Galloping Ghost Arcade Tour 2018 with owner Doc Mack

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I’ve been here! Awesome staff! And ULTRA cool pricing model and games inside! I wanted to stay and play but the girlfriend wasn’t having any of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superthrust πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


(all caps on purpose)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iamnotbillyjoel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I took a road trip there. Was totally worth it. They have some crazy stupid rare games I thought I would never play.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/s1500 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I go there all the time. It's one of my favorite places in Chicago

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Magikarp_UsedSplash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting video. So John actually went to the GG around 2 years ago and had, what I considered to be, a fairly negative review about the arcade. (it didn't help that the interview audio with Doc Mack was messed up)

I'm not sure if I'm reading into it, but John seems to be a bit more accepting this time around. Maybe not a direct apology -- but he took the time to understand that the GG was always interesting in trying to get the games in the best condition possible, but that wasn't going to stop them from putting a game on the floor even if it was in the wrong cabinet.

Always refreshing to see people challenge their opinions. It doesn't go unnoticed. Galloping Ghost is an amazing place.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/khoker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that place!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/telmnstr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
alright guys we are in suburban Chicago Illinois this is our annual Thanksgiving trip here and unfortunately Greggy is not here he had to work today he couldn't get off to bummer though but mark is here yeah my trusty cameraman so in this video here we're gonna go to galloping ghosts arcade in Brookfield Illinois and this is probably my most requested video right now I'd say in the last couple years everyone has left comments on my galloping ghosts video because we did a video here like a few years ago but everyone says me John the place is so much better now you need to go back and do a new video so we're gonna go there we're gonna meet with the owner Doc Mac okay he's gonna give us an all-access tour of the place and I'm actually very excited because they say now this is the world's largest arcade like an beginneth Book of World Records did you know that I did not know that and I know that's kind of like debatable because about the cabs and the boards and you know in fun spots so we'll see what doc has to say about that so anyway enough of that let's just keep driving and go to Brookfield Illinois to galloping ghosts arcade what's going on here I know I'm kind of hungry man yeah I did these are gas station eggs here these are two hard cooked fresh eggs perfect peeled that they call it and by the way we're coming up here on Gallup he goes on the right oh god I got salt everywhere hmm boom we're developing ghost oh these are bad was it okay oh there you go these are not very good catch these things they have I got okay smelly the brand I usually buy is Eggland's Best I've never had the solder brand they're okay they don't feel very fresh all right let's go check out galloping ghosts hey Doc what's up man how's it going good I'm John John so this is it yep galloping ghosts okay that's pretty sick dude how many games are here 621 right now 621 but the Monday Sofia the 522 it 5:00 p.m. Wow because I was here like four years ago yeah I swear to god this is the most requested video right now that people want me to come back and see what's changed here would you say it's really different than last time I was here definitely we've been following our goal okay to get games out get playable yeah and then we want to have all the rare stuff we just constantly are adding new games right that's been currently like the big thing yeah just adding stuff talking with industry people finding out cool games that people might evoke was overlooked over the years and getting them here on the floor for everybody to enjoy that do you have the Guinness world record for the largest arcade oh is that like the Guinness record or a record was that debatable like what's the world's largest arcade absolutely it's the number counted by Guinness yes a fun spots number we included all of their redemption games okay shortly after they done made did they have the record for they had six hundred and eleven eleven yep so we have it depends on what you're counting counting coin-operated machines it's one thing yeah I believe when they did that record they had right around 400 okay since then they've scaled back quite a bit yeah their video games side right and it's it's one of those for us it's not about who the largest rayray are kyc its thrown around like you know world's largest arcade for you guys fun spot says it just curious we're either way there's a ton of games here that's the big thing is we love doing good events we I mean you have quite the variety just looking around here that you don't see it fun spot you know like for sure like this kind of big stuff time traveller I mean look at it around guys it's crazy it's it's the first thing for the English it's the unselfish side to the argument to play the games here right right and of course lemak diverse is love a ton of the classics I love finding new classics that I've never heard of right to surprise the regulars here hitch is just so important like I got our guys have built up such a reputation for setting World Records and high scores to put a game on the floor that they've never heard of right right it's awesome yeah same thing with the industry people we got guys like Jeff Lee the creators cube right there Brian : creator a rampage yeah we worked with them on a lot of games that were canceled and we've worked with them to put those games back out on the floor very cool and we'll see that as we walk around so why don't we take a tour do you mind but all right Juno first this classic this was last Monday's game we just had been shipped in now last Monday's game you do a game release every monday or try to have every monday we've done it for over the last two years we've put a game out every Monday at 5 p.m. as their Monday mystery game a new game is added every Monday every Monday without fail sometimes how do you wait if we a game that you don't have a game that is currently not out on the floor a new one gets put out this last week it was Juno first we've got I'm trying to pick between two games right now for today's Monday mystery game so I don't even know what it's gonna be you stream that live on Twitch right every yes on Twitch and Facebook okay cool so Juno first I love this great classic game now the Sega Coliseum and and the hologram I mean these are pretty special absolutely a hologram game I remember Sega did a show out in North Riverside mall right when this was coming out its leisure dis right it is it is this Coliseum is the laserdisc started to fail that he started switching them all over to be the Jama PCB based game Coliseum okay so we have both of them side by side oh so this is not a laserdisc no that was done as a as the laserdisc started to they started to see it realize yeah they're like this isn't going to work so they quickly made this game oh I had no idea so this game's time traveller you could see there's like a little I don't know does a camera pick that up it's funny they put like these little wooden blocks there so it looks like there's a real object yeah the kind of gave it a little bit of depth then yeah it's interesting we've lent this machine out to the there's a hologram Museum in Chicago he went there for a weekend and just really cool and again you don't see him very often very cool back here we had Darius and legendary wings so like a cabinet like this I mean this is like a generic cabinet right with a jammer Bora I mean there's no deck dedicated right that that looks like one of the big things so many 90s games that didn't have original day they're just kids they were just kids so it's what do you do this I think was originally a like a tourist pulling oh yeah I can see that that's like a centimeter so yeah a lot of them like that when we got it it was Tiger Hellion right right that's just one of those but this is but this is what the 90s were about all these kids is converted games at 7-eleven whatever you know absolutely this is what I was playing in the 90s it's a per there myself I love getting games on original dedicated cabinets but it's one of those this era stuff actually this is late 80s right so yeah but if you want this era stuff this is what it was it's gonna be on a different right now like what cabinet is oh yeah sometimes they had this is the cabinet you should use yeah most of the time they did especially with the amount of games that we import from Japan there there's not even any relevant cabinet to it it's kind of what put this in anything crazy I just keep going here so we have brave fire fires by Sega that we did a we put this out on Monday as a Monday mr. game on September 11th we did a huge event around it we we donated all of the proceeds or all of the money from the arcade that day - to the Brookfield Fire Department and the New York Fire Department this is pretty heavy dude oh it is it is it was a definitely a really cool game Hardware on it we actually had to 3d print all you did this component no kidding just it's the one nice thing about having our production company when we need parts you can magician send it down to our 3d artist Milo beep - a model and here's a printer guy grant it is and then we got it made up awesome and then Darius purse DX this is new right this is a new word game yeah this came out in 2011 yeah shipped in direct from Japan just one of the most played games here it's the camera itself it's such a draw it's so cool check it out it's finally the control pad is almost like those you lux cabinets whatever you get right I'll Sanwa hardware yeah it's at LCDs just like the the the CRT one has to see artis yeah these are two 27-inch flat screens one playing downright upright and then there's a beer a quietly all right so tell me about about primal rage to the primal rage - this was there's currently three known working boards in the world we kind of based there's a guy in California that has the original cabinet that we base the cabinet artwork off of Chris tang who was one of the developers on the game we had him out just again recently he had worked on quizzes developed in Chicago or California it was I believe developed in California okay and so you found the board yeah I actually do - our mortal kombat scene that we had here one of the players Tom Brady told us that he had the board and honestly I thought he was didn't know what he was talking about because who's sitting on a primal rage - bored and he won't he loved this community so much he was like you know if I ever saw you guys get to have it I'll sell to Supercheap and he's like I just want it to be out there for people to enjoy and when he finally like two months later he's like I'm ready to sell it you guys can have this so what happened with this game mean it looks finished I mean