Fully AWAKENING Sky.. (Blox Fruits)

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all right so uh racer obviously came out not long ago and um you guys already know I have fully five geared human race I don't know what um yeah fully geared human race thing here I'll show you okay wait oh die yes I did damage okay I could transformed boom that see see that's the wicked human okay now I'm I'm literally gonna die now I'm gone where did I go oh okay okay well he found me bro I went invisible for 0.2 seconds yeah let's talk about people not being toxic easy easy I love what either you suck buddy so okay for this video Let's ignore whatever the frick is happening in the chats they're finding their own fights I'll probably survive but so menu shop okay whatever race we get from here is whatever we have to fully awaken okay okay okay there we go what do we get Angel all right we already have B3 and now we gotta get Angel B4 this doesn't make you jump higher or something I have no idea but um wait should I live stream this should I live stream this I could go live are we actually doing this though are we actually doing this okay the title will be I'll be awaken Skye and then live hi nerds is the perfect description I don't care um yeah let me just get ready first be right back guys this will be the thumbnail you think people click on that I don't care I don't care hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi this dream I want to awaken sky like fully gear five I already got human gear five but my recording kind of um right now it's up to YouTube okay that is good this guy is good okay okay we'll see we'll see we'll see so um first we need a full moon this is how you check if it's full moon okay you put your graphics in them and oh wait never mind it's already night time where the freak is the moon there's no moon okay so one of my chat guys chat member found a uh full moon please tell me who joins us on is it joins on your join going on man no it's not come on man okay okay half of you guys are lying like I I know like a lot of you guys are just trying to get me into your game but like ah it is it is okay okay go go go is this actually full moon coming wait um whoever rip underscore Noob can you like help me win help me kill the other guy because um I'm probably not gonna win a fight I don't know if you're still watching the stream and I don't know if this Buddha is trying to kill me I hope not dude I'm struggling getting up the tree I knew this was gonna happen I knew this was gonna happen I struggled getting up the tree ah bro no the moon is going down okay well this the moon's going down because of me it's a new moon so there's no full moon oh so this is not full moon it is the full moon it's going down why does it look so different do I have time I don't have time there's no way I have time and free giveaway and one million dollar oh my god really I believe that that is so believable okay I mean I'm coming right now I believe you okay so I ended up turning on my DMs and now I'm getting a lot of messages wait no okay okay now hopefully we can find a boom boom like that your jokes are not on uh yeah still the trolls still the same shows wait is that full moon next moon is this that's that's windows 101 right or will it change halfway is that is that full moon we're gonna wait here for a while no it's not full moon no oh my gosh no no this sucks I need full moon why is the fomo not a sudden what what the frick Man portal door fruit portal fruit portal fruit give me give me equip confirmed uh uh it's going down okay I'm not gonna make it in time is there anyone here I'm here I'm here my race is Skye okay we put down the lever and then I'm assuming we go to the sky area which one is the sky area come faster shut the hell up sauce okay yeah okay okay uh okay ready on go on go on go go go Bruh Bruh we didn't go am I even at the right area there's this guy right it's this guy oh shoot I didn't oh whoops whoops my uh this guy's a three two one I'm not ready um I'm not ready okay bye bye bye okay guys we found a full moon again wait egg where are you hey come are you are you at the temple I got kicked out of Temple since they were doing trial okay okay just go up and then we're gonna go in first wait egg where are you are you here egg are you here let me open this open oh they're getting ready again okay you know what I'll just join right now where's the sky area this way okay there's gonna be a lot of extra people here so we gotta do it fast oh they're saying three two one okay okay there's like five people that just oh I got in yes yes five I heard five let's go what is this this is parkour okay okay this is my core easy easy peasy oh oh there's five of them here oh there's five people here okay well um I need to be one and five I don't think I'm gonna get it though um I hope I don't die I hope I don't die okay I'm gonna try to not kill eggs so I could help me why is there five I thought only three people could oh no no I'm gonna die already oh okay well I'll I'll let egg do the work first I'll stay back for a while no it died no okay I'm killing someone I'm dead there's no way I'm making it out alive I'm dead I'm dead no I'm dead I killed someone I killed someone I killed someone no no no no no no oh the teaming the teaming no okay I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no all right well no okay so one of my YouTube members also joined and this guy has 13 mil so I think he got up okay go up go up Viper go up all right go up come on let's go I don't know when oh the phone was about to end though okay just go up go up go go okay okay okay is everyone ready three two one go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes okay I got him I got him okay I have to make sure I don't kill Viper and egg that's it there we go let's go all right who made it who made it okay okay wait can you guys just reset can you guys just resets thank you thank you