Gaia Project | Solo Playthrough | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the one-stop co-op shop this is colin and today yes we are doing another solo playthrough of gaia project i already have one already out on the channel from about four years ago uh i ended up selling this game but then ended up getting it back because i like it so much i actually got the terra mystica with the solo expansion and was playing that and it reminded me how much i like this better so i was going to do a terra mystica play through and it ended up being this sorry about that i'm not going to do a full setup because i do already have one of those on the channel i'll put a link in the description below also if i make any errors and i miss it in editing i will put those in klingon subtitles they should be popping up right now so make sure you have those subtitles on so in case i make any errors i can make sure that you know while you're watching with that let's see which faction we're going to play which ai faction we're going to play against and then start our play through we're going to be playing the faction the geodins the jew didn't start one up on the terraforming track i will show you that in a second i chose my round booster we also have the ai randomly chose their round booster and because we start up on the terraforming track by one we start with two additional ore than we normally would we're going to be playing against the guitars they are relatively simple and understanding they do gain a lot of points whenever they do their faction action but i like them because they don't have ongoing abilities they're pretty straightforward to play in general when you are playing against the ai it is helpful if you choose a color that is hard for you to tear form because that means it's going to be hard for them to terraform your planets and so generally you won't get in each other's way too much right at the beginning but if you want a harder game you can certainly do that we've set up our scoring board you can see all the different ways that we can score depending upon which round it is we have our to end game scoring so this one is all about having different sectors we want to have one of our buildings in all of the different sectors if we can if we can do that there are seven sectors in the solo game we can sneak ourselves up to here uh for this one we had this one the last time we played this is uh planet variety so we want the most variety of planets of having our buildings on so if i can get one on every single one of those that would be eight so i could get myself up to here we are going against the ai but there's also this neutral player and we count them in when doing our points here so let's say at the end of the game we were only here and the ai would be up here we would then only score six points versus if we tied at least with the neutral player we'd score nine points six plus 12 divided by two we'll start with only one planet type that we have our buildings on that's our own planet type and then we both started on two different sectors so that's why i have us at two here for round one we want to try and build a planetary institute or an academy if we could do both that's impossible if we could do both we could score 10 points uh i'm gonna try and go for the planetary institute i think one of the best additions to this game and the reason why i like this so much better than tara mystica is that these tech tracks you get benefits as you move up them that doesn't happen as much in the base game of terra mystica so that's why i am definitely preferring gaia project we start here at level one on the terraforming track and you can see any of these symbols that have a star by it you immediately gain that benefit so we started with two additional ore because of it we each start at 10 victory points and finally we each have two mines that are on the board you can see the white player hopefully you can see this they chose these two spots because they are the closest to the center i chose here because remember i am the orange planet the reason i put myself in this corner but i'm within range two of our ai player is if i go to a trading station here i can upgrade at a reduced cost because i'm within range two i can also generate power if they decide to upgrade this uh mine i have chosen a total of five random round boosters this is the one the ai is going to have right now that's one they randomly chose these are the three that are in the supply and then i have mine mine's going to give me a free terraform and two additional gold during income the ai's round booster does nothing except for block it so i can't choose it with all of that out of the way we can start our playthrough the first phase is the income phase i always love that we get income right away so the amount of gold we'll gain is two here so i'll move this up by two so we have a total of 15 plus two 17 gold we have one total knowledge so we can move to four instead of three and then we have three more ore here one two three the ai doesn't generate any resources so that means we can jump right into our first action and you know the first action i'm going to do i want to do an upgrade before we do our first action i do want to show you the eight actions that we can take during this phase we could place out a mine so we put out a mine on a new planet that we have to terraform to ensure that we can place that mine there so we have to pay the cost for the mine and terraform the planet we can try and gaia form a transdem planet into a gaia planet where we can then place a mine there in a future round we can do upgrades upgrade our buildings we can create a federation we can spend four knowledge to move up one of the tech tracks we can do any of the power actions that's on that tech board we can do any special actions that we have on our board which for an example that would be the one right here where we can gain a tear form and the final one is we can pass and when we pass we put our round marker back in with the other round markers and choose one that hasn't been chosen yet you're always considered the first player whenever playing solo and our first action will be to upgrade we're gonna upgrade one of the two mines that we have out with a trading station now normally that costs six gold and two ore but if you're within range two of any of your opponent's uh buildings you get to reduce the cost of gold by three so it's going to cost us three gold two ore we're gonna grab this off of our player board and then we're gonna have to place the mine back here so that means if i just left it like that uh at the end of the or the beginning of the next round we would gain three additional money but of one less ore during the income phase so it's a little bit of a balancing act three gold one two three and a total of two or one two we're down to seven this mine is within range two to our opponent so we're going to replace that mine with that trading station now it's to the ai's turn i built the ai deck with the six starting cards plus one random advance card from this stack then we shuffle all those up flip three of them sideways you can see how three are sideways the other four are on top and when we get to those three that are sideways if we see an x symbol on the support card that means we are going to stop their turn and they're claiming end of round for themselves so we'll draw the first two okay right away they're doing a faction action this means we need to look at their faction card and resolve it the atars are going to block power and qic actions and gain four victory points they're going to use this to determine which spaces to block four victory points puts them up to 14 they're going to jump ahead you're going to see they're going to jump way ahead of us in this game and we're gonna have to slowly claw ourselves back then they're going to block one two three four you saw how that arrow was pointing to the left so you count from right to left one two three four they're gonna block this one and then they're gonna