Fusion 360 T-Splines Tutorial Part 2: Deeper Control

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hmm what's up it's been a while but I'm finally back wave pot to the cheese blanket or so no it's been a while and just gonna do a little bit of introduction if you want to skip this probably like 20 seconds from now I guess or there'll be a timestamp in the description I travel a ton for work I'm really really sorry the response to the previous tutorial has been incredible which is why I'm gonna make more of the pirates into maybe tutorials from this year onwards focused a lot on us you'll design princesses I'm gonna look at different ways you can do stuff and if you leave comments with what you want to see me make a tutorial about and I take that humble to do that said this is pot to the t-splines tutorial I'm gonna go through how to get more detail out of your pots so in part 1 we covered the basics just absolutely basic stuff this time around is gonna be more about how to like get that finer information make sure that your model is much cleaner and so with that said let's jump right in okay so a few things before we get started I'm gonna break this tutorial into essentially chapters so you can see a little title screen it's things I haven't done before but we are covering a lot of stuff and I want to give you timestamp so you can jump back and forth between them in the description below too so before we get started a couple things I've already done my sketches here so you can see I already have my secondary my primary and my we large sketches to create the vehicle that I want underneath one of the other things that I've done is I've changed my view cube to orthographic generally I find with this kind of t-spline work that orthographic just makes life a little bit easier for some reason you don't have to do that you can work in perspective if you like but this is how I'm doing it um you'll also notice that I'm currently using the UI preview for fusion 360 it's a really really awesome update to the user interface makes getting to the tools that you want to use the most in each workspace a lot faster things are cleaner and I just generally like it more so with that said I'm just going to hit create form I'm gonna jump into our create form and just like we would with previous design I gonna go with extrude and select my first line here and before I even extrude it I'm gonna set my number of faces to 15 if I'm 15 to be the sweet spot with this kind of work and make sure your spacing is set to uniform like mine so I'm gonna start to pull this out basically approximately where I want the side panel to be it's about here then hit OK now from this point onwards we're going to be working in the box mode so I'm gonna go over to utilities and hit this play mode and change that to box display now basically the difference between box display and your smooth display is exactly what it sounds like box display is showing you essentially the underlying geometry that creates your t spline to give you that smooth form and if you want to create clean T splines this is pretty much the only way to do it working in box mode it also gives you a much better idea of what you're gonna get and also where things might go wrong - so strongly recommend checking that out so I'm gonna hit OK and the first thing I'm gonna do is add a side profile so no vehicle is flat on the sides here and they're all kind of tapered and curved and it's something that I'm gonna do you'll also notice that I've customized my tool bar up here a bit so I've added insert point extrude and faces as well as a few other things it just makes it easier to get to because I'm gonna be using them a bunch if you want to add things to the tool by yourself all you have to do is hover over them hit those little three dots and just put pin two shortcuts like it is there alright so I'm going to use insert point and I'm gonna start about here and go to there this is quite an exaggerated taper on my vehicle but I'm going for a kind of performance vehicle look so things are gonna be a little bit more extreme with that done I can just go ahead and double-click that edge and hit delete because I don't need it anymore then I'm gonna use my extrude tool excuse me not my extrude tool I'm gonna use edit form and double click that edge again and holding down alt on the keyboard or option if you're on a Mac grab that upward arrow and start to pull that in the direction that I want and that looks about good so I'm gonna hit OK then I'm gonna look at this from the right side and now I can start to bring in that profile that I've drawn here now what I'm actually gonna do is extend this to create a few extra faces as I go along there and then I'm gonna come back and clean this up at a later stage as we're working on it it's just gonna give me a little bit of extra stuff to work with in case anything goes wrong or I don't like the way things are looking so I'm gonna use insert point and I'm gonna start on my back end here it seems I've accidentally clipped so I'm just gonna hit cancel and start again so that's going set point let's just zoom in a bit and basically what I'm gonna do is trace my sketch profile from earlier so I'm just going through and it really doesn't matter if you don't nail this because