Further Beyond「Kirby Star Allies 💗 FINALE」

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here we go everybody the Kirby season finale I don't hear myself ok now I I thought I heard myself from somewhere I'm not sure but here we go boys welcome back to Kirby Star allies well good morning good night or good afternoon viewers depending on your timezone it's here the end of my favorite kirby game on the Nintendo switch we've had a lot of fun with this game all the new copy abilities all the new friends all the memes the final level is here and actually wait a minute I never I didn't think about this what's the world what what's our secret message oh oh so you're telling me that the secret message is to put juice that's the secret message written in the Kirby world's to purchase so if you guys don't know or yeah every second or WWF F with water for fire like diamond and pearl just saying dude that's what it is it's a new it's a new Pokemon game confirmed diamond pearl just sang in all the kirby games normally it's sort of like it says it like that I spell something out interesting that's okay I also should mention that I had turned off chat like I don't want to get spoiled on anything so I've completely turned off the chat let's go boys let's see what we got ahead of us the last level Jam Bandra base I'm also curious that we only have 50% of the game remaining or like in the % thing it said that that that we had 50 the DVDs with us - by the way grinding his face into a wall instead I was only 50% of the way through the game and I'm not sure if that's because of extra extra content or what this might not even be the last level that be offered I hope you pop this entire oh I hope up this entire finale justified is not the last level it wouldn't surprise me anything up here hello nothing okay well with us we got at least the good old band in as well as bonkers I'm excited to have them all together in fact band an let me ride in your head it's so cute hello hello yeah I want to get destroyed you guys want to get destroyed real fast thank you you guys want to get destroyed real fast I appreciate it I appreciate your offerings but so do mutton so does my spirit we had some elements I want to get a friend with an elemental power yeah in fact wait hon okay like no I cannot no wait don't run I didn't want to paint a refrigerator I wanted to birth water into the world a common misconception I understand ah we're being dive-bombed by peaceful walking people it's like people going on a jog and just landing on top of us there's a railing for a reason up there people stop it they have no weapons they prepared themselves perfectly they're like all right do we have the tools necessary to take on Kirby no so now we fall on them weapons are gravity will be our weapon oh hello oh hello no bonkers easy there buddy feels like I got them they'll merely one down to the boy bonkers careful my buddy you also just let that spaghetti fall into the abyss below so that's a lot of wasted spaghetti I'll try let's chat for you guys for now cuz I actually can't read that chat oh did I just paint them I thought I mean I literally am just using paint you know what look we'll ignore that comment I made hey wait a minute wait a minute mm Paul Paul welcome you're green now why why Bandhan why do you run all the way over there just to get hit why let's go my boy Paul Paul makes the sudden appearance we never expected hello oh it's wheel I love it Oh cut pool balls really freaked out there look uh I didn't expect this please let's go hello what [Music] right I forgot B is not jump welcome back to my let's play of Kirby it's only episode 5 or something I'm so like 7 it's all I got out I would know what the jump button is by now so I almost missed I was gonna throw something probably the joy Kahn's given how that floor I'm holding right now it's not like I should know the jump button by now or anything that's what a good gamer would know hello hello what are these iron box Oh worried expected Paul Paul taking the the speed runner out here now here we go wait when did I lose the painting power or was I just a big dumb and just got rid of it passively oh hello fire boys let's go Irish the whole before we do anything else yo let me enchant your powers here I go let's go let's go bend in the fire wand oh actually you all should get fire right hello there we go everyone activated it was like wow this is a cool staff because right in his face actually how do we deal with this do we need like the wheel hello can we deal with this wait a minute hold on what if we do that easy there buddy everybody got ahead of us one I can't destroy it like this don't forget I also do not have Chad open you can see the chat right now I cannot see the chat what do we got left to push you from over this way boggers again it's that's an unnecessary thing that you're doing I need to enter from this side wait a minute oh hello there get in there band Dan wait what's up with this have the explosion all boggers you're up wait a minute no no no hole I own oh nevermind Barger's like you don't even need to combine rock and ice I got it covered let's go my beautiful squad now getting the cannons go go hurry my wonderful team boom oh very conveniently placed cannons you're like an airshow it's feels unnecessary OOP OOP all got the thing though wait I love this smack every time wait what oh cool yes headphones my favorite kirby he's so happy okay here we go my favorite kirby he what's his power huh screaming or something do carry so wholesome y'all all let you guys deal with these oh my god the bloodlust they were immediately going after that weren't they you'll actually hold on pull Paul let me hop on top of your head let's go boys let's go this is what this is who I wanted to control man the waterfall obsessed pull Paul