is [Music] star wars cockpit is down what's back there oh gosh this is one game that i wanted to play this weekend and that's shut off and it's probably because this thing's here nice house yes i have the outside this one too lost it to andrew just trying to tell what that is [Music] a magic sword uh firefighters is back here and you should be able to access it yeah i can see it back there now cool all right let me focus back in here focus focus now here's something you don't see much i have every star wars arcade game except for battle pod oh that's true they do don't they because they have that weird japanese one very struck back star wars star wars trilogy and then the think you're more japanese to play it on the sega 32x than an actual this one is it a lot more flying like i had uh the deluxe i had the deluxe and it's a lot of fun but there's you know just a few battles and a few lightsaber battles and that's it i'm gonna get away from it before i get copyright strike why would they do that super burger time why are they coming right straight they'll get you just because it's uh star wars you can uh you can have the music for the 8-bit i don't think it's even loud enough oh i got a monster bash just fixed the monitor the monitor this is it i used to see this game on craigslist right across the river for 150 bucks all the time nobody ever wanted them until i decided i liked the game and now i can't find one anywhere figures i'd buy a congo bongo too that's another game where i learned to like it on the 16 one you're thrilled something is having an issue it's one of these space fury a little bit of vertical collapse up here grounding issue to the speaker yeah zach's on and super saxon i've had i think 15 saxon cabinets and they were all crap they're all crap yeah they'd all just soaked up so much moisture they weighed 800 pounds oh geez man it's that same three-quarter angle shooter yeah the tpg [Music] ladybug it's just scrambled it probably just needs to be reseeded yeah they're gonna probably just [Music] sometimes fix it sometimes i can give it the fonzie and it'll work but this is a game that's like not very popular i really like i think it's on a 60 and one too yes it is and the political version but political vision matters so this is spawns back here dragon ball z psychic force mega man mega man 2. oh i have my flashlight there we go oh the mega man game that'd be cool oh and spawn yeah fighters check out this awesome side art this guy's great i think that's johnny knoxville so many of these weird games star castle this and a star castle was the one that uh a black guy i think gets sucked into the game and uh uh what's the movie the machines take over maximum overdrive the game didn't look anything like star castle but that was the cabinet that killed him i think i think it was a star castle cabinet and it was named like you know fight fighter man do a version of starcast two different versions yes i was shocked when the second version popped out of nowhere because i met the programmer of the i like this game too [Music] it's kind of a weird donkey kong ish it's mr dude's castle it's awesome and that was another 2600 game and more likely played it on the 164 parker brothers did that did you ever play any uh games on the pc i mean like as a kid oh yes like i used to play i used to play a game called uh karotika did you ever play that i think that's what it was called what about the point-and-click adventures did you play those like the sierra games somehow yes in college in college yes oh is it is it here oh yeah i don't think i made it this far yet oh yeah there it is now they had two different discs for now multiple times it's not supposed to right because this is probably a test it was probably oh right but stability varies also it's different than the other one yes this is the harder version what a bummer at least they got two discs all the way through here no i i got to here and i don't know why i didn't continue i guess because i had so many other uh i guess i didn't put credits in it okay i'll hold that for you all right because i'm a good cameraman cool and kick-ass that's what i do all the time as i film wrestling shows i run around ringside with the camera so at least i should be able to hold this camera yeah this is this officially the second level of the other pro version they have and this is harder in my opinion my cousin's a wrestler i filmed his man one of his matches who is he uh rory fox or roy i have heard of him uh what's he around here roy uh gil rogers yes so that's who that is yes i know who he is i've seen him wrestle [Music] oh yes my other hobby is i mean i run or i do the st louis wrestling community blog and then um produce yes i produce pro wrestling central illinois this week you want to take i've seen you post about it yes i've done the show for about yeah you want to get that money because that's your points in this game now you gotta shoot lasers i see like a turtle [Music] type of game in this you got three lives yeah i need to figure out how to actually get that detection on these guys yeah you got connect but that's why i thought this is the harder version of the game but they thought it was more stable i don't know why it seems to be stable with it but this crashes too so the angle of the