let's go guys oh my gosh um let's go let's go okay I go follow this guy thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah we awakened Skye after like a few years okay hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry interact oh oh the first thing is nothing okay yeah yeah the first one is nothing okay okay yeah yeah okay okay now we talked to Dr Strange guy right here the Ancient One wait did the full moon end or can we do it one more time okay okay okay okay okay okay okay come back when you train more okay well um not to kill people like 10 times right or something my wing looks a bit different I think yeah it does dang okay so like wait wait wait wait wait wait okay yeah I need to kill people a few times right I need to awaken without dying oh okay let me do some damage dude reset reset I go to grade three let's go oh they do the phone didn't end yet wait wait let me just set you a few more times oh wait what is that there we go let's go yo I looked at whoa I got four wings now I'm floating dude I was training right I could am I done training already that's cyborg oh that's cool okay I don't dude this guy actually looks really really cool look how thick this looks it looks nice it's pretty nice okay did the full moon and everything oh okay foaming just ended oh man oh man it's okay it's okay it's okay all right where's the doctor stranger ancient one guy oh right here this way I keep forgetting hello okay come back when you train what I have to train more oh okay I need to work in three to five times okay let me damage you guys a bit more I guess okay okay let's go awaken okay that's two times now we do it one more time after okay my weekend is over now let me get awakened again one more time right right yes awakened let's go okay now bring me back to the great tree what the frick look at my wing with Buddha oh my God I don't know why that looks cool but it is okay it's pretty cool hell yeah let's go please work bro please work yes I got it yes okay okay that means we can do travel again okay now we need to find a different full moon so um we're back guys okay guys we found another full moon it's about to happen in like 50 hours guys my joints are on my drains are on join up quick my joins are on join quick join quick the Moon is rising wait wait okay let's go to the great tree now the Moon is Right where's the gray tree which was the gray tree that way okay let's go we should have went there before Oh my God we just wasted time do we even have enough for this are you from my stream are you from my stream oh he's on stream okay okay help us help us help us yay I don't have gear oh no no half of these are hackers they're just Bots Auto farming I don't even think enough people would do this with us dude can I add you wait no I I don't add anyone on this account but I give you help around wait wait one go I think someone did it a little too late someone did a little too late too one two one go go go go go go go go oh yeah we didn't do it again of course bro what is happening bro two one go do it yes yes finally oh my God oh my gosh that's like so long okay okay now the only thing I have to worry about is you guys not trolling I hope you guys don't travel I don't think red will wait okay someone completed it already what the frick okay okay let's go let's go no way where's rip yo you have 20 seconds left come on come on you got 20 seconds oh no are we actually gonna fight no oh you're water you are water no why bro come on man really why why okay well he's bro well you guys could fight okay you guys can fight why I thought okay well well I'm dead I'm dead oh wow what no that's so that's so bruh I don't know why I did that I don't know this guy's a hacker you can hack into private servers too bro are you actually bro why would you hack into blocking you're weird why are you in the Privacy we're hacking really okay guys we found a private server that's about to be full moon after like dude we waited for so long but finally another win and hopefully no one here trolls dude I'm editing the that someone else drove I can't I don't want to do this anymore all right all right no one's gonna throw all right bet someone is flying it's a hacker wait but do we have three people already this guy's hat why are you hacking bro go to Red Ball what is red ball oh bye try I I think I already bought it though wait wait let me check if I bought it or not okay the hacker guy do you have gear I should even be asking here let me see oh you have the gear okay will you be able to help wait I I don't know if you're actually hacking though you're saying you're not but like that's what everyone says oh he's doing blizzard flight oh he's not hacking okay maybe he's not hacking maybe I'm just assuming all right you guys ready it's not full moon that way you gotta wait when is the full moon when is the sun setting oh there we go okay on go okay on go three two one go did we do it no we didn't someone did it so late on go three two one go please work yeah someone's calling me I'm sorry man I can't pick up the phone block street is more important we made it nice thank you oh my God he actually reset let's go okay no more troll no no trolls there last round last time it sucked it sucked and um e let's go okay uh let's read it okay blue are red as an arrow around the user with multiple effects slowness damage energy drain and Screen this okay and what's the other one I'll also use it to Glide in the air by holding the dash button whoa wait guys which one should I choose you got what they're both good which one should I choose you guys shoes you guys shoes blue or red wait no we gotta do it fast because we can do one more we're gonna do it fast which one blue or red blue red blue red red red okay red red let's go let's go we do red with the red with the red I got a lot of Reds a lot of red and chats we can do one more time let's do it one more time um teach me come back oh that's a train after