Chris we got you are hopping though look at Kirby Kirby loosely he's just enjoying some nice jams he doesn't even realize where he is it's like me in the back seat of the car beautiful skewer you a cup them I don't get these what these little teardrop guys are supposed to be in Kirby lore they were probably like they are the tears of children who once knew how to smile but now can only cry thus they attacked Kirby in jealousy of his of his happiness it's always some dark lore we Kirby it's always some Dark Lord I don't like that I don't like the spike wall really rather not the spike wall really rather not or we just slowly muscled this guy into one yeah muscle are into the spike wall mmm Skorton he's ran into this spike wall on his own on his own accord mood was easy hello oh I don't care what elements you're possessing right now I must still bop you i'ma still bop you bop I should first let me just get that spaghetti actually I think that was a what was that this guy just about to kill himself boo he did break his Sheol on the spikes I don't think they're very smart I'll at least say that much he was just testing out the shield exactly yeah will this work by absolve didn't work oh well here we are I get a little bit shocked no don't clean up this enemy hero fast here yeah all right yeah what do we got over here oh hello oh hello is this another wheel what do we got why does another wheel in Kirby Kirby's headphones together we can show the world where you can do that song song I've been listening to that meme so much I love it I almost used B to jump again I swear to God all right that's all because I expected goodbye scar peas those star fees entire goal is to die to me to make me feel good I'm also glad we got that copy real fast here I like to imagine every time Kirby gets like food on food on like the in a situation like this like they're still in the circle but he's desperately trying to drink it like hold on guys I know I'm listening to my jams ending up in a we love creating death I just got a rock out for a second real death hole down here is it possible to go back how are you supposed to do that wait can you like go down in the wheel do the wheels have more control that I realized wait wait a minute or oh there's something up there yes not never mind so what are we doing what are we doing about this I figured that that was the last level that was very clearly not a lot did I see it occur because I don't have an aunt an aunt that I had that hope you enjoyed the game no final boss the true innovation innovation of game design as well as a a wad up every time you take a step well that looks a really cute picture okay yeah there's definitely a more with all these hidden puzzle pieces yeah oh that's right there was this last one I forgot about that hello hello I forgot about you the divine terminus now this looks like a boss fight oh boy so apparently I missed something in the chat is really mad oh I missed the hal room I see I thought it looked at the hell room and I thought the Hal room was already some place earlier I didn't even know it well III thought I'd leave Junie merely thought like okay this looks like the like the Hal room from like the one where you going to the moon uh I understand now okay I'm closing chat again no just med I should have been spearmint good with it hello what is this oh cool no and me don't actually give me a second hole I need to recover for my sadly whoa all right well that's everyone dead to the first two obstacles of the level [Music] hello there at Paul Paul welcome back hello there polar all hello there pull solve you guys are my friends right okay just like I don't really read you don't die to those things again guys guys guys give me a second hold on I've some Eminem so let me just get some I need some comfort food I literally just witnessed for my friends die hmm there we go there we go well here we are getting back into Kirby you know guys don't guys dumb guys oh no [Music] nothing more I love it's a nice comfort food to help me through these hard times I know I'm gonna love some nice comfort food as all my friends died here we go let's continue through this level oh look more friends to Parrish to the non-sentient blocks you just blocked my heart with a bomb Wow guys don't go in there it guys I kind of want to just kill them off now they're better they're better not feeling the pain come on guys we can do this we can do this no come on honestly honestly honestly I know I'm not actually trying I'm not Jack don't even give me it I'm not actually trying I know I'm sweating [Music] come on you what you will live let me get on your heads you will live go to the door is the bottom one give me a second guys hold I need to process what just happened [Music] welcome to the Kirby finale not cuz the game ends because I'm just going to die I know I might sound a little far away from the mic it's because it's okay I'm just gonna keep I'm just gonna run to this level no hesitation for my friends no hesitation we're just gonna no way no way am I about to do this with no deaths no way am i ambassadors through with no deaths just by throwing caution to the wind and running there is no way that no one is about to die there is no way then literally just running straight forward never never might oh hello there is no way that literally just running straight forward with reckless abandon is going to result in the death of no one [Music] I am the maddest human on the planet I can't even see the screen like this I'm actually tilted I worked so hard you guys don't even know I mean the people watching this live now you guys I worked so hard to try and get that that perfect squad I thought we've got to get crushed oh I see where I failed I worked so hard to try and get that perfect squad well that's not hold on well that's one