Funny Wii Party: Hard Balance Boat Mode!!

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today we play Wii Party balance boat on harder difficulty a lot of people in the comments were saying that this is going to get very difficult thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video okay this is very exciting it's like it's night time now look at how stale this water is especially around the boat so our teammate today is Lucia and I'm very excited to be playing this game mode hello okay so here is round one people in the comments were telling me that this game gets so difficult on the harder difficulties okay Tippy Traverse we should be able to do this one right let's see we just have to make it across without uh this all falling over okay come on now my dear Lucia let's go her name's Lucia right oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay come on come on let's go gotta go fast gotta go fast I'm tipping it I'm tipping it I'm tipping it okay let's get ready oh it's tipping that way now oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no this is so wild this is so wild what are we doing should we just try and run through okay look at those bats coming by okay let's go now go like this what happens if one of us fall off I'm on the edge of the world go oh no my friend what what in the world happen what happened what happened I thought that we won I'm like oh look we made it to the end that means that we win right wait but that one's gonna happen wait wait wait let's both go now okay come on come on come on okay that was so strange that was so strange oh boy I'm like come on you can jump why didn't I go back and give her my hand to help pull her up it's like I just went to the switch I'm like we made it okay so since we won we both get a me of the same color wait a minute and I've seen this guy before okay where are you putting them putting them right in the middle okay I'll put this one right oh I put it on the wrong side I slipped oh no oh no okay yes if the boat tips over and the knees fall off then we lose okay this count says ballast okay we're off to a great surge so far oh my goodness yeah motion controls is sometimes a bit hard hey what is this Clover hunt work together to find all five of the four leaf clovers in the painting Before Time runs out all right so we've got to be careful with our aim over here okay so this is an Amy one oh look at the knees on the sides over here oh wait that one's not a me only that one was okay find the four leaf clovers okay there's one two oh I was gonna get that one and let's see are they all big or are there some small ones wait there's one one more where is it that it yeah okay amazing wait did I get four of them the Tia are you being a good teammate I hope that my partner is going to be a good teammate okay you got a purple lady over there I got a green lady over here why would you put them a bit to the left like that do you want this ship to fall over wait what the okay come on come on come on let's go put it right there there we go hopefully that'll balance it out a little bit okay well they're even standing straight look at that okay pretty good I don't know if I would call that very balanced at least they're not falling over okay mini game number three or four oh basket Bonanza I love this one hey we gotta get some points over here hopefully we can cooperate we don't want our balls to come in contact with each other let's go good okay go come on come on come on come on there we go whoa whoa I shot like two in a row before that person could even go okay it's so weird that it's like you have to flick the Wii remote up and down to shoot but it's like sometimes when you do it sometimes it doesn't even go like now I'm flicking I was flicking the whole time and there now all of a sudden it went okay I need 30 points uh oh we might reach come on and yeah 33 Okay that guy that was smiling through the fence looked so funny hey what color hour means now oh double purple okay we both got purple ones wait oh there we go now I can grab it okay where are you why are you putting them all on that side I'm putting one over here okay I'm putting one over here that's what I'm doing and they balanced it out a bit it still is leading a bit to the right over here this reminds you of back in school when we'd be calculating moments and forces on beams and stuff like that and poppers I've never seen this mini game before shoot the cans to keep them in the air each shot is worth one point but you'll lose two if they hit the ground okay so this is some kind of point and shoot minigame wait oh I'm like what's that red target but that wasn't my target okay I'm blue okay let's go we gotta hit the cans wait do we need a certain number of points or what is our objective go Ed oh we gotta get 30 points I see how it works okay let's keep going okay gotta keep the cans up hey you shut my can I guess that's nice that we're working together oh oh get up there kids get up there Kids Go [Music] go kids Go kids oh boy gravity is crazy because look look it starts to gain speed weight how many points do we have we have enough we have enough now we just have to not lose too many points even though we lost two points at the end there that was still all right we still had at least 30 very nice that was a tricky one but a super cool one you really have to focus for that one I like that mini game a lot okay what's up now okay they got a green one and I've got a purple one let's see oh they actually put the green one on that side okay I put the purple one here is that too far let's see oh it like pushed did it push over the other maze or did it push over the barrel wait do the barrels count as part of the weight I wonder if the barrels count as part of the weight or