block another one that's four to the left one two three and you skip that one four so they just took these two spots they're not going to do any of those actions they're just taking them away from us let's nab five victory points shall we we are going to upgrade to our planetary institute this will cost one two three four five six total gold and four or one two three four and we can replace our trading station with that planetary institute also now that our planetary institute is built we have this ability it says when you colonize a new planet type we will gain three knowledge this means we can replace this building with our planetary institute but of course we're blocking our three gold income that we had just opened up by placing that trading station we will though be able to gain five victory points putting us at 15. we're now back to the ai's turn and i just want to explain this is the area that you're always looking for when you're trying to do the action for the ai it's so cool because it's two different cards together so for this next turn we know they're going to try and build a mine we don't know where they're going to build it because the next car will help them determine that and we know they're going to score one point so we will discard this card slide this over grab the next card oh that's so cool and you can see it you see how these green icons are here that tells you these are the different things they're going to use to help them determine where they should place their mind first thing i always do is give them the victory points on the card so i don't forget so they gained one victory point and now we can look at this card and determine where they're going to place the mine the first section you'll want to look at is the range you can see here they can place this mine within range two of any of their other buildings that are out on the board next then they walk through all of these tie breakers and depending upon these tie breakers that will help us determine where we need to place that mine i'm using these blue satellite tokens as potential locations for the mine that can be placed by the ai you can see all these planets are within range two of the two planets they have mines on that's the first step then we would look to see if there's any faction action tiebreaker they don't have one so we'll jump right to the next one and that is the final scoring tiebreaker that's what this section stands for you see how there's an x here but there is not an x on this one that means they're going to look at the lower scoring final scoring tile and then try and use that to help them determine where to place their minds here's the thing that lower scoring tile though is just looking for planet variety and all those planets that i chose are not white planets so that won't help the next tie breaker is fewest terraforming steps that's why i have this card here i'm blocking off the other faction type so you can just see the white faction the lowest terraforming steps are these three planets now these green planets that's also the transition planets the purple ones they'll automatically gaia pro make them a guy a planet and place their mind there so we have to include purple black and blue this definitely narrowed it down a bit we have one two three four five more planets to choose from after looking at fewest terraforming steps they look at closest to your planets our planet is here and here this is the obvious closest planet so we'll take all of these off and we're going to place a mine there although this is helping the ai by uh increasing the amount of different planet types they have buildings on this is also super helpful to us we have our planetary institute it is within range two of that building that was just placed or an upgrade that's just happened we now for a simple vp cost can generate some power because of this what we do is we pick any of the of the buildings that are within range two of whatever planet was just upgraded or built and we can generate power based upon the level of the building that we have with that's within range two now let's say we had multiple planets within range two that we had buildings on it we can only choose one of the buildings we can't choose all of them the planetary institute can generate three total power so what we can do is lose victory points equal to the amount of power we would generate minus one so lose two victory points to generate three power and we're definitely going to do that one of the interesting parts of this game are the power balls here whenever you generate power you're going to move power from bowl one to bowl two first then from bowl two to bowl three anything in bowl three you can use to do those power actions and then they get placed back into power or ball one we can also do a gaia form one of those transiting planets by placing our power over here but we can't do that until we move up that track a bit right now i'm going to generate the three power one two three and we're going to lose two victory points the scoring board has all the eight planets on it and what i like to do to keep track of which ones i've already have buildings on is placing tokens on them so the white ones are for the ai and the orange ones of course are us so they now have two we'll also update that on here but that was not on a new sector so we would not increase this i should probably talk about the different sectors the sectors are the different tiles let's see if i can move these i have a sticky mat which is nice most of the time you can see how these are different uh sector tiles there are a total of seven of them so if we can get a mine on all seven of those that would be awesome of course the ai is also trying to do that it's now our turn again and i think i'm going to try and terraform a planet by being able to place a new mine there in order to do that i have to generate enough terraforming for that planet and have enough range to be able to access that planet so i'm going to cover this up to say that i'm generating one terraform from my round booster the planet type that i'm trying to terraform is a red planet so i only need one terraforming so i'm good there in order to build a mine i need to spend two gold and one ore that means we're down to only two ore and five gold the tech track tells you your range our range right now is only one but we can increase it as we go up this tech tree if we go all the way to the end it can be range four which is awesome and then let's say we had to generate that terraforming right now it cost us three ore to try and terrify gain one level of terraforming so to terraform that red planet would normally cost us three ore plus the one or for the more uh the actual uh mine said before or which is why that's super expensive so it's nice that i had that round booster so i can get the free terraform the range one red planet is right here this will mean we now have our second planet type we've tied up with the ai having two different planet types and then the best part is we just colonized a new planet type so we'll gain three knowledge one two three we have seven knowledge we're now back to the ai we'll discard this card we will flip this one over and we have an upgrade so first they'll gain that one victory point and then they're going to try and upgrade one of their buildings they always try to go to a planetary institute first but you can only do that if you have a training post they don't have any training posts so they are going to try and do a trading post first right now and of course they will sneak up to 16 points they have three minds that they can upgrade so we look at the tiebreaker the first tiebreaker is closest to our planets that means they are definitely going to upgrade this one and that means we can lose two more victory points to gain three more power definitely gonna do that as the ai charges ahead we will charge backwards that's totally okay we're playing the long game the ai is playing a consistent game we're playing the long game we now have four power that we can