is it not finished or it's pretty close to being done it's not a hundred percent being done there was a lot of character balancing that they still needed to do okay the average player would say it's finished game testing and game balancing wise Chris tang says that he was only about 70% done with it I see definitely a lot of fun you can play all the way through it as a boss character and as endings and everything finishing moves and it's definitely a lot of fun if everybody kind of said that it was not a great game and it ended up turning out a fantastic game like the and you're a big fighting guy right yeah what's your favorite game is it more combat and fighting game wise yeah I would have to say MK is definitely which one m'kay - m'kay - yeah MK one and two are definitely my favorites like we've we've done so many MK events we're so close with the Mortal Kombat actors right we're actually open up gym and martial arts school with the Mortal Kombat actors starting in December that's though it's is this your fighting area here you got all the killer instincts - Mortal Kombat's I see wait section we've got all the MK actors that come hang out here every year in combat we've got all their artwork up there we've got MK 1 through 4 set up on the opposing side we've got all 6 oh wow and those are all linked together what's left 4 dead leopard was based on the PC game right this came out only in Japan this mouse its mouth and almost like a wiimote system where no kidding it's so that's based on the valve game yep relief from and valve or the arcade is it just like the PCE yeah it is a lot like left 4 dead 2 okay so very similar levels all the characters are in there all the enemies and really cool definitely gets a lot of play it's a tell in Japanese so a lot of people it's got some startup yen to it but once people get into it they really get into it and this this Sonic game you don't see much at all either now this is another one that we've had it for a few years and definitely this is probably one of the most high-energy games that I see people playing together it's a track ball game replay attack it's like Marble Madness kind of right like the gameplay a little bit yeah more plat for me where you're controlling your jumps and everything alright and then tell me about this game Specter files Deathstalker Specter files was this was a game that we recently completed with Brian : of game refuge Brian : who made rampage right we've done all these great classic games he was coming here and was telling us about a laserdisc game that they started in 1984 and they cancelled and after talking to him we definitely wanted to work together we're still in the testimony okay group so it basically was we found out that he had the video and they were like let's finish it yeah and we only had like the video files just sitting there right well he had him on 16 millimeter film still and I'm like oh this has to be preserved and once he was like kind of open to that it's like well now it's preserved why don't we finish the game right so he took it through and we worked with him and we did all the full cabinet release for this kid who's actually in NFL cabinet okay delayed the laserdisc game right there was a CD disc yeah yeah so had that was the game that canceled this game because uh the CD this went out and it had so many problems they ended up saying we're not doing any more laser this game yeah so that's why we picked this cabinet as cuz it makes sense it makes sense yeah what they would have right right Brian did we actually see a lot of these cabinets cuz that football game was a it was a dud it was it was surprises and it's been amazingly popular with everybody here really what's the gameplay like what do you do it's basic is it choose-your-own-adventure and much like you're given three questions you watch a video sister room a so it's coming a text adventure choose your adventure with video it's got a lot of flying callings humor in it okay you've played our tribals or pigskin all right right you see a lot of the same it's very jokey yeah and supposed to be like a bad be horror movie right it's awesome very cool fun all right so let's go over here so here's your kind of like Capcom games you know ghosts and goblins ghouls and ghosts shinobi I just play that 7-eleven on Hoffman Estates when I grew up then we kind of grew these psychic Capcom and a lot of second stuff in this row altered beast forgotten worlds later go back shadow dancer I don't think I've seen that one before yeah that was the follow-up to shinobi where Joe Musashi got Yamato the dog to fight alongside of him this is another one we recently did a cabinet upgrade there's a lot of debate whether this even had a dedicated cabinet which cabinet what is that cabinet that's in a generic Sega cabinet if it was used for a few things but even on the cover of the manual it shows there's an actual manual for shadow dancer that shows that in that cabinet I like that cabinet it's a great cabinet big so is that just like a Sega like dynamo style cabin air pretty much they use it here they used it for a few things supposedly it's kind of a cat like the front is beveled in like a Midway cabinet right in the earlier mid ways but there's not much information I liked it else was supposed to be in there like I just like this yeah it is it's really great this is another one we went out of state to get it and definitely a really cool game very cool and then golden axe to duel tell me about that that was the follow-up to the goal next is the third in the series it was just a one-on-one fighting game not really heard too much about right never seen it it's on the atomiswave or no it's on the STV Hardware okay so again another one you just don't see very often when we put it out a lot of our players that aren't even into the fighting game scene liked it just because they they know the characters there I mean it's not as deep as a lot of the other fighting games but definitely a lot of fun and easy to get into very cool and of course original goat and then alien storm of michael jackson moonwalker that switchboards yes we turn their attention oh we've custom-made our switches so both games are always constantly running each one we make in-house it leaves the power to both boards both boards but just changes the video the start buttons so very starting one game doesn't start the other game so you see that merger is like a switch here and you can switch from one board to the other it's pretty slick just because we want everything in its own single ki yet but my powers space were pretty much at capacity right now so it's a constant struggle of shifting things around and rearranged so alien storm is that a sequel to le alien syndrome no now they own three players standalone game it came out along and I've seen that one either for another very rare one yeah we're gonna be splitting this I have a dedicated Moonwalker cab now nice this cabinet is actually a big blue great for alien vs. predator which will be restoring this one completely oh cool so had you've got like New Zealand story another game I mean I definitely know this game but I've never actually seen anyone operating it and this isn't a Sega cabinet gremlin right yeah the this is another very rare one our friends over at Star worlds had one and at mgc our guys saw it and they really wanted it so we tracked on a board for it and then about half a year ago somebody called us up and they're like hey we've got two games that we want to just donate to the arcade okay so this is this is exactly how they donated it right it was so odd the games that they had like who has New Zealand story just sitting in their basement exactly and the same thing they just wanted it to be out where people can play and enjoy it it's an interesting cabinet because it I mean it looks like a carnival Frogger type cabinet yeah but this is totally different up in here yeah there's it was we were trying to figure out specifically what it was and there's no discerning information as to what it was before it was a before it was a new zealand story yeah it's like the materials are totally unless someone laminated it I don't know all right it's going just god there's a lot of games I've just never seen like scramble spirits trammel spirits these are all on the system 24 hardware so this is all diskette based so crackdown finance brothers scramble spirit gang ground and a hot rod these are all running on original diskettes which are if the hardware has always been kind of problematic but it's it's awesome that it's fun just keeping it all up and running so did you make this marquee that is a reproduction of the original okay but that is how the original is supposed to be it was very good now is this related to scramble like scramble it's not ok it was its own standalone game it was supposed to come out on the Genesis it had a Japanese release on the Mega Drive but never made it over to pitfall oh my god it's in a tempest cabinet yeah it kind of works it does The Tempest cabinets for some reason in our first batch of games we ended up with so many games that were converted in tempest cat right and one of the big things for us we want to see people restore games yeah so we offer basically if you need a tempest cabinet yeah trade us any 19-inch cabinet maybe the tempest one but this kind of somehow works it's weird it's got like yellow laminate on the sides I love that artwork my god it might have actually been made for a tempest conversion oh is that right yeah that's I've seen two in tempest cabinets so either that was just a measurement freak right right interesting Russell wore another tempest valiantly Sarge hypothetic I've never seen that either that's another crying : game yeah that's always been again having so many industry people hang out here right it means so much to us to get all the history of the games and this was kind of the precursor to general chaos which was another game and he put out on the Genesis okay and it's just a really cool game this is another one we brought in from out of state you never see it and over the years we the original marquee was very faded we got a new marquee that had better color Oh kidding so that's an original marquee original marquee and then this game here can never see this excellent game well cut on the Genesis and this is a dedicated one original dedicated all the artwork original sticks everything it's just such a great great game that you never see I had never known there was an arcade version and it just popped up on Craigslist one day and it had to be here it was basically you get it kind of reminds me of quartets like that he loved it very much it's got visually a little bit like the gameplay is very different than quartet right definitely lots of the curry warriors yeah you get to select your characters and each one has different attributes as to how they can shoot okay I'm consumed and some shoot longer range some have different speeds so it's very much about learning the character if you can see from the bezel there's a lot of different carrier arms again it's got a twenty five inch monitors yeah vertical yeah just right out of all they tried this wasn't everyone I've never seen before hot rod three player they did this in a two-player version a three player version and a four player a great game yeah it's visually rinche style game yeah yeah a lot of fun you get to upgrade your card and just a lot of fun and I've never seen this game here this is another disease called crackdown