not okay rumbles halfway through so far this ship hasn't tipped over so we're doing great rodents run down I've also never seen this mini game before how did that Mouse get the key work together to Corner the pesky rodent and get out of this weird place okay so we have to catch a rat yeah cause we're locked out over here and all of a sudden we notice that the rat has the key oh and I guess is it like kind of dark and difficult to uh see where the red is okay wait let's go let's go let's go come here here oh it's gonna run that way Ah that's too bad okay wait it's going there let's see oh no no no no no right into the wall oh no no no no okay come on come on ah you're too fast you're too fast okay let's see not a lot of time left let's see where are you gonna go where are you gonna go we've got you there we go okay man that's tricky because that rat can run really quickly but now we unlocked it okay and now we can get out of this dungeon oh now we're free we escaped pull a little area over there I like how we're dressed as explorers also okay now we both got these okay wait so my teammate's probably gonna put it oh right there oh now where should I go because it's actually oh I was gonna say super balanced right no no but it's still a bit to the right I guess I gotta put this one here don't tip over please okay they're just leaning a bit like that to the side so they're still good right right round six almost done play for size of Pumped cart Panic work together to pump the lever on this wacky Minecart and outrun the giant boulder okay and we can see the giant boulder over here when your side of the lever is upswing the Wii remote down to pump the card forward I see okay okay this looks crazy because I don't know if we have to pump up and down quickly or if we have to pump properly at the right time okay come on come on come on I'm pumping I'm pumping I'm pumping come on come on come on come on I'm pumping I'm pumping let's go let's go Gotta pump fast gotta pump fast gotta pump fast come on no did we stop because my teammate didn't do it or is it because my input wasn't registering see that means the means that we get are going to be a different size so let's see you got a little green one and I've got a very big yellow one is there anything I can do with this person because we are tilted a bit to the left so if I go like this I don't know if that'll knock us over I don't know if this would be so serious that it'd knock us over the other way yeah because look that Barrel's taking up some space so maybe this looks dangerous but maybe this will be safer don't fall over guys okay that doesn't make a crazy moment because it is near the center like that if you ever have a very big person you want them to be near the center like that because of course the size that'd be a very large moment meet and greet meet up with your partner as fast as you can only one door in each room will lead to the next good luck that's interesting is this like random point the Wii remote at a door then press a to open it oh and there could be just like a tire behind the door okay there's some doors that are appearing this looks just like a Roblox doors actually start I'm going into this door right here hey I picked the right door okay nice so today okay I'll go into this one this time oh oh my goodness we get punched in the face how you hit that look let's try this door then I'm so sorry for walking in on you using the bathroom I'm so sorry wrong one is it this one oh that one tire gets me oh my goodness like I picked the wrong door every single time okay but but let me go here and how do we meet each other finally finish finish with one second left we won hooray now you get the high five together that's great wait I don't think it's possible for us to pass by each other and miss each other is it okay so I got some more means to put down okay yellow one and a green one okay so you put down the green put it on the right put it on the right good and that goes kind of far like that case I gotta squeeze in the yellow one can I put it here hey nice and I push that Barrel over a little bit this is incredibly balanced look at how balanced this is this is great okay and we only need six more me so that's three more mini games three more rounds to go play for size let's go flashlight fright it's dangerous to go alone take this which is a line from Zelda take a flashlight each and dispel the ghosts by shining the light at them and you point your Wii remote to shine your flashlight if your partner gets caused by a ghost that lift right away okay so here are the ghost we're playing Luigi's Mansion now basically it'd be funny if one partner used a flashlight and the other partner used a vacuum cleaner to suck up the ghost okay let's see where the ghost set right there oh oh oh oh cause the ghosts are coming towards you oh look out look out look out whoa that pink ghost is moving around how do we get it oh boy that was a tough room over there okay hopefully we can escape successfully hey come on now good get that one hey oh we didn't defeat the ghost we just ran by come on come on come on I got a point I got a point Come On Now find out motion controls please be good motion controls that pink one is like a boss hey hey stay back stay back now how much HP do you have bro okay we're doing pretty good okay pretty creepy how it's a little dark like that they're like pool tables and stuff wait is this the end but that's not the end still got a point gotta be careful with where we are pointing whoa okay almost ran into that into that ghost oh how much HP do you have bro okay nice nice We Shrunk down that ghost hey hey is this the same one as before where are you going my bro hey you stay back you stay back stay back good good whoa snuck up on us hey