and before they both die to the next block you suck at that's usually how you play Kirby games but thank you for letting me know oh all right all right round two I now understand the trial whoo oh I'm supposed to jump at you know what look another time oh I'm too tilted to try and time terror anything that with an OT hello bean Kirby I don't like being here why don't you be my baby out of here all right give me fighter Kerman give me how to look and thank you perfect now the squad continues I'm not even like the blue this isn't even like a good squad before I knew who bonkers was I don't know who any of these are ha ha crowd I don't know who he is anymore I think he's gone from this mortal plane you know what know why my hesitate why am i hesitating why am i hesitating just keep going just keep going hello beautiful heal up why not boy I can't wait to fight the boss with all the good friends I've collected along the way [Music] no if I can't have my friends I won't have anyone if I can't have my friends I can't have anyone I can't even get bonkers I was hoping I could resurrect bonkers I'm so sad you know what I didn't expect him to make a return hold on well first of all from me real in the most unlikely scenario he makes it out he makes it here he makes it in pull Paul and actually this guy too because I want wind ability I want everyone to have wind now that I appreciate it thank you there you go it's that winter is that water that's water that's wait perfect Pole with wind is actually busted by the way hold on which was the one that was really good wind there was someone I think it was pole that was really good wind you feel like speedrun this game with wind wind anyway the final level one cleaning Kirby goodbye and you know what we're good the squad is formed let's go boys me and Paul Paul the last survivor welcome to the ending of Kirby Star allies oh my god hello oh hello you it's sappy girl I did not expect you to survive their visit to Gen Bastion what's more you somehow best in my darling Franny and Burge however your luck has run out it is the dearest wish of Lord highness that no one interferes Zen porta Zane dude more like fulls name cuz she's crazy alright anyway do you like not one stop stop I need my power thank you go let's go though the music is so hype I love Kirby music so much hey wait a minute you remember water why did you do that to me I like my water go pull Paul get them pull Paul yeah L don't like that don't like that don't love that you became a Thunder God hello stop shush tapes and beats dodging woo yeah okay okay I'm okay where I am thank you for your concern thank you for your concern I'll let me to walk the dog on you boy football oh thank you Paul okay what do I can become a twister one first of all stop with this this is - oh my god yo do you just check Kirby I have wind because I'm a storm baby Oh something let's go let's go football - wait can you that rising strike yes whip them whippin baby what's chanted he go up because they go down that's how you do it oh hello they shaking they shook help - they're gonna make me their friend ah what is this interference I didn't know whether people behind me I'm sorry let me get some food let me give you some snacks what you up to here you seem to be my wake you can you move oh god why well then I it seems you're here hello well we don't have enough energy to revive the Dark Lord so we got we got we gotta die alright I was nice knowing you goodbye mood I bow down but wait we up to here on on on on that's the more accurate voice oh okay okay cool uh so like I actually don't see yeah I saw that happy birthday by the way anyone who wouldn't vote interrupts the revival ceremony are gonna get a an earful apparently uh kindly ask that they please disappear forever huh well I mean thank you I also appreciate the little seance that the dance you're doing right here it's very nice let's step one of the Macarena that's step two of the Macarena you can continue if you want you really don't have to kill us you're about one your part one of seven away from completing the Macarena you'll pull Paul is destroying them pulpo is carrying me right oh my god what are you doing here hi hi mister Highness person you are you're getting your highness kick too anyway I wouldn't mind getting this back by the way thank you hello oh okay it was the yo-yo Paul pause remain untouched Paul Paul has already fought two spots before this is what he was doing he was saving the world in his off time I don't like that it's following me did poop others dispel the hit poor Paul what are you doing Oh God is ascending we're going yeah I couldn't read it to get the final hit whoa wait a minute hello oh god it looks like one of my mieze oh hello little head Bob he looks like one of my mieze oh I dislike it well let me just like yo-yo this person to death and they say video games are violent for kids turns out it was actually the classic playground toys all along are you using what is a baseball bat very rude I don't think she would appreciate that frankly I could be wrong maybe I'd made me a you know I'm probably wrong you out powering up thank you and that it's also wait a minute hammer Jeff pull Paul wait we need a waterfall we need a waterfall please isn't there one of water I guess there isn't one of water no Paul Paul is out of their element oh it sees never mind he's actually bodying them well Paul follow me up thank you buddy well we got okay Oh what what nutty nutty started what is all of these I never would have expected it the wheel is moving forward editing an alarming rate ha ha ha oh hello that's a different dodge expected nope oh oh oh hold on pool ball that's the bargain but no well I'm actually so mad I can't get my friends I'm so mad I want to bring my friends in with me guys real talk should I back