G Herbo’s Assassin That Killed Countless Rappers In Chicago

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can you tell us like uh what what Mad Max AKA C money meant to y'all Hood Bros head things the tale of Mad Max closely mirrors the experiences of many Street Gangsters powerful popular and surrounded by a loyal crew yet lacking the wisdom to know when to stop Max wasn't your typical gangster he was like a demon and human form he lived for his gang cherished by his friends and dreaded by his rivals in fact meeting Max on the streets or in a dark alley was the last thing anyone wanted however Max's Street reputation took a dark turn due to one final act this is the extraordinary story of Mad Max G herbo's assassin that killed countless rappers Mad Max who also went by alias's sea money and killer Chris was raised on the east side of Chicago his upbringing was primarily overseen by his mother due to the tragic murder of his father when Max was just 12 years old consequently he swiftly adapted to his environment Max hailed from No Limit a faction of renegade black p stones that merged with the Muskegon boys another Renegade group associated with the GDs deform nlmb Within nlmb mags had numerous relatives including Brothers uncles and cousins all who held respected positions some claim that he was linked to two prominent No Limit members named Mali and G main ski but exact nature of their relationship remains unverified whether they were blood related or simply grew up together 40 flips regardless they all came of age together alongside notable rappers G herbo and Lil Bibby who are among the gang's most renowned members nlmb is one of the biggest most dangerous gangs on the east side of Chicago in lmb comprising Renegade subsets established a reputation for conflicts with nearly every Eastside faction however in contrast to some other groups in Chicago nlmb displayed a more organized structure the presence of experienced individuals known as ogs guiding the younger generation contributed to the gang's resilience despite its multitude of adversaries the primary rival factions that engaged in conflicts pertinent to this narrative within No Limits fear were Lakeside kts and black mom black mob predominantly consisted of black p Stones while Lakeside consistent mainly of GDs yet both maintained complicated relationships of Alliance and enmity within lmb kts on the other hand represented a coalition of various sets including members from Lakeside and black mob featuring well-known rap artists like kts Dre and Vaughn Mad Max emerged as one of nlmb's most active participants and concurrently one of kts's most vehement adversaries he received his introduction into street life from his uncles and other seasoned individuals within his neighborhood imparting knowledge on navigating the urban environment however like many young individuals respected in Chicago who lacked alternative means of livelihoods such as rap Max eventually succumbed to recklessness which ultimately led to his demise during Max's formative years no limit found itself embroiled in a fierce Feud with black mob initially the two gangs enjoyed an amicable Rapport but territorial disputes escalated into a protracted and hostile rivalry in 2009 a No Limit member named Vito engaged in the illegal activities within black mob's territory without the requisite permission or tax payments subsequently a black mob affiliate confronted veto for his failure to demonstrate due respect which prompted No Limits leadership to instruct veto to retaliate against the offended party regrettably Vito responded by opening fire on the individual in front of his family a flagrant violation of their established code this incident triggered a prolonged dispute between No Limit and black mob culminating in veto's own shooting Vito's tragic demise set off a chain reaction with retaliatory shootings escalating tensions between the two rival groups at a certain point during this intensifying conflict an individual named Dio associated with both black mob and Lakeside met a tragic end while walking alongside South Manistee Avenue of the 8100 block the circumstances surrounding Dio's murder remain unclear although rumors have persisted suggesting mad Max's involvement this event marked an initial occurrence in a sequence of alleged murders attributed to Max in the year 2010 Max found himself incarcerated on charges related to an alleged shooting however due to his minor status at the time limited information is available about this incident shortly thereafter he re-emerged onto the streets fueled by a quest for Retribution during the subsequent years Max experienced the loss of several of his senior Associates within No Limit including his own blood uncle in November 2011 the gang suffered a significant blow with the passing of white folks one of its leaders white folks had succumbed to gunshot wounds inflicted by Lakeside members in 2006 his demise resonated deeply within nlmb particularly with Mad Max as many gang members regarded white folks with great reverence subsequently a few months later a harrowing assassination attempt unfolded targeting a gathering of No Limit members resulting in two fatalities and multiple injuries the tragic incident occurred as the group congregated on a street corner outside a liquor store situated on the 2500 block of East 79th Street an assailant driving by initiated a fuselage of gunshots using a TEC-9 firearm five members of the group's the same gunshot wounds tragically lean to the loss of mlmb rock and Alamo while three others endured