you can come through and tweak it afterwards it's not a big deal so as I mentioned I'm just gonna go beyond that first part and just keep following that profile that I created earlier and hit OK so that's brought through a profile then I can just double click on this and hit delete and I'm gonna double click on that top edge and use my edit form to start to give this a little bit of a taper so grab that and start to do this to it but there looks good and I can hit OK and I don't need this anymore so I'm just going to switch my sketch off to make selecting this a bit easier I switch my sketch back on and next I'm going to start to put in the side profile so once again double-click that edge go to edit form hold down alt on the keyboard and start to pull that out and I might just drop that a little bit like this to create that profile and I'm gonna use insert point again because I don't want this to be identical to what I have here I want to create some additional form to my vehicle so I'm gonna get in a little closer oops seems like I wrestle ected something again let's do that again so one and I'm gonna straighten it out a bit not straight to the halfway point but a little bit closer and hit okay double click this delete I don't need that anymore and I'll start doing some extra work to this so once again edit form double click my edge hold down alt on the keyboard and start to pull that downwards then looking at this from the right side I'm gonna just flatten it out a little bit to start to give it more control make life a little bit easier I'm gonna set my scale to point zero one that basically flattens that whole edge out and that looks like a good place for that hit okay and now I'm gonna add another point to this for some extra detail so I'm gonna start here and go to about here hit OK don't need that bottom edge either and then using edit form on the keyboard again double click probably guess what I'm gonna do alt pull it down this time I'm going to make sure this is flat on the bottom I'm going to come through and add a vehicle taper afterwards so just set that to point zero one look at this from the side and I'm going to just bring that in a little bit now the profile is looking a little goofy to me it's not perfect I'm gonna grab this edge line here and again looking at this from the front it's just it looks a little too flat so I'm just gonna pop that out just a hair not too much and grab that inner edge that I made earlier and just bring that to about there alright that's looking good I've got a profile on my vehicle I'm gonna hit okay the positioning seems pretty decent to me but if I wanted to move it that's as simple as going to edit form again and using body and I can just grab this and start to push it in and out and she might just put it there a little bit further out now if you look at this you can see that I'm touching my wheels but I haven't fully extended to them that's cuz I'm gonna do the wheel arches afterwards so let's wrap this up so we've got the basic form before we start to put a little bit more detail in so I'm gonna go to symmetry and we're gonna use mirror duplicate and that's the body we're going to duplicate and this is gonna be the mirror plane so I'm just gonna hit OK on that and now we're going to bridge this across to create our general form for the vehicle so this stage a lot of people will bridge the entire thing including the bottom side now specifically because we're looking at a car I'm not going to do the underside because that's something I'm gonna worry about later one sort of a general form now this stage is really up to you do you want to put the base on or do you not are you making this as a toy car you're just doing this as a tutorial whatever it is for me I'm just gonna put the three faces on I'm not gonna worry about the bottom so let's grab that edge hold down shift on the keyboard grab that edge and you can see it's highlighting the other side in yellow to let you know that it's picked that side too and then I can hit bridge and it's not like that because it's symmetrical I should have remembered that slight differences between how T splines work and how regular bodies work so instead while it still says side one I'm just gonna double click along here double click along here double click along here and then I'm gonna set side two excuse me let's try that one more time so we're gonna go to bridge so that's the first edge that's the second edge that's the third edge side to ah excuse me now this is good to know this is one of those areas that sometimes gets thrown up by double-clicking stuff I've gone through that too quickly and so it thinks I'm trying to pick something that I can't which is why it's not working so let's be a little bit more methodical about that this time round so Bridge one edge and then let's just add the rest of that in and now let's click where it says site two and start pulling that round now I've got preview activated so it's gonna try and start adding that all in so I'm just gonna switch preview off for a second and make sure I'm just grabbing everything I need one two three or everything is looking good I can see my two Direction arrows are in place now I can set the preview to see how that's gonna look okay that's good I'm gonna use four faces and hit