if this was another one it was a great game on Genesis and the same thing I never knew there was an arcade version I'm a huge Sega fan so like finding this stuff this was original dedicated and this is how the Mark II was a two-layer to two separate layers had just that and then the characters yep it's like a Grand Theft Auto kind of play or something it's it's almost like a little bit of a gauntlet feel okay you're you're making it through the maze you've got a map up top right you have to set bombs and it looks like OG GTA I could see that a little bit we have and everything yeah but come on right wild some shinobi sound effects and that wasn't right yeah all right so x-men gotta have that oh my god Electronic Arts this was a one of one unreleased prototype that Brian colon was working on okay he had it sitting in his offices he had this and international team laser and he worked with EA to make this yes this was supposed to come out they EA started having a little less faith in the arcade in this period they cancelled production before it was officially finished so it occasionally resets yeah I believe like some Ram flow issues but so it's a fun game it's like RC kart racing yeah yeah let's you try to there's these discs you roll over and it's it's more players so it's definitely a very cool game very cool Mario Kart arcade GP I want one of those again another one that alright it's got a camera on here it takes her super poses your face yeah right a lot or one yeah I love this game by the way he can bomb Jack great game yeah this was another this was in the first batch of game so we picked up but that's a game that was always in conversion cabinets right yeah yeah I've never seen one in an original dedicate right Metal Slug 6 Metal Slug says this is one where we need this ship that we have a lot of rearranging to do on the arcade yeah is that the arcade floor is constantly changing right there we got Trog yeah that's a cool game very original dedicated we picked this up out in Mississippi really and then also we're talking with George Petro who was the programmer on it he was working on this and telling us about there's a prototype version that he had coded up and they were they everybody thought the game was too hard yeah so they basically told him to change the game otherwise they're gonna cancel it so so you have that version in it so this is the prototype version where you play as the hand and you're picking up a phone and replacing it don't doubt the GoPro to the Frog prototype so it's oh yeah it's one of those the prototype was so different but it was so cool they have george peter out here let's see if that happens again oh no check your old I'll have to check my parallel voltage but it's it's one of those where it's so awesome to be able to offer something that nobody had ever seen exactly and they customized the ROM to have your name in there or amend the menu feature in the menu okay okay and that bag man dedicated awesome Stern game homina homina homina now this I'd never seen either four players start a space board doc I've been this so many are case you have so many games I have never seen it's the coolest like doing a great job of getting rare stuff I've been all over the world literally going to arcades this was one that was they've literally said they were going to destroy it that day you know this you know they were saying it was so big and just you never made any money this was another one we got out of Mississippi and they were going to just literally burn it if we didn't buy is this like a first-person asteroids kind of is it's it's more like a heavy combat basically Star Trek yeah but it's two players on each side one is the copilot it's it's an amazing really there's a co-pilot yeah so you work together the same ship trying to take down their players yep well that's neat star control which was another Genesis from the PC game yeah really awesome just one you never saw she was one that I never even heard of and I saw it I knew the board was very rare and just seeing a full dedicated cabin and was like oh it it has to yeah absolutely all right so which way should we go going here all right so here's here's a new game sky cursor again the guys over at Griffin Aerotech in their airframe hardware we've done a couple of events with them breaking we love to support the indie scene and this is PC based right it's it is yes yes it still has a JAMA harness to it but ultimately it's a PC game yeah and then is this one no this isn't one of the dedicated they were sound like dedicated cabinets right that was what they basically their first iteration in prototype this was what they were using for the dedicated it was that was the original dedicated artwork for the prototype gotcha and here's a cave shooter I saw break game breaking very hard we had d'azyr's - phenomenal player stopped out and he won his first time playing it we got a huge smut face here this this is basically like you're smoking right right so you get a lot of shmups and in fighting games right kind of more hardcore um if you break down the numbers we probably have more classics than anything okay but but these are all like hardcore games like these are definitely like a niche right like Makarov again or we're is the later Darius game that I got lifeforce I'm a huge gradient playing anywhere grace my favorite I'm breaking the original whole dedicated oh wow this is a dedicated yep original dedicated oh this is sick as the Konami sign we just like the Konami Konami code I mean inside yet greatest three - three and four it's a tyree cabaret yeah yeah Gunsmoke I still love that game and it's a great game dragon spirit is to have at Namco system one definitely I love dragons they're kind of our dragon shmup area Bosco Nia's guys there's so many games here like I just walked out here like what is this that was released by Sun which was a Korean company in 2000 and used bright from Starcraft to make the game real and it's like the blizzard stuff in here yeah fun lasers right no really Oh unlicensed very limited run a really cool game actually uh it's one of our our gate we call it our one of our gateways snubs just because it's easy for players to get into and it's a great game for people to do one cc Sun and I see so it's like a scrolling Starcraft shmup basically yeah there are so many games here rated fighters all the ratings 1942-43 20 goal so ultimately though your goal is to get these individual cap it is where are they going to go though you have no room right we have our next expansion coming up which will be our largest expansion yet we're opening up into the fourth building which we should be able to have another around 300 games 300 more 300 more so right now we want to alleviate some of the tight spots in the arcades we want to split up a lot of two-in-ones and then we've got about a hundred and eighty machines on hand oh you do like this stuff now that we're finding stuff that I literally never thought I would find yeah it's just outrageously rare stuff and we try not to like divulge too much of what we just but just a lot of it astonishing stuff you're at the point now where that's where you I mean you've got everything else right so what you find now is it's the rigor of the rail right it's gonna be some common stuff we don't have and a lot of that there's so many other amazing arcades that are in our area we got underground retro arcade we got pixel blast we got Chicago Street pinball so there's some stuff that we purposefully won't get if they have it just right we want to not compete right yeah they can't replace a destination definitely never a competition it's all those arcades are so supportive of one another it's a great community so X multiply again I just don't even know what that is a little game for my rent really using our type sequel kind of similar to our type yeah the ways just a great game we've had a couple of our players play it through on a very high level and once you see it and just amazed and playwright Tiger Haley's sky shark silkworm time soldiers vulgus again I'd never seen that is that a dedicated one no I mean it's um that's to sing a gremlin cab right right but it kind of looks right yeah Astro fighters Astro blaster Megaforce is his side house today Oh Silent Hill Castlevania oh my God look at this I just like a Wii game kinda like though you actually like went the screens oh you widow this is your chant you I never knew it was a castlevania game like this man 11 a lot of it is like calibrate at the start okay but very neat has all the music and it's great game great so you do have some pins hide it out here some good ones paison creature and fun house definitely we're good at topper yeah we scale back on our pins just because there's so much maintenance and they get to so much play it's hard for us to maintain pinball right replay yeah we do our best and we hope right well those are three great pins the follow-up the last of the arcade version of gradius you're flying the Vic Viper solar assault really cool game we picked this up out in Ohio and kidding Oh such a cool game so this is like a 3d 3d Gradius essentially life force and just has such it's such a great feel to it if you're a fan of those games yeah this is another one most people who didn't even know it came I never knew that existed and obviously has a dedicated cab right looks awesome unreleased prototype I'm not sure if this is there might be one other board in existence this was made at or out in Japan looking for forever and it's just such a cool game again with a very difficult one of our hardest games for us to actually get to get the board yeah and you get the board in Japan you said yep so you're on like Yahoo Japan and all that or this was a private collector okay there's a lot of coolest thing again where they know that if they sell it to us it'll end up here like we're not gonna reason right right you're not gonna flip it and yeah it's it was an amazing really right people can play it they don't even know how rare this is probably go up there for one of the rarest games in the arcade no kidding now what is this rabbit club and we should know too that Bally Midway and tie it out and all these companies were local here I mean they're all from Chicago right so because you're in Chicago are you finding this kind of stuff easier met the rarer really no this was another one I had tracked the board down and then somebody was selling a cabinet and it's just a Williams cabinet right it was a head the marquee and everything so we picked it up original board I picked up without it from Japan which has been so they license this from a Japanese company didn't it yeah there wasn't develop no they liked with all the Bailey Williams Midway people that we know yeah most of them don't even recognize this one right it's kind of like so they were gonna license it from a from a Japanese company and it happened in sell in the u.s. yep interesting crime city another tempest way another unreleased prototype this was on the on the system I want to say 18 Hardware ok again picked it up out on in Japan brought it here really cool game pretty complete not very long but probably just need a little bit more balancing and but it just never made it right Tanguay and again I don't stuff from Saiki Oh - great shmups both super rare never I'd never seen them anywhere else but they're definitely amazingly do you consider yourself more of a 90s gamer than an 80s MYSA I'm all over well yeah I've been I started my first arcade game I