use and i do think i am going to use all four of the power here for our next action looking at our player board we're going to generate three or but we're not gaining any gold so i'm going to use this power action i cover it up so i can't use it a second time in this round but i'm going to gain 7 gold we'll move from 6 to 13 gold it's now the atar's turn we're going to discard this card now if this card that we flip has this x symbol they are not going to take a turn here they're simply going to pass and they are going to do another action they're going to upgrade not only that they're going to gain another victory point they want to place out a planetary institute the only place they can do that is right here we once again can lose two victory points for three power and we're going to do it again at the beginning of the game i like as much power as possible because you can eke out just a few more things that you can do in a turn it's almost always good we'll generate that three power from this bowl now what another thing you can do from bowl two i can lose one power to then charge a power into bowl number three lose another power do another one in a bowl number three i'm not doing that right now but if i wanted to especially at the end of the game that can be super helpful to eke out just a few more actions for a turn the action we are going to take is spending four knowledge we're gonna go down to three to go up on one of the tech tracks every track here is awesome but the one i like to go up at the beginning if i can is this income track because the higher up you go on this track the earlier the game the more you claim these benefits you can see these hand symbols that means you'll only gain those benefits during the income phase well there's only five more income phases so if i moved up to here right at the end of the game that's worthless also i do want to remind you this tech track you'll ski you'll gain victory points uh equal to four for every level that you go up in three four and five so if i was here that would score me 12 points however in order to get to the top of any of these tracks which by the way only one player can you have to have one of these federation tokens and you'll see when we claim these how that works you have to be able to flip one over to its gray side otherwise you can't even move to the um fifth and topmost spot of the tech tracks we're back to the ai's turn we will see if this one has an x and it does awesome so since it has an x we look here and we see which round booster they're going to take and then they're going to place this one on the rightmost side what's also nice about having this x symbol is they don't gain the victory points and they don't do this action they were the first ones though to end claim end of round for themselves so they will be first player next time i'm also going to randomly grab this top card from the upgrade deck and shuffle this in with the other cards for the next round they will claim this round booster and then we'll slide this booster in here and these will be the three that we can choose from when we decide to pass looking at our board we do have an option of upgrading to another trading post this round but the next round we gain four victory points for every trading post that we put out so i think i'm going to hold and do the same thing that the ai did and just simply pass that's where the round scoring tiles can be very important it can influence the types of actions you're taking in specific rounds the round booster i'm thinking of taking is this one i'm going to slide these down this will give me just a little bit more gold as well as another qic which i can use to help increase my range when placing out new buildings on different planets we now will move to the cleanup phase removing all of these tokens so all of those power actions are available to us i should have mentioned when the ai passed they would gain the victory points on the left side of these scoring tiles in rounds one two and three and the right side of the scoring tiles in four five and six those rounds so this round they scored zero additional for this one so we're good but the next one when they pass they will score three points however when we finish the game at round six when they pass they're going to score four points because that's on the right hand side of these tiles to start our second round we'll begin the income phase we can see here we will generate two gold and charge one power our gold will move from 13 to 15. we generate two power one here and then one moves to here because we placed out our planetary institute you can see here we can also charge four more power one two three four and then there's this plus one that means we can place a new power into our power section here and it always comes in at level one so we now have another power to play with that's good and bad it's good because we can charge more power but it's bad because we charge power more slowly this is another thing with terra mystica you start with 12 on the board instead of only six so it's a lot harder to charge all that power we then will gain two gold from our round booster that we have we'll gain one knowledge here and then we'll gain one two three or so we're at two that'll put us to five or here and finally we'll gain one qic which is super awesome you can see over here you also can for free actions convert things into different item types so i can convert a qic discard it for plus to range which is why i like those right now they also are used in order for us to terraform a gaia planet because you can see the gaia planets aren't on here at all we would then move into the gaia phase but i did not put any power over here to turn a transdem planet into a gaia planet so we can skip that we'll go into the action phase the ai is first player so they'll go first the ai will start this round during the action phase first because they passed first last round so we can see here they're going to do a faction action scoring while zero points additional but we know their faction action means they're going to take up two of the qic or power action slots and gain four victory points they're going to look at the two right most spaces four points one two three four up to 21 and both of these spots have been taken we're then going to use four out of our five power here that we've charged and we're going to gain ourselves to or we'll move from 5 to 7 or the ai will then discard this card we'll slide this down and draw their next one they're going to try and place a mine within range 2 and we can see here they're going to look for planet variety instead of looking at sectors because of this is their final uh scoring tile which one they're going to look at we'll do the three points so i don't forget one two three i've placed blue satellite tokens on all planets within range two that are not planets they already have a buildings on so you can see this black one we're not including we then can look at fewest terraforming steps those will be the green and blue ones so we've got a blue one here that's a green one remove this one this one and this one and then we're looking at the closest one to our planets that's going to be this gaia planet we'll place out their third mine now that is within range two of our mines so we don't even have to lose a victory point we can simply gain one power i am a little bit bummed about that because that gaia planet was pretty close to us i was thinking of going there but i didn't have enough time we'll place a marker here noting that they now have a gaia planet that they control and they now have three different planet types it's now back to our turn we are going to put out a trading station it will cost us two total of the ore and only one two and three total of the gold so we're down to 14 gold you can barely see that but i can place this out and that will score us four points the one nice thing is the ai now controls this planet and both of these are within range too so i was thinking i was gonna have to spend more gold to