Fusion 360 | Moldeling a 3D House | Quick and Simple

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hello everybody and welcome to a new tutorial today i will show you how you can model step by step an entire 3d house in fusion 360. we'll have here a sidewalk ground floor the first floor and of course the roof so let's get started the first thing that we must take into this duration is that we will work in centimeters so just to be sure click here document settings and go to centimeters now let's set some parameters for example in our case let's go here to modify change parameters and here it will appear a new window let's click here to the plus and let's write for example wall it is basically the wall thickness and we'll write here 25 okay of course you can also add others parameters it doesn't matter but for us today it is just fine and then we'll press ok now let's start through a new sketch but in order to do that let's create first of all the new component because we will have two components we'll have the ground floor and the first floor so let's go here to create a new component and we'll right here ground floor and then we'll press ok and as you see now the ground floor it is our main component it is the active one so let's create a sketch here it is good go to the top plan and let's construct a rectangle but let's go here rectangle center rectangle the first dimension it will be 1600 tab 1600 it is basically a square in our case double click on the mouse wheel now let's use the offset command so select this rectangle drag it inside and let's write 100 just to have this sidewalk and now let's construct the first layer of walls but let's delete first of all those two lines offset gan 125 and now let's construct some rectangles so press the air letter and starting from here for example why not first dimension 400 tab 500 another one 400 tab 500 again let's use the sketch dimension press the d letter or click here because between them we need to have the thickness of the wall so you can write wall and we can use this parameter because basically it is a function after that another one here 200 tab 300 sketch dimension again rectangle 400 tab 500 400 tab 500 again sketch dimension wall and the final one here also the last rectangle 500 tab 500 good and now let's construct some parallel lines for the rest of the walls so use the line command press the l letter okay we draw a line here another line here starting from this point okay pay attention here to be perpendicular to have this constraint and the same thing here line and a line here too sketch dimension wall and now let's start to trim so press the t letter or dissemble trim and let's start now let's start to extend some lines so let's go here extend okay the same thing here and this one to trim again here will be the stairs and here the front of the house and now it is the time to construct or to search construct the doors and windows so let's start to draw another rectangles so use the rectangle again and we will draw windows of 120 units in our case centimeters so enter so here we have the first window the same thing will do it also in the other side and when it comes to this bathroom let's construct a window of 40 units good and now let's construct also the doors the doors will have an area of 210 on 80 centimeters again another rectangle it will be 80 here 80 here will be a double door so instead of 80 we will write 180 and here let's construct another rectangle 400 okay tab 100 and i will show you later why but now let's use the sketch dimension and to place them symmetrical so sketch dimension and the explanation here if this distance it is 400 we'll write 400 minus this distance of the window 120 and to place it exactly in the middle we will divide it by 2. so now it is perfectly in the middle the same thing will do it for each window and each door so let's get started 400 minus 180 tab two of course these dimensions you can also place it in the parameters to be easier 400 minus 120 divided by two but when it comes to bathroom there is another dimension so sketch dimension again here we'll have 300 the entire length of this bathroom minus 40 divided by two and it is perfectly in the middle now now let's add here a dimension so press the d letter again and write 40. the same thing here this door is good okay and this one as well so the entire distance here 500 minus the door so 80 divided by two and here must be a door too so rectangle 80 okay sketch dimension 300 minus 80 divided by two and here there are now let's start to extrude so finish the sketch then go to the home button extrude select the entire sketch and write minus 20 and look at it now we have the foundation moreover we can go here to bodies and we can write rename it foundation let's use again the sketch now let's create the walls so extrude select each piece here pay attention because i want to show you how to extrude it okay don't forget any gap okay and now let's go here to new body it's very important so right 250 centimeters so that means two and a half meters new body everything seems fine and look at that now let's start to cut the doors and the windows so let's go here let's write walls why not and let's deactivate let's make it invisible to be even more clear go to the extrude again so press this button or press the e letter for example let's start with the windows okay select each piece except of the bathroom now we are fine let's activate again the walls and let's right here offset okay and when it comes to offset you must write here 80 tab 100 because the offset distance is here 80 and the distance that you actually cut is 100. press ok and look at