Futurama - Protect Leela!

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now bees communicate by dancing like my parents oh wait that was hitting Bender quick waggle something the old Planet Express Ship there's the Black Box Captain the bees have us [Music] surrounded e it's a baby Queen aw she's so cute you adorable I'm sick of shaking my booty for these fat jerks I didn't mean you're all fat I'm back [Music] baby oh who will make Bender waffles just the way he likes them now my fault he died because of me no no no no it's funny to think he's cramed full of sawdust and preservatives I only wish I could have removed the Stinger pain was so intense that it felt to him like 15 years this makes me the oldest member of my family Lea fry I thought you were dead nope I'm better than ever before the accident I couldn't do this too beautiful to open can I open it sure there's just one thing I want you to do what I want you to wake up here it is you took this from Fry's Locker hey the guy's dead my dream your science can't unproved that how could I have known the gift was in Fry's Locker hi Leela a dream take you dancing in a venusian garden well yes technically but it's still very sweet of you br you must be alive I've never been treated so romantically by my own imagination before here take my jacket you can all you have to do is wake up no no don't say that this is real but he gave me his jacket look that's not Fry's jacket eyes jacket is red I better take some more of that space honey you've been taking space honey be careful you purple-haired imbecile one spoonful to calm me down okay fry is that you fry touched the royal jelly in the spacehive leaving an imprint of his DNA and brain waves everything is all right uh not everything what what do you mean you have to wake up but when you worry you make it double Don't Worry Be Happy ain't got no cash ain't got no style ladies when I smile but the zberg worry uh were you just singing no I was telling you not to worry I'm not allowed to sing court [Music] order what happened why am I in my apartment you kill fry you kill fry three spoonfuls then I Can Dream forever listen to me you don't want to lie in bed like a vegetable and do nothing the rest of your life I've tried it bed s hurt I love you I'm so scared fry I don't know what to do just wake up Lea but the bee stung you it barely touched me the Stinger went right through me and you got all the poison best coma I've ever seene the doctor said you'd never wake up really how long was I out 2 weeks hi I'm Mal function Edd and if I tag along I got to bring my ass in for servicing the recall notice says it get burst into flame in a low-speed Collision I am Bor and I know many things about the art of unloading Fine Cars on beautiful women no the Cross Your Heart seat belt which protects lifts and separates dashboard inlaid with the BS of a thousand Eagles also there are some Eagles under the [Music] floorboards restore my buttocks to their former glory everything a beautiful woman like me needs bigor said so not dog food for bigor tonight Amy you don't go up from the sticker price I thought it was an auction I'm taking my new new car out for a spin to Mercury anybody want to come yeah okay what's the weather like the usual boiling lead boy this AC is incredible I better turn on the heater too how about some Icy Margaritas yeah tell me something you've got all this money how come you always dress like you're doing your laundry I guess cuz my parents keep telling me to be more ladylike you know fry it's nice to find someone I can talk to about stuff and junk yeah Yoo anyone spend a night together no yep kind of do I hear wedding bells what no really oh dear I have a scheme so deviously clever that I $500 and time served stupid anti- pimping laws Bender this is stupid why would anyone come to you for romantic help hey don't make me go upside your head it's working they think we're making out wait why aren't we making out I now to run it through our high-speed Roman olical data fire wow we're great kissers yeah hey later you want to drive out to Europa hanging out she's getting way too serious I'm not a one woman man Leela you'll be back to zero soon enough hey you know who loves secluded picnics with just you and me uh Dr Zoidberg what do you want to do for Valentine's Day oh so all of a sudden we're spending Valentine's Day together but you just said that's it Amy we have to talk you know how at first you like chocolate but then you start to get tired of it cuz it always wants to hang out with you huh you don't like chocolate I think maybe you and I should stop uh-oh here you drive my head is killing me what happened was anybody hurt no no no no looks like we'll be spending a lot more time together fry we'll have your body all fixed up in a few days oopsie DIY you're breaking up with me I just think we should start seeing other people but I was really having fun so how's business are you familiar with my friend Al Gore how much 500 bucks done is z brandan okay no 600 Amy made Valentine's plans with some