OK now with that done I have my general form obviously there's a lot of detail missing around the front and the back but by using that mirror duplicate and then bridging across I actually have a symmetry line if I deactivate my sketches you see I have my symmetry line there so if I grab for example this chain of faces here and here edit form oh yeah this is really important to note this is one of those things that might cut you a catch you out when you're using the selection filters in edit form this is something that I still to this day keep forgetting about if you have your selections filter set to something it's gonna remember that so because the last one I use was body and what I've done here was selected a single face when I hit form its gonna deselect that because it's assuming that you want it only wants to let you pick a whole body what I want is all so with that set of faces selected you can see I can just start to edit them together so that's the first first chapter bit done pretty good so far right okay so next up is gonna be adding some more detail to this and showing you how to do stuff like the wheel arches so the first thing I want to do is tweak my profile a little bit so it's way too flat on the front and that's as simple as just double-clicking on this edge and hitting delete and that's gonna bring that down now I'll worry about getting the form and the side profile right later on there's a couple things that I want to tweak here so I don't like the way that these edge lines are kind of profiling out which is going to impact the vehicle design so I'm just gonna get rid of these three and I'm gonna get rid of these three on the back as well that's too much and so first what I'm gonna do is add a new set of insert points from here to about here and that is gonna give me a sharper looking profile that's gonna look more like what I want the front of my vehicle to look like later on down the line and these edge lines are just gonna make pulling that up a little bit easier and I'm gonna do the same thing to the back here so I'm gonna insert point and I saw here and I'm actually gonna flare these ones outwards a little bit like that okay so now we're gonna start putting some detail into this first thing is going to be the front so obviously it's way too flat on the front of the back but that's by intent so I'm just gonna grab about this amount of edge line and let's hide the origin so it's a little easier to see what I'm doing and all I'm gonna do is just pull that forwards to start to create the form that I want in the front of my vehicle then I'm gonna grab these ones here and do the same thing I'm just gonna pull it out a little bit like that I don't want it to be as exaggerated I want kind of a point on the front of my car and I'm not soo thrilled about those corners either so I'm gonna just double-click that's a bit too much let's go from here to here and again looking at this from the top I'm gonna pull those back just a bit and then grabbing just from here pull that one just a touch as well okay and that's starting to look a little bit more like what I want and again I can keep exaggerating this let's say for example you want to give it a kind of Lamborghini style front all I would do is grab that point and pull that one inwards and that's starting to look more and more like what you want but I'm gonna worry about that a little bit later going to the back I'm gonna do similar thing so I'm gonna grab from about here to here and start to pull that one backwards and then I'm gonna do the same thing again with this group now definitely look at this front side because you want to make sure that you grabbed everything in the selection when you do that you don't want to come back to this later and look at it and see that although you've actually only pulled the top and you didn't grab that bit - and again looking at this from the top I can start to pull that a little bit as well up there it's creating a more interesting form with the vehicle again the corners are a way to kind of sharp it just bluntly ends like that so I'm gonna grab from here just to the bottom and once again just pull this in a bit I might rotate these ones a little bit - that looks good it's giving it a better form and again if I wanted to go with that more Lamborghini style look if I grab these two and just looking at once again looking at this from the side just pull that in and I can accelerate the almost create like a flared tail by doing the same thing at the top and just pulling that like that now is a good time to start to look at the profile of the vehicle so looking at this from the front from the side on this was pretty good but I'm not thrilled about that it's way too sharp so I can grab a point instead of the whole thing and start to just soften that a little bit I might scrap this guy a little bit now looking at it from the front it's obviously way too flat we need to put a camber on this so it starts to look more and more like an actual vehicle so again I'm just gonna grab these two here this this and again looking at this whoops lost it looking at this from the front I can just pull those upwards and create a nice mild camber now it's looking a little funky at the back there and again just got to grab it and tweak it a lot of T splines