Fusion 360 - Part 1/3 - Model and Assemble a Shed - Intermediate/Advanced Tutorial (2023)

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welcome to another tutorial as brought to you by the learn it channel in this tutorial you are going to learn the fundamentals as to how you can model and assemble this shed so who is this tutorial for then it's everyone who would like to improve with their skills in multicomponent assemblies workflow component management Etc it's a really fun project that will teach you fundamental to Advan skills that I think most if not all of you who watch our channel will benefit from so let's dive into it so the very first thing we're going to do is open up a new project and we're going to save it and for this particular tutorial we are going to rename it our shed tutorial now one of the very first things that I always teach my students to do is we have to think about well what are we actually going to make here are we going to make individual components are we going to make assemblies are we going to make subassemblies like what are we going to do so if we look at our sample shed here the one that I practiced on you can see in our browser that we have several sub assemblies so we have our Master assembly here but we also have our floor sub assembly wall front wall rear wall right roof and wall left so these are things that we can Invision we can think about ahead of time about the basic elements of our assembly and create those components and we call them components because we have to create them first as components and as we add components within them they become assemblies but we think about those individual sub assemblies well in advance of our project well as far in advance as possible so let's do that we're going to click on our shed here and we're going to rightclick and call up a new component and let's call this our floor and now we can think about our right wall and go down the list so for the visually astute out there you might notice that we don't have a left wall created and that's because well when we look at our sample shed here the right wall is exactly the same as the left wall however it is mirrored and so part of this tutorial is you're going to learn when is it that you use copy and paste components when is it that you use copy and paste new components when is it that you should use the rectangular pattern or circular pattern and when is it that you should mirror well the right and the left walls are an example of mirroring and we will get to that eventually but let's first of all start off with our floor so once we've created all of our components and remember this is just as an example if we are to create a new component after we've created one here and we're going to call this let's just call it left wall for fun well look at where it has been placed it's placed in our roof assembly now so we don't want to do that we always want to make sure when we create a new component what I like to do is rightclick on our master or primary assembly and create a new component from there that way it will create all of our sub assemblies in the correct umbrella or the correct structure so once we've created all of our sub assemblies that we can think about let's activate our floor and we can expand that in our browser as well so the next thing that we need to think of are the primary components within this subassembly so what can we think of well let's just look at our shed here I'm going to isolate oh we've got to isolate it now there we go so if we look at this what do we have well we've got our runner we've got our Rim board we've got our joist we've got plywood and we've got a concrete block so all of these things make up our IND individual subassembly as our floor so why don't we make those and all we have to do is make one at a time so within our floor we're going to rightclick now and create a new component so for this let's create our runner first of all and now this shed is going to be 12 ft wide by 8 ft deep so if we create a runner and we can really make it on any plane that we want because we're going to assemble these individual Parts later on so let's create it on our YZ plane and I'm just going to Simply create a 4x4 uh so for those who don't know Imperial uh measurements 4x4 is actually 3 and 1/2 by 3 and 1/2 and that's because they have been milled down from their original dimensions of 4x4 a qu inch is taken off of both sides to make them 3 and 1/2 by 3 and 1/2 so anyways there we go not to confuse you anymore with Imperial measurements but uh there we go so our distance here is going to be 12 ft and we're going to multiply that by 12 in and what I like to do we don't have to do this but I'm going to go symmetric and then I'm going to go whole length so this is actually 144 in and you can see that's the measurement right there so let's go okay and within our runner we now have our body and our sketch our timeline is very simple let's hide our runner now let's create a new component and we're going to call this our Rim board So within our Rim board we can create a sketch and I'm going to do it on well let's do this face as well or that plain I should say and this is going to be 1 and 1/2 by 5 1/2 in tall it's a 2x6 so we're going to extrude that as well let's go symmetric and go 12 in * 12T as well and we can make sure to go whole length so remember if we go half length this is double the length it's 14 44 on this side 144 on that side but we want to go whole length and there we have it so look