3 Fun and Easy Watercolor Techniques to Try with Kids

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today is a lesson completely in watercolor techniques yeah I did so do you know what three kind of techniques we're gonna use today technique also salt and what else yeah plastic crap yeah we're just gonna be doing some really really fun easy super basic watercolor techniques yeah and you can see we've each got a piece of paper here these are four by ten inch papers and I've just taken tape and tape them down to our surface and then divided it into three equal spaces that we're gonna do our little paintings on we just each have a brush we each have a jar of water and for today you'll need some table salt you will need some plastic wrap and you'll just need watercolor paint now it is important if you're gonna do these techniques with us if you want the same results that we're gonna get you want to have cotton watercolor paper high quality watercolor paper is going to make or break this project so just make sure that your paper is good and you'll be really really excited and happy with the results I think all right so grab your brush you could do more than three so I'm dipping my brush in the water first and we just want to take clean water and paint all over our first rectangle we want the paper to look glossy we don't want any puddles on there so if you see some big puddles starting to form you can just dab your brush on the paper towel and scoop up some of that water if there's just too much on there gets wet or you could get it around the paper so keep going make sure you've got all the surface covered you don't want any dry area than your rectangle you want it wet all the way around it and I'm just kind of taking my brush and dabbing it on the paper towel and scooping some of the water that's maybe pulling a little bit along the edge of our tape here if your paper starts to warp or buckle a little bit that's okay that's totally normal it's just trying to handle all the water we just put on now before we take our paint I'm going to activate the paint's really quick with my spray bottle by spraying them you have to have wet paint to work with right so let's start with just one color maybe up here in the corner take your brush and grab a color I'm going to do purple and I'm just gonna start to paint some purple in that corner and I'm just gonna kind of blot it around a little bit too now I'm gonna rinse my brush and grab another color let's grab this beautiful alizarin crimson and I'm just gonna drop that in next to the purple and because our paper is wet it's just blending on its own with the other color this is one of the most basic techniques and watercolor and also I think one of the most beautiful I'm also gonna grab this turquoise and add some of that in it's not pretty okay a little bit yellow on the far side because that'll look pretty next to the blue I think and of course when it touches the blue it kind of turns green doesn't it you're gonna do yellow too or just blue so this is such a fun opportunity to just make colors make the paint just bloom and blossom and look amazing and brilliant and so beautiful so pretty looks like tie-dye mm-hmm all right now once you lay down your paint you just leave it alone we don't mess with it with our brush at all otherwise that'll just completely mess up the effect so while that's drying we can start the next one the next one we're gonna just use plastic wrap whoo so I've just taken mine and I've kind of squished it around and I've created this almost twirly shape with it and so here's an sleeves and I'll show you kind of how I did that I just take an object and I hold it in the center I'm taking my brush and I'm just kind of twirling around it so it's making this kind of twirly shape all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the same thing we did with our first square you want to do that again that's fun right we're gonna wet the paper first with our water once your paper is wet again you can start dropping in some color what color you going to do this time or colors a lot of colors huh I love the exciting if you put the red on you know it makes it turn that is super pretty alright so just get a bunch of paint down and I'm gonna show you on mine first taking my crumpled up paper towel and I'm just gonna try to make it the same size as my rectangle I'm just gonna smash it down on my rectangle and we're gonna leave it there until it's dry lovely alright remember don't blend all the colors together otherwise you'll just get a muddy color you can drop them in next to each other and that'll look nice are you ready to put your plastic wrap on yep super let's see how that looks okay try not to touch your other rectangles make it a little smaller so it fits all inside that shape there we go okay that's alright it'll be so fun to see what kind of shape it makes once it's dry nice so for a very last one we just need our salt and our paint and I think this will mode look really nice if we use blues because we're gonna try to kind of make it look like snow yeah okay so again use that same method of wetting your paper first all over your rectangle try not to make it too wet just cloth see then I'm gonna take this blue and I'm just gonna kind of paint it all over yeah we're going to try to paint the whole square that blue color this is the ultramarine blue it's a warmer blue it has more red in it you would say and the other blue is cooler it has more yellow in it it's more of a greenish blue this is pretty yeah so that's a turquoise blue that Ansley is using and you can see it's a cooler blue which is very appropriate for snow I think I put a little bit of that online as well maybe towards the top kind of creating this vignette almost while the papers still damp this is when we have to work fast and get the salt on okay so the timing will be important here we don't want it to be puddling so we're just going to let it dry for maybe a few seconds and then we're gonna take our salt okay hold out your hand you ready and sprinkle the salt okay don't touch it though you want somewhere here I'll let you take some we're just gonna gently sprinkle it on [Music] yeah any extra you can put in the trash right here oh so now we're just gonna let everything dry and we'll come back and show you how it turned out okay everything has completely dried so now we're gonna remove the salt and I'm just using this big soft brush it's gonna have a trash can over here out of you and I'm gonna be brushing the salt into the trash can and it's got a little bit stuff you might need to use your hands to and then we'll remove that as well look at that fun texture you want to take yours off yours like hoth um all right now you take your brush and brush the salt into the trash can this is why we did this one last that's so what's though so this is probably why we shouldn't use quite that much so all right so now as most of that removes we can take our tape off one of my favorite parts of the process [Music] really looks like snow definite so you can see we've got some really fun textures here you never know what's gonna happen with that with that plastic wrap and so you can see we got completely different textures out of it and even our wet and wet they're never gonna look alike and that's the fun of it and the salt of course makes it almost look like a snowy night scene doesn't it so there we have our finished salt plastic wrap and the wet and wet technique all wonderful basic techniques that you can use in your watercolor paintings and your kiddos will have so much fun painting hope you enjoyed this video if you did hit the like button and hit subscribe and turn on over to my notification
Channel: Watercolor4KIDS
Views: 85,523
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Keywords: easy watercolor techniques, watercolor techniques, watercolor techniques for beginners, watercolor for kids, kids watercolor tutorial, easy watercolor for kids, watercolor tutorial for kids, painting tutorial for kids, art tutorial for kids, watercolor textures, easy watercolor effects, easy watercolor effects for beginners, wet in wet, watercolor salt effects, watercolor plastic wrap, emily olson art kids, how to use watercolor, how to do wet in wet, watercolor painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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