played was asteroid okay and I loved the class yes and I just play them all why I just the 90s are well represented here oh for sure which you don't see in a lot of places but that's only only because they look real well well represented here because we have a metric last time I wasn't dissing on this saying you got a lot of ladies yeah I love the nineties that for sure there's still even a lot of stuff in the 2000 set even the newer stuff like we try to have it all yeah canceled exactly yeah I love it I love it but the thing is you're probably ahead of the curve because this stuff is like what's happening now in refine those things where mostly arcades even now the arcades that are opening up they think that it's the staple to have only class right and honestly we've I've seen a lot of people gravitate more towards the 90s teaches 16-bit era the first thing I like here from a lot of people oh we have altered beast oh you have golf golden exactly and again it's and they're not saying oh you have Tempest they're not they're not I think I operate - I have three arcades and we found that - we pull tempest out we pulled all those games out yeah and replace them with House of the Dead and games like that it really depends on and even cruising I mean don't get played way more there's such a balance here it's like there's the casual market in the hardcore right we've always been after the hardcore market even though the casual is much larger right the thing is you have to kind of convince the casual market to understand what these games are so like games like this kind of draw people in and then you expose them to the deeper stuff right and that's how they get booked on yeah and they really get into it so moving on Bermuda Triangle time poly and type on I love time probably 84 now look at this marquee that was back back when we were first open we had a little bit more time to do really cool stuff like this is that oh you did this oh yeah it was they made what's a ship out in Japan it actually has a filter in it that makes it all bubble we have to refill the tank and adjust the filter yeah it was one of those things back when we had more time we learned to doing field stuff yeah it's funny in gyrus dedicated to metal black race storm he going to do tricks on Mars base Regan we've got we've actually got the full art type series I just haven't had room to put them out yet yeah art type to alright so that's this room right so can we go down over here and check this out go back here we get the motion Space Harrier motion so he's got a death racist by the way which looks beautiful original this was donated to us from Daniel Kleiss who had just moved here he was working I believe it Microsoft and then he was going to stern and he's like I love your place I think I have something out in Seattle then he gave it to us so you got it raised up igon wheels yeah it's how he same how he gave it to always he had wheels on it for like interests awesome WrestleMania WrestleMania wrestling section big a little supermoto bomber big blue slam masters so my friend has the slam masters the double one whatever yeah with the connecting Marquis over the top yeah he's looking for those parts that you ever see that cabinet you know time out this one was actually these two were that was the other slam master side to it I took the top off and made a new top to put that in there like this was another one from Mississippi it didn't have the topper or the centerpiece on fourth year I got it so but did have the control panel er to the track and field's cab with a WWF games yep Sega strike fighters like quite another one that was as cool with the three screens somebody we had bought another game from the guy and he had this in storage and he's like I'm gonna dump it right like do you want it I was like yeah Omega rays cockpit you don't see that too often definitely cool some Neo Geo's here lunar lander so you you've got the black-and-whites GI Joe and Bucky O'Hare we have the every small every single one of the Konami four-player Yan's we have them this is one of the last ones that were separating so they're all it they they're all ready to let's play but circuit highly dedicated wacko lunar lander Samurai Shodown Neo Geo four six and six lot with every all the King of Fighters caught the cruiser and wacko side by side it's kind of a weird row this is another one that will change a lot after the next expansion two more yeah : games xenophobe lasted now I've never seen that game tell me about blastic lasted was a game it started as international team laser which was a four player game that never got released there was one cabinet made it it was basically your cursor you're moving around and you have to defend and attack all at the same time Brian Kali yeah you can set up the artwork wise yeah it's it's straight out Brian : like you can tell this I'll follow rampage oh yeah my plan right now oh I'm sniping oh I see Wow I have never seen that game that one original dedicated full side art so what was that wide released or just prototype did you know this one actually came out it started and we have up on the artwork here yeah there's one for international team laser that was the original prototype cabinet I see and Brian had done a series of artwork pieces one for an trade patooie Louie and RC squared RC squared and team laser we actually had so we got those direct from Brian Henson I never seen this is a laser game that was this is that is another laser this game super limited run internet interstellar great game super rare we've got two of our guys that played it a ton just a great game whatever you do you get that here the record no no that was before we open oh I see so are you learning the original hardware texture just would we have switched over to Dexter on our laser discs yeah it's just I don't believe in any of we had as much as I I didn't know if Dexter supported this it does it is there was only a couple of games that Dexter didn't use and it killed me when we did have to switch yeah but it is such a great solution it's and most people won't know or you can tell or anything yeah sure you can't really tell it all I did in my firefox you don't know all right so we got some vague initial D so another heavily requested game some people ask why we don't have any link drivers and it's usually just because of space space but also we what happens when people play length games the experience is definitely so different yes then they go to those games right away they go to light gun games and driving games because it's it is a quick casual experience right and we want people that get that experience but there's so much more we don't want people to be spending hours on the driver yeah we try something new absolutely there's a lot of so many one-of-a-kind game like this right here gladiator great game Kentucky and pit fighters so what's this invasion game and these guns are nuts those of you that that was the prototype gun this was given to us again this would play mechanics first game Jorge Pedro had worked at I his full original dedicated side art with Wow never seen you could always tell the dedicated ones because are the prototype ones because these guns didn't make it to the final version they ended up just using the half gun okay so when we were donated this was donated to us it was just super special we did a whole it was a monday mystery game but we had George Peter out here oh very cool all the stories they're behind the game one that's nuts looking wild another great one picked it up out in this was another Mississippi one hydrous under all rights keep going silent scope I always love this game I stun Robert Sun runner sit down operation wolf a sequel Thunderbolt Terminator Revolution 51 this one I always wanted the other one you never see yeah you don't it's constant constant work now this is considered like the dedicated cap because it because usually it's in the candy cab right with the but in the u.s. they're putting these ones out yeah yeah yeah so mark you see that sign art like this is the one you want when I was in the UK arcade club they had like the Naomi cabinet whatever with with the Monkey Ball kid in it yeah but this is like the u.s. dedicated one that you would've saw at Dave and Buster's and stuff right sure yeah I'm jealous of that I'll add that to me as cool kind of time the grid was coming out this way I tied to this Midway did the grid is like a first-person shooter yep in the ground 1899 so it was before the grid definitely takes a little while to get used to the controls yeah a really single whd kind of thing ever yeah this is a gear Mouse screaming yeah ahead of its time right this is probably one PC gaming was really becoming like legit right with with quake and stuff that's weird there was a game called Operation Gunbuster yeah that Idol put out in 94 I want to say and you could kind of see like where they were just kind of getting in the first-person shooters right got to have Simpsons house to the Dead gunblade zombie raid I don't know if I I think I've seen this somewhere I remember my great amazing cider as well and the sick shotguns carnival rally-x just kind of in the middle of all this madness it just kind of got to this place yeah one day DJ boy at 20 it's cool again yeah elevator action - Oh elevator action - awesome Dragon's Lair - dragon's lair again we were able to upgrade the cabin a little bit oh that's funny you'll get the topper on there again early on when we had more time right to kind of theme everything up and by the way there's cards on top of all your gains like a QR code yeah this is like the record here and then the world record on top yeah we have actually over 300 of 320 I believe world record set here now about earlier in the year we actually bought or Kade that's right completely revamping that the QR code stuff is actually linked to our galloping ghosts app that you can get on iPhone or Android I see that will eventually basically show you the original Ford from the cabinet the dip switch settings give you a history of where we got the board keep you up to date on the repairs on the cabinets and it just gives a bunch of history on the games from like the developers that we know if they worked on the game that'll have hard work so we really want to make it if people want information yeah and a collector loved by Scooby all right up there awesome so this is interesting like a Resident Evil gun game yeah it was more in Japan there's another one we picked up out in Mississippi had a gun that I've never seen on any other cabinet a guns creepy it is it handles all the directional movement all together wow that's what it's not that's not it is it is one of those the the maintenance on it it's held up what that breaks much screwed I have an extra go goodbye replacement price ice a black tiger Knights with around I don't think I've ever seen that one either nice around great game let's we're going to be upgrading that to a three player cabinet oh this is replayer game yep dedicated 720 looks good commando Cointreau super contra yeah jackal I love that game on the NES I used to play that at Salomon I actually never knew there was an arcade version this it was more well known as top gunner in the arcade oh really the I believe the Japanese one was there's one area was referred to as jackal but yeah I remember in the NES it was definitely jackal for sure yes sir Akari heavy barrel Vindicator 's again you know like nice what's nice slashers I don't know it was a great day to