out to grab gooey and bonkers or at least gooey it would require redoing the level I'm seeing a lot of nose alright I'm seeing a lot of nose I'm seeing a lot of nose ok we'll stay in it you know what let's get a full party here let's get a full party going with us today let's see spider friend and let's do wait a minute hold on I have a better idea it's been a while since we've seen them but we need the sick trick squad light it up boys the sick trick squad devouring their world with their fire yoyo tricks let's go get styled on my dude show Oh Mike no sick trick squad going hard oh my god get a rubbed it on my dude you're trying to blaze us you're trying to hit us with fire buddy buddy we are the embodiment of sick tricks that's what we call a speedrun you yo get hit with our sick tricks you think that can stop us you think that can stop us we have ascended beyond your expectations you are trying to hit us with ice you fool you actual fool we're about to walk the dog all over you yes yes kill him with the dog hello hello all right let me get still hit him during the space all right wait one which way he's gonna come all right all right we got this boys we got this boys show them that chick the show that secret squad wait I don't know okay I think two of them at we're embodying within one or something no I see just one I don't that stop this stop this I don't know my sick tricks hello oh my god I love a meal we get another opportunity we're just a melee throwing throwing down a number one wait I'm standing within someone help there we go wait no I don't have the sickest treats yet thank you hello hello what are you stop this stop hiding within them you're not lately like like early Bowser's our enemy get out of here get out of here with that we'll break down your defenses we'll leave you helpless we'll style on you baby because we are of a sick trick squad the gims always wins hello Oh trouble how to do the Fulton all belong harmless food water hardness laughing through our Dark Lord perhaps the players are offering what son although only one option removes those who harbor Chronos of magic I can upon you [Music] Wow well lawsuits are acceptable I'll plums myself to dark lord of destruction and the gaudy he became coke we at some point in that odorous our Dark Lord may be reborn yeah destroyer of worlds Rose voice turbine aah oh god what the voice is dying it's not working hello oh hello oh hello though oppa hello though the sick trick squad about to go ham on someone else yo let's go they are in position the sick trick squad know what's up let's go boys hello hello though hello though the star allies sparkler the jams onward first we got some puzzle pieces yay the sick trick sparkler oh now it's time to get the boys all Kirby's star allies yo hello though squat squat squat squat squat squat squat squat what is this actual grin Lagaan fighting on top of it oh my god hello hello what on earth wait one guys real talk should we get the squad should we get the squad cuz this seems to be like something I can come back to it anytime or do I need to get whole let me let me let me let me like view the chat in a much larger area everyone's saying yes the sick trick squad wait any big switches you hit that's okay I think I think that's okay alright yes okay you can do - it's fine about perfect sick trick squad you've been a beautiful you've been a beautiful a beautiful team thank you for joining me on our last mission we needed a team a competent team to come together to get us to where we are now but now but now we need the final stage of the fight well first of all this one's got to happen we need everyone involved we need everyone involved you go into the green slot so in order to make this happen we need yellow wattle deep don't worry guys I already know exactly who we need we need yellow waddle dee [Music] then we need good old good old bonkers and then we're gonna end it with a special friend here good you go over the yellow slot to give us the yellow waddle dee then then go into here go to the bonus level which I believe is fruity forest no isn't pretty forest no no no it's this one yo it is extra Eclair I could probably should have gone in from the word extra I'm so glad we're gonna have the squad it wouldn't feel right wow wow it's grimy out here okay I see you it's all coming together in before he shoots boxes and just kills half my team he's like mmm I was watching your back I was watching your your progress so closely the final enemy a giant box all my star allies die you must fight me alone I love that sick chick that is so good good good GUI all the way chat who should i do should I pick you vote what the spam happen who is our final friend see me I love this music so much did you eat it I'm sorry I'm being quiet - I'm sort of stolen in the atmosphere of the final fight like mentally I know what we're about to face I like it I like immersing myself in those kinds of moments you feel me but at the same time the seal music is kind of doing me bonkers another bonkers exactly again sorry about the silence oh my god what can I say Kirby definitely does me a little bit of height so do you I do you guys know if the boss is getting more health depending on how many friends I have with me that'd be interesting I wonder if there's a little bit of like study or if there's anything behind that there all right next up go destroy him bonkers the squad is almost complete oh don't pay me don't pay me stop this actually hold on a minute you know what I need you for my power how could I have anything else but the splatoon power [Music] pretty much my favorite ability in this game and then for our last friend well first of all what good for our last friend to go into the final fight [Music] the votes are so close I didn't expect them to be this close that's a really