hits are a little odd they're not in an eight-way direction sometimes yeah we got stuff inside the barrels and now this and here comes the boss [Music] take out that last one there you go grab those that's your food oops oh you can't get at it doug got it you don't want to get you want to hit and run let's see he does that what's he doing for booger yes and that is it can continue yep yeah i have the high score then somebody beat the high score and then it's like this is the harder version i can't i'm not doing as well on this game as the other one [Music] yeah this is real tough to hit him i get that angle yeah what a pain well he's had a health bar at the bottom you're more than halfway at least [Music] oh you can use uh you hit both buttons to um let out a part which will damage him if you have him at the same time oh i guess you didn't have it oh you had to have a can i'm sorry you had the cat that catechin to consume the can of beans which is what those up there indicates so you can burp you can fart but you have to like have um you ran right into him there you go oh i was having better luck like running right at him you have like you said you when i was a kid then you go forward then this is a segway 69. demonetized i don't even bother with monetization just too much of pain and but every video i post is flanked with something okay battle of the dorks this is the street fighter like bonus round okay now this proto version will let you do it multiple times so you gotta hit uh yeah gonna hit him any other way this is this is not normal but on this prototype it just lets you like do it multiple times but you officially [Music] won this bonus round because you finished with more money my arm is going to be so sore tomorrow [Music] so you choose been a fun little a little fun information there's only like i think they only made a dozen of these cabinets yeah and only a couple of them a couple of them have survived galba there is more than this one yes there is more than just what you got an invincibility um para now you gotta face a cowboy and you ran right into his kicking i am horrible just hiding on this i feel like it's like virtua fighter and they're always on a different level than i am now you gotta dodge those horse kicks and you ran right in get that on the bottom get the splatoon there we go you can get the baseball bat oh it's over that's it unless you continue oh you're gonna continue one more time just because i want to see more of it i mean we just got to the square hands my i don't think my forearm could take another boss battle though colleague doesn't seem to be in the mood for dancing ah bad idea oh you there are negative power-ups if you get if you pick up a skull and crossbones it will hurt you so you don't want to pick that one up i'm using those rocks to like cheat oh okay so that i can't go forward too far and still get these plastics i said it does work now you got a nice black part over there again oh this guy i'll see if he can hit him with the [Music] the whip it's a midstage boss oh come on but the diagonal positioning [Music] does work this appeared to be a good strategy we got through there take out those oh he's throwing oh he's throwing beer bottles at you yeah take out the barrel if you can get at it you got power up all right get the beans now you can oh and here's a here's a boss yeah yep now you can use the part oh to like i don't have it anymore there you go i missed you probably want to go to the left side and hit him oh [Music] oh it's unlimited money he's oh am i dying thank you hit a shot i think you hit him once and then get out of the way oh i see wow man i got some paint why i was way far away from him [Music] i can't believe he came and connect oh you're kidding well that's why this is a prototype [Music] one more i'm gonna say i can't beat it maybe it wrapped around the screen but that's insanity what you think of people some button and now that i'm on now you're on camera instead of it doesn't bother me without being in selfie mode i uh it's fun i mean just like all the beat em ups it's your button smasher so you gotta get used to smashing the buttons it's pretty fun yeah it doesn't seem like it's complete but i mean we wouldn't have got a chance to play it at all i think it's awesome that it's here and available and what do you think it's running on it's running on 3do hardware an actual 3do is in there but they had to do a little bit of modification to make it what they put a value on it uh how much is the value of the proto i don't know since there's only a couple doc mac would know i don't think i would know just say priceless uh doc mack would probably tell you how much he how much he got it for right or if he got in the trade or whatever let's beat some butthead all right this is exterminator i could have bought this when i first started collecting for 400 bucks i might have said this earlier but robin's going to try to play you somehow you swat the use the hands and you like clap okay [Music] [Music] you gotta go forward i don't know what i'm supposed to do can you go deeper in the room here they come now you can get them go up clap your hands did the other attack there do that one got some spray the controls are definitely uh oh i think it's oh you grabbed a wasp so it was in this