hey stay back stay back oh my goodness so many ghosts come on just let me oh I was gonna say just let me escape we finally made it out wow that looks so much like that one from that one mini game in Mario Party I think Mario Party nine hey but that's nice that we made it from there okay now we got two yellow ones okay this is a little tricky okay you put down one on one side I'll put it down on the other side okay I'll put it down there and it should balance out right right right right right right tell me that'll work out bam the barrels make this a little tricky is that good good round nine second last round hopefully when we get me's they're all going to be the same color from here on out teamwork Temple wait why does that Temple look so much like the desert level from the original Paper Mario it takes a lot of teamwork to reach the treasure hidden deep in this Temple work together to strike it rich okay so we move around and press a button to activate switches I'm not really sure what we're gonna have to do but I guess we'll see all right so my teammate Lucia goes up there hey we need this horse turned this way wait oh oh do I have to turn my horse to match mine okay I understand how it works now okay wait we've got a lot of time for this one okay let's go like that okay good wait do I have to make mine the same color as yours or what what's going on oh oh you have to hit the color that the flame is okay I understand hey go yeah okay uh did we have to do that I'm not sure if we have to do that or not but let's see hey wait uh how's this gonna work I'll go like this okay you get launched up okay now are you gonna launch me up okay we'll do that sure it'll do this now oh and you have to do that okay I gotta get out of the way for that okay uh forward and then to the left okay forward and then this one to the left okay good now what will these things hurt us possibly or do we just have to walk by at a nice time are we done now wait oh oh over here you have to mash I guess oh and I have to mash this one oh let's go it's so weird to mash buttons on a Wii mode what a weird controller okay let's see come on come on come on come on almost there okay yeah we have plenty of time we'll take it easy now with the mashing there we go it's nine seconds left okay not bad some stuff it took a little while to figure out oh it looks like we got a big treasure too that's pretty cool hooray clear I really like the victory music in this game hey what are we putting now okay green ones green ones let me grab a green one okay let's go we gotta put them down together okay you go there I'll go here and is it balanced don't fall over don't please please please please please please please please please we need only two more oh boy this is so close I'm scared I'm a little scared at how this is gonna go what are the last two gonna be if they're not the same color it'll be extremely difficult oh Pop coaster okay this is a good one we should be able to win this Okay so we've gotta basically pop a bunch of balloons wait can I aim over there at that one down there ah I would have loved to aim at that one down there okay I guess we'll start by trying to shoot all these yeah so if you pop all the balloons then you get the present and the different color presents are worth different amounts of points wait it's my teammate even shooting at all now let's get ready let's see where are we shooting wait where's my cursor oh boy now my teammate was really helping me that time okay good job teammate oh boy I don't know if we got that last one wait are we moving faster than normal I feel like we're moving too fast [Music] let's see oh shoot I don't shoot at those shoot at those shoot at those good good good that one okay good okay let's see where we aiming Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready okay get the green one the green one's worth a lot of points oh wait all we need is 30 points anyways so we have more than that then yeah we already succeeded okay so that's fine okay 43 49 and wait wait there's one more somewhere around here I think last time I popped it accidentally oh it's right there right there okay did I get it or did my partner I don't know if I got it if my partner did but I was moving my cursor there but I think that means that we got all them I think 50 points is the most that you could get okay now we gotta be ready to put these down okay and they're green right wait where's my guy okay are you ready you ready bro hey hey hey I was gonna put it on that side okay wait does it balance now oh my goodness it almost looks perfectly balanced as all things should be am I right that's a line from like some kind of Marvel movie or something isn't it and it looks pretty balanced too expert has been added I heard a lot of people saying in the comments that this is really difficult and it'll take a lot of attempts guys let me know if this is going to be hard I really recommend you watch my video where we play all mini games in Mario Party superstars on Master difficulty thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] please
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 246,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party superstars, mario party superstar, mario party superstar chance time, chance time mario party superstars, zxmany, mario party zxmany, zxmany mario party, zxmany mario party superstars, mario party superstars zxmany, yoshi, luigi, mario, super mario, princess peach, princess daisy, all characters, minigames, game game, wii party u, wii u, wii u party, highway rollers, highway rollers wii party u, highway rollers wii u party, zxmany wii party u, wii party
Id: 1yc1QlSkMt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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