cute image whatever that's producing our last friend marks or GUI you simpletons all along it's been king dedede the final friend that will go into the final battle with Ahmet and isn't that it's actually a lie actually a lie oh you can redo it I never knew you could just redo it like that really good to know it's our boy it's the purest boy with a smile that can light up the night sky welcome to the team the final squad [Music] let's go boys [Music] hold on is there like another page there isn't or is it just here the final fight it isn't okay that's fine let's go view the final battle let's go y'all ready dub Kirby is so good kou he's just still down there like you know the Kirby star allies squat up boys we can't get any way but gooeys ready face was so good oh you so precious when you smile baby let's get that music a pumping one file fight yo pimple that cinematic though my boys hit before boggers blocks the view of everyone else no you can't this is blocking him known you should have sat back let's go boys the final fight destroyer of worlds void termina you want to come at me you want to come at me with all my friends tagging along that's the game you want to play I'm gonna store this ID in classic Zelda fashion come at me me and all my friends are coming together with the sole purpose of ending you you think we would let you win just like that also how can you see like that so I have a question is the mask like the is it are your eyes behind the mask or is it like a like the I just sort of moves where you go if that's the case let me just go to the other side you'll be looking for me forever he'll think I died I'll live my life on this guy's left shoulder oh yeah one more hit oh you tried to hide it from me well actually holding off to live it's light and live my life on the other shoulder you know hello though yo bye hello though knock knock I come a-knockin knock knock I come a-knockin yeah there we go stop oh you guys should get him on the back oh I like that oh here we go here we go here we go show me that I buddy show me that I do can fly wait oh I was just I have a double-jump I understand now show me that I buddy show me that I yo you will perish you will perish by my friends wait hold on wait a minute how do I switch can they like switch spots I can ya boggers get in there give a couple hits show them some damage oh good short that's that that's a big sword that's a big sword GUI you up you up buddy yes spit on him wait hold on it your wonder if I could put out the sword oh I can't put out the sword I was trying to be clever where's that I yo I'm coming I'm coming in I'm coming in no I can't actually I can't go over all his legs my mistake spitting on him GUI exactly this is the this is the best boss fight its GUI just spitting on him you ever hated a boss so much you literally just spit at him the entire boss fight yeah good cross slash hello yeah you miss me good shot buddy but I know how to hold left yo get him back in there get him back in there cut him up and add the golden wattle D we got one more stage buddy you got nothing on us you got nothing on us except that hit I hit you you did indeed have on us Joe what do we got [Music] hello the final final world no kidding no kidding how does it feel Kirby to be eaten by something else hello [Music] Oh God improper Kirby fashion congratulations on killing it but did you truly kill it if you don't literally like give it an ulcer it's not dead if it's not hemorrhaging from every part of its body in classic Kirby style no knock-knock knock-knock your heart's all locked up allow me to put some paint on it doctor's orders hello well luckily his heart comes with levers to turn him off [Music] like I go he's like oh I don't like this anymore Oh warp sir that's why we destroy your heart we destroyed your heart hello what are you kidding me Oh God oh my god here it comes hey what was that speed up kirby now in control of time here we go boys never mind never mind we actually bought even before we can do anything else this is so what is this fun this is why I love Kirby man it's all started because Kirby got kissed on the forehead this all started cause Kirby like kissed on the forehead by a heart and now we're fighting like demon hex pon Kirby's in the zone exactly then I don't even know what they were planning but get buck bonkers you up this stage is all your buddy give it to him the Sun hello hello your one good camera shift we're backing up man Dan you got the rear y'all the sonicboom shots how do I slow down time again that was really cool I can't wait for the like closing cinematic of this all right GUI spit on him hawk the biggest loogie Joey I need you to hawk a loogie that will destroy a galaxy my god you ever hocked a loogie so big it destroyed the god of destruction cuz that's gross not gonna lie wait a minute y'all get in there go a multi spit that's uh something heat speak heat-seeking spit right there go give it to him give it to him goin give it to him goin and now back to Kirby for the obtain it all off here [Music] show me what you got void termina show me what you got excuse me hello woods and everybody's pumping New York to San Francisco so in a rave on me here what is this thing they summoning below me what am I supposed to do about this what is your bitrate like oh my god to go even further beyond let's go Kirby finish him with this buddy finish him don't give him another chance hello buddy I'm about to show you why it's called a paintbrush I'm about to show you why it's called the paintbrush [Music] [Music] hello face oh my god whoa they're dying everywhere what's happening is it like friendly fire a lot of greed is like went into a bag for a second here's like I'll be fine in here guys eat up eat up luckily I brought my mini fridge with me who's laughing wait [Music] to