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get out of cotton now what do you think you're going huh and I tell you stay over there buddy Duke hey where do you think you're doing my own business old man stay in the car hey I found out where you was going man you thought I was gonna shoot you I want to go what's happening here put the gun down put the gun out ain't you man you think I'll plant you don't move drop your guns hey man look I'm a suspect all of a sudden you speaking English now huh a little a little my ass you lied to me I didn't say I did you sue my dinner so much keep your little baby ass right now man scatter you I know you know that little tricky [ __ ] come on I'm not responsible for your assumption you full of [ __ ] you understand that you full of [ __ ] not being able to speak it's not the same it's not speaking you seem as if you like to talk I like to let people talk who like to talk it makes it easier to find out how full of [ __ ] they are what the hell did you say you full of [ __ ] I'm gonna kick your ass well nobody do that with me you must take me to see console hon right away man to sit there and shut up ain't no democracy yes it is no it ain't this is the United States and James Carter I'm the president you're the girl nobody likes you I must get to the counselor what are we doing here it's called a shakedown their cities work and just watch me out of my business they control the space I want to help with the investigation this is my case you okay look you can back me up when we get in here you follow my lead and do what I do okay so my [ __ ] this is we what you got we're searching for this yeah where is it who is it oh well I stake your wares dear you know what just number cigarette good thing a weed look like a cigarette you better head back home I do what's that girl what girl hello girl what look girl the little Chinese girl I don't know nothing about no little Chinese girl you know what I'm talking about don't act like you know what I'm gonna take all y'all asking me and right now if I don't get no answers Carter put the gun down like you know me you don't know me I see what's going on y'all trying to play me like a fool yeah I think I'm a fool all right look Lee go outside real quick it's gonna get a little dangerous in here I may have some cookies go outside and wait by but man when I told you back me up outside I'm gonna take everything all right you sure I'm sure no no no don't complain oh yeah what a little girly girl oh you know what I'm talking about man you better take your goddamn hands off my suit your mama bought me this suit for Christmas this is my favorite suit now let me go I'm gonna see you Thanksgiving I won't anything like a cup of noodles or something kada stop wasting my time I made a promise to sue y'all you read I have been wasting your time I'm sorry just let me go in here and get some meat when I come back out on my takeaway ever you want to go okay okay shake on it what are you doing you need to only one with quick hands are you happy right bean burrito Seimei y'all seen the a to do but this height with a steel wheel is on guys screw yourself what is that I said go screw yourself up then let me get out of this truck man when I get up in the I'm strapping somebody out and play that what happened Carter it was your job my job to be jumping on a hard job I do not do that I am NOT Carl Lewis who is this man sir I can explain agent Carter has been helping with my investigation he's upset that we have not done our job me and Lee taking care of a situation we have everything under control we're on top of it we're gonna get your daughter back safe and sound he's very passionate about fighting your daughter would you my plastic someone detective Lee they had one of our best men by his side at all time agent Russ maybe this is a good time to tell the council the details of my assignment yes yeah Carter don't beat your mom you want me to meet someone in private oh I see this must be g14 classified FBI type stuff first let me call my captain and let him know what's going on around here now we'll talk in a second team you coming around Oh who's this hello am I speaking with FBI give me the FBI yeah they say happy hour you are FBI yeah okay let me get a pen all right cool the drop will be made tonight 11:00 p.m. the amount will be 15 million dollar fifty million dollars thank you kidnap Chelsea Clinton keep him talking in US currency 50 all right right all right cool cool cool 50 me now no problem no problem I want 20 million in 50 20 million in 50 20 million in twenty twenty million in twenties 10 million in 10 and 10 million intense you want any fives with that what is your name what's your name man you called us why you want to know my name I just want to be able to tell the console who is responsible for his daughter death because he talked too much all right look me all right oh don't wait Carter look it's lights out they locked down well you want me to lose my job I don't know when they got you this damn jelly but open this gate let me in him I can't do it Bobby didn't I turn my back that time he bought that bag a week I was footing it with you but didn't I give you the bigger half come on Bobby now do me this favor you got five minutes hey car the two brothers are here to see you hey you got a lot of balls coming here now just around the way man I figured you'd be boy I can see how he was doing what the hell do you want I was keen on you bring again you got a lot of time on your hands I brought you look toy to play with I don't want that you know did somebody told me you liked to play with stuff like this I don't like to play with stuff like that I don't even know what it is you never sold is it no bad in it how could I sell to somebody when I don't even know what it is maybe I look close hold it I don't want to hold it just touch it I don't want to try you don't want touch it because I don't want to touch it this is get in it you really think I'm stupid on you stupid never you busty want me to put my fingerprints on that so you can friend me cloud no why would I do something like that you think I'm gonna try to trick you again besides I don't have to frame you you gonna do life I think fine I heard the little girl I don't know anything wrong a little girl that any what I heard that's what I'm gonna tell everybody I don't care what you heard anything about a little girl I got a big mouth glad let me tell you something I don't know anything about that so you can kiss my fat ass slap it take me all day to kiss your fat ass class what are you gonna do you want some of this cuz if you do I'll give you all you want give me a name I ain't telling you [ __ ] she's only 11 years old I don't want her to die look at the picture I thinking about him I talked about you I care about the little girl give me the name the guy's name is Jintao I never say no where can I find him pooja restaurant Chinatown do yourself a favor get rid of this guy she's gonna get you killed ah thank you man I'm gonna come back next New Zealand time I'm bringing fed asking cookies man we appreciate it well is a good soul absolutely nothing but no war everybody knows war
Channel: arronmin83
Views: 12,228,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny
Id: Xx7hmZU9dxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2009
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