Colin Firth 'Fell in LOVE' with Matthew Macfadyen

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we're at the uk premiere of operation mints make finally how are you feeling right now well it's odd because it was another world wasn't it you know when we we finished this it was more than two and a half years ago perhaps when we started and uh having this reunion we haven't seen each other since you know the lost years and so it's it's really thrilling to be back together can be quite the party with you lot tonight then isn't it i hope so so for audiences that obviously haven't seen it who are you in this and what role do you play well i'm a spy um a rather brilliant spy members of whose family are here tonight which is quite so exciting for me actually i'm rather starstruck um no this is a man who was a who's a brilliant barrister um who uh he found himself working with the intelligence services during the war and applying that extraordinary mind to these spy ruses which are not they're not normal conventional logical things i mean i've we learned that spycraft is sometimes to have ideas which are completely bonkers because the more logical you are the more people can guess what you're about because you can decode logic you can't really decode bonkers so um you know it was uh what churchill called corkscrew thinking and he was very good at that when did you first find out about this whole story well i didn't know very much about it um apart from a film that was made in the in the 50s called the man who never was and i was enthralled to that when i was a small child i was probably about seven in the 60s and this it was it's it it treated exactly the same subject it had a different approach i mean this is not a remake of that but i just found this idea of creating a human being who never existed and making him so real that it could possibly change the course of world events just completely fascinating what was your favorite part of filming i think it's the collaboration um it's one of the you know creative forms that is collaborative you know i would have loved to have been a writer or perhaps composed but it's a composer or something but it feels solitary to me and um i just love being around you know fellow professionals and bouncing ideas and just having that sort of social connection really kelly told me her favorite part of filming was watching yours and matthew's bromance blossom well it's a love triangle really i mean matthew and i basically met on this film and yes we did sort of fall in love and romantically and um kelly is a very very old friend penelope wilton's a very old friend and then they're these extraordinary new people um who became dear friends as well including the uh late and much lamented paul ritter james fleet johnny flynn jason isaacs you know i mean it was such a a joy i mean alex jennings who i had worked with uh briefly before um and john madden who's an old friend so it was like having a family back together again so you and matthew are now best friends forever is that the same i think so i think it's inevitable we'll never get away from each other and what about your keeping secret ability are you any good yes i am actually i mean it's the only bit of spycraft i think i might be good at i'm not clever enough really to be a spy but i i think i can keep a secret and talk to me through the worst thing the hardest thing about filming this were there any challenges well there are always some challenges i mean given what real challenges are in the world one's always a little bit embarrassed about to say it but yeah i mean it's it's not easy to get it right it's not easy to simulate spontaneity when you're waiting for a long time and then repeating things um and you know it's there are always things that go wrong on a film set and um but they're not the sharp end of the world's challenges i think we always feel very lucky to be doing it and it's finally your roles that you've played are quite remarkable is this up there with one of your favorites are you taking on might be i i mean i i really admire this man that i'm playing and i think it's a very exciting and very unusual story so yeah i think this is one i will cherish [Music] you
Channel: On Demand Entertainment
Views: 27,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity news, celebrity news channel, entertainment news, entertainment channel, entertainment news channel
Id: Q0TQnOxzz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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