Funniest Construction Design Fails

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hello friends it's me today i have some crunchy crusty construction fails for you guys not the good kind of crunch you walk into the bathroom and the toilet is encased in glass what's the point of even putting glass around it now you just have to open an extra door to get into it it serves no privacy or perhaps they value protection but we don't care about privacy you can watch but you can't touch me while i'm taking a poop but that's a life sentence for you have you ever made yourself cringe they put the surveillance camera right behind a sign whatever crime you're thinking about committing right now don't even think about it maximum security right here we'll see everything by everything i mean the back of a wall i don't think they ever watch the footage and be like what room is this what are we watching wow so they needed this school to be wheelchair accessible so they're like okay okay you know what we gonna put on a little ramp y'all can't go up the stairs but but you can go down the stairs at your own risk i mean what's the worst that can happen you're already in a wheelchair i hope y'all have some good breaks look this does look kind of fun we're gonna take the public phone and put it on a 10-foot pole you must be this tall to call somebody sorry giants only i'll make the rules why is she even trying ma'am your fingers can't even reach up there even if you grab the phone pulled the cord down but you can't even press the button can't even dial 9-1-1 to complain about this injustice now what a perfect place to put an outlet and a faucet but you know no sink in sight we're just using this countertop we all swing it around and hopefully it reaches outside this is a disaster waiting to happen like as soon as you turn all that water yo the outlet right there what happens when you turn on the water that's electricity and that's illegal okay but why do they look like long-lost friends gazing out the window wondering what are we doing here you walk into the public bathroom and you see this what you do half a slice of toilet can you even lift this where's the other half in the men's room are we sharing a toilet with a stranger on the other side like i don't like it jokes on you i got the side that flushes i can't believe this monstrosity who did this oh no that's a big no-no what happens when the train comes through we just gonna ignore that cement block the train just gonna like jump to the side when it passes this minor inconvenience no really does the train just not go on these tracks this is what i imagine prison to look like the water just coming out of the wall like that it don't even hit the bowl oh you wanted the water to go in the bowl oops unfortunate you know this is making me angry because you already know as soon as you try washing your hands you're going like boop into the back you know when you go to a stadium or a concert you get some really cheap seats that are probably really far away these ones are right by the stage there's a wall blocking the view so we just gonna sit there and listen we using our ears today i'm gonna sound pretty dumb but are those for blind people or perhaps it's for the crew who are sick and tired of seeing the band perform every night they're like you know what i i'm good just sitting here hearing is enough for me this is my hotel sitting area with absolutely no way to access it um we gonna grab a ladder and go up there for some peace and quiet you know they don't want any soliciting no loitering we have a sitting area but it's up there good luck okay best western challenge accepted but you can't be mad at me when i try to grab onto the chandelier and skirt my way up there for some peace and quiet we gotta make lines on the road let everyone know which lane to stay in [Music] perfect doesn't matter what lane you're in as long as you can have art and a not so happy little accident when you all decide to merge into each other by glengo burr i mean if mario was real life you would be collecting those pins not collapsing on them right turn only excuse me i'm sorry what right turn up into this curb is that what we're doing now i think they met left but somehow was like some people just want to watch the world burn i suppose yeah just in case of an emergency we're gonna put a fire hydrant right here on the stairs but we're gonna put these metal bars around them so there will be no funny business going on here so if you really need it you're gonna have to like i don't know grow some hulk arms somehow pull apart the metal bars and retrieve the fire hydrant but before that happens we're probably burning down so you walk down the stairs in this house and the ceilings keep getting shorter and shorter is this no white's house should just throw all the dwarfs in the basement okay y'all can live here y'all need a full-size ceiling y'all are like three feet or you know what else is short kids y'all could also live in this basement you know we really wanted to put fancy escalator in this mall but we kind of ran out of budget just make it stairs y'all can manage y'all know how to go upstairs dang it why couldn't my mom get the moving stairs got my hopes up for none the stairs that lead to nowhere i mean they lead up but like where it's a metaphor for college you open up this bathroom and it's got an outlet on the toy let's see how does this even work oh you know why i thought this was really weird at first and i realized how useful this would actually be like if you're sitting on the toilet toilet you're sitting on the toilet sitting on the toilet you need to charge your phone sitting on the toilet you just plug it in right behind you swing the cord around and you're charging wham bam you got electricity man which probably isn't a good idea when you're on a toilet or is it would you guys use this when you book your room on pick the very basic cheapest room this is what you're gonna get y'all thought you were getting a good deal of jokes on you y'all ain't even getting a window just wall wait there's a balcony but there's no window how are you even supposed to go up there what was the point of even putting a balcony there in the first place i'm confused someone actually stayed at this hotel i love how they put up curtains you know just in case the customer doesn't decide to check the view and by view i meant wall it's a beautiful day in my prison cell oh it's the smallest sink i've ever seen and it just sits in a corner is it even a sink or a little bird bath the size of this man's hands so tiny i actually kind of like it i gotta put each individual hand in the bowl wash it it's like a kid's sink do kids have sinks they do got small hands like i tell you that trees growing out of a parking lot that's legal y'all can't do that cars are supposed to like park in there i mean you could park in between the knees of the trees i'm trying to figure out what came first the parking spot or the trees did they decide to just make a parking spot around them i don't like it new york apartments be like i still charge you two thousand dollars a month we got a toilet under a sink i mean i understand if it's like for kids we said it like this got arch that back real good space saving why even put a door i like how it says exit like please exit through the door well you can just step around it y'all made me touch a doorknob for what you know this is where we keep our top secret files just shove them halfway into the wall you'll have to tear down the building to get them open top secret this was at a design school you know we're just gonna pop this right in the middle of a busy hallway because art that's what happens when you go to another design school at this design school we teach you how not to make these mistakes this is embarrassing this pipe was bent to go around the clock instead of just removing the clock moving it a few inches to the side this is the mildly infuriating it's like a plastic club just pop it off put it a few inches to the side no we're gonna go through all the hassle of bending the pipe to go around the clock the clock was here first know your place pipe but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did i should hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and comment below which one of these was the worst and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,799,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, design, fails, ever, funniest design fails ever, design fails, funny design fails, funny fails, worst design fails, funny pictures, funny photos, epic design fails
Id: hSC6pQ-t8vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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