Funniest Pranks Of 2020 | JiDion

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[Music] [Music] 28 what position outside linebacker outside linebacker okay well would you say he's more of a von miller or amir khalifa who's my second choice mia khalifa von miller that's an easy guess reader that's an easy one everybody everybody should be like i mean you know you could be like mia khalifa too there's nothing wrong with that yeah you know who she is right you don't ever heard of lana rhodes other professionals at their schools you should definitely have them watch film on them oh yeah yeah yeah i think it will better him in this field definitely so what are you all doing we're the scouts before the scouts we're like the we're the priest scouts you know like you got the pre-cum we're the pre-scouts we calm before the real stuff comes exactly are you here watching sir i'm with the band with the springs are you with the band yeah oh yeah yeah yeah him and my mom they've been having a thing he put in a good word for me [Music] i'm sorry i gotta prove to my dad that loves me you're here sir i know about football okay right through here sir i can see talent from a mile away like him i bet he was a great old lineman back in the day right you played old line right sorry you're a fullback right full back oh maybe running back what's she already wearing no middle linebacker yeah i see limited linebacker i can i get a picture with you yeah yeah yeah what's it called you can follow us on instagram yeah it's called shittiest cars in houston on ig yeah yeah shittiest cars in houston just follow us bro we're having the contest at the end of the month you could probably win the main thing i'm going to try to do is i'm going to try to if i can beef with someone so much that they try to race me in my friend's car like that's the main goal hey no [ __ ] engine check can't rev push [ __ ] engines you feel me it's against the rules what is this man [Music] you already say it what do you say say it again oh [ __ ] bro you bout to have me dying man oh [ __ ] and all honestly i think you could do a little bit more to it bro yeah that's all good yeah if you put a cobra j intake in this hole this thing will be bad i don't even think that could save it like like [ __ ] like they don't like blue no more that was so 2019. they're in their gray now this guy has a lot of [ __ ] on his dick a lot are you like you like his like assistant or something no i just see it a lot because he has so many hoes i i call cap on that i mean i would need a body count real quick body count yeah cause like i just like slayed like five bodies last week yeah in the honda and the honda yeah at the same time though nah nah nah [ __ ] don't like chargers no more people with chargers have small dicks that's what i've heard you know but hey uh you know keep on working bro maybe you can catch up to me one day man just keep the dream alive that's you what's it rocking i'm not gonna cap like i located my honda will like leave you in the dust it's a quick v6 not that fast i mean i got a b4 though i got to be four trying to test this out like that little race yeah okay yeah let me go get my car real quick yeah you hear that right i can't believe i'm really about to race this [ __ ] oh i think you want me to go here three two one go hey hey you got a head start round two round two excuse me i think i broke my back my back is broken it's all good my obamacare right now don't worry about it sure yeah yeah oh you heard that pop yeah that was a good one thank you man your life's over thank you yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it you guys need a guy what happened he cannot be filming in the store bro why are you filming in the store let's go hey let's go sir social distance and please let's go brother okay we can leave i gotta feel this let's go no you ain't buying nothing please don't do that leave the store now like we can kiss like i'm down dude stop filming now wrong i'm down we can call league city police please it's not gay it's homosexual dude i told you to stop filming this is private property and you are not allowed to film in this store okay that's why we're leaving but can we pay for this bro bro i used to be an offensive lineman bro good for you i hope you got a lawyer bro bro i don't want a lawyer i just want my black danny duncan in my [ __ ] you good bro no i'm not good what happened you want to talk about it okay i'm sorry we good just watch the beef all right peace bro hey what's up guys okay this is my first time too so i'm not gonna lie kind of nervous kind of nervous do we all have moms in here that we love i bet that bet that but this is for the mothers titty milk i don't think you guys heard me i said t milk the milk comes out the nipple of the titty nipple milk nipple milk we all drink milk no matter the color asian african or the manny can everybody drinks titty milk if you don't you're crude i bet you guys didn't know this but hitler killed the jews that was very rude beep boop beep boop game over no redo but jj ladies i know y'all hear me i said buh j j badge coochie glory hole whatever you want to call it it doesn't matter man don't got it but one man do i wish i could touch me some coochie but i'm too scared to dr seuss is my idol eggs and ham sam i am sam from icarly is hot you cannot tell me she's not all the ladies in the building i'm single ready to start building raise your hand in the air if you want some dark chocolate [Applause] damn no