East beat them up game kind of like final fight but has like monsters and vampires and Frankenstein's and oh really it's become a the collectors scene has really gotten into it the prices on the more it is just skyrocketing off the charts Thunder jaws rolling thunder - Ninja Gaiden Ninja Warrior I know and that's like the same cabinet that Darius is in in that football game kind of similar right tight oh did Darius and ninja warriors and then with ball game too right was it there techmo did oh yeah yeah that's that well yeah that was again a similar one but they had their own cabinet yeah title also did well this is three monitors yeah they did Darius to like that as well they did a two screen and a three screen version of of Darius - and then wrath on psycho three also had a two and three screen version to it some more Neo Geo's so would you say here that like you most people play Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter or King of Fighters or everything you can come in anytime each has their own one that they're at they're really dedicated to fighters players will fill that area of the Street Fighter players will fill the area so if they're all represented calling dark legacy breaking yeah next guy wanted to gala one to stern Turtles super rare cuber cube super rare are got late section we actually again Jeff Lee who was the artist yet on Qbert him and Warren Davis and David feel the craters of Hubert like Jeff is here frequently and we've heard so many great stories about the making of all the gottlief games we've got a lot of the artwork above that's awesome we actually have a mystery we're working on we have a horizontal version of cube root cubes oh really is that how it started horizontal you don't know it started like Jeff and I forget the name of the programmer on it off the top my head but we've been in touch with him and none of them remember doing a horizontal monitor version of cubic cubes but it's different artwork what they have it we've got the board and it's crazy it's what is it is it the identical game it just horizontal yes no but the artwork like the title screen is different and the the aspect ratio is different so even the character of Hubert looks slightly different really but it's nothing Jeff did it's nothing that they don't know where Lee explained so tell me about Gottlieb Erina cuz I don't know this game either arena started up and there was a Red Bull TV documentary on the release of this that was filmed here this a game that started as Texas and was canceled interesting got its original fire it's a great really I can't believe it doesn't lame chemistry right going around the Creator spinning around and then you move with the spinner yeah and then your trigger is your joystick is the directional player so this never came out this was given to us when we put out the game next to it called Argos a game I've never seen either it's another unreleased prototype this one we were at Wizard World talking with Jeff Lee and he brought with him a programmer named Tom Mills Superman it was actually supposed to be a Superman tie-in game that got canceled they had basically the earnings weren't great on it so this was the only game that Tom had worked on and Tom was saying it was some Jeff Lee's best artwork so we we went and got the game finished like it was another one it's all on original hardware we built the board up off of a cube report and got it to run it had needed some jumpers and everything Jeff Lee made all new artwork for it new control panel art new bezel new corner and then we had this huge event for it we got everybody out for the release of it and david bohm cutter who was the hardware guy at cat leave brought us aboard from it he's like donated it to us and he's like I don't even know what game it's chipped for and it ended up being arena which we had another unreleased prototype this is what eventually I loved this art by the way this is an original coda lip that Jeff Lee did from 1982 which was before they would send them archie out to print it reminds me where the wild things yeah yeah great the ironwork Jeff's artwork is so amazing look looks and feels amazing game on porches and this is the only one this wasn't put on name or anything it's outrageous you don't have a computer space that is true one day one day so reserved yeah all the stairs to Tom Crean hi you got some Rock Cola stuff here eyes and nibbler crazy climber elevator in the title version two tigers dedicated what's isthmus is another unfinished prototype to find a game yeah yeah another one that's this version of it there's a character that doesn't even have hitboxes on them oh really so it's wholly unfitted really unfinished and war God's mace anteater and either that's pretty rare game yeah in a stern cab alright so over here we had a afterburn oh this was not here last time I was here god this videos give me like five hours long alright good ootek this is one you just did right this was that video this just came out we picked this up on a just random warehouse raid it was sitting in a tent and it's now this is a day to east right did he stay to East Chicago alright the pinball guys they were trying to save the company with this game they just like Gary Stern and Joe cam account all matter Joe can we get in touch with Joe and are working on getting him out here to share his stories on the history of this one the chances I've tried to track down I had heard rumors there's two other cabinets I can't even verify that anymore there's things online that say that those two are destroyed in a flood so is this game good I mean is it finished it is finished it's much better than what people have led on to believe of it like a lot of people say it's one of the worst fighting games out there and people have been having a lot of fun with it and that's the and they did like the the actual digitized pictures where everyone ever had live actors film it's it's definitely you can see it's rushed it's but it's trying to me if he would go to combat Basin that would if it was released before or after when MK wasn't in the spotlight it would have been fine it would have been fine right but it's kind of you can definitely see that they were rushed on things there's scope of what they are trying to do was just insane there's just very ambitious 2096 finishing moves that's crazy i Atari system one cabs oh wow dude all right now this is rares he'll another one prototype beavis and butthead only twelve made probably not more than six still functioning now oh my god there's one in Colorado they used to breathe like no for u extreme right just yeah this game this one was sitting broken the guy said he he got it from a guy who got it from the MTV auction and we had it up and running within 24 hours I got a drive out of the 3do oh no the fail point so that was a hard drive okay it actually played off the disk oh it is so it's interesting hardware choices but it's it looks great if you're a beautiful Butthead fan it's it's got everything you made this game though it was what companies well this is Atari six games it was canceled I see so Midway bottom so they primal rage freeze beavis and butthead tenth degree and two others so as an attendant and boy I don't like seeing a sega game and in the Tendo cab I'm such a huge sack of fat endo guy well you know she's got Wonder Boy a daughter will let it go like Wonder Boy is a game no I cuz I was playing on his stupid attend to at the time I was playing Mario we had Wonder Boys fine alright so pigskin in their tribal this is a very cool cabinet work amazing right next to it is the one of one international team laser Wow the game refuge their production offices they had an accident with it when they brought it over there the maunder had fallen in raped everything off the bullet so is this the same as that other game we saw with the sniper thing with yes this is what eventually would become blasted they put it out and they said that it just didn't test well with his name and stuff yeah so they changed it up and again it's the product side they're that much just black screen on a game wasn't the most exciting so it was it was an interesting game people people got into it we headed one of our tournaments and people definitely liked it but definitely didn't get much wide release appeal to that's crazy karna rygar escape from Planet robot monsters fantasy zone in order to say game in an Atari cabinet yeah right great game one you never see it popped up we got that that game was on the Genesis right on the Master System holy why's that was Master System yep and I believe was the if you turn the system on without a game in it went up into fantasy zone oh really no I remember that game though great game just turned ten I get in dirt I never seen that intense man another super merit one guy Troy Smith knew I was looking for one when we buy a lot of cabinets from and he hooked us up and very happy that that is a cool game we had the cabinet somebody mozzies ago peon one of our regulars here had wanted he's a huge Stern fan and he saw that our time soldiers was in a Tasmania cabinet so if he could do a restoration so we gave him that cabinet and he restored one it didn't have all the side art right but again now that we have one that has all the side art we're actually oh and this would be impossible to duplicate with the curve on the plexi oh that is doop it's impossible we're actually opening up you could be called galloping ghosts reproductions really which we are taking on a lot of custom projects like that like we just reproduced the blaster stick and you literally could not tell the difference between really and original so stuff like that I need an itchy boot to a crazy climber CP oh I can probably hook you up with that really all right that's good we'll talk laser ghosts like there's just so many games I've never seen this it's it's that's what we want it to be here we want people to want to come out we want them to spend the whole day find a procedure there's actually like we look in a mirror oh yeah this is it you can't you can't emulate this stuff it's like you'll see a laser Oh animate superimposes yeah it's neat it's hard to like you have no way to discern where it's firing on the screen so your vehicle these guys that's nuts all right ski metamorphic force that's one of the two of the hardest to find konami core player beat-em-ups this metamorphic forest and ninja warriors this one plays a little bit more like sunset riders probably the in my opinion the funnest of the konami for player games but nobody's ever seen it i've never even heard of it yeah it's like everybody knows Turtles right yeah but this is such a good game vigil a I need the two turtles in one cap Star Wars cockpit gotta have that space bomber to another site yo game this such an awesome game very rare almost like kind of like Galaga but Anna schmuck with like weirder oh the art style on is absolutely amazing it's look how weird this game is what is happening here the talking garbage can it's just a lot of fun it's they have like the the broken English going on it's it's just meant to be a fun cool game so podracer hyperdrive that hyperdrive great game and then there's the Japanese release Star Wars only 200 made wait a second get in there what's like the rogue squadron kind of yeah that was that was put out in 94 only released in Japan there's rumored to be maybe eight here in the US I never knew that exists because the Star Wars game from that air you see is like the third person