be able to put out this one over here but now because i'm in range two both of those will only cost three gold four points will move us one two three a four we're at 13. we just scored four points that's great and all except for that the ai is going to score three points right here and cover up the power spot two points two spots to the left three points one two three like i said they're going to blow ahead of us at first and we're gonna have to claw our way back as we play we'll sneak out another trading station for three gold one two three and two or going down to a three and this will score us another four points we'll move up one two three of four to 17. we're back again to the ai and they're going to score one point and upgrade one of their buildings one point we'll move them up to 28. they have three mines here so they have to choose between which one of these three they're going to upgrade they upgrade the one that's closest to our buildings but this one is within range two of our buildings and this one is within range two of our buildings that means we have to look at this directional symbol we're gonna start at the bottom right hand side of the board and just go from right to left row by row up until we find the first one that we can upgrade looking at these two mines that means we'll choose this one to upgrade and we can lose one victory point to gain two power we'll move ourselves back down to 16 points generating two power from bull one to ball two for our next action i think i'm going to upgrade one of our trading stations now to a space station we can go to the trading uh trading post to a space station to an academy i'm gonna go for the space station that will cost five gold one two three four five and three ore so we're all the way down to zero for ore but when you put out a training or a space station you also gain a tactile so we can talk about that in a second i'll replace this trading post with the space station and then i can gain either a basic tactile or an advanced tactile now in order to grab an advanced tactile i need to have one of my markers in either location four or five in the road that i want to choose one of these i then have to flip one of these federation tokens that i have from green over to the gray side and i need to be able to cover up one of these regular tactiles with the advanced so i definitely can't get the advanced yet instead i can choose one of these down here now if i chose this one i would then immediately move up this track if i chose this one i move up that track if i chose these bottom three i can choose any track to move up what i'd like to do because i am worried about my gold for the next round is i'm going to grab this tactile which means i'll immediately move up one on the terraforming track this now means it only costs us two ore to terraform we're now back to the ai and now they could potentially pass let's see if they do oh yes they do you see that x that means they will not do this action they're going to take the rightmost round booster putting their other one back and they're going to gain for this round three points you can see the three points right here that's why they're gaining the three points and of course i'm adding another card to their deck they will grab the one or production and research production and slide this one in for our next action i'm going to create a federation this is one of the actions you haven't seen yet if you have structures with a total power of seven or more you can create a federation with them but you have to connect them these two are already connected each of them are worth to power this our planetary institute is worth three three four five six seven so i'm good to go but i have to connect them so i'm going to place out three satellite tokens and that will connect them but in order to place those satellite tokens i need to lose three power that means i will remove two from here and one from here and i no longer will have that power in my power combination here but i do have ways for example here to gain more power so it's not the end of the world when you create a federation you can choose one of these federation tokens and immediately gain the benefit i definitely want this one so i'll gain seven victory points and two or this will mean we can move one two three four five six seven catching up to that ai two or is pretty great because my next action then because the ai has passed we can continue to play i am going to spend one of these qic's and you can see it over in this corner i'm gonna convert that into one ore so i'll have three ore i'm going to upgrade that other training post to another uh space station one two three i'm going down to one you guys and one gold but that means i'll get another tactile and i can advance on yet another tech track when you've created a federation you certainly can still change the buildings that are connected and it's completely fine i can go above or below that power amount it doesn't matter what matters is though i cannot use these three uh planets for any federation in the future without a doubt i'm gonna grab this tactile which will gain us one research or one knowledge and one gold each income phase and that will move us up on this track i also still have four knowledge i can use i'll go down to zero for that and i'll move up on one tech track let's continue to move up the income tech track now we'll gain one or three gold and three power charging during each income phase and because we went over this we can immediately power up or charge up three of our power which if you ask me is pretty great because we now have four power in our bowl number three and we're going to use all four of that power what do you say we gain some gold so we have some gold for the next round we'll gain seven of it seven plus the one we have here puts us to eight gold i think at this point we can end our turn i would say that was overall a pretty successful round getting out two space stations this is the thing that's gonna hurt us we're not gaining a lot of ore and no gold here because both of these are not out so i'm going to try and get some mines out next round but the round marker or the scoring markers want us to get mines out we scored two points per so that's kind of what i was going for also look at all this research we're going to gain four research ever for knowledge every round which is great this round tracker here would be pretty great we'd score six points when we turn that in if we kept those space stations out but i really need some help with terraforming so i think i'm gonna grab this one and put this one back in i was actually eyeing the one that would give us or and more knowledge but the ai took it of course during our end phase then we'll remove all of these action tokens we'll flip over the next scoring tile now for this scoring tile as i mentioned we're going for mines the ai will score four points at the end of the round for this one we can move right into income for round three gaining one or three gold and three power we'll move our ore up by one three gold one two three and we can charge three at power then we can charge four power here one two three four and we can gain another power so we'll put that power here we'll gain three knowledge here one two three we'll gain one ore here sneakiness up to two and then over here we have two plus four is six plus one is seven gold and one more knowledge seven gold one two three four five six seven and one more knowledge but just puts us up to four we then moved to the gaia phase but i'm still not doing any gaia forming on a transdem planet so we can skip that we'll move right to the action phase once again the ai ended the round first so they'll go first before we start that action phase i am going to call one mulligan and that's on this satellite token i really should have put it here i was thinking that i should do that and i missed it and that's the hard part about recording why that's important if i have it here and i try and terraform this planet that specific building is