hands raised i think it's time for me to sit down for today all right y'all so we're ordering the uber right now video is going to be sitting here recording so we got like a great eagle view and yeah man this should be a banger ready uh how you doing man today good i gotta go drop this package off all right you get the other side yeah no problem three two oh [ __ ] what's in there oh no no here come on let's look let's let's go three what is in there nah it's just my vibrator bro don't even worry about it man come on somebody's yelling for help no no you just your hearing aid is messing up bro come on no no no no no no no no [ __ ] up player huh bro come on man i gotta go he just sold for 15 v bucks i gotta come on dude somebody's going for help in there i can't take that bro shut the [ __ ] up i need to get him to tijuana right now listen listen we ran tests on him huh he's the first male to test positive for womp i don't know what that is that's exactly why we need to get him to tijuana man can't take any chances come on i already paid man no no no no no get off the car you're not gonna snitch okay don't snitch okay hey it was just a prank it's just a prank it's just a prank i think he's calling the girl he's like on the phone hey help me uh put this in the back okay appreciate you three two one man what is that what's going on what happened there's somebody in there oh no no he's just it's it's nothing don't even worry about it bro i just need to get dropped off the airport how's your day going man come on so you you cool with it i don't know what to do i mean are you cool i mean i'm cool i'm cool if you're cool you cool yeah okay let's go [ __ ] oh we're not going nowhere now you can stop it is my friend in the in the suitcase okay we were just playing are you around people or what and he said there was a child in a suitcase screaming for help he's 13 so he didn't really count like that what's the story so basically uh pablo you know cracking stuff's not selling no more the moves little kids now so i'm trying to like sell that like we were just not like nothing too trying to scare people no they're not not necessarily scared people you work over at chipotle right is it all right how about you you work over there with him in chipotle oh no i do porn okay can you do me a favor before you head off yeah could you like just say like [ __ ] tyron no no you can't do that man okay can you say the law hates tyrone then no everything we're saying is recording an audio video right here okay oh i'm on video right now you're on video right now oh it cool if i like plug my stuff no just we're going to end it right here oh okay all right damn ricardo why are you so scared you were this ball i don't understand like i'm not even sweating it's because of the hair i need to i need to shave let's go to restroom real quick excuse me y'all have to cut hairline privileges yeah hairline privilege i have a disabled hairline how do you like put on a drag and i've never heard of a hairline privilege while i have a whole line i have a hairline disability have to do with you because i'm disabled you understand right you have to have your mask on while you're in the store yeah i got my mask on okay that's not a problem there is a line so if you want to go ahead were you already waiting in line no i get to skip because i have hair lines no sir uh unfortunately there's still a line first come first serve gonna go ahead and get back in line for me please okay so you just discriminated against people without here okay okay i understand let me know if you see this okay this is beautiful i mean you think you're giving me a favor bro like you seem like you got the drip i'm trying to find my hairline like you like spread awareness yeah spread awareness definitely [Music] [Applause] please call 1-800 find my hairline if you find it i was just making sure my hairline wasn't in there if you see this hairline let me know okay hey everybody in the mall can i get your guys attention as you can see i am missing my hairline i think tyrone took it i have flyers right here if you find my hairline please call 1-800 find my hairline that is 1-800 buy my hairline there's a 69 reward and uh thank you for your support we got porn wars forest hump hey that's for you yeah thank you baby it's a good movie the penetrator and then my personal favorite bob's boners so all in all this is gonna be a really really good flight i'm gonna be late i'm gonna be late i'm gonna oh my thank you so much what's your name adrian adrian oh my thank you so much man here bro no no here take tapes bob's boners do you want black hawk down no no you're fine you're fine no here take black hawk down you're fine oh my gosh i'm gonna be late i'm gonna be late oh hand me the penetrator hand me the penetrator where's porn wars who took my porn wars bro did you take my porn wars oh my god it's my hands i'm so sorry okay i'm sorry it's in my hand left left left right left left left right i don't know what i've been told y'all supposed to go along with it tyrone tyrone i'm back and i am back with a vengeance i have driven three hours to deliver this message to you you did not want to give me my size 13 so i am back and i am back with a diss track time wrong [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] hey but can i get my size 13 now like through no like i'm like dead ass like i want like can i get a size 13 or something i'll give you the commission tyrone i promise hey let's let's go shopping guys hey tyrone