Fusion 360 NC Programs for Multiple Setups

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[Music] hey everyone kevin from mechanicaladvantage.com in a previous video i showed how we could create a setup that incorporated multiple wcs outputs so that we could program a part one time and then we could get a g54 a g55 a g56 so that we could run the same operation in three different vices at once and i got a fair amount of emails and even a couple comments on the youtube videos asking how could you take the same part and start to do a production run on an opt-one an opt-in op3 sewing down the road so i'm going to use the speed vice handle to show this side note i'm getting closer to getting the machine powered up and running and this is a part that i know quite well and it would be a good little part for me to test and also a production part so what i'm going to probably do is i will make 10 or 20 of these by speed vice handles and then i'll do a giveaway so keep an eye out here on how you can go about getting one of those speed vice handles let's take a look at what i've done for this so far so this is an m lock vice it's the it's the 125 duo it's called it's got a front and a rear position and the way that i've set this up is it's got the gripper jaws in the front and the soft jaws in the back and these vices are going to be coming to the fusion uh work holding direct directory pretty soon too so keep your eye out there if you're using m-lok vices and want to have parametric versions of the devices that you use in both inch and metric so i've set this up to be parametric and it was pretty quick and easy to get this set up the way that i needed it to be now let's take a look at how i have this set up so if i edit my first setup and you see where my wcs is and then on the post process tab i have this set up as a number one so that's going to give me a gvd4 if i come to my soft jaw operation and i edit this i can turn off this speed vice handle for a second to make it clear to see note that the stock is completely bounding the two soft jaws there's only one piece of stock i didn't do an individual piece or anything like that i'm just gonna pretend like these are being made at the same time and i'm gonna put a quarter inch spacer between the two jaws before i cut them i put the wcs in the top left corner up here and then on the post process tab i have the setup as a number 2 or a g5 i'm going to go ahead and hit home i'm going to edit my handle flip and now you can see that i'm just cutting the speed vice handle i've got my wcs at the exact same location as i did for the speed device handle i had to choose a little bit differently this time but it's the same point and then under the post process tab i have this set up as well as number two so that's going to give me a g50 55. so uh op1 here is a g54 the soft jaws is a 55 and the handle flip is a 55 so that's how this is going to run let's do a quick run through the cam on these so you can see how things are going to cut and then we will see the feature of this video nc programs so i'm going to simulate handle top i'm going to play you can see we're going to face it i'm going to adaptive clear it with a sheer hog a big sheer hog i'm going to drill a bunch of spot drill holes and then i'm going to use an eighth inch drill to take out the corners i'm going to come with a 201 and then tap drill that and then i'm going to adapt to clear the inside with a quarter inch and then i'm going to go around the outside and do a finished contour repeat that and then do the same exact thing on the inside of those two pockets to clean that up nicely and then a chamfering operation to finish this up so that's what this uh piece of stock is going to look like once it's done with op1 let's look at what the soft jaw operation is going to do so i'm going to click on soft jaws and simulate that and now again there's no material between these two faces but fusion's going to show that it is solid the way that i did this so i'm just going to let this go really quick in fact you'll get the idea we're just going to do an adaptive with a quarter inch tool i'm going to skip ahead a pocketing operation comes and cleans up the floors and the walls and then the last thing is a 2d chamfer comes and takes all the burrs off the edges and across the front edges in case we raise up a burr or anything down there so we don't have to worry about that interfering with the seating of our speed vice handle for the final cam i'm going to turn on the speed vice handle i'm going to click on my handle flip and i'm going to simulate this and then i'm going to start out by using a 3d adaptive with a shear hog to get the head of material that's on top of the part once that hat is gone a face mill's gonna come clean it up and then i'm gonna do the chamfering operations now this operation doesn't look so good it looks like i'm really hogging through material but what you have to remember is i can't accurately simulate the stock currently between the first setup and the third setup so everything below the top face of this part that's showing up a stock in this particular setup is not there so this would all look really nice we just have to kind of use our imagination keep your eye out and i think i'm going to be able to show you some cool technology coming down the road that's going to help those uh multi-op stock displays going forward so there's our cam uh how we're going to cam up this part and now what i wanted to show you guys was something called nc program so currently the way we post programs out is we come up to the