at that our Rim board is now done as well let's hide that now let's create another component and what can we think of here let's create our joists so our joists are actually and we can create them on our XZ plane and let's create our Center rectangle this is going to be a 2x6 as well so I'm going to go 1 and 1/2x 5. five and this is going to be so if we want to do the calculation here we can it's very simple let's just go symetric whole length and now type in our equation so we want it's going to be 8T long so 8 * 12 and then we want to minus the rim board width for the front and the back so we want to minus 1.5 * 2 there we go so this is going to be our joist we can hide that now what do we want to do well let's create our plywood this is great okay we're going to call this our plywood and create our sketch on our XY plane create ourselves a center rectangle of 96 by 48 in now this is probably one of the only parameters that I am going to include is the thickness of our plywood so let's do that and we can just call this plywood thickness and we're going to call this 5/8 of an inch there we have it and we can just extrude this now to our parameter plywood thickness there we go 5/8 of an inch so we can hide our plywood what else do we need to create well our concrete block so we can create another component and now our concrete block I'll just do it on the X y plane there and why don't we call it a 12 by 12 concrete block and this is going to be 6 in thick it's going to be pretty beefy there we have it oh so I didn't rename this but now we can just single click it and click it again and then we can call this our concrete block there we have it so we've got all of our different components they're all floating on top of each other and remember most of them are transparent because we've Act AC at our concrete block so now we want to activate our entire subassembly our floor assembly and there's all our parts they're floating within one another but this is the fun part this is the uh Lego for adults you might say where we can assemble everything or you might say our Tetris for adults so any of you who have mastered Tetris growing up well this is your ball game right here and we're going to have fun assembling our floor together right now so what should we start off with well I would probably and this is all up to you I would want to probably start off with something that makes most sense to me and for me I think that the rim board is what makes most sense so the rim board if we go back to our practice shed here and we can un isolate that let's just isolate our floor our Rim boards are the one in the front and the one in the back here and our joists hang between those now I just want to make this clear I am not a carpenter I'm a machinist I started Machining when I was 12 years old and I started programming at 15 years old however uh I have been working in many different fields and I have built sheds I have built I have put together kitchens before uh and so I have some experience with woodworking if I have labeled any of these parts wrongly please don't give the thumbs down please give a thumbs up put the right name naming convention down in the comments below tell me where I've where I've gone wrong and hopefully I could make it up to you uh but uh this is again a tutorial that's teaching you proper assembly proper workflow how to assemble things together and uh to end up coming up with a product that you're happy with and that you can make a bill of materials later on you can calculate weight if you need to you can visualize everything you can make sure that it's going to go together just the way you want so what I'm thinking of are these Rim boards right here so I'm going to start off with this first Rim board and I want to join it and this is where you're going to have to get used to joining properly and so I want to stress this right from the beginning I won't mention it again we pick the face that we want to find our snap point on and we're going to select the face first it turns blue and now no matter what I do I can try and pick another snap point on another face and it won't allow me because I've selected that face first so now I want to pick this particular snap point and what do I want it to snap to well I'm going to turn on my master origin and I can actually snap it to that particular location and now I'm going to bring this out and it's going to be half of 8 ft so I'm going to go minus 48 in and there we have it so this master origin will not move that's the good thing about using that don't use the origin within the subassembly use it for the master origin and uh that way it will keep everything buttoned down to a location that you know will never move so let's hide that origin now and now what do we do well some of us might be tempted to mirror this Rim board to the other side now why do we not want to mirror it well let me show you by going to our design and go to our drawing workspace within our drawing workspace here we can see well I'll just go to that view just for fun let's go okay we've got and I will just toggle those particular parts of the sub assemblies off right now we're not even using them but here we've got one board and if I create a build of materials real quick a parts list here we have item two we have an item before in our design so it's saying that we have a quantity of one and it's our Rim board well look at this if we go back and I'm just going to save this as well if we go back to our file and we are going to mirror