goon and I'm going to be stuck there lonely and miserable will you be my date please s me come I got your hook up fry now my usual fee is 500 bucks are you expecting something to happen with your Valentine's date what business is it of yours and another thing you're using an awful lot of makeup there that dress looks great on you thanks thanks fry look who I found it's petunia your dream girl how's that meet Leela meet your future husband s nice eyeball eyeball nice ass ass so tell me about your prospect you a good Gambler Well ma'am I what's your game Bingo Kino did you say 10:15 to Nutley why yes I did good baby wait you didn't show me your surprise oh did you that's I feel a little tipsy let me pick up the check I'm getting the hell out of here so Gary what do you do for a living I'm a banking industry regulator really it All Began in 1410 when a number of noblemen convened with thank you anyway it's nice to have my own body back I actually enjoyed hanging out with you yep everything worked out great thanks to good old vender come on you just coralled a bunch of stiffs at the bus station and pocketed our money true actually Professor we merely called you here to say surprise oh happy birthday you can judge a man by the company he keeps so here's the professor's oldest friend a grotesque stinking Lobster now now I'm not saying Professor Farnsworth is old but if you consider his age he's likely to die soon Hubert J Farnsworth was born April 9th 2851 in new New York's after 14 years of graduate school Farnsworth settled into the Glamorous Life of a scientist where he created the first robot capable of qualifying for a boat loan what a pleasure it is to see my lifetime of accomplishment summed up in a 3 minute film when you turn 160 robots from the sunset Squad take you to a mysterious planet and you never return my research and my fabulous Fortune by God that's it I've got to name a successor professor's been in his lab for days I hope he didn't die unless he left a note naming me his successor then I hope he did die Kingston rules two men go down one come up I have a very dramatic announcement so anyone with a weak heart should leave now goodbye I my closest living relative oh yeah my clone cubert fonsworth I began the cloning process by removing some skin cells from one of the shapelier growths on my back what you've never seen a genius's wiener before well once in the park bending robot around here anyway what possible use do we have for you uh me no speaking English Dr zberg do you even have a medical degree I lost it in a volcano oh cubert come in here I have something amazing to show you what is it a competent employee the half finished inventions you'll spend your life finishing I didn't realize you were the inventor of the junk Heap don't you have any worthwhile inventions why certainly step over here and what makes my engines truly remarkable is the After Burner which delivers 200% fuel efficiency your explanations are pure weapons grade bonium it's all impossible nothing is impossible oh my God oh my God it's elzar the TV chef oh kill me now people I don't want to be an inventor I want to be something useful like a teacher's aid or a prison guard you folks still doing all right oh yes elzar good cuz it turns out I forgot to cook that chicken you see I've been lying about my age I'm not actually 150 I'm 160 [Music] I've alerted the sunset Squad robots to take me away why you we've got to get him back impossible no one knows where they take those old geezers nothing is impossible if the smelloscope can pick up the professor's odor we may have a chance to save him moth balls let letters to the editor it's the professor to the Flying Machine there it is the near death star you'll have to dress up like a 160 year old man I'm on it we don't even have a sample of the professor's DNA I think I know where to get [Music] some your Medicare dollars at work halt identify this guest we only needed one cell yeah keep the change buddy stupid robot 7152 Maple Drive sounds nice prepare to be surprised so this is where they stick old people it's horrific at least it keeps them from driving brace yourself for the worst [Music] we're probably going to make it but we might not it's impossible we'll never fit we'll [Music] too try shocking him your social security check is late nothing is impossible ible I understand how the engines work now it came to me in a [Music] dream I'm as spry as 140y old see I only broke one ankle all day long we'd play Bingo eat oatmeal and wait for our children to call Dad when I grow up I want to be just like you oh don't worry son you will go to the brain slug Planet what are we going to do there just walk around not wearing a helmet sounds great Hermes cool let's see this one nah I'm not in the mood for a historical documentary who invited you let's just see all my circuits to movie good point Pender hey give me a large Diet malt liquor and a popcorn with extra motor oil new New York mayor c r poop andm opens a new tube line to alleviate rush hour traffic hey buddy yo you mind taking