let go he's like yeah oh okay he's actually very mad what was that though Oh oh joy to me don't Bob stop it I want ball Kirby he got ball Kirby they took it out from this game they'd give it to him he's using all the powers that we didn't get to use oh oh is that an eyeball hose I just straight up an eyeball oh hello ODB didn't he help me I didn't eh I'm sorry know what just to go even further beyond no GUI get him hit him with that Dark Matter send you my back at him send him right back out him buddy the precious boy light up that night sky give him the new bong city I never created a clever naming scheme for van den nut kill him that's it this is my special attack death what are you looking there buddy where you looking where you looking we're about to eat you up or don't this point that woven freaky ah I love gooey again just uh Google any you got hello whoa uh you ever been so mad that your eyes literally rolled not back in your head but back into the back of your head oh hello whoa what is this what is this yes send it back out of baby returned to whence it came dark matter oh he mad oh he mad open mesh nobody Oh buddy you picked the wrong person to mess with you picked the wrong person to mess with all my friends get involved with this one baby every buttons getting some love oh come on try again try again sweetie that's a that's a lotta lasers this is to go even further beyond all the buttons get involved this is all the friends this is for Popo bonkers band Dan gooey marks everybody Obama all the friends get involved get involved oh my god the star allies [Music] take it take our friendship for everyone I've worked with for everyone that's helped me out on this journey [Music] [Music] the Kirby star allies oh hello Oh bandanas bad [Music] splatoon hello these my friends yeah my friends my boys gooey goo boggers like oh yeah boy okay you're so fresh so when you smile that really is the smile that can light up the night sky we've done it we're quite literally lighting it up get on boys let's go home [Music] thank you all for watching my let's play of Kirby Star allies oh I gotta admit this was a fun one this was definitely a very fun one oh it's a competition whoo he's like yeah you guys go ahead I'm good ah booyah spawn camping can we stop this could we just like camping if GUI wins this I'll be mad thank you all for watching my let's play of Kirby star allies this has been very very very fun I gotta admit as a Kirby game I liked it this is a very very fun Kirby game when I say it's the best Kirby game I sort of need to compare them all frankly but graphically it feels so nice so nice to finally have a really great-looking Kirby game again oh and don't worry this series isn't truly over I know we have a lot of mini games to go through this is only the storyline finale there's plenty I will be doing also whenever there's a new ally I will totally do some stuff on them because oh my god I live for Kirby I'm not sure if you guys remember I remember me saying it but Kirby is my favorite bit my Kirby is my favorite game series it is what got me involved in gaming to begin with like if it weren't for Kirby I would not be here right now doing on doing these videos and having this fun I'd be on to something else I'm sure but I doubt it would have been this oh uh ah can I hear big boy get out of here big boy overall the game was very fun I had a lot of entertaining times with this game especially are you kidding me like you guys loved it - Oh Kui I've gotta make pink GUI like playing like replaying this game over and over again with all the different like to get like all the different combinations was really really fun like the demo for this game was so entertaining could we just look in him and I had him in the background there here's a painting of you DVD all for you like like the ending of this game also really good this was a very suitable Kirby ending oh you know what dee dee dee you get it you get hit by it wait no no no no no no boys he attack what was the attack wasn't there some sort of attack I can do was it up and down down and why here we go boy give them the pain brush splat tone oh my God look at them go crazy for the stars ho hello there I see you up there Galacta night right up there and of course thank you guys for watching this let's play [Music] because man this was a fun one GUI get off my head please oh there's more don't stop yet please guest star what wait hold on what does guest star the ultimate choice is when you hold on actually don't know so with this one if I'm not mistaken yeah you you you you make a choice on what power you want no checkers music though oh and you can also become the friend yo let's go I can actually plays as bandana waddle dee Brad's a waddle dee so I guess that means what so what is what is the top one all the hearts new game friends take the lead you can do it even without Kirby huh and how do i lock these guys because I imagine these are the star allies I probably just have to play as these guys in order to do it I'm so ready man I'm probably gonna be doing good show up on social media look who would ever do that guys check me out though beating that final boss hey if you guys liked that final boss be sure to hit that sponsor button you beat the game once or beat starlight hall is this okay yeah but go back to story mode oh okay hello Oh what about bah-bah-bah confetti the ability planet and extra planet are unlocked head for far from excuse me so we got some extra things here [Music] I wish you could choose your color can you choose your color with the star allies thing oh the ability planning of course I'm familiar with that what are you ooh is that it well one should I do guys extra planet uh uh I don't know how to pronounce that well mean I gotta check out the ability planet turn Rumble on it's