this let's look what happens here we're going to mirror it off of that plane so this is perfect and if we want to see the dimension in between the two of them I'm going to pick that face I'm going to spin around hold down shift or control or command on a Mac and look it down here the distance between the two is 96 in so this is perfect we''ve got two component components this is looking great well what's the problem I'm going to save this and let's go back to our drawing and see how it affects our drawing we are going to update our version now we've got two Rim boards but what's our quantity we only got one as a quantity now some of you also who know how to operate Fusion we can see in our uh in our timeline here that we've actually mired our bodies but we could actually let's go back here sorry I can actually mirror as a component and let's see what will happen here too let's save it let's update that and look at what we have in our parts list we've got one quantity for a rim board and one is our quantity for our Rim board mirror well we don't want this in our parts list we don't want to give this to somebody at the Home Center and say well I need a rim board and a rim board mirror a quantity of one each when they're the exact same component so that's just showing you that we don't use mirr in this instance when it's the exact same shape size orientation all of it is the exact same we do not use mirror so let's undo that so what we're going to do here is rightclick on rim board copy and then paste within floor now we can remember these shortcuts this is the command button on a Mac it will say control on Windows uh computer butth we want to paste it and now look what we've got Rim board 2 we're just going to move that over and I can join this to anything I want I can join it to the origin or I can join it to this other Rim board but look what I'm going to do I'm going to select that select that as well and move this over 48 in and there we have it so Rim board one Rim board two because I've copied and pasted don't select paste new we'll do that later on because I've done that now let's see what our bill of materials looks like or our parts list there we have it so our Rim board there's only one item but our quantity is two so this will keep our parts list under control and much easier to work with in the future so let's go back to our shed and and we're going to go to our next step let's hide the origin now probably what I would do is start hanging the joists so here I'm just going to move that joist off to the side and we can start joining so here you will have to get used to how to join or or or which parts of the individual components you want to join but I am going to keep it as a standard I'm going to join all my parts if I can to our front rim board so let's select this top corner and remember the formula infusion this to that this to that we don't say in English that to this do we we say this to that so move this part to that and we can select that point right there and there we have it so our joist is how hanging in between our two Rim boards no problem so at this point this is really cool because we can go to our rectangular pattern and select components as our object type if we select bodies we're going to be in trouble it's not going to work out for us so make sure if we're creating a pattern for components well we select components so select our joist and remember if we can't select this directly if there's a bunch of different parts we can always select it in our browser pick our axis we're going to move our Arrow over and let's go extent this is going to go all the way to minus 144 and you can see it's actually hanging off the end of our Rim board so we're going to have to add the thickness of our 2x6 which is 1 and2 in there we go but we only have three well let's go back to our pattern and we're actually going to calculate this so it's 12 ft long where they need to be 12 in on Center so 12 divid or 144 / 12 equals 12 let's go 12 here and let's see our first error we can see what they are on centers by clicking the side holding down shift clicking the other side and it's actually 13 in that's a big no no for trying to put down a slice of plywood so we actually have to go back and add an additional one it's actually if we count the spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 spaces we need 12 spaces so we actually have to add another one now let's see our on Center distance hey there we go 11.875 spoton we can lay down the plywood and uh fasten it without issue right now now as you can see because we have patterned our components now we have 13 joists in our subassembly again if we save this and go back to our drawing and update it look what we have we've got 12 joists so this is perfect this is how we want our bill of materials to look great so now we've got all our joists in the right position what would we want to do now well let's let's do our runner so I'm going to make my Runner visible and again we can just drag this down below you can see as soon as I drag it this position menu shows up here so I can go revert and that disappears as soon as I move it it will pop up there so I can either capture it or revert I don't want to capture it because that adds another item to the timeline but at this point we can just joint it to our floor so I'm going to pick that corner right there and go below here and pick that corner perfect now I don't know exactly what the overhang is supposed to be here but I'm just going to bring this