uh what should you want me to buy i'll buy whatever shoe you want me to buy bro play the song again play the song again that's the reason i came here because you keep on talking about my mama up tight round round two i'm back ty roll call the security better leave me alone i just wanna smash give me that ass go ahead do it real fast talking about my mama what to do me and you i'm gonna show you what this 13 inch do you get the blues you won't even have a clue so ass yeah soul trash full luck is better when you get mad at me just makes me wetter and my gucci sweater pamper forever [Music] but this was the third time you don't need to come into the store and start problems you don't need to talk about my mama though you can do that privately now you're also affecting my business tyrone just let me know are you doing something with my mom because she won't tell me are you with my mom tyrone if you're my dad i'm cool with that all right y'all i got some jokes for y'all i got something else man so first up on the list how do you you boil the hell out of it hey yo oh [ __ ] all right this is my this is my best one this was my this is my best one this is my best one all right what's funnier than slavery the holocaust [Music] oh damn yeah i didn't like that one oh [ __ ] okay my bad okay oh [ __ ] that just like ruled my whole moment okay i thought that was funny okay uh here here's another one i like my girls how i like my clocks below 12. [Laughter] um yeah sorry okay um [Music] um these i've been waiting all day for this [ __ ] engine's just laughing but not [ __ ] funny what the [ __ ] is funny what the [ __ ] funny bro what like really what the [ __ ] funny all right guys give it up for demarcus lawrence cousins i want the big one daddy no no daddy i want the big one no son what flavor do you want are you gonna stop being mad or pick your flavor i want vanilla say it nicely the lady didn't do anything to you i want the jack harlow vanilla yeah ice cream ice cream daddy i'm sorry assume the [ __ ] possess daddy no assume the position [Music] [Music] so my boy gary and eric they did this funny ass prank where they would go by and ask siri weird ask questions next to people and i kind of want to try it out real quick so let's go do it hey siri how do you get the jeffrey epstein island hey siri how do you get a threesome going with a black couple [Laughter] hey siri how do you pick up bbws oh i'm 15. oh [ __ ] we out of here i need your guys help i'm trying to get started here at walmart man i've been trying to [ __ ] my [ __ ] pedo he says if i don't get a job i'm gonna go back can y'all pee in this cup for me i went on a bender last night i mean that's better than what i'm doing man i hit like [ __ ] nine needles last night i was going [ __ ] crazy i can try enough yes yeah yeah i got a water bottle you can drink this [ __ ] from me real quick yeah i appreciate you bro man i saw you my first paycheck just down the hall in the [ __ ] restroom do you need me to like hold it for you while you pee or you think you got it you got it yourself but he he works here oh you work here [ __ ] they know me oh [ __ ] i won't tell if you don't i mean yeah but they still got camera see look it's right there he knows exactly who i am [ __ ] bro [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm sorry bro no i appreciate you hey i'm just i'm not gonna cap you guys are real as [ __ ] we're making a youtube video but yeah but i don't i don't want to get you in trouble so i'll like bleep out your name and everything in your face yeah you're good yeah yeah all right yeah i got y'all y'all real as [ __ ] though yeah this [ __ ] was real yeah the real ones okay so i'm trying to get hired on here and my homeboy said they don't like you know [ __ ] drug tests i was like that's a bed but i go in there and they tell me they need some piss so i just wanted like you guys think you can like maybe give me a quickie real quick my homeboy blackboard jb he came through with the og bobby johnson and we went crazy last night so you think you can like just slide this real quick and i'll slide you my first paycheck i just came back from here my hands are practically yeah he literally did it damn man i bet that [ __ ] was clean huh oh probably yeah what about you i know you probably got a little bit in the tank now you're not gonna pass with me you don't think i'm gonna pass not with hers [ __ ] bro i've had so many bad experiences at walmart but these [ __ ] are chill as [ __ ] like 10 out of 10 for walmart 10 out of 10. go try target real quick i don't mean to be a burden but can i ask you for a small small favor what's up do you want to pee in there yeah yeah you already know what's up basically my po he's been like on my ass i just got out like this is my second chance yeah i had a bender last night i will you will mom you better not yeah i will yep thank you so much okay then you have to do better do you need some ozaka no i could pee on demand are you going to do better oh yeah it was just a quickie it was maddie timberla you know she made me do it she's a bad influence on me i need to drop her all right no no i'm flying man you're just gonna die we're making it no ma'am you don't have to do it we're making a youtube video i promise oh no you're you're freaking a real one i was there i have a nice video you cannot get more [ __ ] real than that i'm ignoring you oh i'm sorry something oh i was ignoring you how you doing good thank you i'm richard nice to meet you nice