How to Psychoanayze Yourself | Bishop Fulton J.Sheen

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friends some of our weekly correspondents this comes from Wilmington Delaware it seems that a father Henry Miller there on Sunday morning was instructing a group of school children on sacrifice he talked for about half an hour and then he said what is a sacrifice and one boy answered a sacrifice is one my mother makes me watch Bishop Sheen and I want to watch The Lone Ranger [Music] so he sent the sacrifice of $1 and this comes from Karl place New York from a mrs. jounin who said that she took a little two year three year old or her marry to church for the first time she wandered off investigating statues and finally she came to a place where there were a number of candles before an offer and she started blowing them out and then she started to sing happy birthday joy Oh [Music] and this comes from Atlanta Georgia and what is important about the letter is of course a reference to a birthday comes from Charles Jackson but I must read you all of the letters so you'll get the full flavor of it I took a little TV survey of my own tonight and I felt that I should let you know how it turned out I called 10 persons here in Atlanta just by opening the telephone book and going down the list out of 10 I call seven were watching you three were watching Romeo and Juliet no one was watching I Love Lucy on my tenth call I asked a man who was watching Romeo and Juliet why he was not watching watching Bishop Sheen's answer was well which getting your Lent and I thought I'd give up something so it wouldn't become a habit [Music] and Charles then says you were very popular down here in the deep south well now I better go home work calling and did you say God love you Charles PostScript here is 25 cents for the poor you eight in African Asia I was going to buy a birthday card for my girlfriend I [Music] hope you understand that this may be the ruination of my romance [Music] so will you do me a favor on television say happy birthday to her please her name is Cindy tell her it's from you-know-who [Music] happy birthday Cindy then this other story it seems that the Italian government wish to the United States government to give them a radar outfit by which they could send down messages to the sea get the proper reactions back and locate a school of fish would be a great aid to the fisherman mrs. Luce when she was our ambassador to Italy was asked to get this radar outfit and she told them this story it seems that the French government received one of these radar outfit to locate fish and when the French government sent down a message to the sea a message came back to the school of fish they run her the leadership of a giant whale and the tiny little hairy it seems that these two were inseparable like the Damon and Pythias of the sea wherever the whale went there went the herring messages always came back from both until this particular day when the French government sent down a message only the herring answered French government was disturbed getting to be a cabinet crisis and they said to the herring what happened to the whale was the whale harpoon when they were taking a movie of Moby Dick did it bump its nose against a an iceberg was it hit by a submarine where is the whale and the little herring answered am i my blubbers kipper [Music] [Applause] now after that you ought to hear a few ideas on how to psychoanalyze yourself anybody who goes to a psychoanalyst ought to have his head exam so let's examine ours and we will try to determine what makes a person normal and also what are the indications that one is becoming not so abnormal as to need a psychiatrist because where there are serious cases of mental illness these must be cared for by a psychiatrist and psychiatry belongs in the domain of medicine not in the domain of psychology we're not concerned with those now what is the difference between people who are normal and those who have a tendency to be abnormal well the first difference is this the normal person as a goal or a purpose in life those who are beginning to be abnormal and are losing peace of soul have no goal or purpose in life first of all the normal have a goal just as you would not have a gadget in your house ten minutes without air without asking what's it for so you ask the same thing about life house is made to live in it church is a place of worship so man must have a purpose the normal people decide on that before they decide on anything else in the ultimate normal purpose of man is to be happy now happy in that which constitutes his personality at man once his final goal is life not life for five more minutes and just enduring life secondly he wants truth not the truth of geography to the exclusion of science but all truth and thirdly once love not a love for that has hate and satiety in it but an enduring ecstatic love this is the normal goal of human beings in perfect life and perfect truth and perfect love is the definition of God in other words in seeking happiness is seeking God now there's a principle in philosophy that the first in intention is the last in execution suppose you intend to go to Washington from New York that's first in your intent but it's the last place you get to because you have to go through Newark and Philadelphia and Camden and Baltimore before you get to Washington so - a person has to decide first of all what is the ultimate goal of life in fact so important is this for people that whenever you said sit down in the dentist's chair before the dentist starts rolling you he has a right to ask you your philosophy of life because if your philosophy of life is wrong he can't be sure that you will pay your bill apropos vedantist I heard Reb Skelton say not very long ago he told the story of a Texan who went to a dentist and the dentist examined his teeth and said your teeth are absolutely perfect the Texan said drill anyway you may hit something [Music] now the abnormal person is one who is without a purpose in life the abnormal person has just a succession of petty little goals he's very much like for example a farmer who might plant wheat one month mint tear up the wheat and plant corn then tear up the corn and then plaid alfalfa or is like radio station that's tuned into two or three stations at the same time and getting only static minds that are tending to be abnormal are not fixed on any Ultima destiny they read a book and they're materialist one week and they're an idealist the next in the communist the next they lay tracks down on Monday tear them up and lay them in another direction Wednesday or Thursday very often they're like those of whom Confucius spoke Confucius said the sometimes young men have no other goal than the flesh or sex in middle age its power and in old age its avarice and Confucius a very wise man said that very often avarice and greed and old age is nothing but a sublimation of the lust of youth but in any case these people establish false infinite misplaced infinite they will for example try to make a will a God of the flesh and by the intensity of an experience try to make up for some altima goal or destiny that produces an unhappiness of mine then we come to another distinction and difference the normal person is governed by reason and will the abnormal person is governed by instincts impulses and also he believes that the subconsciousness is the determinant of his life now let us take a reasonable human being a reasonable human being is very much like a ship ship you laugh at me before I get started I know it's that bad but I I can help [Music] now this is a pilot house and this is the pilot this is the engine room these are waters and soap he has that star looks as if it were out all night [Music] if dick Brown the cartoonist could only see my stars now a pilot has a destiny he knows where he's going to a fork he directs himself by stars he communicates his ideas and disorders rather down to