year's tournament no a few years back oh okay it says dark planet dark planets so you're looking through this glass there you go thrust laser and i don't know if i'm shooting i don't think i'm shooting you see button doesn't work no it didn't look like the other one there we go the other one works oh that's cool [Music] yeah i saw that in the attract mode across the bridge i guess i could go across go around there you go uh laser okay the laser is when you're on the top of your shield downward yeah by controlling the joystick and the action button you determine the phase will the princess be forced to marry someone she can't stand actually only to be caught hanging around again at least we can see how it's like two level or layered with two levels and how it uses the uh the mold as a terrain it's pretty neat i give them credit is it definitely looks like you're on two separate levels yep i'm terrible i need more practice [Music] that's a house high chris plocky at 141 000. that would definitely [Music] you know sometimes they're rare games because they weren't good too before they're around to appreciate it or undiscovered yeah that's true see if there's any identifying marks [Music] and once i'm familiar with it i don't think every once in a while we we've stumped him we stumped him with arms we'll catch up with you i appreciate it though gives me a little bit more knowledge than what i had vindicators here's the zybox this is what this monitor should have looked like no it shouldn't look like this should be much much lighter i think at least this should be i don't know i have to watch some footage of that these are more the uh two monitor games look really good the darius series it's more more games i haven't played silent scope uh am very familiar with fixed several house of the dead operation gun buster dang it's like nothing going on with it galaxy ranger astron bell [Music] bummer that one works pitfall too and feet more classics over here they do have some monitors that need my help don't they oh check it out it's cruising no it's not tranquilizer gun also down matt mania final blow die hard the game's not bad it doesn't sell for much maybe that's why i like it because it's cheap and available final blow i think mike has this board and bonk's adventure polygona commanders that one's new to me death charge i've seen after burner i actually thought that was a person looking at me brad mobile i guess i don't know i didn't see it [Music] racing are you gonna play [Music] i guess i have to i have to play too oh no i can't play [Music] this is the final furlong cabin they found another use for it [Music] i'm not going to try to do that in film revolution x doing a firefighter space harrier maybe cop that looks kind of cool speed racer where was it oh yeah they had one of these at uh the retrocade i hadn't played it before lucky and wild this is uh another one of games of slackers that i'm working on they have no monitor in it [Music] the first funky fighter monkey mole panic we got a bucky o'hare gi joe combo over here where's funky fighter chase hq i've fixed one of those before savage quest yeah a lot of them have problems i think that covers that end i don't think so i do have a real camera i disagree on that one okay this one's rare but it's not like just a few cabinets out there is there an advantage to each one no it's just um all right this guy looked too sturdy okay i guess you're larry i guess moe was in there which i didn't intend to do a three-player game it's hard to film it and play now i can pick up [Music] i can't get it either i got some beers or something i don't know i could hit you ah i thought this was a laserdisc game just a jammer you're out yeah here we go i can't get out of here i don't think my joystick works very well [Music] my choice took sex success oh i'm out we should try it again with this one and that one you gotta grab a hammer now my joystick is burping okay you gotta grab it all right you have to grab a hammer while that key is helping to grab it there it goes it gets stuck you can't get hung up on that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i use a camera [Music] all right want to splat the police officer or the butler hit the button to shoot all right you can slap and slap your enemies if you feel brave enough to get close enough just shoot it you're playing larry in the upper left i know i'm just saying where are you you need a white key hit that button grab that camera [Music] wow that is tough [Music] so these two right here are going to be ground and 5 volt did i not turn the game on i didn't turn the game on i guess that would help here it is a nice little trade person i traded got what they wanted i got what i wanted and a pretty good deal on it too that comes later yeah okay it's it's on fire of smoke well that's bad yeah well thanks for watching when you take care of people people take care of you in this community that's the truth so everyone please remember that even for competitors we're not enemies
Channel: MattyMo's Arcade
Views: 1,273
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: vdZJS0qqpeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 22sec (4042 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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