Fusion360 - Laying out flat sheet components to prepare for CAM

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hi this video is a follow-up to Taylor Stein's flat pack furniture design which he walked through the creation of this barstool that you can see on the screen many people have asked how this could then be transformed into a layout for cam whereby we might want to nest the pieces so this is just a quick look at one way which I've come up with to convert this design into this layout ready for machining it's actually quite a simple process I'm sure there are a lot of other ways in which it could be done this is one that I've come up with so let's start firstly when we were designing this piece each component has been built as a unique component and following through his tutorial Taylor has explained exactly why he's done this the first step is to create a new component group that will store all of the components of the model that is in 3d just like what we see on the screen so to do that we right-click at the root node new component I'm going to call it a 3d model then we need to select all of the existing components and move them into that 3d model and to do that we can just highlight them in the browser and drag and drop them into the 3d model now you'll see you can expand and all of the components are there the next step is to create a layout component that we are going to then use for our cam processing so I right-click again new component and I'm going to call this component cam layout now we want to copy all of these components into the cam layout folder but we want to keep them associated with their original components so the first thing I'll do I'll select the components I wish to copy right click and copy move down to my cam layout component and on that I want to use paste as opposed to paste new this is going to keep the components linked to their original so if I make a change to the original it's going to update the new one and vice versa during this operation it's going to ask if I would also like to move the component and just for simplicity I'm going to move it out to the side click OK and we now have a copy of the component I'm going to hide the original and we're going to zoom in on the new one we now want to split it up and lay it out so that we can create the machine paths with the capital my preferred way of doing that is to use the align tool which is in modify align select the face that we wish to align and then the face that we wish to align it to and that will they'll now flip the components on to the same plane and as you can see they're flat so I'll do this for all of the items to get them up onto the right plane you can see here I selected one side and it's flipped to the model over so I can just simply do that again and that will move it down later then need to lay them out and again I can just use the modify move you can either drag along a single axis or along a plane so very simply I'm just going to do a very quick layout this is not going to be an optimized layout to start off with you can also access move by right-clicking but it will allow us to move all of the items into a layout that we could then machined out of a single piece of timber and they are all on the same plane so we could describe design this to all work of the one layer if I was going to optimize the layup I might use some nesting currently there's no nesting plugins that I know of so we would have to nest that manually and to do that where you can use the rotate and move tools just to move them into a layout that would fit onto our machine and minimize offcut wastage that was good the advantage of having LED is out using a copy of the components is if we need to make a change to the original we only need to make it in one spot so to demonstrate this I am going to go to the home view re enable the 3d model which you'll see over here and I'm just going to make a simple modification to this top piece I'm going to put a hole in it that we might use for example to help lifting the chair so I can just select the sketch tool and I want to cut a circle and because I have the face selected it's zoomed in there let's just add a circle of an arbitrary size and using the push tool we will make that into a cup as you can see on our cut part as it is a copy the cut is already there so we could now go over modify our tool paths and continue
Channel: 2x4
Views: 53,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cad, cam, fusion 360
Id: ZYj37I88-4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2015
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