the engine room there is a disturbance from the outside for the waves and sometimes the water will come in here and then Whittle he set out the game but what is important is the fact that the pilot determines the direction of the ship in other words he's got a goal or a purpose now man is like that a normal man first of all he has a reason he's interested in truth he has a will and when he sees a certain destiny or goal or something that ought to be done then He wills to do it so that at the top of a reasonable man is his intellect and as will now these affect his emotions for example one receives sad news one cries it is not the crying that produces the idea of sad news it is rather the idea that affected the emotions the reason and will cannot always control the emotions directly but can control the emotions indirectly by diverting thoughts in another direction it is true that outside influences the subconscious mind the water that get into the boiler you're affected to a little degree it is true that social-economic parental background and influences do in some way affect man but not seriously then the combination of these constitute conscience he has a fine sense of right and wrong oh that's the normal being now the the abnormal man is quite different from that and I'm going to ask my little angel since you laughed at my drawing I'm going to ask my angel to draw the abnormal person oh there he is already this is my little angel and here's the ship upside down now this is a picture of the abnormal mind here is the odd sub consciousness here here is reason and we'll completely submerged here are the emotions what is important for an abnormal person is the sub consciousness we are determined to be what we are because of something that is buried down in the depths of the mind this may be part of the heritage of the collective unconsciousness of the human race so they say well what role does reason play reason is only to justify find excuses very often for the way that one acts what is the will is that important now the wheel is just an arena where the conflict takes place so it is the sub consciousness in an abnormal person that completely determines his whole life reason and will therefore are any important hence he's not concerned about objective things for example a star a port those who not interest him he's interested only in finding out what is here in the depths that's why he's so keen on analyzing not thinking out reasons hence he will if he hears the fine piece of music he's not so much interest into the music but the way he feels when he hears the music he watches the drama he's not particularly interested in the unfolding of the plot he's interested rather in the way that he feels when he sees the plot unfold so he would explain for example the fact that you cry when you eat an onion that near an onion is because you once we're eating an onion and received news that you were disinherited you've cried ever since whenever you had an onion [Music] the objective world and reasons are not the determinant according to the abnormal hence they're not concerned when they find a man who believes in God about his reasons they do not ask him for evidence they tried to find some queer reason why ever says he believes in God someone has said to the psychoanalyst is one when a very pretty woman enters a room looks at everybody else you heard the story didn't you with the two psychoanalysts who pass one another in the street one said to the other good morning and the other set I wonder what he meant by that [Music] and so they live in a world not of reasons but they live in a world of dreams all dreams have a tremendous meaning and they are for the most part unfulfilled sex desires ah if you only knew the depth of the dream world here's that here's a story that I think explodes all this exaggerated belief in the sub consciousness of the determinants of rational beings this individual came to a psychoanalyst stretched out on a couch he took his medicine laying down [Music] so what did you dream about Lisa died I dreamt that I was out rowing and there came over me a great desire for chocolate and before I knew it they were on my lap to Hershey bars psychoanalyst said identical Hershey bars yes do you know any people who are identical yes he said there are some twins that pass my house every day identical twins aged about 20 to 23 how are they dressed round where any jewelry yes little silver on the brow well can't you see that that's just a repressed desire Libby dough for the twins come back and see me in two weeks oh he came back again stretched out on the couch the psychoanalyst said what did you dream about he said I dreamt about the twins and if you tell me that has anything to do with two Hershey bars I walk out [Music] and the third difference is that the normal person believes in repressing the excesses of the lower instincts in order to express reason in his will and is potential for divine grace so there is a refreshing to be true there is also a repression for the abnormal but the repression here is not of the lower instincts it's rather than repression of the reason and the will in order to give an outlet for the lower instincts there's no such thing as there being only repression in life there's never a repression without an expiration never an expression without a refresher for example an alcoholic man represses his love of alcohol he's expressing for the moment a consideration for his wife if here oppresses a consideration love for his wife he's expressing his alcoholism you never have one without the other here's there's a repression of what his base and low and not because any passions or instincts are wrong none of them are wrong of and by themselves it's only the excesses of them that are wrong one does it why one does it on account of love there's something one loves more one loves one over so one sacrifices that which is lower here on the contrary there is a repression of reason moral law very often in order to express the lower instincts and argument that such an abnormal person will give is well it's natural isn't it shouldn't one follow one's nature certainly one should but what is our nature our nature is not that of a goat or a pig our nature is rational we're human beings govern not by the subconscious mind governed by a reason and covered by oil this false to say that we can always secure a psychological complex by a physiological outlet one might just as well say the way to overcome a complex about committing suicide is to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge wrong also for people to think that we are to get rid of conflicts of life there certain conflicts that are inevitable in human nature simply because we're composed of body and soul and matter and spirit therefore there's always a struggle there's a cross that's at the very center of human life no man is ever really happy on the inside until he's at war with himself but war with up which is based and which would destroy his Godward tendencies our Lord said I came not to bring peace but the sword not the sword the points and thrusts outward to destroy the neighbor but the sword that Frost's inward in order to destroy once a goat ISM and one's lost in one's avarice and all the things that they destroy also a peace of mind the greatest Cross in the world is to be without a cross and love makes peace by now and God love you [Applause]
Channel: The Catholic World
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Keywords: english catholic songs, catholic songs, malayalam catholic songs, christian songs, malayalam christian songs, devotional songs, religious songs, malayalam religious songs, tamil catholic songs, kerala devotional songs, thecatholicworld, the catholic world, malayalam songs.jesus songs, Bishop Fulton J.Sheen, Bishop Fulton Sheen
Id: k3rhPa7h4ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 24 2014
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