yeah the trilogy went right a trilogy awesome and we have that as well but like this was the one I picked this up out in Colorado and they did not want to sell it it was it was a struggle to get it here this was actually our six hundredth game so we wanted something just people would recognize but be looking right yeah there obviously is Star Wars you can't get much of a bigger name than that I put out an arcade game that people are like wait I've never seen that and it's Star Wars that's nuts and of course original vector one and Powerdrive tech tech roaming romancer from cap kind of like Voltron yeah it's giant robot man one 3d fighting this is again kind of a rough mix right now just because we haven't been able to rearrange everything like having night driver right there right turn to the jedis by up to two that are perfect right the perfect line but you kindly once you commit to an area it's kind of hard to just move stuff around it is it's difficult but with the next expansion which this whole wall is coming down and we'll be in the fourth building I said we'll be able to rearrange everything get a really nice setup mhm and meet a tournament Edition rock and roll great game my way I mean we open ice dirty pigskin football what is that was like that was a project that play mechanics did it's kind of like blitz but you've got you can play as zombies and gangsters did you 3d print this no that's an original stick for it really lab half actually had those I just picked up a spare set so we're trying to decide if we're going to make it the four player version or just keep it as spare yeah so what's 99 kung fu master super I unpack double dribble Williams hit the ice I don't know if I seen that one either an original dedicated the super rare to see an original dedicated to that that's a cool cabinet it is it is I had passed on the game a bunch and then when I was given the opportunity to get the original dedicated it was it looks awesome really is we picked that up out in New Jersey oh really Geri Kelowna who had runs up the NJ gamer can like drove it out to us and we just so cool that we had it here so tell me about Sailor Moon Sailor Moon another one the board is incredibly rare it in itself we've had people that just come in this is all they want to play is it they're just fighting it's a it's a beat-em-up got more so dragon type deal yep the next game though so this is the Sega released version of Missile Command yes and that is sick we had the cabaret Missile Command and we moved that off site just because we got this and what a cool cabinet it's beyond cool it is and you never see it it's now this is the version that would have been like in Japan or there is sorry license to Sega and Sega or release yep outside the US basically right there's another game that which is essentially space invaders called space attack huh it's in the same style cabinet that we have over in the vaults so that'll be coming up right I always love the Sega dedicated or actually a lot of it even an itchy boot so had that cool tea molding which you cannot replace and then liberator I always liked this game it's kind of like a 3d or whatever missile command step up for missile minutes and great game super rare another one you never see alright so here's your Sega games Kongo bongos Zacks ons Monster Bash is a pretty cool game track-and-field pack mania Tecmo tonight that's a game I don't know the hand can slash kind of like old Macs okay just one you don't don't really see it it has its fanbase right all right let's go to the corner over here a desert assault another yeah crying fighters spawn is that that's gotta be rare right it's pretty actually pretty common we don't see it it was put out SCDS - Oh Naomi oh yeah cool game a lot of just run and shoot basically and the Megaman Megaman was definitely great game a lot of fun those are straight up fighting games right there they're more like megaman boss battles okay so I see just over and over it's not a platformer though no no yeah Dragon Ball Z and psychic force magic sword ripoff that's a great game ranking Tim Tim Skelly game yep our first batch of games but it was actually the last game of the first games that we got off the original 114 and right it was a lot of board issues and took years so this is pretty rare this Atari fast Freddy Freddy Irish cabinet or is that there that is the dedicated fast Freddy it is this is revenue something of the Irish yeah we had asked Irish Dig Dug yeah one and but that fast party that's what they used here so it's a good game I loved with look it's super difficult um it turned a lot of people off just due to its difficulty like it's fun but it's harder like they have the people who are into it that get it like get used to the little nuances or can get good quick but that's cool there's quartet that's kind of I love this marquee spy it's pretty good sit down Rama Beale yeah great game works all right middle Garrett got another one yeah we imported from Japan super-rare has 3d 3d with glasses oh really and head-tracking nah and then the actual gun so sit down light gun game really cool it's hard to keep up and running always people tend to not gentle with with the lenses wow I have never seen that that is super cool the gun is awesome how badass Oh walks like a Nintendo 64 is that literally like the same yeah analytic stick well that's how you control you that's your directional movement very cool I mean metal gears on the badass guilty gear hi so should we go back over here so mister do sturbation colleague exterminator another that's rare Warren Davis and Jeff Lee worked on this one those were all miniatures cool thing is in the houses they're actually like Jeff Lee's house that he was living in at the time oh really my hands are Warren Davis's hands and stuff it's funny yeah we played this at hit ball wizard and on your hand sure it's super rare yeah the hardware is difficult and great that it's then we're able to have it here yeah that concerns us because of a right the the weird controls yeah so judge dredd Punisher unreleased prototype oh this is yep this one never came out actually Alex Ross just our cabinet art that we have on it is it's got cell debita who played Judge Dredd in the game we custom-made all this side art but we ended up getting an original piece of side art from Alex Ross the legendary DC comic book artist lent us a side panel that he happened to have when he donated us this Superman kind of his Superman arcade so you were hanging on with him and he just said it should be in your arcade very cool so you had the right artwork we have the right artwork now we've scanned it and preserved it and now we just need so did this come out around the time they did the pinball machine too this was 97 I want to say okay so six maybe probably after I've yeah it's Punisher that's original dedicated the Black Widow so do you have a closet how did this 61 hundredths handle here the monitors they hold up they do up it's it's frightening everyday turning them all on but they all hold up alright so bunks I never seen arcade version of that that was another outrageously rare one we picked up in Japan again it was private there was a private collector for that one I had never seen another one it was they're not even sure if it had a full release if it was just a prototype right and again the TurboGrafx mascot character so we done an event with Mario Sonic and just kind of cover all the manicotti is 16-bit now that's cool Batman Forever what's this one aqua Kojak aqua Jack kinda a little like chase HQ or night striker night striker which we have on the other side it's just such a great game you just never see it cruising what was the other name for this game on the NES city connect yes City Connection that's where I that yeah right really cool game another one I never knew there was an arcade version out there and that's like animal control cabinet yeah wow I had no idea shark all right so let's go over here so tell me about this guy this is your Jew you dead suka son Chuck evader contactee yeah that is every I've not found the person that does not say that when I say that are you serious uh it's a hundred percent it's hilarious so this came another one I picked up it was eight dollars in Japan eight dollars and I got it here and it's really cool it's a bunch of minigames mm super unique like it's like I worry aware so yeah it's like Titan based game and just really cool to the point where I found out that the guy had ten other boards so I bought them and I just sent them to random arcade yeah so like underground retro Kade got one and level 250 7.1 Adam friend over at game grid out in Utah got one and everybody still nobody's it's it's not hit the level of where people are walking and knowing the name of it right right it's definitely very cool to be able to put out a game and then share it with other arcade yeah and they all have it and they all have it well that's pretty cool all rights go here so the actually game pepper - adventure gotta have those star castle here's your target vectors Gravatar space tools EBS blast Troy's asteroids prices to one rampart aliens so should we go down this row here so you got some black and white stuff here circus more actually stuff okay so here's all the guy leaves here so Three Stooges super rare freakin Williams splat is super rare to this was we get put I forget it when we put up we put something so we put laughter up right and the wood blaster cab is rare than the dirt mold we got a call from Jeremy Fox here on Prince arcades and he's like do you want he's like I got this woman here who's about 260 and one a blaster oh my god are you kidding me and then it's the Woodman it's a wood what I'm I'm like no don't let her do that I'm like I want that like give her a sixty and one and I want that cabinet yeah and then it was here so then we had larry day Larry Tamar and Eugene Jarvis out here for that and George Petro came out and here's ago you got a blaster but you don't have a splat yet so church Petro just a phenomenal amount of information and he's been there through everything yeah and he is constantly putting me on like go find this game and splat was just such an awesome one we eventually got the board and then it became like how do we get the artwork right and Jorge Pedro gave us an NOS original control panel Wow and talking to him we're like okay we're gonna have to come up with a way to do the sticks because the sticks are a door it is a eight way it's an eight way gate optical which they put on the very early jazz cabinets and bubbles oh yeah only games that use them now you get four oh well one is one is just a regular wicka wicka yeah the other is the only one that we had to worry about the other two oh I see so we ended up again going to our 3d printer we ended up getting two jaws sticks which and all the components on there but didn't have the actuator board so gave that to our 3d printer and 3d sculptor he modeled it out yeah we gave it to Brandon who printed it and then here it is converted it and then how is a two-way stick right yeah but it actually the board was the proper board it had all the components on it you just needed that actual interest so we were able to make that and then taht was talking to Pedro about the marquee he had a marquee was just like a joust cabinet or no was actually I found somebody had converted a bubble's cabinet to a shinobi so this was a bubble's it kind of kind of when when I got it it was a shinobi and I was getting ready I