Future Proofed My House with 10 Gig Fiber - FAST & Cheap

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this video was sponsored by just answer a better way to reach professionals anytime you need help so if you've got two buildings to connect whether it's your bar and Farmhouse tool shop or even two Office Buildings you want to consider using fiber optic cabling when I started my career I dreamed of putting fiber in my house but it was impossible cost thousands of dollars for a small spool you needed special equipment but now it is as easy as buying a pre-made cable but what exactly is fiber optic cable and why is it so different than copper inside this plastic cable is a solid piece of glass that actually started out as a huge chunk it was optically pure then it stretched out to an insanely thin piece that reaches miles long now looking at this toy it's exactly how fiber optic cable Works you've got a light on one end and it transmits the light to the opposite end now in this toy you can see a little bit of light along the edges but an optically Pure Glass fiber cable you don't lose hardly anything now wait one second here Grandpa don't you know that there are Wireless options that could connect up these buildings instantly are you stuck in the 90s well I'm absolutely not not I know plenty of Wireless options I could use but to get 10 gigabit speeds is impossible using a wireless Choice unless you're spending an absolute Fortune so for someone at home that wants to connect up two structures and get a lot of speed there's really no way to beat it except by using fiber why not just run a copper wire maybe have some Network wiring sitting around your house and you want to connect the buildings with those well that is not something I would ever recommend anytime you're going to run copper between two buildings those can be hit by lightning strike surges and you can damage or destroy all the equipment on both ends and fiber is not only cheap and the fastest it's got another benefit that most homeowners never even think about and that's that it's kind of like the Superman of cables it is immune to everything that you don't want so if you have a lightning storm voltage spikes interference none of that stuff can hurt the fiber because the piece of fiber is made of glass and plastic it's completely immune to that stuff fiber optic cable only has one weakness and that's that it can be damaged physically so if you put a shovel through it run it over with a backhoe of course the connection will be cut now I'm really lucky here despite my house being 30 years old I discovered that I actually had an old empty pipe between the two buildings I am going to use this pipe to connect these two buildings together and I'm going to do what some people say is impossible I'm going to pull this cable with a pre-made ends on it directly through the conduit and this piece of fiber is 260 feet long and it only costs 68 dollars but the best part about it is this fiber can transmit up to 10 gigabits of information over it that is an insane amount of speed to have at home what do you do if you don't have a conduit well it's best if you can run a pipe that's handy for the future you can pull additional cables but fortunately there's even direct variable fiber optic cable now that means you can go out in your yard just dig a trench drop the fiber in and you're done now I'm ready to start now your installation could be different but I'm going to show you some of the tricks that I use to make this a little bit easier I've got a conduit between the two buildings I don't know anything about it I didn't build this place but I know that there is a pull string and it is intact because I tugged on it a little bit and it moved moved on both ends now you'd think you could just use this string but this thing's 30 years old you don't want to use it so the very first thing you're going to do is tie a brand new string to the opposite end of this and pull the new string through the pipe this way you don't have to worry about that old string being frayed or breaking during the process that can be a real nightmare so this string only costs 10 bucks and it's simple to attach to the existing string and now I just quickly pulled this through okay and we've got our new string anytime you find an old pipe in the ground an electrical conduit it's very often likely filled with water now I can't explain how the water gets in there sometimes I think it's bad joints under the ground or maybe a little bit of rain just gets in these ends but I knew for sure there was going to be water because when I pulled the old string out it was wet so all I did was turned on my air compressor shoved it in one end I used some gloves to kind of seal the pipe and gave it a blast and as you can see there was a lot of water in this pipe oh now this is the least expensive way to do this I got one switch for the workshop and one switch for the house but these ports are going to be for things like computers routers even access points but I need to connect them together and what makes these switches so unusual is this port here SFP this little device is called an SFP module and if you look closely you can see that these plugs are going to go into this and it will give us our fiber Uplink port on our top one our SFP light our lights back on so this cable is good and now we get to the final I'm going to try to pull this thing through but as you can guess this piece of fiber optic cable can't handle any real Force pulling on the ends but the trick I'm doing here is I'm making a small Loop in the Cat5 cable because the CAT5 stuff is tough I can pull on this but I'm going to tape the piece of fiber optic cable a few inches Downstream this way when I'm tugging on this cord like crazy all the force is just going to go in the CAT5 and that fiber optic cable is kind of just going to go along for the ride but I want to protect the ends of that LC connector because that could get damaged so I'm going to cut off an end of a glove kind of use it like a condom put it over this thing and then I'm going to tape the entire thing up you don't have to go crazy with this because you're going to have to peel all this stuff off got our copper pulling portion our fiber is in here and we've got the line so when we pull on this it really should not be pulling on the fiber and this should be kind of just trailing along with my second volunteer I'm going to carefully feed this fiber into the pipe now you can work on either end I just felt like this open area was going to be better to do the actual feeding all right stop for a second it's water make sure as you're feeding it through that the cable doesn't get bent so feed it in slowly turns out this pipe was only around 220 feet long so within a few minutes fortunately the fiber emerge and everything looked pretty good so I was pretty excited about this but I still have some work to do now this part is going to be different depending on what you've got in your structure but I love to use this electrical conduit it's cheap it's easy to work with and for things like fiber or Cat5 cables it'll give them complete protection when I was done this is what it looks like in my workshop I brought the pipe in through the conduit here I've got this little access panel then it goes up the side of the wall I ran that pipe up towards the ceiling I wanted to make sure that fiber was away from the floor so that I wasn't stepping on it or causing any other problems and now I can plug it into my switch and see how it works these are one gig switches now they're not 10 gig but the fiber can do 10 gig in the future these switches are only 50 bucks I am going to do 10 gig at a later date but this was a cheap way to get this project done and when you add in the fiber and things like the pull cord and stuff like that I still only spent about 200 dollars for this really high speed data connection if you've got two structures that you want to connect whether it's your shed Barn garage or even doing it for a business fiber is almost always going to be the best choice it's immune to interference surges any of the bad stuff and it gives you the most speed and in most cases it's actually the least expensive but what if you have a computer question you want to build your own network and you don't really know where to start or you just need something answered that is critical to your project well that's where today's sponsor can help just answer as a subscription-based service that connects you with certified computer technicians Network Engineers that can answer your questions 24 hours a day to do the free trial and ask a question and see how it works you can do that by clicking on the link above or in the description of this video and if they can be blown away how useful the service can be
Channel: Silver Cymbal
Views: 137,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiber, fiber optic cable, using fiber, how to connect two buildings, fiber vs copper
Id: pOKZlwB-lKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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