train no that's the train now to change guys reset reset let me let me do some let me sometimes I'm not gonna get bouncy off you don't worry okay attack me a bit here this guy too give me no I'm not gonna kill you give me give me give me some rage wait guys don't kill each other don't kill please don't kill okay there we go there we go let's go okay wait someone told me to hold jump nothing happened on that whole jump you liar okay so I so I could press Q on this guy oh yo yo the phone was gonna end how after a weekend three more times right two more times I need to do it ten times after awaken 10. a few minutes later okay I'm checking real quick I'm checking real quick we okay nope not working wait no no no please please no I need train more so it is six times no but it's gonna go down I'm not gonna get in time I said the Sun is going down no the moon is going down no no if this doesn't work then I don't know I don't know man yes yes okay well it's time to several hop again it just ended wow it just ended no all right guys um one of my Discord members had a full moon yo this is actually pretty nice all right all right bro I'm still having a hard time going up even with Buddha that's gonna take forever no I'm sick no oh my God why go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go open gear first there's like 10 000 people here over here let's go in we could do it two times right like I think gear five is the max where's mine this place is mine okay ready three on go three wait two one go yes yes all right easy parkour easy parkour ah I almost fell let's go don't fall don't fall don't fall oh my God okay there we go made it made it okay please reset guys please thank you thank you all right uh where do I go okay I follow watch I'm gonna erase this orbo okay I'm gonna get there first watch yes I got the first easy you're so bad we get the third one um which one as an R1 and this one is all effects are increased greatly okay watch out blue red blue or red everyone is saying blue so okay okay I'm gonna do it fast I'm gonna do that fast there we go Blue okay okay there we go block the train again please tell me I'm on the train again please tell me another train again man please no more training no more training no more training nah this time it's harder yeah I know how many times do I have to awaken wait how am I doing damage to people oh I have Aura yo oh that's how I'm doing damage to people okay that's actually so cool that is so cool that is very nice oh well this full moon is about to end in like three seconds so um yeah do I have enough I think I did it six times already right I'm pretty sure I did a six times already one out of three right please please do another oh wait oh what oh yeah it's 103 off ah okay I have to do it again at least two out of ten I mean never mind not two out of three yet I go back six times last time uh uh I don't know it's the this place three two out of three please no it's not eventually please give me 2003 yes oh I don't I don't know okay wait that's okay pay to win the power of Fate to win uh 10 000 fragments no actually let's go 16 000 16 1 500 Roblox let's get sixteen thousand fragments boom there we go and there we go all right now we're gonna do the third form now okay okay okay okay wait this is our final one right oh Leah yes it worked okay you're ready for the next trial well this next one's the last one or there's two more I forgot oh next one is the last one oh easy let's go let's go okay wait let me go here okay okay guys we just need to wait for the full moon where the freak is the sun right there okay as soon as that sets it's full moon and um it's full moon okay Moon where's Moon Moon's coming out okay let's go in let's go in just everyone go to your spot everyone just go to your spot wait if your Sky do not come to me all right which way do I go where's the sky area this way let's go by the way guys I end this stream I don't know if I said that before but I need to stream and now I'm only here with my Discord members all right three two one go open Open Door there we go thank you never mind I can't get it oh my God wait what how did I not die there I hacked there we go oh my there's five people through the trap a player failed now we have to redo that no only three people do it only three people do it only three people do it I don't know who died why would you die why can't I count okay someone else do it I hope it's not five people this time again like what the frick that is so easy it's a straight line I see an island over there what the frick is that oh no I oh wait oh wait I oh I just reset I just go back oh I fell off and I just reset here okay all right there we go did it is it hello what oh okay reset thank you thank you yes okay this is the final one right no this is the final one this is the final one okay which one do I choose all effects are increased greatly or all effects are increased greatly hmm which one should I choose there we go okay we fully a wicked Sky I think okay okay okay okay guys what effect do I increase greatly though what effect do I look different I don't look different at all look at me dude I look so sick I'm hot okay well wait let me do my classic outro all right so this video we got we awakened Sky fully I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: cKev
Views: 546,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hire, monetize, business, revenue, blox fruits, blox fruits race v4, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits race, blox fruit, race awakening blox fruits, blox fruits how to get race v4, blox fruits noob to pro, race v4 blox fruits, blox fruits update 17 part 3, blox fruits how to race awaken, blox fruits update, how to awaken race in blox fruits, blox fruits race awk, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race v3
Id: hB4bCZxqK4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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