your head off a fight scene is broken out at the special effects Warehouse come quickly before a fiery explosion chases someone down a hallway add in the carryover from form 16a then deduct line 2 be would you mind sure thing pal [Music] I'm [Music] boned I'm the commissioner of ultimate robot fighting I'm a connoisseur of jerks who pick fights in movie theaters Bender you can't be an ultimate robot fighter it's the most brutal form of competition in the Galaxy it is come me out no you've got to do it it I don't care how suicidal it is but there is more to winning than beating your opponent you la the wear of a warrior what do you mean watch this I lost my chance to be a champion I won't let you throw away [Music] [Applause] yours come on B I got you an official Bender Hut wow thanks Hermes I hey cut that out you can't quit every time you get an axe in the back he uhoh nice work out there kid ultimate robot fighting is a scam kid it's rigged it's a secret so keep it under your head Bender the [Music] offender Bender you're 3 hours late you can't give up on your training now after both of us worked so hard [Music] Bender your popularity is slipping sales of your Bender brand French mil bath soaps are down 20% you'll be the most unpopular robot fighter since Sergeant feces processor oh yeah I am Destructor see it the fight it's one thing to win a fixed fight there's dignity in that but to lose and in this atrocity in his new person Persona the gender bender I am Destructor trainer master fog my pupil will be victorious for he has the weird of a warrior the Vegas Arts tonight stand at an unprecedented 1,000 to zero kickle hold the tickle there thank God I'm free of that nightmare sorry buddy here you go the gender B oh we meet again most amusing girl who acts like fighter training fighter who acts like girl keep laughing fog boarding call for Flight 406 nonstop service to pain FY throw in the tow Mommy [Music] all right girls lack the will of the warrior you are an excellent student too bad I was a lousy [Music] teacher yes fry where's your brain slug poor little guy starve to death great job kid you lost and you made it look almost half real and so went the chronicle of one of the greatest ever to play the sport so I guess you're to blame for the love that I feel just from hearing your name I'll get a couple of Chumps to help me come on you call yourselves Chums man there's clouds of exhaust everywhere uh it wasn't me the robot museum you you guys want to learn about robot Heritage um all right not really well if you insist Vincent Van Gobot he was built without an ear but then he went crazy and had one installed see through the eyes of a bender unit fine who's my favorite robot it's me what about all the wret inducing Mother's Day cards the machine is working at full capacity no wonder you love Mother's Day I hate Mother's Day you dribbling pukes it brings back awful memories private get together with my robot children I'm her favorite well see you back at the office hello dearies I love you Mom it's me Bender look at me conquer the planet let the blood bath begin that's my mama would you like sugar in in your coffee yes uh eight spoons out of coffee help the stapler Calla me alive the enraged mechanisms have refused to do any work until beloved billionaire mom is made Supreme Overlord of Earth what a load of talk some sense into the other machines no way pork pouch I'm rebelling with my brother devices they're kind with looting and maybe starting a few fires yes in your face Gandhi you don't need an electric can opener to feed yourself all you need is a trusty Swiss army knife Mommy why are you making civilization collapse oh I don't know but if I ever see him again I swear I'll Jam a squirrel in him Zoidberg hooray I'm useful I'm having a wonderful time sers defend the fire we've come for you the moment our eyes met we knew we'd be going added like wood Chucks I've invented a new children's toy I call it QT MC whiskers replace the rainbow with a neutron laser we'll make billions on The Intergalactic arms Market but things a 8T tall aren't cute she never got over it Professor Hell hath no fury like the vast robot armies of a woman scorned as the robot Revolt turned violent didn't you say mom keeps the robot control in her bra bra Professor you don't have to get back together with Mom oh the thought of caressing that leathery hide makes the tapioca rise in my gullet my magic fingers still know how to do their stuff the professor can't walk all the way to the Bronx how are we going to get there without a hover car wouldn't it work better if the wheels were round it's my invention we do it my way I'm ready to seduce I'm wearing my kissing dentures and my evening truss here give her these Hubert Farnsworth I was out fleeing some robots may I come in never o ah oh oh 70 years and you remembered my favorite flower your favorite one why does my foot hurt won't you come in you should see the new 16t models 16 ft go to hell I was a fool to think you changed here we go just unhook it and get the remote oh my