going to be part of this federation that's out on the board and i can't use it to create a new one i don't want that i want to be able to create a new federation so i really should have connected it with these three spaces so my apologies there hope you're okay with that once again the ai will act first so we have a power qic action they are going to gain three victory points and cover one of the spots three victory points one two three puts them up to 31 and four from the right one two three four they're going to cover this spot what do you say we terraform that yellow planet huh we're going to use our free one terraform you can see yellow planets we only need one terraform we are going to discard our one qic for plus two range so we can do this up to range three a mine costs one ore and two gold and we're going to place this out this will also mean we've colonized a new planet type one two three we just gained three more knowledge we're within range three of one of our planets unfortunately this is not a new sector but we're getting ourselves branched out so we can start jumping to different sectors the ai will now build a mine and they're going to build a mine within range two no scoring uh to make a determination on where they're gonna place it they're not gonna look at either one uh they are gonna gain one victory point they'll gain that one but we need to remember we gained two victory points because we placed out a mine and that's the scoring tile we've marked all the planets that are within range two we have no faction action tiebreaker and no final scoring tiebreaker we look at fewest terraforming steps that would be the green and purple black and blue we now only have four planets to choose from now we have to choose closest to our planets and that's going to be this one here so we'll place a gaia planet there and we'll place a mine in this spot and what's nice is that's on the same sector so they don't add an additional sector we can lose one victory point to gain two power that is most certainly worth it gaining r2 power will mean we have four in ball three the next action we are going to take we're going to use all four of our power here and we're going to generate some very much needed ore that'll move us from one to three or the faction action is next for the ai they'll score four points and block two spots five from the left four points is 36 and five from the left one two three four five they're going to cover this one up and then they're going gonna cover up this one here as usual i'm getting all ahead of myself i should notate that i now have three different planet types that i have buildings on we have a total of seven knowledge one two three four we're going to use four for our next action in order for us to put out another mine i need more range but i won't get to more range till i get to here on this track so i'm just going to move here that will gain us one qic i can use that qic to get plus to range the ai then will slide this down and they are randomly going to go up one of the tracks i think that's the first time you've seen this so they will go up the first track from the left on the tech track and they're also going to gain two points this will move them up to here and two more points puts them at 38. my ore production was pretty brutal this round what i think i'm going to do is place out another mine this will score me two points using a qic that i just took off my board for a plus two range i'm gonna grab this one i'm going to do another orange planet which is my color so i don't have to terraform it at all so i just need to spend one or and two gold going down to 14. that's a range of three one two three we can go here we are now on a new sector we're finally branching out a bit and of course we'll move to 27 points the ai then will do an upgrade and they'll score one point uh they're looking from top to bottom uh to determine which building they're going to upgrade one point puts them oh you know at 39. they have three total mines that they can upgrade to the trading post it's going from left to right top to bottom so they will upgrade this one which is great because we can lose two victory points to charge three power because of our planetary institute we'll move back down to 24 points we'll move three out of our four power from ball one to ball two well i hate to say it but i don't really see anything else that we want to do this round so i'm gonna grab this round booster because if we keep those two space stations out that'll score six points and it gives us some more research and we'll put this one here that means we'll be first player next round the ai could be done let's see if they are they are not you see that that's green that means they are going to do an upgrade looking from top to bottom they still have some mines out on the board so it will be a trading post and one victory point that'll tick them up to 40. the two mines they have left are here and here they'll grab this one let's lose one victory point for two power shall we i mean at this point what's one victory point two power will hopefully help us for the next round we'll see now if the ai will pass are they going to oh thank goodness they are they will pass and they'll take that middle round booster putting this one back that means they'll grab the two coins and one qic sliding this down here they'll also score four victory points because of this round or the scoring tile and now the next time they will score six points for this one because we'll be in round four and we will generate two victory points for every amount of terraforming we generate this round four more points puts them up to 44. we'll then clean up the board for the end phase and start right away with round four and income one or three gold and charge three power one or we'll take that three gold one two three and charge three power one two three we are then going to gain our power first from here so we can put that here and then charge for one two three so we lost one but that's still worth it so it's good to know you can determine how you want to gain these abilities or benefits for income i could have chosen this first or second we then have three more ore thank goodness one two three that puts us up to six three knowledge here that puts us up to six knowledge we have two more knowledge income on our round booster and one of our tactiles and then five more gold one two three four five once again we have no gaia forming so we can skip that phase we'll move right into the action phase and we'll go first this time the last thing that i want is the ai doing something that i could generate power and i can't so i think the first action i'm going to do is use four of my power i think we all know what i'm going for or please or gives us terraforming and terraforming gives us points let's see now what the ai has cooked up for us okay just three points and covering spot five from the right three points one two three at forty seven five from the right one two three four five we're then going to use four out of the eight of our knowledge and we're going to move up one on the terraforming track we're now going to score four points at the end of the game for this and we can power up three or charge up three of our power that means three out of the four power in ball one move to ball two the ai will respond by doing another qic power action five from the left and one point that's 48 points for them five from the left one two three four five let's spend the other for knowledge and we're going to move up this track so we can gain one qic i really wanted to go for range but i have a planet in mind that i'm going for and this will allow me to get there the ai will respond by gaining two points and moving up track 4 to the from the right that's a total of 50 points one two three four they decided to follow my lead it's time for us to put out a mine we're going to terraform a blue planet it's within range three so i have to use this qic so that's going to give us range three we need to spend two or for the two levels