is looking around and just making sure that everything looks the way that you want it to look if it doesn't go back and start playing around with it some more and figure out what it is that you don't like about it for example looking this I might grab this point and just pull that in a little bit and start changing up the form of my vehicle more maybe I want to create if I grab this point and start pulling this one outwards it's gonna start to create a kind of crazy pointed rear end now's a good time to also have a look at this in the smooth display so I'm just gonna hit OK and just press control three and that's gonna smooth everything out and you'll get that smooth view of your vehicle this is looking pretty decent obviously it's not perfect and it's quite far removed from what we did what you see in the Box mode but again as we start to add more and more detail to this thing it's gonna start to make more and more sense and it'll feel more and more like what you want actually looking at this in the smooth view I can see that this is just a little bit odd I'm not thrilled about that so I'm gonna grab that edge and just pull that inwards like this maybe rotate it a touch and I'm gonna grab that point and then again do the same thing I'm just gonna pull it in just a hair and I might grab that and push that backwards like that all right it's starting to look a little bit more like something you'd want to get inside and drive so next up with the wheel arches okay so for the wheel arches there's a couple things we need to do first first of all I'm going to add that rear kind of taper that you see on a lot of vehicles and once again that's using insert point so I'm going to start here and I'm just gonna move to about let's go there okay okay and obviously because we have our symmetry on its reflected it on the other side and then I'm gonna use insert point again and just connect from this end to this end hit okay and then I don't need any of this so just go ahead and delete that and now I've got that rear taper on my wheel and on the body it's starting to look more and more like a car and now for the wheel arch itself so for the wheel arch itself I need a little bit more data to work with so I'm going to add an extra edge all along this line and pull this upwards and this is gonna create a new position for me to grab my and grab and create insert points with so bow but there is good let's pull it just a touch higher so next what I'll do is go to insert point and start drawing my wheel arch so I want a bit of an exaggerated wheel arch so I'm gonna start here and just start drawing in what I want my wheel arch to look like now it doesn't have to be perfect just so long as it starts to look at least resemble what you want obviously like this area it's got a bit weird so all I'm gonna do is just hit set point and just do that hit OK and then I can get rid of these two so before you actually start to create the wheel arch obviously we're gonna get rid of this stuff but we want to make sure when we're done get rid of this little guy here that we have some clean geometry to work from so looking at our edges for example this one like that's a five edge that's really no good so I'm just going to weld the vertices there just grab that one in that one clean that up and then this three point again this is not ideal so I'm just gonna get rid of that actually let's yeah we'll kill that there and then I'm gonna get rid of this face and just create a whole new one so I'm gonna use my face tool and go one two three four like that and that's good so obviously like that might look a little strange oh we're about to clean that up it's not a big deal so I'm going to use grab that loop so the way I did that was it just click on this one and then double click there and notice that we have another dodgy element there and I'm just gonna weld those as well now you see welding that one of the things I forgot about is actually I have an edge line there so I've got a couple ways of dealing with this I can either just add another edge line in so I don't have this or I can get rid of that face and rebuild it so I think I'm just gonna go with insert point and I'm just gonna put a point in like that okay a good time now to just hit control three and look at this in smooth view obviously that is no good there that's gone horribly wrong so if I go to make uniform that's gonna clean that right up very quickly for me super useful tool very very neat trick to know hit control one two go back to this view looking at this from the right what I'm gonna do is grab those edges and then go to my edit form tool and using that same alt trick but this time I'm gonna the scale line instead and that's gonna pull in some extra faces for me obviously that up there is a little bit too close so I'm gonna change my pivot point to my corner here confirm that and then just grab the vertical scale and pull it down a little bit next up what I'm gonna do is just look at this from the front view and pull this to my desired position which is about here and then scale that flat so that point zero one trick again and let's just pull that a little bit closer now obviously you might have noticed as we work through this that the dimensions look really really small that's because I'm still working