severe injuries but survived notably Rock affectionately embraced by the gang as rock block had transitioned away from street life and had merely come down to engage with some younger Associates in contrast Alamo aged 57 with four children represented an older member within the gang the identity of the perpetrators behind rocking alamo's killings remains unclear though rumors have pointed toward the involvement of kts members Rock's close friendship with Mad Max had a profound impact on the latter and his demise struck Max deeply consequently Max made a solemn vow to exact vengeance upon kts in the wake of Rock's tragic death a few months later in October 2012 tragedy struck when 33-year-old Carlos Alexander also known as No Limit big loss met his demise in the 7900 Block of South Escanaba Avenue around 10 30 in the morning while outside his residence two individuals abruptly approached and opened fire on big loss swiftly fleeing on foot biglos held a dual role in Max's life serving as both the respected senior figure within No Limit and his blood Uncle consequently big Low's tragic death had a profound impact on Max transferring him into a Relentless pursuer of Revenge big loss wasn't just one of Max's OG's but also his blood Uncle so his death really turned him into a Savage and he was out for Revenge approximately a month later on November 10 2012 Anthony bagney commonly known as Bud from Lakeside met a grim fate while walking along the 2600 block of East 79th Street he encountered three or four assailants who subjected him to multiple gunshot wounds Bud was promptly rushed to Northwestern Memorial Hospital but was tragically pronounced deceased a memorial service was held in his honor on a street corner near the side of his murder friends and loved ones acknowledged Bud's association with the street gang but they also remembered him as an affable individual who had fallen in with the wrong crowd no arrests for mating connection with Bud's murder although rumors persisted linking members of nlmb including Mad Max who had been actively seeking Rivals following the losses of rock and Alamo to the crime for furthermore speculations hinted at Bud's presence during the murder of big loss Max's Uncle however Bax did not halt his quest for retaliation on April 4th 2013 a Lakeside member of the name DeAngelo Simmons also known as Lolo found himself in a tragic situation he was strolling down the street in proximity to his residence accompanied by another individual when two assailants approached them and Unleashed a barrage of gunfire Lolo sustained a gunshot wound to the chest and was urgently transported to Northwestern Memorial Hospital sadly he succumbed to his injuries later that same day according to accounts from friends and family Lolo had been out shopping for a family outing and was on his way home when the shooting occurred a family acquaintance described him as a good-hearted individual who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time law enforcement authorities never officially identified the second individual accompanying Lolo at the time of the shooting nevertheless speculation suggested that it might have been another late second number known as Mac main Mac main was allegedly part of the group in the vehicle that had opened fire on nlmb members on the day that rock and Alamo were killed regrettably no arrests were made in connection with Lolo's murder on verified rumors circulated implying that Mad Max had been the one to fire the Fatal shot at Lolo while Mac main fled the scene additionally there were speculations that g herbo had been present during the incident and that pursued mac-made ultimately shooting him in the leg however these claims remain unconfirmed as mcmaine did not seek medical treatment and was not identified by law enforcement as the individual accompanying Lolo when he was killed both bud and Lolo held respected positions within Lakeside members of No Limit frequently exploited their deaths to taunt their adversaries incorporating references to smoking on bud and Lolo in songs and on social media platforms this provocative behavior only served to intensify the ongoing conflict between Lakeside and nlmb during the summer of 2013 the conflict between No Limit and black mob escalated significantly around that period No Limit experienced the loss of its two members Simo and Tracy they wasted little time seeking retribution in June 2013 a tragic incident occurred when 24 year old Jordan Jefferson a black mob member offered a fatal gunshot wound to the head in the 2400 block of East 75th Street the Cook County Medical Examiner pronounced him dead at the scene Reverend Isaac Whitman a local church pastor recounted that Jordan had assisted him earlier in the day by carrying supplies into his office and he even attended a church service however Jordan expressed uncertainty about joining the church and later walked with the pastor's son to a corner store suddenly three gunshots rang out and the pastor upon looking up discovered Jordan flying lifeless on the ground it was alleged that Mad Max alongside a group of other individuals from nlmb encountered Jordan and approached him firing three shots that resulted in his tragic demise Max's actions appeared to accumulate and growing list of casualties marking his alleged third murder in less than a year August 10 2013 proved to be a significant loss for nlmb and they mourned the passing of a respected member named Kobe whose real name was Jacoby Herron Kobe was fatally shot outside of McDonald's in 2400 block of South Oglesby Avenue