to meet you too uh what are you working on my resume oh wow uh where you trying to work at i don't know yet i mean like you don't have to do nothing for me like i don't have nothing for you to do but i mean i could just pay you like if you need some side money i can just send it to you if you need to just send me money yeah like do you need a 20 that's okay you can keep your 20. are you sure you look thirsty are you parshed a little bit but i think i'm okay yeah what's your favorite drink i can i can run down and go get it for you real quick that's so sweet but i'm okay okay thank you nice to meet you uh if i want to inconvenience you now if it's inconvenient i really don't want to do it but i would very highly likely if i could get maybe one of your social medias to follow and you know help support the cause sure oh awesome that's oh thank you so much oh my gosh i bet you're like a ig model or something i'll be the first to like everything i'll comment share whatever you need me to do i got you all right have a nice day thank you so much appreciate it like thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay thank you appreciate it i got our instagram [Laughter] shoes yeah your boy tripping man i think he's off the glizzies all right that's it that's it no more that's it give me a second and that's it yeah but you shouldn't be off the glizzies though dog do i really look like i got time to play games man i mean your store's in there it's compassionate and staring i'ma tell you right now don't ever step back foot inside that store again footlock's better anyway damn you know guys i usually don't take things personally but when you do a your mom joke on me like you know this is what you deserve i went above and beyond just the trolls man just cause he said that all i know is i'm fighting for my pride my country's pride my subscribers pride really fighting for the world's pride right now so without any further ado let's go get this [ __ ] beat you to the wga put your [Music] [Music] this in a size 13. can i please get this on the side of 13. i'm trying to get my top 13 man bro hillary's got size 13 why can't i shop here why can't i do my business in here on man you got to get a shoe then you got to say that but but you know you know you bro i literally i asked your manager if i can get a size 13 yesterday slapped it across the room like you go check it and see if you got these man i'm not gonna lie my can you hook me up bro we good bro i just want my size 13 man if you good i'm good don't record me dog camera smack that [ __ ] that wouldn't be cool bro i don't care i don't care i told y'all stop [ __ ] with my business and y'all came back again today after i already told y'all yesterday we're gonna be like flight and we're gonna take the cameras off all right the camera's on me right now can i go by my size 13. no you can't i don't want you in my store but why is he so mad bro all right what did i do come on bro like cause he brought the but was that worth getting a shoe slapped out of my hand and him saying that he smashed my mom twice now i gotta go ask my mom about that like i don't know if that she's real or not i mean he's a good looking dude like no cab like no homo i mean i got my socks on still like he's a good looking dude mix with these young little ladies looking at you see this guy you're picking right there i want him i want tyrone tyrone come outside serve me my size 13. i will not leave until i get my size 13 tyrone please serve me serve me [Music] tyrone i'm busting down for you tyrone tyrone come out come on tyrone look bro i'm dancing for you can i can i get my size 13 bro what's going on guys what y'all doing i'm just trying to figure out why i can't buy my size 13. any store can refuse to give you service if you're causing like right now it seems as though you're causing some kind of disturbance or something so now i just want to ask you to leave that's all okay thank you bro i'm literally never going to see me again i'm cool with you bro can i get a dab up don't worry about it man we cool now just let him go tyron we cool let's let's let him go let him go yeah he's cute leave him alone man if he don't want it if you don't want to be bothered you don't want to go it's 20 20 bro i understand it's 20 20 right bye tyrone hey man i'm sorry you'll never see me again i just you said something about my mom i have to say it your mom i had to get you back my bad bro you know that app that tick tock yeah so basically i met the second biggest person on there addison ray like 10 out of 10 like she's bad as [ __ ] right and i had ran into her and i guess she likes black dudes one thing led to another like we go to the room and [ __ ] and i lost my virginity to a 10 out of 10 you know usually when you lose your virginity it's like a five or below but you know i got me a dime piece so lucky me so i was like damn you know what i need to save this as a souvenir so hey not only did i lose my virginity but also this condom has been inside addison ray she has over 50 million followers on i'm not taking that bro nor do i want it in my store what's up bro like you know how much this go for on ebay can you get that out of my store like right now bro please bro like look she even got some hair on them i don't care what she has to take that out she gotta she got a jungle i don't care what she is bro get it out of my store right now bro don't have to show you the video to the show like i don't need to see the video nor do i want to see the