stencil decides to be splat yeah there's all the stenciled artwork right and then I held the Marquis up to it and it was an inch short oh so I had a Stargate cabinet that I had the proper front uh-huh so it's this is all Stargate and this is bubbles so it's all from original cabinets but this is what they did for this plant cabinet it was it was a hodge the slightly wider cabinet for Stargate and then the sides were focus interesting song it's so it's right because this is wider than bubbles right yeah by about an inch unless you're looking for right that's crazy so Three Stooges is is mega rare guy live game yeah that was again see Sam Russo worked on that gently Tom Malinowski just a great game found it private collector had it I heard that I've actually never played it by here it's bad it's not good I would much rather be playing food fight right but it's alright yeah yep Buck Rogers Frogger Super Mario and a Mario Brothers wide-body Popeye Mario Brothers like on three junior and Donkey Kong and then here's more Williams stuff yeah well I got them all I love them all made tracks remote Ramu patrol defender Stargate shoutouts to which just he's probably the rarest of the normal ones the common ones the blaster stick yet we're adding inferno to the lineup which is yeah that was rarest of the rare right that's got a cool like Python Angelou aren't working stuff doesn't it yeah great artwork yeah it did also did bubbles right so many great games I'll run and pay a tempest in a tempest tempest in attendence Rumble Fish well we're fighters yes these are NeoGeo these are SNK fighters or that these to our this was they did Capcom vs. SNK which was handled by Capcom and then SNK vs. Capcom which was done by SNK not sure so it had their art style but yeah this is pretty much the mix fighting row and this is pretty Sega mixers yeah so you got em all turbo and Speed Racer really still AM Co plays through the whole opening song and everything great race again awesome my favorite driving game Paperboy APB roadblasters championship sprint more fighting games now this one here first funky fighter I had I had seen this game and it's such a weird game art wise it's like super violent super bloody which you would never get from what it is it almost plays like a whack-a-mole game yeah I mean it looks like it right here yeah just hitting the buttons and stuff that light up I had the board for it and I picked up a full dedicated cabinet out in Japan without Robert he said who runs pinball Expo and he helped us out to get this here he's sick in the original cabinet which was the artwork out vampire Savior again games I just don't know but this was a fighter this one's pretty calm is it Darkstalkers vampire Savior night night night vampire hunter is the other one so Red Baron tardy black and white vector game battle zone salt Toobin Vendetta what's over here power drift World Rally Badlands G lock off-road so freeze that's a game I don't know freeze is another unreleased prototype really yep that was cancelled at the same time as primal rage - and beavis and butt-head so this is Atari - yep this is another one we picked this up actually the funny thing we traded a pin for the board and then somebody drove in I forget who it was had an original dedicated prototype cabinet with I believe that was war was in it from Atari and they're just like they didn't know we had the board right like it just has a free sticker on the back I don't know if you ever get that game then you'd have a one of a kind so this is the right cabinet this is the right original dedicate again and then you add the board just put the two together carry them back together that's nuts right so ninja baseball Batman and Leivers predator well I got a lot of rares oh yeah people angry video game nerd was did a famous review on him to baseball but yeah I mean I definitely know the game yeah it's super rare again I'm happy to have it here we've had it for a long time and it's one of those that people are excited when they they hear that we have it yeah and that's again one of those that draws them in they find out about it because we replay it happen so Arabians fight I don't know that one another Sega it's on the system32 I want to say just a really cool beat them up they had a lot of scaling in it just super-rare will eventually switch that one over to a four-player cabinet oh you well a set supports four players and then Ataris ray bein unrelated next to it gladiator gladiator and the Tekken's hit fighter and these ones we looked at so here's gnarrk I'm managing Jarvis we had a developers day yeah an arc here which was just a phenomenal event we went all out on it we had the giant mr. big painting which is actually a mark Laprade oh but a couple of days before the event George Petro called me up and he has to buy an extern arc for damn sure it's like bringing out to me brought it out to him and he was like didn't really say much about it when asked much about it he ended up the event happened he came on out and he gave me this board back means like here what's this she's rounder he had a level that was never completed and it was a bonus stage where he actually flew the helicopter oh really and it's it's not on main he said it went out on test and it was crashing everything is like I finished it up burned you the only set of rods it exists and it's in here now how it's in there so that's cool we could play a 1 a 1 of a carry level I actually love this game thanks to my first arcade game hi everyone is it really I mean I invented memories playing the game is crazy it's like all drugs and hyper during needles and stuff it's Nancy Reagan right there I love zookeeper with one the cabinet when we got it we were commissioned to make a elevator action to in a title cabinet okay so I called up Jeremy packs from Prince arcade's who we buy it goodbye tapana cabinets from that guy and he dropped off this title cabinet and I scraped the like what was this original you keep your artists and originals ooh yeah it's presentable presentable original denigrate so I love thief and two player warlords usually you see that the cocktail I think the two players cool the cabinet the puzzle fighter and Tetris atomic Punk at that a rare one I don't know I've seen that before yeah pretty comedy I've seen that then bubble bobble clacks Arkanoid NeoGeo jungle keen frontline your title sticks and captain commando that's cool those are that's originally how it was those buns with one of the two it was in a big blue right now we're upgrading a lot of our big blue cabinets right we just recently did Punisher captain commando we've got four or five more in storage that we're gonna be bringing over and getting everything in the right cab in the right kit yeah Pontic so that's castlevania sequel but yeah it's they've never accredited to be castlevania it actually came out the year after Kathleen has the basically arcade only castlevania adventure is that right but they besides the vs. way yeah right they never specifically call it Castlevania but sure looks like it and then versus Castlevania which was on the Nintendo vs. Hardware it got at Burger Time Burger Time Blood Brothers another pretty rare one really fun game similar to like Rambo and just rare yeah not something you say 247 but with it go something to another NeoGeo game was at night tomorrow Bam Bam 1975 yeah yeah kind of similar gameplay Konami games here Cowboys of Moon Mesa yeah that was based on a cartoon from the 90s oh yeah is that it right there yeah that's it I barely remember that that seems familiar to me though Pengo dedicated Zaibatsu bunch out and super punch oh that's great here's your Irish Dig Dug you can see that's almost the same cabinet as that up is that other one that's beautiful food fight rare Ishtar game now what stuff with that critter ATAR awesome game audio on this amazing super rare was founded in Seattle I was just an auction believe they probably just miss the strip one great it's amazing game definitely one you gotta check out yeah so tired in Virtua Fighter sonic finally came one-on-one fighting it's 3d yep they're using like a Virtua Fighter engine Wow I've never seen this that's crazy that looks really good final fight Ultraman and Godzilla I mean I I don't know those games are super rare yeah there's I believe I have not found any other Godzilla boards in the US we have we have an extra Godzilla board but it's I'm a huge guys elephant yeah so it's just one you never you never see it we never seen spider house is it rare scheme - great game every had a lot of interest over the high score run between Anthony Pope ro and Caitlyn Oliver back when that back in 2015 was when everybody was going back and forth yeah on that game there's more valley game spy on our Tron and this is trying to upright things to have that great game actually no I don't like that game you don't know I like truant I like Tron better this is what's one dimensional it took the best cab ever though really cool I lost out on environmental discourage you yeah oh is this is actually rarer than the environmental yeah technically technically yeah not as desirable though problem rampage world toward yes rampage donated to us from Brian : from his personal call really we had in him a conversion and it was a much needed upgrade so I have to get the original dedicate would poolside art number yeah and then total carnage centipede millet P Claxton Galaga so Zack is wacky area that's a rarest game that's another one from Brian : when we were working on that a lot of school we had actually talked to him we had the original marquee but Brian didn't like that the marquee didn't match the character in the game so Brian redrew the marquee we did McMahon had done the original marquee art but Brian had upgraded it and did new control panel art and new side are just so enjoyed with that character yeah just to bring it all together a little bit more being Panik cool sega game very reminiscent of the tambour cab would ya be next to it tapper like tapper and timber timbres love that game yeah and then these are like this is like the six-pack cab with flicky Wicky up and down yeah mr. Viking and then three others were part of the rally six-pack but then was Arian blueprint and bump and jump all used the same great one too just didn't have the Sega but I've always wanted this I just think flickies fun great game great jumping a friend has the world record on it then you'll really love playing this so one cabinet that we had at our house she has the world record yeah she was going she's competing there's a guy named John Marcus out in Arkansas with our kid he plays that is our Katie I think they have one too so but you can see because I like journey all those games have like the same profile and I've had so many people send me photos John is this a journey like no it's a bummer jump is this a journey no it's a blueprint it's like there it's like the same look like the angles of the monitors the horizontal the vertical but they all actually bump in jumps taller is that just the leg well word I don't know they're all very similar yeah they're all very similar the pump and jump might actually be slightly taller yeah alright so here's your belly Midway classics miss pack you have the classic in the turbo pack and pack plus super pack and junior pack pack land I like this game I love baby pack I miss mine and the lesser-known granny and the Gators these of course are pinball half videogame half pin hybrid so Galaga three and Galaga 88 you have