Kobe shared a close bond with GI arbo who had spoken about him in interviews and even named mixtape after him titled Ballin like I'm Cody moments before his death Kobe had been with herb and other nlmb members engaged in the dice game on the Block however he suddenly decided to head home declining offers for a ride shortly after his departure gunshots rang out prompting the group to rush down the block only to find Kobe lifeless on the street is that here I'm right here on point with the league button right there no they like right here bro walked off went to the Korea for we steady hearing shots and see we ain't even know this bro getting shot at none of this before it's four in the morning you hear me from it's four in the morning I'm Steady Hand I'm we like man something like that blue now we steady hearing a then I just jump up like that's Kobe what no one was apprehended in connection with his murder but rumors circulated implicating kts Vaughn and another individual named posto Kobe's demise represented a significant loss for nlmb intensifying the existing tensions in the pursuit of Revenge for Kobe's death nlmb continued to search for Vaughn and posto however before they could reach their targets Max allegedly took the life of another black mob member for the second time that year on the morning of August 13 2013 around 10 in the morning a 34 year old named Eric Chisholm was fatally shot by an assailant in a passing SUV on the 7400 block of South Colfax Avenue Eric was standing with at least one other person when a light-colored SUV drove by and Unleashed a hail of gunfire he was rushed to Northwestern Memorial Hospital and was subsequently pronounced dead although the police identified Eric as a known gang member from black mob a neighborhood witness who knew him contended that he was not an active member and had recently become a father thus it remained unclear whether Eric was affiliated with the gang or merely an innocent bystander no arrests remaining connection with air murder but rumors swirled suggesting the possible involvement of Mad Max nlmb remained Resolute in their pursuit of Retribution for Kobe's death and by the end of the year they achieved their objective by reportedly eliminating one of his alleged killers of posto on November 23 2013 a tragic event unfolded when taishan posto Anderson fell victim to a fatal shoot the incident occurred in the 2700 block of East 80th Street merely steps away from his own residence posto had been standing in a hallway when an unidentified assailant opened fire he was quickly transported to the hospital in a critical condition but regrettably was pronounced dead at 11 50 PM law enforcement authorities asserted that posto had documented affiliation with the gang however family members painted a different picture describing him as a typical teenager who enjoyed playing video games and tinkering with electronic devices posto faced academic challenges and have been exploring alternative education programs nevertheless they acknowledged his past involvement with gangs at school and his release from jail just five days prior to his untimely death no arrests remaining in connection with Posto's murder but rumors circulated implicating crazy James and Mad Max from nlmb as the potential culprits it was believed that this act of violence was driven by a desire for vengeance following the death of Kobe posto held a prominent place within kts and was well loved by its members subsequently members of No Limit resorted to dissing posto in their music and on social media platforms as a means to provoke their Rivals further exacerbating the already intense animosity between the two factions over the subsequent year Mad Max faced multiple arrests with significantly curtailed his involvement in Street activities on July 21st he was apprehended for reckless conduct then on October 17th he faced charges for not wearing the seat belt and driving without a valid license although he was swiftly released for the latter offense he found himself arrested again this time for disorderly conduct just a week later consequently Max found himself entangled in legal issues for a significant part of that year leading to a decrease in his street activities on June 23 2015 kts Fawn one of the nlmbs primary adversaries meant a tragic fate when he was shot and killed the exact perpetrator remained unknown but the various theories circulated regarding his demise Vaughn had been walking alone in the 7500 Block of South Ellis Avenue when occupants of an SUV spotted him colliding him from the vehicle to shoot him repeatedly in the body and head according to unverified reports Vaughn was under the influence of Xanax at the time of his death I was not fully aware of his surroundings law enforcement arrived at the scene pronouncing a 21 year old dead Vaughn had been one of kts's most active members and had garnered enemies across several rival gangs the identity of Vaughn's assailant that night remained shrouded in mystery with one Theory suggesting the involvement of nlmb members including Mad Max kts Vaughn had referred to himself as big Cutthroat to smoker and shortly after his demise Mad Max adopted the moniker to Smoker on his Instagram account this led many to speculate that he was taking credit for the hit although it might have been a means of taunting his rivals in 2016 Mad Max encountered further legal complications and faced multiple arrests primarily related to weapons possession however a transformation occurred in the subsequent year and by 2017 Max resumed his previous activities