Fun and Easy Watercolor Birds

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[Music] hello today we're gonna work on some very silly watercolor paintings so let's get started what today what we mean is a watercolor palette and this is just a student grade water ray a paintbrush a watercolor brush and this one is around and it's a number 8 but you can use any size you have and I'm going to use an ultra fine there's my camera ultrafine sharpie okay so I also have this brush which is a fan brush now most of you probably won't have one of these but you might find something around the house and it would work like this if you want to now that's just a bonus ok well let's get started I'm gonna wet my brush you can see a little bit more of what I'm doing okay so I'm going to start with red and I really want to kind of a whip blob here and this is all I'm gonna put on my well now I'm gonna a little more but then that's all I'm gonna put on my brush now I'm gonna rinse my brush because I don't want any more paint and then dab it a little bit and then I'm going to pull what's here up and then I want less than that now I'm gonna rinse my brush and just pull again and see how it gets so light so now I've got this blob but it looks kind of three-dimensional look save shadow down here and it's light on top okay now I'm gonna do a different blob I'm gonna choose an orange I'm gonna make this blog down here and it's gonna be like that so I'm gonna rinse my brush all from what's in here [Music] once again dry it off yeah there's another blob alright let's get a blue one thank you light medium blue this one's gonna be kind of a funny shape like that I'm going to add a little bit more blue down here rinse my brush [Music] I'm closing that and I'm not sure if I want that I want to lift up some of this dry my brush pick up dry my brush there I kind of like that all right time for another one let's do a green bird or blob this one's going to be rinse my brush I just pull what I have right here and rinse again okay how about a yellow blob you can't quite see that I think it's off my screen all about there but you can see this that's my brush once again all right so I've got a bunch of blobs here now one thing I want to do is kind of go back in and enhance a little color maybe intensify this red down here [Music] and I might do a different green just kind of bump this up a little bit nope not got a show very much is it alright maybe uh purple yeah that looks pretty dark I wonder if there was a little black I just didn't my family that's okay we can make that work okay so one thing though that we can do is I'm gonna make another I'm gonna make another blob here just put that all as one I'm not gonna make it light around there just going to keep it pretty moist now I'm going to take my fan and just make it kind of a fuzzy thing I don't like that I think we should do another one like that even though you don't have probably a fan brush you you can do it in a number of ways of dragging something through there may be toothpick if you could find you know something like that at this pretty moist so there in more water okay so I'm gonna pull I'm gonna leave it like that okay now what are we doing I'm sure you're wondering well I kind of gave it away a little bit ago but let's see at this point I'm gonna add some funny lines there you know what that is you're starting the thief okay I'm not gonna do any more until I figure out a direction of where this is going with there these are birds but I think what I want to do at this point is go back in and add some beaks so add a triangle [Music] so move them in different directions so they're looking not just straight ahead just looking off [Music] I'm looking down that we know of you know here is this guy gonna be I don't know that we can see his face I mean that's what it's gonna be okay this one gonna do legs [Music] okay and this one I was like at here looking pretty silly Anka this one [Music] so this leg isn't actually shorter than that one is just back okay and this one [Music] okay so now we're going to okay now I just did something I wanted to warn you about if you're still wet don't put your hand in it because you will pull now that one has a little smear and if it's dry enough no see that one wasn't so if it's dry enough you can go around you know the beak no the beaks aren't quite ready this one's gonna have little eyes here that one has tiny eyes we don't even know what to think about that one but now you don't have to do birds we were talking in another class and you could certainly do like a very tall cat or a silly silly dog or anything any other animals okay so oh I was gonna have that feed the back end but okay this is where we don't know where the beak is on that one okay so let's do something fun here I'm going to make that kind of tail this one's gonna be bad this one's gonna have a corkscrew as its kind of a pinky that one's like that now you could also put this one looks like it's on top so maybe it does have a top feather just doodle doodle okay now I like what's happening here with these birds one thing I want to do is give it a little bit of ground so they're not voting now one thing you can do is you can you can certainly outline the bird itself you don't have to it it kind of depends on what you what you like I kind of like them like this you can do something like this though just to maybe maybe make it look like they have birdseed around them or just sand texture you know Birds like sand it helps them to digest what they're eating grind it helps them in their crops so they grind up what's in there okay so these are silly birds and a silly quick project so hope you enjoyed this and explore it see if you can do some tall legged cats or tall lion or whatever you think you want to try it's funny with their legs oh one thing I think is funny and I did it on a different last project is to give them some socks if you want and I'm going to change these into Waldo's socks so look at how fun you can have how much fun you can have you could do a whole series of these alright have fun
Channel: Emily Williams-Wheeler
Views: 376,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy watercolor, fun, all ages, watercolor for children, young artists, art, tutorial, how to watercolor birds, art at home, home school art
Id: ZxjWPQRuSm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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