that now we have windows the same thing we must do with the doors but before doing that let's trim also the bathroom window so we'll do the same thing here basically but with other dimensions offset let's activate walls and we will write here 160 tab 40. and let's have a look here it is good now the doors extrude our doors will have 210 centimeters let's do it and write 210 good let's deactivate the sketch and look at that half of the drawing is already made let's construct the stairs now so as you saw before there is a little rectangle here let's extrude it so extrude this part also with offset but for this time let's write here 110 tab 30 units now join new body okay you can also write stairs now let's make it visible the other two okay and let's use just these stairs okay so we have this body click on this surface pay attention click on the surface and let's create a new sketch okay so we are in this plan now let's create the stairs but i will show you the fastest way to do it let's create a rectangle first of all starting from this point and these dimensions are 22 tab 30 good let's select it and let's copy it so select it press the m ladder and we'll have point to point select create copy from here to here wonderful now let's do for both the leg both m create copy from this point to this point good and one more create copy again select this point to this point wonderful everything seems to be fine now let's copy again those but for this time we'll copy those five so to point to point again create copy from this one to here and press ok now let's use the mirror command but in order to use the mirror command we need to have a line here so now we have the line now it is the time to use the mirror so mirror okay select all these stairs except of this line because this line will be the mirror line and look at that we are fine okay now we can delete also this line and also the other stairs right click delete okay here we have an extra line it doesn't matter and now we have the stairs so pay attention finish the sketch and it must look like this now let's extrude it but let's extrude the first set of stairs so extend in the opposite direction with minus 200 new body no we'll join it because it is the same okay here it is now let's make the sketch to visible again and let's extrude the other set of the stairs so for this time you guessed it we will use the offset command again but let's write here minus 200 so to start exactly from this point where the other stairs are are finishing and when it comes to distance we will write also minus 200 and look at that in this way we will receive or we'll gain a lot of time so here it is let's make it invisible and now let's make visible also the other two bodies have a better view and here it is when it comes to the first component we are done so now let's create another one new component and for this time we will write here first floor okay this is the active one as you see first of all let's create a new plan on this side yes it is good okay it's fine for us let's go to top and now let's start to construct but let's use the project command now to help a little bit just like this and press ok just to have some points rectangle okay starting from this point to here and also the big one rectangle starting from here and we have the first dimension 1400 it is good and the other one tab 1 300. i've set it now just to have the walls so write minus 25 or we can write minus wall it is the same thing create some rectangles again because here are the same rooms 500 here the bathroom is the same but when it comes to these rooms they're bigger 400 yeah it is the same that here we must have 662.5 okay we have this one this little square now let's create the wall let's go to bodies here and let's deactivate yeah now it's better let's create the same rectangle from here 662.5 tab 400 just create another line starting from here another line from here now let's create another line here so we use the line command until we reach this line again now you can trim extend this part okay here we need the line too to have a wall sketch dimension okay it is already fine trim now let's construct here the extra space so trim again and here we need the line too now let's go here and let's construct the next side so let's construct a line and now when it comes to this line let's create an offset so let's create a parallel line with minus 100 units again let's use the offset command again with minus 125 offset another two times 100 and offset 125. good now you can delete this line construct another line use the l letter and another line here sketch dimension between those two lines we need to have wall here trim and here it is now let's construct the window here 120 okay sketch dimension again let's be exactly in the middle 200 minus 120 divided by two well here it is now let's construct the line here starting from the middle okay and let's apply you guessed it the mirror command select the side mirror line this one it is yeah we are fine okay now let's delete this line trim good and here it is now let's focus on the others windows and doors so let's start with the doors why not so here a door of 80 again the same door here door door here good and now we have this little window of 40 units 40 centimeters here another window of 120 here a window to 120 and this hole 120 we have the door we have the door everything seems to be all right now let's place it so use the sketch dimension again place it here at the distance of 40 okay 300 minus 80 divided by two 662.5 minus 80 divided by two to be exactly in the middle here the same number here so you can just copy it so sketch dimension and you must