Fundraising Strategies for Churches (William Chaney)

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[Music] hello my name is William Chaney I am with path one a part of the discipleship ministries of the United Methodist Church my responsibility is new church strategist for the South East jurisdiction today and we're talking just a few thoughts about fundraising first thing you need to know that I'm talking about fundraising in a u.s. context as a new church planter or missionary at the beginning of your journey I believe that fundraising is one of the things that we need to understand as church planners has actually active stewardship nobody's gonna get excited about what we're doing and that's we're excited about it so are we gonna be good stewards of the vision that God has given us so the first thing that you need in order to do fundraising is a compelling vision a vision that goes beyond just saying that I want to reach new people for Jesus Christ why is your vision important why just vision special it is my belief that if you're gonna have a new church start and God has given you a vision that you should be able to say I want to start this new church and work with this community because here the needs that are there is it that there is a lack of of safety for for children in that in that community and you want to provide a safe space as you're sharing the gospel isn't that because there are people in this community who really are have become secularized and as they're beginning their new life you want to be a part of sharing the gospel in their lives those are the types of things that need to be very clear and your fundraising plan number two you need to have your elevator speech elevator speech needs to be clear with who you are what you would like and what you believe the vision is finally it just as a beginning thought of fundraising you need to have a contact system in place before you get started what do I mean by that you need to have a way of capturing people's names their addresses and telephone numbers one of the most important things of fundraising is being able to follow up and many times as we meet people along the way they get excited they give us a check they send us check and then there's a lack of follow-up which also reduces your opportunity to go back and then share the vision again in hopes of new financing there are actually three types of givers that you're looking at so you don't go in expecting anybody to be in any one category but the hope is that as you share the vision they will actually choose the category that they fall in the first category is those who are investors people who say I'm excited about the vision and they're gonna give a one-time check they want you to get started and they want you to do it well but they're not expecting to be a part of your ongoing ministry then there are stakeholders those individuals that we're gonna be giving all along the way and they're gonna want to get regular updates they're gonna want to get newsletters they want to hear about your progress and then there going to be some people who just give because they love you they just like you in the last Church I started I remember I email maybe 200 people people who have been friends part of my family and we engaged in the conversation in various ways and many of them just clicked on through PayPal and then gave on a regular basis they still not sure what the ministry was about but just because they loved Who I am it is my hope that you look for people in all three categories and you nurture all three categories and you should also be disciple in them one thing we found out as we're working with Millennials sometimes they may not always give the money that you're looking for but if you also have ministry service opportunities they will leave wherever they live to come and serve because of the compelling vision that you have shared another thing that we're learning with fundraising is that follow up follow up follow up follow up is the most important thing to say thank you to let people know the progress that you're making in your church plant and be open when their challenges because the same group of people should be a part of your prayer team it is my hope that you get the to one of our fundraising seminars where we able to go in-depth on the procedures and processes to go through in order to fundraise at the beginning of a new church ministry finances are important not just to take care of your family but to take care of the needs of the ministry and because that's part of the stewardship of what God has given you it is my hope that you're able to give back and be responsible for what God has blessed you with my name is William Chaney new church strategists for path one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Seedbed
Views: 7,841
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Seedbed, Christianity, Asbury Theological Seminary, Church Planting, Fundraising, Church Fundraising
Id: NN4gMkbJaCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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