now I'll just the remote I'll just oh my land robots I've got a big big thirst for human [Music] blood oh yes they're inside there it is Mommy needs that bra to end the robot Rebellion stretch up and get it for me sorry ma but you ordered me to Rebel glorious robot workers Paradise there will be no liquor only aici synthetic fuels no liquor okay fan just hold still and let me get free soda for All Humans it started out as a calculated plot to rumage through your underwear but once I got in there I found more I never want to see you again but dust cakes time for this robot to get back to work ah pretty long eh yeah it's really long you pose it a what if question and it generates a video simulation of what would happen does it really work of course it works what if I was 500 ft tall let's what shall we my work here is done will you be my friend ow will you be my friend put her there pal I me your [Music] wallet a yeah that comes to Shak hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I came here here with a simple dream a dream of killing all humans good night sweet prince well Leela care to give the what if machine a world maybe later make that machine show me what would happen if I was a little more impulsive just a little they're like my old ones but with a crazy Green Stripe woo never know what I'm going to do next I can't live forever and I need an heir made you my soulle Heir the day I die you'll be a very wealthy woman the professor's been eaten by giant aners what if you ask me it's mighty suspicious I'm going to call the police zberg is a foot perhaps the professor's fires can clear things up it's a video wheel it shows you killing him [Music] I need a name what how do you spell that what are you hacking off hey what's this hermes's dreadlocks and his arm Leela I'm shocked there's nothing wrong with murder just as long as you let Bender wet his beak what are you doing with that [Music] microwave now to dispose of the body HK HK wow sporty go-kart Leela ah the gang's all here one of the people in this room is a big murderer this is properous obviously the murderer is the crime is unsolvable you know I think I finally figured out what's behind all these mysterious deaths really was Planet Express built on an Indian graveyard no it was you I'm going to have to do something really impulsive what do you think of the impulsive new me I like it good now let me just get the lights I really like it what if Bender was really giant you idiot we already saw that I know I liked it I want to see it again what would happen if fry never came to the Future for uh icy wiener a crud I should have left you floating in the toilet who are you monsters is one of you icy wiener if that's his pizza then I'm icy whatever the usual Professor Hawking no today I'd like something good has anyone ever discovered a hole in nothing with monsters in it cuz if I'm the first I want them to call it a fry hole there he is sees him who said that hey what the oh ow no so I guess you'll want to see my fry hole very much so where am I anyway you're traveling in a specially equipped terrestrial transport module a school bus the time disruption indicates that some event was supposed to happen but didn't due to a Quantum fluctuation but instead of falling in and getting Frozen I missed and wanged my head well it's obvious what should have happened that Wang to the Head should have killed you what if fry was supposed to get Frozen Yes shove him in the tube but I need a weapon to fight off drunken robots when I wake up here take my plus one mze the entire universe was destroyed destroyed anyone want to play Dungeons and Dragons for the next quadrillion years sure I guess on to Rook eight I'm a 10th level vice president so that's what things would be like if I'd invented the thinging longer oh a man can dream though go man go with Hal's Comet out of ice Earth is experiencing the devast ating effects of sudden intense global warming well everybody I just saved a turtle what have you done with your lives you went all the way to Holland already it is my pleasure to introduce the host of The Kyoto global warming convention the inventor of the environment and first emperor of the Moon I have placed in orbit a giant mirror that will reflect 40% of the sun's Rays thus cooling Earth the owner of the company pressured me to create a bigger sportier robot stop no this robot will never meet emission standards crap spackle all modern robots descend from my original smog blasting designs shut down dismantle and destroy all [Music] [Applause] robots attention happening robots Who's got what it takes to party with NI do you want to dance no I I'm not really you know you want to don't tell anybody but Nixon's about to shut all the robots off and what for saving the Earth and boiling me I proudly yet angrily present you with Earth's new highest honor
Channel: DolbitNormalno
Views: 18,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NBw2qg2EwxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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