a switcher in here yeah gotcha I hid actually just picked up a dedicated Galaga three cabinet so that'll be one that's getting and this is the right cabinet 488 the Namco system one great cabinets to the boards are right here easy easy to work out and check both edges on just a Jama cabinet yeah Galaga Galaxian alright so that's those let's go over here blueprints kind of underrated gunforce solar warrior hired zero away another one Williams Williams game with the zeroing that they like this from loot Oakland and they did basically the cabinet art was for a Williams cabinet interesting and then so Street Fighter for ultra what's in there's that that insane no that's the title type x3 hardware oh it is oh it is all original hardware on that we initially when we open we were running on a Playstation but since we've taken our console cabinets that we had in lieu of thinking arcade release that you know just out here yes I do remember like over there you had like some PlayStation cabs or Xbox or something did have killer instinct the new one and Mortal Kombat 9 well so you got away from that and now yeah yeah it almost the point where a time issue to keep doing gave Reich NetherRealm had asked us to do an injustice one cabinet yeah we never got around to doing an injustice to cabinet with them but it's there's always just so much going on right so so this is Street fire the movie yeah we yeah that's we just had we didn't get a score in on this one we had a bunch of Chileans and Argentinians in for our combat con event and they were just destroying all the local world with the world record score oh really there was a one of the guys George was playing Street Fighter wasn't even looking at the screen just head down just knew everything about it just had all the patterns there's nothing to him that's not going crossbones at rarest kind of Atari game battletoads another turkey shoot mark you know about that mark has this game picked that up from jonathan out in decatur break-in i've got real feathers in there and little air pump it's another one of the machine never never see the durable yeah yours is like molded plastic here just interesting ever see man yeah so this game actually is disturbing is it really like the first time I play us at Funspot I'm like oh my god you're like legit torturing people both the people were not sure if we would ever put this on the floor and really it just was a matter of finding once we got that one out in Pennsylvania okay like here Martin get I mean like you're legit torturing people and is it not going there we go I know it's just like cartoon graphics but like when I play this at Funspot I was like oh my god it made me feel funny and there's like I think you should be I mean look at that it's funny so you've got all the street fighters they're all represented pretty much all of them they were missed in a three pointer eh plus two maybe one or two the other like lesser known ones but like Street Fighter Alpha 3 and we have zero three uppers right that's just the Japanese vs yeah English one and then Smash TV so Oh actually look at this stuff here so tell me about galaxy for galaxy course this was another one we picked up with prints arcades I came out with a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars from what I can tell and we picked it up for five hundred wait wait say that again one hundred and twenty seven thousand when it came out this game was a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars yep kidding that's what they were asking for it there's I think maybe there's only very few made I think there was like 50 to a hundred made and they were meant to be in locations like dizzy yeah absolutely absolutely and then over there that zero is so cool mannequin breaking now that's a Sega Nintendo mashup isn't yeah yeah that's what they happen when they work together yes very cool that F 0 is sick oh yeah like so how do you get did you bring this over from Japan or this one we found locally oh you did again Prince arcade's called me up and he's like I'm out and uh he's out in Indiana yeah and he's like is there anything out here you want and I did a couple of quick searches and found it and then was just like I need you to pick this thing up and he brought it back it's it's been just a mint finding stuff like this it's just all about constantly looking Craigslist talking to private collectors yeah that's what my friend Jay and I were talking about this it's like Lauren you do this the game's fine you absolutely you know we do we get ppm over the years we've had people roll up we have our sit down sinister yeah somebody drove it out here and was like do you want this yeah 300 bucks that's bacon that's ridiculous it's it's people when they sell games to us or donate games just they know that people are going to be enjoying them and they just want tonight that's why they being in someone's basement like the world can play for sure it's like the collectors like oh I'm uh I used to have heavy collecting issues myself well I do it's one of those that each their own point nothing against collectors like I know I've heard collectors people that own other our kids are how do you have that out on the floor right we're gonna destroy it yeah I know I've heard that too with ours with our stuff but they've got to be out there they got it out there they're made for this their commercial equipment right right so we'll talk anything else we should see I mean have we seen it all pretty much a quick tour but I can't think of anything that we did it's that awesome right so people want to come here you're on Ogden yep in Brookfield Illinois and you guys can just Google galloping ghosts and all that good stuff right and you're open and by oh wait we didn't talk about this all the games are on free play right yeah it's 20 bucks to get in and we're open every day until 2:00 a.m. we're open all holidays we have never closed in the 7 plus years that we've been open so every single day you're open everything I tell me about the no gum you guys like they're pretty serious about this that's been kind of we started with one of those and it's kind of funny we go around and look for him at Halloween time now are you having a gum issue no no it's just kind of a joke pretty much it's family kind of this growing like I had guy was chewing gum and I'm like look at him like oh my god I was I was gonna mention it but we're people sticking gum on the games no oh that's been up there since the start of it like it's we don't have many rules here yeah but that's one I don't ever have to replace the carpet pianist plays oh it's I see if there's gum in the carpeting and tartar yeah we're gonna we're gonna have to eventually change it one day but I'd much rather that the money goes towards events and more games and more space and to keep growing everybody rather than something stupid like carpet so awesome well doc thanks for having me man thanks for showing me around hi guys I'm hungry let's go all right so what do you think of that I loved it I think doc really knows his stuff yeah he totally does and and what's good about this video compared to the last one is that he was with us right I mean his last time we were there was just Greg and I and we didn't know we were looking at really yeah you need he's a great we needed doc so I was super impressed with that arcade though because every time we turn the corner I'm like what is this I don't know what this is yet another thing all right literally there's not the two-minute interval right I don't see something brand there and I can't think of any arcade I've been to where that's happened where it's like like they would have like some arcade to have like one or two games i never saw it's like this was like literally every 30 seconds it's like well i don't know if that is a system out like that on purpose right about every like 15 feet right but going through all those games and talking about all that stuff has made me very hungry oh yeah so I thought we'd go to G and Jutes now the last time we did the galloping ghosts video we did go to G and juice after and we're gonna do that again and and really you weren't there last time oh this is good I want you to experience this hotdog it's the best hotdog in the world period I'll take your word for it no you know well how about Rachael Ray's word oh yeah Rachael Ray well she did like a bracket tournament tasting hot dogs across the country and this place one Oh perfect yeah oh man who trusts her right I do it I'm gonna have to bring one who the wife or something yeah so all right let's keep driving almost there all right so this is it gene and Judes I've been coming here like since I was an infant all right it is the best hot dog in the world period so if you guys are ever like Oh hair this is not that far from O'Hare it's on display in rubber Road I think it's River Grove so there's no ketchup in this place by the way so don't ask for ketchup mark so we're gonna get the dogs with everything which is mustard relish onion and sport pepper and it comes of fries they're placed on top and it's all wrapped together and the grease permeates into the bun it's pretty darn good my parents asked me to bring them some back so I'm gonna order two without relish which is like mom and dad's request I would not advise it though all right so the hot dog with fries the hot dog with fries is 293 it's pretty good and they hand-cut the fries see the guy over there with a potato Serbs are inhibited are you ready all right so here it is now I know we did this before but I wanted to come back here because I have to this is it's the best hot to his last three wins a super dog which is good but not as good as this all right so mark look at this all right this is the magic here hand-cut fries on the bun all wrap together right and everything again is mustard relish onion and pepper when I was a kid I'd leave some of the fries in here just kind of leave a little so good these are Vienna beef hot dogs they get their own cut their own weight unique to this place and the little sport pepper it's like the right amount of heat mmm and even their fries it's magic he's gonna try it here digging so good guys hi mark so you finished yours I finished mine what do you think it's pretty good right yeah I'm blown away what I like about it too is that it's restrained right yeah they don't put in they don't go nuts right there's certain things that they leave out but it's yes just because if you go to some shooters other quote-unquote famous Chicago hot dog places they go nuts it's like sauerkraut tomatoes pickle celery salt it's like a salad out of bun they made a conscious decision these are the ingredients no more no less mustard relish onion sport pepper vn and you can't even get ketchup here if you wanted it huh and I don't miss it even with the fries yeah so good thanks John all right guys that's it for this video hope you enjoyed it and by the way thanks again the doc totally cool guy great arcade and guys if you're ever here in the Chicago area you have to go to Jean Jude's best hotdog ever all right guys later and bye you
Channel: John's Arcade Game Reviews & Tech
Views: 322,316
Rating: 4.7941175 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, reviews, john's, blkdog7, john's arcade, galloping ghost arcade tour, galloping ghost
Id: YyVgyaV16xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 27sec (6567 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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