always always been on all cheer this music though [Music] what do you mean use the HD Rumble why is everyone saying you HD Rumble is is that an important factor all the rumbling on the controller gives you more scone thus allowing you to find a tweet from Nintendo that gives a burning chibi-robo of course what dude this is like an actual summary of me with a me with like housing situations of course right next to the sleeping dude is the guy who's screaming all the time I'll let you guess which one I am just turn on HD Rumble for extra planning do I not already have it on is that like an option why is everyone popping off about HD Rumble now you guys got me like really curious first off one this is a good thing what is this how do I make that break that works me subdue please just go to it look my first first things first first things first what I need to do you all go trough chat I'm gonna try off chat I don't get spoiled where's hammer boy what what if that was a good death bit got him first a hold on let me just get like one of the guy let me get my collection of boys in here so I do I have access to the UM to the star at so like the the friends here that's okay you know what I'll take cleaning Kirby out I'll take cleaning Kirby hello-o so wholesome there we go get all those leaves away actually you know what I want hole up keep this though keep this though where's-where's pol actually you know what not Paul thank you my dude this one should be pretty cool too so this one yeah if I do the dash with with wind sword I go so far all right so now we do the level and HD Rumble okay here we go control options okay that didn't do anything how do you turn on HD Rumble I thought I already had it on bah now let's see let's just see what we got that's I already done that one it's all the way over here I do a little bit of a mileage here I'm not sure if my star gets that many miles here we go system settings it's on then thank you all right let's go boys what do we got no the boxes I don't care if that's a heart it's miss Lili the Papa ba ba ba do not trust your chats I'm gonna turn on chat you guys seem interested in this settings on me me up guys I should have it on go what if this gives me UFO Kirby I'd be the happiest boy in all the lands oh we only need two people let's go bonkers [Music] hello well I love the chips man is this just like a nice little final level oh I see what's going on you got to be fast get in there bonkers thank you for the help my dude that's right yo this sword this this sword ability is busted [Music] hello what are we thinking what are we doing here go back in here okay understood understood oh I could do tornado bunk no let's do tornado bog alright never mind he's gone boom alright jump over here that's death all got boggers why were you standing there bonkers help me out buddy help me out buddy thank you I probably should not be standing here right after I told bonkers to not curry okay geez sorry mate my heart just sort of casually stopped for a second there here's a melon by the way bonkers what do we got again you're gonna keep doing this to me aren't you whip you really want me to take whip nah man clip is not worth that oh the kawasaki bros okay I would I too wish I could spin around in the air with my kitchen utensils in order to experience aviation no wait that I don't want that God bonkers going wild on him oh my god no buggers no it's his still bonkers or said chef Kawasaki is this like is this like a transformation bonkers the bonk his final evolution the bonk has put on weight no no I like to imagine it is still bonkers he just pulled on a lot away and became a potato this is still bonkers really really thick bonkers bonkers has evolved all got boggers quickly deal with these bombs with these nice cutlery look at the stride do you see that arm stride that good old bonk has oh hello well first of all we need some friends we need to make some friends bonk don't shoot don't get rid of my heart with your fire you always hurt the ones you love let's go bunker oh oh god I wasn't ready for this thank God I'm not playing on the small screen fire a guy up top thank you hey a bunker you got that thank you first let me just deal with this dude perfect nice and easy like go right through him and get that puzzle piece beautiful I was gonna pellet this pellet this guy with you with shots firing guys you want to get this guy thank you appreciate it we're going dudes bonkers has evolved into a potater first agent creep denial nam in that D bunker a really heavy bunker let's go my dude hello poor person [Music] what do we got I hate this graphically dupa Curzon I'm on a roll here this seems like something that would be way better with multiple players not gonna lie yeah guys say I'm actually really excited cuz now I can finally watch the speed runs of this game like I'd like I I love watching speedruns of games I love so I can't wait to like actually finally partaking a little bit of speed running all right I probably won't / taking it but I want to watch it I want to see what the speedrunning community is like for this game we got Bunker and finally yes the last puzzle piece to get those get those wants me thank you hard dude yo this heart guy or this fire guy really really helping us out here I appreciate him I do well I mean let me climb up with my sword power this is so cool man this is the good Kirby this is a fogger wanted to taste that lover to either mmm let me hop on that real fast like oh hello uh Frank I love the soulless icing lave awakened all right let's go boys we can do can you hit that buddy you got that thank you a little bit more any time now and they say electricity is fast hold on a minute I need fire no but I need fire nobody needed fire thank you all right now can I get this all I can see the fire particle wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you come here no I thought that was totally going to be enough I'm actually so mad I thought I had it I thought I had to figure it out kill all of your allies no Kirby chill out Kirby Kirby kills allies I need something else it needs to be spear I need spear ability I don't think we have a spear ability wait how can spark boy climb ladders I just realized that oh no we don't need spear hold on a minute pull Paul activate Thank You Green pole Paul let's go my boy we're slowly getting the squad back pull Paul retcon to be green thank you my man activate though right up here there will be an explosion right now Kirby has already touched that wall Oh oh hello and lastly very nice more what up CA I can't wait to live out my 198 lives and peace out we're going with this is there like a door the level actually doesn't end this is it forever trapped in this box oh yeah right here we are don't give me yes ignition car made oh he sat on me he sat on me to put me out I don't appreciate that don't sit on the porker be there just there's just belly flopping I hate this I love it double destroyed I'll take that ace is cool oh you're still alive sorry about that might be I'll take that for them take that for the road I'll have some cherries for you guys there you go let me kiss that into the outlet hey yeah alright yeah everyone gets a little bit of a little bit of love there oh hello oh hello chef bonker yo k we get some center of chef bunker it's just monger with a hammer it's the you know chef Kawasaki with a hammer let's go boys we actually you know what punk are you up we actually don't know never mind that would mean nothing keke we got away from him though dude let's go baby let's go the only way to use this star thing is with Kirby otherwise you lose your friends they become other people it's too close to real life oh hello actual boss fights oh wait a minute a shadow think we can friend them wait a minute hold up wicked week week we get out of all bonker now man III think this is bonkers final stage this is bonkers new form he has transformed chef bonkers is here do I love that you could we can attack them from up here just by create a woman clearly they can also attack us from up there - goodness y'all take so I'll take the throwability yeah maybe suplex friend come at me oh you came out my friends don't appreciate it buddy looks like I really beated him beat him anybody don't hit my friends please all the things please don't hit my friends evolve him into Bugsy haha nah man or not Adam sorry friends I just casually passed you through a meteor like all good friends would whoop sorry about that pink paint lady just smash you with the star here hello I'll be people there we go all of the heart simplex the planet that's the final boss of Kirby's are playing it again I think that actually was the thing that happened though hey pretty much your only God already oh this is a lot of evil the ball ball buddy no I can shoot no I don't want to shoot them to reduce the Wallabies go on your way peaceful waddle dee ball I do not wish to harm you any further there we go ah the moving boxes not a fan okay never yeah I was gonna say Nova would actually look like a secret attack hello co-own Iggy woods why did you go in the galaxy buddy I guess we're all out in the galaxy technically so I didn't well I didn't mean to get peep well I mean he is the only tree here so you know what you have to give them some credit for his representation skills actually wait a minute yo what's the best way to deal with a tree cook it up it's not actually the best way to deal with it dredges can find any fire guys in my arsenal let's go bunker I want to friend him I forgot I could do that extend time indefinitely that pose is so cute hello hello Oh what is this supposed to be I feel like that's supposed to be something is that like a reference to oh oh it's a gameboy oh it's a big game boy you guys see that oh we're about we're about to go we're about to I know what's happening oh I know what's happening oh I know exactly what's happening yes HD Rumble I actually don't feel any Rumble right now yes what are we doing we killed the first wall D actually is it's unavoidable now because they're gonna kill a regardless y'all let's go well let me remove a bill plug boy let's keep the squat as is oh [Music] my god the music man I'm sorry I'm being quiet I just listened to those jams oh no I'm sorry bomb guy I did just take a leap of faith yeah all the jams hello Oh I hear it I didn't get it I thought it was just really quiet oh well you're not wrong I do quite indeed love Kirby [Music] this guy this guy right here I love them I love how mad Kirby is yo real talk looky Kirby he's like oh this is amazing um but they didn't get me right my complexion isn't that smooth this is really mad about something washi hold on ah Kirby consumes Kirby a lot more violent than I expected frankly and at the end of the game Kirby consumes Kirby that's so cute I love this style [Music] alright guys well hey thank you all for watching tune in next time for whatever you feel like doing in the next episode of Kirby Star allies bonus chapters we'll be taking on the minigames in seeing what else there is to offer in this game there won't be much extra stream content but don't worry I won't end it off just yet but thank you all for watching tune in next time for whatever we feel like doing this has been kirby star allies now what a game it's been
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 149,315
Rating: 4.8884935 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Let's play, Failboat, livestream, live, Kirby, Star Allies, finale, final boss
Id: 3741Eeg0OoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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