of terraforming that also will gain us four points then we need to spend one ore and two gold in order to put out the mine the blue planet that's in range three is right here if we go here that gives us another sector and that gives us another planet type which will also have us gain three knowledge let's grab the four points one two three four that is a fourth planet type and our fourth sector we'll place our token here to denote that we now have one of the blue planets and of course three knowledge is nothing to scoff at the ai will respond by also building a mine and let's see they're going to look at getting varieties of sectors for here at range two and one point this will put them to 51 points based on how i see it there's only two planets that they have that are on a different sector they're not in sector one and that are within range two uh because none of these are within range two that are in a different sector this one's just range three just out of reach for them after looking at the final scoring tie breaker we look at the fewest terraforming steps well that's another gaia planet so i'm going to do that here this is also within range two of one of our uh buildings so we can lose one victory point to charge two and i'm a two power i'm gonna do that that will give them a third sector i'll lose that one victory point to be able to grab two power we now have three in our third bowl and the question is i think i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it right now i'm going to lose this power so i have four here and i'm going to use all four of those right now with the four power that we had we'll gain two more knowledge that will move us up to six total knowledge the next card for the ai i think is the first time we're seeing this they are going to advance their highest research now if they had a tie they would use this to determine which one it is and they're going to score one point they now have 52 points we currently do have a tie for which one is the highest so we're supposed to do one from the left so that's this one they'll move up if they get one more on this one they'll score four points at the end of the game with our five knowledge here we're going to spend four so we can move up on another tech track gosh i love this nation i love moving up all of these tech tracks it's now time for us to have a range of two for being able to place out our buildings the ai next will do an upgrade and they're going to do it while gaining one point and i do think they still have a mine out so they're going to put out this trading post that'll be another point for them they actually have two mines out one here and here but we have to do the tie breaker and the tiebreaker is going from low to high so this one is going to get upgraded that means we can passively charge one power for free no loss of victory points for this i'm okay with it there's a black planet within range two the black planets cost us three terraforming it's very expensive but remember our terraforming is only one ore i think i'm gonna go for it because i now have range too that means this will cost us three or one two three to do the terraform and then one more ore and two gold to put out that mine however i'm placing it in a new planet so that means i'll go back up to four knowledge range two of our planets is right here this is also in a new sector and of course we made three at terraforming three times two is six one two three four five six we gained six victory points there this means we can place a token here we are now in five sectors and have five different planet types the ai could potentially pass here and they don't ever seem to pass on that first card do they they're going to do the faction actions the score four points and block two spots four more points one two three four they're counting from the left one two three four and then one two three and four we've used up almost all of these we have for knowledge let's go ahead and use it we'll move one up on the terraforming track gaining us two more or we now have three or the a i let's see if they will end their round they will and they're gonna take the middle round booster and for good measure they'll score six points because why not we'll move them up one two three four five six they will grab this terraforming and gold moving this one down and placing this one here and they will be first player next round and i forgot to say last time they gained a card they're going to gain yet another card for this round looking at the board state i actually think i'm also going to pass i'm going to turn this one in now when i do that because i have two space stations i will gain six victory points i'm also going to grab this round booster because i love my ore and i love my research or knowledge six points will move us one two three four five six we're at what 38. we'll then refresh all of these round boosters for the end of the round or these aren't round boosters they're action markers and of course we will move to round five now in round five we're looking to make federations i'm hoping to make two maybe this round if i can each time we do we skate we gain five points in addition to whatever's on that federation token the ai will score five points at the end of this round we can move to the income phase in round five getting one or three gold and charging three power one ore three gold one two three and three power i have so much gold it's ridiculous we also have for income for total power charging one two three four and then we will gain a new power so we'll put one here we have a total amount of knowledge of one two three four five that's awesome we're at zero we're now at five we have a total amount of ore of one two three four five that is what i'm talking about we're at nine or so much better than last time and we're gaining five more gold one two three four five we're almost at 30 gold we are set for this round we are yet again foregoing the gaia phase i don't think i'm gonna be doing that this game again it is what it is i'm having so much fun with knowledge this time i love it we'll move right to the action phase that means the ai is going first we're starting this round with the ai they are going to do an upgrade gaining three victory points that'll move them up to 66 points they have no more trading stations left so they're going towards the space stations now because you cannot upgrade to an academy until you have a space station so they're now looking at closest to our planets this one is within range one and this one is within range one so then they go by reading order of bottom to top based on the card and that means they're going to do this one we'll lose one victory point to gain two charges we'll move down to 37. two charges lets us move one and one and we have one two three four five to play with we'll then spend four of these for our first action and we all know what we're going to do two more or we now have 11 or the ai is going to score three more points gosh they just keep blowing us and then take the space two from the left they will move one two three to sixty nine and they took the double terraforming spot we're going to place out a mine in another yellow planet so we have to spend one terraforming that only cost us one ore then we have to spend one more for the actual mine itself and two gold and we can put out another mine this can be within range two of our buildings we're going to place it here since we already have a yellow planet and that is not a new sector nothing to update on the scoring tracker the ai will then do an advance on their highest tracker on the tech track and gain a point that will be this one they'll now score four points for that at the end of the game and move up to 70 points i love all this ore production we have here but in order to make a federation we need seven powers that means we need to do some upgrades to trading posts i'm going to do one that that is within range two of the ai so only three gold one two three two or one two we'll grab this one let's upgrade the one we