Gaither Homecoming - Lisa Whelchel (2001)

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[Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] what's the theme second again [Music] to be living up to your dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] lisa welchel welcome uh i met lisa back when what you were saying it was 20 years ago uh we won't let's just say it's 20 years ago 20 years ago and uh and she was just a kid doing the facts of life show and uh and a good kid was able to keep her head on straight out there in los angeles and you made all of us very very very proud lisa thank you and since then has married a good young man steve cobble right and uh is he the assistant pastor of the church on the way we could leave it at that we don't have to mention that there are 24 other assistant pastors at the church on the way for jack hayford is the pastor and you know what uh i really think it says a lot for this kid uh with a lot of talent always had a lot of talent to make a decision to say i love this man i want to marry him we're going to have kids you homeschool your kids too don't you well they've been homeschooled all their life except this one year they're in a christian school this year although i'll bring them back home next year we're going to motor home school them we're going to go around the country for a year in a motor home so that'll be an experience we'll be making some memories there i don't know how good they'll be but we'll be making memories well at any rate she's now a writer of books and she speaks around the country and she's been a friend to a lot of these people on the christian music field for a long long time and lisa's good to have you with us thank you i really mean it talk to us sure um you've got you started singing the mickey mouse club song and i know a lot of you may not remember that i was actually on the um the mickey mouse club because there's the original mickey mouse club which was with the net funnicello and then there's their mickey mouse club it was just a few years ago with britney spears and christina aguilera well there was the the lost mickey mouse club in between there and that's the one i was on and the story i wanted to tell was it just happened i guess probably six weeks ago maybe two months ago a friend of mine alerted me that they were selling they were auctioning some of the original cast uh mickey mouse ears on ebay and i was so excited because i didn't have the forethought you know back then when i was 12 to ask for my ears when i left the show so i was so thrilled and i checked onto ebay and they weren't selling my ears i had i wore the pink ears and they were selling a lot of the other ones but they didn't sell that one and i i was very disappointed until a couple of weeks later someone called and said get back on there they're selling the pink ears so i just thought i've got to have these ears and some of the other ears had sold for about 200 and i thought you know what i'm i'm willing to go 500 for those years of course my mom said you go as high as you go you need to go that you got to have those years you need to pass them down to your kids and so uh then i i marked the date when uh the last uh the last day of the auction i put the kids to bed early and i got down there i wanted to monitor the last 30 minutes make sure i wasn't outbid and i sat down just right before to make a bid and i just the lord whispered to me don't store up for yourself treasures here on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves can steal but store of your treasures in heaven for where your treasure is there will your heart be also and the reason that popped into my head is i'd been reading a book by randy alcorn called money and god and possessions and because i was trying to figure out i had left hollywood to become a full-time mom and i hadn't obviously made any money in those 12 years we were living on my husband's salary but because i just written a book there was some extra money coming in that we obviously had lived on his uh budgeted with his money and so there's extra money coming in i was deliberating do i invest this money or do i give it away and through this book i had really come to understand that uh giving it way was the best investment because it was investing in heaven where you know the risk was a lot lower and and of course the gains a lot higher so i i really felt like the lord was saying are you going to take me at my word that was really hard i was thinking god you don't certainly you don't mean this these are my ears i want to pass these down to my kids this is this is different um but i knew that i he had spoken and so just in case it wasn't god i i thought okay i'll go 225 that's my highest because that would be an easy thing for god to let me have it 25 over what the other ears went for but as soon as i said that i saw it just went right past 225 and i saw it climb even past my 500 mark and eventually the ears sold for 600. i sent an email to the man who won the ears and i the next day and i just said just wanted to congratulate you on winning those years those were my ears and uh they had a lot of a lot of memories and if you ever decide to sell them just again again just in case it wasn't god 10 years from now please contact me i'd like to you know pray about it again um he sent me an email back actually and asked me to call him and come to find out this was a collector of tv memorabilia and he uh he also had my facts of life uniform which i didn't know and um he also informed me that he would have gone a lot higher than 600 so i didn't have a chance but he did say that if my kids ever wanted to come visit them they were welcome to also i thought that was a good enough deal i knew where they were my i could take my kids to visit them i thought that was a a dead issue until four days later i received an email and the man asked me to meet him at a cafeteria um because he had something he wanted to give me i thought maybe he had bought a lot of the ears i thought maybe he might give me one of the other ears the 200 ears which was fine i would be thrilled or maybe you know facts of life shoes or something so i met him at the uh the cafe and uh after a nice lunch he he picked up a bag and he handed me my pink ears and he said and i was thrilled i mean i was beyond shocked as you can understand but that wasn't even close to the beginning of the story uh he said let me tell you why i'm giving you these ears uh i had i spent two days restoring them you know make a hermetically sealed to put into their warehouse to take to the different shows that he does of tv memorabilia and he said i was unloading it into my warehouse i just popped in a cd of tv theme songs and as i was unloading these ears the thought popped into my mind maybe these belong with lisa he said now that is not the kind of thought that i would normally think so i knew something was going on he said i'm not really a religious man but um but i said well if this is something i'm supposed to do then i'm certainly going to need a sign he said as soon as the word sign popped into his mind he heard over the loudspeaker you take the good you take the badge you take them both and there you have the facts of life from the facts of life and he knew at that moment that something or someone bigger was happening and i share that story today not only to encourage you with just the intimacy of the lord who has as my father would reach down and give his daughter such a special gift but i also wrote down that that story that night in my journal and in my journal i have a section called altars because the children of israel would would uh build altars when the lord intercepted their life personally so that they could pass those stories on to their children and i not only want to share that with other people i not ever only want to look back and read it when i'm tempted to spend money when i i really could give away and make a big difference in someone's life but i want my children to read those stories and i want to encourage i want to encourage especially the grandparents to write down your stories because they are alters they are alters that your children and your grandchildren your grand great grandchildren will read and it's there's nothing like the power of a story except maybe the power of a story from your own family and i want to encourage it's kind of like what we're doing right now these songs that we've sung that grandparents wrote but they're still alive today they are altars as into the lord where where the lord met them and now we are being ministered to through them and so thank you for letting me share the story but i really want to encourage you to go home and write down your stories here
Channel: Nostalmania
Views: 111,676
Rating: 4.8667631 out of 5
Keywords: gaither, bill gaither, GVB, the gaither vocal band, gaither music, gaither videos, gaither vocal band, gaithers, mark lowry, gloria gaither, flashback, retro, vintage, nostalgia, homecoming, guy penrod, jonathan pierce, comedy, humor, funny, hillarious, comedian, rare, DVD, narrative, talk, talking, covid-19, corona virus, corona, covid19, covid 19, hope, virus, pandemic, vaccine, message, 2000, russ taff, 2001, passin' the faith along, journey to the sky, Lisa Whelchel, disney, mickey mouse, theme song
Id: Vge4-HEE3aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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