actions panel and we click on the post process and we choose which which operation we want to post or what setup we want to post which post processor we want to use and all that jazz we're going to be gently nudged to start using nc programs and then eventually nc programs is going to be our primary option for posting code out you're going to see that i'm not actually going to post the g code but i'm going to get it set up for posting so i want to create an nc program i'm going to call this 1 0 0 1 and then on the operations tab i have to tell fusion which setups do i want to include in this program so there's no reason that i can't run the handle top in the soft jaws at the same time and without the reorder uh to minimize tool changes you'll see that the quarter inch tool gets used in a couple different places so if we come down through here and look where's there's my tool uh four and then we come back we run some other tools and then tool number four pops back up again but if i check reorder to minimize tool changes all the tool number fours are now together so fusion is smart enough to kind of combine things and so i'll hit ok and that'll create an nc program here and let's simulate that and see what it looks like so it's not going to simulate the backside operation and let me turn this handle off to make this look a little bit more clear so we're going to face it and then we're going to use our shear hog i'm going to skip through some of these drilling operations to get us to the good stuff and here we're at our quarter inch tool so we're going to do our adaptive and then our contours are on the outside of it and come back and clean up the contours on the inside of the part and once that's done you're going to see we're going to jump over to the soft jaws now and start doing that first operation from the soft jaw so from the soft jaws there we go we're on we're on the first operation the 2d adaptive i can skip ahead it'll do the pocketing to clean up the floors and the walls and then we're going to jump back and do the chamfer on the first part and then when that chamfer is done it's going to go and chamfer the soft jaws so with nc programs i was able to create one program that minimizes my tool changes and makes things efficient so that's going to be the first nc program i'm going to make now let's go do a second one so i'm going to choose nc program again and this time i'm gonna call this one zero zero two and then on my operations tab i wanna do handle top and i also wanna do handle flip in this case so when i run this program this is what's gonna allow me to do the production i'll just put one in the front side i'll put one in the soft jaws in the back i'll hit cycle start and every time when a cycle is done a completed soft or a complete and speed vice handle will come out of the soft jaws so again if we look here with the minimize tool changes we'll see that all the tools are in line so here's the shear hog from operation work offset one and here's the shear hog from work offset two so they've been combined together and let's go ahead and hit okay so we'll also see that there's some intelligence built into this as well so let me turn the handle back on and i'll go ahead and simulate this so we're going to see the facing operation goes ahead and then the shear hog operation runs i'm going to skip ahead and what you'll see now is it'll go do the adaptive operation on the second setup and then it's come to the first one it's going to do a bunch of stuff here drilling in some quarter inch work and then it'll probably come and do some chamfering but and then it's going to do the facing operation and then and then chamfer again so the way i have this set up is fusion is smart enough to know that hey i can't run the chamfer on the second on the third operation i guess the handle flip until all that material is removed off the top and it also reordered the way that i did those chamfers that are on there it put the chamfer it did the chamfer here and then did the face into the chamfer again so it's being safe in understanding that it can't just group tools together no matter what it has to put them together in a different way so if i was happy with my nc program i could just come out here and edit this and then i could go ahead and just hit post and it would then post that file to the directory where i wanted to go basing on all the settings that i have here so my output folder i've just got to go into my desktop right now i've got this set up with the siemens post that i think is going to be the one that i'm going to use to run the style although there's going to be a new post coming from that from autodesk in the near future so that might change but this program should be pretty much ready to go to do a little mini production run i hope that answers some of the questions that people may have had about how to do production runs of parts where you're finishing a part complete and not just doing the same operation in multiple vices at the same time if you have any questions or comments please leave them below and uh if you want to email me you can always send me an email to info mechanical advantage if you have a video idea or something like that that you'd like to discuss and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Mechanical Advantage
Views: 3,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk CAM, Fusion, Fusion 360, Inventor HSM, HSMWorks, NC Programs, Multiple Setups, Minimize Tool Changes
Id: JLP8NjpYs9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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