in 8 in and we could actually create another formula at this point or parameter so we can say Runner overhang right let's call it 8 in perfect can go back to our joint and we're going to call this negative overhang perfect now the same thing on the other side we're going to click on our runner rightclick copy paste don't do paste new we can just move this off to the side we are going to join it underneath to that location perfect and we can apply this parameter once again and we can go to our runner overhang there we go so if we don't like that particular overhang with our design let's just change it there we go 20 in you can see it it adjust let's go 40 in well clearly that's not going to work for us we can go 5 in if we want but let's just go 8 in again if you know how much the overhang is supposed to be in this instance put it down in the comments below we'd love to hear from you okay so that's our Runners now let's go to our concrete block I'm just going to bring this on down to the bottom there and we can join it I'm going to join this to that perfect all righty so our concrete block is down there now this is a really cool thing about Fusion we can go duplicate with joints and it's going to say okay what components do you want well we're going to select that component and then we just select our snap point so let's go over here and select that snap Point puts it right in the right location we can just snap again it's just in snap mode right now there we go perfect so the only thing is is that if we select the midpoint here you can see that it's not the correct snap point and that's okay so what we can actually do you can see these are all of our joints down here and our last two we can actually select the correct snap point there and it's actually going to be this this is the one that we're working with sorry there we go we're just going to hold down command or control select our midpoint there we go and we can do the same thing for oh we've got an air here there that's all right so actually what I'm going to do is yeah we can just go to that and go edit joint perfect and now our snap Point here let's get rid of that and let's hide our first since this is our first block I'm just going to hide that in our browser and now I should be able to select the midpoint there and it shouldn't bring up an air there that's what we want to see and we can do the same thing over with this one I'm going to select that joint right click edit joint get rid of our first snap point it's going to send it back to its home position and I'm going to pick the midpoint now it's going to slide on over there now where's our first concrete block well we've hidden it over here so there we go those are all our concrete blocks all in Order Perfect the last but not least we've got our plywood so we're just going to oop okay we're going to get to that issue in a second so we can single click on our plywood and now we can move it and I am going to join it on the bottom that snap point to this guy right here boom Perfecto excellent that's exactly what we want and once again we can go to our rectangular pattern select components make sure our plywood is selected our axis is going to be our x axis and we're going to move this over so we don't need to do a extent here we can go to spacing and we know the width of our plywood which is 48 and there we go quantity of three if we go four we've got an extra piece hanging off the end there but we only want to go three and would you look at that our flooring is all done so let's save it now let's just talk one moment here before we move on about proper naming convention so again we're going to take this drawing we're going to take this particular drawing that we're making in progress right now we're going to take this to our home center we're going to give it to the Home Center people and they are going to help us out so we've got one Runner right now uh rimor Joyce plywood so I wonder why that is all messing up on us Runner 2 should be in there okay well we'll get to that in a moment but um we want to take this and give it to somebody at the Home Center and they can show us where to find all of these uh different components of our shed so it's good to name it or rename it at this point so we know exactly what to find so let's just go to our runner and we're going to isolate it and our runner is again 4x4 by 12 feet long so what I'd like to do is just put that in the beginning or the front uh the prefix of our name so 4X 4 by 144 in long or we could call it 12 ft long and as we do that look what happens to our other Runner name well it updates correspondingly so I'm going to do that for all of these and we're going to go a little bit quick with the video so you don't have to see me do this all so let's just go un isolate and adjust these correspondingly and again to find the total length just click on an edge that you want to see the total length and there it is 144 great so all of our items here have been updated except for the concrete blocks I don't know exactly what the Home Center has for the size of the concrete blocks so we're just going to leave that now before we move on we're going to talk about how to apply appearances and apply material properties uh but just before we move on I just wanted to to send out a special request if you're benefiting from this tutorial at all it takes no time for you at all to to thumbs up please consider giving us a like it really helps out our channel to send this video out into the YouTube world and