video bro you really basically have me call security right now bro please do not make me do that bro what's gonna happen i'm gonna have a fall for sexual arrests dude sexual harassment yes bro just get it out of my football i'm begging you bro don't make a tick tock of you putting the pain on your body bro i don't want that happening just get out of here okay can i sell it to you like you might know the dog no obviously not bro please get it out of my stomach 2k 2k no no get it all right boys so i saw the noke boys do this and like i've been wanting to do it for the longest but all the public libraries are closed so i got the vr headset i had for like a year basically we're going to be watching porn in the library but cause barnes noble what category should i watch like what's the thing that like the girl will be the loudest milking watch some milking porn 40 minutes so do you think you can fuss that quick okay take it outside now take it outside now oh my oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] my bad bro take it outside now can i turn it down take it outside now can i just turn it down you can turn it down when you go outside you're done here go i don't have wi-fi sorry about that you want me to call security no i just don't have wi-fi my mom took me off the wi-fi i don't know the password and do you have your friends pictures in person i do i have everything what's his first name jamal see these are the pictures okay he was a good looking young man pick that one up and the personal items so here's his fifty thousand dollar chain all i could find was some dirty underwear he didn't leave anything at the house like real bad dirty underwear to me they're not that bad because mine be looking pretty like i think you can work with this maybe through the bag let's try with this okay we'll just save this for later okay so do you think he's here right now yeah he's trying to manifest if i hear a voice in my head i would pay attention are you hearing anything that makes sense yeah i'm hearing and that was like i was his calling card he would he would just hit the whoa whoa kinda like barking yeah yeah yeah but like manly though i just heard a full sentence okay he just said she's a virgin and then at the end he hit it with his deep voice it's hurting she's a virgin me it's hurting shoddy a little batty she ate my little boo thing and shotty got the fatty shawty got the buddy what what does that mean sort through the voices and just pay attention to one because now it's just like and i was just sexual stuff she's talking about i hit her without a rubber i nutted in her cover and i kept it like he's trying to tell you a new rap song or something he just might be unreleased because he was working on i don't know what he's saying i don't know babe just trust what you hear shout out to your little baddies maybe try to do some automatic writing later she ain't my little boo thing so i'm gonna actually have someone in here the chaperone oh you guys actually have to look at it yeah you actually have to look at it oh wow i actually have to pull down my pants yo kind of embarrassing i haven't got a sponsor from manscape in a while so the jungle is a jungle all right this one oh yeah that can't hurt yeah how long have you had this you said like two days okay are you sexually active uh yeah stop the cow do you use protection barrier protection obviously i'm a professional raw dogger so okay no no protection okay we should check for std so we're gonna go ahead and check it for gonorrhea we're gonna go ahead and order um the test okay if it's positive for something we'll notify you and we'll give you a treatment accordingly all right fingers crossed vito can you hold my hand here we go wait hold on hold on hold on wait hold up can you like distract me do you have any kids it's all done oh wow not yet at least i'm sick i might die have a nice day hey man this is a contra terry tell hope you guys know professional raw dog again is no joke so if you guys buy the merch you got to be about it or if you just want to like buy to support your boy you can do that too hey give me a hug bro bro come here give me a hug man bro give me a hug what do you have on you i don't have anything the vito do i have anything on me let me know i might have an std though bruh why do you do that oh my gosh you like the fat girls we're gonna figure out in three to five business days wait wait what does that mean how you guys doing i'll join if i can get some help with the washing machines real quick right here yeah it's good sass it's not a you know monster size it's big enough to handle a comforter king size this is my step sister keeps on getting stuck in it like here i'm gonna see if i like i don't see how she gets hey sir can you help me out what i'm stuck come on here grab me for my right step bro got me from always don't tell step dad please okay one two three oh [ __ ] oh man i thought my step sister was just joshing with me like i feel like she like actually likes me you know really yeah and so i thought like you know it's just like sexual innuendo but i think she really was getting stuck yeah really yeah that was crazy yeah we need something a little bit bigger i got stuck in there
Channel: JiDion
Views: 15,495,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jidion, vlog, funny, prank, funniest, 2020, best of 2020, best pranks of 2020
Id: o3fFiFYx-pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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