Good News Everyone!

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the great news everyone you'll be delivering a package to chapek 9 a world where humans are killed on site good news everyone uh-oh I don't like the sound of that you'll be making a delivery to the planet triol here it comes a Mysterious World in the darkest depths of the forbidden zone thank you and good night good news everyone tomorrow you'll be making a delivery to Ebola 9 the virus Planet good news everyone today you'll be delivering a crate of subpoenas to Sicily 8 the mob Planet oh great news everyone shove it we quit in that case I'll have to hire a new crew to go on our company vacation good news everyone we've got a very special delivery today who's it going to me good news everyone we have a mission to further the noble cause of Intergalactic PE good news you'll be making a delivery to stos 4 a planet with such high gravity you'll most likely be crushed under the weight of your own hair enjoy good news everyone report to my bedroom for a private exhibition good news everyone I've taught the toaster to feel love good news everyone several years ago I tried to log on to AOL and it just went through we're online good news everyone the university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges wait that's not good news at all bad news everyone by the time you watch this tape I'll be gone leaving behind nothing but a history of failure and my original hip bones exciting news people the pet license I requisition for nibler has arrived good news news it's a suppository good news there's a report on TV with some very bad news somebody turn it on good news everyone I've invented a device which allows you to operate equipment from great distances I call it the fing longer good news everyone we were supposed to make a delivery to the planet tween 12 but it's been completely destroyed why is that good news they paid in advance good news everyone I'm sending you on an extremely controversial Mission good news everyone today marks our dear friend Dr zoidberg's 10th year with Planet Express haars are in order oh that's good news you know you really don't cook enough roast Leela oh women good news everyone the good news keeps oncoming behold my latest invention good good news everyone I've invented a way to turn vendor into a human using a process I call reverse fossilization news everyone today you're going to Osiris 4 to deliver this enormous Sandstone block good news everyone I've sold Planet Express to Mar good news I've programmed the reanimator to work for Bender as well good news everyone those asinine morons who canceled us were thems hes fired for incompetence good news everyone we've got a delivery to the nude beach Planet y so long jerk good news we're all going to learn more about it at a scientific conference I've often said good news when sending you on a mission of extreme danger so when I say this anomaly is dangerous you can imagine how dangerous I really think it is good news everyone you perfected dog mascara far from it if you ask me they look like a bunch of hookers good news crybabies we're back in business good news everyone save the Earth etc etc B good news everyone good news everyone the Clon mat is ready good news everyone I'm a horse's butt I am that's not good news at all you little good news everyone you'll be delivering pain medicine to the hive mind of Nigel 7 good news anyone the Swedish robot from Pika is here with the super collider I ordered bad news nobody the super collider super exploded good news I may have solved our age problem bad news everyone you're not good enough to go on your next mission good news everyone I'm still technically alive good news everyone the Bible is the real good news good news everyone Hermes and I have started a bender protest group good news everyone I'm going to make one final attempt to awaken Leela top secret news everyone I've developed a tiny Onan stealth fighter that's virtually undetectable good news nobodies impending news everyone we're about to learn the winner of the bet the news is not good good work everyone bad news me good news everyone we've been hired to make our 100th delivery good news all these pine trees are fighting global warming by producing oxygen happy now Gore good news we're back in business we've been hired to deliver an envelope that's good news bad news everyone look at this infinite series representing the mass of successive generations of Benders aren't you going to say good news everyone who likes good news everyone then good news everyone our next delivery isn't to some dangerous outer space Planet it's to Earth with Francis I have good news good news everyone remember when you asked to see my family tree good startling news everyone the good news is they can't start breeding the bad news is everyone is the Beast reproduces asexually good news everyone that's what the professor would say if he went in jail facing a life sentence movie tone news everyone I've discovered a new Comet good news multiplayers crew as you know I've delivered a lot of good news in the past but what I'm about to lay down is by far the greatest announcement in the history of Planet Express news and weather everyone good news everyone I hate to be the bearer of bad news also good news everyone we have a delivery to the robot home World Fox News everyone I've decided to make the fox our new corporate mascot sad news everyone I'm loome this is how you treat me after all the good news I've given you over the years good news every everyone good night everyone good news everyone I'm in terrible pain how is that good news it's not I've run out of good news brand herbal supplement if you don't get me more good news everyone my arthritis will make me seize up like a dried monkey carcass the active ingredient in my good news herbal supplement grows only on Omron Percy i8 good news everyone good news everyone someone's home is on fire good news everyone I don't know if you've heard the news but it's good everyone bad news everyone the creature is a shape shifter G NE e good news everyone that means it's bad de
Channel: ScareCro
Views: 1,217,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Futurama, Professor Farnsworth, Good news everyone
Id: YRCzEqkCoiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 19 2014
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