just placed out right here the ai will then move up a random track it's going to be four from the left gaining two points as well two more points one two and four from the left one two three four they're going to start moving up this track let's place out another trading post two gold one two and one two or and actually three gold three gold into our this blue planet is within range two of the ai planets so that's why it only cost two three total gold instead of six we now have power here of two four five six we just need to upgrade one more of these and we can make a federation apparently this round the ai is all about upgrades on the tech track they're going to move up by one on the tech track one to the right and score no points well that was the best card combo i've seen for them that's their first action they've done with no points our third trading post one two three and one two is what we're going to do next we'll choose this planet to upgrade it's within range two of the ai so that cost was only three gold instead of six the ai is now going to try and place out a mine and they are going to do it within range two looking at variety of planet types they are also going to score three points one two three within range two of their planets i only see a brown which they don't have a yellow which they don't have enough blue which they don't have everything else within range two are planet types that they already control so then we look at the fewest terraforming steps the blue one is the least amount of terraforming steps so they're gonna choose that one this means that we if we would like can lose one victory point to gain two power of course i should say charge to power and i think we're going to do that who needs points anyways right it's not like we're trying to beat them and we're only at 36 and they're at 75 but you know two power is to power we're then going to create a federation for our action we lost two power so we can place two satellites here we have two three four five six seven this is now a federation here we have our federation tokens we can choose from let's grab this one that gives us eight points and a qic we can use the qic to terraform a gaia planet which is why i want that we'll gain eight points one two three four five six seven eight and then we score five more points one two three four five because of the round scoring tile that felt pretty good that's one of the federations i'm hoping to build the ai will then block the first spot on the left gaining one point that means we can't gain three knowledge and that will slide them up to 76 points in order for us to terraform a guy a planet all we need is a qic so i have our qic here and then we're going to place a mine because we have a range of two on one of those gaia planets that will cost us two gold and one or we're down to two we have a gaia planet here within range two and this means we're on our sixth of the seventh sectors and that will put us in the lead not to mention it's another planet type we have six now and six were tied here for sectors don't forget because we colonized a new planet type one two three we gain a three and knowledge as well we're now at eight the ai will then try and upgrade let's see if they actually do it they don't they're gonna take the middle round booster and gain five points and of course grab the next card and put it into their deck five points ticks them to 81. the middle round booster is this one we'll slide this back in and they will be first player for the last round we have eight knowledge we can play with let's use our first four and go up on one of our tech tracks we're going to move up the terraforming tech track now in order for us to do this we have to take one of our federation tiles that we have and flip it over we're going to flip this over to the gray side that means we can't use that for any of the other tracks but we just gained another federation token gaining seven points plus five slits 13 points and two more ore we're at 49 right now we'll go to 59 for 10 11 12 13 we're at 62. two more or also means we have five or remaining there are so many great options here as to what i could do next i could put out a space station i have enough ore and enough gold uh but then i'm upgrading something that's already in a federation i'm hoping i can do one more federation at the end of the game so what i'm thinking of doing is upgrading just to a trading post but this one is not within range two of our opponent so i'm gonna have to spend six gold one two three four five six but i think that's okay because look at how much money i'm gonna get still only two ore and we're gonna have to place a mine back here and that's fine because we weren't gaining anything from that anyways i'm going to do the one here on our gaia planet for my final action this round i am going to use my for knowledge now i debated long and hard on this because next round every time we move up the tech track we gain two points so i'm forgoing two points but i do think what i'm gaining for this is beneficial we're going to move up on the income track so that way i gain one additional ore at the beginning of the next round otherwise i would never gain that benefit the gold and the power charging are okay i think i have not enough power to really make it a difference that i'm getting for here but one or sometimes that can really make or break things i will then pass for our penultimate round i'm going to grab this round marker hoping i can get all three space stations out that'll be worth nine points and i love my knowledge we've removed our action markers we'll flip this over i did give them their five points yes i'm pretty sure i did if i didn't i'll make a note one more round let's do some income shall we i'm gonna gain that power first and then i can charge four so one two three four i'll gain 16 money here and three or plus three knowledge 16 money one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen three or one two three and three knowledge one two three we'll then gain one additional knowledge here which is four another knowledge for this one five and another gold and then how about you know for more gold one two three four we'll gain two more or four more gold and charge four more power we'll slide this one power here we're all maxed out two more ore is awesome and for gold the most we can hold is 30. still no gaia forming so that means we'll move right into the action phase final action round let's do it ai is going to start with a faction action taking over spot five from the right and gaining four points because of their card that'll move them from 81 to 85 five from the right one two three four five and that's a bummer because then they're going to take this one the next one five from the right and that means i can't gain two additional knowledge there we're going to spend all five of our power two four five to gain it to terraforming so that we can spend one ore and two gold and gain three more knowledge one two three because we're going to terraform a brown planet you can see right here the brown planet needs two terraforming steps we used this action space and the brown planet is right here within range two still not on a new sector however that is the seventh out of the eight different planet types we're doing quite well here compared to the ai it looks like the ai is going to do another power action this time choosing three from the right and gaining one point that puts them up to 86 points i don't have any qic's so taking the qic actions aren't nearly as bad we'll then use four of our eight knowledge to move up on one of the tech tracks and gain two points this will move us up to 64 points we're going to move up this track by one that gives us a free power charging of three and gives us another qic actually that's our first one we need that to be able to do another gaia formed planet the ai will score three points and do an upgrade and i'm realizing i forgot to charge my three of power we want all the power we can get they have one trading post available for