you know like we've been in tour with them guys for a minute you know a little herb or whatever now I'm like all them little 150 guys July 10 2017 Black Bob suffered the loss of one of its most prominent Shooters and renowned rappers shooter shells approximately three months prior to the tragic event shooter shells had released a fierce diss track titled death of 150 which he targeted several deceased members of No Limit including individuals like rock Kobe and Fazio names the G herbo had referenced in his own music furthermore shooter shells had a reputation as a prolific shooter and claim multiple casualties at the time of his death following the release of that mixtape he became a primary focus of No Limits retaliation efforts Shuda shells was ambushed while walking to his car in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood by three assailants who shot him repeatedly in the head and body according to police reports he sustained approximately 15 to 18 gunshot wounds rendering him unrecognizable the investigators recovered as is 43 shell casings at the sea two months prior to his demise the FBI initiated an inquiry into the ongoing conflict between black mob and no limit subsequent investigation into shooter Shell's murder suggested likely connection to the ongoing feud and his provocative diss track although no one was apprehended persistent rumors pointed to the potential involvement of Mad Max years following the incident a police report identified Max as one of the primary suspects in the murder however before law enforcement could apprehend him events in the streets took precedence on August 3rd 2018 Mad Max found himself in a situation while in the process of moving into a building located on the 7600 block of South Kingston Avenue while outside the building he purportedly spotted an adversary from Lakeside and promptly made a dash toward the building seeking Refuge however he was unable to escape the pursuit and was ultimately chased down during the confrontation he sustained two gunshot wounds one in the stomach and another in the arm Max was discovered slumped over in the courtyard and was swiftly transported to the hospital in critical condition and initially there was hope that Max would recover from his injuries medical professionals managed to keep him alive for an entire month following the shooting however his battle with injuries came to a tragic end on September 3rd 2018 when he succumbed to his wounds a few days after the murder police apprehended the Lakeside member named Terrell Webb also known as hell Rowe nearly two months but Chicago Police have filed their first murder charge stemming from the deadliest week in Chicago has seen this year 27-year-old Terrell Webb is accused of shooting and killing a rival gang member he was charged after a deathbed statement from the victim it was one of more than a dozen murders the first weekend in August the witness came forward and identified him as the assailant leading to his arrest law enforcement officers also discovered a weapon in his possession nonetheless rumors circulated regarding Max allegedly providing information on his deathbed while he was in the hospital slowly succumbing to his injuries police reportedly visited his room and conducted an interrogation about the shooting it was purported that Max was persuaded to provide a videotaped statement identify hell Rel as the shooter and uh do you understand who I am and what I do and did I then ask anything would agree to speak to me regarding the aggravated battery when you were shy did you uh agree to have a conversation with me [Music] he told me that you were moving into your mother's house that could you also say that as you were moving into your mother's house you saw a subject or a person that she used to be Terrell that Terrell kicked open the gate and uh at your mother's apartment building and then proceeded to shoot you with a fire I'm sorry is that yes notably this videotape was never presented in court and Hell Rel was subsequently released due to lack of evidence nevertheless the rumor that Max had cooperated with the authorities tarnished his reputation many of his adversaries contended that despite his street reputation he had ultimately compromised it by allegedly cooperating with law enforcement however it's important to note that the veracity of these claims has never been substantiated despite the controversy surrounding him members of No Limit continue to honor Mad Max and Grant him the respect he earned as one of their most active participants like many individuals who command respect in the streets Max appeared to struggle with knowing when to step away from the dangerous lifestyle had he not met his tragic end it is conceivable that he would have persisted until encountering legal consequence ultimately he made himself a conspicuous Target and it was merely a matter of time before the consequences of his actions caught up with him [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Rap Reset
Views: 269,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: G Herbo, Mad Maxx, No Limit, NLMB, Chicago gang, street gangs, gang violence, Chicago rappers, street life, gangster, Chicago crime, hip-hop, rap, gang culture, gang rivalry, gang feud, gang war, Black Mobb, KTS, Lakeside, gang members, Chicago streets, violence, Chicago neighborhoods, criminal history, gang affiliations, rap music, hip-hop culture, street justice, street reputation
Id: lhsf0eO2jxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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