Fulton Sheen's Funniest Moments - Part 1

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you know I actually didn't spell that thing because I don't remember whether there's one to welcome I will leave it now is much better a woman bought an expensive dress brought it home to the husband showed him the bill and he said to her when you tried it on why didn't you say get behind me Satan she said I did and he said it looks so good from the back man is read in the newspaper woman comes in and says notice anything new why is after thousands of years of civilization husbands have never been able to pick out hairdos and new hats I don't know about you but I do listen to Bishop Sheen jokes all day I think one of the reasons that he impacted so many was because of his amazing sense of humor and next week I'm going to put together some of his most powerful moments where he really touched the hearts of millions so if you want to stay posted please subscribe and hit the bell also I wanted to thank you guys that have already subscribed this past week was like I got more subscribers than I ever have before stuff a huge highlight and I really appreciate that hope you enjoy the rest of the video please share it so that others may through his humor be brought closer to Christ and His Church take for example how often a man says he wants a cigarette and he wants that then he cannot be fur it the only time he will put off not having a cigarette possibly is when the lighter doesn't work the Spirit is willing with a flash as weak a mother wrote us that she was teaching her children catechism and she asked one of her children the difference between a mortal and venial sin the little girl said the immortal sin makes God angry and the venial sin makes him nervous and the mother writes Cathy our little two-year-old daughter thoroughly enjoys watching you in fact when it comes time to go to bed you get many kisses as a good she's two years old did you hear that the first part she looked up and she says mommy I just love Vichy Sheen and Mickey Mouse [Applause] mrs. Sheen first and Mickey Mouse next God love you you are the only person who can keep my wife quiet for a full half-hour I have a little brother and he says that all bishops are bald on top and I told him you were not so would you take off your little hat and show him that you are not volved they say the reason a woman's mind is cleaner than a man's is because she changes it more often one little girl said to her mother mommy she said I've never seen an angel with a beard or a mustache you may never go to heaven and the mother said yes child would they get in by the close shave then before marriage many young girls are called angels by the young men who are in love with them after marriage they are called angels too because they're always harping on something I got up on the subway and gave my seat to a woman who was holding on to a strap she was rather surprised and she said to me why did you do that well I looked at her and I saw that she was absolutely in capable of understanding a spiritual reason and I said to work well madam I tell you ever since I was a little boy I've had an infinite respect for a woman with a strap in her hand then there is of course also the vanity you heard about the girl didn't you got an engagement ring and she wasn't sure that anybody noticed it and finally she said nah it's hot in here I think I'll have to take off my ring then there is the the boasting is it true I do not know but it is said that people from Texas boast a great deal well they have a good reason to boast but it seems as if this particular Texan was talking to someone from Boston and he was speaking about the siege of the Alamo and he says just think of it he says one man one man alone stood off invading armies and the man from Boston said well have you ever heard of Paul Revere the Texan says isn't he the man that ran for help a girl student at Rosemont college and went to the sisters saying I just finished reading Bishop Sheen's work on three to get married God and I are willing but we can't find the man there's a little girl down there two or three years old how old is she two three mine glory be to God [Music] you certainly don't look that old for example if I stole your watch I stole the watch of one of these operators here so I could get close enough to this cameraman and steal this watch here and then I would say to him I'm awfully sorry I stole your watch will you forgive me he says yes I forgive you but he says give me back my watch to get back there to do right again we've got to put our foot down in pain and be like little doggies with our tail in back of us I know of a sick man who was brought into a hospital once and yet hadn't prayed for about 30 years and he said to the good nun in charge he said I haven't prayed for 30 years sister pray for me she says pray for yourself she says sometimes the strange voice is the one mores quickly heard I wonder if you would let me use his halo how would he look in a beanie he looks alright in the video I wonder how I look in a halo you see I'm not ready for a halo yet so what is with the world we cannot my angels getting rambunctious tonight I see that I know of a mother who told her little daughter everything seems hopeless daddy's lost his job Johnny broke his arm go and say a prayer so she said her prayers told God all the things that had happened then she in that she's a dear God please take care of yourself because if anything happens to we're all in this soup it is apropos of an egregious two went to see his physician complained of pains in his head and the doctor said when you feel a pressing pain here in the forehead yes said the patient and then rather throbbing pain in the back of the head yes and then piercing pains here at the side yes the doctor said your halos on too tight there's a tremendous anxiety they suffered torture the girl doesn't appear at the drugstore at the right time if he doesn't call at the appointed hour if she has a headache and can't meet him life isn't worth living I was once giving a talk in the Town Hall of Philadelphia and I lost my way and I asked a boy where is the Town Hall and he told me I do not remember the exact address and he said what are you going to do there I said give a talk on what then I said what boys I'm going to talk on heaven and how to get there would you like to come and find out please ed you don't even know the way to the town hall and one boy answered a sacrifice is when my mother makes me watch Bishop Sheen and I want to watch The Lone Ranger by now and God loved you
Channel: The Joy of the Faith
Views: 74,015
Rating: 4.9769187 out of 5
Keywords: fulton sheen, fulton sheen life is worth living, fulton sheen marriage, fulton sheen beatification, fulton sheen beatification date, fulton sheen beatification delay, archbishop fulton sheen, archbishop fulton sheen beatification, archbishop fulton sheen saint, bishop sheen funny, bishop sheen funny moments, archbishop fulton sheen suffering, archbishop fulton sheen the woman i love, Fulton Sheen's Funniest Moments - Part 1, Fulton Sheen's Funniest Moments
Id: UfvyoPl_F1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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