upgrade so we have two mines here they're both within range two of one of our planets so we just go from the uh directional uh choosing and that's from bottom to top so that means this one will upgrade and we can lose one victory point for two power and i think it's worth it i know i know it's one victory point in the final round but i just want my power we'll snag that to power and put it here we'll then spend five gold one two three four five and three or one two three down to three to be able to put out a space station and of course because we're doing that we'll gain a tactile we'll place that space station here the tactile we're going to gain is this one which will give us one knowledge for every single type of planet that we have terraformed and that's seven so we're going to gain seven knowledge also since we chose the bottom area we can choose any one of these tracks to go up we're going to go up on this one by one and that means we scored two more points we're at 65. seven plus four is 11 knowledge that's what we're at now next the ai will build a mine let's see they're doing it within range two looking at planet variety and they'll score one point they're now at 90 points compared to our 65. i only see three planets that they are within range two that they do not already have a building on that's the brown and the yellow planets so the next thing we look at is terraforming steps the brown is less than the yellow so we'll remove this and then it's the closest ones to our buildings that is going to be this one that means we can lose two victory points to gain three power yep i'm gonna do it they only need one more planet type too to tie the neutral player and that will score them nine points instead of only six points at the end of the game we'll lose two points to gain that sweet three power it's back to our turn we are going to lose one power to gain four into ball three and use all four here to do a power action we want two more or or is the spice of life this means the ai will go next doing a random upgrade on the tech track and gaining two points three from the right two points moves them up to 92 and three from the right means they're one away from starting to score points for this track let's now place a mine on one of the gaia planets we'll use this qic so we can terraform there we spend one ore and two gold and we can place that out this is the final sector we do not have a building in we now have a building in every sector we've got two in this sector we've got two here we have two here one here one here two here and one right here this means we can sneak past the neutral player we're now set to gain 18 points unless the ai can catch up to us which then we would uh take 18 and 12 and divide it by two the ai is going to do another power action they love those gaining three points and taking spot two three more points puts them up to 95 spot two is the seven gold spot why don't we spend four of our knowledge next one two three four this will score us two points going back to 65. we are going to flip over this federation token that we have we still have one more that's green to move here this gives us a one time effect of three or six gold and charge six power three or one two three six gold one two three four five six and six power four plus two is six the ai will score one point and go up on that terraforming track by one oh and they're going to do another mine that card essentially scored them five points they can no longer go up on the terraforming track up to five if they would i believe they take this tile instead we're going to use four more of our knowledge one two three four going down to three gaining two more victory points to having to flip this federation token so we no longer have any federation tokens we can use to get to the fifth spot but now we can place the lost planet this is considered a mine so we can place it here and we put one of our satellite tokens on here to denote that we control it it's considered to have one power so we have one two three four five power here the ai will then grab three points trying to build a mine looking at sector variety range two three more points puts them at 99. the only way they can get to a new sector is over here at range two so they're going to take this guy out planet that will give them another sector but not a new planet type they're not quite caught up to the neutral player yet and that was within range two of one of our mines so we can passively charge one power that means we have three power available in ball three our next action will be to upgrade to a trading post this one is not within range two of our opponent so one two three four five six and one two to put it out we're going to choose this one here we have two three four five six we're so close to a federation the ai will randomly move up one of the tech tracks uh yes they will because there's a green symbol i realize these are the last three cards so they may have not done it scoring no points moving one up on the track one space on the right if they gain one more of those that will score them four points i'm going to place out a mine on a blue planet that costs two ore to do that plus one ore and two gold and we'll place this out this can be within range four i'm going to choose here the ai will discard this card and they do retire here they would grab a round booster based on this but that doesn't matter for this last round so we're not gonna worry about it they will simply score four points that will put them to one two three four a hundred and three the last action i believe i'm going to be taking is creating a federation i'm going to lose well i'll keep this one i'll lose three power to do so we have two three four and then five six and one more is seven that's our third federation we'll grab this 12 victory point federation token you can see it doesn't have a green side so we can't use it to do any of those federation abilities but it doesn't matter because this is going to be our last action the 12 points we've gained we're at 67 we'll go to 75 67 and then we'll add two more we're at 79. we'll then turn in our round booster for nine more points that'll move us to 88 points we can now move to final scoring and this is where i kicked the ai's butt they just really weren't doing great on these they they'll score 12 total points and we'll score a total of 36 18 for each of these that puts us in the lead at 124 compared to 116 but we're not done yet we'll score 12 24 36 points for where we are on these tech tracks the ai will score eight that means we're at 160 to 124. finally we would score three points for every set of three of our remaining resources of gold knowledge and ore we had three or three knowledge so each of those are one point one one and we had nineteen gold that will give us six more points one two three four five six so we scored 168 to 124 that doesn't normally happen the ai is usually much more competitive than that i think the mine cards that they drew just happen to keep them in the same areas for whatever reason but regardless i hope this helps you get this game to the table try out the judens they are fantastic i love how much they move up the tech track i love being able to start right away with so much ore you can get stuff onto the table yeah each faction is just so different oh okay let me know what faction you want to see next i'm definitely going to do another play through maybe not right away as you can tell i lost my voice and it's 2 45 in the morning so i need to go to bed but thank you so much for watching as always and sorry if i made any errors let me know in comments below if i don't catch it in editing i'll put them in those klingon subtitles thanks again and i'll catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 3,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, gaia project, playthrough, how to play, solo, runthrough, walkthrough, board game, strategy game
Id: -JV9QdO7f8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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