from that MA chassis that we use in the previous tutorial but everything that we do here is totally applicable to any other workflow you might use so don't worry too much if you're concerned about anything there so next what I'm gonna do is start to edit the form and I'm not gonna look at the edges but I'm gonna start to grab these points and reform them to be basically where I want start to look a little bit more like my wheel arch obviously you don't want anything crashing into the wheel itself which is why I'm pulling these up and around and actually one thing I can do to make my life a little bit easier here is activate sketches so I can see where my wheel arch is I'm gonna grab my set of edge lines here so from this loop through to here and let's just make sure we got everything that's not everything and actually you know what I think just this is good pull that up just a touch like that and then make sure that everything is where it should be so just grabbing each one of those points it doesn't matter too much you may have noticed that with the previous tools what I've been doing is grabbing only the vertical or the horizontally locked lines to pull my shapes around with the wheel arch it's not such a big deal really what you're looking for here is matching that profile that you've set up that's kind of close enough and then what I can do from here to make sure that it's exact is to go to modify and then down to pull and I'm gonna set this to select targets but I'm gonna grab my vertices first so that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then my target is gonna be that wheel arch and that's now started to grab that profile a little bit more if I look at this in smooth view that's really really close to what I want obviously there's some stuff here that's not perfect but again we'll clean that up later I'm gonna run my make uniform operation again just to ensure that everything is nice and clean looks good go back to box view and now for the front of the wheel hey guys so sorry about that my webcams crapped out but let's let's keep going so I went ahead and just created the front wheel arch already because there's no point in me repeating that you basically saw how to do in the front now I'm just gonna check that everything's okay so going back to my smooth mode and just verifying that everything looks clean doesn't look like I need to run a heal so let's jump back to the box mode okay so from here this is a good place to start potentially adding some extra details in we're gonna go through additional detailing and more complex features in part 3 so don't worry if you feel like there's more to learn I haven't covered it yet but now I can just go ahead and start to get an idea of what that wheel arch is gonna look like I want to give it a kind of flared look so I'm going through and I'm just kind of creasing around that edge line there just to make sure everything's looking nice and clean it's the way I want it to be and so just don't forget to make sure you select everything as you go through and then I want to shop a look on my back end so I've just creased that rear end there to give it more of that kind of accentuated spoiler look that I want without actually putting a full-blown spoiler on and again because I want this to have a kind of Lambo look I'm gonna start creasing that front as well to give it a kind of sharper definition and again in part 3 I'm gonna go through how to really exaggerate these features and start to add more detailing in that's looking pretty good and now I can start to just check everything's cool yeah pretty happy with that I'm just gonna tweak this a little bit to start to give this a little bit more of the profiling that I wanted so I'm just pulling that forward to accentuate that front feature more give it that sharper look and then I'm gonna smooth this area out a little bit as well just making sure I don't grab it looks like I've grabbed slightly too many of the edges so I'm just gonna deselect that one if you're having trouble deselecting it like I am right now just go ahead and hold down shift and then whoops that's I mean command and then just grab everything and now I can just start to smooth that detail out a little bit so it looks more how I want the profile to continue there and that's looking pretty good so just one more try just to clean it up a little bit like surface continuity is something that's really important and very conveniently something you can do most of the work by eyeballing but that's kind of it for this tutorial hope hope it was worth the wait and don't worry part three is coming very very soon all right guys I hope you found that tutorial useful part three is coming very very soon I'm actually gonna start recording it right now and should be up next week cross let me know what you thought don't forget to Like share and subscribe and if you got ideas for things you want to see me tackle don't forget to leave a comment below and I will make a tutorial about that
Channel: Paul Sohi
Views: 12,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Autodesk, T Splines, Fusion 360 tutorial, tutorial, automotive design, industrial design, mechanical engineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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