look at this number and you just copy it okay the same story here 500 minus 80 divided by 2 and when this comes to this window it is almost the same formula 500 minus 120 divided by two good here we have 300 minus 120 divided by two everything seems to be right now finish the sketch press the home button now let's use the extrude command so select the entire drawing except of this part and i will show you later why and now write minus 15. good everything seems to be fine let's use again the sketch number one and now let's extrude the rest to have the walls pay attention don't forget don't forget no part here okay and now let's write 250 will not be join will be new body okay so body number one floor body number two walls good and the same thing we'll do it here extrude now select all the windows except of this one good and will right here of sat 80 100 extrude again let's select all the doors now let's write to 110 operation cut okay and now let's focus on this little window so extrude offset 160 tab 40. okay the operation cut wonderful okay everything seems to be all right now now let's change the plan here and let's construct a new sketch so go to this surface go to create sketch go to the left plan and now let's start to draw let's press the p letter to create a project okay and now let's construct the line so press the l letter go up with 100 units and let's go down with 50 units now let's go in the opposite direction here good then now let's start to create some lines so from here to here now let's extend this line with -15 and same thing we'll do it in the other side as well so let's use the mirror command select both mirror line this one and then press ok let's extend it here okay let's construct a line again another line and now let's trim now you can delete those two lines now let's select them and let's copy them the m key okay so here it is okay good finish the sketch now let's make visible also the other objects as well good and now let's create a new sketch here on this side creates catch let's go to front let's construct now another line starting from here so exactly in the middle a line of 250 units let's go down here with 50 units and in the right side with 100 yes so here it is the first line and now let's extend it good now you can delete those two let's create an offset to this line just this one drag it up with -15 okay let's construct another line trim and now let's mirror it again so mirror this line this line okay and the mirror line this one it will be okay let's construct a new line okay trim and we must extend it here too now let's create here a new line okay and let's extend it until here yeah good we will offset it with 15. construct another two lines one here as well now let's trim and also you can construct those two lines as well now let's came back finish the sketch and let's go back let's construct first of all the roof so extrude select this part right minus 1400 and look at that moreover here it must be a new body okay it is fine let's rename it now let's write roof one now let's go here and let's select and let's apply the extrude command yeah for this one and here instead of distance let's go to object let's select this side yes here it is and then press new body again and then press ok let's see now the new body look at that so this is the new body for example let's call it extension it's exactly what we need let's focus on the same sketch again here okay extrude select this roof well let's go in the opposite direction so minus 1400 it did not be the cut it is the new body again and look at that okay body five rename it roof two for example now when it comes to this one extrude again select both let's go in this direction with 30 units it's 30 centimeters no join it will be in your body and now let's go here let's construct a new sketch at this surface let me show you and let's start to construct so this one press the p letter because we need to construct this project okay everything seems to be fine from here from this point until we reach the other one now starting again from here the same position okay and the same thing in the other side as well finish the sketch and let's extrude now okay to object and look at that we are okay with that new body okay and for the final step let's extrude also this part you can also create new bodies it's not a problem and until we reach this distance good let's come back and let's switch it into new body good and our house now it's complete let's also color it so press the a key for appearance and let's write your white for example and let's select which type of white do you want for example plastic mate for example and when it comes to roof let's write red and here it is our drawing now is complete let's have a short look you can clearly see it i hope this video helped you if you have questions don't hesitate to let them in the comments below as always don't forget to like share subscribe and see you next time
Channel: MariusCAD
Views: 4,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cad, cadcam, drawing, engineer, drawings, beginner, intermediate, level, easy, 3d, 3ddrawing, macbook, mac screen recording, how to draw, exercise, screen capture, screen recording, tutorial, 3dexercise, MariusCAD, student, autocad 2021, fusion, fusion360, fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion 360 2021, fusion 360 for beginners, fusion easy, fusion 360 exercise, fusion 360 tutorial 2021, fusion 360 beginner tutorial, fusion 360 mac, fusion 360 macbook, modeling, house, 3dhouse, roof, walls, building
Id: oyfwNiMbTuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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