and help to spread uh what we do here at the learn it Channel we're a small Channel but we would love to try and do this a little bit more um if you love our Channel please consider becoming a YouTube member you can see that in the description below a link how to become a YouTube member or a a patreon member uh consider buying us a coffee too any little way like this would really help out our Channel and we thank you immensely for your help ahead of time for actually considering this so uh let's continue on let's go to our material properties right now so if we go to our runner and go to physical material you can see that the default material is steel so if we go to rightclick and properties well how much is our 4x4 going to weigh here what's the mass I should say well we've got 8,000 O mass well if we want a an actual real reading here let's uh save this or a measurement I should say let's save that go to our drawing we're going to double click our drawing and let's turn on mass and we can actually within our Mass here I believe yeah with our units we can change this to kilogram so our Runners are 226 kilg a little Overkill a little Overkill so we need to change our physical material to Wood and we're going to drag and drop a pine here so we actually want to apply this to everything um let's go and just encapsulate everything there and drag and drop Pine and there we have it so this will change our physical material if you change the appearance it will look exactly the same but the mass will still be showing up as being steel so if we want to have a total weight of everything make sure that we go to physical material and apply a particular material to our design now obviously we don't want to do this with the concrete blocks so let's just go right click physical material on the concrete block and I'm going to hold down command select all our other blocks and this we don't actually have concrete we have stone and I'm just going to apply Field Stone to it and let's remove our wood properties so now it's Field Stone and now at this point we can press a to go to our appearance and type in concrete and there we have it so again we can select our concrete block all of them by holding down Commander control dragging and dropping concrete so now it looks a little bit more like concrete and our entire floor is done perfect let's go save now next step let's go to our rear wall so we're going to do this and we're going to lather rinse and repeat with the exact same methods that we just used for the floor but we can hide our floor now we can expand our rear wall and start creating new components for all the components that we know that will be part of the rear wall so we can create a new component calling it our soul or top plate next our studs and we're just going to call it stud and then lastly we're going to create our filler blocks and again let's not create it as plural let's make it singular there we go so let's activate our soul top plate and just create one at a time so again I'm going to pick the YX axis there or plane I should say and this is going to be 1 and A2 by 3 and 1/2 perfect and when we hit extrude again it is it selects it by default so we're going to go symmetric and this is going to be 144 in long perfect now our studs here we're going to pick our well we can pick the same y z plane and here we're going to call this well this is going to be I believe 88 in and we can call that 3 and A2 and let's just make sure for a moment here okay let's just go here to our distance of one and half and it's actually supposed to be 7 8 in and a half 7 8 in and a half tall so this is we're going to have the sole plate and two top plates so what's this let me just do the math here yes it is 88 in spoton so that's our stud and then our filler blocks let's just go there and this guy we can create on the same plane go to our origin this is going to be just 12 in tall three and a half perfect and let's extrude that as well symmetric whole length distance three and A2 oh no that's a little bit too much we want to go one and a half there we have it so we only we only have three components for our whole back wall so let's go to our let's activate all of it and we're going to move this stud off to the side and let's start assembling perfect once we've got that we can rectangular pattern so remember object type components that's what we want select our axis now why would I not want to select the actual part of our soul plate here or our individual component why do I would why would I rather select part of our origin well our origin never moves so our soul plate might we might change it later on and that would totally throw off everything if we're to start basing it off of uh an individual component rather than our main origin so here we go we're going to go to extent again and this is going to be minus 144 + 1 and A2 there we have it and how many quantity well we want 13 again and this should be 12 in on Center that's it awesome now we want to add uh two top plates up here so we can just click on that and rightclick copy now the shortcut command or control V go okay do it again we're going to add two now just select one and you can see it turns up in blue now we can drag it to the top select the next one drag it to the top and there we have it so here we can take these guys and we can assemble them to our wall that's it now we also have to change these studs a little bit we have to add two more paste I'm just going to move that over it's a little easier to work with and we can do the same thing over here stud 13 copy and paste there we have it and I am going to join I can just do the mid to the midpoint here if I want and move this over one and a half let's go back to that I think I only went one inches yep there we go so one and a half and we can do the same thing over here select that midpoint and this midpoint again it doesn't really matter the snap point if we keep a a a regular process or a standard we might say it makes it easier later on but something that easy we can just pick the midpoint and call it a day so I'm not now I'm going to move that filler block over and we are going to join this up as well perfect and what I'm going to do is Select that we're we going to copy and command V there we go let's just move that on down and I'll show you a little secret here it saves us a little bit of time I'm going to pick that snap point and right there as well perfect now we can actually rectangular pattern components and we can pick both of those we can pick that filler this filler now select our axis and again we want to Let's hide our studs here pick that one perfect and let's just move this into place now if it's 88 in tall let's move this over and up to what would this be 76 and we've got three there we go and it will add everything in our browser here in order we've got filter block 1 2 3 4 5 six that's it and we can make those active or visible so now we've got our back wall here and let's save it and again at this point I'd like to rename these components this is 144 in so the sole or the top plate is going to be a 2x4 by 12 ft and why don't we just yeah why don't we call it 12 ft it will update all of them our stud how tall is the stud here 88 in so we can go to any stud actually doesn't really matter they're all copies of each other so 2x 4X 8 88 in and it will update all of them and our filler block is 2x 4X 12 in and that's our entire wall now you might take note that if we move our stud off to the side uh we don't want it to do that we want everything to move uh in unison so what we do here is we're going to envelop everything and go to assemble and create a rigid group and it's saying yeah there's already constraint there but we want to add another one that's perfect now if we move our wall everything moves together let's revert position and now what we can do too is go to rightclick physical material we're going to select everything and apply the pine and there we have it we've got our Pine look and properties all applied at once so we actually have to go back to our floor right now and we can activate that and let's isolate it and here we're actually going to create a rigid group as well so let's do that yes and now everything is joined together we can click it and we can't move anything because they're all joined together now let's go to our rear wall make that visible we'll activate our primary assembly move this off to the side now you can see all the joints are visible here so I'm just going to turn those off go to our floor joint to our rear wall joints turn them all off make them invisible just so we can keep our sanity and we can join remember this to that we want to move our back wall to something that isn't moving we want to move it to that which is oop I picked the wrong one there we go and we want to pick our Plywood And here when we're selecting joints if it's got if it's a sub assembly and it's got all these different components it will only move the one that we've selected until we hit okay and then it will drag and drop everything into place right there so what do we have here we've got the beginnings of our shed we've got the floor completed we've got the back wall completed if you have benefited from this tutorial at all please again consider liking it would mean the world to us if you were to do that and show your support and again if you'd like to consider becoming a member that would be great one last thing before we go uh you might recognize that I am just spinning this model around in space very easily I use a 3D connection space Mouse Pro if you're interested in buying one see a link in the description below so now before we close up this tutorial if you want to see how to make the right and left walls the front wall the roof all of the details to finish this shed how to do a bill of materials how to do all the drawings properly so that we can just print it off go to our home Center get every all these supplies for us to make our shed or home or whatever the need may be uh if you want to see those tutorials please comment in the comments below please consider liking um let us know anything else if we've missed anything or anything else you want to see in the future would you like to see renders of this how to create good renders well put that in the comments below thanks so much again for joining the learn it Channel hope to see you at the next tutorial if there are enough likes if there's enough interest out there well then you will see that there is a secondary tutorial or a string of tutorials that are connected to this one that will describe how to finish off the rest of our shed and all of those other aspects the building materials Etc uh so you'll see that on your screen at the end of this tutorial but if not please smash that like button and uh thanks again for tuning in to the to the learn it Channel hope to see you at the next tutorial
Channel: Learn It!
Views: 12,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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